By Jim Towers

Mainstream media outlets are crossing the line with their blatant disregard for the truth. Television Networks are directly hurting individuals in attempts to promote a political agenda.   And now President Trump is suing the F.B.I. and Lisa Page, Peter Struck, James Comey and several others in the D.O.J. for defamation and the mainstream media – as well. 

Because of the propaganda, hate speech and outright lies they spew daily the mainstream media is suffering rejection by the American people. At the same time the independent internet news is taking over big time. There are no celebrities here and in fact many of them are new to news reporting – take for example Stew Peters the Christian conservative who’s taken the internet by storm and others like him.

I quit watching television altogether several years ago and rely solely on the internet for my daily news these days. So much is happening in our country now that you can’t keep up with the news on the internet. Last night I heard that the Dr. who broke the news of there being graphene oxide in the jabs for Covid 19 was severely injured in a plane crash tonight and in is in the hospital with severe injuries. Carrie Madej, a doctor who is/was standing against big pharma. It is being speculated that this might have been an assassination attempt. She and her boyfriend were involved in a plane crash upon land at a small airport in a Cessna. (She and her boyfriend have since survived.)

Another two doctors Brian Artis and Dr. Zev Zelenko are on a big pharma hit list while Dr. Zelenko died of cancer. (He expired before I wrapped up this article.) 

The Sergeant at Arms during the Capitol riots quit his post after and today committed suicide. It was revealed that he had asked Madam Pelosi for more help to control the crowds of people approaching the Capitol building. He didn’t however get the additional help he asked for and for some strange reason he quit his post after the mayhem became the political inquiry it is today. 

This all seems a little fishy. But if you consider that several people died in the fracas it makes sense that he would quit the post, but one has to wonder about why he chose to commit suicide. 

Cassidy Hutchison who on hearsay accused President Trump of acting like a lunatic and grabbed the steering wheel of the “Beast” limousine he was in – on the way to the Capitol – just perjured herself. The two players in her story denied even knowing her. Her confidant Liz Chaney, the one who introduced her to the j6 trial was out of town campaigning – how convenient. 

Liz Chaney apparently joined the Republican party only to infiltrate and do harm to Donald Trump, a man she and most other Democrats hate vehemently.

On another front, Dr. Fauci who contracted Covid – even after the shot – just had a re-infection. He says that this time it’s worse than before but that everyone should take the jab despite this turn of events. To this I would say “To what end?”

It seems that the Democrats dominoes are beginning to fall, and these fanatical subversive killers are being exposed as perverts and insurrectionists, and outright criminals. Take Hunter Biden for example – everyday now the sexual exploits he had on his laptop are appearing on the internet everywhere. It seems he fancies himself a stud. He can do as he pleases but the fact that he has made himself a hostage to corrupt governments who are obviously blackmailing his father to the tune of billions of taxpayers’ dollars.  

Mass killings are taking place around the globe by hate filled individuals daily to say nothing of the war and worldwide conflicts taking place. Natural disasters are also happening everywhere and according to the worldwide news – famine will follow. You would be wise to prepare, for no one knows the day nor the hour when we will be raptured. One thing is for sure, that those who are taken way are only those who have received Christ as savior. So, if you are not ready, take care to receive Christ today. 

If you are a news junkie like me, make sure you do your due diligence to know what is true or not and you need to rely on the Holy Spirit to know truth when you read or hear it. The Holy Spirit that is given by God when you receive Christ and is the revealer of all truth. As time goes on, this same Holy Spirit has been prophesied in the book of Joel……. “And in those days, I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh……” (to make Christians aware of the closeness of the rapture?) 

When the Holy spirit has come, He will lead you into all truth. Wisdom to discern the times will ensue. Then, “When wisdom enters your heart, and knowledge is pleasant to your soul, discretion will preserve you; understanding will keep you.” “Happy is the man who finds wisdom, and the man who gains understanding.” There is also the added benefit of spiritual discernment.

I am convinced that this out pouring is happening among Christian people everywhere. Those closest to the Lord will be used in various ways to participate in the last great harvest of souls, souls that will be transformed and whisked away from planet earth just before all hell breaks loose. But, at the same time, those who want nothing to do with God will become impervious to the truth and be given over to a reprobate mind.

“You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free”

Book review.

“Overcomer” is my latest read. This little book by Dr. David Jeremiah is filled with wisdom and powerful scripture verses, verses I have used with great results in dealing with life’s problems. Instinctively, I’ve used these and other verses throughout my Christian life and have never failed to get a good night’s rest in spite of the calamity and uncertainty swirling about everywhere in the world.

Despite the happenings in the world and closeness of the rapture I may still try to get my book (manuscript) published. It is not unlike the popular “Conversations with God” a popular book published years ago. The difference is that I experienced a good number of miracles that can’t be explained away – repeatedly. The title of my manuscript is “Miracles, Signs and Wonders.”


Jim Towers                

Write me at or visit me at and my personal web page .



There are many fearful things happening in the world today. Do you wonder what’s going and why?

Did you know that the Bible will tell you why we are living in such chaotic times? It is all because we’ve turned our backs on our Great and Mighty Creator – God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Jehovah.

Think about it, when was the last time you heard the words Sin, Remorse or Repentance. 

When the Apostles asked Jesus what would be the signs of his coming again, He replied, “There shall be wars and rumors of war, 

According to Jesus’ words we are living in that time period.

Never before in the history have we been able to destroy the entire population on earth. Can you say Nuclear war? 

Bigger and more violent earthquakes are happening everywhere on the face of the earth.

Pestilence is everywhere. Diseases and STDs are rampant with as many as 50% of Americans affected by one form or another. 

The Love of many shall grow cold.


By Jim Towers

If you are a Bible reader you will find that Jesus said, “As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man”. The things going on these days are not unlike the things that were going on in Noah’s generation and according to the bible, that generation was pure evil. Is it any wonder God had to destroy it with the Great Flood? 

Another sign is the fulfilment of the following passage. “The love of many will wax cold” It is another sign that we are in the end times. There is a complete breakdown of morality, love and respect for one another. Aside from war, we are killing one another at an unprecedented rate. Innocent children and the unborn are caught in the middle and all too often are casualties of this phenomenon. An indication of the latter is that children are being sexually abused as well. We live in a time when fifty-year-old men are impregnating little girls as young as three years old and sharing the experience with other pedophiles across the land via email, this according to a whistle blower who is former case worker for a children’s services organization.        

Driven by the EVIL ONE the evil doers relish breaking the laws of God especially people in power over us. Those who should be setting an example for us to follow, are the worse of the worst. All they seem to know is hate, violence and a selfish desire to dominate for profit and all the sensual sin they can derive for themselves. 

Some of today’s teachers are teaching children and how to be rebellious and to believe they can be any sex they want to be other than the gender they were born with. The recent generations and many segments of our society are practically devoid of Gods sacred laws. The Ten Commandments are alien to them.

Entertainers are going all out to exploit the masses with obscene acts of perversion. 

By now you are beginning to know that I am speaking of atheistic Communist’s, criminals and perverts who are trying to seize control of our country and the world. They’re even going so far as to release viruses capable of killing millions of people to hold onto power and make money.

These same people have also gone so far as to steal the presidential election from Donald J. Trump and to institute communism as a way of life even though we’ve seen it fail in China, Russia, Cuba, and Venezuela where people are imprisoned and starved to death. Australia has been hard hit by leftist “One World” extremists and today are fighting for their very existence while other countries are doing the same.

Cancel Culture is an attempt to undo everything that reminds us of who we are/were as a Christian nation. And there are plans by the federal government to institute the “Thought Police”, as if it wasn’t enough to be policed by Facebook and the other social media outlets. Who would have guessed these crazy times would come upon us so fast? Nevertheless, the Bible warned us it would be so.

In a recent article I wrote how we needed to restore President Trump to his rightful place as the head of the nation in spite his flaws.  He was the best we could hope for in this country. But the fake Democrat government was more than ready help them and to step in when the Chinese government intervened to steal the 2020 election from him. Today because of that theft we are fast becoming a third world country with leftist communists in control. Even as Mike Lindell the “My Pillow guy” has gone about in gathering evidence and is at the moment trying to reverse the election results. The communist left has hindered him in every way possible. On the internet, (Frank Speech and Lindell TV.) is being hacked intermittently to make these good people who are trying to do the right thing look like amateurs. We are fighting against demonic principalities and powers in high places so we can’t count on Trump alone to save us, what humanity needs is a spiritual savior (i.e.), the Lord and Savior of mankind – Christ Jesus. 

However, even if the “good guys” do prevail, it won’t be long until people fall back into their old ways without repenting. Some would rather die than repent not realizing where they will spend eternity, but the Bible says, “It is appointed unto man, once to die, after this – the judgement.”

I’ve stated in the past, that all the evil that is taking place is forewarned in the Holy Bible – and the worse is yet to come. What with the Great Tribulation bearing down on us it’s hard to assume that any one man can stem the tide of corruption we all face. 

Cancel Culture is an attempt to undo everything that reminds us of who we are/were as a Christian nation. And there are plans by the federal government to institute the “Thought Police”, as if it wasn’t enough to be policed by Facebook and the other social media outlets. Who would have guessed these crazy times would come upon us so fast? Nevertheless, the Bible warned us it would be so.

Let me end this column on a good note and that is that finally, some are beginning to repent and take these matters seriously. Other people are beginning to wake up and have quit straddling the fence as they see the end approaching. Some are even talking about spiritual matters openly. Mike Lindell, Stew Peters, and others even openly speak of salvation, God, and Jesus openly on newly forming conservative social medias. And that’s a good thing because Jesus said, “when you see these things begin to happen -look up – for your redemption draws nigh.  

It looks like Conservative Christians are finally coming out from their comfort zones to denounce these self-righteous tyrants. Hopefully this will give us a window of opportunity to share Christ. 


The book “Red Handed” by Peter Schweizer helped me to put the pieces of the puzzle together about how the CCP was instrumental in helping their friends the Bidens steal the Presidential election. (After all, Trump was their enemy by imposing sanctions and tariffs that were hurting their efforts in world dominance.) Also, Burisma, Hunter Bidens company was tied in with the CCP and its top administrators.  

Something most people don’t know is that China makes most of our pharmaceuticals. Is it any wonder our country suffered the consequences of having taken the Covid 19 inoculations? It looks like the Chinese Communist Party is our enemy.


Jim Towers                                  

Write me at  and visit me at or my very own website


By Jim Towers

Is Monkey Pox another hoax foisted on us by big pharma and Dr. Fauci? It’s hard to say with all the misleading and misinformation out there. Is that what is referred to as a Pox? If it is a Pox, then can it be a viral infection? And if it not a viral infection, can it be cured with a vaccine? There is speculation that it is a result of homosexuality and/ shared needles. This makes you wonder if it is a manmade anomaly, or something ordained by God. After all He does warn us that in the Last Days there would be diseases and plagues. But I ask you, could this plague be a result of man’s perversity and evil bent?

The Monkeypox virus comes from a subset of the Poxviridae family of viruses known as Orthopoxviral. This virus family also includes smallpox, vaccinia and cowpox viruses. It has also been compared to Shingles. Shingles is a very painful result of the chicken pox vaccine when we were children attacks us later in life. I know, I had shingles a few years ago as a result of chicken pox inoculation as a child. Fortunately, I had a miraculous healing take place in a park on Biscayne Bay. (But that’s another story that appears in my manuscript “Miracles Signs and Wonders” a book comprised of the many and varied miracles I’ve experienced in my life.)

Nevertheless, this so-called new threat to mankind is happening at a time when Midterm elections are about to take place in the USA. What a coincidence! Will this election be stolen too while we look the other way? 

Still, though this malady is NOT life threatening – as much as some would like it to be. This is because there are billions of dollars at stake with the high cost of vaccines being pumped out by unscrupulous pharmaceutical companies and everyone who is connected wants their share of the huge money pie. When all is said and done there will only be millionaires left in congress and the medical field. We all love money, and while money is a necessary evil – the love of it is destroying many lives – as well as our country.

You have to ask yourself, what can the criminal element possibly do with so much money? Do they eat steak and lobster every day? How can they be partying on more than one yacht at a time? How many houses and cars does a person need? We also have to ask, “What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul?”

Except for people living under a rock, we all know that Covid 19 was probably nothing more than the seasonal flu, something that probably could have been cured with cold medicine and vitamin C. or Hydroxychloroquine. Speaking of Hydroxychloroquine, early on, when asked the direct question “what would you have taken, if you knew you had Covid 19 ?  Dr. Fauci answered “Hydroxychloroquine!” He answered that way because he hadn’t prepared for the question. The profiteers were still figuring out how to make the best of this timely situation, a situation that took the focus away from the last Presidential election- giving the thieves opportunity to rig it in their favor and reap big profits too boot.

Already the Monkey vaccine has been bought and paid for by the Biden administration – (a gang of thieves and treacherous criminals.) Now don’t get me wrong, there are many Republican Rinos in the mix as well, Jesus said, “Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.”

And in case you didn’t know, this so-called Monkey Pox virus is prevalent in Africa where many of these viral anomalies occur. In fact, that is where Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci do their research on unsuspecting victims with their vaccine experiments.

One of the rising stars exposing the corruption of our elected officials and big pharma is internet sensation Stew Peters. Stew Peters is the new Rush Limbaugh of the internet and sounding more like a “street evangelist” with his fervor and outspoken faith – What absolute hypocrites! 

What absolute hypocrites! 

which is a good thing. He interviews the cream of the crop as well as the disenfranchised from all aspects of society. And although he misses the mark once in a while when someone hoodwinks him, I would rather watch and hear him on the internet than all the television news feeds put together. But then again, I can identify with this guy who pulls no punches and tells it like it is while proclaiming Christ as well. 

On another front, it was revealed by the Durham probe that Hillary Clinton was the one who hired Fusion GPS to conduct the treacherous Russian smear of President Trump. Right now, she must be shaking in her boots. Laptops like the one she bleached and destroyed with a hammer and Hunter Bidens “Laptop from Hell” contained a lot of incriminating evidence that they would have preferred to remain secret – incriminating stuff straight from the Devil’s workshop. 

Jesus said, “Be sure your sins will find you out.” And He wasn’t kidding, just look at what happened to Jeffry Epstein. Satan takes no pity on his willing victims and exacts the worse possible penalties for them. Thank God for the good news of the Gospel.

All this man-made treachery appears to be coming to a head, while at the same time other brushfires breaking out across the globe. Everything is in a state of flux, with a battle of good versus evil on every front. Since time is short, it appears Satan has begun making his last stand.

Book review,

I just finished reading “The real Anthony Fauci” by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and what he has to say about Dr. Fauci, Bill Gates, Covid and other assorted viruses, and the lives they’ve destroyed is a crime against humanity. This atrocity is comparable to the Genocide perpetrated by Nazi Germany. Satan is running roughshod over humanity sparing no – one and using people to destroy one another without a hint of remorse – including the unborn.

Surprisingly, Robert F. Kennedy is/or was a hard-core Democrat. Hopefully more Democrats are finally being awakened to their folly and false assumptions. 

Knowing human nature and the Holy Scriptures like I do – I have no such assumptions. 


Jim Towers                                       Write me at and visit me at and my own website to find out about my current endeavors. (I’m still hoping to make my evangelical film warning of the signs to look for and get my bio Miracles , Signs, and Wonders”  published while we await the deliverance of the rapture.)


By Jim Towers

The present rulers of our nation are quick to jump on events like the shooting in Texas pretending to sorrow for the children who were killed. While it’s true that we all (except for them) truly sorrow. 

I’m talking about Obama who had no business spouting out his fake sorrow for the children who were killed on national television since he holds no office today. Joe Biden also played the sorrow card all the while advocating for the slaughter of the unborn and pushing for the death and dismemberment of the newly born as well. Everyday thousands of tiny human beings are dismembered (murdered) while in the womb with their blessing and even insistence. What absolute hypocrites! 

It should be evident – to even the blind – that this is totally evil demonic behavior. The devil hates human beings who are made in the image and likeness of God because he hates God and is using these Godless people to subdue and imprison God fearing conservatives, namely Christians all over the world. In so doing, the Godless communists are going to try to do away with our right to bear arms. They are (as they should be) expecting to be charged with treason and sedition as well as election theft as seen in the documentary “2000 mules” by Dinesh De Sousa.

Without guns you don’t win wars or protect your families, friends, and neighbors effectively.

Guns don’t kill people, people kill people. And if it were not for honest law-abiding persons who arrest criminals the criminal element would reign supreme. Criminals are always able to buy or steal guns. It is also criminal minded people who would like to be able to do what they want with unarmed citizens. One only has to look at the oppressed countries who had their guns taken away by their government. 

In cities like New York, Chicago, Detroit and L.A. where Lawmen were told to stand down as weas done in Texas or were eliminated altogether – crime is rampant. These cities let Policemen go in favor of social workers, whom we know are pansies and are afraid to even get their hands dirty. But with no one to police they are victims of their own devise. The Mass shootings that are occurring on a daily basis throughout the United States will be their excuse to try and disarm the populous. Yet vaccines kill and maim far more people than do guns. Maybe they should do away with vaccines first.

Incidentally, the only culture I know of that is willing to sacrifice their own children for the government are Muslims. The dead Jihadist children are elevated to martyr status for their willingness to strap bombs to their bodies and blow themselves up while the parents celebrate another day of life and live to fight another day. 

Furthermore, like the lying atheistic Communists they are – they provoke Russia to up the war by giving billions of dollars to the war effort to the Ukraine. People are dying in droves in that war and many of them are innocent children. Russia is almost sure to come out the victor. Methinks that Ukraine is holding something against Joe Biden called Burisma to be able to get billions of American taxpayer dollars. It’s called blackmail. 

And while we are on that subject how about evil people, Tony Fauci, who experiments with (children in third world countries,) inoculating them with experimental concoctions that either cripple them or kill them outright. Being the shrewd criminal, he is – Fauci doesn’t use a gun to get the money he wants, he uses the jab, which can contain anything and everything – but the kitchen sink. He and others like him have no conscience and confirm what our Lord and savior Jesus Christ said, “That those without God are spiritually dead”.

Next are the so-called elitist – (formerly the Weather Underground) a small group of aging people who want oxygen and food all for themselves. These people meet occasionally, to discuss how to bring this about. How can the elimination of 80 % of the planet not be murder?

In fact, an FBI operative, (back in the day that we could trust them) who infiltrated and eventually attended one of the meetings of the Weather Underground (haters of America) hosted by Bill Ayres and Bernadine Dorn (friends and promoters of Barak Husain Obama.) In a video on the internet Larry Grathwohl talks about the big questions that were asked by some of the attendees questions like, “How do we take their guns from them …We outlaw them….What do we do about those who resist after we take their guns ? We imprison and indoctrinate them.….And how do we deal with those continue to resist?…The answer was – we kill them! – We are talking about millions and millions of people. How do we kill so many people? We invite communist countries to do that and give them land in return.

These nutjobs were like children in their zeal and as fanciful as all this foolishness may seem -they continue to spout such craziness not realizing that they are aging and will soon die as their time on earth has run out. Think Bill Gates.


I just learned this from the Lance Wallnau Show on the internet. A Christian show I happened to find last night. My take on this Christian man is that he is extremely entertaining as well as being well informed about biblical matters, but a person would do well to take what says with a grain of salt. He spoke about how judgement was already beginning to take place worldwide and that this coincided with the Blood moon making another appearance on November 14 th of this year (election day of Mid Term elections.) This he said would happen as the scales of justice (Libra a constellation of the Zodiac would be over the Northern Hemisphere at that same time.) I was surprised to learn from him that Reverend D. James Kennedy was a writer and that he had written a few books. The one that was spoken of was about the meaning of the Constellations of the Zodiac, something I had never explored before.

This is what the internet has to say about the book.

Cataclysmic events have shaken our world. Uncertainty is on the rise, and so is interest in the occult and astrology. Startling discoveries related by eminent theologian Dr. D. James Kennedy prove that God created the Zodiac! God intended the stars to foretell the future of the world. Discover what Dr. Kennedy calls Biblical astrology or the Gospel in the stars. The Real Meaning of the Zodiac just might give you insight into your future.

I intend to read this book and to see how it jibes with the Bible.


Jim Towers

Write me at and visit me at and my own website to find out about my current endeavors. (I’m still hoping to make my evangelical film warning of the signs to look for and get my bio Miracles, Signs, and Wonders”  published while we await the deliverance of the rapture.)



By Jim Towers

Most of us have by now have heard about the rapture and the war of Armageddon that are featured in the end times. Everyone has their take on these two events that occur during the final decade before the before the return of Christ to rule and reign for a thousand years on this orb. 

We are living in the last of the “Last Days” spoken of by the prophet Daniel and the “revelator” the Apostle John in the book of Revelation. Jesus, spoke about these very things and gave us ample warning of when these things were to be, saying “As it was in the days of Noah, so shall the coming of the “Son of Man” be” when He said, Son of Man – He was speaking of Himself. 

Of the many things that are happening in today’s world – all of them can be reconciled to the words spoken by these three Godly men physically, spiritually, and metaphorically. Wars and rumors of war are upon us just like Jesus said would happen. He also said that there would be corruption in high places and that the love of money is at the root of much evil and indeed it is so.

While the rest of America is tightening their belts political perverts are taking and handling millions as if it was play money in shady deals to benefit themselves, family and friends and To make matters worse, they are in bed with the enemy of Democracy and freedom – Godless communism. 

If you believe that Obama has come to the white house to help Biden with American health care problems, I have a bridge you can buy in San Francisco – cheap. No, he is here because of the book “Laptop from Hell” by Miranda Divine a writer for the New York Post which is an expose’ of the contents of a laptop that Hunter Biden left for repair and failed to pick up at a computer shop. That and the expose of the theft of the presidency that is being revealed. Obama is in the white house to try to come up with a solution to the quandary Joe Biden and other Democrats are in with the discovery of his son’s revealing laptop which also includes that John Kerry’s adopted son who is also involved in shady deals with our communist arch enemy – as is the adopted son of Nancy Pelosi. Lest we forget, even at least one Republican Rino is also wed (literally) to a woman with ties to the Chinese Communist government he, Mitch Mc Connell was Speaker of the House recently. 

In the meantime, with the advent of the internet, sexual perversion has become rampant throughout the world. And so, we have come full circle to the time of Noah, a time when men were lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God. “And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually”. Something must be done – and has already begun.

At this point you probably wonder where all this is heading and how it plays out in the scenario I am about to lay out. (Incidentally: This would make a great screenplay.)

You have heard it said that the USA plays no part in the End Times Scenario, but I must object having read that we will participate in the first assault on Israel in which Russia and China will unite. Israel has been preparing for this moment in history for many years and has weaponry based on the very latest technology. 

At this very moment Joe Biden is poking his finger in Russia’s eye seemingly to provoke all-out war between us. This is being done to keep his son Hunter Biden from being incarcerated for his drug fueled crimes taking place in the Ukraine’s bio- labs he is invested in. China is also culpable in this Bio Weaponry scenario where the Covid 19 poison was created. Joe Biden has no choice but to keep war going in hopes of destroying the evidence or to at least to divert attention from he and his son’s his treasonous profiteering in those countries.

War breaks out on a larger scale and encapsulates Israel and ensnares the USA, then China and Russia will have no choice but to form a united front against The United States and Israel. As much as the Democrats hate Israel, we will have to intervene with air power possibly even taking some Israeli’s away from the war zone. You will note that God delivers some Israeli Jews on wings of eagles Rev. 12:14 the Bald Eagle being our national emblem. (The Bear being Russia, and the Serpent (Red Dragon) being China.)               

During the first war (or skirmish) against Israel is repelled by the forces of Israel and the U.S.A. The Chinese and Russians suffer great loses and are forced to back off – for the time being – but having recouped – they will be back.

In the meantime, only those who are redeemed will hear a trumpet sound and shortly after, also hear a voice say, “Come Up Here.”  In the twinkling of an eye, they are taken up to paradise to be with Christ for a period of seven years. The ensuing calamity and confusion this causes ushers in the time of Great Tribulation – as the restraining power has been taken away.

Seven years of tribulation and fear – during the great reset the leftists have been striving for can finally come to fruition. Partial depopulation has just been achieved miraculously! Many people have died and are dying from starvation and bio – attacks of new more efficient man- made viruses. Conversely, the believers in Christ will “rest” in heavenly splendor while all of this is happening. Some having escaped – as if by fire. In the meantime, 144 thousand “Born Again” Israeli evangelists are out spreading the saving gospel of Jesus Christ while the Two Witnesses were killed and taken up in front of the eyes of the killers after lying dead in the street for three days. 

Finally, seven years later, the Russians, Chinese and their allies (Turkey, Iran, and a couple of others.) have recouped and are finally ready to make another attempt at destroying Israel’s populace with weaponry that kills without destroying property. They will then swoop in and take the spoils of war. The war of Armageddon has commenced with blood running like a river in the valley of Jehoshaphat. Jesus Christ will then break through the clouds with His entourage of believers all riding on white horses. With the sword of His mouth, He destroys the armies that have decimated Israel. Then begins the cleanup and Jesus will rule and reign for a thousand years.

My book report.

“The Laptop from Hell” is a MUST read.  (We’ll be learning even more about it in the very near future as computer experts continue to discover it’s thousands of sordid and traitorous contents.)


Jim Towers                                     You can write me at or visit me at www.dropzonedelta.comand

Don’t Mess with GOD


By Jim Towers

A few years ago, I read about two young men who were playing golf when a sudden rainstorm overtook them. Thunder and lightning ensued, and the young men began laughing, cursing and to run to shelter. One of them stopped and jokingly cursed God, shaking a fist toward the heavens. His friend warned him not to provoke the Almighty and left the young fool standing alone on the wet soil of the golf course. From a distance the friend watched his buddy while he sheltered under a building overhang. A bolt of lightning struck the solitary figure standing in the open – killing him instantly.

Common sense tells us he was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and he was “asking for it” literally. There is no way to know that God had anything to do with his demise. Nevertheless, we should never challenge the God of the universe with verbal taunts or wanton misbehavior toward Him – who is giver of all of life. As we can see in the following examples, God is no respecter of persons.

Noah’s ark is still thought by many to be true history whether it’s Utnapishtim in the Babylonian Epic of Gilgamesh, the Sumerian story of Isidra, the Hindu Datapath Brahmana in which Vishnu warns the first man, Manu, of an impending flood and tells him to build a boat, the Greek myth of Timaeus, the North American Hopi myth of the Entrance into the Fourth World, or the Chinese myth of the Great Flood, it seems that wherever you look on the globe, there is some sort of written or oral tradition about a flood wiping out civilization. Noah’s ark is NOT just a myth, in fact, while pursing the internet I stumbled once again unto a video published a few years ago that showed a group of scientists inspecting the inside of a structure on Mount Ararat.

Stumbling into an opening on the mountain they inadvertently stepped into an open portion of the ark itself, the other half having broken off and sliding down into a crevasse it is (presumed.) In any case, the timbers of the structure where hand hewn with mortise and tenon fastening some together. Hand carved pegs were used elsewhere and some of the solid planks were covered with pitch. Having read the story in the bible it is assumed by this reader that Noah and his small crew of in laws worked for a hundred years building this enormous seaworthy craft. Everything had to be just right. In the meantime, the surrounding populace laughed them to scorn. Noah would take occasion to preach and warn them of impending doom when he had a chance asking them to repent, but they laughed all the more. Those of us that know the Bible story know what happened. Early civilization was wiped out completely and the only remaining creatures were safely ensconced in the ark.

Then of course there is the Biblical story of Sodom and Gomorrah which has proven to be historically true. Ashes and sulfur balls the size of golf balls remain embedded in the soil. The fire from heaven was hot enough to turn rocks into powder and human beings to ashes.

God isn’t vengeful but forgiving and merciful even when mankind mocks Him and His commandments. But there comes a time when even His ling suffering comes to an end.   

Being all powerful, sometimes, God intervenes in other ways. The plagues performed by the hand of Moses to provoke the deliverance of the Jews from Egyptian enslavement for example.  

The hard truth is that mankind will one day have to face the fact that they are only human and will one day die. But, like Nebuchadnezzar’s Grandson they will read the handwriting on the wall and their feeble knees will knock with fear. God gave Nebuchadnezzar another chance to redeem himself, (but only after making him eat grass like a cow for seven years.) 

 There are just too many incidences of God’s intervention into the lives of men. You may have experienced something on a smaller scale. Nevertheless, when God fails to answer us immediately, we develop the illusion that He doesn’t exist.

Today, nothing has changed, and people still ask, “Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation. For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished.”  KJV.

“I will punish the world for its evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; I will put an end to the pomp of the arrogant and lay low the pompous pride of the ruthless. I will make people more rare than fine gold, and mankind than the gold of Ophir. Therefore, I will make the heavens tremble, and the earth will be shaken out of its place, at the wrath of the LORD of hosts in the day of his fierce anger.”

Well, since God isn’t willing that any should perish, He sends us signs, wonders, and warnings, (portents) in the skies. Today, one of the warnings in scripture is spoken of this way, “As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be at the coming of the son of man.” (People had once again become wicked.) Do you see a parallel here? Present day America is much like the earth’s inhabitants during Noah’s time – as well as Sodom and Gomorrah.

We have provoked God (our Creator) from day one by taking our existence and many blessings for granted. Now we must pay the piper, with plagues and viruses, and although attention to the so called Covid virus is waning, (after being milked for billions of dollars) and the remaining vaccines worth millions and millions of dollars had to be destroyed for having expired because many people have rejected the “jab”.  On the other hand, 3/10/2022 in NYC the Omnicom virus is said to be raging. Many older citizens are sure to die. The Biden administration assures us that there are other variants waiting in the wings to make their deadly appearance. The next so-called virus variant is Deltacron or is it BK.2.? (Burger King 2????)

Farmers in the Northern Cape, Western Cape and Eastern Cape Karoo are struggling to control the locust swarms that have damaged and consumed thousands of hectares of grazing land. According to Agri SA, this is one of the biggest locust swarms in years. To say nothing of UFO sightings and earthquakes.


Jim Towers                                                 Write me at or visit me at www.dropzonedelta.comand visit my website


By Jim Towers

Are we under assault by the Communist Chinese, Bilderberg group, Socialists in government or are we making something out of nothing? The answer is a no brainer; all the evidence points to conspiratorial activities to destroy democracy and our way of life are in play -even as we speak.  In fact, it’s happening all over the world. Communism has been popping up everywhere you look, but citizens are finally waking up and taking matters into their own hands. They are raising up everywhere. 

Although these things are predicted to happen in the Holy Bible just before the rapture, we are to resist tyrannical mandates, persecution for the sake of our neighbors, families and friends.

Covid mandates, the silencing of free speech and other issues have been foisted upon the populace of many countries. People are being imprisoned on trumped up charges. Still though there are some who can’t or won’t see anything wrong with the demonic changes taking place in our society and around the world and were even duped into voting for the demonic horde. 

Fake news prevails and fear permeates society. Lies are so common it has become a way of life and no one seems to notice anymore. Special council John Durham of the United Sates just finished an investigation into the “Steel” Dossier and determined that Hillary Clinton and the leadership of the left had invented the Russian/ Trump collusion story. “Igor Danchenko, a Russia analyst who worked with Christopher Steele, the author of a dossier of rumors and unproven assertions about Donald …”  

I recently wrote about the most informative and reliable news organizations on the internet, and I thought it would be a good idea to reiterate and tell you why I believe these are the very best the internet has to offer. The Socialist left would have us believe that most information foisted upon us by them are conspiracy theories. But little by little we are learning that these “theories” are based on facts or emerging facts.

Since all other so called news outlets have been compromised and bought and paid for, the only way to really know what’s going on in the world is to go on the internet, and even then, you must be wary. Newspapers are a thing of the past and television news is close behind. Even Fox news has been compromised by Roger Ailes socialist son and the only thing keeping them afloat are two conservative personalities, Tucker Carlson, the affable conservative and Hannity, the hard-hitting commentator who is also a conservative. Laura Ingraham is another of their conservative mainstays. Without these three – Fox news would be history. Still though, I prefer to get my news from the internet. 

Every evening after supper I get on the internet to peruse the unfiltered daily world news and begin with The Stew Peters Show at 6:P.M EST on Frankspeech is one of my all-time favorites although he’s only been on for two years. His “guests” are doctors, lawyers, politicians, activists, truckers and “common folks” who have a story to tell. Here is a man who says what he means and means what he says. But as of late he has come dangerously close to offending the powers that be with his choice of words and frankly I’m surprised he hasn’t been harmed yet. 

Albeit, the powers that be, are trying to shut him up by shutting down his twitter, and Facebook account, and he has been scrubbed from several websites as well. But alas, he revealed just last night that he and his producers have prepared for this this to happen for over a year and are ready to begin their very own conservative programing which will include the highly intelligent virologist Dr. Jane Ruby and the effervescent Dianna Lorraine with their very own programs.

With nowhere else to go for conservative news, Frank Speech is slowly gaining in popularity, but they lack a polished format and for that reason can appear a little hokey at times. Not surprisingly Brannon Howse the lead pushes his books consistently, in a one man show, and who can blame him. (I’m surprised he hasn’t fallen over from sheer exhaustion.) But he does have interesting guests, including Generals, Peter Navarro and Roger Stone, two most interesting men. (Roger Jason Stone is an American conservative political consultant and lobbyist. Since the 1970s, Stone has worked on the campaigns of Republican politicians, including Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Jack Kemp, Bob Dole, George W. Bush, and Donald Trump. Wikipedia). Then there is the feisty foil of Dr. Fauci – Peter Navarro, Peter Kent Navarro is an American economist and author. He served in the Trump administration as the Assistant to the President, Director of Trade and Manufacturing Policy, and the national Defense Production Act policy coordinator. Wikipedia. Both of these men have written important books and are highly entertaining and informative for serious minded individuals. 

The left has been hard at work trying to discredit and scrub these informative conservative platforms and all other conservative commentators from social media. Before long they will try to stifle all opposing discourse in the marketplace of ideas. They among other things, would have us believe that men can have babies, that there are more than two genders and that the vaccines and masks are meant to keep viruses at bay, when science and fatality rates would indicate otherwise. 

Thank God for the Truckers in Canada who stood up to the tyranny of the communist dictators by inspiring other countries to do the same. Even as I write this, the same truckers are being arrested, jailed, and fined. However, an American convoy of over a thousand truckers is on its way to Washington D.C to protest the Covid mandates imposed upon all of us. 

President Trump has just unleashed his very own social media program. Naturally, the socialists will attempt to discredit them and their agendas. This will help conservatives to resist socialist mandates and initiatives.

I’ve saved the best for last – Rapture Ready world news is always an interesting and informative page. They always just print the headlines of world news and let you decide whether the reporter is telling the truth or not, and it does so from a Christian perspective which is what draws me in. It’s a good thing to correlate what is going on in the world with what is written in Scripture. 

One very important “conspiracy theory” that is coming together just as predicted is in the book of Revelation written by the Apostle John as well as the prophet Daniel is coming together just as they predicted it would. 

Russian Dictator Vladmir Putin just declared war on the Ukraine. Ready or NOT,…(this event could be a forerunner of the war of Gog and Magog.) “When you see these things begin to happen “Look up, for your redemption draweth nigh.”


Jim Towers                       write me at or visit me at and visit my website


By Jim Towers

It was Sunday morning, and I couldn’t wait to meet the day. The sun was shining the birds were tweeting and I felt refreshed and ready to meet it. My dad had always been a sharp dresser and I just followed suit, (no pun intended) white shirt, and jacket, – early on a suit and tie. Ahh, those were the good old days. 

Sundays were special, the workweek was over and it time for rest and giving thanks to God for was the song “Oh what a beautiful morning” from the musical “Oklahoma” was on my lips as I prepared for morning worship. With bible in hand, I made my way to First Baptist Church. Everyone there seemed to know how to play the game of propriety and decorum. But still there were troublemakers and those who were there only to be a part of the social scene, but at lest they had the good sense to play the “religious card.”

I’ve been around long enough to have seen every atrocity and weakness named in the church, the love of money tops the list today, sex, adultery, pedophilia, and homosexuality have reared their ugly heads in this once holy place. 

No more pretentions – no more facades. Everyone does as he pleases. Lies and jealousy are rampant. Loud music, smoke and mirrors, and loud music beg young people to attend, but young people have their own rock bands and strobe lights to entertain them. What they really need is authentic Christianity not entertainment.

Since leaving my former church I’ve found it almost impossible to find one where there is a degree of decorum and solemnity. Frivolity and course jesting dominate (you know how men are the small talk between them before the Sunday service is rife with nonsense and things that matter not one whit in the grand scheme of things.) 

Today there are more pressing issues facing the “church.” Take for example these recent headlines, and I quote:

“Two months after leaving Liberty University. Jerry Falwell Jr. is suing the school for defamation. The former university president alleges Liberty officials accepted “false claims” against him to force his resignation and then “engaged in a campaign to ‘tarnish, minimize, and outright destroy the legacy of the Falwell family and Mr. Falwell’s reputation.” Falwell has been reportedly granted a 10.5 million severance package under his contract.” 

Pastor Tavner Smith of Venue Church was caught with chili on his shorts, seems he and a church worker were cooking something up at a hotel together. Who can forget Jimmy 

Speaking of TBN, isn’t that the platform that hosted the Perry Stone ministry? This man was recently accused of manhandling the female workers in his congregation (I hope it’s not true). He says it’s because he is “Italian” that he likes to touch women. (What normal man doesn’t like to touch women?) I don’t put men on a pedestal no matter how special they think they are, and you shouldn’t either.

Alas, in the meantime, it’s getting ever harder to find a good church, one that teaches the inerrant word of God. If you recall, my latest church of twelve years was divided by a cabal of instigators and usurpers (this is the fourth time I’ve see this happen in my Christian experience.) The latest word about that fiasco, is that the instigating associate pastor left what remained of the congregation hanging and now a year later, there is a New Age pastor in charge along with remnants of the WOKE crowd and Cancel Culture people, while one of the former teachers began a home church and fancies himself a dynamic preacher imitating the former and former preachers of TBN. Pastor Hayes Wicker – the founder of that church – was an extraordinary person, unpretentious, humble kind and gentle.

These are trying times when people are searching for solace and hope in a world gone mad. But to try and make sense of things in this world takes stability and faith in the word of God. If you can find a good doctrinally sound church stay with it. That’s why I stayed with First Baptist of Naples for as long as I did even though I knew I was surrounded by fallible and often hypocritical people – but knowing people the way I do I, (I didn’t expect much from them anyway.) In some of these churches there was the deacon with the woody woodpecker hairdo at age sixty-five who apparently needed recognition.  There was the associate pastor who wore shoes that were two sizes too long (an indication of the size of his manhood.) To matters worse, he tapped the toes of his shoes as he preached. There was also an effeminate man who pretended to be kind and friendly, but his glazed over eyes and effeminate demeanor give him away.    

At a recent Christmas service, I attended, the program was anything but traditional. The drummer thinks his gift of keeping time gives him license to burst your eardrums with frenzied banging. To say nothing of the young lady with torn jeans trying desperately to carry a tune. The music director is a failed pastor who when he gets a chance preaches a way too long prayer when he should be playing the piano and let the pastor do the preaching or teaching.  That same church celebrated Christmas with a video that depicted a coven like service as two hooded kettle drummers who pounded the drums on either side of the podium. Not being able to see their faces, they looked like ghouls from a “Indiana Jones” movie, “Temple of Doom” which added absolutely nothing to the Christmas story the people were there to celebrate. 

I don’t know about you, but something has to be done about calling these errant people out. We need a call for repentance.  (I don’t claim to be perfect but the things I just mentioned are an indication that the church is in freefall and soon sound doctrine, and the bible will become irrelevant and without meaning.) 

We know that things shouldn’t be that way, but we sit on our hand and say nothing. How I long for the good old days.

“But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light; Which in time past were not a people but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy.Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul; Having your conversation honest among the Gentiles: (unbelievers) that, whereas they speak against you as evildoers, they may by your good works, which they shall behold, glorify God in the day of visitation.


Jim Towers 

Visit me at or or visit my website


By Jim Towers

I’m writing this piece from my tiny hospital room, I’m in the isolation ward for covid patients at my local hospital. This is my second day here and I’m awaiting my prognosis concerning the installation of a yet another stent in my clogged arteries due to too many donuts in the past.

This procedure comes at a time when people are dying from far less complications due to the latest covid variant. Truth be told, I was surprised that they took me in so readily although the halls of the hospital were empty and so was the covid emergency tent outside.

Thankfully, I’ve been going to the gym for most of my adult life and so while the other seven covid patients were bed ridden I was doing my best to stay busy by reading and writing.

Soon it was day four, and I was being prepped for the procedure. The subject of Covid complications never came up and I just assumed that the doctor knew what he was doing. I wasn’t worried, I knew I was in God’s good hands and if I died, I would soon be with Him in Paradise to see my new abode.

I’ve been on top of this Covid fiasco from the very beginning and have heard numerous virology experts expound on what they know about it and have now experienced the full brunt of the covid storm, I feel compelled to let you in on my experience with it and what I know of its origins.

When I very first heard of Wuhan China the Chinese people were rioting in the streets in front of a government building and the police were finding it hard to quell and disperse them, after a few days of this – as information was pouring out on the internet – suddenly it all stopped, and the internet news stopped reporting on it at all. (Coincidently, The Wuhan lab for bioweapon research was in that same province.)

Information about the events preceding the spread of Covid finally began trickling in, nothing more was said about the dispersion of rioters who just disappeared off the face of the earth in one fell swoop. The last I heard was that the dead rioters were being dumped into mass graves never to riot again. The assumption was that in desperation, the Chinese Communist government turned the Covid 19 Bioweapon against its own people.

Communist China has long been known for its policy of secrecy and spy craft. I at that point in time had just finished reading about some Chinese nationalist spies who were gleaning information from Monsanto about growing corn, they were based in Miami Florida. And were eventually caught except for one who made his way back to the mainland.

This I learned later, was common practice during the Obama administration when our doors were open for all to come and enter our universities and to establish cultural ties to people whose ideologies couldn’t be further apart. Christianity and forced atheism are incompatible. 

As things began to get out of hand, I thought it was far too coincidental for there not being a connection. As Covid 19 began to spread worldwide, the Chinese Communist government began to blame it on bats sold for food at a Wet market in Wuhan. But as the real facts begin to get out, they were countered and swept under the rug. One lie on top of the other, in the meantime there are new variants of said Covid leaving us all in a state of confusion.

I came to emergency hoping to have a stent put in place as my chest pain was getting worse and worse, any degree of exertion would have me pain from acute angina. All the tests were done and I was a good candidate – except for one thing, Covid 19 was into its third variance – Omicron. By then the new variance was upon us with a vengeance. 

As it turns out, my Cardiologist was willing to take me on at that very time and before I knew it, I was being wheeled down the corridor to the room where stents are performed. (It’s as if they were flipping the dice and either way, they had nothing to lose and 30,000.00 to inherit should I die.) But I too was willing to roll the dice and really had no choice as the hospitals were beginning to fill up with many Omicron casualties. 

People with common colds were pushing their way to the front of the lines for testing and/ or admission. (This, although my release papers said I had tested positive for severe Covid 19 before the operation.)  

There is no end in sight for the variants coming down the pike and as long as we don’t get to the bottom of this fiasco, we will be held hostage to those who hold the keys to the bio – weapons formed against us in the name of population control. In the meantime, so called vaccines are being administered to the populous with devastating results for many who are already sick and weak from other maladies. 

I for one will not under any circumstances take the jab and will continue to take my chances with God Almighty who gave me life.

Since we can’t know for sure what the final outcome will be we can only fall to our collective knees and pray that God will take pity on us and let us get on with life. But as history will testify, we will continue to displease God and bring destruction upon ourselves.

According to my Doctor, everything had gone according to plan and here I am today, recovering several days later, with re-lapses in between. 

Personally speaking, if any good came of this situation it is that I’ve had ample time to reflect on my colorful and tumultuous life and have decided to end it in becoming a motivational Christian speaker. After all, I am a trained speaker, (dramatist) who has performed character roles and sung solos in front of large audiences and appeared on the big (and little screen) around the world. 

Furthermore, knowing scripture the way I do – after forty-five years of personal application in my life – and having untold miracles happen in my life, I feel I have much to contribute to the body of Christ in these trying times and so I may – God willing, turn to being a Christian motivational speaker to encourage others in the faith.  I would be remiss in failing to encourage the faint of heart dying all around us in this perilous time of endless Covid variants.


Jim T. Towers          You can respond at or visit me at or visit my own website  

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