By Jim Towers

The following is an excerpt from chapter 15 of my autobiographical story, “Miracles, Signs and Wonders” a 248 page manuscript that I hope to be putting up for you to read on my website www.propheticsignsandwonders.com .      

Chapter 15

My son mike was ten years old at the time if this occurrence. At the time, I was getting around on a Suzuki S10 motorcycle. The motorcycle was economical, ran well and I had already traveled halfway across the country on it.

Michael had hooked up with me at my mother’s house in Michigan when I was called to be there for a couple of films.  I had just made my own first film in the small town of Eaton Rapids where she lived and where we were staying together during summer school vacation. Summer finally ended and I had to take him back to North Dakota to his mother and younger brother Matt for the school year. 

Since the motorcycle was running well and with nothing better to do while waiting for my call time. I phoned his mother that I would be bringing Mike back through the upper peninsula and over upper Chicago to the North country. Mike and I always chummed around together camping and fishing and exploring expeditions. This would be just another adventure for us. We would begin traveling on a Sunday when traffic would be sparce. 

I had already become a somewhat seasoned “believer” and had no qualms about the undertaking. We had our two-man tent rolled up on the back of the bike, a change of clothes and my big trusty hunting knife in a backpack along with our change of clothes – just in case.

The first part of our journey went without a hitch and was enjoyable with the breeze whipping by as we tooled along at about 60 miles an hour – both of us wearing helmets. We were making good time.

We stopped about halfway to the upper peninsula to rest and eat then continued. The traffic was light, but it was getting late, and I was tired, so we stopped at a 7/11 store. It was about eleven at night. The clerk was a young hippie type girl about 20 or so years old. We ate a hot dog and I asked if we could pitch our tent behind the store. The girl made a phone call and said “Come and spend the night at our place. I live in a commune close by.” 

“Why not” I thought. I thanked her and followed her home.

The others were expecting us and were friendly, but they were the typical hippy types and although they offered us some spaghetti we declined, and our lady friend showed us the empty room where a mattrass was laid out on the floor for us. Mike and I were both tired and laid down immediately after I fished the hunting knife from our backpack and tucked it under my pillow.

We could hear the ugly hard rock music emanating from the living room wafting on heavy pot smoke. We both finally went to sleep and were up early in the morning. The motorcycle had strangely begun acting up by the time we began making out the Mackinac bridge in the distance. We could see it from miles away. Little did I know the size and height of the bridge. As we drew closer it began to be intimidating and I began having serious thoughts about turning back.

I thought about all the things that could go wrong once we got on the bridge and felt a cold chill crawl across my body.

 suspension bridges are designed to move to accommodate wind, change in temperature, and weight. The deck at center span could move as much as 35 feet (east or west) due to high winds. The bridge is one of the highest in the world. The height of the roadway at mid-span is approximately 200 feet above water level. 

Suddenly, I remembered the story about a car blowing off the bridge a few years before, (In a highly publicized incident, a woman came to a stop in her ’87 blue Yugo on the enormous bridge, attempting to wait out high winds, when a 55-mph gust blew her car over the edge. Plunging to the water below she did not survive the accident.) Having hung from off of towering structures during my welding days I wasn’t too fearful of heights, but I had my young son with me and was responsible for his health and wellbeing. What an arrogant fool I had been to get us into this predicament I rightly thought – I shuddered and said a silent prayer not letting Mike hear.

Just then the motorcycle began to spit and sputter, and eventually ground to a halt. Michael and I dismounted and had only been standing when an eighteen-wheeler pulled up behind us and offered us a ride. The middle-aged man and I loaded up the bike on the empty flatbed and tied her down. 

Mike sat behind me and looked over my right shoulder as we crossed the bridge at the water 200 feet below. He like me isn’t squeamish about anything.

We made it to the other side and wouldn’t you know it. Off to the left was a campsite and after eating we set up camp. I thanked God for our good fortune, but He wasn’t finished yet. 

Mikes mother arrived that very night and awakened us and took Mike away, I cried – my little pal was gone, and I was all alone in the world again.

Long story short, I made my way back to the gas station where we were let off the day before. After coffee, I went back outside and looked the motorcycle over, and I surmised that there was no hope of fixing it out here in the open. Then just as I was despairing, I happened to glance directly across the highway and low and behold there was a motorcycle leaning up against a house that looked exactly like mine – in fact it was identical!

I hurried over to see if it was for sale since I could make out that it hadn’t been moved in a while. Sure enough, the owner confirmed that it had been sitting a while but that it wasn’t for sale. “Best bike I ever owned” he said, “I’mma gonna fix her up as soon as I find parts, which is hard to find don’t ya know?”

A bulb went off in my head, “Look across the street,” I said pointing, “see the motorcycle sitting over next to the gas station? It’s exactly like this one and you can have it for parts for three hundred dollars.” The man looked over at my bike and with hopeful eyes said “Nope!….best I can do is two fifty!” 

“It’s yours” I replied, I bought a ticket on the bus and made it back me in time to work on the movies “Collision Course” and “American Cops” an Italian film in Detroit.

The moral of this excerpt is that God will sometimes intervene with incredible fixes to our mistakes – if we are His.


Jim Towers                                    Write me at jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com or visit me at www.dropzonedelta.com or visit my website where the manuscript will be appearing soon.


God, Jesus, Christian, Christ,

By Jim Towers

I was going through a trying time with an infected Lymph Node and hadn’t slept in three nights. This morning at about six in the morning I went to the emergency room of a local hospital to try to get some pain medication but was told Aspirin should do since the Amoxicillin that they prescribed yesterday would bring down the swelling and the pain would subside and eventually disappear.

Since it was still morning, and I hadn’t had breakfast I popped into the Waffle House to eat afterward. The place was packed. The guy who came in just before me urged me to come and sit with him after sitting at small empty table. Jokingly I said, as I walked toward the small table. “Are you’re buying?”

“Sure!” He said in a serious tone.

I approached and took a seat catty corner from him to the inside. I said, “I was just kidding.” as I laughed.

“Well, I wasn’t.” The big friendly guy replied.

As I sat, I added, “You must be really desperate for manly conversation.”

“Yep, I sure am.” He replied.

“My name’s Jim.”

“I’m Bruce.”

We ordered and when the food came, I asked If I could say grace telling him I always did so. “By all means”

(Not being a politically correct person, I don’t care what other people think and I will thank God anywhere at any time.) I said, what came to mind and tried to not sound holier than thou or preach a sermon – like some of us are apt to do.

“Heavenly Father, thank, you for this beautiful day and thank you for the food and for a possible new friendship, In Jesus name, Amen.” 

A beautiful woman in the next booth facing me had been observing and smiled her approval.

Afterward we began making small talk as we ate, and I could tell by the fishhook glued to the bill of his cap that he liked to fish. So, we talked about fishing and women (A man’s favorite subject.) “Been married five times – but I still love em.” he said.

Then we started to talk about the breakdown in society and finally about work. When I told him how I had once lived in L.A. he asked where in L.A. I mentioned Wilshire Boulevard. “I lived in that same neighborhood” he exclaimed. “One of my two sons still lives there and he’s working on a movie – a remake of West World.”

Naturally I had to tell him that I was hoping to make a movie and that I was writing these days after having spent years as a S.A.G. actor. Then he got his son on the phone on the set, and I told Him I would Email him so as not to interfere with his work. 

That’s when I began wondering if this was a divine appointment.

Long story short we left the restaurant together and I showed him my new fishing rod as we made preparation to go surf fishing the following day. I don’t know what will become of this outrageous encounter, but I thank God for it.

Chance encounters like this one isn’t anything new to me and if I failed to have one on any given day I would be surprised. I live for just such encounters, but I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the bad ones as well like this next one. 

I went to the pool store for some muriatic acid for the pool. And the people who own the store are new in the community having come from San Francisco. They are second generation Chinese, and as is my nature I was the first to welcome them here. They have one handsome teenaged son in his late teens who happened to be helping out in the store on that day. His mother was at the cash register and his father wasn’t in that day. Nevertheless, an older black man was clerking as well. I was checking out when another man stepped in behind me. From the sound of his voice he was of another ethnicity.

Sure enough after exchanging words he admitted to being Lebanese – but not really, he was Palestinian who replied, “Them damned Jews,….bla bla bla.” The black man beamed his approval and the mother who speaks little English looked bewildered as the conversation continued. Her teen – aged son, who stood close by had little to say, when I asked him a question he didn’t reply. Then I asked if the cat had his tongue and he replied, “I don’t like people.” That answer made me wonder why he said such a thing since we were always very friendly toward each other, and early on I had asked if they had found a home church yet and had invited the family to mine.

After leaving in a state of bewilderment I went over all that was said and why as I drove home. The Muslim man was obviously anti-Semitic, but he must have known that the Muslim Palestinians wrested the Lebanese Christian nation from them.  Lebanon was once known as one of the most beautiful countries in the world.

 As for what the young man said – it could be that he had been encountering flak from classmates about the Chinese involvement in the Covid situation and he resented it.

The black man only gloated and added nothing to the conversation. The tension was palpable.

My hope is to encounter each of them individually and to explain myself, giving them the reason for the hope that resides within me.


Jim Towers              Write me at jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com or visit me at www.dropzonedelta.com or at my own website www.propheticsignsandwonders.com  


By Jim Towers

Our country has come a long way in technology, engineering, and wealth. China is now running a close second with information stolen from us, and yes, they too are killing people for their organs just to make a buck. The only difference is that while we abort fetuses, they kill prisoners for body parts too. Evil is as evil does.

I’m not a doctor but I have been doing my due diligence since so called virus Covid 19 began. I was very interested because I had read about Hydroxychloroquine from a book, I bought at the local library sale for 50 cents. (I wrote about it several months ago.)

Having run out of reading material I decided to go to the annual library book sale and since I had read all the new books on the market having to do with my favorite subjects, religion, and politics, and with no new scandals in either politics or the church I turned my attention to something different – botany. The book I bought delt with the discovery of the cure for Malaria derived from the bark of a tree that grew in Peru. The discovery was made by indigenous Indian shaman ions ago to cure malaria. It was used effectively during the yearly Malarial plague in the swampy parts of Italy and during the second world war – both for recovery and as a preventative during Malaria season on both fronts.

President Trump touted this cure after he was cured of his bout with Covid19, which Dr. Fauci said later was not effective (in so many words) after discussing it with the deep state and how there was money to be made by the big pharma companies in the country. As a matter of fact, the two cures were already patented in China almost as if the Liberal community and Chinese communists had anticipated the outbreak.

The bad part about this whole fiasco is that all the vaccines have what’s called Graphene Oxide as some sort of bonding agent in them now. This poisonous agent then bonds with and alters every cell in a human body and in time does damage to the very cells it is intended to cure.

Like it or not we Americans are being muzzled with face masks by the leftist/communists and muzzled as well from expressing our opinions on the internet by this same cabal that makes up the “Deep state.” 

I just found out that Biden is going to mandate that all federal works must have the vaccine shot to be able to work. I’m anxious to see how that all pans out since Americans don’t like being told what to do. We are used to having our own way through our freedoms.

Today, a man named Michael Rappaport who is a liberal commentator (I take it) railed against his own party for having heeded their agenda and took the vaccine shot recently. He was very disappointed with having been duped by the purveyors of fear, millionaires – Dr. Fauci, Biden, Obama and Nancy Pelosi. The poor man was nearly in tears as he appeared in a video in a diatribe on the Stew Peters show on the internet and who can blame him. He’s taken a shot that doesn’t work and can have grave consequences to your health – not to mention your wellbeing. He was a bundle of frayed nerves in the video. The bad part is that no one know if the shot can be undone, and your body will be ruined for life. As the scriptures say, “My people perish for lack of knowledge” – God.

This is BIG news that will circle the earth and have everyone who subscribes to the liberal propaganda shaking in their boots. What with Graphene Oxide, microorganisms, metal and fiber in the mix that supposedly constitutes a virus inoculation, how would you feel? Can you say Betrayed?

Next is NO church attendance and certainly no singing allowed, or touching is coming up. You can bet on it.

In the meantime, several other factors are coming into play that would have us believe that the end is near as in the heartlessness of man some going as far as killing just to make a buck. In reading the passage of scripture that says, “man thoughts were continually evil, and it grieved God that he had made man.” was written about the reason of the great flood. Today there is intense flooding everywhere around the world which makes me think that the following passage is just as pertinent today, “As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of Man.”

Gun confiscation can’t be far behind. That will have to take place in case the American public gets tired of being told what to do and how to do it. Already we’re beginning to see the less tolerant begin to react with threats of violence against authority – legitimate or not? Can you imagine what the tribulation period will be like? – And it is just beginning. 

That means that we must all get our act together and act upright before our Creator God. Now is not the time to count your money or to invest in stocks. Now is the time to repent, seek God’s face, and crying out for forgiveness.

What kind of person does these things without a second thought? Mr. Biden took communion at his Roman Catholic church the other day thinking it absolved him from his many crimes against humanity, but he has another think coming to him in the form of retribution – as are all others taking part in these atrocities. “It is appointed for man once to die, but after this the judgement.” 

Woke must be an acronym because it certainly doesn’t imply being awake. Being awake denotes being aware, seeing with your eyes perceiving with our alert brains. Albeit many of us are slumbering or half-awake to the truths swirling around us sordid as they are.

The blood and flesh Anti-Christ who walks among us- at this very moment – will soon make his entrance unto the world stage. Chances are He will be a Muslim or Jew since neither believe that God has a son – Jesus our Messiah. Let’s hope the rapture takes place soon. 

Wake up, you’ve been warned.


Jim Towers                     

You can write me at jt.filmmaker@yaho.com or visit at www.dropzonedelta.com and www.propheticsignsandwonders.com.


By Jim Towers

I’m not quite sure how to present the called for stories of answered prayer yet I thought I should let my readers know that I received several stories of answered prayer as a result of one of my own stories from my yet un-published manuscript – (and I have many.) So, I didn’t quite know what to expect, but among them was this doozy that affirms that God can do the impossible and I should know since I’ve experienced miracles like this – time and again. Haven’t you?

Hi Jim,

I always read the articles you post to RR website. I am always encouraged by how you relate how God works in your daily life and how you are always aware of His Providence. The following happened to me some years ago when my son was 3 years old and cell phones were those expensive brick phones, i.e. I didn’t have one. Please feel free to edit because I do ramble.

My brother was in the ICU in Eugene, Oregon and at the time we didn’t think he would live (he did). My parents had gone over a couple weeks earlier from our town 3 hours away to help his wife with their kids so she could be at his side. I felt an urgent need to go see him too, so packed up my 3-year-old son in his car seat and headed the 3 hours away. Before I left, I talked with a nephew on the phone, and he gave me vague directions on how to find their home. 

I arrived in Eugene in the usual 3 hours, and it was late afternoon. I drove around trying to follow my hastily written directions and after a couple hours had to admit I was lost. I had NO idea where we were. I found a phone booth at a convenience store in an unsavory sort of neighborhood that left me feeling very uneasy, but it was the only phone I had found in miles of driving. I parked as close as I could to the phone booth and called my brother’s house and got yet another nephew who had no idea where I was when I gave him the cross streets. His directions were as useless as what I already had. My parents weren’t there but were on an errand. It was getting dark, and I needed help. My son was fussy, I was beginning to panic. I got back in my car and started driving with traffic and was praying, praying, praying. Please Lord, keep us safe and direct me to my brother’s house, I asked. 

It was about sunset, and I had no idea what to do and was willing myself to be calm and wait for God’s help. As I was sitting in traffic at a red light, I suddenly noticed a familiar vehicle 2 cars ahead of me in the next lane. Could it be? No way!  I couldn’t believe it. It was my parents!! I was so thankful and praising God as I followed them into a home improvement store parking lot a few blocks away. They were as surprised to see me as I had been to see their car moments earlier. 

They asked why was I way over on this side of town?? I asked them the same thing. My dad was looking for a particular part to repair a cabinet at my brother’s home and they had been to 3 stores already to that point and all stores were out of stock. This store they were at was the last one they were going to go to, and no surprise, they had the part! I tried to wrap my mind around the timing of the entire episode many times through the years. Only God can work the timing of something so perfectly. 

That was years ago but it showed me there is no such thing as coincidence or random happening. The Lord cares about the little things in our lives as much as the big things. It’s all important to Him. He is so good! 

Thanks for reading…


In these perilous times it is imperative that we know we can count on God to answer prayer, and when he doesn’t, it could be that he expects us to find a solution for ourselves with the brain he gave us for just such occasions. 

How my manuscript came about.

It was only when I lost everything that was dear to my heart that I became what some might call a “street evangelist” while searching for meaning and the direction my life took after I received Christ. Although I was highly successful in the beginning of my profession as an actor and the money was good, but I turned down a very lucrative commercial because it promoted smoking, – something I don’t approve of. The turning down of this huge national commercial was the turning point for me. My wife left me, taking my two beloved boys with her. Today I don’t blame her, but I lost a sense of direction, and I was confused as to why this had happened.

I was blackballed for a while which led to hopelessness. I didn’t care if I lived or died. I began traveling without a sense of direction landing a gig here and there, I worked on a movie in Detroit and a television show- plus a couple of commercials.  (There I was a big fish in a small pond.)

I found myself back in Miami where I got my start in the film industry and by now the film community had forgiven me and welcomed me back with open arms – once again I was on a roll except that I was still conflicted about the other part of my family life, and I missed my boys terribly.  In spite of the setbacks, I experienced many wonderful things, like praying for a demon possessed woman as I held her to my chest while she cried uncontrollably. Starting a Sunday service in a park and consoling the dispossessed. As I threw myself into this endeavor, God saw fit to provide sustenance and work between acting jobs, which became scarcer and scarcer because of my loss of interest. By now I had begun writing screenplays and directing.

Today, I can tell you things that would make the hair stand up on the back of your neck. The stories I tell in my 240-page manuscript are chock full of otherworldly experiences that have increased and become almost commonplace occurrences today.

There comes a point in our lives when things don’t matter as much anymore and we know that accolades, and money are fleeting. The time comes when we finally realize that pleasing God and promoting other people’s wellbeing are what really matters in life.


Jim Towers                             Write me with your short story of how your prayers were answered  at  jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com or visit me at www.dropzonedelta.com. and my website www.propheticsignsandwonders.com.


            By Jim Towers

This is a testimony sent to me by one of my readers. Jody wrote in response to my recent article “Effective Prayer” which got me thinking that articles/stories such as this would be a great way to encourage others that God is on the side of believers in Christ and He does answer prayer in His timing (usually at the very last minute) when we have exhausted all effort and find ourselves in desperate need. 

Hi Jim,

 I had a very similar experience to your food prayer in this article. It was the first answered prayer God ever gave me and I have NEVER forgotten it.

 In my case, God did not provide money but the actual food from the hand of a very standoffish person I worked with.

 One night, I had exactly $1.00 in my bank account and no food in the house. And I have hypoglycemia so need to eat regularly. I was not getting paid until the next day and had no idea how I would cope without food for the next 24 hours. I worked the night shift and left my apt. that evening to head to work. In the hallway of the apt. complex, I said a prayer to God. I said, “Lord, you know I need to eat, and you know I have no money and don’t get paid till tomorrow. Will you please provide something for me to eat tonight?” Then I continued out to my car and headed to work. 

 Once at work (I was a little early), I took my bag upstairs and set it at my station and then headed back downstairs to the cafeteria to relax before my shift. As I was coming down the stairs, a coworker that I had hired in with and attended training with was coming up the stairs. In her hand she had a McDonald’s bag. As we passed, she looked at me and said “Jody, would you like this McDonald’s meal? I only bought it because I had to get the Dances with Wolves video that came with it. This was the early 90s and that movie was relatively new and had just come out. 

 I can tell you that I almost fell down the rest of those stairs I was so shocked. I gladly accepted her offer and then headed to the cafeteria and ate my meal that the Lord had just so graciously provided. I also have to say that this was not the friendliest girl I’ve ever known either. Pretty standoffish and not warm or touchy feely. So God not only provided exactly what I asked for, He also used the most unlikely person to do it. A few years later, I heard that this girl became a Christian.

 From that moment on, my faith was cemented and I knew I could count on God no matter what. Answered prayer doesn’t come as instantaneously as that one did anymore, but He is still just as faithful even when it takes longer. I am currently going on 10 years waiting for the fulfillment of my last prayer of this kind (regarding finances and housing).

 When I read your article, I knew you’d be able to appreciate my comment.

 Thanks for sharing and I enjoy reading your articles at Rapture Ready.

 God bless you,


LATER, after I asked Jodie for permission to share this story Jodie wrote,

 I can’t say I’ve had many (miracles) like that but I have had a few more and had much bigger ones happen.

That same job terminated me in 1998 due to illness and I asked God if He would like me to fight the termination or walk away. The word came back fight but that the battle would be His and not mine. Two years later, I walked back into that job after beating them in federal court. He always comes thru when I let Him choose the answer and the action. The result did not surprise me but more than a few people were in awe and amazement and I made sure I gave all the glory to Him. I hope a few people came to know Christ thru that answered prayer.

I’ve also had some equal disasters when I have not allowed Him to choose or asked Him what to do.

I don’t mind a bit if you use my story. Just let me know when you do so that I can read it and save it. Thanks!

I love to talk to people who also know God this way and have similar experiences. I don’t know many people that allow God this level of control over their lives.

Best wishes,



If you would like to share your story about God’s faithfulness, send it to me and let’s, see if and how God can use YOUR testimonial.  Please try to make it two pages or less and try not to ramble too much (as I often do.) 


Jim Towers            Write me at jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com  or visit me at www.dropzonedelta.com Warriors following Christ or my website www.propheticsignsandwonders.com


By Jim Towers

Most of us pray only when we need something or are ailing. That’s the way it was with me for the longest time. Relying on my wits and abilities I plunged into places angels fear to tread (I just thought that last phrase was catchy – forgive me.)

Prayer was one of the last things on my mind. I will say this though, my prayers were always in earnest and believing. And now that I am older, I am more prone to reflect on the deeper things of God and find myself in prayer continually although I can’t remember praying in fear about anything. Mostly, my prayers are for others and my country – which I believe stands in peril because of its moral collapse.

Praying to me is simply talking with God, appreciating Him and His presence in my life. This in spite of our proclivity for sinful behavior. (Thank God for Jesus!)

Is it any wonder David of the Old Testament found favor with God? David, although being all too human was given favored stature before God Almighty. David was always talking with God. (He even wrote songs to God. You can read them in the book of Psalms.)

What I’m trying to say here is that when we call out to God we must do so with honesty and openness if we expect Him to listen.

God hates the hollow repetitious prayers that are mouthed by some. Even a heartfelt “Our Father” can have the stench of piety or hypocrisy to our omniscient God who knows our propensity to fake it – especially in front of others.

Today I went stopped at the grocery store on my way home and after I got out of the car – low and behold I spotted a dollar bill lying on the pavement of the parking lot next to where I parked. Naturally I picked it up and looked to see if anyone had dropped it. There were only a couple of other people, but they were too far away to have dropped it in that spot. That incident reminded me of the time I hadn’t eaten all day and was famished, on top of that my car had broken down and I was on foot.

It was late at night and just like in a movie of a poor hungry soul I was trudging along 123 Street in North Miami just west of Biscayne Blvd near the Old Movie Studio where “Flipper” had been filmed years ago. I was praying for myself for once while my stomach cried out for food. ( I hadn’t yet been paid for my latest gig ) Because of my need for glucose I felt I would soon fall on my face from weakness onto the cement sidewalk. The short desperate prayer had just left my lips when a gust of wind blowing from west to east made what little litter in the gutter flutter and come toward me. Among the candy wrapper and a couple of pieces of paper I instantly spotted what I knew to be paper money. Instantly I ran and picked up the ten-dollar bill God had sent me. I picked it up thanking God profusely and shaking like a leaf I went back to Kenny Rodgers Fried Chicken a block away and ate to my heart’s content.

Incidentally, I wrote about this and the many other incidences of miraculous happenings in my 240-page manuscript – (for which I’m still seeking a publisher.)

There are all kinds of prayers going up to God at any given moment.

Consider the apostle Paul who prayed for healing for a “thorn” he had in the flesh. If the thorn was some physical ailment or something like arthritic pain God might not have said “My grace is sufficient for thee.” On the other hand, if it was one of sinful desire or thought it might have been more apropos to say such a thing since He accepts us with sinful baggage that we find hard or even impossible to overcome. A perfect example is when a man sees a desireful woman and wonders what it would be like to spend some time with her. After all, we are sexual creatures. (I’ll leave that hot potato right there.)

My take on prayer is that we must really say what is in the deep recesses of our hearts and minds, no thees and thous. Fall on your face if you must, confess your sins if you must, this may be the only time you will be able to be frank with God Almighty – take advantage of this opportunity. There are times when we don’t know what else to do but pray, like the loss of a loved one, loss of income, hunger, pain and or utter defeat.

Whenever I get down, it only takes a short prayer for God to send healing and hope. On the other hand, sometimes it seems to take forever as in “Those that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.”

When things seem to be taking a long time to come together, it could be that the angels that God has ordered to rescue you have been hindered by our adversary? Jesus said to pray without ceasing.

If you can’t see the glory of God while driving along the highway and seeing the ocean pass by with a beautiful sunset in the background to appreciate then you may not be a Christian after all. Maybe a walk in the woods or surrounded by flowers is for you but I find myself being thankful for all these wonders and praising God all day long.

Yes, that’s the KEY to what I’m attempting to say, praise is the key that unlocks the door to God’s heart. Thank Him for your food, for your rest, for your health, for the undeserved relationship that Christ made possible for you, and you will find God’s ear inclined toward you. He loves those who love Him.

In some cases, the best we can hope for is to be at ease in our current circumstances and wait on the Lord to act on our behalf. Don’t forget that the Bible tells us to wait upon the Lord. “Those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles. They shall run and not be weary. They shall run and not faint.”


I’m reading a book with the title “Jesus” that was written to explore the intimate details of Jesus early life. It’s a very interesting book and I’ll tell you something about it when I finish. It is written by Leonard Sweet and Frank Viola and is referred to as a “Theography” as opposed to biography.



By Jim Towers

I don’t know about you but I can honestly say along with David, “…. my cup runneth over….” 

I was in my late teens when I became a welder like my father who was a Navy ship welder in the Seattle Shipyards during the Second World War. 

Doing my own book research on metallurgy and welding I excelled and became a First-Class Welder, then a Certified Welder. From there I went to Pipe Welder Certification, Nuclear Tig Welding and ended as a First-Class Ship Fitter in the Root and Brown shipyards of Louisiana.  

Although I’ve always been an inquisitive achiever, only after receiving Christ have I lived life to the full.

I’ve been on an archaeological dig traveled and explored ancient life in the Western hemisphere and discovered the landing place of Cortez and the conquistadores discovering the first fort they built now overgrown with weeds at the time.  

After receiving Christ, He took my life in another direction, and I became a highly trained professional actor. I’ve been in movies, television shows, T.V. commercials – and sang a spotlight number on stage to close the show (I had portrayed Fagan in the Musical “Oliver” and know many other show tunes word for word.)

I’ve sold artwork for big bucks and once won the four top prizes at the Pensacola State Fair, Blue ribbon, Best of Show, People’s Choice and Judges Choice plus the money prize and it’s just a hobby for me.

Today after having written a blockbuster (with five subsequent sequels) movie pleagerized, I write screenplays and write articles for two wonderful Christian websites from which I receive letters from all over the world. I’ve rubbed shoulders with some of the most interesting people in the world, movie stars, Paul Newman, Michelle Pfeiffer, Jim Carrie, Jennifer Lopez, Johnny Dep, and Chuck Norris among many others less notable actors and celebrities. I rode in a white limo to the premiere of the movie “The Truman Show” in which I portrayed a harried bus conductor. I was a tuxedo wearing chaperone for the inaugural ball for the then Governor of Florida George Romney – back in the day.  

I’ve written close to a dozen songs (music and lyrics) and produced and directed the recordings in a professional recording studio. (Tom Jones almost recorded one of them, but already had a song about walking in the rain on the album).

Years ago, I wrote, produced and directed an updated version of “Woman at the well” and today I have a half dozen screenplays on file, hoping to produce and direct one having to do with the Biblical End Times.

Whew! Truly the Lord has been gracious to me, but I know that “To whom much is given, much is required.”

This all goes to show what a person is capable of with God on your side. Admittedly, I haven’t always been the man of God I aspired to be, and it took me a long time to accept my frailties. But I always repent, dust off and keep going.

As you can well imagine, I never have time to party, get drunk or use drugs and have no desire to do so.  I get my high from serving God. The benefits of living such a life are life affirming and beneficial. I would encourage you to do the same,

However, this isn’t to say that living such a life isn’t without its trials and tribulations. There have been times when I nearly despaired – but by leaning on God’s word I was always able to rebound. If there were any residual effects, it was always to my benefit. “Trust in the Lord and lean not to thine own understanding but in all your ways acknowledge Him.” This is followed by “Those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.” 

All of these happenings are written about in my 240-page manuscript for which I’m seeking a publisher.

What an exciting life to be God’s emissary.

Today, as I pulled into a side street that connects to the main drag to take me to the pier, I saw a young man in the middle of the road picking up a bunch of photographs from off the pavement. His overloaded bike laid in the street with a small suitcase lying nearby. The contents of the bike basket were also lying nearby. I stopped the car about thirty feet away, put the emergency blinkers on got out of the car to help the young man. With the wind blowing slightly the phots were hard for him to pick up. I set the bicycle back up and put the other spilled contents into the basket while he continued to pick up the photos of his son. The suitcase was heavy, and I could see where he had lost his balance with it in hand and fallen over into the middle of the street. “Thanks” he said as he picked up the last of the photos and straightened up. “These are photos of my boy. My wife just divorced me and threw me out of the house. Those packages are for my son’s birthday. I slept behind that store last night.” I asked how I could help and said, “Maybe I can run the suitcase over to that store for you.” I made a U turn and drove into the store parking lot.

It was there that Dwight introduced himself and should me the photos of his eight-year-old son. Then he began to tell me his story and ended by telling me that he had been robbed while sleeping behind the store the night before. Pulling out my wallet I fished out my only cash of eight dollars to give to him for breakfast and asked if he needed prayer, he answered in the affirmative and I prayed for the poor desolate man, “Father in heaven help Dwight in his present difficulties and may he seek your face in all circumstances; In Jesus name I pray, Amen”. Dwight responded with his own “Amen”.

 Yes, what a privilege to be an emissary for God and Christ Jesus. As I go through life and embrace that way of life I continue to grow in faith and confidence and in the knowledge of knowing how to help others without appearing to be holier than thou or condescending. As the old adage says, “There but for the grace of God – go I.”

YBICJim Towers                          You can write me at jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com or visit me at www.dropzonedelta.com or visit my website, www.propheticsignsandwonders@yahoo.com


By Jim Towers

Remember the book “Chariots of the Gods” by Erich von Daniken? It was a book that explored the idea that Elijah was whisked away in a spaceship, never to be seen again. The writer also posited the idea that space beings also built many of the monolithic structures throughout the world including the great pyramids and Machu Pichu on the mountains in Peru. He wrote that lines on the Nazca plain in Cusco were also put there by space aliens, a kind of landing field for their space craft.

Being of an inquisitive nature I have read many accounts of ancient beings coming to earth at different stages of our societal development. However, before you jump the gun in judging me, I much prefer and believe the biblical account of the creation and development of mankind. (I was well into learning scripture at the time the controversial book came out.)

At the time, it all seemed plausible since there are still things we don’t understand about our world. For me, the book wasn’t contradicting the scriptures only re – enforcing them. After all, Elijah was taken away in a fiery chariot.

Even Jesus said, “I saw Satan fall from the sky like lightning…” If an armada of spaceships were cast to earth, they, from a distance would appear to be a falling star or lightning. But I don’t want to open up a can of worms with that statement.

Now some would say that Angels are spiritual and Space aliens are physical. Who am I to argue? If that were so it would only serve to expand the debate over which is which?

Nevertheless, (and this is a contentious subject to explore) with new series of documentaries on that subject made strictly for monetary gain and not to inform the sheeple who will follow anything and everything so long as they don’t have to deal with the God of the bible, even though (it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of God.)

This UFO phenomena will soon be a thing of the past with more serious and pressing problems cropping up in the future. Scary stuff like more violent earthquakes, more virulent diseases, manmade and not. Worldwide famine is another thing we should be looking for in the near future. God said these things would happen and God doesn’t lie. 

These space aliens are unable to destroy us even with their advanced technology, simply because God has stayed their hand like he stayed Satan’s hand when he told Lucifer not to kill Job. He is and has the ultimate power over life and death over all His created beings. Just the mention of Jesus name sends Satan fleeing.

It will be a new revelation to many that these demonic entities exist and able to disguise themselves as angels of light even going so far as to invade our educational and political systems as well as our churches with doctrines of demons.

Nevertheless, there does seem to be something flying around in our atmosphere that we don’t fully understand. They seem to be able to appear and disappear at will in great bursts of speed and some appeared to help the Israelis in time of war. 

But his poses another problem, is this to say that Michael and the “good guy angels” are still at work invading our space as well? Elisha called on God to open the eyes of his terrified companions who feared the hordes of the Syrian army surrounding Israel, “And the Lord opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha.”

In my testimonial manuscript I wrote that while living in Davie Florida a close Christian friend called me on my cell and asked me excitedly to come to his house. He said he had something to show me. With nothing better to do I went right over and found him standing on the porch of a close neighbor in the cul de sac. I stopped and went over to him, and he led me into the house introducing me to the young woman who lived there. “Show Jim the video you took of the UFOs.” She led me to the computer and sitting she brought up the video she had just taken just minutes earlier. Her grandmother sat in a rocking chair nearby rocking nervously and near to tears, as her frail hands shook.

As I watched the video the young lady explained that she and her children and grandmother were out on the porch and watching the children play with the neighbors’ kids. It was a clear sunny day with few clouds in the azure blue sky. Just above the tree line that included a couple of palm trees the objects of our attention began to appear. They were wheel shaped objects that paraded one after another in an arc above the houses across the street. They were almost translucent and had the form of chariot wheels about the size of a big car and flew about fifty feet in the air. On occasion one would turn on it’s side and appear to take on a different shape not unlike a boomerang.  It was all astonishing to say the least.

The grandmother sat there still shaken and terrified, “Grandma was the first to see them and she nearly has a heart attack” the young mother said. I turned to face the old woman and felt so sorry for her that I felt compelled to go and hold her hand. “Do you want me to pray for you?” I asked. “Would you please? …I never ever – in all my life, saw anything like that!”  Not knowing what else to say I uttered “The bible says that signs will appear in the heavens in the last days.” At this she shuddered, and I felt I had said the wrong thing. But I recovered and asked if she was saved, and she replied that she had been to church. Then I prayed for her salvation and recovery from the obvious shock she had undergone.  

As time goes on, we will undoubtedly hear more about this phenomenon. But one good thing about being a “born again” Christian is that we need not fear anything. “If we fear God, we have nothing else to fear.” After all, God created everything and is complete control. As for UFO sightings, if they are extra-terrestrial beings, they may be setting the stage for the tribulation period. 

As for me, I’ll stick with what the Bible says every time – since the Word of God has always proved to be true no matter who questions it. 


The UFO story is in my unpublished manuscript, and it is just one of many incredible happenings, encounters and miracles in my 240 page Christian testimony of over forty years of being an Evangelical Christian. Those who have read my story find it incredible and compelling. Not wanting to self-publish I nevertheless am still looking for a legitimate publisher. If you are a publisher or have a friend who is one – please help me get published for a finder’s fee upon publication.  


Jim Towers                           You can write me at jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com or visit me at www.dropzonedelta.com or visit my website www.propheticsignsandwonders.com.


By Jim Towers

I awakened to sweet music playing on my clock radio, as I always do, and I thanked God for the good and complete rest I had just had. Then I opened the blinds to a marvelous morning and asked our Father to direct me to others in need of salvation, prayer or help along life’s way.

With the Covid fiasco fading (and other more serious viral infections being perpetrated in other parts of the world) we here in South Florida are now able to get out and about without the government breathing down the back of our necks and so I took off for my ministry station – the fishing pier. But before I headed there, I bought a can of sardines, crackers, and a coke at a nearby store to have for lunch while at the pier at the little shelter about halfway to the far end.

As I pulled out of the store there was a sorrowful looking older woman standing nearby holding a sign made from a cardboard flap that had one word emblazoned across the front – hungry. I stopped, rolled down the window as she came over to the car. The first thing I asked before I handed her the ten-dollar bill was, “Do you need prayer?” She didn’t hesitate. “Do I ever!” and she proceeded to tell me the story of her present condition. I didn’t try to stop her since I know that people in her situation often need solace and someone to listen to their plight. I made the prayer short and sweet, (no showboating- it was the right thing to do.) I gave her the money and left her with a smile on her face.

And so, I made my way down to my most favorite place in the world, but not without a slight trepidation upon bumping into Bill again. Bill is a collector of knives and always has at least two on his persona, especially on the pier. The extremely sharp one is to fillet fish with, and He is very deft with that razor sharp implement. As a matter of fact, I filmed a short video of him filleting a Mackerel with swift and deliberate strokes only a pro could execute a while back.

In any case, the last time I talked to Bill, I had paid him a visit at his condo to share the good news of the Gospel with him, and my visit ended with him telling me that he wasn’t interested as he was reading a treatise written by an atheist on the foolishness of being a believer in Christ. I figured that would be the last I would speak to him and that the next time he might even attack me with his fillet knife since atheists can be a little violent when provoked. But after thinking it over and since it was such a beautiful day, I decided to go to the pier anyway. So off I went. 

After finishing my lunch, I got up to make my way toward the other end of the pier looking down over the railing at the beautiful blue water as I made my way slowly hoping to spot a fish or two. (I once saw a three-hundred-pound grouper come up and swallow a smaller fish whole. It was the biggest fish I ever saw.)

 All at once I heard a familiar voice call out, “HEY JIM, where have you been?” There was Bill, standing in front of me. “Come sit with me.” He implored. So, I sat with him on one of the many benches that dot the pier.

“Bill, how have you been? “I asked.

“The day after I saw you when you visited me, I was admitted into the hospital. I was there for days…. I thought I was dying. It’s so good to see you!”

I couldn’t help but believe God was trying to get his attention after our little visit.

We shared pleasantries, and said our goodbyes, but just before he left, I asked If he would like me to pray for him and he responded with, “I may be an atheist, but I’ll take a prayer any time.” (Actually, I think he’s an agnostic.) 

That’s what I like about being a one on one evangelist – the challenge and resulting surprises.

Since I love the ministry of reaching out to others, I’ve made a determination that I will also focus on the Millennials after finding that they enjoy listening to me and my encouraging words. (People love talking about themselves about their hopes and dreams and I’m garnering younger people as acquaintances as well.) 

With multitudes dying in their sins, and with the upcoming generations having lost all sense of purpose and direction in life we can only expect that full blown apostacy will prevail in the days ahead.

According to a survey, Millennials are “far more likely” than other generations to:

  • Define success in life as happiness, personal freedom, or productivity without oppression.
  • Consider an abortion performed to reduce personal economic or emotional discomfort to be morally acceptable.
  • Consider premarital sex with someone expected to be their future spouse to be morally acceptable.
  • Deem reincarnation a real possibility.
  • Be liberal regarding fiscal and social policies.
  • Champion liberal theology.
  • Be among the “Don’ts”—people who either do not know if God exists, do not believe that He exists, or do not care if He exists.

The nexus to this problem is that with that attitude and mind set – truly the time of God’s wrath and tribulation period are close at hand. Albeit we shouldn’t be surprised since so many so-called believers were worshiping idols of flesh and blood and paid little or no attention to the demonic indoctrination that was happening to our prodigy on all sides. 

Young people cannot think for themselves, their brains aren’t yet fully developed, and they haven’t yet learned from experience the things they will be facing in the future, they need guidance and correction, and we foolishly only gave them encouragement to think for themselves and let them play video games endlessly, while taking no thought for tomorrow.


Jim Towers                      You can write me at  jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com and visit me at www.dropzonedelta.com. or visit my website www.propheticsignsandwonders.com.


By Jim Towers

I knocked on the door of Bill’s first floor condo not knowing what to expect. But since I was infused with the desire to share Christ and had already shared with two others that day I was ready to confront Bill who was always reticent if not resistant to my message of God’s love for him. I suppose that if I had been him, I would have been so inclined myself. He suffered from stomach cancer and had had a portion of his colon removed and wore a bag for elimination.

In spite of his quiet demeanor, I had taken a liking for him, and especially when I learned he had been a writer for a music magazine and had at the same time been a drummer for a rock band in Sn Francisco during the turbulent sixties. (I too had been into the music scene singing on stage in musicals as well as writing songs and was with BMI for a while.)  In fact, Bill admitted being a radical druggie at the time. Although he was raised in quiet Naples neighborhood, he had a wild streak in him and left home to seek his fortune elsewhere which like of so many other young people at the time ended up in San Francisco.

Bill was a good student and had applied to various Universities for medical training but was forced to waiting in a long line of more privileged young people. That made him more resistant to the establishment and it pushed him into the radical drug culture.

Surprisingly, drug abuse didn’t affect his mental acuity and he could hold his own with a more stable person. Although I have never even smoked a joint, I am constantly reminded of mankind’s resiliency in being able to bounce back after years of drug abuse.

In any case, I knocked lightly and finally rang the doorbell, not knowing what reaction to expect. Bill answered the door with a towel wrapped around his huge girth and a loose-fitting shirt draped over the top of it. He was surprised to see me standing there, 

“Jim,….what brings you here?”

 “I haven’t seen you in a while and wondered how you were doing.”

We began making small banter when he finally asked me in not knowing where else to turn. 

My intent was to make the Gospel known to him verbally and in full – not just by my actions. This has always been my modus operandi right from the git -go over forty years ago.  And so, when I stepped inside the tiny apartment, I noticed it was clean except for the empty bottles standing next to one another on the kitchen counter and on the floor in front of it. There must have been sixty or seventy clean clear empty tequila quart bottles row after row, waiting to be thrown out into the trash bin out next to the parking lot in a block cement block cubical.

“Have a seat.” Bill urged as he flicked off the television that was reviewing a soccer match somewhere in the world. (Soccer was his favorite thing to follow.)

“How have you been, I finally inquired.” 

“Oh so, so, please excuse the bottles I haven’t had the strength or will to put them in the trash.” as he sat in the big plush easy chair draped with a big worn beach towel. 

I sat in the only other chair across from him with a small table between us. “Care for a drink?” he asked.

“No thanks.”…….”Tequila!….Margarita’s are all I ever drink and as you can see I drink at least one every night before bedtime.”

We had barely began conversing, when the phone rang, it was his mother calling from the nursing home where she had been residing for the past few years. “Jim, my friend from the fishing pier is here. He’s the first visitor I’ve had in past several years.” They only talked for a couple of minutes and Bill insisted on showing me his knife magazine to show me his latest acquisition for his collection. “Should be here this week.”

After a little more small talk, I finally got down to the business of sharing the Gospel with “my fishing buddy” with whom I never really fished but only talked too.

“I came to let you know that God cares about you and that Christ came to die for your sins and mine.”

At this Bill nearly jumped out of his easy chair, “I’ve heard that B. S. over and over and I don’t buy it!” Bill got up and just when I thought he was going to get violent, he walked to the small bedroom saying, “Let me show you my bible!”

Coming back out of the bedroom he held a glossy covered book indicative of a self-published tome. It was a book written by an atheist / philosopher the title of which I’ve forgotten. 

So now I knew he had only been using me and tolerant of my good behavior toward him because I always gave him a ride home in my car because of my concern for his condition.

His rabid reaction did nothing to quench my concern for him and didn’t surprise me in the least, I knew he was an atheist.

“Let me tell you about my conversion,” I began. Then I told him of my dramatic conversion which led up to my vision and later in life. From there, I went on with may encounter with Satan in which God told me “I have given you over to Satan to sift you like wheat, but you will not die for I am praying for you and when you recover you shall go out and strengthen the brethren.” Bill just sat there with mouth agape and never said another word.

I fished into my shirt pocket and pulled out little red book with bible verses in it pertaining to the Gospel and laid it on the corner of the kitchen counter that was just big and clear enough to receive it. “Let me leave you with this little booklet so that you fully understand what you’re dealing with…. goodbye Bill.

Forrest Gump said, life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get”. That is why I enjoy engaging in conversation with strangers especially concerning spiritual things.


Jim Towers                         Write me at jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com and visit my reconstructed website www.propheticsignsandwonders.com and www.dropzonedelta.com (Warriors following Christ.)

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