By Jim Towers

On the heels of devastating hurricanes and earthquakes around the world, now distress of nations along with perplexity is coming into play from the prophetic scriptures of the New Testament-most notably from Luke 21:25.

The war of words is heating up between Kim Jung Unn and President Trump. A movie screen writer couldn’t have written anything more dramatic than this. Tensions are ratcheting up between opposing countries. With the background of screaming winds and roaring ocean waves our country draws ever closer to war. This war of words is making the nations quake in their jack boots. There is a perplexity that no one seems to be able to handle effectively. Yet, rest assured, God is in control.

This is happening even while we here in South West Florida are still recovering from the storm of the Century, hurricane Irma.

First Baptist Church of Naples was the largest staging ground for relief workers since 9/11. Many came from all over the country, some even from as far away as Canada.  This is the most well coordinated relief effort that I can ever remember. It was led primarily by Pastor Hays Wicker is a forty year veteran of pastoring churches in the mid-west and growing this particular church to what it is today. This church has grown to over a 6000 membership, which includes snowbirds from the North Country. He is one of the best in this country.

Pastor Wicker and his able staff went out of their way to coordinate all the resources available and in the distribution of food, water, medicines and cleaning supplies. On hand were Samaritans Purse, Billy Graham Evangelical Ministries, American Red Cross and others. I personally counted over fourteen Red Cross Relief vehicles in the church parking lot yesterday. Some volunteers were sleeping in the classrooms of the beautiful church campus while others arrived in campers and motor homes. The church opened up the huge gymnasium on campus in a last ditch effort to shelter those whose homes were destroyed by Irma and who had nowhere else to go – as all the shelters were filled to capacity.

Incidentally, Hurricane Irma made landfall on 9/11/ (the day of the attack on the twin towers in New York City), while the recent 6.1 earthquake near Mexico City hit on the very time that the people there were celebrating an disastrous earthquake that happened on the VERY SAME DAY, years before. What a coincidence! It’s almost as if to say that these were coordinated efforts to wake people up from their Godless slumber.

Right now, people are tossing and turning at night unable to sleep. They are wondering what catastrophe is going to happen next. Will we have war? Where can I go to avoid it? What about my loved ones, how will they be impacted? Will it be a nuclear war? How will we survive? If I do survive I may have to cook over a campfire. Where will I get water? How long can I survive without food and water? Surely there will be pillaging and killings by hungry and ruthless thugs.


These are just a few of the things most people will be thinking about which will give us the opportunity to share God’s forgiveness, grace and provision with them by word and deed.

During recovery, while I was at the public library I met a man whose trailer had been blown to bits and was probably there to relieve himself and to cool off in the air conditioned place. In spite of all he had gone through he continued to be the crusty old sea captain that he was. Knowing the kind of person he was by the things that he said, I asked him if the storm had made him repent. Repent of what? I’ve been a good person all my life.” I had heard it all before, and I followed up with, – you never thank God for anything. “Well, I call on Him when I’m in trouble.” Yes, and when He delivers you forget all about Him!” He won’t soon forget our encounter.

I don’t usually talk to others that way but extreme cases require extreme measures.

While checking out at the local supermarket, I noticed an older gentleman standing in line behind me. Since I know what’s going on in peoples mind these days in Naples, I asked “Did you ever see such calamity in your lifetime?” He replied, “No never in my life, and now with war threats from North Korea, it’s getting crazy out there.” The cashier, a matronly lady piped up, “It all looks like the end of the world!” I hesitated, but only for a moment, then I said, “I’m a student of Bible prophecy and you only have to read Luke 21:25 in the New Testament to know what’s going on. She gasped while the smile that was crossing the old man’s face left and he became solemn.

If you believe in something you should not be afraid to voice it.

I have a neighbor whom I was witnessing to – say to me, “I don’t believe the Bible or any other book with talking snakes in it.” Of course he was referring to the serpent of the Garden of Eden.

I stopped witnessing to him. That was two weeks before the hurricane. Yesterday though, while he was cleaning up after the hurricane near the road. I stopped as I was driving by to welcome him home. He leaned into the car window and expressed his perplexity about all the hurricanes and earthquakes taking place around the globe. This tough talking guy actually seemed afraid. “I’ll be home alone for a few days cleaning up around the house; you can stop by to see me and talk.” Now he wants to talk.

In essence he was inviting me to share the good news of the Gospel with him and I intend to do so. But at this stage of the game I will not be politically correct and will not sugar coat what I have to say. This is the hour of decision, no more pussy footing around.

Hurricane Irma was a blessing in disguise in that many people are willing to discuss spiritual things with you and I than ever before and when you ask if you can pray for them they willingly submit. Jesus said, “What I tell you in the dark, speak in the light; and what I whisper in your ear, preach on the housetops.”


Jim Towers    jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com and www.thepropheciesmovie.com and book


By Jim Towers


As we all know hurricanes have been with us since the beginning of time, but it seems that today they are more plentiful and more powerful than ever before – especially in happening to our so called Christian nation.


The Hurricanes that devastated Houston and S.W. Florida could be the storms spoken of by the Old Testament prophets. The scriptures say that this will be so at the end of the age; could it be that we are approaching that time? The Bible indicates that this may be the case. “There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars and on the earth, distress of nations in perplexity the sea and the waves roaring; men’s hearts failing them with fear, and for looking after those things that happening on the earth: for the powers of the heavens will be shaken.” Luke 21:24


Today, Maria slammed into the Island of Puerto Rico, ravaging it once again in less than ten days after Irma skirted it, bringing heavy rain. They have no electricity on the entire island and they are in a world of trouble. If that doesn’t get a person to think about the things of God I don’t know what will.


In spite of all the havoc, many people are reluctant to repent or even acknowledge that God could be having a hand in this devastation- that is, they say – if there truly is a God.


This however is the first time I can proudly say I am a Christian, what with all the apostasy and pedophilia going on in the church, Evangelical Christians are volunteering and helping those in need who were caught in this powerful storm on a grand scale.


Our church, First Baptist Church of Naples here in Naples Florida has gone out of its way to help those in need. The First Baptist Academy with grades from kindergarten thru high school has come out full force to help in various ways under the direction of Kevin Taylor.


Have you noticed that Muslims, Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses aren’t offering help to anyone but their own and where is the Clinton Foundation and Antifa in all of this? Sometimes I think that people are starting foundations to line their own pockets and that some (Antifa) have nothing better to do with their time than wreak havoc for the sake of notoriety.



Even as I write this article at the public library, a powerful 7.0 earthquake has struck Central Mexico; over two hundred have died and some may yet be buried alive.



MEXICO CITY (AP) — A magnitude 7.1 earthquake jolted central Mexico on Tuesday, collapsing some buildings, cracking the facades of others and scattering rubble on streets on the anniversary of a devastating 1985 quake.

The quake caused buildings to sway sickeningly in Mexico City and sent panicked office workers streaming into the streets, but the full extent of the damage was not yet clear. Mexican media broadcast images of several collapsed buildings in heavily populated parts of the city.

The U.S. Geological Survey calculated its magnitude at 7.1 and said it was centered near the Puebla state town of Raboso, about 76 miles (123 kilometers) southeast of Mexico City.

Puebla Gov. Tony Galil tweeted that there had been damaged buildings in the city of Cholula including collapsed church steeples.

In Mexico City, thousands of people fled office buildings and hugged to calm each other along the central Reforma Avenue as alarms blared, and traffic stopped around the Angel of Independence monument.

In the Roma neighborhood, which was struck hard by the 1985 quake, piles of stucco and brick fallen from building facades littered the streets. At least one large parking structure collapsed. Two men calmed a woman seated on a stool in the street, blood trickling form a small wound on her knee.

At a nearby market, a worker in a hardhat walked around the outside warning people not to smoke as a smell of gas filled the air.

Market stall vendor Edith Lopez, 25, said she was in a taxi a few blocks away when the quake struck. She said she saw glass bursting out of the windows of some buildings. She was anxiously trying to locate her children, whom she had left in the care of her disabled mother.

Pictures fell from office building walls, objects were shaken off of flat surfaces and computer monitors toppled over. Some people dove for cover under desks. Local media broadcast video of whitecap waves churning the city’s normally placid canals of Xochimilco as boats bobbed up and down.

Earlier in the day workplaces across the city held preparation drills on the anniversary of the 1985 quake, a magnitude 8.1 shake, which killed thousands of people and devastated large parts of Mexico City. Now this is quite a coincidence or is it? It sounds to me like God is trying to tell them something. Could it be a call to repentance?

“And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat upon that house; and it fell not, for it was founded upon a rock.


The storms of life, we all have them, and they will continue to get worse. Will you be able to stand? …tomorrow isn’t promised to anyone so make Christ Jesus your foundation rock today



Jim Towers                 jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com and www.thepropheciesmovie.com and book.

Nabeel Qureshi- (1983-2017)

If only our lives could burn as half as bright as his did.  Never afraid, fully equipped to tackle the toughest crowds and lead from the front.  We are all called to minister, whatever field we are in.

What a wonderful example for all of us to follow.  Spend some time going thru his vlogs on youtube and you will gain a wealth of great insight into the Bible and his walk with Christ.  We will miss you Nabeel, I am heartbroken you left us so soon but know you are with God and find comfort in that.


Thank you….






By Jim Towers

Friday 9/8/2017

The long lines at the gas stations have all but diminished since most stations are completely out of gasoline. Those getting out of Dodge have left and others are continuing to leave. Home Depot and Lowe’s are sold out of plywood, gas cans and tarps.

Three gasoline tankers are arriving in Tampa soon on the orders of Governor Rick Scott. They will have military escorts as some frustrated people are beginning to quarrel and fight over gasoline at the very few stations that have some left. The line of cars on I75 on the west coast and I 95 on the East coast are beginning to swell exponentially and soon those highways may be clogged.

Within the next couple of days things will become chaotic in South Florida as the storm approaches. We have a lot of elderly people here, to say nothing of invalids and of course single mothers and young children. Already people are dying out on the Caribbean Islands.

I was going to make a run for it but I’ve decided to ride out the storm since I’m healthy and strong, and have an inflatable raft as well as a new chain saw. Since so many people are staying for one reason or another, some may eventually need help. I’ve also contacted my closest neighbors offering a hand to put up shutters.

In any case, isn’t that what Christianity is all about? “Thou shall love the Lord thy God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and your neighbor as yourself.”


I may chronicle some of the activity on video as time goes on and have already begun taking pictures of the already saturated areas due to summer rains.



Even as I write this information at 2:21 EST. Southern Mexico has been rocked by a massive 8.1earthquake causing buildings to sway and being felt as far away as Guatemala. There may be casualties but this just happened and I just read the headlines.

With 2 other hurricanes waiting in the wings it makes a person wonder if we are entering a time of judgment. (Luke 21:25)

I read where a woman said she would like to crawl into a cave to get away from it all on Face book. That’s exactly what the scriptures say will happen with the seas roaring (Isaiah 2:19) and earthquakes happening in many places.


Jim Towers









By Jim Towers

9/5/2017, Hurricane Harvey is all the talk right now. Nearly all the inhabitants in Houston and beyond have been impacted by this huge powerful storm. The apathetic crowd who didn’t take this storm seriously suffered the consequences. Others prayed and cried out to God in their despair. Some may even have repented during the height of the storm. That may have been God’s intent in setting the hurricane in motion.

I’m reminded of this verse of scripture, “As it was in the days of Noah so shall the coming of the Son of man be.” It rained and rained and rained some more.

Matthew 24:23 says, “But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. “Are you beginning to see the parallel now?

God couldn’t just let this evil activity go on and He had to destroy that evil generation. But wouldn’t you know it?, God in his loving mercy sent Jesus into the bowels of hell to save some of them before He ascended to the Father after His crucifixion – Ephesians 4:9. That alone should give us cause for hope in God’s mercy, but the next time we may not be so lucky.

The “Burning Man” revelry taking place in Nevada is going on full blast. This modern day Sodom and Gomorra sexual extravaganza probably attracts as many people as were in the twin cities Sodom and Gomorra at the time of God’s wrath against them, a time when it rained sulfur hailstones of fire from heaven. Perhaps the Angels of God have been sent to pass judgment on this modern day event and are closely monitoring it like they did at that time. Obsession with sex parties, football games and golf may have to be curtailed, for the time being, God forbid, and then what shall we do? We are undoubtedly “Lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God.”

Could it be that God is showing us trough so many visible signs that He is becoming weary of backsliders and enablers of wicked men in government and society? Storms like Harvey and other natural disasters serve to remind us that life is unpredictable. For some of us, the days of prosperity sermons, pretty sermonettes and the location of Philippi Caesarea are over and some of us are even beginning repent and get real.

While there are many heroic deeds being done for the victims of hurricane Harvey, there is always the criminal element to deal with. Some of these criminals even dare to have fund raising with no intention of giving the money to those who need it. Granted – there are some who are showing great heroics and are caring for their neighbor but I can assure you that they are in the minority. Some are even ripping off donors in one way or another through charities and fake foundations. Even the Red Cross gives very little toward the needs of the victims of such events.

Joel Olsteen, the multimillionaire pastor of Houston failed to open the doors of his church to let the refugees from the storm take shelter. It’s doubtful that his flock will continue to worship under him. But maybe that’s a good thing since they apparently don’t go there to repent or seek God’s Face, but to prosper and feel good about themselves. And amazingly, while all of this is happening, Louis Farrakhan of the Black Muslims appears to be repenting saying Jesus is His redeemer! Maybe Joel needs to do the same.

We can go on like before ignoring the signs, but we can’t box in our Creator God and he will execute judgment wherever and whenever He wishes. He’s not interested in our devout church attendance or what we know about Him, or even what degrees we possess. God wants us to be receptive to His instructions and admonitions.

Now, let’s talk about reality, the absolute reality of the uncertainty of life. The only thing we can be certain of is – the uncertainties of life.

Today, we here in South Florida are watching the track of what will become hurricane Irma which portends to be a huge storm encompassing all of the peninsula of Florida and beyond so say the “experts” while other experts say that the storm may remain out in the Atlantic OR possibly skirting New York and maybe even hitting that cesspool of sin.

Although I’ve volunteered to help clear debris and feed the displaced during Hugo and Ivan and Hurricane Andrew, I saw what was left in the wake of that Hurricane several years ago. It was a complete disaster. It is said that Irma will become so strong that it will level everything in its path, but of course no one knows for sure.

Hurricane Irma is, as I write, gathering speed and power out in the Atlantic Ocean, headed our way, with yet another storm (Jose) forming near the Cabo Verde Islands. As a matter of fact our Governor, Rick Scott, issued a hurricane alert today about Category 4 Irma. I continue staying on top of this but may have to get out of Dodge before it hits. Better safe than sorry.

On another note, on Labor day I met and talked to a family of atheist’s from Denmark out at my mission station, (the fishing pier). I asked them if they were Christians and they appeared to be uncertain, but It seems that Denmark is becoming an Atheistic country, like the rest of Europe. The mother asked if we were still a Christian country and I had no ready answer as I see our country headed in that same direction. After talking a while, I gave them my two sided card and we said our goodbyes.

I also talked to Tony – the old Lebanese guy who has a pacemaker planted in his chest about Christ and things that really matter. He said he had died for several minutes from a heart attack a couple of years ago and doesn’t remember a thing about the near death experience. Recently, Tony’s doctor asked him if he had money, and he does, the doctor then told him to spend all of it because he’s living on borrowed time. Tony’s a Catholic and so is content with his faith. I told him I would pray for him.

By the way, the Christian movie, “All Saints” never made it here. It seems to have stalled or faded away before it got this far. From what I understand this true story had something to do with new pastor who was about to destroy a church building but was stopped by the congregants who happened to be Christian refugees from Burma. “All Saints” received a 5.9 out of ten on IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes gave the movie an 89% likability. But what do they know?

If the storms of life threaten to undo you, get your life right with God through faith in Jesus Christ – better safe than sorry



Jim Towers


www.thepropheciesmovie.com and book   and jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com.


Hurricane Irma

Dear Loved one, Friend and Neighbor,

Regarding hurricane Irma, Governor Rick Scott has issued a storm warning for all of Florida since certain trajectories of its path have us in the very eye of this huge and dangerous storm.

This flyer/letter is to inform you of the impending storm headed our way within the next few days. Hurricane “Irma” is already a category 4 storm battering the Caribbean Islands and is headed our way. Although America as a whole is getting what it deserves for displeasing our Creator, now is the time to repent and seek His Face, asking that He forgive us of our sins of willful disobedience, apathy /or for not acknowledging His very existence – and for not thanking Him for our many blessings.

If ever there was a time to reflect on these matters it is now. If you don’t know how to pray, this prayer may be a good one to start with.

“Father in heaven, forgive me of my sins and disobedience toward you.  I turn to you in this time of need, asking that you protect my loved ones and me in this time of trouble.  I humbly ask this of you precious and Holy Father – in Jesus name, Amen.”“For there is one mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus” If you are a Christian then I might suggest that you forward this letter to your loved ones, friends and neighbors here in Florida and along the coast as far away as New York.


The above was the letter Jim sent to me.  I will combine his message and mine below, since it is timely and better than two separate posts.

The Biggest Miracle

Perhaps one of the biggest miracles in the Old Testament is in the Book of Jonah. And it wasn’t the big fish story! God called Jonah to minister to Nineveh, which had served as the capital of the world for several centuries. It was the enemy of Israel, and Jonah was not attracted to the assignment until God explained it to him a bit more clearly!

And when he finally did go there, he didn’t present a polished, “seeker friendly” sermon! God had declared that they were 40 days from being destroyed. Jonah went through town proclaiming, “Forty days and you get yours!”

He was hoping they would get wiped out. In fact, his biggest fear was that God might spare them (he went up on a hill and pouted when God did spare them).

It is interesting that Jonah didn’t preach repentance. He simply announced their impending doom. It is astonishing to realize that within those 40 days, the king speculated that, just maybe, if they repented God might change His mind. They did, and God did. From the king on down, they put on sack-cloth (the traditional ritual for repentance). They even put sackcloth on the cattle!

The repentance of Nineveh is astonishing when you think about it. Forty days from “ground zero.” And they were given another century…

(Posted from an article by Chuck Missler on Khouse.org titled – Jonah, Nahum, & Obadiah)


Reversal of Causality “Manufacturing a Point of View” or #FakeNews

I am reposting this again, because this tactic is still used over and over and the masses continue to fall for its trick.  With the advent of alternative outlets of news however, some have woken up to how the game is played. Take an issue currently in the news cycle and you can see this first hand.

(The following is from the study of the Book of Romans by Chuck Missler.  Romans 9,10, and 11 all with deal with the Nation of Israel from past, to present to its future.  It is uncanny how the tactics used by the Nazis in Czecholovakia, are in use today against Israel)

History teaches us that man learns nothing from history. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

The Strategic Barrier

Czechoslovakia was strategically placed in the heart of Europe, and its conquest was central to Hitler’s plans for overrunning Europe. Though small, Czechoslovakia could field over 800,000 men (one of the strongest armies in Europe), and it had a highly efficient arms industry. To complicate matters from Hitler’s point of view, it possessed a formidable physical barrier to his designs in the shape of the Sudeten mountains, which bordered Germany and guarded the access to the Czech heartland and the capital city of Prague only miles away. A system of fortifications and fortresses had been built in the mountains over many years, making passage by force a very costly proposition, perhaps even impossible. We now know from the Nuremberg trials and other sources that Hitler’s generals were utterly opposed to an assault on the Czech fortifications. Worse from Hitler’s point of view, the Western powers
had promised at Versailles to guarantee the Czech border against any aggressive attack. France, which in 1938 could field one hundred divisions (an army 50% larger than Germany’s), had agreed in writing to come to the Czech’s defense, and Britain and Russia were committed to joining in if France did.

The Propaganda Solution

Since an outright military victory seemed impossible, Hitler embarked on an unprecedented campaign to politically force the Czechs to give up the land, and with it any hope of being able to defend their capital or their country. The inhabitants of the Sudetenland, Hitler said, were predominantly German, and these three million Sudeten Germans deserved—what else?—the right of self-determination and a destiny separate from the other seven million inhabitants of Czechoslovakia; this despite the fact that the country was a democracy and that the Sudeten Germans enjoyed economic prosperity and full civil rights. To buttress his claim, Hitler organized and funded the creation of a new Sudeten political leadership that would do his bidding, which was, in the words of Sudeten leader Konrad Henlein, to “demand so much that we can never be satisfied.” In addition, Hitler backed the establishment of a Sudeten liberation movement called the Sudeten Free Corps, and he instigated a series of well-planned and violent uprisings that the Czechs were compelled to quell by force. Hitler’s propaganda chief, Goebbels, orchestrated a fearful propaganda campaign of fabricated “Czech terror” and oppression of the Sudeten Germans.

Thus the plight of the German minority in Czechoslovakia was merely
a pretext … for cooking up a stew in a land he coveted, undermining it,
confusing and misleading its friends and concealing his real purpose …
to destroy the Czechoslovak state and grab its territories ….
The leaders of France and Great Britain did not grasp this. All through the
spring and summer, indeed almost to the end, Prime Minister Chamberlain
and Premier Daladier apparently sincerely believed, along with most of
the rest of the world, that all Hitler wanted was justice for his kinsfolk in
William Shirer, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich

The Reversal of Causality

The Czech refusal to allow the Sudeten territories to return to their “rightful” German owners, Hitler prattled, was proof that the Czechs were the intransigent obstacle to peace. For what choice would Germany have but to come to the assistance of its oppressed brethren living under intolerable Czech occupation? Moreover, the Germans reversed causality, claiming that the Czechs were trying to precipitate a European crisis in order to prevent the breakup of their state, that the choice between war and peace in Europe was in
Czech hands, and even that “this petty segment of Europe is harassing the human race.” But there was a simple way to simultaneously avoid war and achieve justice, Hitler said. The Western powers—meaning Britain and France— could force the Czechs to do what was necessary for the sake of peace: Czechoslovakia had to relinquish the “occupied territories!” Manufacturing a Point of View And it worked. With astonishing speed, the governments and opinionmakers of the West adopted Hitler’s point of view. Throughout 1937 and 1938, mounting pressure was exerted on Czechoslovakia by the leading Western powers “to go to the utmost limit” to meet Sudeten demands. Czech leader Edvard Benes was reviled as intransigent. The Western press published articles lamenting Czech shortsightedness and its total disregard for the cause of peace in Europe, as well as the injustice of not allowing the Sudetenland to be “returned” to Germany (despite the fact that it had never been part of Germany). The British envoy who was dispatched to investigate the situation even went so far as to demand that Czechoslovakia “so remodel her foreign relations as to give assurances to her neighbors that she will in no circumstances attack them or enter into any aggressive action against them.”

Land for Peace

On September 18, 1938, under the gun of Hitler’s September 28 deadline, a meeting was held between the British Cabinet and the French prime minister and foreign minister, in which it was determined that democratic Czechoslovakia must accede to Hitler’s demands.  Despite the fact that the West had promised in writing at Versailles to go to war to defend Czechoslovakia’s borders, it was agreed that the Czechs must give up the Sudetenland for “the maintenance of peace and the safety of Czechoslovakia’s vital interests.” In return, the Czechs would receive from Britain and France “an international guarantee of the new boundaries… against unprovoked aggression.” If the Czechs did not accept the plan and thereby save the peace of Europe, they were informed by the leaders of the free world, they would be left to fight Hitler alone. In Neville Chamberlain’s immortal words: “It is up to the Czechs now.”

The Sting

But in fact it was not even left to the Czechs. Chamberlain realized that if the Czechs were to fight, France and Britain might be forced to fight too. As the Czechs and Germans mobilized, Chamberlain became increasingly hysterical about averting war by buying off Hitler with the Czech defensive wall. He shuttled repeatedly to Germany to try to arrange the payoff. Finally, minutes before his September 28 deadline, Hitler “agreed” to Chamberlain’s proposal for an international peace conference to bring peace to Central Europe. At Munich, Britain and France pleaded with Hitler for 11 hours to “compromise” and take the Sudetenland peacefully.
In the end Hitler agreed. The Western leaders returned in triumph to London and Paris. In government, in parliament, and in the press, Chamberlain and Daladier were praised, cheered, and thanked for having traded land for peace. “My friends,” said Chamberlain, “I believe it is peace in our time.” Having grasped the fact that his supposed democratic allies had allowed themselves to become tools in Hitler’s hand, Prime Minister Benes announced Czechoslovakia’s capitulation to the demands of the
totalitarians. “We have been basely betrayed,” he said.

Phase Two
On September 30, the Czech army began its withdrawal from the Sudetenland—from the strategic passes, the mountain fortresses, and the major industrial facilities that would have been the backbone of Czechoslovakia’s effort to defend itself. But this was only Phase One of Hitler’s plan. The German annexation of the Sudetenland was followed by a renewed list of demands on the Czechs. The Nazis continued to invent incidents of violence and oppression against the ethnic German minority in what was left of the Czech state.
Less than six months later, on March 15, 1939, the Nazi war machine rolled through the rest of Czechoslovakia. Shorn of their defenses in the Sudeten mountains, the Czechs were now powerless to resist. Phase Two had been implemented. The Western powers again did nothing. Once more, all their assurance proved worthless.

Clear and Present Danger
Unfortunately, the parallels to today’s effort to gouge Judea and Samaria out of Israel are all too easy to see. Like the Sudeten district, the West Bank is mountainous territory, a formidable military barrier that guards the slender and densely populated Israeli shoreline and Israel’s capital city. Like the Germans, the Arabs understand that as long as Israel controls these mountains, it will not be overrun. They understand too that a military campaign to seize these mountains is at present unthinkable, and that Israel’s removal from them can be achieved only by the application of irresistible political pressure by the West on Israel to withdraw. The Arab regimes have therefore embarked on a campaign to persuade the West that the Arab inhabitants of these mountains (like the Sudeten Germans, comprising roughly a third of the total population) are a separate people that deserves the right of self- determination—and that
unless such self-determination is granted, the Arab states will have no choice but to resort to war to secure it. As in the case of Czechoslovakia, Israel’s insistence on not parting with territories strategically vital for its defenses is presented as the obstacle to peace. Echoing Munich, the Arabs repeatedly advocate “active” American (and European) involvement, in the hope that an American Chamberlain can be found to force “the intransigent party” to capitulate where it is otherwise unwilling to compromise its own security. That the Arabs have borrowed directly from the Nazis in this, as in so many of their other devices against Israel, is not surprising. What is surprising, or at least disappointing, is the speed and readiness with which this transparent ruse has been received, digested, and internalized by the elite of the Western world. Not a day passes without some somber editorial or political comment from august quarters in America or Europe asking Israel to voluntarily accept the same decree that Czechoslovakia was asked to accept.



By Jim Towers

Being a “people person” I’ve met and talked to people of various persuasions and ideologies. I’ve talked to brilliant people, dumb people, ignorant people, preachers, judges, articulate people, funny people, angry people, hurting people, sick people, lonely people, uppity people, perverts, harlots, weirdoes, charlatans, and scallywags. In so doing, the one thing I’ve noticed is that we all have the human tendency to sin and to take God for granted, forgetting to thank Him for anything but asking for everything. That is if we even believe in Him at all.

Human beings are resilient, stubborn and hard headed sinners, and God knows it.  They leave Him no alternative but to shake them awake. For some the shaking will take the form of life threatening illness, death in the family or financial loss.

Today, in spite of all the hate, killings, rebellion and apostasy, most people act as if life will continue as usual and most take God for granted.  Although God loves us, He is nobody’s patsy or Santa Claus. He is just in His dealings with mankind. It must grieve Him when you think you know him through reading books or saying pretty but repetitious prayers and willingly betray Him behind His back.

What a world we live in; a world in which black is white and right is wrong. Today there are only different shades of gray. We’re all sinners, even preachers have a propensity to sin, and unless they’ve had a direct encounter with Jesus Christ, it’s a very easy thing to do. God lets us stumble through life without interfering until we reach out to him in utter humility and with weak knees.

Members of our former corrupt government are falling like dominoes, and are finally beginning to face the consequences of their actions; while despots in other countries are destroying their own people because of their greed and power madness. The way things are going and with Biblical prophecy being fulfilled at a very rapid rate, the time for playing church is over. It’s finally time to get real. It’s a time of reflection and repentance toward God before He unleashes His fury upon unrepentant sinners who take Him for granted.

In Guam people are turning to prayer like never before after Kim Jong-Un threatened to hit that island with ballistic missiles, and even lobbed some in their direction. The North Korean despot did so because there is a strong U.S. military presence on the island.

Yes, the time of chastening is upon us, and we deserve it for throwing in our lot with the devil and letting criminals run our nation. Although God is longsuffering and loves His creation, He will soon be forced to reveal His well deserved wrath toward the ungodly.  You can count on it.

Many back sliders and apathetic Christians will be chastened as well in these final days of human history. The shaking is sure to intensify, but we shouldn’t despise it since it brings about repentance, and repentance brings about reconciliation and peace. This may just be our last call.

What is it going to take for people to wake up and repent and seek God’s face? God is already shaking up the world with earthquakes, famine, and political upheaval and is even letting us express our hate for one another. It seems He’s letting us hang ourselves with our Godless behavior while He increases the intensity of shaking to awaken humanity to our need for Him.

In spite of that, “God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.” Furthermore, “God chastises those he loves.” And He loves us all.

Ultimately, some will continue in disobedience and thereby destroy themselves in doing so. But some of us will bend the knee from all that we see happening in our country and around the globe. Soon He will burst forth and reveal Himself to all mankind and there will be no more taking Him for granted. No more manipulating Him with promises we don’t intend to keep. God’s chastisement is coming and we shouldn’t resent it, since it is only meant to wake us up.

“It’s a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” But it doesn’t have to be that way for you if you are a believer.  You can rest in His presence if you draw close to Him with a contrite and repentant heart, and today is a good day to do so.


Christian movie makers are licking their wounds and deciding whether to continue on, since only a small fraction of movie going audiences attend their often syrupy trite and feel good movies. The money just isn’t there and neither are people’s interests.

I just watched a movie produced by Tommy Lee Jones of the “Men in Black” series. He and one other actor, Samuel H. Jackson, starred in this two-man movie staged in one room. It was all dialogue with not one scene of action or violence. The 2011 made for television movie “The Sunset Limited” was rented from the public library.

The two characters discussed the existence of God and even mentioned Jesus Christ as Savior,    ( a savior who had reached out in an audible voice to the hardened criminal portrayed by Jackson). Jackson’s character, who rescued a much learned professor (Jones) from committing suicide, discuss the meaning of life across a small table.

In the middle of the table sitting in the rundown room was a well worn Bible, a book that the former criminal knew well. The professor had lost all hope and articulated his dilemma well. Both men put up a good defense for their way of thinking. The well made movie was thought provoking to say the least. This was a good approach to dealing with matters of life and death.

Like the character portrayed by Samuel L. Jackson, receive Jesus Christ today and have a peace like he did, one that surpasses all understanding. “If you will believe in your hear and confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus Christ, you shall be saved.”



Jim Towers                     jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com and www.thepropheciesmovie and book.



By Jim Towers

“But evil men and imposters will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.” 2nd Timothy 3:13.

Today there is deception and false news everywhere you look. It seems the Devil is out to destroy lives and nations through deception, fake news, subversion and apostasy in the church. If you call yourself a Christian and can’t see the deception surrounding you then you probably don’t read your Bible, and if you do – you haven’t received Christ and acquired the Holy Spirit who opens the eyes of those who are believers in Christ.

The way things are going even those who are spiritually blind are able to see that something isn’t quite right these days; what with corruption in high places, (governments and the church) earthquakes, famine, pestilences, incurable diseases and apostasy. Satan has his minions out there in the world to confuse and propagate false doctrine and/or plain old fashioned falsehood. That’s why we shouldn’t lean on our own understanding or those of heretical men who don’t know or understand scripture, leading others into perilous folly.

The following is a case in point.

I recently met with a man who has written several books and is hoping to get the last one, made into a movie. I was introduced to him by a friend whom I had led to Christ last winter. Because the writer told him he was a Doctor of Divinity he thought I should meet him.

Not knowing the man’s last name I couldn’t do a background check on him so I didn’t know what to expect. In spite of that, I arranged to meet with this stranger in a local restaurant. At first I had my doubts since I’ve encountered phonies in the past.  But then I thought, perhaps God had set up this impromptu meeting as a, divine appointment so I decided to investigate. What’s the worst that can happen? I might even get to share the gospel with this stranger and who knows where that might lead. Funny, as I refer to him as a stranger in this article, I found him to be very strange indeed. From the moment I laid eyes on the man I knew what kind of writer he was and also the validity of referring to himself as a so called doctor of divinity.

After introductions he gave me a copy of his latest 129 page book – the one he wants made into a movie.  The name of the book was “Atlantis, the Last Testament”. On the cover was a rendering of wizard with a peeked, conical hat, your typical white hair, beard and ponytail.

A pod of Porpoises leaping out of the water were depicted along the bottom. On the left of the cover was a naked woman with long flowing hair pirouetting toward the top of the cover page holding a gem stone in her right hand upward toward heaven. On the left side of the man’s head was depiction of the earth with a book floating above it emblazoned with a strange symbol. The symbol looked like some sort of maze. The book, I surmised was the Last Testament.

After showing him my movie scrapbook and giving him the first ten pages of my manuscript and first five pages of my screenplay I let him talk. Afterward, I told him that I was a born again Christian, who believed the Bible, and had been studying it for over forty years and leading others to Christ – any and everywhere. I also shared my abbreviated testimony with him, during which he never mentioned the Doctor of Divinity part of his life, I saw his countenance fall and he clammed up completely. He knew he was fighting a losing battle with me in trying to impress.

Our little meeting ended and we each went our own ways. I left hopeful that in reading the introduction to my evangelical book or in taking heed to my rebukes he would repent of his foolish ways or at least begin to seek God’s face.

Listen to what he says in the Foreword of his little booklet “Atlantis the last Testament”.

An eminent scholar has said of “The Last Testament” that this is a truly inspirational work that could only been done by a Master. This work no doubt will help to bring understanding and realism to the current Bible. Blah, blah blah…. I wonder how much he paid for the commentaries.

Next, the foreword says, and I quote, “Scholars and laymen alike have found the Bible’s contents to be unfounded and ineffectual to be remedied by fallible minds….Blah blah blah”… (What this man is saying is – I’m the only one able to understand these things.) Sounds like Joseph Smith or Charles Taze Russell, or a Howard Rodney Brown to me. This deceived writer further postulates that, “the attitudes and released emotions of the Atlantician people caused the deluge.…Whew!

“They profess to know God, but in works they deny Him, being abdominal, disobedient, and disqualified for every good work.”


By the way, my most recent article, “Islam and other crazy cults” brought a deal of response from the readers. All but one was positive and at least two others were from former Mormons who thanked me for exposing this cult. As a matter of fact one was the daughter of an elder who sent me an unbelievable video exposing them for what they are. This woman found the information about my article on Face book where I always post where my latest articles can be found.

I sent the information to my dear friend and Christian Brother Scott F. who’s a Messianic Jew and he in turn sent a video back to me and various others concerning the Mormon cult.

This revealing video “Temple of the God makers” can be seen on the internet. There is deception everywhere you look and it’s imperative that we Christians study the Holy Scriptures earnestly to show ourselves approved.


Jim Towers

  1. mail me at jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com or visit my web page www.thepropheciesmovie and book.


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