By Jim Towers

It was Sunday morning, and I couldn’t wait to meet the day. The sun was shining the birds were tweeting and I felt refreshed and ready to meet it. My dad had always been a sharp dresser and I just followed suit, (no pun intended) white shirt, and jacket, – early on a suit and tie. Ahh, those were the good old days. 

Sundays were special, the workweek was over and it time for rest and giving thanks to God for was the song “Oh what a beautiful morning” from the musical “Oklahoma” was on my lips as I prepared for morning worship. With bible in hand, I made my way to First Baptist Church. Everyone there seemed to know how to play the game of propriety and decorum. But still there were troublemakers and those who were there only to be a part of the social scene, but at lest they had the good sense to play the “religious card.”

I’ve been around long enough to have seen every atrocity and weakness named in the church, the love of money tops the list today, sex, adultery, pedophilia, and homosexuality have reared their ugly heads in this once holy place. 

No more pretentions – no more facades. Everyone does as he pleases. Lies and jealousy are rampant. Loud music, smoke and mirrors, and loud music beg young people to attend, but young people have their own rock bands and strobe lights to entertain them. What they really need is authentic Christianity not entertainment.

Since leaving my former church I’ve found it almost impossible to find one where there is a degree of decorum and solemnity. Frivolity and course jesting dominate (you know how men are the small talk between them before the Sunday service is rife with nonsense and things that matter not one whit in the grand scheme of things.) 

Today there are more pressing issues facing the “church.” Take for example these recent headlines, and I quote:

“Two months after leaving Liberty University. Jerry Falwell Jr. is suing the school for defamation. The former university president alleges Liberty officials accepted “false claims” against him to force his resignation and then “engaged in a campaign to ‘tarnish, minimize, and outright destroy the legacy of the Falwell family and Mr. Falwell’s reputation.” Falwell has been reportedly granted a 10.5 million severance package under his contract.” 

Pastor Tavner Smith of Venue Church was caught with chili on his shorts, seems he and a church worker were cooking something up at a hotel together. Who can forget Jimmy 

Speaking of TBN, isn’t that the platform that hosted the Perry Stone ministry? This man was recently accused of manhandling the female workers in his congregation (I hope it’s not true). He says it’s because he is “Italian” that he likes to touch women. (What normal man doesn’t like to touch women?) I don’t put men on a pedestal no matter how special they think they are, and you shouldn’t either.

Alas, in the meantime, it’s getting ever harder to find a good church, one that teaches the inerrant word of God. If you recall, my latest church of twelve years was divided by a cabal of instigators and usurpers (this is the fourth time I’ve see this happen in my Christian experience.) The latest word about that fiasco, is that the instigating associate pastor left what remained of the congregation hanging and now a year later, there is a New Age pastor in charge along with remnants of the WOKE crowd and Cancel Culture people, while one of the former teachers began a home church and fancies himself a dynamic preacher imitating the former and former preachers of TBN. Pastor Hayes Wicker – the founder of that church – was an extraordinary person, unpretentious, humble kind and gentle.

These are trying times when people are searching for solace and hope in a world gone mad. But to try and make sense of things in this world takes stability and faith in the word of God. If you can find a good doctrinally sound church stay with it. That’s why I stayed with First Baptist of Naples for as long as I did even though I knew I was surrounded by fallible and often hypocritical people – but knowing people the way I do I, (I didn’t expect much from them anyway.) In some of these churches there was the deacon with the woody woodpecker hairdo at age sixty-five who apparently needed recognition.  There was the associate pastor who wore shoes that were two sizes too long (an indication of the size of his manhood.) To matters worse, he tapped the toes of his shoes as he preached. There was also an effeminate man who pretended to be kind and friendly, but his glazed over eyes and effeminate demeanor give him away.    

At a recent Christmas service, I attended, the program was anything but traditional. The drummer thinks his gift of keeping time gives him license to burst your eardrums with frenzied banging. To say nothing of the young lady with torn jeans trying desperately to carry a tune. The music director is a failed pastor who when he gets a chance preaches a way too long prayer when he should be playing the piano and let the pastor do the preaching or teaching.  That same church celebrated Christmas with a video that depicted a coven like service as two hooded kettle drummers who pounded the drums on either side of the podium. Not being able to see their faces, they looked like ghouls from a “Indiana Jones” movie, “Temple of Doom” which added absolutely nothing to the Christmas story the people were there to celebrate. 

I don’t know about you, but something has to be done about calling these errant people out. We need a call for repentance.  (I don’t claim to be perfect but the things I just mentioned are an indication that the church is in freefall and soon sound doctrine, and the bible will become irrelevant and without meaning.) 

We know that things shouldn’t be that way, but we sit on our hand and say nothing. How I long for the good old days.

“But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light; Which in time past were not a people but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy.Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul; Having your conversation honest among the Gentiles: (unbelievers) that, whereas they speak against you as evildoers, they may by your good works, which they shall behold, glorify God in the day of visitation.


Jim Towers 

Visit me at or or visit my website


By Jim Towers

I’m writing this piece from my tiny hospital room, I’m in the isolation ward for covid patients at my local hospital. This is my second day here and I’m awaiting my prognosis concerning the installation of a yet another stent in my clogged arteries due to too many donuts in the past.

This procedure comes at a time when people are dying from far less complications due to the latest covid variant. Truth be told, I was surprised that they took me in so readily although the halls of the hospital were empty and so was the covid emergency tent outside.

Thankfully, I’ve been going to the gym for most of my adult life and so while the other seven covid patients were bed ridden I was doing my best to stay busy by reading and writing.

Soon it was day four, and I was being prepped for the procedure. The subject of Covid complications never came up and I just assumed that the doctor knew what he was doing. I wasn’t worried, I knew I was in God’s good hands and if I died, I would soon be with Him in Paradise to see my new abode.

I’ve been on top of this Covid fiasco from the very beginning and have heard numerous virology experts expound on what they know about it and have now experienced the full brunt of the covid storm, I feel compelled to let you in on my experience with it and what I know of its origins.

When I very first heard of Wuhan China the Chinese people were rioting in the streets in front of a government building and the police were finding it hard to quell and disperse them, after a few days of this – as information was pouring out on the internet – suddenly it all stopped, and the internet news stopped reporting on it at all. (Coincidently, The Wuhan lab for bioweapon research was in that same province.)

Information about the events preceding the spread of Covid finally began trickling in, nothing more was said about the dispersion of rioters who just disappeared off the face of the earth in one fell swoop. The last I heard was that the dead rioters were being dumped into mass graves never to riot again. The assumption was that in desperation, the Chinese Communist government turned the Covid 19 Bioweapon against its own people.

Communist China has long been known for its policy of secrecy and spy craft. I at that point in time had just finished reading about some Chinese nationalist spies who were gleaning information from Monsanto about growing corn, they were based in Miami Florida. And were eventually caught except for one who made his way back to the mainland.

This I learned later, was common practice during the Obama administration when our doors were open for all to come and enter our universities and to establish cultural ties to people whose ideologies couldn’t be further apart. Christianity and forced atheism are incompatible. 

As things began to get out of hand, I thought it was far too coincidental for there not being a connection. As Covid 19 began to spread worldwide, the Chinese Communist government began to blame it on bats sold for food at a Wet market in Wuhan. But as the real facts begin to get out, they were countered and swept under the rug. One lie on top of the other, in the meantime there are new variants of said Covid leaving us all in a state of confusion.

I came to emergency hoping to have a stent put in place as my chest pain was getting worse and worse, any degree of exertion would have me pain from acute angina. All the tests were done and I was a good candidate – except for one thing, Covid 19 was into its third variance – Omicron. By then the new variance was upon us with a vengeance. 

As it turns out, my Cardiologist was willing to take me on at that very time and before I knew it, I was being wheeled down the corridor to the room where stents are performed. (It’s as if they were flipping the dice and either way, they had nothing to lose and 30,000.00 to inherit should I die.) But I too was willing to roll the dice and really had no choice as the hospitals were beginning to fill up with many Omicron casualties. 

People with common colds were pushing their way to the front of the lines for testing and/ or admission. (This, although my release papers said I had tested positive for severe Covid 19 before the operation.)  

There is no end in sight for the variants coming down the pike and as long as we don’t get to the bottom of this fiasco, we will be held hostage to those who hold the keys to the bio – weapons formed against us in the name of population control. In the meantime, so called vaccines are being administered to the populous with devastating results for many who are already sick and weak from other maladies. 

I for one will not under any circumstances take the jab and will continue to take my chances with God Almighty who gave me life.

Since we can’t know for sure what the final outcome will be we can only fall to our collective knees and pray that God will take pity on us and let us get on with life. But as history will testify, we will continue to displease God and bring destruction upon ourselves.

According to my Doctor, everything had gone according to plan and here I am today, recovering several days later, with re-lapses in between. 

Personally speaking, if any good came of this situation it is that I’ve had ample time to reflect on my colorful and tumultuous life and have decided to end it in becoming a motivational Christian speaker. After all, I am a trained speaker, (dramatist) who has performed character roles and sung solos in front of large audiences and appeared on the big (and little screen) around the world. 

Furthermore, knowing scripture the way I do – after forty-five years of personal application in my life – and having untold miracles happen in my life, I feel I have much to contribute to the body of Christ in these trying times and so I may – God willing, turn to being a Christian motivational speaker to encourage others in the faith.  I would be remiss in failing to encourage the faint of heart dying all around us in this perilous time of endless Covid variants.


Jim T. Towers          You can respond at or visit me at or visit my own website  


Faith Enables Us to Be Overcomers

Faith not only enables us to overcome the flesh and the world, but also overcome the devil. Only faith can repel the enemy. Thus, when we lose faith, we leave ourselves wide open for his vicious attacks. Satan knows that faith and doubt cannot coexist, therefore he does everything in his power to make us doubt God and His faithfulness. 

Doubt and unbelief affect every choice we make. Unbelief can destroy our sensitivity to God’s voice, and if we choose to entertain this attitude, we’ll end up spiritually shipwrecked.

This is exactly what is happening in the Christian body today. Satan is on an all-out attack in all of our lives and if we don’t recognize this and if we don’t pick up our Shield of Faith, then we will never survive! Doubt can always be traced back to unbelief in God’s Word and His promises. 

Romans 10:17 tells us that faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God, which is one of the main reasons why being in God’s Word on a daily basis is so important. However, Hebrews 4:2 goes on to say that, “The word preached did not profit them [because it was not] mixed with faith.” 

Doubting the character of God will stop your spiritual growth and ultimately devour your faith. The only way you can ever counteract such doubt is by an act of will to believe that God will never let you down and never deceive you, no matter what He allows in your life.

An Example: Aggie

I’d like to share a story from one of David Wilkerson’s newsletters, 1 that perfectly illustrates the danger of doubting God: 

In 1921, two young missionary couples in Stockholm, Sweden, received a burden to go to the Belgian Congo (which became Zaire). David and Svea Flood (along with their two-year-old son) joined Joel and Bertha Erickson to battle insects, fierce heat, malaria and malnutrition. But after six months in the jungle, they had made little or no contact with the native people. Although the Ericksons decided to return to the mission station, the Floods chose to stay in their lonely outpost. Svea was now pregnant and sick with malaria, yet she faithfully continued to minister to their one and only convert, a little boy from one of the nearby villages.

Svea died after giving birth to a healthy baby girl, and as David Flood stood over his beloved wife’s grave, he poured out his bitterness to God: “Why did You allow this? We came here to give our lives, and now my wife is dead at 27! All we have to show for all this is one little village boy who probably doesn’t even understand what we’ve told him. You’ve failed me, God. What a waste of life!”

David Flood ended up leaving his new daughter with the Ericksons and taking his son back home with him to Sweden. He then went into the import business, and never allowed the name of “God” to be mentioned in his presence. His little girl was raised in the Congo by an American missionary couple, who named their adopted daughter “Aggie.”

Throughout her life, Aggie tried to locate her real father, but her letters were never answered. She never knew that David Flood had remarried and fathered four more children, and she never knew that he had plunged into despair and had become a total alcoholic. But when she was in her forties, Aggie and her husband were given round-trip tickets to Sweden, and while spending a day’s layover in London, the couple went to hear a well-known black preacher from the Belgian Congo.

After the meeting, Aggie asked the preacher, “Did you ever know David and Svea Flood?” To her great surprise, he answered, “Svea Flood led me to the Lord when I was a little boy.'” Aggie was ecstatic to learn that her mother’s only convert was being mightily used to evangelize Zaire, and he was overjoyed to meet the daughter of the woman who had introduced him to Christ.
When Aggie arrived in Sweden, she located her father in an impoverished area of Stockholm, living in a rundown apartment filled with empty liquor bottles. David Flood was now a 73-year-old diabetic who had had a stroke and whose eyes were covered with cataracts, yet when she identified herself, he began to weep and apologize for abandoning her. But when Aggie said, “That’s okay, Daddy. God took care of me,” he became totally enraged.

“God didn’t take care of you!” he cried. “He ruined our whole family! He led us to Africa and then betrayed us! Nothing ever came of our time there, and it was a waste of our lives!”

That’s when Aggie told him about the black preacher she’d just met in London, and how the Congo had been evangelized through the efforts of his wife’s one and only convert. As he listened to his daughter, the Holy Spirit suddenly fell on David Flood, and tears of sorrow and repentance began to flow down his face. Although God mercifully restored him before he died, David Flood left behind five unsaved and embittered children. His anger towards God had totally wasted his life’s potential, and created a tragic legacy for his family.

This story clearly illustrates the fact that we must never doubt God or base our faith upon our own human understanding of what God is doing. Had David Flood chosen by an act of his will to accept his situation as coming directly from the hand of God, who knows what awesome fruit God could have brought forth from his life? God is involved in every aspect of our existence, and there is no sorrow so great that He cannot “recycle” it to bring forth blessing.

The wise Christian believes that everything God allows in his life comes forth from God’s Love, and has been designed to transform him into Christ’s Image. Let’s remember to keep in mind C. S. Lewis’ words, “What seems to us good may therefore not be good in His eyes, and what seems to us evil may not be evil (in His eyes).”

This is a partial transcript of a wonderful series on Faith in the Night seasons by Nancy Missler that can be found here


By Jim Towers

If I gave anyone the impression that President Trump was our faultless savior and that I idolize him, let me assure you that I don’t. As a matter of fact, I recognize him as a thoroughly human being with a need of a savior, namely, – Christ Jesus.

I recently received a letter saying in essence that I idolized the man. Nothing could be further from the truth. Early in my Christian walk I began to see the chinks in mans armor and later was increasingly seeing the ugly truths of mans fallen state. Even political leaders which I once held in high esteem were being exposed as pedophiles, criminals, and sexual perverts. Pastors I once looked up to and other leaders began to topple as well. So, after years of delusion, I finally decided that just like the bible says, we are all prone to sin. “There is none righteous – no not one. For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.”

I received a second letter again expressing concern about my latest article on President Trump – her concern was that Trump was self- righteousness (and I had also noticed that same smug attitude in him, so I replied,) “I’ve noticed Donald Trump’s self-righteousness too but I’m afraid that he’s the best we have to lead the nation. At least he’s not for Infanticide, (abortion) open promiscuity, sexual deviancy and devil worship and he’s a non-drinker, druggie, or pervert nor devil worshiper.” Furthermore, he appears to have our countries best interests in mind. Aside from him there are only communists, rhino’s, political criminals, perverts, druggies, weirdo’s and assorted nut jobs and killers (abortionists) in political office.

Since Joe the puppet took office with his cadre of confused clowns and perverts, things have gone downhill and now there is fear that many will starve or freeze to death in the northern most states because of stopping coal production, fracking, and stopping the production of the oil pipeline resulting in thousands of people losing their jobs. Joe also stopped the building of the southern border wall – letting sick people and un-vetted potential enemies and criminals in. On top of that, he pulled our troops out of Afghanistan prematurely and left billions of dollars’ worth of armaments and the latest technology for the enemy to exploit. It’s almost as if it was a plot to destroy our country    

The communist left has taken God out of all our institutions to our detriment. Without the existence of God all hell will eventually break loose in our divided country. 

Even as we speak, children as young as five will be forced to take the money-making vaccine making many of them ill and probably even crippling and killing some. Can you imagine the rage that will take over if that happens? I can see a civil war taking place if that happens. (I just found out that Dr. Fauci is a patent holder to some of the deadly and crippling vaccines and is also a big investor in big pharma stock.) What does that tell you? Except that he must be very wealthy.

Christian parents are being marginalized by their grown children – who should know better, and the time may come when they will even do them intentional harm. Some of these same infidels are trying to subvert the faith of their parents and instill hate and fear into their own offspring toward them. 

Not all agnostics or marginal Christians are evil, some are just confused, and many have been brainwashed into believing that they are the masters of their own destiny – many of whom were sent to the best schools in the country by their adoring and often Christian parents only to be indoctrinated in the Godless ways of the world.

All of humanity is in trouble, and if it were not for the God of the Bible, we humans would have already run the course of existence leaving behind the ashes of our destruction. like Jesus said, “a house divided cannot stand “.

In our country, some of us are desperately trying to hold on to the remaining vestiges of our culture even as the leftist communists try to strip them away. They try to tell others what’s best for them, but they themselves don’t want to be told what to do by others or by God – as in the Ten Commandments. They want to be free to explore debasement and the depts of perversity and rebellion to their demise ensuring that they will – in the end face judgement. “It is appointed unto man ONCE to die but after that – the judgement”.

In closing I’d like to present a road map by which a society can achieve a true sense of direction.

TRUE LAW is the right reason in agreement with nature; it is of universal application, unchanging and everlasting; it summons to duty by its commands and averts from wrongdoing by its commands or prohibitions. And it does not lay its commands or prohibitions upon good men in vain, though neither have any effect o the wicked. It is a sin to try to alter this law, nor is it allowable to attempt to repeal any part of it, and it is impossible to abolish it entirely. We cannot be freed from its obligations by senate or people, or interpreter of it. And there are will not be different laws at Rome and at Athens, or different laws now and in the future, but one eternal law and unchangeable law be always valid for all nations and there will be one master and ruler, that is, God, over us all, for he is the author of this law, its promulgator, and its enforcing judge. Whoever is disobedient is fleeing from himself and denying his human nature, and by reason of this very fact he will suffer the worse penalties, even if he escapes what is commonly considered punishment.


God set the laws for our own good. Without them we are like a madman on a journey without a map who doesn’t even know where he’s going.

And that, my friends, is the necessity of God.


Jim Towers                        

You can write me at or visit and


By Jim Towers

Dear president Trump, I wrote you an open letter about a year and a half ago, a lot has happened since then, but none of the things that have happened have changed my mind toward you. I still admire your bravery, strength of character and tenacity. We have never experienced a more patriotic president in my lifetime.

Albeit, some would say, “but he’s so vulgar,” to that I say, “aren’t we all – since we are all sinners and are saved only by God’s grace through Christ Jesus.” We are especially so when no one is looking. But at least you aren’t a crack smoking, drunken pedophile and although you aren’t a saint you are a patriot and one of the best presidents we have ever had.

Our wonderful and blessed country was prospering under your leadership, in spite of the fact that you had more than your share of detractors. The Obama, Never Trumpers and the Clintonista’s tried to frame you with false accusations of Russian collusion. 

The tables have turned and now it is they who are facing corruption charges. As time goes on and the investigation continues, we began to realize what she was alluding to. So far there have been three indictments and it seems that there was a widespread and overt conspiracy to get you out of office. A lesser man would not have been able to stand up under the assault, much less grow the economy and workforce and our way of life while being unjustly investigated. Yet it is the left who have been taking payments from our enemies to do favors for them for many years. 

Hillary once even said, “If that bastard wins, we are ALL going to hang.” 

Since the 2020 election was stolen from you, we have suffered many injustices from the interlopers and clowns now seated in the white house and unless this injustice is rectified, we will most certainly meet our end as a free society.

Justice appears to be coming at the hands of Bill Bar and John Durham and the dominoes are beginning to fall for the illegitimate criminal element in office.

If the left has any sense of right and wrong they would be shaking in their boots as the net of justice tightens around their crooked necks as they begin to face justice at the hands of just men.

So many of us Americans are tired of the Status Quo and business as usual of our elected officials who are in office only to better their own lives by ripping off the American taxpayer. (Such are Joe Biden and his drugged-out son, Mitch Mc Connell, who is married to a Chinese woman with ties to Communist leaders in China. If you can’t figure out who is Joe Biden’s puppet master let me give you a clue. He is a former president who is a black man.)

If the Supreme Court rules in our favor to undo the stolen 2020 election, and overturns it, will you step in to take over where you left off in making America great again?  

My hope and the hope of many is that you will let your opinion be voiced soon to encourage us in this time of uncertainty. Our country’s future hangs in the balance and unless you rectify the left’s work of trying to destroy our country, we as a freedom loving nation are doomed.

A stumbling block for us faithful Republicans and Conservatives is that even Rinos and those claiming to be conservatives are everyday asking for money on the internet. While some are Rino’s, some are obvious scammers, some are RNC representatives who only want to line their pockets with unworthy donations. I even receive peas for money from you personally (or so the plea states). I don’t believe it for a moment. I, like many other Americans are barely surviving and you/or they are asking us for money?! 

If I did have money to spare, I would contribute if I thought that it might help our country or my fellow Americans, but there is so much misinformation out there that we common folks are suspicious of these repeated calls for contributions on the internet.

Americans are tired of playing games, this is not a high school election where those with the cutest catch phrase wins.

 Elections are fast becoming a matter of life and death for many. Some will die from the jab, (children now?) some will die by suicide, and with winter coming – from the cold and possibly hunger.

We people of faith know that God is in control, but he also sets people up to lead a nation. I believe it’s you’re calling to deliver us from this evil.

When you were a young man, you paid a visit with your father to a family friend with whom your father owned a movie theatre chain in Missouri. This woman was impressed by your gentlemanly manners as were Mike Lindell, Dinesh De Sousa and more recently, the Brannon Howse family. 

In spite of your outward gruff demeanor (when dealing with charlatans) toughness is all they understand. I for one know you are a good and forthright man so please man up and stand up to the plate, our country is counting on you.

Please let us know if we can depend on you – as soon as possible. We Christians will be praying for your salvation and the salvation of our great Christian country.


Dear Mr. Trump, Governor Ron De Santis of Florida has done all he can to hold the radical left at bay. Please do us all a favor and make Governor De Santis your vice president should you regain your rightful position as President of the United States of America. (Maybe Rodger Stone could relace him.) Just sayin.


Jim Towers                    

Write me at or visit at and


By Jim Towers

How can we know that Jesus is coming sooner rather than later? If you are a Bible reader you will find that Jesus said, “As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man”. He also told us of other signs and wonders to look for. The things going on these days are not unlike the things that were going on in Noah’s generation and according to the bible, that generation was pure evil. Is it any wonder God had to destroy it? 

If that be the case, how can we expect our Divine Creator to overlook the grievous sins in our world today? The total and absolute flaunting of God’s Laws by a perverted and evil segment of society is overtly prevalent and is the reason for all the present calamities assaulting us – one after the other. The evil doers relish breaking the laws of God especially people in power over us, those who should be setting an example for us to follow, yet they are the worse of the worst. 

Teachers are teaching how to be rebellious and to defy the authority of parents and those over them. The recent generations and many segments of this society are practically devoid of Gods sacred laws. The Ten Commandments are alien to them. All they seem to know is hate, violence and a selfish desire to dominate or profit and all the sensual sin they can derive. To them Jesus is nothing more than a historical figure who had nothing to do with the salvation of humanity.

By now you are beginning to know that I am speaking of atheistic Communist’s, criminals and perverts who are trying to seize control of our country and the world by any and all means. Even going so far as to release viruses capable of killing millions of people.

Here in the United States, these same people. have gone so far as to steal the presidential election from Donald J. Trump and to institute communism as a way of life even though we’ve seen it fail in China, Russia, Cuba and Venezuela where people are imprisoned and starved to death. (The Islamic states couldn’t be happier since capitalism and Christianity are anathema to them as well.) 

I must admit as I’ve stated in the past, that all the evil that is taking place is forewarned in the Holy Bible – and the worse is yet to come. What with the Great Tribulation bearing down on us it’s hard to assume that any one man can stem the tide of corruption we all face. I’m speaking of President Trump.

Even as Mike Lindell the “My Pillow guy” has gone about in gathering evidence and is at the moment trying to reverse the election results the communist left has hindered him in every way possible. His “Thankathon” on the internet, (Frank Speech and Lindell TV.) is being hacked intermittently to make the good people that are trying to do the right thing look like amateurs and compared to the demonic horde they are – after all; they are fighting against demonic principalities and powers in high places. 

We can’t count on Trump alone to save us, what humanity needs is a spiritual savior (i.e.), the Lord and Savior of mankind – Christ Jesus. Even if the good guys do prevail, it won’t be long until people fall back into their old ways without repenting. Some would rather die than repent not realizing where they will spend eternity. The Bible says, “It is appointed unto man, once to die, after this – the judgement.”

In my recent article I wrote how we needed to restore President Trump to his rightful place as the head of the nation. Despite his flaws, (and we all have them) he was the best we could hope for in this country. But the fake Democrat government was more than ready to step in when the Chinese government intervened to steal the 2020 election from him. Today because of that theft we are fast becoming a third world country with leftist communists in control. 

This in fact is an attempt by “Globalists” to bring about the One World Government or what is known as the New World Order just as has been forewarned in the book of Revelation. These people are responsible for killing hundreds of thousands of people and crippling many with vaccines that they know are harmful. Next will be children and infants. They are pure evil.

Australia has been hard hit by leftist “One World” extremists and today are fighting for their very existence while other countries are doing the same. When the time is right the Chinese communist government may step in in a pretext to set things right.

Cancel Culture is an attempt to undo everything that reminds us of who we are/were as a Christian nation. And there are plans by the federal government to institute the “Thought Police”, as if it wasn’t enough to be policed by Facebook and the other social media outlets. 

Oh yes, and now we will have to contend with, yet another Covid 19 variant called Omicron; sounds spooky, doesn’t it? (The doctor in Africa who discovered it says it is NOT life threatening, yet it’s sure to be used to keep Americans under control. With this new toy in the left’s playbook, we can expect them to exploit this new strain of flu to the enth degree. Who would have guessed these crazy times would come upon us so fast? Nevertheless, the Bible warned us it would be so.

Let me end this column on a good note and that is that finally, some are beginning to repent and take these matters seriously. Other people are beginning to wake up and have quit straddling the fence as they see the end approaching. Some are even talking about spiritual matters openly. Mike Lindell, Stew Peters, and others even openly speak of salvation, God, and Jesus openly on newly forming conservative social medias.

Conservative Christians are finally coming out from their comfort zones to denounce these self-righteous tyrants.

Hopefully this will give us an open window of opportunity to share Christ. 


Jim Towers                                  

Write me at  and visit me at or my very own website


By Jim Towers

An old friend of mine used to say, “ignorance is bliss.” The saying goes back to the hippie era as far as I know, I hadn’t heard it much until he used it thinking it was cool. Rick was a Christian by Catholic standards and I often caught him smoking pot. Aside from that indiscretion my friend was well spoken and knew a few Bible verses. We would stay up late at night and go over those verses and others. He liked to play the devil’s advocate but was well liked by his unassuming demeanor and laid-back lifestyle.

Rick sided up to me because he admired me for my faith and I did my best to convert him, but it just wasn’t in the cards. I would even take him to church as often as I could, but he never seemed to get much out of the experience.

As time went by, he withdrew from society and into himself although I felt he had great potential at one time. He was friendly and amiable but a bit wishy – washy timid and shy.

He ended up being a recluse after we parted ways over fifteen years ago and I still call or drop by and visit when I’m in his neighborhood – a hundred miles away. In doing so, I couldn’t help but notice how he’s let himself go and spends his days puttering around the house taking care of his parent’s and little more. 

Today he is an empty shell of the young man I once knew and loved like a brother. 

I’m afraid the same can be said of many lukewarm Christian men today. Seldom do I ever encounter a Christian who has backbone and means what he says while speaking with authority. In fact, not many are able to dialogue concerning the things of God. Most Christian men also back away from telling others of their faith. But we shouldn’t have to be wimpy about our faith; we can study scripture and become more and more confident as time goes by. Study of the Holy Scriptures is the main ingredient in becoming a strong evangelical warrior for Christ, one that commands attention. 

Along with that, to be truly effective Christians, we need to be loving, open minded, and well informed about world events. Insofar as the word of God is concerned, remember that “For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” and without it you can hardly convince anyone to receive Christ.

Ignorance of the Word is detrimental to your spiritual, emotional health and effectual witness.

Another thing to keep in mind is the parable of the talents that Jesus spoke of. In speaking about the “talents” which could mean just that or the gift of wealth. He said if a person of faith fails to use this talent rightfully “Even what he has will be taken away.” Obviously, George Soros and all other wealthy Democrats don’t have to worry about that – yet.

No, ignorance is NOT bliss. It leads to hopelessness, decay, and death.

Another such saying or word is “serendipity” that came about around the same time. It can be likened to chance. It is a silly word that essentially means nothing – except to a pothead.

In trying to validate the existence of God I was telling another person recently, about how God intervened in my life even as I recklessly and without thought attempted to ride my ailing motorcycle over the Mackinaw bride in Michigan (This was written about in a recent article for Rapture Ready and DZD.) After telling the story she said it was “serendipity” (a word coined by Disney of Micky Mouse fame.) nonchalantly, as though my testimony was the work of pixies and wizards, not giving my miraculous tale much credence. 

People who live in this alternative universe are in for a rude awakening. When (and it’s certain to happen since the Bible says so) the final wrap up of humanity in the form of the Tribulation period takes place, these foolish statements will have lost their cuteness.

People using such witty epitaphs try to appear to be clever and dismissive of the truths of God are exposed in scripture, “Thinking themselves to be wise, they became utter fools”.

I don’t know about you, but once a person utters a word or phrase like that, I can’t help but believe they are ignorant and not very well read. If they do read, they probably only read fiction or comic books.

I for one am tired of people using me for their own amusement and shortcomings. And although I am forgiving, I’m just going to have to let certain people go on with their own devices to their own destruction. Time is short, and there are others who are sincere seekers.

Book Report.

My latest book report is “Mysteries of the Messiah – unveiling divine connections from Genesis to Today” by Rabbi Jason Sobel. Rabbi Sobel who is the founder of Fusion Global. This book is not unlike Johnathon Cahn (his mentors’) books, steeped in ancient and sometimes archaic Jewish words and it’s not like the Jewish language is easy to understand with double meanings and gematria included. 

I took away what I could from it and left the rest for another rainy day when I have nothing better to do. 

It’s not that I didn’t like it, rather it’s that I found it hard to understand. How Kathy Lee Gifford who wrote the glowing foreword understood it and was able to give it a good critique, is incredible since she was only a narcissistic pretty face on television – in days gone by.

Still, though I like to read such things to better understand the times and thoughts of the prophets and to prepare for the times ahead and the hereafter.

NOTE: You should probably start at the back since there are tables and expressions that would be helpful to know when reading this book. 


Jim Towers                                   You can write me at and visit at and


By Jim Towers

Our earthly life is full of tests, trials, and tribulations; it is something we all have to endure in one way or another. Many times, these are the consequences of bad decisions and or bad habits, but you can be sure to encounter them. No one can escape this harsh reality.

Albeit unbelievers often have “serious” setbacks since they have no scruples or guidelines in their lives. Sex, drugs, alcohol, and bad behavior overtly permeate and overtake their lives. They just can’t help themselves. In fact, this thing referred to as “sin” seems to be hard wired into our very genes. The unregenerate know that what they do is bad for them and that eventually they will pay the piper, but they just can’t help themselves. They have no self-control.

College degrees, doctorates, and popularity do nothing to diminish the inclination to fall into temptation and sin. I know a couple who were both lawyers and were well thought of by friends and neighbors. This couple decided to one day quit their law professions and go into the ministry. They went through the proper training of their denomination, and both were ordained. Within three years it was discovered that the male partner was a pedophile and had a laptop full of child pornography. This in spite of the fact that he had two lovely daughters yet in college. He was convicted and sentenced to hard time in prison. If it could happen to them it can happen to anybody. One day you’re riding a crest of popularity and the next your world falls apart. The wife and two girls were devastated to say the least.

I would say, “he had it coming” but I know all too well that evil can befall us all. I thank God that I’ve been transformed by the renewing of my mind, and I hope you have been too. “Born again” Christians have God given guidelines and the promises in the Bible to keep them sane in an ever-increasing deterioration of our world. 

Christians are not exempt from such things and are just as susceptible to trials and tribulations -just like anyone else. The difference is that we have Jesus to lean on when things go wrong in our lives. 

Jesus had it right, “In this life you will have many trials and tribulations, but cheer up, for I have overcome the world.” Now this could mean that He is ever present to help us in any situation and trial through the Holy Spirit our “spiritual helper” and so we have self-control and spiritual discernment. Yes, we can – and do sin – but sin can be overcome with the Holy Spirit’s help. So don’t despair, and don’t dwell on your difficulties – instead pray.

More often than not the “bad things” that come into our lives are a testing of our faith – perhaps to see what we’re really made of. Most of the patriarchs of the Bible were put into trials. Job was a man who lost everything he held dear. His wife, family and possessions were taken away in one fell swoop and he questioned God about it. Why God, what have I done to deserve this fate? And, Job had done nothing deserving of such calamity. Job was being tested by Satan, God said, you can do anything to him but don’t take his life. Even his wife said to him “Do you still hold fast to your integrity? Curse God and die!” His friends turned against him too and even became his (tongue in cheek) accusers. And so, it is with us – to the point where we would welcome death. But Job prevailed and showed himself to be faithful to his creator. All things were restored to Job, a beautiful and loving wife, fine children, and more possessions than he had before.

Daniel was another one. The trials he went through were extraordinary. He was thrown into a lion’s den. Whew! – and you thought you had problems?!

The Apostle Paul also had his trials and tribulations too, he was imprisoned, stoned, and left to die. He was whipped more than once, shipwrecked, and bitten by a poisonous serpent. In other words, he had gone through hell for his faith something most of us would never do.

These were true men of faith not some church going couch potato’s unworthy of being called a Christian.

“Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you as though some strange thing happened to you; but rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ’s suffering, that when His glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy.

There is so much that can be said on this topic, but be careful what you wish for… During the time my wife left me, I prayed and cried and cried some more for losing my two children to her whom she took with her to live in another part of the country with her lover. Twenty years later after her lover had been incarcerated on drug charges, I saw her. The poor soul was a wasted mess of a woman but still as mean as a junkyard dog. Today, she is a hypocritical Jehovah’s Witness living in squalor. I thank God that we never reconciled.

Having said that, I expect to get some blowback about voicing such callous statements, but truth be told I’ve always treated her with kindness and courtesy knowing that we all make many mistakes. I’ve even prayed for her salvation. She was and continues to be a victim of bad choices.

Dear Friend, if you are going through a dark period in your life you must continue to trust God; His timing is impeccable, and the results are worth waiting for. “Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.”  One day we will all be laid to rest, and life will be so joyful in heaven that we will not even remember the trials and tribulations we had to go through in the here and now.


“The Authoritarian Moment”, a book written by Ben Shapiro is a must read for those who have been living under a rock for the past fifty years. In those fifty or more years the radical left has altered our country beyond recognition, and the thing I personally detest the most is their disregard for the things of God, abortion and sexual perversion. Ben lays it all on the line with his political insight and encourages us to fight back. The sub-title is “How the Left Weaponized America’s Institutions against Dissent.”


Jim Towers            Write me at or visit or my website


God, Jesus, Christian, Christ,

And more

By Jim Towers

Just when I thought that my story at the pool store was over, I made a stop there again last week and God set things up so that I ended up talking to the owner about boats and deep-water fishing. Not only that, his son and wife were privy to the conversation as I made friends with their new employee – a young man in his teens. 

Today was his first day at the store and I opened the conversation talking about dweebs asking him if he was one. The affable young man did a perfect impersonation of a dweeb hand gestures and all, “Hey doood, whaz  happening?” We both laughed and hit it off immediately. He said he was the new pool boy and an avid fisherman. When I asked if he got any lobster this year, he said he had caught plenty. The owner and his son took it all in. and we all began bonding. I almost hated to leave but had other things to do. Nevertheless, I will return and give the young man my evangelism card and maybe invite the owner and his son on a fishing trip. Heck, maybe we’ll all go together. I sure would like to share the Gospel with them all.

With everyone gone back up north for the summer and having exhausted my patience with the “Guys on the pier I said goodbye for the time being by gifting them each with a bible verse printed and set into a lovely blue recessed frame about 3” by 4”.  The verse nicely scripted was from Ezekiel 47:10 that says, “And it shall be that fishermen will stand by it from En Dedi to En eglaim; they will be places for spreading their nets. Their fish will be of the same kinds of fish of the Great Sea, exceedingly many.” 

The day I delivered the five gifts I had just mounted the pier when hardnosed guys, Jimmy and Nelson were trudging toward me, empty handed. I said, “just the two guys I was looking for. I have a gift for each of you.” And opened my sack of goodies handing each one the gift, Jimmy read his first and was amazed at the unexpected gift. Nelson then read his and both thanked me as I walked away saying, “You guys know how to get there…. Through Christ Jesus!” 

I left the other gifts with the rest of the guys including Bill. All of them were dumbfounded but they were all very grateful.

My hope in doing this is that in reading the selected passage would cause them to delve into the Bible and want to learn more. They may even want to be there where the rivers are teeming with fish since the fishing hasn’t been all that good for the past four years due to the red tide.

Today I had to go to the Med Clinic because the infected Lymph Node was acting up again. I was hoping to get another prescription for penicillin but when the doctor saw me the first thing he said was “NO, I won’t give you a prescription unless we can do a complete examination and some blood work on you. 

My first thought was that this man was being arrogant because he was a medical doctor. Then he glanced at the book I was carrying with me to read while I cooled my heels in the doctor’s office. – something I always try to do when visiting them. (That way I can make good use of the time wasted otherwise staring at the white walls.) The title of the book was /is “Panic Attack” by Nicole Saphier, MD.)

In any case, from that point on he began to calm down after seeing that I was an educated man too. I asked a few questions and that further intrigued him since the medical questions I asked brought him down to my level. From there we were able to converse man to man with no pretentions.

The first thing I noticed about the man was that he had a two-inch silver cross on a somewhat delicate silver chain draped around his neck. It draped over the top of his shirt as though he wanted you to know that he was religious. I knew this to be a Catholic way to assert one’s religiosity. 

After some more small talk I asked him about the silver cross with tiny figurine of Christ hanging on it. 

“I notice you’re a Christian.” 

“Yes, I am” 

I knew better than to ask if he was a Catholic or a new Christian since both are known to flaunt their Christianity in such a way. Nevertheless, he took the ball and ran with it saying, “Our country is in trouble and people are seeking deliverance, but you know what? The devil is out in full force to bring our civilization down.” 

The doctor had said a mouthful and I added, “We are in trouble since we kicked God to the curb and relied on politicians to see us through.” 

“Politicians are the scourge of society.” He replied.

He left the sentence hanging in the air. while his young female nurse came in to do the bloodwork. She and I somehow began talking about Lebanon where she was born and was surprised to find out that I knew as much about her country as I did, and it helped to break the ice. We talked as the blood was taken and I said, “A young lady like yourself doesn’t usually know much about their heritage. “Were your parents involved in politics?”  

“Yes, my dad was the mayor of our city!” 

She was Catholic who bemoaned the fact that in taking pity on the Palestinians and letting them settle there they came took over and have changed that culture into a Muslim one. 

As I was leaving, I stopped by the doctor’s desk to get my “leave papers” and showed him the subtitle of the book which reads “Playing politics with science in the fight against covid-19”. Then I gave him my card.

By the time I left I had befriended the entire office with asides and quips. I had made their day and they had made mine. 

I am going to buy the good doctor a bible knowing that he probably doesn’t own one; even though he appears to be a sincere and decent man. 

My blood work returned today, and I stopped in to see the doctor about the results and to deliver the NKJV bible I had bought to gift him with. 

When I handed him the Bible, he was stunned to say the least. I suspect that no one in his thirty-year career had given him one. Maybe not even a lesser gift for his services. He thanked me profusely and two times more while I was there. 

The Bible was a top of the line one bound in leather with gold edged pages. The doctor asked me if I led a Bible study? I had to answer no, but it got me thinking along those lines.  Tonight, I wrote him a letter to explain the Bible’s contents in order of appearance plus a few antidotes to inspire him. I’m having coffee with a Radiologist sometime this week to talk about spiritual things.  

Thank God for swollen lymph nodes.


Jim Towers  

Write me at or visit me at and


By Jim Towers

These are perilous times we’re living in. Nothing is sure anymore. Right is wrong and wrong is right. Everywhere we turn things look bleak. Today’s headlines on Yahoo said that Marc Bernier, a anti – vaccine conservative talk show host in Tampa Florida died after a three-week battle with Covid 19 – the third conservative radio commentator in a month. He was preceded eight days earlier by Phil Valentine, a 61-year-old conservative talk radio host in Tennessee who mocked coronavirus vaccines but changed his tone after getting sick. He battled the disease for over a month. Also having a change of heart, before his stopped, was Dick Farrel, a former Newsmax commentator and all-around coronavirus-denying, vaccine-resistant right-wing radio talk show host. The South Florida radio host died of COVID-19 complications on Aug. 6, at age 65, after exhorting fans not to get the vaccine, calling the entire coronavirus crisis a “scam-demic.” Also, the lawyer for those who dared to enter the Capitol building after the stolen election is missing during the trials and is suspected of being in the hospital with – you guessed it – Covid 19.

 It kind of makes you wonder how this tragedy came about since Democrats can party without wearing the worthless masks, they demand others wear.  A screenwriter could write a movie about how a shadowy group of evil and demonic people are surreptitiously spraying the virus with an atomizer wherever decent people gather to shut them up for good. 

As for me, I left Facebook when they shut down President Trump. “Scrubbers” were already making my life miserable as well. Anything I posted that wasn’t politically correct was immediately scrubbed. Not only that, but some pimple faced dweeb was hacking me constantly too. Just as I was about to go on Twitter, they too shut down the president as well, so I declined. I will not be a patsy to the leftist’s agenda to destroy our nation.

When Mike Lindell proposed to start up his internet platform, the internet dweebs made it very difficult for him to get his platform off the ground. Then came his Cyber Symposium and you could hardly get through to it and when you did, the sound would go in and out, or the images would halt just long enough to distort facial expressions. It was very annoying to deal with. Maybe we should all contact the Federal Communications Board; I know I will, I’ve had enough of the antics of these communists.  

The left has caused much anxiety in stomping on our right to free speech and it seems like their agenda is the only one you can subscribe to, anything that you say – can and will be used against you – so, if you are truly a conservative or Christian be careful – be very careful but not afraid of these bullies. “If we fear God, we have nothing else to fear.” 

It’s a wonder that the current situation, what with the stealing of the Presidential election of 2020 hasn’t erupted into a full-blown civil war. Conservatives are more prone to listen to reason and go to the courts, than to burn down stores, topple statues of our founding fathers and burning American flags. This action all amounts to destroying our own country from within. 

It’s hard to imagine anyone destroying their own home built with blood, sweat and tears, but that’s the state of the nation today. We are lucky that the second amendment hasn’t been destroyed despite the left continuing to demand we give up our arms. In cities where guns are outlawed only outlaws have guns and are killing one another in droves. It just so happens that these cities are run by Liberal leaders – where lawlessness abounds day and night.

If you were to think of how to destroy a country from within all the tactics are being used today without restraint. Freedom of speech, decent morals, and the right to bear arms are being attacked without let up.

This scenario is likely to bring up images of a criminal despot pulling the strings to cause our downfall. This despot is probably – a limp-wristed man – who throws a baseball like a girl. There is hardly any doubt but what this bi-sexual man is pulling the strings behind the scenes. Joe Biden is only good at one criminal activity and that is to make – or shall I say take – money from the American taxpayer and others and distribute it to his family members. Other than that, he is a worthless politician and rotten to the core.

While this is going on, Louisiana has just been hit with a hurricane as devastating as Katrina back in 1989 on the very same day of that year. I may be making too much of this happenstance, but, come on, what are the odds? I’m inclined to believe God is trying to tell us something and that something is – that He is in control and very angry with the way things are going what with the destruction of the unborn, wonton homosexuality and the denial of the Israeli state to exist as such, which Joe Biden just did in his recent meeting with the new Prime Minister Bennie Gantz.

According to some Israeli men who are familiar with Old Testament scripture, quote that, detrimental messing in the affairs of Israel is like poking the apple of God’s eye. These same men can point out that other catastrophic events in our country have coincided with such proclamations and actions against Israel by our government. If I recall rightly, then President, Barack Hussain Obama tried to interfere in that country’s election while he was in office in 2015. 

This was heard just last night that Bill and Melinda Gates are preparing a system to keep track and allow only vaccinated people to travel and buy goods. Yes, these are perilous times we live in, but like I said early on – and it bears repeating – “If we fear God, we have nothing else to fear.” Tuck this other verse of scripture in your heart as well, “God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of love, power and a sound mind.”

Note: I had to get up at 1:42 in the morning when the Lord gave me this message for this article. God often uses double entandre to express a thought and here’s what He gave me. “Behold, whosoever is of my church, and endureth of my church to the end, him will I establish upon my rock, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against them.” (Bill and Melinda Gates?) 


Jim Towers                                             

Write me at or visit at and

I thank God I’ve accumulated and harbored His word in my heart to remain standing when all else in our society is crumbling. You should do the same for your own sense of well being and peace of mind.


Yesterday I had reason to laugh out loud at things that happened on the home front and as I laid in bed later reading about intrigue, spying and such I couldn’t help but the irony of my emotional state. As I mulled it over, I concluded that despite all that calamity that surrounds us we can have perfect peace and bouts of merriment, joy, and laughter if our hearts are safely in God’s hands. After all, who but God can guarantee perfect peace.

Jesus is the Prince of Peace and knowing Him can make our lives livable and even lively. 

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