By Jim Towers

Being a “people person” I’ve met and talked to people of various persuasions and ideologies. I’ve talked to brilliant people, dumb people, ignorant people, preachers, judges, articulate people, funny people, angry people, hurting people, sick people, lonely people, uppity people, perverts, harlots, weirdoes, charlatans, and scallywags. In so doing, the one thing I’ve noticed is that we all have the human tendency to sin and to take God for granted, forgetting to thank Him for anything but asking for everything. That is if we even believe in Him at all.

Human beings are resilient, stubborn and hard headed sinners, and God knows it.  They leave Him no alternative but to shake them awake. For some the shaking will take the form of life threatening illness, death in the family or financial loss.

Today, in spite of all the hate, killings, rebellion and apostasy, most people act as if life will continue as usual and most take God for granted.  Although God loves us, He is nobody’s patsy or Santa Claus. He is just in His dealings with mankind. It must grieve Him when you think you know him through reading books or saying pretty but repetitious prayers and willingly betray Him behind His back.

What a world we live in; a world in which black is white and right is wrong. Today there are only different shades of gray. We’re all sinners, even preachers have a propensity to sin, and unless they’ve had a direct encounter with Jesus Christ, it’s a very easy thing to do. God lets us stumble through life without interfering until we reach out to him in utter humility and with weak knees.

Members of our former corrupt government are falling like dominoes, and are finally beginning to face the consequences of their actions; while despots in other countries are destroying their own people because of their greed and power madness. The way things are going and with Biblical prophecy being fulfilled at a very rapid rate, the time for playing church is over. It’s finally time to get real. It’s a time of reflection and repentance toward God before He unleashes His fury upon unrepentant sinners who take Him for granted.

In Guam people are turning to prayer like never before after Kim Jong-Un threatened to hit that island with ballistic missiles, and even lobbed some in their direction. The North Korean despot did so because there is a strong U.S. military presence on the island.

Yes, the time of chastening is upon us, and we deserve it for throwing in our lot with the devil and letting criminals run our nation. Although God is longsuffering and loves His creation, He will soon be forced to reveal His well deserved wrath toward the ungodly.  You can count on it.

Many back sliders and apathetic Christians will be chastened as well in these final days of human history. The shaking is sure to intensify, but we shouldn’t despise it since it brings about repentance, and repentance brings about reconciliation and peace. This may just be our last call.

What is it going to take for people to wake up and repent and seek God’s face? God is already shaking up the world with earthquakes, famine, and political upheaval and is even letting us express our hate for one another. It seems He’s letting us hang ourselves with our Godless behavior while He increases the intensity of shaking to awaken humanity to our need for Him.

In spite of that, “God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.” Furthermore, “God chastises those he loves.” And He loves us all.

Ultimately, some will continue in disobedience and thereby destroy themselves in doing so. But some of us will bend the knee from all that we see happening in our country and around the globe. Soon He will burst forth and reveal Himself to all mankind and there will be no more taking Him for granted. No more manipulating Him with promises we don’t intend to keep. God’s chastisement is coming and we shouldn’t resent it, since it is only meant to wake us up.

“It’s a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” But it doesn’t have to be that way for you if you are a believer.  You can rest in His presence if you draw close to Him with a contrite and repentant heart, and today is a good day to do so.


Christian movie makers are licking their wounds and deciding whether to continue on, since only a small fraction of movie going audiences attend their often syrupy trite and feel good movies. The money just isn’t there and neither are people’s interests.

I just watched a movie produced by Tommy Lee Jones of the “Men in Black” series. He and one other actor, Samuel H. Jackson, starred in this two-man movie staged in one room. It was all dialogue with not one scene of action or violence. The 2011 made for television movie “The Sunset Limited” was rented from the public library.

The two characters discussed the existence of God and even mentioned Jesus Christ as Savior,    ( a savior who had reached out in an audible voice to the hardened criminal portrayed by Jackson). Jackson’s character, who rescued a much learned professor (Jones) from committing suicide, discuss the meaning of life across a small table.

In the middle of the table sitting in the rundown room was a well worn Bible, a book that the former criminal knew well. The professor had lost all hope and articulated his dilemma well. Both men put up a good defense for their way of thinking. The well made movie was thought provoking to say the least. This was a good approach to dealing with matters of life and death.

Like the character portrayed by Samuel L. Jackson, receive Jesus Christ today and have a peace like he did, one that surpasses all understanding. “If you will believe in your hear and confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus Christ, you shall be saved.”



Jim Towers                     jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com and www.thepropheciesmovie and book.



By Jim Towers

“But evil men and imposters will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.” 2nd Timothy 3:13.

Today there is deception and false news everywhere you look. It seems the Devil is out to destroy lives and nations through deception, fake news, subversion and apostasy in the church. If you call yourself a Christian and can’t see the deception surrounding you then you probably don’t read your Bible, and if you do – you haven’t received Christ and acquired the Holy Spirit who opens the eyes of those who are believers in Christ.

The way things are going even those who are spiritually blind are able to see that something isn’t quite right these days; what with corruption in high places, (governments and the church) earthquakes, famine, pestilences, incurable diseases and apostasy. Satan has his minions out there in the world to confuse and propagate false doctrine and/or plain old fashioned falsehood. That’s why we shouldn’t lean on our own understanding or those of heretical men who don’t know or understand scripture, leading others into perilous folly.

The following is a case in point.

I recently met with a man who has written several books and is hoping to get the last one, made into a movie. I was introduced to him by a friend whom I had led to Christ last winter. Because the writer told him he was a Doctor of Divinity he thought I should meet him.

Not knowing the man’s last name I couldn’t do a background check on him so I didn’t know what to expect. In spite of that, I arranged to meet with this stranger in a local restaurant. At first I had my doubts since I’ve encountered phonies in the past.  But then I thought, perhaps God had set up this impromptu meeting as a, divine appointment so I decided to investigate. What’s the worst that can happen? I might even get to share the gospel with this stranger and who knows where that might lead. Funny, as I refer to him as a stranger in this article, I found him to be very strange indeed. From the moment I laid eyes on the man I knew what kind of writer he was and also the validity of referring to himself as a so called doctor of divinity.

After introductions he gave me a copy of his latest 129 page book – the one he wants made into a movie.  The name of the book was “Atlantis, the Last Testament”. On the cover was a rendering of wizard with a peeked, conical hat, your typical white hair, beard and ponytail.

A pod of Porpoises leaping out of the water were depicted along the bottom. On the left of the cover was a naked woman with long flowing hair pirouetting toward the top of the cover page holding a gem stone in her right hand upward toward heaven. On the left side of the man’s head was depiction of the earth with a book floating above it emblazoned with a strange symbol. The symbol looked like some sort of maze. The book, I surmised was the Last Testament.

After showing him my movie scrapbook and giving him the first ten pages of my manuscript and first five pages of my screenplay I let him talk. Afterward, I told him that I was a born again Christian, who believed the Bible, and had been studying it for over forty years and leading others to Christ – any and everywhere. I also shared my abbreviated testimony with him, during which he never mentioned the Doctor of Divinity part of his life, I saw his countenance fall and he clammed up completely. He knew he was fighting a losing battle with me in trying to impress.

Our little meeting ended and we each went our own ways. I left hopeful that in reading the introduction to my evangelical book or in taking heed to my rebukes he would repent of his foolish ways or at least begin to seek God’s face.

Listen to what he says in the Foreword of his little booklet “Atlantis the last Testament”.

An eminent scholar has said of “The Last Testament” that this is a truly inspirational work that could only been done by a Master. This work no doubt will help to bring understanding and realism to the current Bible. Blah, blah blah…. I wonder how much he paid for the commentaries.

Next, the foreword says, and I quote, “Scholars and laymen alike have found the Bible’s contents to be unfounded and ineffectual to be remedied by fallible minds….Blah blah blah”… (What this man is saying is – I’m the only one able to understand these things.) Sounds like Joseph Smith or Charles Taze Russell, or a Howard Rodney Brown to me. This deceived writer further postulates that, “the attitudes and released emotions of the Atlantician people caused the deluge.…Whew!

“They profess to know God, but in works they deny Him, being abdominal, disobedient, and disqualified for every good work.”


By the way, my most recent article, “Islam and other crazy cults” brought a deal of response from the readers. All but one was positive and at least two others were from former Mormons who thanked me for exposing this cult. As a matter of fact one was the daughter of an elder who sent me an unbelievable video exposing them for what they are. This woman found the information about my article on Face book where I always post where my latest articles can be found.

I sent the information to my dear friend and Christian Brother Scott F. who’s a Messianic Jew and he in turn sent a video back to me and various others concerning the Mormon cult.

This revealing video “Temple of the God makers” can be seen on the internet. There is deception everywhere you look and it’s imperative that we Christians study the Holy Scriptures earnestly to show ourselves approved.


Jim Towers

  1. mail me at jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com or visit my web page www.thepropheciesmovie and book.



By Jim “Towers”


The year was 1971. My new wife Caroline had just begun working at MGM Studios in Hollywood California. She hadn’t even gotten her first paycheck yet and the rent was due. Why hadn’t God answered my prayers for work?

I was a SAG union film actor who had been a “born again” Christian for six years, and I was desperate for work. I had prayed earnestly and fervently for a job – to no avail, although looking back, it was only because the Christmas holidays were upon us. Not having worked for over a month, I was deeply agitated.

Since God wasn’t answering my earnest and fervent prayers for work or some sort of miracle, I had been to the public library seeking other man made answers to my dilemma. When I got home I threw my library books on the coffee table of our small apartment – books with titles like “Think and Grow Rich”, “Psycho Cybernetics”, and “The Power of Positive Thinking”. I was all alone, or so I thought.

Being deeply distraught, I had finally had enough of God’s silent treatment that I fell to my knees and looking upward, I shouted out in fierce anger at our Creator. Letting all of the pent up anger spill out, I hollered “Are you real or not”!?…. The words came out like a flood, “Why don’t you answer my prayers!?” I ranted, scolded, blubbered, and grumbled, for several minutes. Then I finally whimpered “I’m sorry” with deep humility and with hot tears finally streaming from my eyes.

Then BANG, it happened, a vision appeared before me, it was about 15 inches in front of my face, it was of a foundation stone ……………….When it ended I laid face down on the carpeted floor, thinking I must have gone mad….Then I heard God’s voice telling me to……

Before I tell you about the vision and the message it contained I want you to know that my objective in writing this book is that you might do some serious thinking about the things of God and to consider seeking Him out so that you too might experience Him in your own unique way.

Also I will, recount some of the many miracles I’ve experienced in over forty years of evangelical ministry to countless others on the streets of Hollywood and Miami. I will tell you about some of the miracles that led up to it and how from that time forward I evolved into the radical evangelical Christian man that I am today. As a result of studying the Bible, and Bible prophecy more intimately during those same years, (since I now knew God was more real than I had ever imagined). I will also tell you about the prophetic signs and wonders and warnings happening in the world today.

I also want you to know that I’m only a sinner saved by grace and that I’m just as human as the next man. Albeit, I’m not one of those who flippantly says, “God told me so and so” every time you see them. In fact, I’ve only had God speak to me audibly once and only heard His Sons voice this year. I’m not seeking notoriety or recognition since I am satisfied with being a drug free person, who’s never so much as smoked joint, a non drinker and non smoker and have even had accolades and a standing ovation in my line of work. I don’t have a need for recognition and have even considered using a pseudonym for the authorship of this book.

After seeing the vision of our Savior Christ Jesus over forty years ago I have no doubt about the existence of God – especially since God spoke to me audibly, nor do I have any doubt about the existence of the “evil one” known as Satan. As the God of the Universe says in his Word, “If you draw close to me I will draw close to you and show you mighty things that you know not of.”

Admittedly, I’ve become a radical Christian, (especially after experiencing God and the supernatural in such a profound way) ardent Bible student and news junkie who’s given my life over to attempting to do God’s bidding to this very day by writing for two Christian websites,- dropzonedelta.com and raptureready.com and sharing Christ with others. I’m also attempting to get a movie made based on the events in this book.

Insofar as prophecy is concerned, It could be that we are approaching the Last Days that Jesus spoke of and is written about in the book of Joel, “In the last days I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh, your old men shall dream dreams and your young men shall have visions…..” Indeed biblical prophecy is being fulfilled at an alarming rate even as we speak. It’s like a freight train out of control barreling through our beloved country and the world at large. This begs the question, are we the terminal generation? And if we are, what can we do about it, and how do we prepare for the days ahead.

My hope is that by telling about these extraordinary events I will strengthen the brethren, give hope to the reader and enlighten those who are still seeking God’s face in these apocalyptic times.

By the way, my second vision appeared this year at the death of my beloved brother. Those were the only two times I had a vision of Christ Jesus, and heard His voice as well when He turned to my brother who was standing by His side marveling at the beauty of his surroundings and asked, “Do you want to say something to your brother?



By Jim Towers

Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life and no man comes to the Father but by me.”

Christianity is defined as a relationship with Jesus Christ. All other faiths are man-made religions, including Islam.

Every day of Ramadan (the holy month for Islam) is marked by violence somewhere in the world, with Western Civilization and Christians being the main target. Not only do they kill and harm others, but devout Muslims are into self flagellation, where groups of men inflict punishment on themselves to the point where blood puddles in the street. It reminds me of the times of the prophet Elijah, when the worshipers of Baal tried to get their god’s attention by mutilating themselves. It didn’t work then, and they paid the ultimate price – death. Although many Muslims claim Islam is a peaceful religion, they killed over 1,639 men, women and children during Ramadan in order to appease their god Allah. Surprisingly, we and other Christian countries still don’t understand this fact, and no amount of evangelizing is going to change that anytime soon, as timid and fearful as we Americans are of them. And even if it did work, it is already too little too late. God himself, in the form of Jesus Christ, has to appear to them in visions to get their crazed attention. We as a Judeo- Christian nation should have given each and every immigrant a copy of the Bible and an invitation to Christianity. After all, it is because of the Christian faith that these people were welcomed into our benevolent country. Even so, they want nothing to do with Christianity and want to dominate our country by Sharia, in spite of not having contributed anything to our way of life. And to further complicate things, some of them refuse to work for others because it’s against their religion! Thank God our president refused to host the yearly Ramadan dinner at the White House this year.

There are other religions and cults in our country, but they don’t go about killing others as a way of worship (at least not yet). Just to name a few, Mormonism was begun by a delusional man named John Smith, to whom an angel named Moroni appeared, telling him to dig up some golden plates in his back yard that would explain more fully the word of god. Remember, Satan can appear as an angel of light. With a name like Moroni (that John Smith gave the angel) Satan almost gave himself away.

The Jehovah Witnesses believe that a certain hermit named Charles Taze Russell was inspired to write a new bible (all by himself) which he called the New World Translation. I can assure you that just because you know God’s name (Jehovah), it will not guarantee you a place in heaven. The Bible clearly says that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. The original Word of God also says, “There is no other name under heaven, given among men whereby you must be saved.” And consider this other verse, “This is the record, that God has given us His only Son, He that has the Son has life; he that has not the Son, has not life, but the wrath of God abides on him.”

The many Indian gods, including the blue faced Shiva, are a confounding array of rat and cow worshipers. We can see the devastating results by the way they live in their third world country.

Voodoo reigns on the island of Haiti. Is it any wonder they too are such a backward society?

Catholicism began with wealthy landowners paying for the privilege to become priests in order to minister to the surfs who worked their lands. Talk about bribery and corruption. Many, being human, are corrupt pedophiles to this very day. Still they continue to thrive.

That isn’t to say that Protestants are exempt from corruption. Indeed, apostasy is permeating the church more and more as the end approaches. Snake handlers, laughing ministries, and phony money grubbing TV preachers have so-called “Christian ministries.” All you need is charisma and/or a crazy hairdo. I could go on and on, but there should be enough said here for you to mull over.

Indeed, this must be the terminal generation since Biblical prophecy is being played out before our eyes on a daily basis. It’s becoming obvious that we are the generation of believers who will be transported out of here in the rapture before all hell hits the fan.

I often get videos at the library for the week, and especially like true stories and documentaries. The librarian who had been reading a book about witches the week before was at the counter again today. I wondered how I might approach her with the gospel, but I needn’t have been concerned since the Bible says the Holy Spirit will give us the right words to say at the right time if we let Him. Indeed, God had arranged for me to find a video I was looking for about a man who claimed to have had conversations with God. This man’s book was a huge hit with the reading public and had been made into a movie a while back. I had seen it a few years ago and wanted to see it again to see what it was that interested people so much. He never mentioned Jesus or salvation throughout the entire movie. Although I had been looking for it for a number of weeks I couldn’t find it – that is until today. When the librarian saw that I had it to check out she recommended it highly since she had just viewed it herself. It seems the librarian likes to read about and explore the supernatural. She is obviously a seeker of spiritual things and hopefully truth. You see she’s a tree hugging Unitarian, as is the author of the book “Conversations with God.”

I know spiritual warfare when I see it, and I am determined to share the Word of God with her the next time I see her. I know His Word won’t come back to Him void and perhaps another lost soul will be saved.


Jim Towers

I can be reached at jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com and at www.thepropheciesmovie.com and book.


I will add the that “rules for radicals” book Alinsky states “Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history… the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.”  Let that sink in 



By Jim Towers

Radical: very different from the usual or traditional. (Merriam Webster)

We should all have heard by now of the liberals’ playbook “Rules for Radicals.” In it liberals are taught how to fight dirty with lies, deceit and subversive action. The author of the book, Saul Alinsky, was a Chicago thug and atheist who espoused a quasi communist doctrine. He wrote about how to achieve the goal of supplanting existing civil order with the Godless liberal agenda of “whatever makes you happy is right and good.” Life is fifty shades of gray.

This evil Godless man was Hillary Clinton’s idol and also one of Barack Obama’s heroes. These two people were so well indoctrinated by the book that they abide by these “rules” to this very day. One of the things that they were taught is to have tenacity enough to wear the opposition down with relentless falsehoods. Months after Trump won the election they continue to harangue him. This book had to be devised by Satan himself since it is self serving and oblivious to the concerns of others.

Radical liberals are demanding that we succumb to their will. Screaming and hollering invectives at all who oppose them, they are going the way of the French Revolution and will soon even begin turning on one another, even as Muslims are doing – Sunni against Shiite. Soon “The Lord will have them in derision,” as stated in scripture.

Those of us who are trying to live honest, law abiding lives are being assaulted on all sides by lesbians, gays, pedophiles, communists, Muslim extremists, and plain all out crazy people. They hate our ideals of righteous living and minding our own business. They want to destroy our way of life and impose their twisted God hating will on us. They’ve even gone so far as to exploit our children by teaching transgenderism as a new way of thinking and living. Their demon inspired premise of tolerance is ugly and deceptive.

Last night I read about transgender men dressed in drag reading stories to little children in libraries and public schools. In the accompanying video I viewed they asked the little children if they wanted to be a transgender when they grow up! Naturally, some of the impressionable children said “yes” while others looked on in confusion. We have become a very sick society, thanks to the liberal agenda of tolerance, no matter how obscene.

Meanwhile, Muslim extremists are now going so far as to eat the arms and legs of their victims. I saw the actual photos, photos of severed arms and legs lying on a table ready to be carved up for stew. Truly the gates of hell have been opened and they will never again close until Christ Jesus returns to rule.


Ironically, the New Testament could also be named “Rules for Radicals.” The huge difference is that it is diametrically opposed to thuggery, lies and deceit. The New Testament instructs us to be radical with our message of love and concern for others. It tells us that we ought to love God with all our heart, soul and strength and our fellow man as much as we love ourselves. The healthy mature Christian does so.

We can’t pretend to not know what is going on in the world anymore and ignore it. Life is in our face making demands of us, demands that we can’t ignore. We must determine to rise up against corruption at all costs. We can’t afford to be apathetic or politically correct anymore, nor can we compromise with those who would destroy us with apathy. The very existence of the Christian faith is in jeopardy, and in order to stop it we must be well armed with the sword of the spirit through words and action. Sadly though, like the bible says, “My people perish for lack of knowledge” and are ineffective in their witness to others because of it. Knowing and practicing the Word of God is imperative in being a soldier of the cross – and of love and compassion – with conviction. If a person really believes in something he will go out of his way to tell others, even if it means stepping into hell to snatch them out of the flames.

Speaking of hell, I went to a concert at a cultural center featuring instruments such as violins, flutes, cello, French horn and oboe over the weekend. It began with two percussionists (drummers), a young one in his twenties and an older man in his fifties. With no background accompaniment it was all simply erratic noise, especially since there was no rhythm involved either. It was called 42nd Street and was supposed to invoke the sounds of New York. It was pure confusion and repetition. It seems that people have forgotten about rhythm, timing and melody. This noise called music is a reflection of the confusion and lack of direction in the majority of people’s lives today.

During intermission we went into the art gallery to view what was being passed off as art. It was like the paintings on display were done in rebellion to God’s idea of beauty and symmetry. What a mess it was. My five year old grandson could have done better.

The concert continued with violinists playing discombobulated and out of tune cords, and the sounds made my nerves tighten with tension. As we listened and watched the opening movements, one of the violinists began playing with a pencil, of all things, and after a couple of short notes, he threw it dramatically over his shoulder. This action excited some and they responded with guffaws and stifled laughter. At the end of this tribute to hell the lead violinist began to use a pencil as well! This so-called concert could have been staged in an insane asylum. Confusion reigned and I nearly got up and left, feeling sorry for all the pretentious people I encountered there. Although there has always been pretentiousness among patrons of the arts, it has simply gotten out of hand and confusion reigns supreme. We live in a world of confusion since kicking God to the curb.


Jim Towers       jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com and www.thepropheciesmovie and book


Study on the encounter of Christ with the Pharisees, the Herodians and the Sadducees-  When reading the Bible there is so much depth to every passage and every word even.   As a believer I would glance over these passages and not understand their full meaning, and this is the easy stuff!  I understand why so many unbelievers harden their hearts when just reading one verse on the internet and dismiss the rest, one verse theology is a license to invent.  You must take the whole Bible into account, it is an integrated message.

13)”And they send unto him certain of the Pharisees and of the Herodians, to catch him in his words.”

—-The common threat had forced two traditional enemies to unite: The Pharisees, the nationalistic legalists; and, The Herodians, the sold-out liberals. The former were unalterably opposed to any foreign overlordship, while the latter were supporters of the foreign government of the Herods. The Herodians supported the family of Herod as well as the Romans who gave them the power to rule. The Pharisees considered the Herod clan to be evil usurpers of the throne of David: Herod was an Edomite, not even a Jew. The Pharisees opposed the poll tax that the Romans had inflicted on Judea and they resented the very presence of Rome in their land.

14)”And when they were come, they say unto him, Master, we know that thou art true, and carest for no man: for thou regardest not the person of men, but teachest the way of God in truth: Is it lawful to give tribute to Caesar, or not?”

Their words dripped with insincere flattery, but were aimed at setting a subtle trap: He was ostensibly snared to offend either: the Jewish population or the Roman leadership

15) Shall we give, or shall we not give? But he, knowing their hypocrisy, said unto them, why tempt ye me? Bring me a penny, that I may see it.

“…penny”: a denarius: a small silver coin of 3.8 grams. One side bore the head of Caesar and the abbreviated inscription:



“Tiberius Caesar, son of the divine Augustus, Augustus”


The reverse was inscribed:


“Chief Priest”


[This still remains a title of the Pope, in contrast to 1 Tim 2:5; Heb 4:14, 15; et al.]

16) And they brought it. And he saith unto them, Whose is this image and superscription? And they said unto him, Caesar’s.

17) And Jesus answering said unto them, Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s. And they marveled at him.

“…Render to Caesar the things that are Caesars”…: Astonishing reply! Some have regarded it as the single most influential political statement ever made in the history of the world. “…render” = avpodi,dwmi apodidomito : pay a debt; to pay back (Cf. Rom 13; 1 Tim 2:1-6; 1 Pet 2:13-17).

 Coinage was regarded the property of the government that minted it. They were already accepting Caesar’s authority or they would not be using his money. The state is a valid institution (even when it is controlled by a man who thinks he is god!) Being created in the image of God, we are under God’s Authority as well! He has total ownership of us all!

Next up come the Sadducees

18) Then come unto him the Sadducees, which say there is no resurrection; and they asked him, saying

The Sadducees did not believe in the existence of the soul, life after death, resurrection, final judgment, angels or demons. They did, however, accept the Torah, the books of Moses. Most of them were wealthy; the religious aristocrats. This is the only place in Mark where the Sadducees are mentioned. Nowhere is it recorded (that I am aware of) did any of these “liberals” come to faith. Many of the Pharisees and priests did.

19) Master, Moses wrote unto us, if a man’s brother die, and leave his wife behind him and leave no children that his brother should take his wife and raise up seed unto his brother.

 This hypothetical question was based on the law of levirate marriage (Deut 25:5-10). From Latin levir “husband’s brother;” the practice or requirement of marriage of a widow to the brother of her deceased husband. This custom was practiced in ancient Jewish society and is common in parts of Africa today.

20) Now there were seven brethren; and the first took a wife, and dying left no seed.

21) And the second took her, and died, neither left he any seed; and the third likewise.

22) And the seven had her, and left no seed: Last of all the woman died also.

23) In the resurrection therefore, when they shall rise, whose wife shall she be of them? For the seven had her to wife.

 You can imagine them plotting for days for this opportunity to show all around that this was no Prophet much less the Messiah. We will fool him in front of everyone, regardless of miracles, which we have seen in our own eyes. This was pride that they had- the Pharisees and Herodians had their chance now let us set a trap. Jesus responds the same way he responded to Satan during the temptations- thru the Scripture, the Bible (Old Testament)-

 24) And Jesus answering said unto them, Do ye not therefore err, because ye know not the Scriptures, neither the power of God?

 Jesus pointed out their ignorance of two things; 1) the truth of Scripture, and 2) the Power of God.

 25) For when they shall rise from the dead, they neither marry, nor are given in marriage; but are as the angels which are in heaven.

 26) And as touching the dead, that they rise: have ye not read in the book of Moses, how in the bush God spake unto him, saying, I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob?

 “Have ye not read”: The question expects an affirmative answer, for Christ knew well that these Sadducees were thoroughly familiar with the Pentateuch. He referred them specifically to Ex 3:6, quoting the LXX (the Septuagint). The Sadducees accepted only the Torah: so Jesus nails this one from Exodus 3:6! The Torah- God didn’t use the Past tense: He States “I am the God of Abraham, et al.”

 He is pointing out the patriarchs were alive when those words were spoken: the Torah does, thus, teach that there is life after death! The covenant promises were eternal

 Origen pointed out in the second century that is ridiculous for God to say that he is the God of men who have no existence!

 27) He is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living: ye therefore do greatly err.

 Ouch- The Sadducees—the liberals of that day—did not know Scripture or the power of God. What about us? Resurrection is the signature of my soul.


Excerpts from Chuck Missler exposition on the Book of Mark








By Jim Towers

You don’t have to be a preacher, pastor or Jehovah’s Witness to be an evangelist. As a matter of fact it may be an asset for you to just be yourself. Today, God needs all the help He can muster to reach out to a hurting humanity with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

I admit that this was an unusually active day, but being a “people” person I enjoy such a day as this.

Today before going to the gym I checked my e-mail. A loyal reader whom I’ve come to know mailed me from her cell phone. She desperately needed my advice on how to handle a potential suicide. It seems her husband’s friend was suicidal because of the trauma he had recently gone through with the death of his mother. As if that wasn’t enough, his girlfriend broke up with him on his birthday. Now he was teetering on suicide, feeling he didn’t have a friend in the world. I told her what steps I would take.  She wrote back later saying she had followed my advice, which was to get him to repent for not making God a part of his life, receive Jesus Christ into his heart, get baptized, begin studying the Bible and join a Bible-believing church.

That is my approach, since most unbelievers are either atheists, agnostics or know nothing about the things of God.  If a person is sincerely seeking God’s face for one reason or another they must admit that they have ignored Him in their lives. Of every person I’ve led to Christ in this way no one has ever denied doing so.

Today I look for every opportunity to share Christ with a hurting humanity.

While pedaling the stationary bike and watching the news about Trump’s visit to Jerusalem, it dawned on me that this could be the lead up to the war of Gog and Magog. The night before, I had read that Trump had bombed Syria once again and I was reminded that Damascus would be completely destroyed in the last days. Trump is intent on destroying Isis, and Damascus is their gathering place. In that same news clip the word “peace” came up again and again. We all know that the Bible says, “They shall say peace, peace, and all of a sudden destruction.”  Folks, it’s all happening right before our very eyes.

I thought about how the Lord had prompted me to talk to Frank for the past two weeks. Now after seeing that news report at the gym I was determined to stop and warn him. After working out I had to pass by Frank’s house on my way home. I had met Frank a couple of years ago. He is a big burly mechanic with big rough hands. I needed my lawn mower fixed and I had neglected to share Christ with him. We hit it off immediately and I found him to be a gentlemanly and intelligent person in spite of his rough appearance. Lately he had been on my mind and I felt compelled to stop by and share the gospel with him. Upon my arrival I told him that the Lord had laid it on my heart to stop and share the gospel with him. Out of curiosity I asked if he had been praying and seeking God’s face.

It was the wrong question – to which he gave the right answer. “You can’t see God’s face, God is a spirit and you can only see his reflection in the face of His Son Jesus Christ.” It was not at all what I expected to hear. Then he explained himself, saying, “I was raised a Jehovah’s Witness and I don’t want anything to do with no church.”

I met all of his rebuttals with sensible answers, since I had heard all of the resistant blather before.

Then out of the blue he said, “If I were to go I would go to such and such a church.” I knew that church to be a Bible believing one and I agreed that it would be a good choice. What that response told me was that he wasn’t about to go back to the Jehovah’s Witness Kingdom Hall and had been thinking about attending a Bible believing one instead.

A young friend of his who had been listening piped up, “I ain’t going to no church either.”

I let them both give off steam, and then reminded them that things were getting hairy out there in the world and that they should both seek the Lord. I left my card and a tract with the name of my church on it. I had fulfilled my mission with no hard feelings on either side. I felt confident that God would take it from there.

After lunch I had to make another run downtown and on the way I stopped to get coffee at the donut shop.  While there I met a lady who confessed that she was terribly afraid of all that was going on in the world, but couldn’t understand it. I told her she could find verification for the end time chaos in the Bible and gave her my card. She said she was Episcopalian and dreaded that Trump was now our president. Although I will discuss politics, I didn’t go there. This wasn’t the time to get into that and it won’t matter one way or another if prophecy is being fulfilled.  Only Jesus can bring peace to this fallen world.

When I got home our Catholic neighbor lady came to the car and excitedly told us of an abduction attempt of a child from the mother’s arms at a local mall. “The world’s gone mad, she cried.  “I worry for my grandchild.”  We invited her into the house and I read II Timothy 3:1-5 to her.  She read along with me. “Oh my God,” she said, “it’s all happening just that way.”

The day ended with a call from my lawyer friend in Pensacola. Although he knows I’m a radical Christian he likes me anyway. We had a good conversation with laughter and bantering, but in the midst of it I touched on scripture, something he never refutes, being a Catholic. We talked for a good half hour and finally said our goodbyes. It occurred to me that he had called to see what I had to say about the world situation; one in which he has to wear a bullet proof jacket to court. God had put it in his mind to call me. Realizing that, I sat down at the computer again, even though it was getting late, and wrote to him. I told him how much I appreciated his friendship and that I felt compelled to share the Gospel with him, which I did. It was short and to the point.

It was a very eventful day, and I thank God he could use me in this way.  Still I wondered, “Lord, don’t you have any other evangelists in my area?”  I didn’t need an answer; it was only a rhetorical question. Then I remembered the verse in the book of Daniel that says, “Those who know their God shall have a wide ministry in those days.”


Jim Towers           jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com and www.thepropheciesmovie.com and book.



By Jim Towers

I’ve written about apostasy before, but things are increasingly getting worse. The Pope has been praying to Allah along with Muslims, thinking he is doing a good thing by building bridges with this evil, erroneous and insidious religion.

Now it is reported that certain other “Christian” people are also following suit.

A certain reader who lives in North Carolina sent me an e-mail to inform me of some Christian church leaders who were “reaching out” to Muslims by letting them take over a Pentecostal church in her home town, turning it into a Mosque. Pastor Jim Melnyk of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church took part in the ceremonies, as did other clergy from Baptist and Methodist congregations. He talked about building bridges of understanding with these mislead people.

Bible prophecy continues to be fulfilled about the “falling away” and apostasy.

Something we have to realize is that these are only sinful men like the Pharisees and Scribes who condemned Christ Jesus to death.  Such people lean on their own understanding.

As things continue to get hairy and we get a sinking feeling that things aren’t going to turn out well, we are reminded that Jesus said, “When I return, will I find any faith?”  But we who are resisting being sucked into this politically correct fallacy can rise above it all.

We all know the Bible story about how Peter saw Jesus walking on water and got out of the boat to greet him. He even began walking on the surface of the water, but when he realized he was doing something extraordinary he began sinking.

All too often we find ourselves in the same boat (pun intended).  When the storms of life surround us we too begin to panic, even though Jesus is right there with us in the form of the comforter. The amount of fear and/or panic is related directly to the amount of faith we’ve acquired through scripture. Repeatedly Jesus says, “Fear not” about every instance of adversity in life. We should not lean on our own understanding but trust our Creator in every circumstance.

The Bible says, “The just shall live by faith.”  “Without faith it is impossible to please God.”  But where do we get faith? Again the Bible has the answer, “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.” If you aren’t growing in faith it is because you aren’t reading the Bible. The more you read it the stronger you become. “The Word of God is swift and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing to the asunder of bone and marrow and the soul and spirit and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”

The Bible leads us into all truth. “Although all men are liars, God is not.” “Thy Word is Truth.”

I’ve never known God to go back on His word, even during times when He seems to be out of reach. Perhaps this is a test to see where you are in faith. I’ve noticed that all too often God waits until the very last minute to answer our prayer, resulting in stretching you and refining you to become more like His son Christ Jesus, who himself cried out in agony to be spared the brutal fate that awaited Him.  But three days later Jesus ascended to the Father of Lights for His inheritance, gloriously and radiantly alive. Today He sits at the right hand of God, interceding for us who are going through difficult times.

Just when we think we are about to drown Jesus reaches out to us when we cry out in desperation, and we are saved from our doubts and delivered from the evil one.

After a time with the faith you’ve garnered from Scripture you will begin to walk on water fearlessly, knowing that God is your mainstay and anchor in times of trouble, and that He delights in your efforts to know Him better and better.  The Bible says, “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.”  That is why it is imperative to study to show ourselves approved, rightly discerning the Word of God.

We should have no fear of tomorrow.  Jesus said, “Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.” Learn to live by faith in God’s Word and many promises.

With no movie to report on this time around I will recommend a book.

I love nonfiction books and movies based on true stories. I always had trouble in believing that we should turn the other cheek when someone threatens us or our loved ones, but after reading “A Time to Kill” (The Myth of Christian Pacifism) written by Greg Hopkins, I now know that scripture permits defending ourselves and our loved ones as well as our neighbors and country.

Greg, a Sunday school teacher from the age of eighteen, a former magistrate and lawyer, has taken it upon himself to research this often misunderstood topic. I strongly recommend this book to all who would like to give justification to the act of self defense.  Greg deals with PTSD and ATTK as well. The title of the book comes from the saying of Solomon in Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, one of the wisest men who ever lived.

This informative book can be found at your local book store, Amazon and Kindle and can be ordered on eBook on the Barnes and Noble website.


Jim Towers       jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com and www.theprophesiesmovie.com and book.


By Jim Towers

I’ve come to believe that there are really very few patriots left in government. President Trump seems to be the exception. With all the money he’ll ever need, he has no reason to appease anyone or to be bribed with filthy lucre. He’s just the right person to be in charge of the government and it’s my understanding that he is only accepting one dollar a year for his services.

I have a distinct feeling that Obama walked away with millions stashed away in secret overseas bank accounts. Millions have disappeared from various governmental agencies with the collapse of the DNC. All too many politicians are only in it for all the money and power they can muster, not to mention the other benefits and perks.

Like Jesus said, “The love of money is the root of all evil.”

As prophetic events increase in volume and intensity I can’t help but feel a sense of urgency in getting the word out. Jesus is coming back soon, first to take His bride away, then to return seven years later to bring judgment. People are becoming fearful, even if they have plenty of money.

I met Nancy at the Verizon store. She was seated within a circle of a half dozen easy chairs. I signed on the clipboard in the center of the circle and sat down next to Nancy to await my turn. Nancy was an older lady. A conversation ensued. She handed me her cell phone and asked me if I knew how to turn on the sound. It was one of the best Verizon has to offer. Mine is just a working man’s model. After looking at it and trying a couple of things I had to give it back and say I was sorry, but it was a mystery to me. Then she began to tell me how she had to figure everything out on her own since her husband had become bedridden with an illness. Then she went on to say that all her friends had abandoned her because of it. Now she couldn’t go golfing with them anymore or even go out to lunch as they had so often done. Although she is very wealthy, she is afraid, alone and can’t sleep. She told me how she and her husband had owned several businesses and houses and had a thriving portfolio. “With all that’s going on in the world today we might end up losing it all,” she whimpered.

I looked her straight in the eye and said, “This appears to me to be a divine appointment.”

“Divine appointment?” she asked.

“God had me be here at this very hour to minister to you,” I replied. Then I began to explain how she needed the Prince of Peace (Christ Jesus) in her life to give her the much needed rest she so desperately needed. Her eyes lit up with hope as I told her about my relationship with Him and how after receiving Christ I had been able to sleep like a baby. I asked what church she went to and she replied, “I haven’t gone to church since I was a teen. Today I go to a support group that only makes me all the more despondent.” I could sense her despair. I invited her to my church and took her hand which she readily offered. It was as if she was reaching out to anything that offered hope. Then, after asking her name, I began to pray for her – oblivious to the activity surrounding us. The prayer was short and to the point, that God would give her rest and that she would seek His face. She sighed as I finished and just then her name was called.

I came to realize that all the money in the world can’t buy happiness or contentment. If anything, it only makes losing it all a scary prospect, just like Jesus said in the following parable. “And the rich man said to himself, ‘this is what I will do: I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones and there I will store up my grains and goods. Then I will say to myself, “You have many good things laid up for many years. Take it easy. Eat drink and be merry.’” And the Lord said, “You fool, tonight you will die, then who will inherit your wealth?”

The amazing thing is that so many preachers and televangelists are living that very parable! And they of all people should know better. Many are millionaires or even multimillionaires living extravagantly, while many in their flock are barely getting by. Yet these crooked people who should be fearful about the signs of the times, along with the rest, live lives of luxury and eat high on the hog, while never showing any signs of fearing the accountability and retribution of Almighty God. What do you think they will have to say to God about their accumulated wealth and gluttony?…. I wouldn’t want to be in their shoes. We all know what He has to say to them in return, “Depart from me for I never knew you.”


Nothing much to say about movies except that you should know that movies, like anything else, are made for monetary gain. Most of the time the story line doesn’t matter, be it redemptive, artsy or a thriller. The bottom line is – will it make money?

Pure Flix keeps churning out Christian movies, but nothing about the signs of the times. Maybe they expect to be churning movies out for the next millennium or two. They certainly don’t seem to believe in prophecy and the nearness of the rapture.

Could making money be their motive? I don’t think so, since the last one of their movies I saw had only about fifty people in attendance. Seems no one is interested in syrupy and unpertinent Christian movies – except Christians.


Jim Towers             www.thepropheciesmovie and book Write me at jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com





By Jim Towers

Dateline: 4/12/ and 4/13 / 2017

Christians know that Daniel prophesied that war was going to happen in the Last Days. Jesus also said that there would be wars and rumors of war. To the skeptic I would say these prophecies coupled with many other prophesied events happening everywhere and increasing in intensity is convincing enough for me.

Today, our president called out president Assad of Syria, for using chemical weaponry on his own people, including children. Russia and Iran (Gog and Magog?) who are friends of Assad are angered. North Korea continues building ballistic missiles and testing them. We’ve sent warships to North Korea and negotiated with China to keep Kim Jong Un from inciting war through nuclear arms production. War ships are on the way there and China is threatening to bomb their nuclear bunkers as well. War and rumors of war abound.

The U.S. Embassy is being moved to Jerusalem. Isis, with help from Iran, is advancing on Israel, while some in Israel are intent on building the third and final temple. They have trained all the temple priests, made the sacrificial implements and are breeding the red heifers for sacrifice. All systems are go.

All around the world people are using their smart phones to videotape strange sightings and sounds in the skies. Witches and would be witches are springing up everywhere, some trying to put a hex/curse on our president. Homosexuals and transvestites rule the day, with other weirdoes backing them up. Black lives matter – cops lives don’t.

Isis is terrifying the world and seems to be unstoppable. Outside the church walls unbelievers are going mad, becoming paranoid and committing suicide because of fear of what’s coming upon the world.

I recently had to deal with a new Facebook “friend” who is showing signs of paranoia. Her post began with the big block words, “PEOPLE ARE EVIL.” I didn’t know what she was referring to with that extreme statement. So I wrote back, “Yes Peggy, we are all sinners, but ‘There is none righteous, no not one, for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God….But God has laid upon Him (Jesus) the iniquity of us all.’” She responded with incoherent blather, finishing with, “Who are you to judge, Mr. Towers?!” Needless to say, I was astonished and I wrote back saying, “I was only agreeing with you, Peggy.” Instantly she wrote back. “Well I’m staying inside and locking the door!” My final comment was, “I’ll be praying for you, Peggy.” Her words were words indicative of paranoia.

Pedophilia is on the rise. Is pizzagate real or just some tall tale? Anthony Weiner’s laptop may reveal more than we want to know. He will soon have to appear in court, and chances are he will spill the beans on many others high up in government. That is if he isn’t assassinated first. The Democrats are suffering many casualties as the new administration continues to probe evidence of extreme misbehavior.

Divorce is prevailing even in Christian circles and is on par with the rest of the country’s divorce rate. All the while, well respected church leaders are falling because of adulterous affairs. Televangelists with the prosperity gospel continue to rob millions from their gullible followers.

In the meantime, the falling away from the church is happening, especially in England, Canada and the U.S.

Mosques are popping up where churches once stood. Sharia is being propagated in various parts of our country. Muslims are taking over everywhere they set foot. If your church feels sorry for these devil worshipers then please let them send missionaries to their home countries to convert them. The Muslims who are already here have no intention of assimilating into our Judeo Christian culture and many of their leaders are demanding Sharia in places like Dearborn Michigan while Lansing, my hometown continues to be a sanctuary city. Muslims are also making demands in Minnesota. Public schools in some places are teaching our young students how to worship Allah in class. In New York City the body of the first female Muslim judge was found floating in the Hudson river today. This may spark retaliation on the part of fellow Muslims. How will we respond?

Persecution of Christians in other lands continues rising, with Christian men, women and children being slaughtered wholesale; this while we here in the United States live a life of plenty without a care in the world. We need to wake up and smell the coffee. But from the look of things we may live to see these atrocities reach our shores – and it may already be here waiting to strike. It is said that there are over forty radical Islamic compounds in the United States and more on our north and south ready to pounce on us when the time is right.

As big and strong as our country is it appears to be crumbling from within; there are various reasons for this happening. First is the apostasy taking place within in various Christian denominations, and then come the apathy and /or complete spiritual blindness of many others. We have built our houses on sinking sand. We only desire the acquisition of money and things it will buy. Some may be anticipating the persecution of the Christian church and are getting out of dodge while they still can. But these are the ones who only came to play church and never took these spiritual things seriously anyway. On another front some church leaders are saying that everyone goes to heaven. But Jesus said, “I am the way the truth and the life, no man comes to the father but by me.” No shades of grey in those spoken words by the King of Kings – Jesus.

As for demons and demon possession; is there really demon possession out there? Are demons real or just a figment of our imagination? Is the paranoia many are experiencing drugs, or the extreme fear of what we are facing today, or due to demonic influence? Jesus used to cast out demons, which are proof enough for me that they exist and there is evidence of it everywhere you look. Today, the Catholic Church is in need of exorcists. Would you care to volunteer?

Seeing all these things happening we would have to be blind, deaf and dumb not to think that these are the last of the last days.

The one thing that hasn’t come to pass yet are the plagues and pestilences that are sure to come in the very near future if prophecy is to be fulfilled fully. However, Aids, Zika and sexually transmitted deceases are rampant around the world already with 42 percent of Americans infected with genital papilloma virus. Perhaps a deadly contagion is getting ready to make it’s appearance as promiscuity and infidelity get out of hand.

Now about movies; the documentary The Devils Miners was made several years ago with the intent of show the suffering of fatherless Bolivian boys, who beginning at the age of ten, work in the silver mines. While doing so they chew cocoa leaves throughout the workday for strength and stamina. They are taught to worship the devil upon entering the mines and making offerings to them. While in town others worship Christ!

Walt Disney must be rolling over in his grave with the new gay friendly animated fairy tale, Princes, featuring gays kissing and who knows what else. And this was made for children?

The movie The Stoning of Sorayam M. can be rented from your local library and is based on a true story that took place in the Muslim country of Iran. How the filmmakers were able to accomplish this is beyond me, since everything in it appears to be authentic and very well staged. The stoning was an actual event where the young woman was stoned because of trumped up charges by her husband who wanted to marry a younger woman for the dowry he would receive upon marrying her. Even Sorayam’s father and two sons participated in the stoning! I know this is not news to some of us, but it happens on a nearly daily basis around the world. What an evil “religion.” And to think that many liberal women want to see Sharia in this country! They must be suicidal or nuts – maybe both.

I went to see the movie The Case for Christ. There were at most forty people in the audience. What does that say about effectiveness of such “Christian Movies?” For me it was a good testimony, but it was as if a preacher were preaching to the choir.


Jim Towers

Contact me with your thoughts at jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com or www.thepropheciesmovie and book.

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