The “Pastoral Epistles” are 1st and 2nd Timothy and Titus. These are not only for pastors: they are for every believer. We are all in a “full time ministry” whether we know it or not. Timothy was not too happy in his church in Ephesus; Titus was in a difficult situation on the Island of Crete. To both of them Paul wrote: “Be faithful. It’s too soon to quit.” [Philemon is also considered a “Pastoral Epistle since Paul’s letter is addressed to an individual person rather than a whole church or group of churches.]
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• Men and women wanted for difficult task of building My church.
• You will often be misunderstood, even by those working with you.
• You will face constant attack from an invisible enemy.
• You may not see the results of your labor, and you full reward will not come till after all your work is completed.
• It may cost you your home, your ambitions, even your life.
—Warren Wiersbe
1st Epistle to Timothy: The Local Church and its Minister
The Pastoral Epistles: specific instructions and encouragement to the Pastors of the local churches. Timothy was the pastor—and Paul’s young protégé—of the “assembly” at Ephesus. Ten times in these two letters Paul speaks of his “charge”—committed to him by Christ, and he to Timothy—the glorious Gospel of the blessed God…
2nd Epistle to Timothy: A Challenge to Faithfulness
Paul’s last letter, as he awaited execution; he did not expect to be freed this time. The first letter was a “charge”; this one is a “challenge” to fortitude and faithfulness, under both the present testings, and in the
end-time testings to come.
The “Modern” Church
Where’s the Gospel? Where’s the call to obedience and accountability? Which book of the New Testament chronicles the early church practices? How many times does the word “Love” appear in the Book of Acts? The answer to that is ZERO, thats fascinating.
The symbol of the “Emergent Church” = an apple with a worm emerging…
• “Some have turned aside” 1 Tim 1:6
• “Some have made a shipwreck” 1 Tim 1:19
• “Some shall fall away” 1 Tim 4:1
• “Some have turned after Satan” 1 Tim 5:15
• “Some have been led astray” 1 Tim 6:10
• “Some have missed the mark” 1 Tim 6:21
Our Challenge: Finishing well…
[In the second epistle the “some” have become “all.” A prophetic profile of our own times…]Assurance
For the which cause I also suffer these things: nevertheless I am not ashamed: for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that day.
2 Timothy 1:12
Finishing Well
I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love His appearing.
2 Timothy 4:7-8
That’s the name of the game, it’s not how you start, it’s how you finish.
Excerpted from Khouse – study notes by Chuck Missler.