Jim Towers new book excerpt

The following is an excerpt from the book Jim will be releasing soon.  Details to follow on his twitter/FB pages.



(Excerpt from the manuscript)


Until I talked to Mary, I wasn’t sure what to make of visions, signs and wonders but after my own recent spiritual experiences I was now sure that God could and would appear in a vision or to send His angels to do so. He can produce signs and wonders to wake people up and also make provision through miraculous means and more… much more.

This is her story.

Caroline and I hadn’t been attending our church in Hollywood very long, when a new couple about our age began attending too. Caroline and I extended a hand of friendship to the newcomers, and we invited them to a movie and coffee afterward that afternoon. By the time we got back to the church parking lot where they had parked their car it was about ten or eleven at night.

They were sitting in the back seat of our two door Mustang. Tom got out first and expected her to follow suit. Caroline held her seat forward but Mary just sat there undecidedly. Finally Tom said, “Mary, aren’t you going to get out!?”

Mary didn’t know how to answer and only squirmed as though bursting to say something. Caroline and I turned around to see what the matter was. Finally, she began to stammer. “Today as I was taking a nap and an angel appeared to me at the foot of the bed. He said that before the end of the day I would know how to be saved. I don’t know if I was dreaming or not but when I got up I couldn’t get the vision out of my mind and wondered what it meant.”

I was stunned, when I heard her say what she did, – but only for a moment.

She continued on by saying, “The day is almost over and I haven’t heard anything that the angel said would happen.”

Meanwhile, I began rummaging around in the glove box.

Tom was petrified as he continued to hold the car door open for her. But by now he had forgotten what he was doing and just stood there frozen on the spot. Such was the impact of what she was saying.

I found one of the little pocket bibles with the plan of salvation in it, knowing what I had to do.

I began reading the verses out of the book of Romans pertaining to salvation and after sharing the gospel with her I asked her if she would like to receive Christ to which she replied “yes!” I led her in a prayer. Afterward, Mary was relieved and after making more small talk of assurance we said our goodbyes.

As Mary exited the car Tom kept saying to me, “Man, you’re sanctified, you’re sanctified!” For me, it was just what anyone who claimed to know Christ would do. I didn’t know what he was talking about and didn’t know what the word sanctified meant.

Spiritual phenomenon began happening to me in earnest, after I had my encounters with Christ and God the Father….. I now began walking in another reality.

Now angels were becoming a reality too, just like it says in the Bible concerning Cornelius, “So Cornelius said, about four days ago I was fasting until this hour; and at the ninth hour I prayed in my house, and behold, a man stood before me in bright clothing, and said “Cornelius, your prayer has been heard and your alms are remembered in the sight of God…”.Acts10:31.

Later, I had yet another encounter where an angel appeared to someone. Angels continue to appear to human beings to this very day.




By Jim Towers

Our American culture and values continue to decline and it doesn’t matter that we have a new administration; in fact this problem has only escalated with the losers (no pun intended) and those on the fringes are being bribed and coerced to commit violence and anarchy against those of us whose political and religious beliefs differ. Where is the sense of fairness, human decency and civility we enlightened Americans are supposed to have? Shouldn’t opposing factions in our country have a right to their own way of thinking? The majority has spoken; and still militant anarchists continue to fight against us. Not to fear, God is in control and ultimately His plan for us and mankind will be fulfilled. And it might not be what we hope for or think.

Corruption rules in the highest offices of our country and soon the manmade house of cards will come tumbling down. Every day new scandals in the previous administration are being uncovered. WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange is releasing ever more emails about corruption in government. Apathetic people like to say things like, “Those are just conspiracy theories. You can’t believe everything you read, especially on the internet.” While this is true, I’ve noticed that some of these farfetched stories have an element of truth to them and when the truth is finally revealed we find that things we once thought were scuttlebutt do actually have a basis in truth. Do I have to remind you that the Bill Clinton/Monica Lewinsky affair and Barnie Frank’s male lover running a homosexual service from their digs were at first considered politically motivated lies? This only goes to show that men will normally take liberty in doing all they think they can get away with.

John Adams said, “We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion……Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

Listen closely folks, God won’t intervene when we don’t cry out to Him in repentance. He is kind enough to let us have our way, often with disastrous results, and so we must cry out to Him in earnestness. We’ve come a long way to where we are today and things can only get worse.

“Not until I went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits aflame with righteousness did I understand the secret of her genius and power. America is great because she is good, and if she ever ceases to be good, she will cease to be great.” Alexis de Tocqueville.

But it doesn’t stop there, today more than ever before people are going stark raving mad and committing suicide as well. The largest cities in the country are cesspools of lawlessness. Random killings are common place. Drug use and divorce is rampant and people today don’t seem to know right from wrong. Those doing so have been deceived by the Devil, who is also referred to as a murderer in scripture saying that, “He goes about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour,” and he’s doing a good job of it. We are living in a very sick society, a society where evil abounds. The sickness isn’t just confined to the United States but is prevalent throughout the world. Is it any wonder that so many are throwing their hands up in despair?

Even though we are one of the richest nations on earth, we lack the peace of mind and hope that only God can give. Money can’t buy us the hope we need in times of trouble. Men, women and teens are committing suicide at an alarming rate, even going so far as to posting the act on Face book. They do so because they have lost all hope and want us to agonize over their plight along with them. Today I heard of a woman, who ran toward an oncoming car trying to end her life, or else she was under the influence of mind altering drugs; it was never known why. The woman crashed into the car, breaking the side mirror, denting the car door, and breaking her ankle as the car swerved in trying to miss hitting her. She was air lifted to a trauma center in another city.

The first time I saw anything like this was in Miami years ago. As my wife and I were walking down the main street exploring our new environment a woman appeared in the distance walking quickly toward us. As she approached I could see that her hair was disheveled and she was foaming at the mouth. She flew right by us as if we weren’t even there. It was a scene taken from a nightmare.

Again, several years later I saw a woman in the same state, with rumpled clothes and matted hair running toward us foaming at the mouth as we walked down a side street toward our apartment. In both cases I quickly surmised that both of these women were having a psychotic disorder due to stress or because they were under the influence of some mind altering drug. We are in trouble!

We must develop a sense of urgency and do something in mending the broken lives, minds and hearts of our countrymen. The only way I know to do so is to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with them. Only then will they have hope, peace of mind and a sense of direction.

I would propose a countrywide revival, the kind that used to prevail during the 1920’s and 1930’s. Yes, I’m talking about tents, big ones, with colorful banners, open sides and plenty of seating. (Everyone loves a circus atmosphere.) There should be good Christian music and true Spirit filled preachers calling people to repentance. These nightly events should last at least a full week or more, if needed. If this should take place throughout the country within the same time frame our country might experience the last and final revival before Christ comes to take us away from the impending calamity called the Tribulation Period.

I’m sure many people would be attracted to such events, even if only out of curiosity. We all know that the Word of God does not return to him void and is sharper than any two edged sword, and this would be a good way to get the word out. Something of this nature must be done while the window of opportunity just opened for us to do so without fear of repercussion. Something like this may be the only way to bring our country back to an awareness of God and His gracious plan of salvation.

By the way, do not go to see the movie “The Shack.” It is nothing more than demonic drivel. Place your trust in the Gospel of Christ Jesus a gospel of redemption and hope that is found only in the Bible.


Jim T. Towers       jtfilmmaker@yahoo.com   and www.thepropheciesmovie and book.



By Jim Towers

Jesus said “Talk is cheap,” and indeed it is. But what a privilege it is to be able to put your thoughts into words. I’ve said it before in previous articles and I’ll say it again; words have power and we will be held accountable for every idle word at the Great White Throne Judgment – that is if we haven’t received Christ.

Free speech is one of our basic freedoms here in the United States but it almost faced extinction under the former administration. It was quickly being replaced by politically correct speech; that is to say that we were being muzzled from expressing our opinions about a great number of things, especially religion. Freedom of speech is a power that greatly affects our quality of life.

During the previous administration our basic freedoms were being stripped away by leftists, which are mostly made up of atheists, agnostics, gays and lesbians and those who would destroy our way of life. I don’t want to be a killjoy, but an unbridled tongue can cause a lot of damage. Don’t damage your soul by being deceitful. Doesn’t the Bible say that there won’t be any liars in heaven? Haven’t we all been lied to on occasion? Today people say they are going to do something and don’t follow through; their actions speak louder than words. It’s hurtful to be on that short end of the stick.

Leftists are also quick to falsify news information or to twist it around to make it say something it’s not. In this day and age lies are so common that most of us are skeptical of things we hear from almost all news organizations. We hard core believers can thank the Lord for the spirit of discernment.

In spite of all the harm the far left has done, we level headed people with a sound mind are letting the far left express their anger about the results of the election, even to the extent that threats of assassination and the destruction of property is being played out, and that without retribution. Perhaps the left will grow up and rethink their stand on abortion, same sex marriage and anarchy when they see the damage they’ve done to our nation. However, that isn’t very likely to happen unless the Holy Spirit convicts them of sin and the need to repent.

Decency, dependability, honesty, virtue, common courtesy have all gone the way of the dinosaur. Today its political correctness, political rhetoric, (lies) I misspoke, I can’t remember; seldom does one hear the words, I’m sorry, please, or even thank you. Most people don’t even thank God for their food, and those that do in secret wouldn’t dare do so in public, but they’re quick to tell you a lie.

I went to a meeting recently to hear different accomplished speakers and story tellers and I was amazed at the way people view life today. No Essops fables here. It was like entering a nether

world of oddities. Many of these people were eclectic or eccentric to say the least, and odd balls to say the worse.

I befriended an elderly lady there and she invited me to yoga and how to heal your spirit classes, being given by someone claiming to be an MD. This same MD gave a speech during which I detected a nervousness that tried to forth in his well rehearsed speech; he was holding something back from the audience. What was it? Could it be that he was afraid of being exposed as a deceiver in front of the audience. Having been in show business all of my adult life I can spot an act a mile away. I know all of the nuances connected with a performance or an outright lie told by someone just by the tone of his or her voice. Facial expressions and body language also reveal a lot about what a person is saying or thinking. I decided that this person was not on the up and up.

That same older woman gave me a flyer inviting me to see a story teller at another event. This guy was being lauded as the biggest liar in the country. Let me give you a little rundown on what this man’s resume/advertisement flier says:

The headline banner says ……KING OF THE TALL TALE.

“So and so, the world’s funniest storyteller is a nationally renowned storyteller and five time winner of the ……liars contest. With him, the sorry low down lie becomes a glorious creation, a verbal sculpture in which a hundred small fibs, stretchers, falsehoods and prevarications are piled together , shaped and molded into one stunning, awe inspiring cathedral of flapdoodle and bull.” Bob Wells, Duke Divinity Magazine. Before becoming a full time liar, so and so had a career as a minister. Now he lies religiously.” Who is this Bob Wells at Duke Divinity Magazine?

Now I ask you, am I just a religious prude or was I being assaulted by the Devil? Maybe I take the things of God too seriously. In any case this is what the world wants, to lead you astray with filthy jokes and amusing lies while taking no thought about the resulting ramifications. Now this behavior doesn’t appear to be so bad since it’s not a physical assault on our being, but our spiritual well being is at stake. Satan is out to deceive, kill and destroy by any and all means.

It’s true that I’ve never been a jokester and have a serious streak, but before you begin to think of me as a killjoy, I can assure you that I am a man who loves to laugh and sing….and even to dance,….so don’t even go there.

I often wish I could meet each and every reader face to face and to encourage you to tighten your relationship with Christ and God our Father and to begin to take life a little more seriously, read the scriptures with relish and to become ever stronger in reaching out to the lost. Having said that, I would also urge you not to be cynical or morose either, no one likes to listen to what such people have to say. Try to be a well balanced person with the help of God and have a good knowledge of the scriptures.

Except for a few believers, no one knows what the future holds for the United States, but I can almost assure you that only a spiritual revival will wake us up. I’m formulating a plan to bring about revival in our area and across the nation, if that’s what God wants me to do. With today’s suicide, war and rumors of war and murder rates soaring, we in this country need revival as soon as possible before our chance slips away.

By the way, there are no movies to report on right now.

The movie business is like all other enterprises with the bottom line being the almighty dollar with very few exceptions; exceptions like some documentaries and a few “Christian” movies.

Christian movies are often made by amateurs and made on the cheap. They often have to hire non- professional camera and sound technicians as well as amateur actors. Then comes the promotional advertising – which is usually nonexistent; it is a very formidable endeavor.

Insofar as movie making is concerned, I am packing it in for now and going on to see what other adventures await me in promoting the Kingdom of God.

Love, Strength and Peace to you all,


Jim Towers      Contact me at jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com or www.thepropheciesmovie and book.




Have you ever sung a song while driving or danced alone in your living room to a tune you really like? I once watched a five-year old dance with joy with hands raised in the air praising God for the return of his wayward father after he turned his life over to Christ at my urging, and this was done in a Baptist church! It was a most gratifying experience, one I’ll remember for the rest of my life.

Baptists seldom, if ever, dance, but I and that child may be the exception.

I arrived at the street market at mid-morning. Things were already underway with vendors hawking their wares of veggies, flowers, exotic breads and candies. The street was blocked off for two blocks in downtown Naples, Florida. Music was emanating from somewhere in the middle of the first block. It was familiar music from the mid 1900’s. A lone guitarist in his sixties was seated near the sidewalk on a folding chair playing and singing the old tune.

In front of the lone musician was an older woman dancing alone in the midst of the crowd of people. Swept up by her free style exuberance and familiar song I was filled with joy, shuffled over and began dancing along with her. The joy of the Lord had consumed me and I twisted and twirled and got lost in the moment.

What a feeling to get caught up with such a wonderful experience, an experience that too few of us Christians experience these days. Living life with abandon…..knowing that God has your back.

Before condemning my actions, Baptists should remember that we have been set free, for whom the Son sets free is free indeed. So says scripture. And let us not forget that David danced with unbridled exuberance with the joy of the Lord…in the street.

Maybe the joy I felt while dancing also had something to do with the recent expulsion of the atheists, sodomites, abortionists and other criminals in our previous administration. Being able to breathe freely again is a good feeling in and of itself. It felt good to be alive to see that day. We needed a reprieve to be able to catch our breath and to hopefully regain our moral balance. But lest we should forget, prophecy is yet to be fulfilled and we have to be able to recognize the signs in full.

We should awaken each day with a song in our hearts, and thank God for the rest we had through the night. On awakening we should also ask for the opportunity to make a difference in the world daily and to seek the kingdom of God diligently.

God saw fit to take away my sin after repenting and receiving Christ into my heart and life and He set my feet on a new path. Like a new baby I stumbled and fell on occasion, but got up with encouragement from His Word and continued on a new journey full of possibilities. Today my life gets to be more and more rewarding and exciting as I explore new horizons. I’ve been set free from preconceived conventions and religiosity. I get so carried away I can dance, sing and laugh.

Going to church should not be a ritual, a habit, or even just a social event. Like David we should be able to say, “I was glad when they said let us go to the house of the Lord.”

If you are going to reach others for Christ, it’s best to do it in a caring way and with a sincere attitude. But don’t get me wrong, there is a time to be angry, or sad, but NEVER morose, condescending or judgmental. Remember, you were once there yourself, without Christ.

In reaching out to others, remember that people are more concerned about themselves than anyone or anything else in life and will open up to anyone who will listen to them vent, express their opinions or just lend an ear. Good news is the best news, but if you must, reprimand, provoke and/or admonish those who need it.

According to the Bible (Galatians 5:22-23 KJV) “the fruits of the Spirit are love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance; against such there is no law.”

“Let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid.” “Casting all your care upon Him for he cares for you” With those admonitions and promises firmly in mind, we can live happy, carefree and optimistic lives.

By the way, I just saw the movie Silence which was co-written and directed by Martin Scorsese. It is based on a novel about Jesuit priests trying to establish Christian churches in Japan in the 1600’s. They were not welcomed and they and many if not most Christians perished, having suffered extreme persecution. (It may be possible that God is trying to wake them up at this late hour with earthquakes happening around the clock on that island.)

Although it was very well done with many beautiful scenes, this movie leaves you wondering about the validity of scripture and poses many more questions than it answers with no clear resolution.

Martin Scorsese appears to be a seeker.

Being a born again Bible believing Christian I feel sorry for those who try to earn salvation through works and manmade tradition. If only they would study holy writ they could be set free to enjoy life without fear and uncertainty.


Jim Towers

You can write me at jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com or www.theproheciesmovieandbook


By Jim Towers

Today there is an assault on the Bible like never before, from all quarters. Even some churches are discounting some of the doctrine and teachings in this Word of God. As humans become more knowledgeable and sophisticated, there is an attempt to make the Bible out to be a myth or combination of myths woven together by unsophisticated people sometime in the past.

Having diligently read as well as studied four different translations over a span of more than forty years and experiencing some of the manifestations’ therein, I can assure you that it is real and alive as well, just as it says it is. For, “The word of God is alive and powerful and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of spirit and soul and joints and marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”

The Bible also says; “Every word of God proves to be true no matter who questions it.”

In watching a documentary about the Bible and its origins I was loath to find that the intent was to destroy the most read book in the world by finding and analyzing shards of pottery and little pieces of bone, thereby discrediting the story of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. I turned the documentary off, instinctively knowing they were headed in the wrong direction.

In the documentary these so-called “experts” of archeology were blathering away about something they really knew little about. They chose to pick the bible apart. I didn’t see the rest since I knew where these so called scholars were coming from. Their clear intent was to cause the viewer to question its veracity. “Did God really say?….. Doesn’t that sound familiar?

Since there may be small discrepancies in Holy writ, they don’t amount to a hill of beans in the overall picture of it or of spiritual doctrine found therein. But since the spiritual content of the Bible can only be discerned by the illumination of the Holy Spirit, mankind is sure to get things wrong aside from Him. “The Holy Spirit will lead you into all truth.”

The two subjects that most interested me in school were science and archeology, and I know enough to know that you can’t draw conclusions based on wild speculation. This happens all the time by people searching for acclaim, particularly in archeology since many of the things studied were from times past for which there is no written record.

It really angers me to think that some pseudo intellectuals are so willing to try to make a name for themselves that they do so at the expense of another’s faith and hope. Being devoid of that hope, these unbelievers are sucking many others into the black vortex of hopelessness where they themselves reside; a hellish place, one where misery loves company.

Years ago I was on an archeological dig in the Panhandle of Florida. The leader of the expedition was all business and had a pompous demeanor toward the rest. This professor had us looking for shards and any relics dating back to the first European settlement in the continental United States, which even preceded St. Augustine. At that very time I was doing extensive research on the same topic for a screenplay I was writing about Spanish exploration and their settling in this part of the world.

I had read extensively about the Spanish and the founding of the New World, since some of them may have been my ancestors. (The first Torres in the New World had come here on the very first voyage by Cristobal Colon (Christopher Columbus) and was a Spanish Jew who was a linguist.) I may have mentioned this to her as I was very much into what we were doing. The woman only sneered at me with a holier than thou attitude, huffed and turned away. Apparently she knew all there is to know about that period of history.

In any case, I relished the idea of being there and seeing the relics unearthed firsthand. When the local newspaper came to report on the findings they took photographs. The professor was all primed to see her face in the newspaper the next day, and low and behold, the only person appearing was the mother of my children, Caroline, who had found a sewing needle among other small artifacts!

Looking back over a lifetime of following historical digs I can honestly say that many, if not most of these men and women want to be the first to discover something of great importance or divulge something missed by the rest of humanity and intellectual élite. By making a name for themselves these archeologists are able to continue to get funding for their travels and bank accounts, not to mention the accolades they so desperately seek. “Thinking themselves to be wise, they became utter fools.”

Those who would try to discredit the Bible do so at their own peril, as they have no hope or faith or even reason to be to sustain them; and they will be held accountable by God the master of the universe at the great white throne judgment. “Be not deceived, for God is not mocked, for whatsoever man sows, that shall he also reap.”

Since we are made in his image and his likeness we too have power over life and death, “For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” Just by asking Christ into your life to forgive your sin of unbelief and to enlighten you – he will do just that. “And the peace of God which surpasses all understanding shall guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”

Another three verses come to mind when dealing with Holy Scripture. “Without faith it is impossible to please God.” And, “The just shall live by faith.” Also, “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.” Case closed.

Over the Christmas holidays I contended with two Jehovah’s Witnesses and shared my testimony with three foreign exchange students from Argentina – at the world famous Naples fishing pier. The student’s were eager to hear what I had to say. They were like lost souls searching for water in the desert of life. It was very gratifying to do so.

By the way: A Christian motion picture company named Pure Flix is coming on strong, not at the box office, but on video. It seems they are dealing in stories with the subject of morality more than anything else.


Jim Towers

I can be reached at jt.filmaker@yahoo.com and www.theprophecies2016 movie and book.

Obama’s abandonment of Israel should surprise nobody

The United Nations resolution condemning Israeli settlements comes in the wake of two other U.N. resolutions, passed by the UNESCO cultural body in October, that denied the historic and biblical relationship between the Jews and the land of Israel. The U.N. can pass resolutions, but it can neither change history nor alter reality.

For the American Jewish community that voted overwhelmingly not once, but twice for President Barack Obama, America’s abstention and refusal to use its veto power on an anti-Israel measure at the U.N. was a betrayal of historic proportions.

Continue the story here http://www.jns.org/latest-articles/2016/12/26/obamas-abandonment-of-israel-should-surprise-nobody#.WGKtD5I3lq4=




By Jim Towers

Truly believing that we are living in the end times, I’m pulling out all the stops in proclaiming the Gospel even if it means rejection by nominal Christians and/or the government. We in the family of God seem to be so at peace with the world that we don’t give a second thought about the rest of humanity. Fear of man makes us apprehensive about approaching others; something we should be doing out of love and concern since spiritual knowledge is the very thing they are looking for.

We Christians breathed a sigh of relief when Trump won the presidential election. But even though Trump won the election it doesn’t mean we Christians are in control. God has a way of fixing world events that are forever confounding the so-called experts and even theologians. I learned a long time ago not to put my trust in man, even if he stands in the Oval Office or behind a pulpit. We’ve all seen many “pulpeteers” fall, since they are only human like you and I. We need only to trust and to know the holy scriptures to know what’s going on and why.

The holy scriptures are proving to be more reliable and true each day. The Holy Spirit is the revealer of truth and will shed light on the scriptures as we draw closer to God. This isn’t done through osmosis but through the diligent reading of it. He also keeps us afloat even as we stumble along. We are safe in His hands. Furthermore He is the one who gives us the love and power to reach out to others without fear or shame. We though, are asked to study (the bible, of course) to show ourselves approved, a workman that need not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of God.

I am convinced that God is going to bring in as many into the kingdom of God as possible before time runs out and they are left behind. So don’t be afraid to share your faith with others. Many people are searching but in all the wrong places. You will be surprised at the response when you show concern for these lost souls.

Today I joined a startup group on Face book who claim to have a concern for our county, and so far they seem to be on the up and up. They have 1500 members and have posted my first offering with good fanfare. I intend to introduce them to the two websites I contribute to. We’ll see how it goes.

I wish other concerned Christians would follow my lead in reaching others for Christ. You don’t have to be sanctioned only sanctified and know your Bible well. This can begin in any numbers of ways, visiting a sick neighbor, praying for someone face to face or over the phone. Of course, we can help Him if we know the Word of God well enough to communicate it. . Just open your mouth and the right words will come tumbling out with the help of the Holy Spirit, who usually works through love and concern for others. The Bible says, “Those who win souls are wise.”

Try it.

Below are just a couple of examples of my outreach.

I took my car to the dealership to have the tires rotated and while the work was being done I engaged two people in conversation. One was an older man and the other was a woman whose husband had just passed away. Right away I let them know what I was all about without any false piety. The response was exactly what I had anticipated. The man left to do something and the woman opened right up, becoming teary eyed. She exclaimed that she didn’t know what the world was coming to and was afraid – very afraid. I encouraged her and invited her to my church, emphasizing that she should read the Bible. She was a Catholic who hadn’t ever read it. Our conversation was cut short by a man telling me my car was waiting.

Later I went to the fishing pier to see the sunset and just missed doing so. Hundreds of people come each evening from all over the world to do so. Upon leaving I stopped to talk to an elderly black man who had gone to Catholic seminary but for some reason became discouraged and dropped out. I asked him where he went to church and he replied, “I quit going years ago and today I’m searching for Truth.” I knew then and there my reason for being at the right place at the right time. I told him what Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth and the life; no man comes to the father but by me.” The man immediately came alive as if a bulb had been lit in his head. We talked a bit more and then I asked if he’d like for me to pray for him to get to know the Truth from scripture. He said, “Would you please.” I prayed like this with one hand on his shoulder. “Heavenly Father, reveal to this man the Truth as written in the Holy Scriptures. May he find Jesus and grow in assurance that Jesus is the truth he seeks.” It was short and sweet. The man thanked me profusely and we parted ways.

Just so you know, I’ve been used of God to bring two sisters and a brother to faith in Christ. My youngest sister even came down from Michigan to have me baptize her in the ocean a few years ago. My latest exploit was to bring my nephew into faith in Christ over the phone and I’ve continued to disciple him over the phone as well, often with text messages.

The signs of the end aren’t becoming any less. In fact, there are more earthquakes than ever before, more lawlessness, more wars and rumors of war and signs and wonders. People everywhere and in all parts of the world are searching for truth, peace and hope and the s   alvation that only Jesus offers. We followers of Christ must pull out all the stops to make Jesus known, and the Christmas season is a good place to start. Remember that Jesus is the reason for our Christmas season.

The Christian movie Believe opened over the weekend.

In a small town going through tough economic times, business owner Matthew Payton (Ryan O’ Quinn ) struggles between his desire for financial success and his responsibility of funding the annual Christmas pageant. Desperate business decisions ruin his popularity and angry employees seek their revenge….


Jim Towers

Contact me at   jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com   or   www.theprophecies2016movie and book.




By Jim Towers

Praise God for this one last great reprieve from eight years of tyranny. I hope we Christians will make the best of it and get our country back on track. Christians barely escaped the gaping jaws of persecution or incarceration from the present administration. As a matter of fact, Hillary would have had us Christians all arrested on trumped up charges like hate speech and/or voicing our discontent with her administration. Our liberty was being stripped away little by little by  radical liberals as we Christians dozed off in apathy.

God was anathema to the non-Christians who were in control of the government. They wanted to make America in THEIR image and likeness, one of Godlessness and lustful pleasure. Money, of course, played a big part in their agenda as well, and their Swiss bank accounts show it. Aside from all the obvious signs of political corruption, the moral corruption they imposed on the rest of us was even more hurtful; they wanted a Godless society with no restraints, a very dangerous ideology.  The so-called Millennial youth are today showing signs of the devastating results of denying the existence of God, and we are responsible for not making them aware of the consequences.

Christianity was already under assault by the Obama administration and Hillary would have marginalized us even further, if not crushed us altogether. It’s hard to believe that these perverts, thugs, pedophiles and outright criminals would have such sway over us, but we brought it on ourselves by being apathetic and letting them even get away with over the top criminality and the murder of innocent lives, the unborn. I’m sure God wasn’t very happy with that. That alone is and was cause for him to destroy us outright. Our benevolent Creator gives us the gift of tiny lives and we destroy them on a whim from their mothers. How evil is that?

We Christians are supposed to be the light of the world, the salt of the earth AND we are supposed to be imbued with Power, Love and a Sound mind. Yet we cower in fear of our evil fellow man or lead a milk toasty and politically correct life. In doing so we are being complicit with the forces of evil. If ever there was a time to get our act together and get real – it is now.

Since we’ve been given this reprieve we have to make the best of it by putting on our helmet of salvation, shield of faith, breastplate of truth, sword of the spirit and our feet shod with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Time is of the essence and just because we’ve gotten this reprieve doesn’t mean we can just sit back on our laurels and relax or just pray. Muslims pray four or five times a day with their face to the floor in humble submission to allah, but they also stand and fight to the death in what they believe in, as ugly as their evil ideology is. We can do no less with the tools and gifts God has given us, some of which is Faith, Perseverance, Strength and Assurance that He has our back. God gave us this reprieve to reach out to the lost once and for all, since he is not willing that any should perish. Inevitably though His prophetic judgments will take place in the very near future.

The rabid agenda of destroying Christianity is still at the door and will come roaring back in if given the slightest opportunity, and in fact is clawing and growling with uprisings and protests across the nation at this very moment; this from people who were saved from Sharia, (Obama and Hillary’s ideology) many of whom would be been thrown from high buildings or stoned to death for their indiscretions.

This presidential race gave many Christians a good scare and multitudes dropped to their knees in repentance. I know this because I have over a thousand Face book “friends” some of whom were repenting in fear of the outcome of the presidential election – when I asked them to do so day after day.

Please don’t let this last opportunity to advance the cause of Christ pass you by.   Judgment still looms ahead.


Mel Gibson has done it again. He directed and delivered a movie with Christian values and undertones. The movie Hacksaw Ridge delivered big time, and as violent and brutal with its graphic scenes of war were, it was textured with romance, love and redemption.

In this true story the young hero was an unassuming Christian named Desmond Doss, a world war two recipient of the Medal of Honor, who saved the lives of many of his comrades as a medic in the army, and did so without carrying a gun. This was a man of true conviction. God must have honored his commitment to nonviolence by saving his skin repeatedly, although Desmond’s was a radical choice to say the least

The Lord honors a man’s commitment to do what he feels is the right thing to do within His parameters. The Christian community needs many more men of conviction like Desmond Doss in these evil days.

If you’re a squeamish church mouse, this gory movie may be too much for you. But for realists living in this real and brutal world it’s a movie worth seeing. At the end of the movie the audience applauded

Another film, a documentary entitled The Insanity of God was simulcast to churches around the country.  The title I thought was bordering on blasphemy, since it could have been handled differently, although the need to use hyperbole is understandable. The message though was good and corresponds with the need for evangelism. However, we here in America need to hear the Gospel as much as anybody in other countries, especially at this critical time in our history and no one should make the decision for you to be on the evangelical front lines, you alone should make the decision to do so. Don’t put your spouse or children in harms way.

“We have not been given the spirit of fear, but of POWER, LOVE and a SOUND MIND”


Jim Towers

E-mail me at:   jtfilmmaker@yahoo.com and website www.theprophecies2016movie and book.com also www.dropzonedelta.com and Jim Towers in Naples, FL on Face book.




Liberal, Christians


By Jim Towers

If you are trusting in Hillary, Trump or any other person to make things right in our country, think again. In spite of all the promises and plans they propose, we can’t trust them to keep them.

It seems that many politicians running for office today can’t be trusted to tell the truth and would tell you anything to get your vote or to remain in office. Hillary is one of them.

Still this evil woman has her followers made up mostly of feminists, homosexuals, transvestites and other assorted perverts and criminals. If elected she wants to continue funding Planned Parenthood, a thinly disguised killing machine designed for mercilessly slaughtering the unborn – often for monetary gain. She is acquiescing to the prince of liars in doing his bidding. The prince of liars is Satan, who is called “the father of lies” in the Bible.

Hillary says she was shot at while disembarking from a plane; a plain lie. She says she had nothing to do with the resulting deaths of the men in the Benghazi incident. It seems she couldn’t wake up at three in the morning and when she did it was to place the blame on some lame video. Wiki Leaks just released some email information that she was complicit in arming Isis by way of Qatar. Wiki Leaks also released even more damaging information about John Podesta, Hillary’s campaign chairman, indicating that the American public can and should be duped. The lies and deceit go on and on with no end in sight. The American public has been duped and blinded by the evil one.

Kaine, her running mate, said he was also shot at and wounded; a lie. Kerry said he “fought the Viet Cong valiantly,” this while he was actually hiding in a patrol boat until the fighting was over. Some of the swift boat vets that were with him said so. Then as the Viet Cong were scattering he shot a twelve year old “soldier” in the back as he was fleeing; some hero! I could go on and on.

Remember the catch phrase “trust me” or “read my lips?” Well, all of that has gone out of style and has been forgotten. Now it’s “You can read it – after it is passed,” sign here. Obama Care was the biggest fiasco ever foisted on the American people, and even former rapist Bill Clinton said so recently. Nancy Pelosi never mentions it anymore; now she’s on another crusade for women’s rights.

With the revelation of Trump’s “locker room talk,” every cockroach in Washington is jumping on the virtuous bandwagon, probably just to see their names in print once again, sounding oh so moral and puritanical. Hypocrisy seems to be a way of life for these perverted sex fiends who not only talk, but carry out their perversions in reality. Trump’s gaffe is only showing that he’s human, and an unregenerate one like most of the populous.

Senator John McCain is backing away from Trump and saying that such a foul-mouthed man shouldn’t be president. But isn’t this the man who left a dying wife for another woman, or was that Senator John Edwards who was running for president a while back. What hypocrisy! Finger pointing seems to be the way to diffuse a situation for these opportunists, most of whom have never held a real job. The above is common knowledge or at least should be. Is one sin greater than the other, like the Catholic Church espouses?

Now it has been revealed that Bill Clinton may have raped a thirteen-year old on Lolita or Orgy Island, as it is named, whom his friend Jeffrey Epstein owned. He, like several other “friends” were flown there on board Jeffrey’s private airliner for fun and games. It is alleged by the hacker Anonymous that Israeli spies had bugged the place with a video camera to use as blackmail fodder and caught Bill raping a young sex slave. The man has no self control and no normal man can, without the Holy Spirit. I wouldn’t put it past him.

Do you worship other men or women? Many people do. Movie stars are idolized; athletes and television celebrities are too. Yet they are just as fallible as you and I. It’s too bad that those who have our adoration are often times cheaters, liars, wife beaters and/or drug users – sinners, just like the rest of us.

So where is a good person to be found? The Bible says, “There is non-righteous, no not one. For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” However, only through repentance and after receiving God’s forgiveness can we begin to be godly people.

“Although all men are liars, God is not.” And, if you’re not trusting in Him and taking Him at His word, you’re in trouble – big trouble. Only God can turn this country around, but it may well be too late. My hope is that there might be one last great revival, but that’s going to take very sincere repentance on our part and that will happen only if the abortionist and law changing Democrats are defeated.

While I’m not a conspiracy theorist I am inclined to believe that all that’s happening in our once great country IS a conspiracy to bring the country down and hand it over to the enemies of Christianity and Democracy; the well entrenched democrats. These lying hypocrites are being revealed for what they are by Wiki leaks or at least they were. It’s a wonder that that Julian Assange is still alive. These people can’t and won’t do anything for you unless it’s to bribe you to their advantage, still though; the mass media is behind these criminals anyway.

To our country and the world I would say, the spiritual implications are clear, deny God and His Christ and you are on your own to suffer the consequences. If Hillary wins the election be prepared to be vilified, if not persecuted and prosecuted.

By the way, good movies are hard to find these days. Entertainment today is filled with filth. It’s too bad that family friendly movies have all but dried up. I saw the Bobby Darin movie Beyond the Sea for the second time in five years and I enjoyed it just as much as the first time. It is, of course, the life story of Bobby Darin and Sandra Dee. If you like true stories, music and dancing like I do, chances are you’d like it too. I get my videos at the public library.


Jim Towers     jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com and www.theprophecies2016movie and book.



By Jim Towers

Not too long ago I talked to a sloppy appearing adult man in a certain non-denominational church who tried to encourage me to wear sandals and shorts to Sunday morning services, just like he and his friends. In that same church the pastor wore polyester pants and a faded and threadbare long sleeved shirt hanging out over his bulging belly. To top it all, he was unshaven with a three-day stubble of beard. Then worse than that, he had greasy, dirty hair (you know what that looks like). The sight of him made me skeptical about what he had to say, but I listened anyway.

Low and behold, the man was teaching out of the book of Genesis, with no relevance to today’s world! Shouldn’t he have gotten past that already? Was he lazy or slothful? I couldn’t decide. But he was trying to be one cool dude at the expense of doing some earnest teaching. And as far as his congregants were concerned, some of them are “ever learning and not able to come to the knowledge of the truth.” The amazing thing was that I was told that he was a dynamic teacher. I may be wrong, but I expected more – much more- from this “dynamic” teacher. (I think some people just say that so that you will know that they are being taught the deeper things of God.)

I suppose some people think that looking like Jesus they can project an image of holiness, kind of laid back and primitive. But Jesus was not a pot smoking laid back kind of guy, nor was he primitive. Jesus was straightforward, didn’t use any tricks or smoke and mirrors, and more often than not He said things that people didn’t want to hear. I doubt that He went around with a ridiculous smile on his face all the time either. .

For God’s sake, just be who you are. Remember when most television ministers all had slicked down hair and wore a mullet? They had a dramatic demeanor or even a tick such as twitching of the neck to go with it. What was that all about? Did they think they were being spiritual? Now some even go so far as to dye or spike their hair with styling gel, and most of them still like to show off. They want to identify with the world and be in the limelight.

If these same people would to put on Christ – spiritually speaking – they wouldn’t be so concerned about being “cool.” They would be earnestly compelling people to repent, receive Christ and avoid judgment, especially in the days in which we live. Now I ask you, isn’t that the real measure of a man’s spirituality? And to go further still, the music that is played at most of these services is uninspired and in some cases even redundant, with phrases being repeated over and over. It’s almost like the band is trying to put you into a trance.

Years ago a young Catholic lady I came in contact with said, about such a service, “the music was cultish, it sounded to me like trance inducing noise, something you would hear in a cult worship service.” She had come from a back ground of chanting (Gregorian) and so it came as no surprise that she was offended.

It’s not about how much you know or whether you’re a deacon, teacher or elder either, it’s what you do with what you know and not a certain title. Many such people want these titles simply to reap the reward in admiration of others. Jesus speaks on this matter, saying that when these men and women will be harshly judged when they stand in judgment.

Having said that, I realize that some churches especially start up churches don’t have any to chose from and some men and women just happen to slip into that position.

The Bible says we should not have too many teachers. If they knew that they were going to be held accountable for their teaching they might not be so willing to teach others. “Be not many teachers, knowing that we shall receive greater judgment.”

Motive is paramount in this endeavor. Do you really care about people? Do you practice what you teach or preach? If you are a teacher in the church it’s good to have a little humility as well. The rules are set out in the first book of Timothy chapter 6.

If you are a teacher, here is a suggestion, take the time to really get to know your students. Pray for them and pray with them. Contact each of your charges by email individually or as a group. Let them know you really care about their spiritual growth. Don’t form cliques within your group of students, the outsiders will resent it.

All too often we teach on subjects that are of no concern to the individual. Most disciples (students) want to know about things that are affecting them in the here and now. They want to know how to overcome the difficulties that they are facing, based on scripture, not where Philippi Caesarea is on the map.

By the way,

The movie about Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger, the pilot who landed his plane on the Hudson River, is a good movie. Here is a heroic man who had to face the air transportation hierarchy, lawyers and insurance representatives. In this case the good triumphs over bad.

Speaking of good outcomes, Tim Tebow hit a home run on the first pitch of his professional baseball career! This man was bounced out of football for his show of pointing to the sky in thankfulness to God. At the same time, others are doing back flips, and dances or even calling their mother on a cell phone- in the end zone! It looks like a double standard too me.


Jim Torres “Towers”       jt.filmmaker@yahoo.con and www.theprophecies2016movie.com



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