By Jim Torres “Towers”

Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. And there was not anything made that was made without Him. In Him was life, and this life was the light of men…

Jesus is the Word. His Word is the glue that holds everything together, that’s why He was able to just speak the words and people were healed of their infirmities, and raised from the dead. Notice how Christ told the unyielding fig tree to die and it withered and did so. Also remember how he calmed the violent storm on the Sea of Galilee to the utter amazement of His apostles who were afraid they might die in the raging storm. He did so to validate His power to the Apostles who were with Him. Now that’s power!

That is why; once we trust Him He can work the miraculous, all we have to do is have faith that He can do it. Words are powerful, very powerful. They gave existence to our mortal being and sense of consciousness.

God even gave mankind the capability to form words for communication amongst themselves. We too have power in the words spoken by us; they can bring joy, hope, restoration, happiness, consolation and healing. However, when wrongly used words can also instill negative feelings of fear, intimidation, anxiety and hate. The human tongue has power over life and death as well. That’s why the Word of God, tells us to be careful what we say because we will be held accountable for every idle word we speak.

The written word also has power, the power to make one knowledgeable and well informed. We, through the written word can be entertained, and infused by the knowledge of what others preceding us had to say about a certain subject. We therefore learn without having to experience what the writer did during his experiments if the subject is science for example. Libraries across the word are full of knowledge, history and genealogy. What a dynamic gift we have in words written or spoken. It’s too bad we take this miraculous gift for granted, and more often than not abuse it.

When witnessing to someone, it is best to use the Word of God. “The Word of God is shaper than a two edged sword, piercing to the dividing asunder of the soul and the spirit and bone and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” Who can refute the word of God? Only a fool would try.

An illiterate person has few options but to believe anything said to him. That’s why many third world countries are still in the dark ages as it were. The more enlightened a culture is the better is their sanitary, health, and governmental system becomes. “Blessed are they that read.”

Satan uses words too, taking advantage of a people by twisting words around though lies and deceit. “Has God really said”? In this way, by questioning the words of God, he causes people to doubt and question the authority of our Creator. He tempted Jesus with words, “If you really are the Son of God, cast yourself down for the scriptures say, He will not let you dash your foot against a stone”. But Jesus answered by saying, “It is written, thou shall not tempt the Lord thy God.”

By the way,

I’m on a mission to help my former brother in law get around after undergoing an eye operation which without it will go blind within weeks. Making my way across country by train has been a real adventure already.

I use my business cards to let these people know about my movie “The Prophecies 2016.” and on top of that, my card also informs about my writing contributions to Rapture Ready and Drop Zone Delta on the reverse side.

I was first assigned a seat next to a very religious Hindu man and we talked for hours. I was able to share Christ with him after listening to his story, after which I gave him my business card.

With only three days on the road I’ve had a number of encounters on the train and was also able to lead a man to Christ in the train station in front of many witnesses. What must the observers have thought? The truth is, I don’t care, this man’s spiritual well being was at stake and I will take every opportunity that presents itself to do so.

Another elderly couple I met and talked to at length will distribute my cards to their church members. This couple witnessed me leading the man to Christ in the train station and were impressed enough to take a photo with me. I also encountered a missionary couple from Ethiopia; they told me that Muslims are having visions of Christ there.

The following day I met an Atheist in the lounge car who is a really friendly guy and was open to discussing the Bible and God even though he was a former fan of Timothy Leary the LSD guru. A young man Amish whose name is Jacob listened to our conversation intently and I learned from him that they use the King James Bible. Soon after, I was surrounded by the entire barn raising group of about twenty, making conversation and having a good time, even laughing at times. I will never forget this wonderful encounter. Jesus said, “Only those who throw away their lives for my sake will know what it truly means to live.”

I give my business cards to everyone I encounter. In this way, I am able to spread the word about my movie to many across the country. I will also be visiting a number of churches as drive back from North Dakota to Naples next month.

Everyone has to know that God loves them and is not willing that any should perish, but come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

You can contact me for a synopsis of my evangelical movie “The Prophecies 2016 movie”


Jim Torres “Towers”


Russia enters Syrian war with air strikes, jolts the Mid East into new era

That Russia launched its first air strikes in Syria Wednesday, Sept. 30 was confirmed by the Russian Defense Ministry in Moscow and criticized by US officials. Moscow stressed that it acted in support of Bashar Assad’s war on the Islamic State, assisted by other foreign powers including Iran and Iraq working together from an allied command center in Baghdad. Its targets were described as stores, ammunition dumps and vehicles, located according to US sources around Homs and Hama. The Russian communiqués did not indicate which organizations were bombed.

The Russian aerial offensive marks a turning point in Middle East affairs. Russia is emerging strongly as the number one power in the region. The governments which hitherto coordinated their military polices with the US, like those of Israel, Jordan and Turkey will have to reassess their orientation and affinities in a hurry.

Read More at Debka File

Are you a real man? former Delta Force commander drops #Truth

(Editors Note- This is the Foreword to the book written by Stephen Mansfield, Mansfield’s book of Manly Men: An utterly invigorating guide to being your most masculine self. I can’t add to what General Boykin wrote.  I agree wholeheartedly with his words. This book is a must read.)

Lieutenant General William G. Boykin (retired)  Former commander, Delta Force 

FEW PERSONALITIES IN THE BIBLE ARE MORE RECOGNIZED FOR their manly qualities than the “man after God’s own heart,” the great King David. He was an extraordinary warrior, an accomplished musician, a skilled author, a man of great wisdom, and, as important, a dutiful shepherd over his father’s flocks. He was also courageous, passionate, and certainly flawed. David was a manly man who achieved greatness in his lifetime, a man all men today should study for the lessons they can learn.

David knew what it was to be a man. As he lay dying, he called his son Solomon to his bedside and gave him final instructions: “I am about to go the way of all the earth. So be strong and show yourself a man.” These are the last recorded words of one of the greatest kings to ever live. Of all he might have said to his son with his final breath, he chose to instruct him to be a man. They are words we should never forget.

Today the concept of being a manly man is something every American male should contemplate. The truth is most men are not at all clear about what it means to be a real man in American society. The feminist movement has severely re-worked the image of manhood, and this has damaged the self-esteem of many men. Likewise, the constant intrusion of government into the family structure in our nation has contributed dramatically to confusion about what God intends men to be. When a government perpetuates the myth that its programs are more important than fathers in the home, men will naturally suffer a crisis of identity.

Men also face the popular but false notion that women can do anything a man can do. This, too, serves to emasculate men, just as it ignores God’s highest and noblest intentions for men and women. It has given our nation a plague of gender confusion that masquerades as trendy gender neutrality and leaves us everything from unisex dress to mixing the sexes in frontline combat units in our military.  This is one of many signs of America’s deepening gender crisis, a crisis that is devastating American men.

Sadly, most Christian churches offer little help in this cause, and it is because they fail to articulate the true nature of the greatest man in history, Jesus Christ.  Many churches portray him as meek, weak, and almost effeminate. This leads to men who are much the same.

It is a picture far from the true Jesus Christ. Consider for a moment. Jesus was a carpenter who worked with his hands and lifted heavy stone and large chunks of wood. His hands were calloused and scarred from the everyday wear and tear of carpentry. Yes, he was the Son of God, but he was also a man’s man. He even told his disciples to sell their cloaks and buy swords as they set off to do his work and build his church. He was establishing for their understanding that there are things worth fighting for, even things worth dying for as men.

He is our highest example of manhood, particularly in the magnificence of his courage. We should never forget how he entered the temple in Jerusalem one day.  Seeing conduct that showed disregard for the honor of God, he made a braided whip and drove moneychangers and merchants out of the temple courts. You can bet that those who saw him do it never forgot how he flipped over tables and fiercely prevented strong young men from carrying merchandise through God’s house. This is the true Jesus Christ. He was tough and rugged, but also the epitome of love and compassion.

What about American men today?

Most modern men do not reflect the image of the best model for genuine manhood. Society suffers as a result. For example, many men are convinced it is somehow manly to produce children yet unmanly to take responsibility for them. This is why there are American households teeming with children but absent a father.

Consider also the domestic abuse statistics in America. What kind of degenerate thinks it is manly to beat a woman—that he is somehow affirming his superior status in the world through violence against those he is intended to protect?

I could ask the same question about men who have extramarital affairs. What kind of man breaks his vows, destroys lives, and violates the laws of God for false love and brief pleasures?  It must be the same kind of man who allows pornography—a kind of fictional intimacy of the imagination—to destroy genuine intimacy with a loving wife. Certainly men who do these things are not modeling themselves after the ultimate man, Jesus Christ.

It is no wonder so many people are asking these days, “Where are all the real men?”
Manhood is suffering today. Men seem to be confused about what God wants them to be and about how to live out their manly calling. I often get this question from the men I meet: “Are there any examples of real men that we can emulate?” I answer, “Yes!” Let me tell you about just one.

My dad was a manly man who was a fine role model for my brother and me.  Gerald Boykin grew up on a tobacco farm in eastern North Carolina as one of ten children. He was the sixth son of a sharecropper. Gerald dropped out of high school three months after his seventeenth birthday so he could join the United States Navy during World War II. His four older brothers were already deployed to combat zones and Gerald refused to stay behind. He simply had to join his brothers in upholding what they all believed.

Knowing my father as I do, I’m sure he also did not want to be left out of the war stories that would be told at the family gatherings in later years!  His passion to serve his country like a man landed him in the middle of fierce fighting on June 6, 1944—D-Day. Gerald was severely wounded and left blind in his left eye. After his discharge from the navy, he returned to the tobacco farm, married his sweetheart, and started a family. When the Korean War began in 1950, he returned to service in the United States Army, which had a program for disabled veterans who could still function. After the war, he was discharged a second time.  Upon leaving the army, Gerald accepted a job with the United States Marine Corps, where he served for thirty-two years as a federal employee. This service included a year in Vietnam and multiple deployments into dangerous areas.

Gerald never expected America to give him anything but an opportunity. He served his nation with devotion all his life and raised his family to love God and to love the nation that he had so faithfully served. His sense of justice and his moral courage were his cornerstone characteristics. Gerald knew what he believed, what was important to him, and what he was unwilling to compromise.  He had a servant’s heart and the strength of character to stand by his convictions. He had transcendent causes in his life. They can be summarized in three words: God, country, family.

Though he had little education, Gerald was a man of wisdom who took his responsibilities as a father and mentor seriously and always stood on principle.  His sense of right and wrong gave him the moral compass that guided his life. He never blamed others for his own failures or shortcomings. He accepted responsibility for his actions and lived with the consequences. He was my hero—a real man, a manly man.

Some readers probably expected me to characterize him as a skilled hunter or fisherman or outdoorsman or even an avid golfer. After all, isn’t that what we think of when we talk about manly men these days? Well, he was all of these things, too, but they were not what made him a manly man. Instead, it was his willingness to subordinate his own desires and aspirations to greater causes: his God, his nation, and his family. He put the welfare and security of others before his own. He knew he was blessed by a sovereign and loving God to be an American, and he believed his family was a gift from God for which he was responsible.

Some readers might also have expected me to brag about my father’s physical strength. Yeah, he was a powerful man, too, with enough strength to impress other men. Yet this did not make him manly either. Physical strength is never what makes a man manly. Rather, it is moral strength that identifies the true man, and my father had plenty of it. He was the kind of man King David called his son to be.

What about you? Are you a manly man? Can you call yourself a real warrior, a protector of the flock, a man with a transcendent cause in your life?

Sadly, too many men in America cannot identify with the characteristics of a real man. The ideal of the warrior, for example, is too high for them. What makes a man a warrior is his willingness to place himself between what he holds dear and anything that threatens it. Honor is the chief motivator for the warrior. Dishonor is unthinkable. He does the right thing without expectation of reward because honor is an intrinsic value that, when manifested in one’s life, provides its own rewards.

The protector of the flock will risk his own life just as King David did when his father’s sheep were threatened by a lion and a bear. Although David certainly feared the strength and aggression of the bear and the lion, he overcame that fear because he knew the power of his God was greater. We should remember this. A manly man is not without fear; rather he overcomes his fear by enduring difficulty and hardship. Also, like King David, he knows the source of his own strength: God himself.

Each man must determine what is dear to him and what is worth sacrificing for.  A transcendent cause must exist in a man’s life if he is to reach his full potential as a man. Few men today have done a thorough self-analysis to ascertain what their transcendent cause is—or even if they have one. It is time, though: time to determine what we hold dear and what is worthy of sacrifice. As men, we cannot wait until the later years of our lives to make this assessment. I urge you: do it now, and bring meaning to who you are as a man.

I was privileged to serve for thirty-six years in the United States Army with some of America’s finest men. Because I was in Special Operations, I served with people who were selected because they were the best in their fields and were totally committed to their beliefs and values. I have seen them do extraordinary things, often at the risk of their lives.

During the Blackhawk Down events in Mogadishu, Somalia, in October of 1993, two of my Delta Force men, Randy Shughart and Gary Gordon, sacrificed their lives to save four comrades who had crashed in a helicopter in a hostile part of the city.  Knowing there was no one else who could save their comrades at that moment, these two men volunteered to go alone into what they knew was almost certainly a fatal situation. After asking three times to be allowed to save the four men in the crash, they were finally granted permission to go.

Ultimately, only the copilot survived to tell the story of how these incredible heroes jumped from a hovering helicopter and fought their way into the crash where they removed the crew from their seats and then defended them until they were killed. These men were motivated by more than self-interest. They were patriots.  They were men.

They, and many like them, are still the core of American manhood. I am actually optimistic today because there are other men like Shughart and Gordon who are not only serving in our nation’s armed forces, but are serving in numerous ways in communities across the nation. Some are professionals, but many are factory workers, farmers, and average citizens who have settled the question of what they care most about and are prepared to make sacrifices for the things they value.  These are the leaders of the future.

Stephen Mansfield has provided an extraordinary blueprint for every man to determine how he can be the man that God has called him to be—a manly man.  Stephen uses his knowledge of biblical principles combined with his incredible understanding of men—and the influences and distractions that they are facing today—to show us how to grow into the kind of man that King David wanted Solomon to be.

This book is a must read for every American male. We must restore the understanding of what it means to be a manly man. The nation’s future depends on men getting back to the fundamentals of being men of courage and values. Read this book and discover what it means to be a manly man. What you find may surprise you. You will be changed for the better and inspired to be the man you want to be—the man God intended you to be.



By Jim Torres “Towers”

I suppose some of my readers may think I’m too tough on them. I take no joy in expressing my tough love views; as a matter of fact I wish I could say everything is hunky dory (pardon the old expression). But so often in church settings the last thing we talk about amongst ourselves is spiritual things. It’s all about football, recipes and our children. While there is nothing inherently wrong with such banter, shouldn’t we be more concerned about the state of our nation and the plight of our fellow Christians around the world? Maybe we should even be praying openly about such important things, just as we did in my church last Sunday night. Unfortunately, only about 120 people showed up for that special prayer service out of three thousand members. What a pity.

Having been in Christian circles for over forty years I’ve heard and seen everything you can imagine, some good and some not so good. I can remember a time when other well-meaning Christians would say to me, “I don’t have to say anything, other people can see by the way I live my life that I’m a Christian. I’m sorry to burst your bubble, but even Mormons are more straight laced than we are – in public that is. However, I’ve read horror stories about what they do behind closed doors.

Because we didn’t share Christ verbally during the last generation, we missed a great opportunity to reach out to the hurting masses. We were too busy accumulating things and pleasuring ourselves in every way possible. That left things open for the far left to take over, and look where we are today. But here’s the clincher, they only constitute a small fraction of our nation yet they’ve managed to infiltrate our schools, universities and judicial system and our very way of life. That’s the price we paid for being wimpy, politically correct and just plain “religious.”

Jesus Christ often corrected his followers through parables; and it wasn’t always peaches and cream. He didn’t tiptoe around and try to please everyone. More often than not his methodology is what I refer to as “Tough Love”. His sermons weren’t self help speeches, nor were they laced with empty manmade drivel. Even the religious leaders weren’t immune to his correction. Jesus scolded them time and again. He also spoke truth so as to awaken those who were spiritually asleep.

Speaking of sleep, did you ever notice how some people doze off during the Sunday morning service? I know there are many excuses for doing so, and some of them are justifiable. However, it could just as well be Satan making your eyelids heavy with apathy. He used to do this to me in the very early stages of my spiritual growth. But thank God, today I listen very carefully to what a pastor has to say, especially in these perilous times.

Without warning his followers about the dangers of not being awake and alert Jesus would have been doing them a disservice. One of these parables about the bridegroom arriving at an unexpected hour (the rapture) contains just such an admonition in Matthew 25:13, and there are many more such warnings,

At this stage of the game I couldn’t care less about who won the championship or don’t even watch the playoffs. I won’t even listen to the same old words every four years of the inept politician’s speeches anymore either. I can almost recite what they will say verbatim: change now, read my lips, no more taxes and “a chicken in every pot” and oh yes, abortion on demand – phewy! The way things are developing in our country and the world, there’s a good chance there won’t even be another election!! We need a deep repentance and returning to God in our country.

Shouldn’t we also be praying for our nation and our Christian brethren across the world, rather than praying collectively for little Johnny’s grades or traveling mercies to our favorite vacation hide away? Come on, let’s get real, little Johnny needs to spend more time studying, and we shouldn’t be texting while driving. These are common sense things. But common sense isn’t so common anymore – even in the church.

In light of all of that, I hope you aren’t a “Sunday go to meeting” Christian who forgets all he heard the moment he exits the church doors, just to be the first to arrive at the local restaurant to get service. We must learn to put the horse before the cart and take these matters seriously; very seriously, our very lives and the lives of our loved ones depend on it. We must also quit being shallow, petty and apathetic. Hug your pastor and fellow believer, pray for them, and let them know how much you care. Invite them over for dinner. Encourage one another.

It’s the apathetic, wimpy and self-righteous person that I rail against. Narcissistic, arrogant and religious people irk me, but I find myself praying for them like Christ taught us to do in spite of it all…God help us.

As they used to say in the movies, “Times a wasting” and we’d better get our act together.

What about you? Isn’t there something you can do while you wait for the rapture to take you out of this crazy mess we’ve gotten ourselves into by voting so wrongly and then being apathetic about it? Only you know your capabilities, gifts and talents. We must be light and salt in our ever darkening world.

I realize all too well that each and every one of us is saved by grace alone, but remember, “Faith without works is dead.” We should be so grateful for our salvation that we feel the urge to show it through works. God is good and we should try to be too.

Ok…. I’m done. Oh, by the way;

The movie “90 Minutes in Heaven” was pretty well done, but kept you wondering when he was going there. In using this ploy the story teller kept you anticipating until the end. I only wish the pastor had told us more about what he saw. Maybe he didn’t see any more than what he revealed in the movie.

You can contact me for a synopsis of my movie “The Prophecies 2016”.


Jim Torres “Towers”


My Motivation



Where do you find your motivation? What drives you? Are you doing what is right?

Most people never really think of this and thus squander the abilities and gifts God has given them.  Most people don’t look at the world around them, they look inward and the box they refuse to step out of.  In that box is everything you need to stay in your comfort zone, which is NOT the zone we should strive to be in.  The comfort zone is where dreams go to die.  It is the rut in life you can never get out of, the golden handcuffs.  It is not where the fight is, the fight is outside of the box.  The fight is where our faith and life is tested.

We should be looking outward, as my pastor recently preached.  Facing outward you see everything from a different perspective, you appreciate everything more and look at yourself and ask, what can I do to make a difference? It may be that change in your perspective could turn around your life and those you know.

I bring this up because today I want to tell you where I get my motivation from.  Its from the young man in that picture.  You see he was someone I worked for and admired.  He was a mentor.  He died on Sept 11, 2001 at the Pentagon.  I hope to see him again some day. When I need motivation, when I need drive, when life hurts, I think of Cliff.  I am still here, I can make a difference.  So can you, if you want to.

We don’t need to go to Seminary to preach the Gospel.  Jesus chose unlettered fisherman to be his disciples, the guys none of us would pick.   You see, what the world thinks of you and what God does are not the same.  So be brave, find out what your talents are and use them.

You are still here, and you can make a difference.



By Jim Torres “Towers”

Charismatic Christians (for the most part) are looking for signs of the rapture or the second coming in the Shmita and four blood moons. Whether this means the rapture is imminent or that this is the second coming hasn’t yet been determined in many Pentecostal churches. This is happening while the more mainline Bible believing churches aren’t even mentioning the Shmita that Rabbi Jonathan Cahn espouses, or even the four Blood moons that John Hagee wrote about.

In fact, instead of acknowledging these and other signs, some deluded pulpeteers in our country are advocating for Islam and homosexual rights! If ever there were “signs” of the times, those two signs are certainly a part of it and they may be right up there with the Shmita and/or Blood moons. Surprisingly, even the feast of trumpets also arrives in the same time frame as the Shmita and the Blood Moons. All of these things converge between September 13 and 28 of this year. Not only that, but the Pope is having a meeting in September with our president as well! Whatever they are up too, it can’t be good. Only time will tell.

I could add to the list of things that will be happening during September of this year, but other Christian fellow writers are already disseminating that for you and me. So hold onto your seats, we’re in for a bumpy ride in the mid to final days of September, that is, if these prognosticators are right. “If we fear God, we have nothing else to fear.”

I spoke to a friend last night about these things and my friend, being a mature Bible-reading person said, “I believe the Shmita and Blood Moons and feasts and such were meant for Israel and not necessarily for the United States.” My friend has a point.

There can be no doubt some writers of these books are often making up astounding theories and so-called prophecies just to make a buck from sensationalism.

If and when a writer sells a book that becomes a national best seller, it is in his best interest to roll out a couple more, even if they border on the extreme. These days a book buyer has to be aware of some of these Christian story tellers. The only way to do that is to compare their work with Holy Scripture, which is of no private interpretation.

So what are we to believe? First and foremost, we must believe the inerrancy of the Bible. If a theory, dream or “word of faith” doesn’t jibe with Biblical Scripture we must discount it. The Bible warns that in the last days there will be many imposters leading many astray.

For that reason and others, people are leaving the church in unprecedented numbers. Could this be the Great Falling Away of the church (yet another sign)? I believe it is. I believe that many sincere believers are leaving the church for its lack of relevance in today’s turbulent society and/or apostasy in the church in one form or another.

The indifferent, and luke warm “believers” who don’t care one way or another and might think, well I’m saved so I don’t care about anyone or anything else. However, if we’re reading the scriptures correctly we can forget about the rapture until there is true repentance in the church as a whole and a revival on a grand scale to help bring in the sheaves.

Unless the nearness of the rapture makes you want to be ready and inviting others to join you, there may be something wrong with your walk with Jesus Christ. I say this because when the rapture does happen Jesus may only be taking those without spot or blemish to the marriage supper of the Lamb. After all, who in their right mind wants a wanton, apathetic, lazy and/or defiled wife?

That being said, we must be prepared for any eventuality and we should be standing on the Word of God. These are evil days we live in and we must rely on the unshakeable infallible word of God to see us through when all around us everything else is being shaken. You might do well to also be prepared with a stock of staples in the pantry (just in case) to hold you over until the rapture takes place.

By the way,

The movie War Room is a breakthrough film. Jesus Christ was mentioned repeatedly. Scripture was quoted unabashedly and although it only affected one family in the film, it was good in every way except for the quality of directing. But, it beat out the rapping thug film “Straight out of Compton” at the box office this weekend. I hope that means that we are all burned out on that ridiculous and destructive subculture. This is followed up with “90 Minutes in Heaven” about a pastor who dies in a car crash and visits heaven for that length of time.

The paradigm in Christian film making is changing, and rapidly. God and Jesus Christ are beginning to be spoken about openly and things can only get more and more real. After a dry spell, we are in for a great season of Christian films, with Christian filmmakers becoming ever bolder.

Although the theatres are only half full with only devout Christians, there is hope that the unsaved will soon follow as they seek shelter from the soon coming storms.

My movie “The Prophecies 2016” has hit another drawback but I press ahead with preparation.

God willing, until next time


Jim Torres “Towers”


The Heroes Working to Rescue ISIS’s Core Victims

“I’ve been raped 30 times and it’s not even lunchtime,” cried one young Yazidi woman in a dangerous and desperate call. Chillingly, she begged the man on the line, someone embedded with the Kurdish Peshmerga fighting ISIS: “If you know where we are, please bomb us. There is no life after this. I am going to kill myself anyway.”

That request was made a year ago. So far, no brothel has been bombed, no slave auction interrupted.

President Obama’s much favored “international community” — the United Nations, the European Union, the politically correct Western intelligentsia, the NGOs, the human-rights organizations — hasn’t rescued this woman or any of the other mainly Christian and Yazidi sex slaves who remain in the clutches of the barbarians.

But some individual heroes are doing so. With Oscar Schindler, Sir Nicholas Winton and Chiune Sugihara — who saved thousands of Jews during the Holocaust — as role models, Canadian Jewish businessman Steve Maman has, so far, overseen the rescue of more than 120 kidnapped Christian and Yazidi girls in Iraq. Maman founded the Liberation of Christian and Yazidi Children of Iraq organization a year ago, after jihadists laid siege to Mosul and Sinjar.

Sister Hatune Dogan and Hans Erling Jensen of the Hatune Foundation have been rescuing Christian and Yazidi girls and women from Iraq and bringing them to Europe, mainly to Germany, for medical and psychological treatment.

Yazidi fighters head to battle ISIS on the summit of Mount Sinjar, Iraq, in December 2014.
Last month, Sister Hatune went to the Sinjar Shingal mountains. Thirteen Yazidi fighters “covered” her as she went to “the front lines.” She reports that “right now, there are 30,000 Yazidi fighters trying to stop the expansion of ISIS in this area. They live in 2,000 tents, in open camps in the mountains. They get neither support from the West or from the Kurds.”

She personally interviewed a young Yazidi girl who had been held captive by ISIS for two months. She was 14. “She was raped five to 10 times every day. She couldn’t express what she had been through. ‘I was dead — killed — hundreds of times,’ she says. She knew of many girls that had jumped from a high rock to kill themselves because they could not live on with the shame.”

This young girl is now safe.

The Hatune Foundation has freed 317 Christian and Yazidi girls from ISIS captivity since January 2014.

Last month, I met with Jensen in Europe to talk about the work he and Sister Hatune are doing. She described her monthly visits to the rescued girls this way: “I give them my shoulder to cry on. There is little more relief we can offer until we get them to Europe.”

Since January 2014, the Hatune Foundation has freed “317 Christian and Yazidi girls from the hands of ISIS.” In addition, with the help of “partners,” the foundation has been involved in “280 additional releases.”

Right now, “200 women and girls are under professional care in Germany” where they can safely recover. Most of these girls are without family.

Many have seen their loved ones brutally murdered. The task is huge.

Jensen met Sister Hatune and became director of the Hatune Foundation last year. They agreed to mount a web platform as a way of campaigning for the rescue of Christians and Yazidis. Sister Hatune got special permission from the Archbishop of the Syrian Orthodox Church to work outside the church.

Jensen tells me: “They have all been raped, sold as slaves countless times . . . Our long-term goal is to offer them security and comfort in life. We have bought three houses close to the foundation’s headquarters [in Germany] and we intend to design them for these girls when they have finished treatment.”

The Foundation is located in Germany because there is a large, active Yazidi community there — and, Jensen says, because Germany is “into Christianity much more so than many other European countries.”

The Yazidi women are not waiting for Western feminists or Western military men to come their aid.

A Yazidi singer, Xate Shingali, with the permission of Kurdish President Masoud Barzani, just formed an all-female brigade to fight ISIS. They have been equipped with AK-47s and wear military fatigues. Shingali says: “While we have had only basic training, we are ready to fight ISIS anytime.”

She adds, “ISIS will never go to heaven. We will kill them.”

Phyllis Chesler, a Shillman-Ginsburg fellow at the Middle East Forum, is an emerita professor of psychology and women’s studies and the author of sixteen books.

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Editors note: What have you done to help, prayers are a start. However please reach out to the many organizations that are providing for the needs of the Christians among others who desperately need it.  Reach out to me if you have any questions.




By Jim Torres “Towers”

Someone once told me, why you’re only preaching to the choir when you write your little articles! Well it just so happens that is my intent, since non-believers are in another category altogether and don’t know any better than to live like they do – apart from God. Often they do so not knowing anything of the Bible or not wanting to know. Some even deny the very existence of God.

In this writing, I feel called to address those who call themselves Christians, both “born again” and “carnal.” First of all, some so-called Christians make those of us who truly believe look bad in the eyes of the world. You and I know that the church is nothing more than a hospital for sinners seeking healing and hope. It is made up of diverse people from all walks of life, all with different agendas and baggage. Sometimes it’s difficult to tell a mature one from a babe in Christ. Some never get beyond their initial revelation.

Did you ever notice that we as a whole have a tendency to go over the same old ground again and again? We’ve made bible classes a social meeting place with coffee and donuts, coupled with mindless chatter and going nowhere. We go over the same old grind over and over and over again, ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. Our lives have become shallow and self serving. The Apostle Paul said that most of us who have sat under a bible teacher should by now be ready to go out and teach others, and we should stop drinking spiritual milk and begin eating spiritual meat – as it were.

There comes a time in every believer’s life when we have to make hard decisions. Do we continue on the same old treadmill or do we stand and minister to the lost and hungry? Do you know enough scripture to make a difference in other people’s lives? Only then can you speak with authority about spiritual matters. To that you might answer, “But I live a clean moral life and walk circumspectly.” But so do many Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses and Catholics – while not knowing the unadulterated Word of God.

There is much to be said about spiritual issues, especially in these latter days when there is so much controversy, varied opinions and books being churned out for public consumption. The book racket is becoming a lucrative business with church leaders going over things that we should already know from having read the bible. That isn’t to say that we can’t learn or get better insight into the mysteries of God, but if we neglect the Holy Scriptures we do ourselves a disservice.

The more we study Scripture the closer we draw to God our Father and His Son. We begin to see and understand the deeper things of God. The Bible is chock full of pertinent information for the believer. The Bible says, “Study to show yourselves approved, rightly dividing the word of God.” Yet many neglect reading it, thus leaving us in stunted growth.

For example, did you know that in the book of Genesis there is a verse (1:26) where God the Father says, “Let US make man in OUR image and in our likeness.” Who is He talking to? He’s talking to another person! That alone should tell us in no uncertain terms that God is Deity.

As you apply yourself to studying the word of God you will begin to see things in a different light, and a whole new perspective will open up to you. Do you want promises? The Bible is full of them. Do you need assurance of salvation? It is there too. Do you need courage? It is there.

One lifelong Christian woman in a bible class asked if her child, who died in infancy, was in heaven with God the Father. In the book of Psalms David declares that his child is with our creator God. And that although his prayers couldn’t keep him from dying, he one day would see him in heaven. There are other references to that question. Yet because she failed to know God’s word, she suffered with that question for years. Sadly though, the scriptures say, “My people perish for lack of knowledge.” She should have known this by now by having studied the Bible.

Another deep question that is answered in the Bible is, “How can a man be held responsible for what he doesn’t know?” My bible says he won’t be. Take for example a person in the jungles of Borneo who has never heard of Christ. Did you know that the bible tells us that a man will be judged according to the light that is in him? However, it is still our God-given responsibility to share the good news of the Gospel with everyone, everywhere.

The Bible says God is love, but how can he then condemn the pre-dispossessed He created, if that be the case? In this pre-destination controversy, how can we be so arrogant as to think we are better than anyone else? God is no respecter of persons but is not willing that any should perish. Everybody ever born is written in the Book of Life. But, if a person persists in denying God and his Christ they have sealed their doom and their name is removed from that same Book of Life.

The Bible also says that the Lamb’s book of Life is for those who have acknowledged Christ as savior. I sincerely hope your name is written there. If it’s not, then make sure it is just by asking in your own words for God the Father to forgive you your sins, and decide to follow the teachings of Christ and asking Him to intercede for you. Then learn more about this wonderful salvation and promises through reading of His word in the Bible. “The word of God is of no private interpretation but was inspired and written by Holy men as God revealed it to them.”

All of these things taken together make the word of God come vibrantly alive and will be encouraging to us. Thus, we should all grow up, arm ourselves with Scripture and join in the battle for men’s souls.

You may not see things exactly the way I do, but one thing is certain, Jesus Christ came to earth to redeem us so that we could have fellowship with the Father and remain with Him forevermore.



Jim Torres “Towers”



How a French Atheist Becomes a Theologian

Editors note- I first read this story on a long plane ride from Paris to Dallas, TX.  I saved the article on my phone before discarding the magazine.  What a great story about the way God works in our lives, for those who believe and even for those who don’t.  If he had walked out of that first Church and stopped his ears, who knows where the story would go.  The gift of free will means, we have a choice in our actions.  So we suffer and rejoice with the choices we make.  I thank God he chose to go back in.

If French atheists rarely become evangelical Christians, how much rarer it is for one to become an evangelical Christian theologian. So what happened? One might argue that with 66 million French people, I’m just a fluke, an anomaly. I am inclined to see it as the work of a God who says, “I will have mercy on whom I have mercy” (Rom. 9:15). Hearing the facts may help you decide for yourself.

I grew up in a wonderfully loving family in France, near Paris. We were Catholic, a religious expression that seemed to arise more out of tradition and perhaps superstition than conviction. As soon as I was old enough to tell my parents I didn’t believe any of it, I stopped going to Mass. I pursued my own happiness on all fronts, benefiting from my parents’ loving dedication. It allowed me to do well at school, learn to play the piano, and get involved in many sports. I studied math, physics, and engineering in college, graduated from a respected engineering school, and landed a job as a computer scientist in finance. On the sports front, after I grew to be 6 feet 4 inches and discovered I could jump 3 feet high, I ended up playing volleyball in a national league, traveling the country every weekend for the games.

An important part of young male French atheist ideals consisted of female conquests. Here, I was starting to have enough success to satisfy the raunchy standards of the volleyball locker room. All in all, I was pretty happy with my life. And in a thoroughly secular culture, the chances of ever hearing the gospel—let alone believing it—were incredibly slim.

New Life Goal

When I was in my mid-20s, my brother and I vacationed in the Caribbean. One day, returning from the beach, we decided to hitchhike home. A car pulled over. Two young women visiting from America were lost and needed directions to their hotel. Incidentally, it was right next to our house, so they gave us a ride.

They were attractive enough that my radar went off immediately, and we started flirting. The one I was interested in happened to mention she believed in God—by my standards an intellectual suicide. She also said she believed that sex belongs in marriage—an even more problematic belief than theism, if that were possible. Nevertheless, once the vacation ended, I returned to Paris, she to New York, and we started dating.

My new goal in life was to disabuse my girlfriend of her beliefs so we could be together without antiquated notions of God—or sex—standing in the way.

My new goal in life was to disabuse my girlfriend of her beliefs so that we could be together without antiquated notions of God—or sex—standing in the way. I started thinking: What good reason was there to think God exists, and what good reason was there to think atheism was true? This step was important, because my own unbelief rested comfortably on the fact that the smart people around me didn’t believe in God either. It was more a reasonable life assumption than the conclusion of a solid argument. But of course, if I was going to refute Christianity, I first needed to know what it claimed. So I picked up a Bible.

At the same time, I figured there was at least one experiment I could carry out. I thought, If any of this is true, then the God who exists presumably cares greatly about this project of mine. So I started to pray into the air: “If there is a God, then here I am. I’m looking into this. Why don’t you go ahead and reveal yourself to me? I’m open.” I wasn’t, but I figured that if God existed, that wouldn’t stop him.

A week or two after my unbelieving prayer, one of my shoulders started to fail me—without any accident or evident injury. My shoulder would burn out ten minutes into every practice. I just couldn’t spike. The doctor couldn’t see anything wrong, the physical therapist didn’t help, but I was told that I needed to rest my shoulder and to stop playing volleyball for a couple of weeks. Against my will, I was now off the courts.

With my Sundays available, I decided I would go to a church to see what Christians do when they get together. I drove to an evangelical congregation in Paris, visiting it as I would a zoo: to see exotic animals that I had read about in books but had never seen in real life. I remember thinking that if any of my friends or family could see me in a church, I would die of shame.

I don’t remember a word from the sermon. As soon as the service ended, I jumped up and hurried to the exit door, avoiding eye contact so I wouldn’t have to introduce myself. I reached the back door, opened it, and literally had one foot out the door when a chilling blast went up from my stomach all the way to my throat. I heard myself saying: “This is ridiculous. I have to figure this out.” So I put my foot back in, closed the door, and went straight to the pastor.

“So, you believe in God?”

“Yes,” he said, smiling.

“So how does that work out?” I asked.

“We can talk about it,” he said. After most of the people left, we went to his office and spoke for hours. I bombarded him with questions, and we met again over several weeks. He patiently and intelligently explained his worldview. And I nervously started to consider that all of it could be true. My unbelieving prayers shifted to, “God, if you are real, you need to make it clear so I can jump in and not make a fool of myself.” I started to hope that he would open the sky and send down the light.

Why Jesus Had to Die

What followed was less theatrical and more brutal: God reactivated my conscience. This was not a pleasant experience.

I remember lying in pain in my apartment near Paris, when all of a sudden the quarter dropped. That is why Jesus had to die: me.

At the same time I had started my investigations, I had also come to commit a particularly sinister misdeed, even by atheistic standards. Though I knew exactly what I had done, I had shoved it down inside. But God brought it back to mind in full force, and I finally saw it for what it was. I was struck with an intense guilt, crippled with chest pain, and disgusted at the thought of what I had done and the lies I had covered it with.

I was lying in pain in my apartment near Paris, when all of a sudden the quarter dropped. That is why Jesus had to die: me. He who knew no sin became sin on my behalf, so that in him I might become the righteousness of God (2 Cor. 5:21).

He took upon himself the penalty that I deserved, so that in God’s justice, my sins would be forgiven—by grace as a gift, rather than by my righteous deeds or religious rituals. He died so that I may live. I placed my trust in Jesus, and asked him to forgive me in the way Scripture promised he would.

Now that everything was in the open, I assumed God wanted me to marry my Christian girlfriend, and I moved to New York. We quickly learned we were absolutely not meant for each other. But now, uprooted and alone, with time on my hands, I was passionate about studying my newfound faith in order to explain it to friends and family. I read book after book, watched lectures and debates, and loved every moment. Eventually it was all I did in my free time. I figured that if I was going to spend all my time and energy studying Christianity, I might as well get a degree out of it. So I applied for seminary, and eventually obtained a master’s in New Testament studies. In the process, I met a wonderful woman, got married, had two children, and pursued my studies with a PhD program in philosophical theology.

This, in short, is how God takes a French atheist and makes a Christian theologian out of him. I was not looking for God; I neither sought him nor wanted him. He reached out, loved me while I was still a sinner, broke my defenses, and decided to pour out his undeserved grace—that his Son might be glorified, and that I might be saved from my sin by grace through faith, and not by works. It is the gift of God, so that no one may boast (Eph. 2:8–9).

That’s the gospel, and it’s good news worth believing.

Guillaume Bignon lives in New York City with his family. Reach him on Twitter @theoloGUI.

Link to story Christianity Today

How the PC left is destroying the Army-SF soldier kicked out for doing right thing

A decorated soldier who has worked for the U.S. Army Special Forces for 11 years is being kicked out after he stood up for a young rape victim and his beaten mother in Afghanistan, it is claimed.

Sergeant 1st Class Charles Martland, 33, was serving in the country’s war-torn Kunduz Province in 2011 when he apparently learned an Afghan police commander he had trained had raped a boy.

He and his team leader, Daniel Quinn, confronted Officer Abdul Rahman – who had also allegedly beaten the 12-year-old’s mother for reporting the sexual assault – and ‘shoved him to the ground’.

Despite Rahman walking away only bruised, Martland and Quinn were disciplined. The Army reportedly halted their mission, put them in temporary jobs, and then, finally, sent them home.

Upon their return, Quinn quit the Army and secured a job on Wall Street, Fox News exclusively reports. However, Martland, from Massachusetts, launched a fight to remain a Green Beret.

But now, the dedicated soldier has been ‘involuntary discharged’ from the Army following a ‘Qualitative Management Program’ that was apparently carried out in February this year.

An Army spokesman refused to confirm the details of Martland’s discharge for privacy reasons.

However, several army officials – and politicians – have expressed outrage at the verdict, which they believe was made due to the negative mark on Martland’s record from the January 2011 incident.

One of the soldier’s ex-teammates, known only as Casey, told Fox that if he was a commander, he would have given Martland ‘an award’ for confronting Rahman and ‘saving the [rape victim’s] life’.

Outrage: However, several army officials - and politicians - have expressed outrage at the verdict. The January 2011 incident happened in the Kundux Province (pictured in April) 

Meanwhile, Congressman Duncan Hunter, who has written to Defense Secretary Ash Carter about the verdict, said: ‘It’s sad to think that a child rapist is put above one of our elite military operators.

He added: ‘Sergeant Martland was left with no other choice but to intervene in a bad situation. The Army should stand up for what’s right and should not side with a corrupt Afghan police officer.’

 It’s sad to think that a child rapist is put above one of our elite military operators
Congressman Duncan Hunter

In his letter, Hunter, a Republican representative from California, said the Army’s decision to discharge Martland had left him ‘dismayed’.

He told Cater of the dispute involving Martland, Quinn and Rahman: ‘To intervene was a moral decision, and SFC Martland and his Special Forces team felt they had no choice but to respond.’

Former NFL defensive end Tim Bulman has also expressed support for Martland, whom he was friends with as a child, telling Fox: ‘You would want him in your corner and protecting our freedom.’

Prior to the 2011 incident, Martland and Quinn had trained up Rahman, armed him and even paid him in dollars, it is said. However, they had a problem with him and other Afghan police recruits.

According to Fox, the two Green Berets and their teammates had started hearing reports of cops in the country carrying out rapes.

When they confronted Rahman about claims that he had raped a young boy and beaten up the child’s mother, the officer ‘laughed about it, and said it wasn’t a big deal,’ Quinn told the site.

The two soldiers then shoved Rahman ‘to prevent further repeat occurrences’, Quinn said.

After Rahman formally complained, Martland and Quinn were flown out of the province and placed in temporary jobs in another location in northern Afghanistan – before finally being sent home.

Last year, Martland, who grew up in Milton, Massachusetts, and played football for Florida State University, was listed as a runner-up for the Special Warfare Training Group Instructor of the Year.

According to another former teammate, who wished to remain unnamed, the soldier saved the lives of some of his colleagues during his time in Kunduz Province by leaping in front of Taliban bullets.

Martland’s ‘involuntary discharge’ will take effect by November 1, it is reported.


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