While America’s evangelical Christians are rightly concerned about the secular worldview’s rejection of biblical Christianity, we ought to give some urgent attention to a problem much closer to home–biblical illiteracy in the church. This scandalous problem is our own, and it’s up to us to fix it.Researchers George Gallup and Jim Castelli put the problem squarely: “Americans revere the Bible–but, by and large, they don’t read it. And because they don’t read it, they have become a nation of biblical illiterates.” How bad is it? Researchers tell us that it’s worse than most could imagin.Fewer than half of all adults can name the four gospels. Many Christians cannot identify more than two or three of the disciples. According to data from the Barna Research Group, 60 percent of Americans can’t name even five of the Ten Commandments. “No wonder people break the Ten Commandments all the time. They don’t know what they are,” said George Barna, president of the firm. The bottom line? “Increasingly, America is biblically illiterate.” [see Barna Group’s web site]Multiple surveys reveal the problem in stark terms. According to 82 percent of Americans, “God helps those who help themselves,” is a Bible verse. Those identified as born-again Christians did better–by one percent. A majority of adults think the Bible teaches that the most important purpose in life is taking care of one’s family.
#Trump vs #Cruz what is truth?
#Trump vs #Cruz?
Our Unique Mandate:
A government of the people, by the people and for the people. I believe you and I will be held accountable for this mandate that has come to us at such a high price.
The Illiteracy of the Electorate: What is our biggest problem: Ignorance
or Apathy? “I don’t know and I don’t care!”
Our first priority: Knowing the truth about our leadership. This is the critical role of a free press. However the media NOW takes delight in shaping opinion rather than informing.
“It is an abomination for kings to commit wicked acts, For a throne is established on righteousness.”
Proverbs 16:12
The abandonment of righteousness weakens the seat of government and the stability and security of the nation. The abandonment of truth and loyalty to covenants undermines the leadership of a ruler (Prov
20:28). Bribery is a root issue of private truthfulness (Prov 29:4). Acting on principle rather than driven by expediency. Thus, when integrity is forsaken justice is overthrown.The minimizing of truthfulness corrupts others so that the entire government becomes corrupt (Prov 29:12). Private morality has vast public implications. In the forthcoming election, this is not about political or economic philosophy, it is about moral law, which will outlive this republic…
The Left never uses the terms “litmus test,” or “big tent”: they have
never insulted their constituencies. Is any “tent” big enough to embrace
the corruption they are committed to?
• Big enough to embrace those who would murder children during delivery?
• Big enough to endorse & subsidize sexual perversion,
• Big enough to promote incurable diseases, and
• Big enough to destroy the concept of the family which God ordained?
• Where is the shame? Where is the outrage?
A wise man’s heart directs him toward the right, but the foolish man’s heart
directs him toward the left. Ecclesiastes 10:2 nasb
This coming election is not about political views, it is about character; it is about morality; it is about keeping oaths before the Throne of God… The Congress and Senate take oaths. Are they relevant? Are they accountable? They are: before the Throne of God. A mandate and commitment to preserve and defend God-given rights embodied in the Constitution.Our duty is to stand for what is right. The Victory is the Lord’s, should He chose to bless.
(Source from Chuck Missler notes on the book of Romans)
‘Black Hawk Down’ Survivor: #Jesus Is the Only Way to Save the World
What impacted Jeff Struecker most was not the thousands of hostile Somalis swarming his Humvee, nor the hailstorm of bullets and RPGs as he attempted to rescue fellow Rangers in the ill-fated 1993 raid of Mogadishu made famous by the movie Black Hawk Down.
What impacted him most was the next October morning back at base when his buddies one by one asked him about death and the afterlife.
“It changed my life forever,” Struecker said at Liberty University in a video posted on YouTube. “I would still be a sergeant in the ranger regiment today if it wasn’t for what I saw the morning after the firefight. It wasn’t really the blood and the bullet holes that had an impact on me. It was back at the base the grown men, some of the toughest warriors on the planet, with tears in their eyes. They said, ‘Jeff, what happened to my best friend who just died last night? Jeff, what happens to me if I get on a helicopter or a Humvee tomorrow and I don’t make it home?’
“Almost all of them were saying, ‘Jeff, there was something different about you last night, and I want to know what it was,'” he said. “For the next 24 hours, I had guys lined up to ask me about Jesus Christ because they could see the difference that He makes when you’re getting shot at and when the bullets flying.”
Rest of the story here via CharismaNews (Rangers Lead The Way)
By Jim Torres “Towers”
Most so-called progressives just don’t get it. They are caught in a dilemma of their own making, most of them simply for denying the existence of God and His Christ our Savior. Everyone around the world is on the alert and scared or at the very least apprehensive, as well they should be.
The surprising thing is that some women and men in this country really believe we would be better off by complying with Isis demands and are willing to invite them into our country without reservation. Most liberals simply yawn and get on with life, yet they’d be the first to go to trial, if you can call it that, under Sharia. How foolish.
If Islamic terrorists ever overrun us, so-called Progressives too will be persecuted, dismembered, imprisoned or taxed, and homosexuals will be thrown from the highest buildings (even though many terrorists are homosexuals themselves). I might add that feminists will be killed by stoning, since women are nothing more than fodder for the sexual desires of these evil men called Isis and others with that same ideology. Yet this is being achieved by misleading many bleeding heart liberals who know nothing of the scriptures, much less biblical prophecy; all the while claiming there is no God. I’d like to know who they’re going to be crying out to if that time comes.
Also with the clash of cultures in our society, mistrust, spying and collapse of morals and our constitutional rights, we have a lot to contend with. We older Christians, who should know better, are taking things all too lightly as well. All the while our freedoms and constitutional rights are being taken away incrementally while we nod off. Half hearted Christians, along with the doomed, have been sidetracked by other diversions, thereby taking our eyes off things that really matter. They too are seeing things with a worldly view and becoming politically correct as well.
The majority of us are afraid to speak out and challenge the enemy within our borders. And so, radical Islam continues to make threats and inroads into the United States, and even though there may be some hollow threats made right now, they may not be so hollow in the future. That’s why terrorists are called terrorists, they fully intend to put fear into us and cripple us by it.
Although we know that it would take a substantial military force to bring down our country, a few nuclear devices called EMP’s could help make their threats of taking over a reality. (The follow up to my movie “The Prophecies 2016” is the sequel “The Aftermath”, which is about what we can expect from these evil men should they manage to get their hands on EMP weapons to attack us.)
Nevertheless, God is good enough to begin revealing to “True Believers” and upright folks the intent of Satan’s henchmen, thereby steeling us for what lies ahead. Slowly but surely he is unmasking the lies, plans and turmoil that the Adversary is ushering in to bring down our once Christian country and subdue the world. By reading Bible prophecy we can get a pretty good handle on what’s happening in our world currently and why. It is self evident that Americans have brought this calamity on ourselves by turning our backs on God and His Christ. A verse in Eziekiel 14 tells us this, “Son of man, when a land sins against me, I will stretch out My hand against it…..” and isn’t that what’s happening today in our country?
In the meantime, we followers of Christ are beginning to see the instigators of the culture wars for what they are, unregenerate progressives, secularists, thugs and liars. Their intent, with Satan’s prompting, is to tear the Christian fabric of our society to shreds. They have been going about it systematically and almost unknowingly to the general public. Many of us have been lulled to sleep by Satan’s diversionary tactics, namely pleasure and greed. Soon football will be televised all day Sunday. Movies and television are becoming more and more sensual, further alienating us from God as we barely give Him a thought or even acknowledge His existence.
The culture wars are on and gaining steam with Blacks against Whites and thugs against policemen. Killing and wanton mayhem rule the streets in all of the big cities, as well as Chicago and Washington DC; and these are places where guns are outlawed! Surely someone had it right when they said, “If law abiding citizens lose the right to have guns then only criminals will have them.”
Just to give you an idea of where we stand today, there was a video on the internet of a number of black teens beating a homeless white veteran to death on a sidewalk with a hammer, a club and by kicking and stomping on his head, all the while laughing as they did so. It was a brutal and heartless attack and they appeared to relish what they were doing. I don’t know the back story, but nobody deserves to be beaten to death by laughing black teens (both boys and girls) or anyone else for that matter.
Again, this is what was prophesied by the Apostle Paul to Timothy. We are now living in that period of time. With the clash of cultures in our society, mistrust, spying, apathy and the collapse of morals and our constitutional rights we have a lot to contend with. Like it or not we are in a spiritual battle like never before.
Case closed.
Jim Torres “Towers” Feel free to write me at – jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com
Pope Francis assures atheists: You don’t have to believe in God to go to heaven
In comments likely to enhance his progressive reputation, Pope Francis has written a long, open letter to the founder of La Repubblica newspaper, Eugenio Scalfari, stating that non-believers would be forgiven by God if they followed their consciences. Responding to a list of questions published in the paper by Mr Scalfari, who is not a Roman Catholic, Francis wrote: “You ask me if the God of the Christians forgives those who don’t believe and who don’t seek the faith. I start by saying – and this is the fundamental thing – that God’s mercy has no limits if you go to him with a sincere and contrite heart. The issue for those who do not believe in God is to obey their conscience.
“Sin, even for those who have no faith, exists when people disobey their conscience”
Robert Mickens, the Vatican correspondent for the Catholic journal The Tablet, said the pontiff’s comments were further evidence of his attempts to shake off the Catholic Church’s fusty image, reinforced by his extremely conservative predecessor Benedict XVI. “Francis is a still a conservative,” said Mickens. “But what this is all about is him seeking to have a more meaningful dialogue with the world.
“In a welcoming response to the letter, Scalfari said the Pope’s comments were “further evidence of his ability and desire to overcome barriers in dialogue with all”
By Jim Torres “Towers”
Grade school bullies with sneers on their faces used to ask me, with their fist cocked in front of my face, “Are you sceered now!!?” The only person I ever feared was my dad, but he was a big stern Spanish/Irish bruiser. And so it is, “If we fear God we have nothing else to fear”!
The reason for my writing the things below is for you the reader to take heart; strengthen your arms and legs, straighten your back and walk uprightly in the evil day. And, “May our Lord Jesus Christ …comfort your hearts and establish you in every good word and work.”
As you well know, I love adventure. In addition to what I wrote the last time, I have explored most of Central America, climbed ancient temples and scrutinized the inscriptions found on them. I climbed the hundreds of steps to the top of the Mayan Temple of the Moon on a central plain in Central America. I’ve also been on an archaeological dig on the first Spanish colony on mainland U.S. at Pensacola, Florida, where a young lady’s skull was brought up out of the ground while I was there, not but thirty feet away.
I “discovered” the landing place and the remains of the fort that Hernan Cortes and his men built, along with the foundation of a chapel in front of it. (It was shown to me by a distant ancestor of Cortes’ right hand man, Pedro De Alvarado, before it recently became a tourist destination.) I saw for myself the first church in the New World, the first hospital and the first school, also built by Cortes. I did all of this while researching a screenplay I was writing a few years ago. Just look what God’s done for me. I’ve rubbed shoulders with numerous celebrities, been on stage and sung on stage, been in movies and television, and all with a degree of virtue, character and thanksgiving. Believe me, I’ve been there, done that.
This to me is living, living the life of faith. This means living life with limitless possibilities, and living life with gusto. I consider every experience a gift from God and thank Him for it.
Now, that isn’t to say that I haven’t experienced less gratifying experiences, setbacks and defeat. I have. But defeat only happens when you try to achieve something. In spite of my varied experiences, I’ve also endured failure like most other human beings. But when I received Christ I became “More than a conqueror though Christ who died for us.”
Whenever I’ve felt totally defeated, I’ve cried out to God, “Help Me!” And He always does, even while I’ve fallen asleep with exhaustion He is working things out in my favor. Believe me, I’ve had my share of tragedy, but that has only made me rely on the promises of God. It has made me dig deeply for the nuggets of truth and promises that are only found in the Bible.
On awakening from the dreadful previous day, I find myself invigorated and my strength renewed. Optimism fills my soul and I attack the day with renewed strength and vigor, inviting adventure and victory into my life as I breathe in the very breath of God and say, “This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.” His blessings are renewed day by day.
I’m not trying to disparage my hum drum, politically correct, fellow Christians, but I can only assume that many, by the way they act, and the things they say, have lived a sheltered life. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but frankly they for the most part don’t know anything about the real world, that is, unless they came to Christ later in life.
Many of them have never breathed deeply and felt the rush of sweet, clean invigorating air filling their lungs while relishing their surroundings. Instead their lives have become institutionally driven and geared. Their lives are mechanical and miserable. By that I mean that their lack of joy comes from having lived a cloistered life; they may as well be monks living in a monastery! Most are paralyzed by fear of their fellow man. Some are lacking in social graces, being intimidated by outsiders. Their lives have become stifled and introverted. Is it any surprise that outsiders view us with suspicion and ridicule when we lack compassion for them and even fear them? “We are in the world but not of the world.” “We are light in an ever darkening world.” The Bible says we are to be salt in the world. Yet we are losing our savor and are ready to be tossed out into the street and be trod on by men.
This may sound ironic, but I have to pity the man who’s never had trials and tribulations in life so he can experience joy. Even the men closest to God, who includes Moses, Jeremiah, David and Peter, have had their times of discouragement, and failure, even to the point of bitter tears. I pity the man who has never cried or tried to achieve something worthwhile. Whenever you are experiencing tragedy, defeat, set backs or heartache, remember that eternity awaits us and this life is only a tiny part of it. What we believers sometimes fail to realize is that we have God on our side (even though we all too often fail to appropriate his promises and internalize them, making them a part of who we are.) Sometimes we don’t even know what His promises are for lack of reading scripture!
For the majority of us, I included, life isn’t always pretty and is often hard even for those of us who know Christ as personal friend and Savior. But sometimes tragedy is often what it takes to draw us closer to God.
Today I went to the world famous Naples fishing pier where thousands of people from all over the world visit each year. I felt that I might be able to share Christ and the Word of God there since the last time I was there I overheard the local fishermen discussing recent world events under the shelter at the end of the pier.
Lo and behold, there was Eddy, a man in his fifties sitting in the shade of the shelter, to whom I had given my double sided card a day before. Eddy called me over and asked me about my prophecy movie. “Hey Jim, tell me more about your proposed movie “The Prophecies 2016”. Apparently he had checked out both sites on the internet in his hotel room. So naturally I jumped right in and explained the premise of it, along with a few Bible prophecies, particularly the one given by Jesus Christ about the second coming and the prelude to His arrival. Eddy paid very close attention to each and every word with a look of concern on his face. Once in a while he would misquote a passage and I would gently correct him, thus I was able to explain things that were prophesied in the Bible and to quote specific verses.
We were surrounded by a few other men, and when I began talking about spiritual things you could have heard a pin drop. (Usually there is constant chatter and banter.) Everyone was soaking it in, just like I thought they would. Indeed, everyone is “sceered” now and alarmed by all the things happening in our country and around the world. It seems that the whole world is just waiting for someone to explain spiritual things to them.
All through the conversation the older Black man sitting beside him never said a word, but I had a feeling he was being convicted by the things I said, which included my testimony.
The fish weren’t biting so I had a captive audience. But since we’re supposed to be “fishers of men” I felt that I had a good catch today. This for me is the apex of adventure, adventure that really counts for something.
In closing, I’d like for you to know that the spiritual and miraculous things that have happened to me in over forty years of one-on-one street ministry are too many to include in this short essay. However, some of them are included in my proposed movie “The Prophecies 2016” making it a true to life story.
So hang in there, be strong, and be of good cheer; relish life and the opportunities it affords.
Trust God and His promises in Christ Jesus.
Jim Torres “Towers” Write me at – jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com
You can receive the synopsis (outline) for my proposed movie “The Prophecies 2016” calling for repentance in the face of current dilemmas or for the outline of the “The Aftermath”.
Write and ask at jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com. Also, you can check out the web page www.theprophecies2016 movie.com about that proposed movie.
Jim Torres “Towers”
Surrogate defies biological parents’ #abortion demand
There are only two world views:
1) We’re product of random chance with no destiny;
2) We’re the result of a deliberate and purposeful Creation…And every answer to every question in life will derive from our world
view: Who am I? Where did I come from? Where am I going? To whom
am I accountable?
A couple of thoughts that came to my mind among many.
The couple could not have children, the sister of the intended mom posted a facebook story lamenting that. They are now blessed with 3, but after the initial excitement decided they only want two. They tell the surrogate to abort the FEMALE baby. Why you ask? Because, well three is too many after we thought about it.
The paradigm of the “Ascent of Man” is built on the erroneous view of
man as improving himself through education and technology, et al. It
assumes that man develops in response to his environment. It assumes
that with the proper environment and education that one can change
the fundamental nature of Man. [Even in our courts of law, we excuse
responsibility for crimes as the result of environmentally introduced
This contradicts what the Scripture teaches us: “The heart is deceitful
above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” (Jeremiah
Surrogate defies biological parents’ #abortion demand
A second surrogate mom carrying triplets and being pressured to abort one of her fetuses is sticking to her guns in a desperate bid to save the unborn child.The birth parents “knew from the beginning that we wouldn’t want to abort unless it was a life-and-death situation,” anguished surrogate Brittneyrose Torres told The Post.
“We would never want to abort a baby’s life.”
Torres, 26, of Thousand Oaks, Calif., agreed to tell her story after seeing The Post’s report last month about another surrogate mom, Melissa Cook, who was being pressured to abort one of the triplets she was carrying. She, too, refused. After reading that story, Torres reached out to The Center for Bioethics and Culture Network, a surrogacy watchdog, in an effort to fight the abortion demand. Torres is 17 weeks pregnant.
She was initially implanted with two fertilized eggs, in hopes that one of them would develop. Both did, and one split in half, making twins — a not-uncommon occurrence during in vitro fertilization. The twins are male and the third child is female. “We did not think we would be in this position,” Torres said.
Read the rest of the story at NY Post
#Refugees #Immigration truth time.
With Open Gates: The forced collective suicide of European nations –
I live life with abandon. How about you? A concerned friend recently wrote to me asking me to be careful when encountering strangers with the Gospel. I know it was meant for my good and I appreciate her concern, but I love adventure, discovery and people. Most of all I love God, my creator who causes me to sleep restfully in the midst of the storm.
I’ve traveled the country a few times, once on a motorcycle. I’ve slept in the Jaguar Jungle of Belize and ridden six foot waves in a 16 foot open skiff in the Sea of Honduras with the salt spray peppering my face. I’ve also slept on the shores of the Caribbean Sea in a tent and explored most of Central America. I loved it all and everywhere I go I carry the Gospel with me, knowing this is my calling.
In the church building (before the service) you can tell I’m there if you hear loud laughter. I love to laugh and do so loudly, hugging friends and even greeting the religious elitists who think everyone is beneath them. Poor souls, I can’t help but feel sorry for them. They don’t know what it is to live – really live – with exuberance and gusto.
Oh, I have a serious side too, but knowing God is in control frees me up to enjoy life to the full. Don’t get me wrong, I know when to be serious and sympathetic toward others as well. There is a place and time for everything. Let me tell you a little story about one such exploit.
Years ago in Miami I came across a crowd of men who were gambling (throwing dice) under a huge oak tree in the middle of a huge abandoned lot bordering a side street. As I drove by I felt the Lord was telling me to go back and witness to them. I made a U turn and came back to where they were. There must have been up to a dozen men of various ages from the “hood” drinking beer and tossing dice on a big piece of cardboard laid out on the ground. They were having fun until they saw me approaching on foot. The activities stopped and even those who were on their knees got up and they began walking toward me. Three cocky young men approached with bottles of beer in their hands. They swaggered threateningly toward me. I smiled when they got within an arm’s length of me. I said, “Hi, Gentlemen” as we came face to face. I could smell the beer on the breath of the closest militant one.
“Wha choo wan man!…Is you loss or wha?”
Another one of them said, “Maybe he be a cop!”
I said, “No, I’m not a cop, God sent me to share the gospel with you men.”
“God sent you?…. Are you for rel?
“Yes,” I said as I fished into my pocket for the little red bibles with the plan of salvation in it that I used to always carry with me. By now other men were coming out of the back doors of their apartments, most of them in tank tops and undershirts. By this time I was already giving out the bible verses and everyone took one. They were dumbfounded when they realized what I had stopped for. The shock left them speechless, and it gave me time to explain the Gospel to them. They offered me a brewsky which I declined, telling them I didn’t drink. I bid them farewell, turned my back to them and left. As I got into my car and drove away I could see them gathering around in small pockets reading their little red bibles. I don’t know if God would inspire me to do that again in today’s racial climate, or even if common sense would prevail. In any case, I’m ready. How about you?
Gentlemen, although it may seem as though I’m bragging, and I can tell you other stories of encounters like these and some which are poignant and sorrowful. I have fear of no man. Women are a different story….ha ha ha. But I love them too. One little lady said, “Life is either an adventure or it is nothing at all.” I believe her name was Helen Keller. I tell this story to provoke you to action before the window of opportunity closes and we are transformed and taken away from the hell soon to come, leaving millions upon millions behind.
Trying to get my movie made has been the biggest challenge in my life, but what an adventure to embark upon. Although I am experiencing difficulty I’ve learned to be content in whatever state I’m in. After all, God is in control and it will come to pass if it’s His will.
Jesus said, “Only those who throw away their lives for my sake will truly know what it means to live.” I’ve been blessed to the point that I feel I’ve lived two lifetimes, talk about adventure!
As if that weren’t enough, I’m writing my third book as well. In my free time I look forward to hitting the streets to see what God has in store for me there. Like Forrest Gump said, “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get.”
Take heart, let God work through you to reach out to others. Don’t be like the heathen who spin about, not knowing which way to go and blown this way and that by the winds of change or trouble. And for God’s sake, don’t just be a bench warmer. Get out into the game of life and hug someone today, pray for someone, encourage someone. Give it all you’ve got, live, laugh and love.
I’m the only one who hugs the pastor of my church in public. He even hugs me back. I send him an e-mail on occasion to encourage him, not to berate or correct him. After all, he’s human like the rest of us and needs all the encouragement he can get.
On the other hand, my detractors can’t get through my thick skin, and it bothers them, but hey that’s their problem not mine. As a matter of fact, I reach out to them in spite of it, with a friendly handshake – take it or leave it. I may on occasion even pray for them.
“Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world.”
Jim Torres “Towers”
e-mail jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com for the outline of my proposed movie “The Prophecies 2016”.