Liberal, Christians


By Jim Towers

If you are trusting in Hillary, Trump or any other person to make things right in our country, think again. In spite of all the promises and plans they propose, we can’t trust them to keep them.

It seems that many politicians running for office today can’t be trusted to tell the truth and would tell you anything to get your vote or to remain in office. Hillary is one of them.

Still this evil woman has her followers made up mostly of feminists, homosexuals, transvestites and other assorted perverts and criminals. If elected she wants to continue funding Planned Parenthood, a thinly disguised killing machine designed for mercilessly slaughtering the unborn – often for monetary gain. She is acquiescing to the prince of liars in doing his bidding. The prince of liars is Satan, who is called “the father of lies” in the Bible.

Hillary says she was shot at while disembarking from a plane; a plain lie. She says she had nothing to do with the resulting deaths of the men in the Benghazi incident. It seems she couldn’t wake up at three in the morning and when she did it was to place the blame on some lame video. Wiki Leaks just released some email information that she was complicit in arming Isis by way of Qatar. Wiki Leaks also released even more damaging information about John Podesta, Hillary’s campaign chairman, indicating that the American public can and should be duped. The lies and deceit go on and on with no end in sight. The American public has been duped and blinded by the evil one.

Kaine, her running mate, said he was also shot at and wounded; a lie. Kerry said he “fought the Viet Cong valiantly,” this while he was actually hiding in a patrol boat until the fighting was over. Some of the swift boat vets that were with him said so. Then as the Viet Cong were scattering he shot a twelve year old “soldier” in the back as he was fleeing; some hero! I could go on and on.

Remember the catch phrase “trust me” or “read my lips?” Well, all of that has gone out of style and has been forgotten. Now it’s “You can read it – after it is passed,” sign here. Obama Care was the biggest fiasco ever foisted on the American people, and even former rapist Bill Clinton said so recently. Nancy Pelosi never mentions it anymore; now she’s on another crusade for women’s rights.

With the revelation of Trump’s “locker room talk,” every cockroach in Washington is jumping on the virtuous bandwagon, probably just to see their names in print once again, sounding oh so moral and puritanical. Hypocrisy seems to be a way of life for these perverted sex fiends who not only talk, but carry out their perversions in reality. Trump’s gaffe is only showing that he’s human, and an unregenerate one like most of the populous.

Senator John McCain is backing away from Trump and saying that such a foul-mouthed man shouldn’t be president. But isn’t this the man who left a dying wife for another woman, or was that Senator John Edwards who was running for president a while back. What hypocrisy! Finger pointing seems to be the way to diffuse a situation for these opportunists, most of whom have never held a real job. The above is common knowledge or at least should be. Is one sin greater than the other, like the Catholic Church espouses?

Now it has been revealed that Bill Clinton may have raped a thirteen-year old on Lolita or Orgy Island, as it is named, whom his friend Jeffrey Epstein owned. He, like several other “friends” were flown there on board Jeffrey’s private airliner for fun and games. It is alleged by the hacker Anonymous that Israeli spies had bugged the place with a video camera to use as blackmail fodder and caught Bill raping a young sex slave. The man has no self control and no normal man can, without the Holy Spirit. I wouldn’t put it past him.

Do you worship other men or women? Many people do. Movie stars are idolized; athletes and television celebrities are too. Yet they are just as fallible as you and I. It’s too bad that those who have our adoration are often times cheaters, liars, wife beaters and/or drug users – sinners, just like the rest of us.

So where is a good person to be found? The Bible says, “There is non-righteous, no not one. For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” However, only through repentance and after receiving God’s forgiveness can we begin to be godly people.

“Although all men are liars, God is not.” And, if you’re not trusting in Him and taking Him at His word, you’re in trouble – big trouble. Only God can turn this country around, but it may well be too late. My hope is that there might be one last great revival, but that’s going to take very sincere repentance on our part and that will happen only if the abortionist and law changing Democrats are defeated.

While I’m not a conspiracy theorist I am inclined to believe that all that’s happening in our once great country IS a conspiracy to bring the country down and hand it over to the enemies of Christianity and Democracy; the well entrenched democrats. These lying hypocrites are being revealed for what they are by Wiki leaks or at least they were. It’s a wonder that that Julian Assange is still alive. These people can’t and won’t do anything for you unless it’s to bribe you to their advantage, still though; the mass media is behind these criminals anyway.

To our country and the world I would say, the spiritual implications are clear, deny God and His Christ and you are on your own to suffer the consequences. If Hillary wins the election be prepared to be vilified, if not persecuted and prosecuted.

By the way, good movies are hard to find these days. Entertainment today is filled with filth. It’s too bad that family friendly movies have all but dried up. I saw the Bobby Darin movie Beyond the Sea for the second time in five years and I enjoyed it just as much as the first time. It is, of course, the life story of Bobby Darin and Sandra Dee. If you like true stories, music and dancing like I do, chances are you’d like it too. I get my videos at the public library.


Jim Towers     jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com and www.theprophecies2016movie and book.



By Jim Towers

Not too long ago I talked to a sloppy appearing adult man in a certain non-denominational church who tried to encourage me to wear sandals and shorts to Sunday morning services, just like he and his friends. In that same church the pastor wore polyester pants and a faded and threadbare long sleeved shirt hanging out over his bulging belly. To top it all, he was unshaven with a three-day stubble of beard. Then worse than that, he had greasy, dirty hair (you know what that looks like). The sight of him made me skeptical about what he had to say, but I listened anyway.

Low and behold, the man was teaching out of the book of Genesis, with no relevance to today’s world! Shouldn’t he have gotten past that already? Was he lazy or slothful? I couldn’t decide. But he was trying to be one cool dude at the expense of doing some earnest teaching. And as far as his congregants were concerned, some of them are “ever learning and not able to come to the knowledge of the truth.” The amazing thing was that I was told that he was a dynamic teacher. I may be wrong, but I expected more – much more- from this “dynamic” teacher. (I think some people just say that so that you will know that they are being taught the deeper things of God.)

I suppose some people think that looking like Jesus they can project an image of holiness, kind of laid back and primitive. But Jesus was not a pot smoking laid back kind of guy, nor was he primitive. Jesus was straightforward, didn’t use any tricks or smoke and mirrors, and more often than not He said things that people didn’t want to hear. I doubt that He went around with a ridiculous smile on his face all the time either. .

For God’s sake, just be who you are. Remember when most television ministers all had slicked down hair and wore a mullet? They had a dramatic demeanor or even a tick such as twitching of the neck to go with it. What was that all about? Did they think they were being spiritual? Now some even go so far as to dye or spike their hair with styling gel, and most of them still like to show off. They want to identify with the world and be in the limelight.

If these same people would to put on Christ – spiritually speaking – they wouldn’t be so concerned about being “cool.” They would be earnestly compelling people to repent, receive Christ and avoid judgment, especially in the days in which we live. Now I ask you, isn’t that the real measure of a man’s spirituality? And to go further still, the music that is played at most of these services is uninspired and in some cases even redundant, with phrases being repeated over and over. It’s almost like the band is trying to put you into a trance.

Years ago a young Catholic lady I came in contact with said, about such a service, “the music was cultish, it sounded to me like trance inducing noise, something you would hear in a cult worship service.” She had come from a back ground of chanting (Gregorian) and so it came as no surprise that she was offended.

It’s not about how much you know or whether you’re a deacon, teacher or elder either, it’s what you do with what you know and not a certain title. Many such people want these titles simply to reap the reward in admiration of others. Jesus speaks on this matter, saying that when these men and women will be harshly judged when they stand in judgment.

Having said that, I realize that some churches especially start up churches don’t have any to chose from and some men and women just happen to slip into that position.

The Bible says we should not have too many teachers. If they knew that they were going to be held accountable for their teaching they might not be so willing to teach others. “Be not many teachers, knowing that we shall receive greater judgment.”

Motive is paramount in this endeavor. Do you really care about people? Do you practice what you teach or preach? If you are a teacher in the church it’s good to have a little humility as well. The rules are set out in the first book of Timothy chapter 6.

If you are a teacher, here is a suggestion, take the time to really get to know your students. Pray for them and pray with them. Contact each of your charges by email individually or as a group. Let them know you really care about their spiritual growth. Don’t form cliques within your group of students, the outsiders will resent it.

All too often we teach on subjects that are of no concern to the individual. Most disciples (students) want to know about things that are affecting them in the here and now. They want to know how to overcome the difficulties that they are facing, based on scripture, not where Philippi Caesarea is on the map.

By the way,

The movie about Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger, the pilot who landed his plane on the Hudson River, is a good movie. Here is a heroic man who had to face the air transportation hierarchy, lawyers and insurance representatives. In this case the good triumphs over bad.

Speaking of good outcomes, Tim Tebow hit a home run on the first pitch of his professional baseball career! This man was bounced out of football for his show of pointing to the sky in thankfulness to God. At the same time, others are doing back flips, and dances or even calling their mother on a cell phone- in the end zone! It looks like a double standard too me.


Jim Torres “Towers”       jt.filmmaker@yahoo.con and www.theprophecies2016movie.com






There was a time when anyone who wrote a book such as this would be considered nuts. But with so much uncertainty in the world people are seeking higher truths that they know are there but have been too busy to explore. Now with time running out for our country and the world there is nothing to lose by doing so. I’ve kept these things to myself for too long and only recently began writing about them in my screenplay The Prophecies 2016 and now, in this book as well.

Insofar as the screenplay is concerned I recently inserted the year 2016 in the title of it feeling that this would be a pivotal year for America and the world at large, and it looks as if it is especially as it pertains to the political scene.

That being said and in light of world events I believe I have something to say about them since I’ve been diligently studying Holy Scripture and Bible Prophecy for over forty years and have experienced and known of others who have had mind bending miracles, and seen signs and wonders that can be verified. Think back over your life, you may be one of them and over time you may have discounted the event due to other more pressing issues pertaining to life.

Today, I write for two Christian websites, Rapture Ready and Drop Zone Delta dedicated to reaching the country’s military. Still, I’ve never mentioned the otherworldly experiences I’ve had. I was apprehensive about opening up this can of worms to the reading public. Nevertheless, with time running out I am ready to face the consequences of divulging these truths along with other signs and wonders happening around the world.

At first I thought my movie The Prophecies 2016 would stand on its own, but in finishing the screenplay I realized that there was much more to say about the subject of miracles and the supernatural, as pertains to scripture. And so I began writing this accompanying book to go along with it. The movie would only touch on the highlights and be written in a movie format with about 125 pages in all. The book on the other hand should fill about 250 pages in all, with much more information.

Also, in order to make the movie entertaining there are liberties that must be taken in character and story Development whereas this book would be strictly non- fiction.
People everywhere have a “feeling” that something is going to happen soon and nothing is going to stop it from happening. They can only speculate what it might be and so await it with abated breath. Since a very small portion of humanity has ever studied the Bible in earnest (even though it sits in virtually every home in the United States) – which is my primary concern. We have made our bed and now we must lie in it – experiencing the nightmares that go along with un- certainty,

The Bible is rife with Signs and Wonders from the times of the ancient Prophets of God until the time of the Apostles. Now, we too are being subjected to these same Signs and Wonders with additional signs called Portents (warnings) to be seen in the skies plus extreme earthquake activity all across the globe.

I can see where you might have the tendency to say, who is this guy? What institution of higher learning did he attend? Is there a higher learning than that taught only by God himself? Not to disparage the institutions of higher learning, but I am convinced that many are nothing more than a place to socialize and become a non believing atheist. Many of these book taught preachers and theologians are stuck in the rut of not knowing what to believe anymore and have abandoned the faith because they have not experienced God first hand.
I’ve been an avid reader since childhood and after my first encounter with God in my mid – twenties I became a “born again” Christian. This otherworldly transformation led to my career in films and becoming a writer as well, especially as it pertains to prophecy being fulfilled in these end times. Just so you know, I’ve never used drugs of any kind except an occasional dose of aspirin, and I don’t even know what a joint (marijuana) tastes like. I’ve always excelled in sports and like to stay healthy and trim and belong to a Fitness Center that I visit every other day.

Having said that, I now let the chips fall where they may.



By Jim Torres “Towers”

“But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come…”

There is a conspiracy to lower our moral standards by men used of Satan to corrupt our nation. What used to be wrong is right, and what was right is now wrong. Without our Judeo Christian values we as a country are doomed. Without the Ten Commandments what is to be had but confusion, fear and hopelessness. God’s laws are anathema to those in power. Today there is no restraint on the reprobate mind. The world has gone mad.

Our political leaders have led the way. Their only concern seems to be for money and power. Their closets are full of sexual secrets, perversity and of dead men’s bones. The love of money and sex take preeminence over morality and the law. We are fast becoming no better than animals and the internet proves it. Social media is becoming rife with topics that were once taboo. Even the word “taboo” is fading from the English lexicon. Words like love, sin, honesty, chaste, lust, chivalry, virtue and dignity are dying out as well.

Nothing is sacred or forbidden anymore.

The huge gaping door leading to hell has been flung wide open in our country. The masses are giving themselves over to a reprobate mind and that, willingly. Sexual promiscuity abounds and pornography is in your face and out in the open, full force. Meanwhile, others have gone stark raving mad and walk about naked in broad daylight. Some are even going so far as to attack people on the street in the light of day. Parents are killing their children and children their parents like never before.

A man used to be proud of being a man and the same can be said of women. They each knew their place in life. Today, many a man or woman is unsure of their sexuality and station in life. Men act like women and women try to act like men.

Children and teenagers have been brought up in fatherless homes where the person who delegates and chastises and loves his children is missing. Where those who do have both parents usually one or the other is a step-parent who doesn’t care all that much about them. They do what they want, when they want, because mommy and daddy have better things to do. What can be more important than to mold a child into a loving and kind God fearing person? They are God’s gift to us. God even goes so far as to let us participate in the creative process through love of the opposite sex in a marital bond.

Speaking of love between the opposite sexes, where is the love and romance we once knew just a lifetime ago? Mankind isn’t satisfied with the way they are created anymore. They are looking for more and more drug, alcohol and sexual highs that stimulate the endorphins no end; and so delve into things best left alone. They have become lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God.

In the meantime, earthquakes continue to proliferate across the globe. Diseases such as Zika, Lyme, Cholera and brain eating Amoeba are on the increase as well.

There were over 225 drug overdoses in four adjoining states recently.

Killings in Chicago (a gun controlled state) and other metropolitan cities are over the top already this year.

Children are killing parents and grandparents. Adults are killing innocent children, not to mention the millions killed in the womb.

How long will God let humanity keep up this evil behavior before He’s seen enough?

Even in the church sin abounds. Some put on a pious face and meek demeanor without really having Christ in their lives. They are only fooling themselves; their self-righteous fruit stinks to high heaven. They are always learning but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. As a matter of fact, we already have homosexuals in the pulpits of America; what’s left to do to anger God even more?

Weep and wail America. Be sure your sins will find you out. God is not mocked, for whatsoever a man sows that shall he also reap. If that be the case, then I’m afraid we as a country are doomed and will be crying out to God for mercy soon – but perhaps too late.

The only good news I have is that God is long suffering and not willing that any should perish. There is, however, a requirement and that is repentance. You must confess and forsake your sins and receive Christ Jesus into your life. No one is exempt from this requirement.

“If we confess our sins, God is willing to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” If a person has come to the end of his or her rope and wants to start anew, that person must have a change of heart, repent, and be born again. “You must be born again.”

The Insanity of God is the title of a documentary that played for just one night in one of our local theatres. I didn’t go to see it. I’ve seen too much of Islam’s demonic deeds on the internet and that’s what this documentary and forthcoming book are all about.

If you feel that calling to Muslims then the opportunity to do so are coming to you in droves and are already here with our open door policy. You won’t even have to leave the country. Obama is bringing them to you by the thousands.

As for me, I’ve shared the Gospel with three Muslims already and prayed with two of them, closing with – in Jesus Holy name… Amen.


Jim Torres “Towers”



By Jim Towers

I was lying on the hospital bed when the phone rang. A man from the church asked if he could pray for me over the phone. I had suffered a heart attack, but I hadn’t panicked; as a matter of fact I was calmly ready to meet my maker, and have been for over forty years. I told the man that I’d prefer he didn’t. I had already cleared the table and made up my mind to let God’s will be done and I didn’t want this man, however good his intentions, to intervene on my behalf.

I was to have open heart surgery early the following morning and after I showered in preparation I laid there in the dark searching for any un-confessed sin, reaching back as far as I could remember. After taking care of that matter I wondered if God would be disappointed in me if I underwent the operation for lack of faith, faith that He could and would heal me, if only I would ask. At that point I almost got up to put my clothes and shoes on and walk home by faith. But it was about midnight and I lived about twenty miles away, so I was caught between a rock and a hard place.

Then Logic began to set in. This was no big deal, I told myself. I’ve been through worse, since heartache and heartbreak had plagued my life. “Piece of cake,” I thought to myself. This is a win-win situation. If I die on the operating table I’ll instantly be with the Lord, never to suffer again. However, if I pulled through I could maybe complete my film and finish my book.

It also occurred to me that since God created the human mind, surely a learned surgeon would put forth his best efforts in helping me recover, regardless of his motives.

As much as those two things mattered to me, I resigned myself to any eventuality. After all, I’d lived life to the full and overflowing the brim. There wasn’t anything I regretted and everything I’d accomplished worked out for the best in my rich and exciting existence.

I began thinking of all the blessings and miracles I’d seen God work out in my life. It was as if I had lived two lifetimes, during which I ran with the big dogs in society. I’ve done and experienced things other people only dream of.

Still, I find talking and sharing Christ and praying for others my greatest delight. Being the most interesting creatures on the planet, people have always been a treasure to me. I have prayed for the hurting, laughed with the happy and danced with the joyful – literally. If I died I would miss the give and take of conversation and the psychology of understanding a person’s innermost thoughts. With all our faults and idiosyncrasies what glorious beings people can be, especially when we have Christ living in us and through us.

Thoughts continued running through my mind causing laughter, tears and sighs and I finally went to sleep. What a life I’ve lived! Everything worked out. I’m still vibrantly alive and I continue to pursue my ever elusive objectives, and that is to reach as many people for Christ as possible before time runs out and we take flight out of here in the rapture.

As I look back on things I realize that there is a fine line between logic and faith. God gave us logic to be able to function as human beings and we should make good use of it. Nevertheless, there are times when logic doesn’t work. Sometimes, even tough-minded people come to the end of their rope, so to speak. Then what? Then we need to take stock of the situation looking at the problem or situation through spiritual eyes. In doing so we realize our limitations and cry out to our maker, God, HELP! After all, He asks us to do just that. “Call out to me in your time of trouble and I will hear and help you, and you will give me praise.”

We aren’t to be timid, shy or fearful as a result of human logic. Christians are called to live by faith and faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Fear of man is a dangerous trap and so we must use faith coupled with concern in dealing with non-believers.

Below, are some of my favorite scriptures which pertain to faith.

“God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind.”

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

“Without faith it is impossible to please God.”

“The just shall live by faith.”

“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding.”

“You are saved by faith through grace and that not of yourselves; it is a gift of God lest any man should boast.”

Use logic in every situation and determine how to proceed, always keeping God in the equation, that way you will be content with the outcome no matter how hard the trial. Use logic saturated by faith and give it a go, trusting that God is in control, knowing that “All things work together to those who love God and are the called unto His purpose.”

Catholics – Roma Downey and her husband have done it again, in spite of faulty doctrine they manage to produce quality movies. Although the critics panned it, I found the re-hashed movie Ben Hur quite entertaining. The stunts were terrific and most of it was life like. (I did a couple of stunts for my own movie trailer recently and injured both shoulders, but am recovering just fine.) There wasn’t an “F bomb” in the entire movie and no sex or full frontal nudity. Oh yes, and Jesus Christ was also in a couple of scenes. Perhaps that’s why the critics panned it.


Jim Torres “Towers”


By Jim “Towers”

Oh, really? Then why does He allow bad things to happen to everyone, including His very own? I’m sure you’ve heard that retort before. I suspect we’ve all thought that at one time or another. I know I have, but that was years ago when I was still struggling with trying to make sense of my salvation and my relationship with God. Many times even trained pastors with degrees can’t answer that question. Some even take pride in being able to say that we can’t know why these adverse things happen to us all. But Jesus said, “In this life you will have trials and tribulation, but do not fear, for I have overcome the world.” You might ask, “So what does that have to do with me?” But if you look at the big picture you will realize that eternity is a long time, and this life is a practically insignificant seventy-five years for most of us (if we’re in good health), so our little difficulty is soon over with bliss directly ahead.

Today it’s all beginning to come together for me as I delve deeper into the truths of His Word. I know some of this answer will sound ethereal, but if God isn’t ethereal I don’t know who or what is.

God created us in His image and in His likeness by His Word; the Word (Jesus) who was made flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory as of the only begotten of the Father. Since we are created in His image and likeness we too are really spiritual beings encased in this spacesuit we call flesh. Since we are spirit, we never really die, we just step into another reality. Keep in mind that this life is but a blip in the eternal continuum.

Why did Jesus weep when He brought Lazarus back to life? Wasn’t it because He knew Lazarus would be disappointed in having to be brought back to this world of pain, sickness and toil? Lazarus must have been disappointed to be back in his old aching body again. No doubt he was enjoying the wonders, peace, beauty and serenity of paradise.

We all have our burdens and disappointments to live through. Sometimes it is these very things that drive us into the arms of God, our loving Father.

The just shall live by faith. When going through tough times the true Christian can draw strength from the Living Word. The Bible is chock full of promises and is like a goldmine encrusted with nuggets of truth and hope. Do yourself a favor and read it prayerfully. Get to know it like the palm of your hand, believe it and find strength for every adversity.

We must realize that we are mortal created beings and had nothing to do with our creation (as some would have us believe). That makes us answerable to our creator, a being we call God. This God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth.

Time is running out for us all. That is why we must make the best of our short existence in the here and now. That’s why we must learn to love others to the exclusion of our egos or fear of man. I know for some this is a tall order. But Jesus said he would be there for us in the form of the Holy Spirit to be our strength as in “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

Remember David? He’s the young man I prayed for in the isle at Home Depot recently. David works part time at Dunkin Donuts. At first he didn’t know what to make of me. I mean, when was the last time a person prayed for you in the isle of a store? You can’t blame him. Now he smiles and says “hi” to me when I wander in there for a cup of coffee. Soon, when I feel the prompting, I’ll share more with him.

I am working with three other people whom I believe are seekers at Home Depot, where I seem to be spending a lot of time lately. I bought three of them a New Testament and prayed with one of them. I always ask them if they would like for me to pray for them, and they never refuse. The door has been opened for me there.

Also on that same note, I was asked to sit with an elderly lady who was alone in the restaurant I went to for breakfast. It started with a conversation that went like this: “The coffee here is excellent,” I quipped as we ordered at the counter.

“I don’t drink coffee,” she replied.

“I’ve never met anyone who didn’t drink coffee.”

“I just drink tea and water.”

After a little more back and forth she asked me to sit with her. I jokingly replied, “What would your husband think about that?”

“Oh, he’ll never know.”

By this time I was thinking of a way to bow out, but I felt the Lord urging me on. Besides, she appeared harmless enough at eighty, so I sat across from her. I did what I always do in preparation to eat, I thanked God for my food and didn’t mumble, saying, “Thank you Heavenly Father for this beautiful day and for this food, in Jesus’ name amen.” I said it out loud as is always the case. At this, the old gal perked up and asked me what I thought of the state of the nation, and how everything was out of whack. I told her why I thought these evil things were happening, that it was due to turning our backs on God. Then she asked what I did in life. I told her and also mentioned the two Christian websites I write for. She was awestruck. Later it occurred to me that this encounter was a divine appointment set up by God.

Frankly, I enjoy being a radical Christian. I know without a doubt that there are many hurting people out there. They are desperate to tell someone their troubles or find someone who cares enough to pray for them anytime, anywhere. I don’t have a license or a degree in theology, but I feel for those who don’t have a relationship with the God of heaven and earth, and so I do what I can with my gift of gab.

Insofar as movies are concerned, I just viewed The 33 which is a true life story of the thirty-three guys in Chile who were trapped in a gold mine several hundred feet underground. They were trapped for 69 days with three days’ rations. All they could do was pray for deliverance. God sometimes answers prayers in the affirmative. This was a life affirming movie.


Jim Torres “Towers”

Are we all Children of God?

The Pope issued a video message back in Jan of this year that has just caught my attention.  In it he “highlights the importance of inter-religious dialogue and the beliefs different faith traditions hold in common, such as the figure of God and love.”

Pope Francis goes on to say that “Many think differently, feel differently, seeking God or meeting God in different ways. In this crowd, in this range of religions, there is only one certainty that we have for all: we are all children of God.”  The video of this is linked below for you to watch.

While I do wholeheartedly agree that inter-religious dialogue is important, I draw the distinction that dialogue and equating them as equal is not Biblical.  We are certainly not all children of God, what is my authority on that- John 8:44.  I want you to get the whole flavor of the argument the Pharisees were trying to make with Jesus.  Do not let the English grammar fool you, they were in essence calling Jesus an illegitimate child.

You Are of Your Father the Devil

39 They answered him, “Abraham is our father.” Jesus said to them, “If you were Abraham’s children, you would be doing the works Abraham did, 40 but now you seek to kill me, a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God. This is not what Abraham did. 41 You are doing the works your father did.” They said to him, “We were not born of sexual immorality. We have one Father—even God.” 42 Jesus said to them, “If God were your Father, you would love me, for I came from God and I am here. I came not of my own accord, but he sent me. 43 Why do you not understand what I say? It is because you cannot bear to hear my word. 44 You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies. 45 But because I tell the truth, you do not believe me. 46 Which one of you convicts me of sin? If I tell the truth, why do you not believe me? 47 Whoever is of God hears the words of God. The reason why you do not hear them is that you are not of God.”

Before Abraham Was, I Am

48 The Jews answered him, “Are we not right in saying that you are a Samaritan and have a demon?” 49 Jesus answered, “I do not have a demon, but I honor my Father, and you dishonor me. 50 Yet I do not seek my own glory; there is One who seeks it, and he is the judge. 51 Truly, truly, I say to you, if anyone keeps my word, he will never see death.” 52 The Jews said to him, “Now we know that you have a demon! Abraham died, as did the prophets, yet you say, ‘If anyone keeps my word, he will never taste death.’ 53 Are you greater than our father Abraham, who died? And the prophets died! Who do you make yourself out to be?” 54 Jesus answered, “If I glorify myself, my glory is nothing. It is my Father who glorifies me, of whom you say, ‘He is our God.’[c] 55 But you have not known him. I know him. If I were to say that I do not know him, I would be a liar like you, but I do know him and I keep his word. 56 Your father Abraham rejoiced that he would see my day. He saw it and was glad.” 57 So the Jews said to him, “You are not yet fifty years old, and have you seen Abraham?”[d] 58 Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am.” 59 So they picked up stones to throw at him, but Jesus hid himself and went out of the temple.

So here we see Christ telling the Pharisees who their father really was.  We also note that the “brotherhood of man” is a divided house. Children of God and the children of Satan. Their unbelief confirms this.  Secondly, earlier in the chapter they bring an adulteress to him and ask him in essence shouldn’t we stone her, that is what Moses in the law commanded.  You know the rest of the story, but remember He said  “Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more” He condemned sin; accepted the sinner. Let’s not reverse this and condemn sinners & accept their sin.  Put yourself in those men’s shoes, where would we stand? She was guilty.  How would we have handled it? WE ARE SHE! For all have sinned and come short of the Glory of God, Romans 3:23.  We can have inter faith dialogue to those that still need to be saved in a loving manner.  We can have conversations with any unsaved person, in a way that honors the Father.  What we can’t do is say that those outside of Christ are also another way to God or Salvation.   Christ is the only way, the gospel the only hope.  Remember  Noah and the Ark, there were no other ways to avoid death, one Ark, one door and all discussions/disagreements/speculations ended when God closed the door of the Ark.

 John 14:6 -Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.




By Jim Torres “Towers”

When was the last time you had someone offer an apology for something they did wrong to you or for something they failed to do, instead of blaming it on something or someone else? Now more than ever there is no shame, or apologies or even explanations for a wrongdoing in our culture.

When was the last time you saw someone blush with shame? In times past you could always find someone whose face would get red over a shameful thought or action which was usually followed by an apology. The horror of a life without shame is the inability to feel good and evil.

Nowadays many folks balk at the thought of apologizing for anything and will try to lie their way out of a situation. In politics there is yet another way out, “I stand on the fifth.” This, of course, is said when they can’t think fast enough to keep from blurting out the truth. Some might even go so far as to say, “I misspoke” or “I can’t remember.”

What these people are saying is that they don’t want to divulge the truth and have to pay for their actions. Our highest law officer in the nation lies and refuses to answer questions, or at best skirts the issue when grilled by a senator about alleged wrongdoing of a presidential candidate.

Career politicians have hijacked the United States of America through deceit, lies and sleight of hand.   We have let liars and wrongdoers occupy the highest offices in the nation. Politicians live in gated communities and in a cozy comfort zone with a retirement package and all the perks that go with high office. What a travesty we’ve incurred upon ourselves because of our apathy. We too have gotten all we need and live in relative comfort.

There are at least three new books out in the book stores exposing the Clintons and others in high office.

There was a time when a man’s word was his bond. (I wrote this line before Donald Trump’s wife was caught plagiarizing Michelle Obama’s speech.) In any case, truth is subjective today, and words such as virtue, morality, integrity and honesty have all but disappeared from the English lexicon.

We as a nation have been dumbed down by the likes of Freud and others like him who said that all things were relative and that no one was really wrong about anything! The Bible says about such people, “Thinking themselves to be wise, they became utter fools.”

Once when I was drowning in an old gravel pit in Michigan (my legs cramped up after diving too deep into the spring fed ice cold water), I knew beyond a doubt that I was going to die by drowning. My legs were like lead and drawing me down for the third and last time. Just as I was about to expire, I had an instantaneous review of my life play out in my head. The images ran together like a tape on fast forward. I really hadn’t forgotten a thing, and if I had it was all there on tape so there was no denying my life events up until that time! Could it be that we all have this “tape recorder in our brain” to instantly recall all our life events? So don’t be surprised when all of your past deeds flash before your eyes in the hereafter. “Be sure your sins will find you out.”

The sad truth is that it’s even happening in the church. I know from personal experience. The great falling away mentioned in the Bible is taking place with people leaving the church in ever increasing numbers, especially here in the United States. At least some of it is due to the charlatans that appear on television claiming to be servants of the Most High God, deceiving many with their worthless prognostications and promises in exchange for the almighty dollar.

Our nation and churches are in a state of flux, with people groping for answers as to why we are experiencing such lawlessness and twisted morality. Anything goes in today’s society. An extreme example of this is that a head of state is advocating sexual intercourse with children (overt and open pedophilia) even encouraging his culture to embrace such evil acts. This, while a highly educated “professor” is saying it’s alright to commit bestiality. At the same time Christians are being murdered and persecuted around the world. Lawlessness and just plain craziness is rampant. Men are dressing like women and even becoming a part of the ruling class. If these things aren’t a sign that we are living in the last days, I don’t know what is.

In the meantime, another amazing thing is happening in Kentucky. A replica of Noah’s Ark is on display. It’s supposed to be as big as the original. It’s almost as if God is showing us with this physical display that the coming of the Son of Man is nearer than we dare think. The Bible says this is what it will be like, “As it was in the days of Noah, so shall the coming of the Son of Man be, for they were eating and drinking and marrying and giving in marriage until that fateful day when all were swept away.”

On the other hand, God is not willing that any should perish and is slow to anger. Perhaps he is waiting for you to repent and call out to Him for forgiveness.

Just so you know, a Jewish Rabbi is saying that 2016 is the beginning year of the Messiah, whatever that means.

I am waiting to see the documentary Hillary’s America by Dinesh D’Sousa, which will be coming out next weekend. This film is about her wrongdoings and outright lies. D’Sousa was president of Kings College in New York City, a Christian college. Surprisingly, he also has a DVD coming out entitled Obama 2016. Notice that the year 2016 dominates. Is this the beginning of the end for America?


Jim T. “Towers”          jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com and www.theprophecies2016movie.com



By Jim Torres “Towers”

I was going about my business while listening to the car radio. The news came on, and although I’m a news junkie, I wasn’t paying much attention to what was being said, but I did catch the end of the last sentence from the somber newsman. “Young people are dying in unprecedented numbers by drug overdose, suicide and death from despair.”

It seems our whole country has slipped into despair because belief in God is being taken away from us. All vestiges of God are being stripped away and the only time you hear the name Jesus Christ is when it is used as an expletive. Yet it is He through whom the world was made and is sustained. It is He who gives us peace in the midst of trouble. It is He who gives us words to live by. It is He who gives us eternal beings the hope for a wonderful future with Him.

The latest “victim of despair” is Sinead O’Connor, the celebrity singer who recently called home to Ireland to threaten suicide while in Chicago. She has fame and fortune but no peace of mind and is in a state of despair. Celebrities are human, just like the rest of us. They can’t rest until they know God in a personal way. I should know I’ve encountered dozens of them in the movie business.

Since we have all but eliminated God from our lives and culture, is it any wonder so many of us are wallowing in despair? Science doesn’t hold the answer for us having a sense of purpose or even optimism. Knowledge is good but can’t sustain us when dealing with deep spiritual matters. Some have even said, “The more I know, the more desperate I become.” We all want to know the ultimate answers to life and reason for being. The only book that can answer these questions is the Bible. Thank God for Jewish scribes who being lead by the Holy Spirit penned the life-giving words inspired by the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

The Bible proclaims that the Word of God is Alive! The Holy Spirit through the Holy Scriptures is the revealer of all truth. All men are fallible liars, it’s in their genes. The best that can be said is that through a relationship with Christ some are more enlightened, while others just never get it. They just like playing church and the recognition that comes from doing so.

At the same time, an amazing thing has been happening in the lives of a few dedicated Christians who are gaining more spiritual discernment as time runs out for the human race. Believers with spiritual eyes can see what’s happening in our society and culture; judgment and despair – things that were becoming obvious to me years ago. Even so, most “Christians” still just yawn or roll their eyes when someone talks about the impending judgment facing our nation and the world. Many still fail to understand that repentance toward God is the cure for all that ails us. It’s as simple as that. That, of course, means that we have had a change of heart about how we have been living outside of God’s will.

Surprisingly, even pastors, some of whom should know better, are under the devil’s deception as well. Satan has crept into the church under the guise of political correctness and sympathy for the Devil and his henchmen, ISIS being the most visible. I urge you to be on the alert for his attacks, but don’t fear him. “If we fear God, we have nothing else to fear.” The Holy Spirit fills us with love, power, hope, joy and faith. Any man made philosophy, aside from the written Word of God must be taken with a grain of salt or discredited all together, and it may even prove to be a ploy of the Devil.

Even as I write this I can count on my fingers those I know who have this discernment.

Some in the ACLU are blaming Right Wing Christians for the mass murder that took place in Orlando! They are staring the enemy right in the face and can’t see him; the enemy being Satan. Nearly every culture acknowledges him yet he is still able to get away with murder. At the same time, the people in the United States are being blindsided by this powerful malevolent being by ignoring him and even denying his existence.

Satan is the father of lies, and in our country lying has become commonplace. Selfishness and narcissism are our characteristics. Selfies taken with our Smart phones are a preoccupation. Party goers, drug users, drunks and sports fanatics are distracted by the Evil One from things that really matter. We even go so far as to idolize sports stars, singing stars and movie stars, who are just as sinful and as needy as anyone else. We can appreciate their gifts and achievements but we should never put them on a pedestal.

The Deceiver is out there trying to destroy anyone he can with despair, and we don’t even acknowledge it. When was the last time you heard anything concerning the Devil from the pulpit? It’s as though he doesn’t exist anymore. But I can assure you that this is one of his best strategies. For if we knew it was him causing all the killing, confusion, hatred and war we would cry out to God to deliver us. Although Satan is much more powerful than we, God has him on a leash, as it were, and only He can hold him at bay. Today we have forgotten that Satan exists and try to fight spiritual battles in our own strength. The spiritual war we are in is very real, and Satan will do all he can to destroy mankind before Jesus Christ returns to restore order.

Some of Satan’s titles are: the father of lies, the corruptor, a murderer and a deceiver. The trouble is that secular man has no knowledge of him as revealed in Holy Scripture, and is trying to remedy these troubles by their own means and logic. It just won’t work. Do yourself a favor and arm yourself with the Word of God. It’s the only thing that will put Satan in his place. No incantations, no candles, no icons, no trinkets or beads will dispel his assaults.

By the way, a small “Christian” movie came and went without much notice. The Young Messiah is based on a fictional book by Ann Rice. This movie and book talk about Christ Jesus as a seven year old. Cyrus Nowrastch is the screen writer and director. In an interview I saw with him explaining how hard it was to make, he even broke down and choked back tears at all the setbacks and pain he had endured in making it. It was for the most part only fiction with no redeeming qualities!


Jim Torres “Towers”             jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com and www.theprophecies2016movie.com


Study finds 10 million Muslims have become followers of Christ since 1960.

I recommend you read Joel Rosenberg’s analysis gleaned from the data of a study done by Dr. Duane Alexander Miller, a professor at St. Mary’s University in Texas, and Patrick Johnstone, the editor of Operation World. Joel Rosenberg Blog

From the blog “Their study, published 2015 in the Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Religion (out of Baylor University) examined all the research that has been done on Muslim conversions to Christianity from 1960 to 2010. They carefully analyzed country-by-country data and tried to take special care to weed out double-counting, possible exaggerations, and a range of other issues and variables.”

After reading this I recommend you go here Miraculous Testimonies from an Underground Pastor in the Middle East and watch the interview Joel Richardson has with a pastor (Ali) on the ground and what he is witnessing in the Middle East.

When your done, think about what you just read.

Ask yourself, if Muslims can be shown the Gospel and converted what are you doing in Anytown USA?  We all have family we know are not saved, we all have friends we know are not saved yet we are too timid to share the Gospel to the them.  How weak are we? How small are we making God?  We don’t have a God who is a weakling, who is unable to perform miraculous things, who we should be put into a tiny box in our head.  We have a BIG God who wants us to be bold in our faith.  Many of us place God into a box in our mind, that fits what we want or think he can do, that is wrong.  We are the ones that are small, we need to step outside that box and realize how powerful we can be thru our faith.  The Bible has a multitude of stories about this, but the Book of Daniel comes to mind.

This brings up a secondary issue I see a lot of in some Christian circles,  the FEAR porn being spread around in videos and on some websites.  Its good to know whats going on in the world, that is healthy.  Its also good to know spiritually whats going on, we must be on guard.  What we should not do is fall into the trap of the world is falling and I need to go into my bunker type of mentality.  There world around Daniel was falling, he was taken captive and you know the rest of the story.  He had an attitude we should have, bold in faith.  He knew he had a Big GOD- and everything would be according to plan.  Let’s trust that today also, from politics, to war to disease to persecution.

The verse says “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” –  It doesn’t say some things, it says ALL things.  Trust that.




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