By Jim Towers

As I entered the emergency room of a local hospital a couple of weeks ago, I was confronted by a sign on the front desk that videos were not allowed to be taken of the inside of the facility. This sent up red flags that something hidden was happening there. What were they hiding? Could it be the fact that people weren’t dying all over the place with doctors and nurses running back and forth trying to save their lives? Has Covid struck again? I was there for a checkup and stayed for the better part of a day and couldn’t help but notice how quiet it was. The hallways were empty as well.

I’ve had the common cold accompanied by an occasional cough for three days now, better known as the “sniffles”. This yearly malady got me thinking, whatever happened to this and the other yearly culprits everyone used to come down with? No one complains about these once-a-year happenings anymore. Everything is Covid this – Covid that and having recovered from Covid is a badge of honor for some even though the recovery rates is over ninety percent, while, even the yearly flu is more deadly to the infirmed and elderly – as it has always been. 

I would be remiss to say that the covid pandemic is only a ruse posited by world leaders to keep their people in line, but what are we to think when the former vice president of Pfizer Pharmaceuticals says that covid has been blown all out of proportion and that it can’t transition from one virus to another? In third world countries who had little resources the virus took its toll and helped to polish off the elderly and infirmed.

Yet Dr. Anthony Fauci keeps insisting that we need to keep wearing useless masks and getting shots that have harmed many people and even killed some. While the odds are small, who would want to take a chance in being crippled in some way for the rest of their lives? 

Since the virus began in China and happened at a time that the Chinese government was trying to suppress the riots going on in Wuhan (the very place that houses the bacteriological or biological warfare laboratory with whom Dr. Fauci and Obama were doing business at the time.) The timing couldn’t be better for some sort of sinister plot to unfold since the presidential election was just beginning.) The timing was perfect to subdue the Democrats enemies once and for all. Little did they know that the man-made virus would transmit so readily and cause problems on a worldwide scale. The Covid virus began threatening the whole world. 

This is no doubt but what some hospitals are propheteering from this virus. Pharmaceutical companies are also profiting immensely from the Covid plague.  

Incidentally, the latest offerings of vaccines haven’t proven to be perfected and are faulty causing more harm than good. Many of them in China of all places. Could it be that the Chinese government is so intent on being a dominant force in the world that they would cause harm to others just to be so?  

I’m not much for made up stories or for conspiracy theories. There is enough confusion going around these days without having to make things up or even expanding on conspiracy theories. The reality of life today is one of which a hardened politician recently said, “I’m scared!”. 

The whole world is in a state of flux as pertains to the viruses and vaccines with no one knowing what can be done about this epidemic. That is why I think it could be a “God thing” as opposed to human error or contrivance. Could God be saying, “I’ll finish what you have started?) Doesn’t the God of the bible say, “I will have them in derision”? In other words, just as people are saying “there is no God” God will make a mockery of their arrogant insolence.

Perhaps, just like in the past, God may let things play out to the advantage of the perpetrators until they hang themselves by their own devices and means. That is to say that if this /these new strains of Covid were created by evil men to kill or subdue others, it could be that God is letting the perpetrators achieve some of their goals to see how far they will go before bringing down the hammer. 

At the same time although others may pray in earnest – it is too little – too late. 

Until something of the magnitude of Covid strikes home, then life goes on nonchalantly as before without giving god due thanks or even acknowledgement or respect.

Although many are panicking, we have yet to see people repenting of sin in large numbers and life goes on as usual with killings, riots and ungodly perversion. 

Some are saying that life will never be the same again since Covid 19 swept the earth.

To get vaccinated or not is a hard decision to make, given the horror stories out there of people experiencing neurological disorders and even death for taking the vaccine.

Was the Covid virus man made? Did God engineer this plague in accordance with his prophetic warning or does God use man made means to chastise evil doers? Taken in conjunction with other prophetic scripture it appears that latter day prophecies are being fulfilled before our very eyes.

Wars and rumors of war, signs and wonders prevail in the heavens with UFO sightings and crazy weather patterns everywhere. Speaking of UFO’s I am on the way to the book store to get a copy of the newly released book by retired general professor Haim Eshed of the State of Israel – titled “The Universe beyond the Horizon” just to see what he has to say.

The best we can do is be prepared for any eventuality, and by that I don’t mean just stocking up on food but preparing to meet our creator as well.

Get right with God by doing His will and not always your own. “You shall find God when you seek Him with your whole heart.”


Jim Towers                           Write me at or visit or mu web page


By Jim Towers

Now, more than ever with rapture approaching Christians must reach out to relatives, friends and neighbors and our community at large with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We have left in our nonchalant wake and compliance with the world a confused and lost generation of atheists, and nones, (that is a group of people who have no religious affiliation.) In reconciling the unsaved with the church, we will have to spoon – feed most of these lost folks with the word of God.

Some may even need convincing of God’s existence by juggling their thought processes and imaginations – rational thought diminishing rapidly in our present world. We may even need to go back to the very basics – like God is….

In trying to describe the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob I had to decide which superlative fit Him best. Words like Majestic, Powerful, Mighty, Profound, Awesome, Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient just didn’t cut it so I chose the one word that best describes Him to me – although we could come up with hundreds of other words such as gracious, kind, caring and Just. 

Aside from all the above mentioned He is also Father, (not Mother) a Jealous God, God is also said to be a flaming fire in the Bible. The description I like best is – God is Love and although our Divine Creator is tolerant and slow to anger, he isn’t to be trivialized nor challenged.

Consider this; that before creating the earth and its inhabitants God had already created various “Heavens” with angelic inhabitants. The God of heaven and earth is not constrained by time since he always was and always will be. This is something that is hard for us earthbound inhabitants to understand since we are constrained by time. But when we consider that He threw (or did He speak) the Sun and planets out into space and name them we can begin to see His enormity. He created trillions of stars and many galaxies and continues to do so in the ever-expanding universe. You can see the awesome images called “Hand of God through the Hubble telescope” on the internet. 

For those who insist that God doesn’t exist here are some interesting proofs that He does indeed exist. God has left clues of His existence everywhere.

He created the Sun to light the day and the reflection of the moon to light the night, the tiniest microbe that can only be seen through a microscope, water, dry land, trees, and vegetation all animals and birds as well as mankind – while most scientists can barely make an omelet – can you say awesome or magnificent or something of the like.

Our ingenious Creator created various species of fruits and veggies and everything else made available on this planet. Could you or anyone else have done better? Trees for oxygen, vegetation to cleanse the planet of dangerous gases that in turn also give us oxygen and His genius goes on and on.

Is it any wonder the Bible says, “The fool hath said in his heart – there is no God.”

Yet our illegitimate president has even forgotten that such a God exists. In a recent speech Joe Biden hesitated in the middle of his speech to articulate this supposed belief of such a one and flubbed the known entities positional name (God) that had been wiped from his ever darkening and corrupt mind. How can God acknowledge a man who is thankful for nothing and has even forgotten that His creator exists? Tragically, like a third of the angels of heaven Joe has lost his way.

It’s not like God didn’t give us a multitude of clues. Some that I like best are “The hand of God in the sky on the internet taken by the Hubble telescope, the Hummingbird tree whose blossoms look like hummingbirds hanging all over the tree, (I have one among the orchard of exotic tropical fruit trees.)

Then there is a book I read “The Gold of Exodus” a few years ago, that told the fantastic story of a man having found the trail of the Jews who left Egypt under Moses command, burned altars blackened mountaintop and all. Speaking of burning: at the place where the Hebrews gathered to cross the Red Sea a huge area of molten sand has been found on the beach where the pillar of fire stood while leading the way to the crossing. Chariot wheels have been discovered in the same area encrusted by crustations! As if that weren’t enough, Satellite images show where the earth was trampled by over a million people during that period of time on the route of the exodus. You can check these things out on the internet for yourself.

Another footprint of God mentioned in the Bible can be found along the shore of the Dead Sea where Sodom and Gomorrah once stood. Although there is nothing there today but mounds of salt. Pockets of brimstone (sulfur) along the shore where these ancient cities once existed one can go there today and dig out balls of sulfur embedded in the remains of those wicked cities that were destroyed by God. The Bible tells us that God destroyed these twin cities as an example to those who would live ungodly lives thereafter – 2 Peter 2:6. 

Our Creator also has a keen sense of creative ingenuity considering the anomaly of the Duckbill Platypus and the Snowy Owl or the mysterious Machu Pichu, the love between a man and a woman and the list goes on and on – endlessly. 

I’m sure there are many more such examples of the reality of God. The Bible says, “You will find God if you search for Him with your whole heart”.

The one attribute of God that really stands out is His love for mankind “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”


Jim Towers

Write me at or visit my website and

Don’t mess with God our Father.


By Jim Towers

Dear Younger Person, 

as a young person, atheist or “none” who doesn’t know their Creator, or the things of God; did you ever wonder about why you are here, who or what created all things including mankind, and if there is life after death or even right or wrong? 

Knowing that many younger people today don’t know the basic rudiments of the Bible (Word of God) I will attempt to explain it in a nutshell using simple terms and easy to understand narrative. We who have been steeped in Bible studies for years owe it to our prodigy to reveal what we know of the bestselling and widely read book of all time and it’s “author” God.  The time is coming when society will have forgotten that there is even a God who cares about us individually. 

I write to you younger people specifically, since I have many years’ experience in living the Christian life, one of study, introspection, and probing the more esoteric things of life and of course stumbling every so often along the way, (being a Christian doesn’t make you an angel, just a saved follower of Jesus Christ) but does give you a zeal for the things of God if you are sincere. 

If you are a “seeker”, this then is the answer to life you’ve been seeking – in a nutshell. 

The Bible tells us all we need to know about creation; laws that will help us live a happy and productive life and sense of purpose. The more you study it – the more that it opens itself up to you. Also, in it, is God given revelation and His many promises. So, let us begin.

As the “Good Book” says,

In the beginning God (the ineffable being) created man in His image and in His likeness. He had already created Angelic beings’ eons before. The angelic being Lucifer who rebelled against God left his domain with a third of the angels. He is also referred to in the Bible as Satan, The Devil, The Evil One and The Great Dragon.

Then this powerful Omnipotent Being (God) said, (let there be light) and He separated the darkness from the light – and it was so. And He called them Night and Day. 

After water and dry land – then made vegetation and animals – then came man.

This Mighty Creator Being said, “Let us make man in OUR image and in our likeness”. This other being was later proven to be Christ Jesus in the Holy Bible. “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld His glory as of the only begotten Son of God,” – Jesus.

This all sounds pretty fantastic doesn’t it? Yet there is no better explanation than the Bible account of creation. Some men have tried to explain it by saying they found gold plates in their back yard and other outlandish things, but all fall short of the creation story in Holy writ told by forty devout men including Moses who wrote the first five books of the Bible. In fact, today the creation story and Moses’ exodus epic are being proven by archeological excavations and discoveries of that time in world history.

The rise and fall of empires such as the Medes, Persians, Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans are depicted by “Old Testament Prophets” of the Bible among whom are Ezekiel, Isaiah, Daniel and Elijah. By the way, Enoch and Elijah are two men who were so close to God that they never physically died but were instead transported to heaven by other means.

To prove the Bible is true God continues to confound and surprise mankind with prophetic signs and wonders, things that He deemed would happen before they happened and the result of such happenings. The Bible is often referred to as the “Word” of God and is taught in most Christian churches – although as time goes on – many other churches have become apostate and unreliable, something that was prophesied to take place in the End Times. The end times being the end of the church age when the tribulation period is about to begin – a time of sorrows.

The time of sorrows encapsulates earthly upheavals such as, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, flooding, plagues of locusts, viruses and diseases. Overt governmental and financial collapses will also be taking place at this point in time. Criminality will have gotten out of hand with people afraid to be going out at night and keeping their children under watchful eye. Meanwhile, civil unrest will be taking place everywhere. A lot of these things were prophesied by Christ Jesus Himself in what’s called the New Testament.  

The New Testament was written about as the time when God would send a Savior to redeem mankind from the clutches of the Devil who prowls around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. The book of John begins in much the same way as the Old Testament and testifies that Christ Jesus is the promised savior of mankind in the prophetic scriptures if the Old testament.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

There was a man sent from God whose name was John. He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all might believe. He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light.

The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world. 10 He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. 11 He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. 12 Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God— 13 children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.

14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.

15 (John testified concerning him. He cried out, saying, “This is the one I spoke about when I said, ‘He who comes after me has surpassed me because he was before me.’”) 16 Out of his fullness we have all received grace in place of grace already given. 17 For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. 18 No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is himself God and is in closest relationship with the Father, has made him known.

The ONLY WAY to really know God is to receive Christ and to read the Holy Bible. Our creator wants to be your personal savior and friend – and if that isn’t a profound thought, I don’t know what is. So, do yourself a favor and explore the possibility thoroughly – your eternal life depends on it.


Jim Towers      You can write me at or check out my webpage               and visit


By Jim Towers

Writers on the Left are trying to come to terms with the resistance of Conservatives to accept their stolen administration, asking themselves, why can’t we all be friends.  To criminal liberal writers, the resistant militants are all white, Christians and gun owners who were upset over the results of the recent election and are hateful bigots just because they don’t buy into the Liberal narrative and agenda. 

While it’s true that most middle Americans are gun owning patriots – most of them are pacifists. This can easily be proven by the fact that they let extremists infiltrate our institutions and try to destroy the country without lifting a finger. They had better things to do – like work.

Political Correctness was instituted by The Clintons then expanded by Obama and kept alive by Pelosi, Schumer and Joe Biden who really don’t care about the politics involved but in making money hand over fist for themselves.

Now that Biden has usurped his position of power, he can pretend to be a gregarious leader simply by grinning a goofy grin and not engaging in serious political conversation. (It makes you wonder who is pulling the strings.) Wasting no time to undo the good that President Trump did liberal communists continue to undermine the will of mostly conservative working people.  

Forget that Trump was probably the most popular president we ever had, he has been vilified and hated by the Democrats just for being patriotic and bringing about change that would only strengthen our country instead of handing it over to Communists, subversives and sexual perverts.

The Democrats apparently hate our country and all that it stands for, namely life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. They have supplanted life with the Planned Parenthood death machine. Liberty has been supplanted with gun control, they are trying to stifle freedom of speech (which – if the ideas expressed aren’t to their liking or in line with their evil agenda – they harangue the writer, (of which I am one.) Ergo…. I was constantly harassed by Facebook and finally decided to leave two weeks ago.

With the stroke of a pen Joe is taking us back to the dark ages imposed on us by previous presidents whose only aim was to enlarge their offshore bank accounts and we are going back to the legacy of corruption they have ingrained in society.

If Ghislaine Maxwell were to tell us all she knows about corrupt politicians, lawmakers and prominent people in government our whole system of government would collapse and meld into a putrid mass of corruption, murder, pedophilia and sex slavery, but would Hunter Biden, or Hillary Clinton even be prosecuted for their open crimes? Probably not. There are far too many criminals walking free in halls of Washington D.C.. 

These assorted criminals seem to not understand that they will also face persecution at the hands of killers that are worse than they are and that they will be roasted or thrown off high buildings with their hands tied behand their back. (Unless you live under a rock you would be familiar with the images of Isis doing so a couple of years ago.) Still, they go about trying to pretend that the Democrats Communists agenda is the right one to adhere too. Incredible!

I think it’s safe to say that God has left us to our own misguided devices for abandoning Him and His guidelines to go our own way, a way that can only lead to hellish chaos on earth.

Speaking of hell on earth, it appears that the Tribulation period is right around the corner and it’s only a matter of time that all that we fear, or dread will be upon us. Imagine with me if you will, human holding pens, for indoctrination (brainwashing) into communism, lack of food, medical experiments on your body, chains, guillotines, graves, and the stench of rotting bodies. Such is the fate of those living during that period in time. It’s not a pretty picture.

Soon, and just before the tribulation period, the rapture of the church will take place. It will happen without warning – one day you will be working and your co – worker or you will disappear and one of you will be left behind to endure the cleansing that will take place. Maybe you will be in bed with your spouse and you suddenly wake up alone. According to scripture, people from all walks of life and everywhere will suddenly disappear from all parts of the world. These are the chosen ones who have put their faith in Christ Jesus, all others will remain to face God’s wrath during the tribulation period.

In the meantime, pestilence and diseases will continue to spread throughout the world. Storms of various kinds will increase exponentially, and the seas will pitch and roil as earthquakes open up fissures everywhere. Panic will abound – even as pilotless airplanes crash to earth and driverless eight wheelers plow into automobiles and people. 

In the meantime, US citizens will be required to wear two masks, – one over the other I presume, and take a vaccine that has proven to be fatal or debilitating to many. In desperation they will do anything the government asks of them. Those who resist will be thrown into re- educating camps to indoctrinate them in the ways of communism; already the framework is being assembled to implement this diabolical scheme.

If ever there was a place and time of spiritual cleansing it will be here and now – the time of tribulation spoken of in the book of Revelation. A time when you can neither sell or buy or even grow your own food without permission from the One World Government.

The One World Government will rule supreme and many will die. 

This harrowing true to life scenario has been written about in my latest screenplay “Pandemonium” – even as it becomes a reality. 

Although all we want is a safe and stable society in which to work and play, the Godless socialists who have taken over the country are hard at work trying to circumvent our laws and constitutional rights to lord it over us. We conservatives must take a stand and not relinquish our God given rights. We all have a job to do, – a calling as it were – to fulfill a job only you are gifted to do.

When I hear a Christian say, “I just want to be taken away from it all!  I wonder what would happen if that desire was granted? Without Holy Spirit filled people doing what they’ve been called to do, our country will most certainly fall apart from the unsustainable weight of sin and iniquity in it and its governance – something that will ultimately happen during the rapture of the church.


Jim Towers

Write me at or visit my webpage or visit (Warriors following Christ)


By Jim Towers

It was obvious to all who followed the presidential election that it was brimming with fraud. I watched the proceedings day and night. Afterward I followed the results and sleight of hand that was apparent to all who watched the fraud and deception unfold. The theft was as plain as the nose on your face. The Leftist Democrats had struck again. And today, they have the audacity to act as if they had done nothing wrong.  

At the moment, we stand at the precipice of a deeply divided chasm and from my point of view we are about to plunge into it together with our hands around each other’s neck.

Still the Democrats are writing about Right Wing Extremism), with no opposition from the right.  I fact, we are witnessing turncoats within the Republican party who are stabbing President Trump in the back to appease the left. Apparently, they are hoping to hold on to their political positions. Thus, I felt compelled to write my take on where we stand as a divided country. 

I can’t help but put the blame on radical elements of society and corrupt politicians who kicked God to the curb and essentially said “I am the way the truth and the life” in trying to usurp the Word of God. These Godless people want the freedom to do, say and behave anyway they please and no one is going to stop them. They demand the freedom to murder unborn children already formed in the womb. Yet if you killed a pregnant woman you would face murder charges for the two. In fact, you could find yourself in jail if you protested or spied on their evil activity. 

They left demands the freedom to loot, burn and destroy businesses and were encouraged to do so by the Democrat leadership. They despise the rule of law when it applies to them and seek to do away with law enforcement. They have toppled statues of historic figures and done away with United States history. They have taken the Ten Commandments out of our institutions and If they remain in power, I suspect book burning will be their next priority.  

Since they stole the election, they are threatening to re- program the rest of us to believe the way they do. “Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” be damned. Christians and Jews will be vilified, and threatened, if not jailed or imprisoned. Like a horror movie the foaming at the mouth swamp creatures will be in charge with the Communist Chinese pulling the strings until they are no longer useful to communist leaders – at which time, they themselves will be done away with.

The funny thing is that they refer to conservative Americans as “deplorable”, “racist”, un-American, bigots, anti this and anti that, when they in fact are all those things. We are now “Ameriphobes” simply because we believe on the founding principles of this country while they follow the guidelines of the book “Rules for Radicals”, by Saul Alinsky – (a favorite of both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.)

Trump was right in calling them out early on – since he knew their secret agendas and of their criminality. He once ran in those criminal high society circles, and although he partied with them, he wasn’t into drugs or even alcohol, so all his brain cells are still intact and firing on all cylinders. Is it any wonder that he out maneuvers drug addled and alcoholic Democrats at every turn?

Never has any man been so persecuted in the history of American politics as this man. Even other Republicans have turned against him knowing that they might be exposed for taking bribes and collaborating with the enemy. Wearing robes of righteousness, Rhino’s (fake political  Republicans) on the take and whom he trusted have turned out to be enemies in disguise and they are many.

If these political creatures of the night can run our lives, then the whole framework of Democracy will collapse, and we will become a third world country. I don’t know about you, but I can’t stand the idea of thieves, thugs’ perverts and pedophiles lording it over right-thinking individuals who only want to live in harmony and peace. They ask for unity, but we can expect to face penalties just for expressing our opinions that are contradictory to theirs. Already, they have banned Trump from Twitter and me and others from Facebook where I had over 450 “friends”. 

Although the Godless Democrats have claimed to have won the presidency – in actuality, they have not, – it is all psychological warfare tactics, and their rule is illegitimate since we all know President Trump won the election by a landslide and have mountains of proof to back it up.  History will bear it out.

The sanctimonious left tries to convince people that they are the good guys while fighting against anything moral and decent in society. They leave nothing but death and destruction in their wake and they will do anything for monetary gain and power. This is evident in the destruction they continue to foment in some states – even while they claim to be in control, they are themselves un-controllable. In the meantime, they have overturned all the laws that were good for our country and put in place by President Trump. What a charade.

It is my understanding that in cases like this the military is in charge and justice could still be around the corner. But even if it isn’t, we will have to take this opportunity to reason with those who are contrary to Christian beliefs. 

The day of reckoning is closer than we think, and all of us need to repent of our sins and get right with Almighty God. 

Soon, the time of tribulation will be upon us and all of humanity will be under great duress, but even worse than that is the Great White Throne Judgement of God where sinners will have to give an account to God. “But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.


Jim Towers

Write me at or visit and


By Jim Towers

Motive 1. a reason for doing something, especially one that is hidden or not obvious. As in “a motive for his murder”.

The motive for most people for clamming up when everything around them is destroyed is generally, self – preservation. Today we see it on a grand scale, especially in politics while religion runs a close second. Is it any reason why people choose not to speak of religion or politics?

In politics the politician often makes promises they can’t keep, and friendships based on opportunity or monetary gain. I can’t help but think about those who have turned their backs on President Trump. Not necessarily that they were wrong in doing so, but rather when it got hot in the kitchen, they chose to abandon him. With friends like that who needs enemies. I would not care to share a foxhole with the likes of some of them.

The other motives I speak of are the motives of religious so called “leaders, and so called, latter day apostles. These are people that will say anything to garner attention and a following of gullible people who don’t know scripture or who know just enough to get by. 

Sad to say but there are far too many Christians who are followers of these “wolves in sheep’s clothing, as in those who make wild proclamations or so-called predictions concerning visions or dreams that they had. Obviously, these false prophets never read that false prophecies espoused by shrewd men that didn’t bear fruit were beheaded in the Old Testament. That ought to be enough to discourage any one from making false statements as it pertains to prophecy. 

The Old Testament prophets often passed out from fright at their encounters with Almighty God. Nevertheless, our modern-day prophets talk about encountering God as though He were a mere man. 

Let me assure you that upon hearing His voice and experiencing a vision is not a pleasant experience, at least not for me. I’ve been there, done that as I write in my manuscript. I was so affected that I didn’t or couldn’t eat for days. The message was simple, containing twenty words. The words were these, “Get those manmade ideas and philosophies out of your life and plant your feet firmly on the foundation Jesus Christ has already set.” Being an avid reader, I had just come back home with yet three more books from the public library. The titles were “Think and grow rich” “The power of positive thinking” and “Psycho Cybernetics” as I had always been a reader. Having been a Christian for six years and although I loved the Word of God, I just found it hard to believe it’s every word.

In any case that existential experience laid me up for at least a month or so. 

The reader can see I did not have a message for others, but the experience was directed specifically at me.) During that time, I buried my nose the scriptures and began to see things in a new light and with clearer understanding. Nevertheless, I advanced at a normal rate in my spiritual understanding as the Holy Spirit led. I was weaned from milk, to being spoon fed, to finally being able to chew – even the grisliest of meat. (somethings hard to swallow.)                                  

I’m sure you’ve heard people say God told me this and God told me that and, and so on and so forth. I remember a certain elderly man who claimed to be a doctor who made appearances on the Trinity television show and who told of how he was transported to the throne of God in a vision where God told him he wouldn’t die and would survive to be included in the rapture. That was over twelve years ago, and the man has been stone cold dead for over ten years now. I can only surmise it was all just wishful thinking. 

Wishful thinking where we talk to God as though He were Santa Clause, or a rich old uncle may be only our imagination. Make very sure that what your mind tells you jibes with the Bible – which you might say is written in stone – just like the Ten Commandments.

A poem from my next book – a book of verse.


By Jim Towers

Awaken dear people, judgement is at hand. – Corruption and evil roam this once promise land. 

Storm clouds are forming – unseen forces will clash – good against evil – life against death.

Surrounded by liars fully laden with sin. – We’ve been highjacked and robbed by corrupt jaded men – 

Our sweet, wounded county – once a beacon of light – to the rest of the world is now lost in the night.

By the saying of nothing – we let them take rule – inflicting confusion and unseemly rule.

Hard times may be coming – men taking up arms – will you be ready to stand in the storm?

Sons of perdition – harlots of fame – our day has come to be tested by flame – God is not fooled and come heaven or hell – one thing for certain, His truth will prevail

We’ve been weighed in the balance – for our many bad deeds – no need to explain – we know where that leads.

Sons of perdition – harlots of fame – our day has come to be tested by flame – God is not fooled and come heaven or hell – one thing for certain, His truth will prevail

But if you love God, you have nothing to fear. – Stand on the Bible – unshakably true – inspired by our Father and delivered to you.


Jim Towers

Write me at or visit also


By Jim Towers

Did you ever think we would see the day when men would desire to be women and women desire to be men, when good is bad and bad is good? Did you ever think you’d see the day when our government would be so corrupt that we can’t trust them or what they say – ever? We know that such corruption existed in every society in the past, and politicians have always lied. (read my lips) but here in our beloved country – the United States? Never. 

During our lifetime total corruption and lunacy has taken over our country, and seemingly, it all happened very quickly but while we slept the enemy of our souls had infiltrated all segments of American society including churches, government, learning institutions and the law. It all happened slowly and incrementally so we barely noticed. Now the full-blown monster of deceit and corruption has taken over the country.

For the past 200 years, we have led the way in evangelizing the huddled masses through our God given freedoms. Christians from all parts of the world have come here to make this the greatest country in the world. But today we stand at the brink if self-annihilation through ignoring God’s commands for a fulfilling and prosperous life and instead living for the sinful pleasures of the flesh often without restraint and far removed from God’s laws.

It is amazing how resilient we human being are. After the initial response to 9/11 we recovered after a bit and went back to living a life of leisure and corruption, finding new ways to make money and enjoying life’s pleasures. This in spite of the fact that many were begging forgiveness when they thought we were on the cusp of war, but it wasn’t long before we put that behind us and rushed headlong into our next calamity sparking another wake up call, – the recent presidential election.

What makes these people in high places act out their perversions is that they don’t like being told what to do and are being driven by lust and greed. There are so many on the take that it will be almost impossible to thwart our march toward Godless communism that they are being paid to advance. Albeit some would say that we should pray like never before, but it is too little too late. If you were God would you listen to a people who went along with the Devil’s agenda?

Even some of our church leaders are asking us to submit to the rule of tyrants and outright thugs who are trying to make it impossible for us to attend church services. They are encouraging President Trump to concede the election, thinking that such a move will quell the violence, but instead it will only embolden the lawless cabal to even newer and bolder lawlessness. 

If these pollical criminals had their way, they would shut down the worship of the God who restrains them while we nominal and politically correct Jews and Christians sit idly by. Knowing that our country is fast falling apart we instead go on thinking that life will return to normal once our political calamities subside. But according to the Bible things will only get worse from here on. Lawlessness will prevail, perversion will continue, and apathy will continue to set in until trouble comes to our very front door – a time in which it will be too late to do anything but acquiesce or resist and be dealt with harshly.

“Without repentance there is no forgiveness of sin.” And what began as apathy will turn into complete compliance of Godless leftist ideology. The things happening before our very eyes should drive sinners to their knees. Although fear and trembling are beginning to take hold of our once great nation, we cling to unwarranted hope that things will get better. 

Have you considered that within the next few days we may see insurrection and craziness like never before? January 6th is the day that our next presidential leader will be confirmed and with the evidence of corruption mounting it may result in President Trump winning – maybe by force. 

If Joe had been any kind of honorable man and really cared about this country, he might have admitted that the Democratic party made some grievous “errors” in tabulating the vote. He might also say something like this, 

“I am fully aware that we Democrats have made some grievous mistakes during this election cycle and I have been made aware that I am experiencing cognitive decline that would only result in irrational decisions that would harm the country.  I therefore admit that the presidential election was a fraud and concede the election to President Donald J. Trump. Also, I’m sorry for having taken millions of dollars from foreign and domestic enemies of the state and am sincerely sorry.” I really doubt that such a thing could possibly happen. 

The reason they can’t lose the election is because many of them will be found to be guilty of high crimes including crime against humanity. Already we are finding that China has been consistently buying favors from those in high places. A good number of them have become millionaires by siding with the enemy – the Dragon.

Do any of us really think the Democrats are going to go back into their deep dark closets like in the past? If the conservatives in our country don’t concede to Biden on the sixth of the month, then the Democrats will up the ante and continue to loot and burn and shoot police and chaos will prevail.

Whether the present calamity was instituted solely by rouge elements of society or if God Himself has decided to institute Covid 19 and this ensuing tribulation at this point in time is debatable and it’s beginning to look like perilous times are overtaking us, but we know from scripture that the fulness of the Tribulation period can only happen when the Holy Spirit is taken out of the way. This because the Holy Spirit is the one who restrains the forces of evil here on earth. This will happen of course when the body of Christ is taken up to meet the Lord in the air after He shouts out, “Come up here!” 

The body of Christ is the visible tangible force of good which inhabits the fleshly bodies of “Born Again Christians” but It may be too late for God to stem the tide of corruption since people are unwilling to beg forgiveness and repent. Without asking for forgiveness with a contrite heart we can only expect the worst for our nation.

“Without repentance there is no forgiveness of sin.” And remember this, that “Judgement begins in the house of God”, that is the church. Thankfully, there is light at the end of the tunnel for each one of us – but only individually. God has made a provision for escape from the calamity about to overtake us. “If you will believe in your heart and confess Jesus Christ and believe that God has raised Him from the dead, then you shall be saved.” “For you are saved by grace, through faith and that not of yourselves, it is a gift of God lest any man should boast.”

Will God just sit back and watch us destroy ourselves or will He act on our behalf when He hasn’t been asked too?  Will He forgive us our sins without our asking?

 But, the bottom line is that, “Without repentance there is no forgiveness of sin.”


Jim Towers             You can contact me at –


By Jim Towers

We all go through trials and tribulations – even us Christians. Illness, loss and disappointment often overtake us when we least expect it. In fact, there are a million things that can happen to us during life’s journey, – some good – some bad. When bad things happen to us we have to decide how to let it affect us. 

When things are going our way, we have a tendency to forget all about God and most people even fail to thank Him for our food – (especially in a restaurant setting). While many third world countries barely get enough to eat and basically live in huts, or hovels and even on the streets. While many people in third world countries struggle to survive, most Americans have a tendency to whine when we fail to have three meals a day topped with dessert.

I’m not one to complain about my lot in life (and believe me it hasn’t been easy.) I’ve also had many mountaintop experiences for which I am eternally grateful. Although I enjoyed a topsy turvy career in the movie business I had to pay my dues too – even as a Christian. 

Presently, in attempting to make a movie I’ve never run up against such opposition in my life! So apparently it wasn’t in the cards for me to do and I’m throwing in the towel. It appears God has other plans for me. No, being a Christian isn’t easy. 

As I come up against obstacles such as not being able to acquire funding for my film’s I just count my blessings and go on with life – which is much more than just achieving one’s aspirations. But I spite of this, I’d rather be a follower of Christ than anything else and just being a movie actor/ writer and director pales in comparison. Although I’ve been blessed in various ways, receiving Christ is by far the greatest good that ever happened in my life. That relationship I’ve had with my Creator has helped carry me through numerous trials and tribulations.  Yes, life can be daunting even for Christians.  

The Bible warns us that we will have trials and tribulations, to test us and make us stronger. And so, we call out to God for strength to overcome adversity which is sure to come in everyone’s life. For some luke warm or new Christians trials and tribulations are usually hard to take especially when Satan taunts us about these and other calamities, but Jesus warned us and commanded, “Take up your cross and follow me.” 

Then, on top of these trials and tribulations – there is the rejection we Christians face on all sides. The book of second Timothy warns us explicitly that others and even family members will turn against us, even though it makes no sense for other non – Christians  to shun someone who cares for them and their sense of well-being. They seem to think that we Christians are just odd balls whom they just can’t figure out because they have been blinded by the Evil One (although sometimes we bring these things upon ourselves for the hypocrisy we display.) 

Because of Christ I treat my neighbors with dignity and respect even though they may shun me. But then again, the Bible warns us that this too is going to happen especially in the Last Days – it’s good to know what to expect from others as followers of Christ.

Jesus did nothing to harm others, in fact he was always blessing and healing them of their infirmities. Yet they nailed Him on a cross after beating Him to a bloody pulp for no reason at all.  The only explanation is that His persecutors were blinded by Satan as well and it was fore ordained by God the Father that He would die for our sins not His own – He had none.

It can be especially hurtful when our own children turn against our Christian values and side with worldly philosophies, but I’m not surprised by ignorance nor avoidance even when it involves a wayward offspring.

Being followers of Christ, we should expect adversity to happen since Jesus warned us of this, “In this life you shall have many trials and afflictions, but fear not for I have overcome them all,”  But we must remember that this life is but a drop on the bucket of eternity plus, we Christians have an inner peace “a perfect peace that surpasses all understanding “and should be grateful for it.  Because of understanding of scripture,  

It won’t be long now until we will be with our maker and so we are encouraged by Holy Scripture. “Therefore, we do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day. For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory, while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal”.

Latest Book:

The book I’m finishing up was very revealing about how the National News Media often distorts the truth. Especially when it comes to politics. Although MSM reporters are supposed to be unbiased in reporting the news, they seldom are – especially in present times. They seem to have even been given license to tell outright lies to push their agenda. Is it any wonder that well-read citizens can’t believe anything they say anymore?

These reporters must think we “deplorables” (as Hillary Clinton calls us) are illiterate or just plain stupid. The irony in that way of thinking is that they are the ones in kings clothing and their followers prove that point with their mode of dress, outrageous behavior and tattooed eyeballs.

In the last half of this book titled “SLANTED” our veteran news reporter Sharyl Attkisson has given us incidents of outright lies that were actually reported in prominent American newspapers recently. 

An example of this is, 

Oct. 18, 2016 In the Washington Post piece not labeled opinion or analysis, Stuart Rothenberg incorrectly reports that Trumps path to an electoral college victory is “nonexistent.” 

Sorry to say, but many Democrats are experts in that area of life as many have sold their souls to the devil for monetary gain and power. 


Jim Towers                                           

Write me at or visit my website www.propheticsignsandwonders or – Warriors following Christ.



By Jim Towers

My demanding dad hated lies and would always tell us children not to lie to him – and we didn’t. He didn’t tolerate fools, laziness nor apathy either. Looking back, I can appreciate his harsh attitude toward this and our other indiscretions.

As innocent and innocuous some lies can be, did you know there will be no liars in the hereafter? Let me quote a verse of scripture for you – “ But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” Rev 21:8 . KJV.

You will notice that along with liars are a litany of other sins that God will judge. Yes, God is love but he hates sin and not the sinner.

Why then do most people take the sin of lying so lightly that lying has become the norm, especially from politicians and the news media? I suppose it’s the easiest way to sway opinion one way or another. Today the atmosphere is so poisoned with lies that we must take everything said to us with a grain of salt. Lying has gotten so bad that Newspapers are faltering, newsmen are losing their jobs and TV news is barely hanging on to its audience. CNN one of the biggest offenders and is in the process of being sold and Fox news a conservative favorite has crossed over the line in joining the radical left in its opinions. 

With the President fighting for truth in voting we are being bombarded with falsehoods from the very media that pretends to have our best interests in mind. They have been infiltrated by radical naysayers, some of whom deny common sense just to win notoriety while others deny their obvious gender, preferring to waddle in the muck and putrid mire of sin and against nature and God. Can we trust these perverts to disseminate truth to us?

With eyes that are blinded by Satan, unsaved people just can’t help themselves. They lie and cover that lie with another and yet another, and their only excuse is “I misspoke” or “I can’t remember” – meaning to say they can’t remember the lie they told in the first place. This has happened repeatedly in the courts of the land by ruthless and cunning politicians and supposed law men. (It could be possible that God is letting us suffer under the rule of tyrants and the uncertainty of the times in which we live.) 

Lies have hurt untold millions. They have destroyed the livelihoods of some, and incarcerated others-based on false testimony. Is it any wonder that one of the Ten Commandments is “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor”? President Trump has just exonerated General Michael Flynn and the Democrats are furious. May all their lies and deceit unravel before their eyes. Lying is not a trite foolish habit – it can even cause death and in the hereafter, it can cause exclusion unless we receive Christ and repent.

With no sense of right or wrong atheists, agnostics and other assorted perverts are foisting their perversions on the American public by trying to change our laws.

In the recent election – (which I and many others watched very closely), wholesale lies, and fraud were perpetrated on the American public, bringing about the most grievous election in American history. “God is not mocked for whatsoever a man reapeth; that shall he also sow.” And it looks like right now they are willingly sowing destruction. My warning to such people is, “Be sure your sins will find you out.” Let’s just hope it is sooner rather than later.

If an election can be won by fraud as it was in Venezuela and Cuba, we can expect our country to follow them into the abyss of deprivation. If everyday thugs and liars are left to run our country, you can bet they will run it into the ground like Chavez, Maduro and Castro have theirs.

It should be obvious to everyone in the country that Trump won the election in a landslide. Even a blind man could see it. But no, the leftist, elitists, sexual perverts and power brokers insist that they won the election and are carrying on as if they did so. Chances are that even the Supreme Court will find it hard to dislodge them their folly and even when they finally throw in the towel (if they do) there will likely be anarchy in the streets – on a grand scale. The military may have to arrest the subversives and all who tried to thwart the will of the American people and they may have to be taken to the Guantanamo Naval Base Stockade.

By slowly infiltrating the country with godlessness and their foolish ideas of there being an actual entity known as mother nature, various human sexes, weird fashion practices and other “shades of grey” ideology – the left has all but destroyed our moral fiber and welcomed in wholesale sin and rebellion throughout our country. But ironically when was the last time you heard the word sin? You seldom – if ever – hear it from the pulpits of America these days. The objective of wimpy church leaders is to not make any waves and keep the congregants happy with extracurricular activities. In some churches even the Holy Spirit is used for amusement rather than discernment and strength. Speaking in “tongues” “laughing in the spirit.” does us no good and rather than making us victorious makes us victims of self-deception. Why some churches stay open is beyond me, maybe it’s the money.

Unless we find firm footing in the pages of the Bible we are doomed. We must take it upon ourselves to be well informed and correct about doctrine for our own sense of well being and power to do evangelism with the right motives.

At present our country stands on the precipice of self-destruction and still we don’t and won’t repent en-masse – while no one is preaching the need for it. So, “If the sinner scarcely be saved where will the sinner stand?”


I jus began reading a book by Senator Ted Cruz. The title is “One Vote Away” – How a Single Supreme Court Seat Can Change History. – And in this election that may very well be the case.


Jim Towers

Write me at or visit me at and


By Jim Towers

Poor rich President Trump. Now here is a man who besides his narcissism (and what leader of men doesn’t display narcissism?) had no need to become involved in the rough and tumble world of politics but did so anyway. Whether to bolster his self-esteem or because he truly loves America only God knows.

He ran with the big dogs all his life, and they made him feel at home. In spite of that, his alter ego only let him go so far in the decadence of that privileged crowd. He seemed to live an opulent lifestyle up to a certain point and but showed evidence of humility in spite of it – often helping others less fortunate in various ways.

I know of a certain retired woman whose father was a partner of the President’s father who together owned a number of movie theatres way back when Donald was a teenager. She knew the Donald personally and says that he was always a gentleman. Yes mam, no sir and such. Everyone knows he doesn’t drink or abuse drugs – why he doesn’t even smoke. The two vices he has are Coca Cola and beautiful women. Other than that, he is perfectly human in what few other vices remain.

That is why it’s hard to understand why a certain segment of society hates him so much. Could it be that because when he ran with the crowd at the height of his popularity, he was privy to their evil shenanigans and kept tabs with his razor-sharp clear-thinking mind. He didn’t like what he saw, and he thought of a better way of doing things. It took him a long time to decide to run for president and when he did, he was the laughingstock of the elitists in our society. They just couldn’t take him seriously, but they most assuredly thought he might expose them for the criminals they were. He knew of their propensity for lawless behavior.

During the debates, he began calling the political cabal out in public – on television. That was unheard of in a day when hypocrisy and bold-faced lies ruled in public debates. The Left began to fear for their pollical futures. Immediately they sought ways to discredit him before he could expose their criminality and they nearly succeeded in destroying him. The Washington political machine had become one of the most self-serving and corrupt in the history of the United States of America. 

If you look back over the years of the corruption of most presidents you will find that they were self-serving, drug addled, pompous hypocrites. The most recent ones advocating for infanticide, homosexuality, and pedophilia. These adherents continue to try to foist their belief system on right thinking society. They seem to not understand that we will one day have to give account to our Creator. He will even judge us for every idle word. God did nor even spare the angels which are condemned to the pits of hell which burns with everlasting fire. What makes the evil and perverted hordes that inhabit society from top down think they can get away with such evil acts?

After winning the presidency Trump found opposition everywhere he turned and had to fire the huge firewall Obama had installed one by one – making him look radical and impulsive. But he was right in every case in doing so. Obama had injected the criminal element over the years in hopes of tuning the country into bizzarro land where perverts, communists and radical Muslims would rule. 

After four years of fighting to save our country from insider trading and outright theft by firing left leaning criminals and liars while treading water to keep his head above it, he managed to survive and instill good govern practices and turn our country in the right direction. A lot of good was done during his four-year tenure for the American people. People everywhere are parading by the tens of thousands if not millions in many big cities to show their support for the President. President Trump wept at the sight of the millions of people who continue to support him.

I know some who would say that he is a sinner but who isn’t pray tell?  “If we say we have no sin we call God a liar and the truth is not in us.” “All though all men are liars, God is not”. That is exactly why Christ had to come in the flesh – to take away our sin- something we are all incapable of. Sad to say, I have relatives who despise the poor man – and that for no reason at all! The news media also vilifies President Trump – who has only done what he could for the country – and that – with no pay. Who works for no pay? In fact, people go into politics to better their way of life and often come out of the experience with millions in overseas bank accounts. Still, some find things to fault the President for. My brain washed relatives obviously haven’t read Holy Scripture and are groping around blindly following the Democrats who are only wolves in sheep’s clothing and the worst part is that they consider themselves “Christians”. I’m so ashamed of them and others like them. 

On the other hand, there are some so called Christians who are gaining notoriety from Trump’s latest run for the Presidency. With forced laughter Kenneth Copeland mocks the media, (who calls Joe Biden the President Elect) never stopping to think about how foolish he is being perceived. Another example is Paula White who claims to be an “advisor to President Trump” who was romping and stomping behind the podium recently, calling on angels from Africa to come and help Trump. Theirs is an outrageous ploy to get followers to fill her coffers with tithes and offerings. It’s surprising that no one in the Christian community has started an illicit Trump defense foundation.

Through voter fraud the Democrats claimed to have won the presidency and the media backs them up in this fiasco. It’s as plain as the nose on your face that Trump won the Presidency in a landslide. Still though today his presidency is in jeopardy of being stolen in spite of overwhelming support and votes that were plundered and/ or destroyed. Every day now new evidence is brought forth indicating that this was the biggest election fraud in the history of the United States and it will take the Supreme Court to right the wrong that’s been done to the American people.

While I don’t put Trump nor any other man on a pedestal, I know a good man when I see one.

My hope is that God will turn things around and that that His enemies are exposed for the criminals they are and sent to Guantanamo to finish out their sordid and evil lives.


Jim Towers               write me at or visit my website and – Warriors following Christ.

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