How are we to live?

Below is a couple of paragraphs  from the book “The Babylon Code”, written by Paul McGuire and Troy Anderson.  It was a great read and I can’t recommend it enough.  This echoes the earlier post by Jim Torres on “how about others?”

“How are we to live?

In light of this, the questions that should be asked are, “What are we to do?” and “How are we to live?”

Clearly as long as the church is on the earth, God has a destiny for us to fulfill.  That destiny can be fulfilled in one word: faithfulness. Our responsibility is to be faithful to God’s Word and directives.  The church is the body of Christ, or the Bride of Christ, which is supernaturally composed of all true believers in Jesus who have received salvation by faith in Christ and have the Holy Spirit living inside them.

In the Old Testament, we see how God placed the prophet Daniel among the most powerful occult forces on earth in the courts of the king of Babylon. Daniel’s relationship with the elite occult power center was not confrontational. Daniel did not call them names or denounce them. Daniel walked with God and allowed God to supernaturally move through him.

In the Old Testament, Joseph was called to the be second in command under the pharaoh of Egypt.  The courts of the pharaoh were also the highest centers of occult power on earth.  Joseph did not get in a confrontation with the pharaoh but walked with God, and God supernaturally used him to help God’s people and demonstrate the reality of God’s existence.

Many Christians falsely believe they are called to denounce and engage in all out confrontation with the occult elite. But that is not what Daniel, Joseph, or even Jesus did, except of very specific occasions.  The battle we are in is a spiritual one, and we are to use spiritual weapons.  This is what Moses had to learn as a deliverer of God’s people.  God was not calling him to lead a military-style revolution, but to rely on the power of God.

The call that every person who believes in God has at this time is to obey the Word of God, rely on the power of the Holy Spirit and use the spiritual weapons God has given us such as prayer, repentance, worship, and evangelism.”


I needed to read that several times, because I can easily be angered by what I see going on in this country.  It was a good reminder for me,  and the authors hit home in another paragraph

“The reality is that every believer is in the world, but not spiritually of the world, because heaven is our true home.  But in the world, or the world system, we must be faithful to God”

So go out and get the book!




By Jim Torres “Towers”

One of the first people I shared Christ with was Stevie Wonder. He was a young teen attending the Michigan School for the Blind in my hometown of Lansing, Michigan. How often we forget that even celebrities like Stevie Wonder are human with the same needs as the rest of us, namely the good news of the Gospel and friendship.

Since then I’ve shared Christ with a good number of other people. Later on, as an actor, I also met and worked with other celebrities, actors and movie stars. It was very difficult to share Christ with the other actors I worked with, especially while on location, since they have to rehearse their lines and can’t be troubled by intrusion. However, I did manage to share Christ with a few. If it were possible, today I’d like to talk to a number of these people I’ve worked with on a one-on-one basis concerning the incredible salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.

Many of us are eager for the rapture to take place, and rightfully so. But have we considered the plight of others who will be left behind? Some will surely be celebrities, family members, spouses, sons, daughters, grandchildren, aunts and uncles, cousins, and neighbors. We don’t know the underlying factors as to why they are hesitant to embrace Christianity. Extreme guilt, alcoholism, drugs, it could be any number of things. Others may have been abused by the clergy or even by coaches and teachers. Even some who refer to themselves as evangelical Christians are capable of such sin. After all, we’re only sinners saved by grace. God knows.

I’ve found that even pompous and bombastic people are a hurting lot. Deep inside they hurt and are confused by their own actions but unable to control them. They lack self control and often self esteem. Hiding behind masks of self doubt they bluff their way through life. But we Spirit-led brethren are illuminated and above them in spiritual understanding. We possess self control and should also possess high esteem. After all, we are a child of the King. That means we are princes and priests! We are possessed of mighty power. The Holy Spirit that resides in us is the most powerful being on the planet. He is God in all His power. We need not be shrinking violets.

We are not the second rate citizens the Liberals would portray us to be. We are over comers with love, compassion and concern for others and servants of the Living God.

The unsaved and unregenerate person should be pitied and treated with kid gloves. After all, most of us were once there ourselves, but we’ve overcome this life by the blood of the Lamb. We are more than conquerors through Him who died for us. Let us therefore be about our Father’s business without fear. Let us sharpen our leadership and communication skills. Let us be confident and understanding, yet refuse to be a doormat for the evil intentioned. Let us be prime examples of all Christ has to offer.

The more scripture a person knows the more skillful he can be in bringing down the strongholds of the evil one. We are the salt of the world; we are light in our ever darkening world. To be able to confront a group of working men and share the gospel can be invigorating and life affirming to the man who will take a stand for Christ Jesus. Life is what you make of it. Don’t throw it away at Satan’s request. Stand firm and resolute in what you believe, even if you stumble. We all make many mistakes, but let us get back on our feet, dust off, keep learning and take a stand. We are living in the end times.

I can think of no greater joy than wrapping my arm around a hurting person, sharing the gospel and maybe even praying for them, even in public. Believe me, in these trying times no one cares that you would do such a thing, and more than likely wishes that you would do the same for them. Jesus said, “Fear of man is a dangerous trap.” And he also said, “Thou shall love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, soul, strength and mind and others as thyself.”

Times are so desperate that many are grasping at straws, and those of us who know the Way, the Truth and the Life should be doing what we can to snatch them from the jaws of spiritual death, especially as we see “the day” approaching. Men especially, must act like real men of conviction and not common worldly “nones” (that is non-believers). Albeit though, the time is coming when all people will know there is a God in heaven when He shows His mighty power to the nations in the upcoming war of Gog and Magog, followed three and a half years later by the war of Armageddon.

Also, my good friend John Broadwater, who lives in England, affirms that Europe is being overrun with Muslim refugees, while another reader tells me that Muslims are establishing and asserting themselves in Arlington, Texas. On top of that, a large portion of Syrian immigrants are said to be Islamic State sympathizers. Muslims are also in the majority on the Hamtramck city council in Michigan. How long do you think it will be before Sharia is established there?

We have dropped the ball and Satan has picked it up and is scoring hoops like nobody’s business, while we sit on the bench crippled by fear. I’m thinking of starting a movement called “Repent America.”


Jim Torres “Towers”

Check out my proposed movie website,

Christians flee Sadad


The following is an account of the battle ISIS is waging to control Sadad, which lies, 60 kilometres (37 mi) south of Homs, and 101 kilometres (63 mi) northeast of Damascus.  One of the oldest areas of Christianity.

Even tho we have the combined airpower of the US/Allies and Russia/Syria/ ostensibly going after ISIS across both Iraq and Syria, they are still conducting offensive operations in many places.  This tells me that they are not sufficiently degraded to warrant staying on the defense and only conducting limited ops.  They will not be so easily rooted out.

The evidence further points to the belief that the US and its allies have been more concerned with regime change in Syria than with the actual plight of the common man there.  It mirrors what transpired in Libya only this time, the strongman has the backing of Russia/Iran.

As Christians please continue to pray for your brothers and sisters overseas who are being persecuted daily, and face true evil head on and unafraid.

Hundreds of Christian fighters from across Syria have arrived in the majority-Syriac Christian town of Sadad to prevent it falling into the hands of the Islamic State militant group (ISIS), the head of the Syriac Orthodox church says.

Sadad, which lies just off a vital highway connecting the cities of Damascus and Homs in the west of the country, has faced an onslaught from the radical group’s militants since October 31 as ISIS advances across central Syria and inches closer to the capital.

Last Thursday, Mor Ignatius Aphrem Karim II, the Patriarch of the Syriac Orthodox church, traveled to Sadad from the church’s headquarters in Damascus in a bid to boost the morale of the fighters in the town. Following the ISIS assault last month, at least 200 Syriac fighters from Damascus, Qamishli and Hasakah traveled to Sadad to join the fight to defend the town, he told Newsweek by phone from the Syrian capital’s Old City.

Some 500 Syriac Christian fighters have so far prevented ISIS from entering the Sadad, he said. But ISIS’s capture of the town of Mahin, less than five miles away, at the end of October has left Sadad vulnerable to a continued assault by the militants.

“It is under assault,” Karim says. “IS advanced toward Sadad but they were not able to enter Sadad. The young people in Sadad, with the help of some armed groups, were able to fight back and push IS back to where they started. They are helped by some groups coming from different parts of Syria also.”

Syriac Christianity is one of the world’s oldest sects. It is an umbrella for a number of the churches of Eastern Christianity, such as the Syriac Orthodox Church, the Assyrian Church of the East, the Ancient Church of the East, the Chaldean Catholic Church and the Syriac Catholic Church. Its followers speak the ancient language of Aramaic, the tongue that Jesus is believed to have spoken.

Sadad has come under attack before. In October 2013, the Al-Qaeda-linked Nusra Front militant group, which is battling the forces of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, captured the town and held it for just over a week, killing 46 Syriacs before the Syrian army retook the town.


Source – read the rest here Sadad vs ISIS



Years ago I had a role in the opening scene in the Chuck Norris movie “Invasion U.S. A.. It was an action movie. I portrayed a boat captain who was quickly dispatched by evil Russian forces.

Today we have a very real invasion, an invasion of Muslims from different parts of the world. That leads me to wonder, who will win the war of evangelization, Christians or Muslims? Already Islam has a head start in our country in jails and prisons, and is more than willing to convert former Christian-leaning people with their brand of hateful religion. Like I mentioned before in my last article, they are coming to our shores at OUR expense in droves and bringing Islam with them. There are going to be hundreds of thousands if not millions in the next few years. What will we Christians do since they are not as reticent to express their faith as we are about expressing ours?

Sunday, a bible teacher at my church read an open letter from a German person telling of the invasion of Muslim refugees from Syria. He said that the Germany they once knew would be no more. The teacher said, and I quote, “I’m glad it isn’t happening here in our country, ha ha ha.” Without hesitation I stood and told the class of about a hundred that it IS happening here and NOW! I had just been in a part of the country where they are being resettled and had seen it with my own eyes. I also told the class about my brother telling me of the Muslim invasion in Lansing Michigan. The teacher didn’t say another word. Apparently this man is so involved in his theological studies that he doesn’t know what’s going on in the world today.

They will arrive here with nothing and we Americans will foot the bill for food and shelter. One of the bad aspects of this debacle is that Muslim men can practice polygamy and can have up to twenty children according to Sharia. There is nothing wrong with helping our fellow human beings, but why won’t the other surrounding Muslim nations take them in? They have the resources and abundant land, not to mention the same ideals and faith. There is a word in the Muslim faith, it is Al Hijra, which means taking over another country by means of infiltration, proliferation and subversion. Could this be some kind of sinister game plan to topple our country?

I may be wrong, but it seems to me that Christians are taking these things all too lightly. Those who are waiting for the rapture and twiddling their thumbs may be in for a rude awakening, and may have to endure some tough times ahead, during these times of sorrow as our God-given rights are being eroded. In the meantime, we are being invaded on several fronts.

On another front, Satan is mounting another invasion; that of a one faith system. I recently met and talked to a secular writer who just wrote a book entitled “The God Secret.” (Which is no secret at all, if you understand that the Bible reveals who He is and what are his purposes.) This self-confident Englishman told me that soon all people would worship one God (the Antichrist?) and that all would be well with everyone and that we would all live in peace and perfect bliss. He wasn’t talking about the God of the bible or about Christ either. He was talking about the coming one world government and religion

We shouldn’t expect life to remain as usual or to get any better since we are constantly on the brink of all out war. In fact, there are skirmishes in the Middle East and Africa and around the world right now. For the first time in world history mankind has the capacity to annihilate all life on earth with weapons of mass destruction, and is willing to do so at Satan’s request. Utopia! Not on your life. Humanity will be facing hell on earth and probably, very soon, the time of great tribulation mentioned in the Bible. We won’t have peace until the Prince of Peace arrives to set up His kingdom.

On yet another front, while shopping at Home Depot, I overheard a distraught woman talking to a salesman about the collapse of morals in our country. She was referring to men and women killing their children throughout the country for no apparent reason (if there ever was a reason). She was so distraught that her eyes were glazed over and she looked near a mental breakdown. I expected her to collapse right there and then. The salesman listened intently and he too was very concerned about the state of our nation in agreeing with her. He was beginning to mirror her concern but tried to be a little more restrained. I reached for my wallet to get my calling cards out, but by that time she was already walking away. I approached the man and told him I had overheard the conversation. I asked if he was a Christian. “I most certainly am!” he replied. I continued on, “Well then you should know that the things that are happening were foretold in the Bible.” We talked a bit and I gave him my card. Afterward, the man thanked me with all sincerity and a glimmer of hope. It was as if a light went on in his head.

Sales of anti-depressants are up 400% since the late 2000’s. Suicides are up too, mainly among young people, and murder is rampant. It doesn’t surprise me that people are coming to their wit’s end as they witness the moral decay surrounding them. Without God’s moral compass many of us are no better than wild beasts intent on destroying ourselves and one another. Assuredly, we are in a spiritual battle for the souls of mankind.

All of this anxiety and fear is happening needlessly for those who don’t know Jesus Christ in a personal way. Jesus offers a peace that surpasses all understanding, freedom from guilt, freedom from worry, freedom from anxiety and hope for the future. The only requirement is that you learn of Him and live according to His will. He doesn’t expect much of us since he knows what we’re made of. But in spite of that, He desires an intimate relationship with each and every one of us. Jesus said, “Come to me all ye who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.” “Learn of me, for I am meek and lowly of heart and you will find rest for your souls.”

To receive “The Speech” from my screenplay “The Prophecies 2016” e-mail me at (This speech has been called by some as an explosive, powerful call to repentance.)


Jim Torres “Towers”

In Defense of #JustinBieber


Some Christians really need help; they love to pick apart every action and mistake by their fellow brethren and gloat about it on social media. Never realizing they need to look in the mirror before casting insults or condemnation.

This has been on my mind recently and please bear with me as I humbly try to convey a simple message. If we are true Christians we are then of the same body (Romans 12:5, 1Cor 12:12, 14-20). If we are of the same body, how then should we treat fellow Christians? You already know the answer to that. While its good to admonish and correct someone who is going astray, we should do so humbly and with grace and privately at first if we can. 1Thess 5:14 states And we urge you, brothers and sisters, admonish the undisciplined, comfort the discouraged, help the weak, be patient toward all.” Our job is to bring them back to Christ and a better understanding of where they err etc.

Let me give you another example. When you look at Navy Seal/Army Ranger or any other Elite training, you see a group of individuals in the beginning. At the end of that training you see a TEAM. A team that started out as individuals working together for a common goal in the face of adversity becomes a band of brothers.

I would give my life for my fellow Rangers. After Ranger training as an Infantry Officer, I instilled the same sense of teamwork within each of my units. I truly loved my fellow warriors, faults and all. Because I knew that no matter how bad the situation, no matter how grave the threat- my men would follow me to hell and back.

How much more love should I have for a Christian brother? I would posit that the same or more! You see whether you know it or not, we are in another battle. Ephesians 6:12 tells us we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against power, against the rulers of the darkness of this world. Furthermore, prior to this passage we are told to put on the whole armor of God. As a warrior I know what that means. Put on your gear, check your equipment, be ready for the fight. What’s not mentioned but is understood is that our fellow Christians are the battle buddies to the left and right of us. And just like I would never let one of my soldiers down in the Army, I should do the same here.

So what am I getting at?

Justin Bieber recently conducted an interview with complex magazine where he speaks openly about his newfound Christian faith. Right on cue some Christians were quick to lecture him, or worse to insult him. They attacked a fellow believer, a brother in the same fight as us. Instead of praise, they pursued condemnation. It plays into the enemy’s hands and we loose the high ground by our conceit. By the time it took them to write some of the words below, they could instead have offered up a prayer to God, to work in this young mans life.


Some quotes from Christians.

“His laid back live and let live, lets not get all worked up over silly details, or pay too much attention to what the bible ACTUALLY says hipster doofus speech is all he has shared with anyone, that’s what I am judging, by biblical, not my own standards”

 “Awe c’mon! He waited until the whole world hates him to come out as a christian!?”

 “Yes, life has seasons for everyone, but those who oppose the Church like this is so fundamentally Unchristian, he must be treated as a non-believer for now.”

 Maybe its because he is in the public domain that many Christians find it ok to speak negatively about him. I would say, that if you are posting hateful or negative comments about a fellow believer you are only hurting yourself. We are of one body, why hurt someone new who has just come into the body? Lift a brother up, encourage and if he drops out at least you know you didn’t push him out but instead were there to help thru prayer or in person.

The first verse I ever memorized was “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” At Justin’s age I was saved but not living as I should have been, and that continued for many years. I was the prodigal son, feeling God had abandoned me when it was the other way around.   I am grateful God knew I could never handle the fame or fortune bestowed upon Justin. I know I would have been worse and done worse than him.

Jesus accepted me as I was, a broken person.

The model of acceptance for Christians is the Lord Jesus, who accepted us, when we were: “powerless” (Rom 5:6); “ungodly” (Rom 5:6); “sinners” (Rom 5:8); and “enemies” (Rom 5:10). Certainly Christians can receive others who differ with them on nonessential matters. We can learn to love anybody if we are at the foot of the cross. Fishermen clean the fish after they’re caught . . [1]

Remember friends none of us are saved by our own accord, but only because God has allowed it.

Eph 2:8 For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God;

This by no means condones any sinful acts he or anyone of us commits, if you got that from my message I am sorry. What it says can best be summarized from a lesson by Paul in Romans 14:8-9

8-For whether we live, we live unto the Lord; and whether we die, we die unto the Lord: whether we live therefore, or die, we are the Lord’s.

A believer’s individual accountability to the Lord in every area and experience of life is paramount. Every Christian in both life and death is seen by the Lord, and is accountable to Him, not to other Christians. So whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.

9– For to this end Christ both died, and rose, and revived, that he might be Lord both of the dead and living.

In these verses Paul stated the theological basis for his exhortation for Christians to desist from and to resist judging one another. One of the reasons for the Lord Jesus’ redemptive death and resurrection is to be the Lord of both the dead and the living. [1]




[1] Chuck Missler review of Romans

Atheist indoctrination #CommonCore schools

KATY, Texas – A Texas seventh-grader is standing up for her religious beliefs after she alleges her teacher forced students to deny that God is real, and threatened them with failing grades if they don’t agree.

Jordan Wooley, a seventh grade student at West Memorial Junior High School in the Katy Independent School District, testified at a school board meeting last night about an assignment in her reading class that caused a serious controversy, and expressed frustration about her teacher’s atheist indoctrination.

“Today I was given an assignment in school that questioned my faith and told me that God was not real. Our teacher had started off saying that the assignment had been giving problems all day. We were asked to take a poll to say whether God is fact, opinion or a myth and she told anyone who said fact or opinion was wrong and God was only a myth,” Wooley told board members.

Please read the rest here. Atheist Teachers School


By Jim Torres “Towers”

As you can tell by my last and most recent article, I’m becoming bolder in sharing my faith, almost to the point of being fanatical. But having striven to be a well rounded rational Christian for all of my spiritual life, I’ve learned to restrain myself and my tongue until I’m certain that God is involved so I am taken seriously and not be considered a fool. This attitude also prepares me for divine appointments that border on the miraculous.

Let me explain. While in the train station awaiting my ride I ordered a Chinese meal at a train depot fast food restaurant, and it proved to be more than I could handle at one sitting. So I left half of it in the Styrofoam box, got a new fork, a couple of napkins and condiments and looked for someone to give it to. It didn’t take long. A shabbily dressed man in his late thirties was standing against a wall looking forlorn. (I’ve learned to be able to tell when someone is hungry or hurting.)

Walking over to the man I asked if he’d eaten lunch. He said, “No, I haven’t.” I asked if he liked Chinese food, to which he replied, “Yes, I do.” I handed him the food and asked if he wanted prayer. “Would you?” he replied, obviously taken aback. I prayed a short prayer for him and left. Then I wondered if God had really directed me to him. I turned, walked back to him and asked, “Were you praying for food before I came to you?” The man answered, “How did you know I was?” It was confirmed that I had done the right thing.

I boarded the train to Fargo and rode a bus from there to Jamestown, North Dakota, my next stop. Although a good many Muslims have been brought to Jamestown from Somalia, I never encountered one since I was confined to bed with a severe cold. But I wondered if the government was bringing in the persecuted Somali Christians as well. In any case I also wondered if they are going to be exposed to the Gospel in the cities where they are being dumped, or to alter our culture and way of life with Sharia.

With the dispersion of these mostly non-Christians in our country comes an opportunity to witness to them for Christ. But I’m afraid that Jamestown is experiencing an ever increasing lawlessness to contend with, much like the rest of the country.

In Jamestown I wasn’t able to do much witnessing as I was sick all the time I was there. However, I did speak to an older man who claimed to be a church-going Christian who doesn’t miss a Sunday service at his church, but he had no assurance of salvation. He was a Lutheran. I asked him if he read the Bible and he said, “No, my pastor tells me all I need to know.” After questioning him and was assured that he knew Jesus Christ as savior; I quoted some scripture verses of assurance of salvation to him. Then I told him to begin reading the Bible for himself and I prayed for him. The poor soul has only months to live and isn’t sure where he’s going after death!

On my way back toward Florida I drove to Fargo and lo and behold it was the homecoming football game for the Fargo Bisons against the University of Northern Iowa in the FARGODOME. I stopped to eat directly in front of the stadium. This gave me a rare opportunity to publicize “The Prophecies 2016”. I had stocked up on my business cards and had plenty to distribute among the teeming thousands of college students across the street. I’m hopeful that they will consider looking at my website and checking out Rapture Ready on the back. Perhaps one of the articles in RR will pique their interest and set them on the right track with Jesus Christ. There I ran across a Catholic who was a wheelchair bound invalid and prayed for him. And I’m not even a prayer warrior! (I wonder who coined that phrase since I can’t find it in the Bible.)

I’ve gotten quite used to having God show up more and more frequently in my life as I go about ministering to people from all walks of life. As usually happens to me now more than ever, something unusual happened (I call it a divine appointment) when I called for a taxicab to take me to the airport. The driver was a young man in his early twenties. He was black as coal with black eyes and pearly white teeth. He was very helpful in loading my luggage into the trunk of the car. “You can sit up here with me if you like!” he hollered from the other side of the car. I took one look at him as I got into the front seat beside him and said, “You must be Somali.” He looked startled but replied, “How did you know?”

I replied, “God told me.” The young man stiffened up, not knowing how to respond.

“He also told me to share this information with you.” With that I began sharing the Gospel without any niceties or formalities since I knew that I only had a few minutes to share with him. The first thing he said was that he was a Muslim. I had assumed that already, but told him I knew something of his Muslim faith and that my Christian faith was different. It is about love and forgiveness and peace. I also told him that Jesus was /is the Son of the living God and not just a prophet. I shared scripture verses with him and urged him to get a Bible and read about the great salvation that Jesus offers. The encounter was short and sweet and when he left me at the airport he waved goodbye with a sincere smile on his face.


My younger brother K.C. just called from Lansing, Michigan. He said that a large number of Somalis and Syrians had been brought into Lansing to begin a new life there. I just hope we can convert them before they convert us to Jihad and Sharia!


Jim Torres “Towers”

Contact me at for a synopsis of the movie “The Prophecies 2016.”

The Doctrine of Election

Truly the Bible is inexhaustible.  You could spend your entire life reading it and never fully understand it, and at the same time learning something new from it every day.  There are many times I will read something in the Bible and pass over something, not fully understanding what was being said.  I praise God for helping me to learn and discern something I don’t understand and reveal more to me everyday.  Case in point is the following verses in Luke 4:24-30

And he said, Verily I say unto you, No prophet is accepted in his own country.
But I tell you of a truth, many widows were in Israel in the days of Elias,
when the heaven was shut up three years and six months, when great famine
was throughout all the land; But unto none of them was Elias sent, save
unto Sarepta, a city of Sidon, unto a woman that was a widow.
And many lepers were in Israel in the time of Eliseus the prophet; and
none of them was cleansed, saving Naaman the Syrian. And all they in
the synagogue, when they heard these things, were filled with wrath, And
rose up, and thrust him out of the city, and led him unto the brow of the
hill whereon their city was built, that they might cast him down headlong.
But he passing through the midst of them went his way.

In the past I would read this verse and not ask the question, what were they so angry about? What did Jesus say here that caused them to want to kill him?  As I grow in my faith, I am more careful when in my studies and take more time to try and understand what is going on.  On a side note I am also fascinated how Jesus always slipped away from the mob on countless occasions, but that’s another story (he is of course GOD)!

What I have learned about this verse was Jesus teaching that God chooses whom he chooses, or the Doctrine of Election. Paul in Romans 9:6-13 delves into this.  They were upset at Jesus because each example above was a gentile!  Jesus gives them in this sermon two examples of two peoples that were benefited by two of Israels most famous prophets!  It made the Jews angry because they thought they were the chosen people, and Paul hits this head on in Romans 9.

For he saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will
have compassion on whom I will have compassion. Romans 9:15

“I Will Have Mercy On Whom I Will Have Mercy”
God took refuge in His own inherent right to suspend judgment, if it pleased Him. There was no resource left in man! All have forfeited title to life through sin. Let’s flee to the ultimate authority:
Jesus Himself.Make it personal: Why did you believe in God? It was God’s initiative for His own purposes (John 6:40-47). Mixture: God’s initiative and human responsibility. (1)

This issue of Divine Election is very misunderstood and one that can not be simple enough to explain in a single blog post.  My intent is just to give you a glimpse of what it is.  Furthermore, when you understand that God is outside the physical dimension of time, “God alone knows the end
from the beginning.” (Isa 46:10; cf. Isa 55:8).  Then there is no confusion.

Now in your bible studies, know that everything is there to teach and for our benefit.  I loved getting an understanding of what was going on in Luke and what Paul was speaking about in Romans 9.




1.Chuck Misslers Study of Romans.

Where’s the feminist outrage over ISIS’s savage treatment of women?

Why would any woman who lives in a free society in the West choose to live under ISIS’s barbaric tyranny? Doesn’t she know that Syrian and Iraqi women (Muslims, Christians, Yazidis, Kurds) are desperate to flee the region, that they fear being captured, forcibly married, forcibly converted to Islam—or tortured as sex slaves?

I ask these questions because the Washington Post is currently running an in-depth look at “Life in the ‘Islamic State.’” Part two of the multi-part series focuses on women. The report is chilling and difficult to read.

The Post’s series reminds us that not all women are treated the same way under the men in charge of ISIS. — There are wives and then there are literally sex slaves.

Tragically, we already know the fate of the lucky “wives.” They lead isolated lives spent mostly indoors without electricity or clean water. They wear heavy head-face-and-body covering in 100 degree weather–and they are monitored, harassed, and punished by a sadistic all-female brigade if their burqa slips. According to the Post they join “an institutionalized, near-assembly-line system to provide fighters with sex and children. When their (arranged marriage) husbands are killed, they are expected to celebrate their ‘martyrdom’ and quickly marry other fighters.”

The sex slaves are not even this “lucky.” The mainly Yazidi and Christian girls and women who are forced into sex slavery are raped up to thirty times a day by different men. They are forced to perform pornography-inspired acts which terrify and injure them. As members of a shame-and-honor tribal culture, most believe that they no longer deserve to live. Many attempt suicide; some succeed. Many are sold, over and over again—and trafficked to Saudi Arabia or Northern Africa.

Why would any Western woman, any woman for that matter, want to join ISIS, you ask?

Here are three reasons:

Read the rest here –Where’s the feminist outrage over ISIS’s savage treatment of women?


Great article by Phyllis Chesler, Ph.D  her archived work is

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