Looking Ahead-

(Excerpted from Koinonia House Jan 17 Personal update- Very timely and good read, please follow the link to Khouse to read the whole article)

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I just returned from my 60th class reunion for the United States Naval Academy. When I graduated 60 years ago, that was a statement second to none. It was a big deal to graduate from the Naval Academy or West Point back then. We were young, and we all had our futures booming out before us. We had taken oaths to support and defend the Constitution of the United States, and we were ready to go out and serve our country.

Sixty years later, we’re now in our twilight years. As I talked to people at the reunion, I noticed that most of my peers had stopped looking forward. When we graduated, we had our lives before us, but many of the guys now spend their time only looking back at the past. Some of my peers had remained in the military until they retired, and all the ones I mixed with admitted an emptiness. They had put in their time, and they had retired. They’d appreciated retirement, but there’s just so much golf one can enjoy.

Only one group didn’t seem to be looking back, feeling empty. The one group that seemed to be looking forward were the born again Christians. Those of us who know Jesus Christ have something to look forward to. We have our callings in Him, and we have confidence that He continues working in our twilight hours. We have all eternity ahead of us, and we know the work we do for the Lord has eternal consequences. It gives us perspective.
Looking Back

Looking backward has its points. I look back, and I recognize that I had a very successful life even from a secular viewpoint. After I graduated from the Naval Academy, I served in the Air Force. I then served in the intelligence community and went into corporate development and the business world. I had a tremendously interesting life building companies, and I participated in more than 100 deals in mergers and acquisitions. God then allowed me to take my once-hobby of teaching the Bible and build Koinonia House.

People often ask me about the secret to my success. Why did I succeed in my professional life? As I look back, I realize that, by the grace of God, I was surrounded by some phenomenal people. I believe the secret of success is to surround yourself with winners, with strong people.

As I look back in life, there is only one area where I have regrets. My life was exciting for many reasons, but there is a place where I have deep regrets to this day. I took my wife for granted. I didn’t abuse her physically or anything, but I took her for granted. It’s a grief that I have. I didn’t appreciate the preciousness of what I had in her. For so many years I was too busy climbing the next hill, and I abused her by not really taking care of her. Now, I’ve lost Nan, and not a day goes by that I don’t wish I could just pick up the phone and call her. If my looking back can help anything, it would be to encourage all you young guys not to make the same mistake I made. Be wise. Pay attention. Discern which are the truly important things in your lives while you still have the time to invest yourself in them and to enjoy them in return.

Clink link above to read the rest-


In the early seventies I was in Hollywood pursuing a career in the movie business as a SAG union actor. I had received Christ just six years before and was attending Beverly Hills Baptist Church.

Although I had learned about the Jewish faith, Moses and the Ten Commandments and such, over time I also learned that the twelve apostles were also of the Jewish faith and that Dr. Luke may have been the only Gentile of the group of mostly earthy but Godly men. Of course, the main subject (Jesus) of the New Testament was also a Jew – humanly speaking.

The church was rather small and intimate but somehow managed to attract guest speakers, probably because of the name.

In any case, that is where I first met and heard of Jewish converts to Christianity. It was the first time I ever met any Jews for Jesus. One of them being named Lois Lapides. He and another young man were heading up a group of believers in Yeshua ha Mashiach (Jesus Christ). Since I was the most vocal and evangelical person in the church, we spent the day together along with another young man from the congregation, whom I now suspect was a Jew.

This was the eye-opening experience that led me to set up a mission station in a Dunkin Donut shop in Miami sometime later. At the time, this was a place where many retirees came to socialize throughout the day and night. Many of the regulars were Jews who live in the adjoining apartments and condos.

Being one who was never shy about my faith I had decided to make friends and share the gospel with anyone who would listen. During my years of stopping by there daily I did make many friends. It got to the point that some would refer to me as pastor. No one seemed threatened by me and I always tried to have an answer to their deepest questions.

It got to the point where my Jewish friends were inviting me to their homes or maybe going to the movies together. Many of them had been professional people at one time and I learned a lot from them. All were non-threatening, and most were pleasant. There was one exception though and this man had been a lawyer and councilman. But then he was just a type A personality- just as I am, and he always stood his ground. I handled him with kid gloves and we got along fine after a while.

Ugene finally opened to what I had to say, and we talked about aviation and law as well as spiritual matters. This went on for a matter of years and I thought I hadn’t made any headway with this hardheaded soul. A few year later after I had moved away I went to visit an old friend of mine and he told me that Ugene had become a Messianic Jew and that he had recently died. Knowing that he was going to die, he had my friend Richard sneak some matzo crackers and Mogen David wine into his private hospital room so that he could take communion before he died.

Today, The Jews for Jesus movement has expanded and branched out into what we now know as Messianic churches across the country and the world. According to some sources, many Millennial Jews are finally accepting the fact that Jesus was and is the Messiah and are even celebrating Christmas and Easter.

My contention is that this is happening in fulfilment of prophecy and that those Jews who are as yet undecided are going to recognize and receive Christ during the tribulation period, hence the 144,000 evangelists who will turning many to Christ during those hellish times and many will pay with their lives.

One of my favorite chapters in the Bible to convince Jews of Jesus Christ being our savior is Isiah, chapter 53 in its entirety. Anyone reading this prophecy will conclude that Jesus was indeed the Christ – the long-awaited Messiah. Another verse is from the book of John in the New Testament where the Apostle John says, (In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God,….He came unto HIS OWN (the Jews) and His own received Him not, but as many as received Him to them gave He the power to become the sons of God…”. John nailed it in the very first chapter.

The “People of the Book – Jews” are a special people in the eyes of God; as a matter of fact, they are referred to as the Apple of God’s eye in the Bible. Thus, the Bible says, anyone cursing them (Jews) will be cursed by God and anyone blessing them will be blessed of God.

We followers of Christ must realize that they are just as much in need of a savior as the rest of us (Gentiles) since they too are capable of grievous sins. You might even say that they are a microcosm of humankind, the best of the best and worst of the worse. Nevertheless, they are God’s chosen people and we should recognize them as such, since it was through them that we are introduced to the one and only God – Jehovah, the Ten commandments, the oracles of God and prophetic scripture.

NOTE: Mike Pence heads up a delegation of prominent U.S. Christians to meet with prominent Jewish leaders in the coming days – in Israel – the two most persecuted religions in the world.

On movies,
The Darkest Hour was historically correct and could have been better lit, (I can understand the nuance of having the movie dark at times, but it was a little overdone.) At times the English brogue was hard to understand but Gary Oldman’s performance was outstanding. Being a war movie, however, there was not enough action for me. I’m sure there was a lot going on at the time.

Clint Eastwood is a multi- talented artiste (second only to Mel Gibson) so he should have known better than to let the true-life heroes of his latest film “15:17 To Paris” cajole him into letting themselves star in this film. There was no emoting (showing of emotion such as fear, hope, desire, etc.) The same can be said for the children in the film. Furthermore, much of it was like a travelogue. It could be that Clint was challenging himself in the belief that he could pull a performance out of these untalented real-life heroes’. Mel Gibson can do it, but it is a very hard – if not impossible thing for others to do.

Jim Towers

You can reach me at, jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com www.thepropheciesbookandmovie and www.dropzonedelta.com.

Book of James- A Living Faith

I recently did a Sunday School lesson on two chapters from the book of James. It was a great time, I learned so much from diving into the word. I realized how far I have to go and how great God is. Every day God is going to find a new way to ask you, “Do you trust me”. These trails or testing of faith, James will tackle head on. For me it seems, I fail every time. This book helped me understand how to handle these much better and understand them in a new light. It is never easy, and Christ has helped me so much.

I wish I could say, having gone thru Ranger School in the Army and my experience overseas these “trials” would be easier, but they are not. Everyone is challenged to rise above, and that is what is great about this message. In the end, I live to fight another day, put on my spiritual armor and go to work. I read about the persecuted body of Christ all around the world, and feel embarrassed about what causes strife in my life.

James is a tuff book for us because it calls us to action! Show me what you have done? Below are excerpts excerpts from Chuck Missler on the Book which I relied on as I dug into the study.

A Living Faith: evidenced by righteous living and godly behavior. Not doctrine; practical Christian ethics.

The book can be divided as such
Chapter 1: Victorious Faith
Chapter 2: Manifested Faith
Chapter 3: Controlling and Energizing Faith
Chapter 4: Submissive Faith
Chapter 5: Patient and Expectant Faith

The Book of James deals with:
The nature of Faith;
The nature and character of God;
Day-to-day behavior as Christians.

Surprisingly it has a closer connection with the Sermon on the Mount (Mt 5-7) than any other
NT letter. It lists 60 imperatives in 108 verses; more than any other NT book.

James 1:1-12

Victorious Faith

1] James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which
are scattered abroad, greeting.

“A servant” – He knew Christ after the flesh no more: he honors Him as Lord and Messiah and links His name with that of God the Father. Whatever doubts he may have once had, they are gone now.

“To the Twelve Tribes” – He is a Jew writing to Jews. It is also a message for us, just as Paul’s letters written to Gentile Christians are also generally for all believers.

2] My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations;

When God’s people are called upon to pass through great trials, it is not evidence of God’s displeasure. (Cf. Job: that book is not about “why do the innocent suffer?” If it was, it really wasn’t answered. The reader is let in on a conversation that Job had not overheard. It is about attempting to maintain the Divine Viewpoint; the larger picture.)
“Temptations” here does not refer to being tempted to sin, but rather the testing of faith.

3] Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.

The purpose of suffering; preparation for ministry. If one professes to have faith in the Lord he can depend upon it that his profession will be put to the test sooner or later.

4] But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.

We are, by nature, fretful and impatient. We rebel against the ways of God and want our own way. But he who learns to be submissive to whatever God permits glorifies Him who orders all things according to His own will.

David said his soul had quieted itself as a weaned child: Ps 131 (only three verses that says it all). Fed on more mature food, although initially fretful and peevish, it accepts gratefully the new nourishment. The goal is maturity and the development of a strong Christian character. Becoming mature and whole, no longer craving for what God sees fit to withhold: this is real victory, but it requires superhuman wisdom.

I will add a second part to this post tomorrow.



While this is only a brief outline of the origins of the Jehovah’s Witnesses and I will only hit on the high points of this ridiculous cult.
It seems that with most cults that they are dreamed up by men who have nothing better to do than trifle with the word of God – the Holy Bible. These people, often after being exposed to true Biblical Scripture decide that they know better than the Spirit filled men who wrote the initial texts from Moses on.
The inventor of this cult (Jehovah’s Witnesses) was Charles Taze Russell yet another self -described teacher who began his ministry in Brooklyn N.Y… his musings were written under the heading – Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society. Yet he only went to the public school for seven years and left at the tender age of fourteen. Later, he became wealthy from his father’s hat making inheritance and had the means to publish his own works.
Although he was raised a bible believing Christian, this man decided that he would alter the Bible since he felt the content of the King James Bible was faulty; yet the Bible itself says, “The scriptures are of no private interpretation, but were written by holy men inspired by God.” The Bible also describes itself as “God breathed.” He should have known better.
It’s amazing how a man can consider himself more knowledgeable than the 44 Godly men who translated it, among them were scholars, archeologists, linguists and such. Yet this silly man would come up with his own unique take on scripture – a take he called, THE NEW WORLD TRANSLATION (Sounds too much like THE NEW WORLD ORDER to me.)
Its adherents are people who have been mislead into believing that they and they alone possess the truth. But the truth is that they’ve been hoodwinked into believing they an earn their way to heaven by distributing tracts and by knowing God’s name -Jehovah. The Scriptures say, “There is a way that seems right unto man, but the end thereof is the way of death.”
The original King James Bible tells us that, “For you are saved by faith through grace and that not of ourselves it is a gift of God lest any man should boast.” So, it is by faith and not of works like they so ardently believe. Yet it seems that they will not admit to their frailties and shortcomings but continue to put up a façade of self – righteousness.
Today the printer and distributor of Jehovah’s Witnesses tracts is the Watch Tower Society, a publishing house ensconced in a building in New York City. They also print other fodder for their ardent followers to distribute and sell, all the while collecting “Tithes” and offerings to enrich their leaders.
For the most part, these mislead people tend to stay in the book of Revelation, a book that is hard to decipher – even for theologians, even as the world-wide events described therein are happening today or beginning to happen and is often written in symbolic terms. This while even true Biblical scholars can only speculate their meaning up until the event materializes.
One of the things that makes this cult infamous, is its penchant for setting dates for the end of the world (which have of course never come true). Another falsehood is that Christ returned in 1874. Then there is the hope that they are the 144,000 who make it through the Tribulation period and are saved. The problem with that theory is that today there are more than enough of them (Jehovah’s Witnesses) to qualify with their numbers growing by the day. That would mean that they must grit their teeth and continue to scour the earth making more followers to satisfy the greed of their leadership
They also claim to qualify for salvation because they know Gods name, yet Jesus never spoke the name Jehovah but rightly ascribed to God as “Father” as in “Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, …..” in teaching us to do the same. Imagine your son or daughter disrespectfully referring to you as Bill or Mary.
If they had really read the original Bible the adherents of JWs would know that, “There is no other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved.” and, that there is one mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus.” Jesus was not Michael the Arch Angel as so many of them presume. In the New Testament the Apostle Peter said to Jesus directly “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” and Jesus replied, “Simon, son of Jonah, happy are you for you did not hear this from man, but My Father in heaven has revealed this to you.”
There are so many other proofs that this twisted truth that Jehovah’s Witnesses spew has no basis in fact. They have no excuse for believing this doctrine spawned in hell. The Apostle Paul alludes to this heresy saying that, “There are some things in them that are hard to understand, which the ignorant and unstable twist to their own destruction.” 2 Peter 3:16
Thinking that they are the 144,000 witnesses who go about proclaiming their brand of gospel during the Tribulation period, they believe in replacement theology. (That is, that they have replaced the Jews to whom the word of God was first given.) How foolish. As a matter of fact, many Jews are receiving Christ Jesus as Messiah these days and could be approaching the 144,000 in number. Messianic churches are popping up everywhere, even in Israel. I personally know of five of them and may have been instrumental in helping deliver one of them through my preaching
As hard as they try to keep up appearances they fail at every turn and often end up alone and destitute. (I have yet to meet a happy Jehovah’s Witness.) Yet like Peter, we who have received and know Jesus personally should be happy.
Need I say more.
On another note:
I saw the movie “12 Strong” and was disappointed in several aspects, the music, lighting and sound were all faulty and even the cinematography was mediocre.

Jim Towers jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com and www.dropzonedelta.com.


By Jim Towers

With time running out, this may be the last letter I write to the church. It is a letter of warning to those who disbelieve and or abuse the Holy Bible, it’s prophecies and admonitions.

The Bible is a book like none other, it tells about our origins and how and why God created us. In the book of John, in the New Testament the narrative begins thusly, “In the beginning was the Word (Jesus) and the Word was with God and the Word was God; the same was with God and there was not anything made that was made without him.”

In the Bible, we are told not to lean to our own understanding, and that the thoughts and imagination of men can be deceiving. As hard as it might be to believe every word in it, “The Word of God proves to be true no matter who questions it.”

By omitting or denying any portion of scripture you are putting your life in peril, especially if you teach others to do the same. The Bible isn’t something to trifle with and inject manmade thought into. It speaks of itself as the inspired word of God, stating that, “That knowing this first, that no prophecy is of any private interpretation, for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.” 2nd Peter 1:20-21.

Sadly, today, there is falsehood everywhere, even in the church. Hypocrisy abounds, and many church leaders are leading the pack. With doctorates and diplomas, they strut through the congregation like peacocks looking down on the rest of us. Thinking themselves to be wise they have become utter fools in their self-righteous hypocrisy. Still others take these paying clerical jobs simply for security and have no calling on their lives whatsoever. Their lack of concern for their fellow man is evidence of their fruits, as Jesus said, “By their fruits you shall know them”. Some are even afraid of sharing Christ. A person lacking love and concern for others should never be in such a vaulted position. Far too many of them are too self-absorbed to be of any Godly good. Others are deceiving the flock and being deceived themselves by the adversary, the Devil. Preachers are falling left and right, often due to sexual misbehavior. (Denying one’s sexuality is a difficult if not impossible thing to do.) We are hard wired to procreate and to have pleasure in doing so, and without the Holy Spirit’s help with self-control we can’t help but fall into sexual sin.

Yes, we have all seen and continue to see church leaders acting as though they alone have Spiritual knowledge of Scripture because they have doctorates and degrees. Yet it was these very same type people are where responsible for killing Jesus Christ – a man who had no credentials except the miracles he produced and lessons he taught, (much of which is common sense.) They only wanted recognition for themselves. Jesus referred to such religious leaders as hypocrites and white washed sepulchers full of dead men’s bones.

Again the Holy Spirit comes to our rescue and we are told in the Bible that we don’t need anyone to teach us the Word of God other than the Holy Spirit – who leads into all truth.

Yet, even in this day and age and with all that’s going on, you might hear false Bible teachers say something like this, “We’ve been living in the Last Days for over two thousand years and no one knows the day or the hour when the end will come.” While this is true, the Bible calls such people scoffers, “Where is the promise of his coming? Foe since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue from the beginning of creation as before.” Amazingly they can’t see the forest for the trees.

All around us are sure signs that the end of life as we know it is racing to an end. Wars and rumors of war, untreatable pestilence (viruses), plus STD’s caused by promiscuity by those who are lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God, and let’s not forget the earthquakes and lawlessness that abounds.

We, dear friends, live in perilous times where truth is as rare as hen’s teeth. Lying has become a way of life for many with politicians leading the way. The news organizations who should be bastions of truth are anything but truthful.

Unless you’ve had a supernatural occurrence happen in your life you may be prone to be indifferent to prophetic scripture which is deeper than just head knowledge that one picks up at the local seminary. It is the reality of occurrence in ones life, it is called being “born again” which is a term almost forgotten by mainstream Christianity.

As a matter of fact some seminaries are putting out AI’s (those who are politically correct and have never really known God in a personal way.) Everyday these people make headlines by espousing man-made theories and promoting political agendas such as homosexuality as a decent way of life. Some even give their stamp of approval to infanticide by means of abortion. The latest trend is that it’s OK to engage in pedophilia or bestiality, (that is if the subject doesn’t mind.) The Bible clearly condemns such brutish behavior – repeatedly.

The Bible gave us the Ten Commandments which God through Moses gave to us. This was done so that we might know what God expects of us. They were given for our own good. Breaking anyone of the commandments can lead to sorrow or even death. When the Ten Commandments were taken out of our society it became a cesspool of sinful behavior. Without these guidelines mankind will do whatever seems right to him or her. Today there is chaos in our country for doing so.

Unless you read your Bible, you will never grow in faith. “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.” Read it, study it, meditate on what it teaches, and you can’t go wrong. (Another wonderful benefit is that you will find peace for your soul.)

About movies: The new movie about Winston Churchill is a movie I would want to see. Also on my list of must see movies is “Twelve Strong”, a movie about a group of Special Forces on horseback doing battle in the mountains of Afghanistan.


Jim Towers
You can address your comments to jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com or visit dropzonedelta.com (warriors following Christ.)


(editors note- I have known many good Mormons and served with many in Iraq, all great and moral people. However, they are misguided and what I hope to do is lead them to the truth. If we love them, we want them to receive salvation. This goes for all, I welcome the chance to go over the scriptures and bring them to the Truth)

By Jim Towers

I’m really not sure I have any Mormon friends and if I did I would do my best to convert them; but what do you say to someone who has been bamboozled by an outrageous cult such as this?
Even educated people who should know better are participants in this outlandish faith that makes no sense at all.

First of all, a troubled young man Joseph Smith back in the early 1800’s (fueled by the raging hormones in his young body and satanic influence) decided to create his own take of the Holy Scriptures twisting them to say that man could take as many women as he desired among other nonsense. He called it the Book of Mormon, the Mormon followers are also known today as the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Joseph smith was by all accounts a seer and seeker of valuable stones including gold.

After asking God which Christian denomination he should join, he claims to have had a vision. Claiming to have encountered an angel in his back yard named Maroni (of all things), he claimed that the angel gave him two golden plates that only he would be able to decipher. Something like hieroglyphics was written on them that only he could read and interpret with the use of the Urim and Thummim (seer stones).

Joseph Smith begin writing his Book of Mormon. Like everything else Satan does, he injected grains of truth into the writings.

As rambling and confusing as the writings were, some bought into the falsehoods. They were most likely young dumb men who wanted as many women as they could handle. I suspect they were homely loners and losers. Nevertheless, Smith was seen as a prophet.
Little by little the cult grew among the uneducated and illiterate, (as is usually the case.) The King James Bible was translated by 40 godly and educated men from diverse, backgrounds, such as history, archeology and languages – all belonging to the council of Trent. Compare that to this one young man who dabbled in rocks.
Nevertheless, the time came when the Mormons were expelled from the New England states after Joseph died and made their way west under the leadership of Brigham Young.

After trying to secede from the Nation without success, this new religion finally made its way to Utah.

This cult also believes in a “mother god” but it is the wearing of certain undergarments to make one holy that makes it really weird.

But enough about the history of this foolish religion, I’ve read the horror stories written by those who have left the cult, the oppression, the rapes, pedophilia and other such demeaning things and that’s enough for me.
One other thing, about having an addendum to the Holy Scriptures, (The Book of Mormon) apparently the Mormons haven’t read the last few verses of the book of revelation, Rev. 22:18 and 19.


Hawaii’s early warning system told the populace to take shelter as a nuclear bomb was about to explode in their midst. The people there who heard the warning panicked and ran out into the streets screaming. Some even went so far as to take shelter in the sewer system. Many tearfully repented.

The following day another false alarm went off in Japan, again having to do with an incoming nuclear bomb and again, many people panicked and cried out to God to save them.

Thirdly, a day or two later, a meteor lit up the sky over an area just forty miles north of Detroit Michigan and causing an earthquake. The meteor was heard was seen, heard and felt in three surrounding states including Canada. Some thought it was the end of the world – again, crying out to God.

As the old saying goes, “There are no atheists in foxholes.”

Since the god of the universe is in control, I can’t help but believe that these happenings were not coincidental and that He used these events to warn humanity of the nearness of His coming. In any case it sure did the job for many.

Right now, even as we speak, there is a deadly influenza going around responsible for the deaths of several children and elderly people in our country. The H3NZ virus is not responding to immunization. Could this and other uncontrollable viruses of the end times be those mentioned in scripture?

These things are beginning to get out of control, yet God in His mercy does things incrementally to get our attention before His judgment finally falls.

With people everywhere holding their collective breath, all of prophetic scripture is falling into place on a daily basis. So, in light of all that’s going on in the world today, folks had better quit looking for answers elsewhere and stick to the unadulterated Word of God – the God breathed Holy Bible. It will tell you what to look for and how to respond as the end draws near.

Believers are urged to, “Look up, for your redemption draws near.”

Jim Towers

You can find me at dropzonedelta.com – and I can be reached at jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com

Pope shocks Chile by accusing sex abuse victims of slander

SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) — Pope Francis accused victims of Chile’s most notorious pedophile of slander Thursday, an astonishing end to a visit meant to help heal the wounds of a sex abuse scandal that has cost the Catholic Church its credibility in the country.

Francis said that until he sees proof that Bishop Juan Barros was complicit in covering up the sex crimes of the Rev. Fernando Karadima, such accusations against Barros are “all calumny.”

The pope’s remarks drew shock from Chileans and immediate rebuke from victims and their advocates. They noted the accusers were deemed credible enough by the Vatican that it sentenced Karadima to a lifetime of “penance and prayer” for his crimes in 2011. A Chilean judge also found the victims to be credible, saying that while she had to drop criminal charges against Karadima because too much time had passed, proof of his crimes wasn’t lacking.

“As if I could have taken a selfie or a photo while Karadima abused me and others and Juan Barros stood by watching it all,” tweeted Barros’ most vocal accuser, Juan Carlos Cruz. “These people are truly crazy, and the pontiff talks about atonement to the victims. Nothing has changed, and his plea for forgiveness is empty.”

The Karadima scandal dominated Francis’ visit to Chile and the overall issue of sex abuse and church cover-up was likely to factor into his three-day trip to Peru that began late Thursday.

Karadima’s victims reported to church authorities as early as 2002 that he would kiss and fondle them in the swank Santiago parish he ran, but officials refused to believe them. Only when the victims went public with their accusations in 2010 did the Vatican launch an investigation that led to Karadima being removed from ministry.

The emeritus archbishop of Santiago subsequently apologized for having refused to believe the victims from the start.

Francis reopened the wounds of the scandal in 2015 when he named Barros, a protege of Karadima, as bishop of the southern diocese of Osorno. Karadima’s victims say Barros knew of the abuse, having seen it, but did nothing. Barros has denied the allegations.

You can read the rest of the AP article here- AP LInk


God, Jesus, Christian, Christ,

By Jim Towers
I recently posted a simple message to my over 400 Facebook friends among whom are a number of Catholics. I wrote, “There is one mediator between God and man – the man Christ Jesus.” I expect God willing, to continue with subjects concerning their false doctrine for fear that many may have to go through and suffer the tribulation period. The Catholic faith is a faith of convenience and tradition. (Do what you want and do penance for it without considering repentance.) It is my hope to enlighten them with scripture and to hopefully encourage them to study to show themselves approved, workmen that need not be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of God.”

All my Facebook “friends” know I am an evangelical Christian and know that I seldom post anything frivolous. (However, I do though, express my displeasure with some political figures and try to keep up with world events to post.) With time running out to share the gospel and the rapture of believers soon to take place, I have a sense of urgency for those caught up in unbiblical doctrine and heresy.

I was raised in a secular Catholic family and seldom went to church except when my father demanded that I do so. I studied a little catechism (man inspired booklets) and learned prayers by rote. The Catholic church was cloaked in mystery, with “holy water” in a dish by the door of the dark dank edifice. The paintings and statues and candles were intriguing and impressive, yet I never understood the man made Latin liturgy and got nothing from it.
On the way to St. Mary’s Cathedral at the age of ten, I had to pass by a small Protestant mission for the homeless. Since it was closer to home I dropped in and heard the Gospel for the first time and “walked the isle” to receive Christ and salvation. Little did I know the history of the Catholic denomination and the corruptness of its leadership.

For instance, did you know that the title “clergy” was allotted to the feudal lords of the “dark ages” from 500 – 1500 A.D. simply because they were land barons with many workers on their properties who could neither read nor write? In that way they were bound by what this trumped up clergy said concerning the things of God. Many of them bought the title with money or goods.

Many Catholics are sincere in their unfounded “faith”. If they knew scripture they wouldn’t use prayer beads (like Muslims do) or say repetitious prayers, and do penance. They need to know that in the Bible, Jesus tells us to not be saying repetitious prayers, “Do not be as the heathen for they think they will be heard for their many words, but when you pray go into your prayer closet and pray in secret and your Father in heaven who hears you in secret will answer.” Matt: 6:7.

Some Catholics are still “seekers” while others couldn’t care less about the things of God. They worship “saints” not knowing that it is forbidden and that all believers are saints. They make unto themselves graven (hand wrought) images and worship them as well. They rely on works, yet the scriptures tell us that we are saved by faith saying, “You are saved by faith and that not of yourselves, it is a gift of God lest any man should boast.”
Do like the first Christians searching the scriptures daily to see if these things were true. Search the Holy Scriptures to see if what I say is true.

There was a time in it’s history when one could pay there way into heaven and pray for those in purgatory. We only have one chance to get it right, there is a way that seems right unto man, but the end thereof is the way of death.

Some breakaways are now beginning to study the bible yet still haven’t come to the knowledge of truth; old habits are hard to break. Still others are becoming more liberal than ever with homosexuals being ordained albeit – the same can be said of some Protestant churches.
Today the Catholic Church is rife with pedophiles and hypocrisy. Recently, at St. Paul’s Cathedral in London, a group of Muslim school girls sang a song titled Insha Allah. Can you imagine a Christian group singing in a Mosque? Soon, I suspect, the Pope will issue an edict condemning the worship of Jesus Christ on whom the church was supposedly founded.
We should be very leery of the current pope who with a liberal mindset tries to bring false religions into the fold. Already he discounts Jesus as a living metaphor and nothing more, He is the Way the Truth and the Life. He is the Bread of Life, He is God incarnate – the Living Water. He is the Great I Am, the only begotten Son of the Living God.

Thank God Martin Luther protested and brought about a faith that relies solely on scripture.
Having said that, there are many Protestants that practice false doctrine, especially in these later days. They are just as wrong, but I will touch on that in other articles later as God directs. You don’t have to be a Catholic to be misled.
Don’t be taken in by the false doctrine that prevails in these last days before the rapture of the church. Don’t be mislead by the apostate churches that rely on manmade thought, ideas and theology.

Most of these “so called” churches impose or demand that you put away your bible and believe in what they say, however grievous and foolish. Run from such places. Do your due diligence – read the bible prayerfully for yourself, see if what they say is true. Even so, beware because many have interpreted scripture to say things it really doesn’t.

Ask God to give you the Holy Spirit, (but certainly not to be cackling like a chicken as is done in some Pentecostal churches) who leads into all truth as found in the bible. These matters are too important to take lightly. Don’t let yourself be bound by strict unbiblical rules nor man’s foolish interpretation – what Jesus said is true, “If I set you free you shall be free indeed.” And “You shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall set you free.”

I’m still searching for a publisher for my 250 page evangelical manuscript. My hope is to reach the lost with this continuing non – fiction treatise. In it, I write about the many miracles that have occurred to me in my over forty year ministry on the highways and byways of life and how these miracles correlate with scripture and prophecy. You can expect to have miracles happen for you too – if you give God first place in your life.
Jim Towers
You can contact me at jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com and www.thepropheciesmovie.com


By Jim Towers

According to the book of Joel we could be living in the last of the “last days,” in which case, we will be seeing visions, miracles, signs and wonders and portents (warnings) in the skies. The days of God’s seeming indifference to the reckless state of our world will be over and He will awaken people with these signs.

“And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit on all flesh; your sons and daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, young men shall see visions…. and I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth…”

Some, if not many, Christian people in tune with scripture and walking with God are beginning to experience the power of the Holy Spirit in their lives more fully in these final days before the rapture of the church. With the outpouring of God’s spirit Christians are finally beginning to do what they’ve been commanded to do, that is to share the good news of the gospel with others verbally and without reservation. In the past we’d just go over and over the same old ground in our bible studies and seldom, if ever, bear fruit.

I attended a bible study group of about seventy people. The subject matter was about the calling of Moses in the book of Genesis. God appears to him in a burning bush in the form of a voice telling him he must go back to Egypt and tell Pharaoh to let his people go. Moses is reluctant and pleads to not have to do so. “I am not eloquent, and I am slow of speech,” he cries. (Let us not forget that he was human too and a hunted man as well; one who had killed a fellow Egyptian.) Like us, he was a sinner, but he knew of God at least knew of his existence. He may have been an agnostic like so many of us are. Moses may have thought, maybe the God of the Jews is who my people say he is, maybe He isn’t. After all, they had been in bondage a very long time.

There is a direct correlation between today’s Christians who were also given the mandate to share and thus deliver the unsaved with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Like Moses, Christians in the past were reluctant to do so as well, but because the Word of God must be fulfilled, things are just now beginning to change, and like God says in the book of Joel, “In the last days, I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh….” Which is to say that Christians will become emboldened in the last days and unregenerate people will become receptive to the good news of the Gospel. I for one certainly hope so.

Many Christians have become institutionalized, going to church every time the door is open but failing to follow Christ. It seems that many just want to remain oblivious to scripture or have not bothered to read it except in church. This they do to cover their tracks, or to assuage a guilty conscience, but you will know them by their fruits. The fruits of the spirit are love, joy, peace, hope, and self-control. Those without Christ experience hate, lust, jealousy, lack of joy, fear, and complete lack of self -control, as displayed clearly by the higher echelon of society and various celebrities.

This bible study group I was attending recently turned out to be a time of testimony. The first man approached the podium and began telling of his sharing Christ with a neighbor. From the sound of his testimony he had never done such a radical thing before. Was he a new Christian at over sixty years old? Chances are he wasn’t, but like Moses he was reluctant to do so, citing various excuses. Maybe it was fear that kept him from sharing Christ. Then again, maybe he was being politically correct and just doing what was to be expected in our culture – avoid the subject. We, like Moses, are His chosen vessels today, sent to free the slaves of sin from bondage.

Then, one after another the people in the bible class began to “testify.” I sat there mesmerized as close to five of the men and women testified about their overcoming their fears to be able to witness to friends and acquaintances. It seems they never realized that up until then that faith without works is dead.
This took a long time in coming and just when it looked like we were losing the battle for lost souls, just in time this verse from the book of Joel comes into play.

What with increasing political correctness, apostacy, lack of love and apathy, in despair, I had just about given up on my fellow Christians. But will we Christians begin to turn the tide or is it too little too late? Having been an evangelical believer for nearly all my life I have seldom if ever been hesitant to share Christ with anyone, and to be honest with you, I was beginning to get disillusioned and weary about the apathy in the church. Now, however, I’m becoming encouraged.

We must leave our comfort zone and reach out to the lost and hurting masses before the rapture of the church occurs, and that could happen at any time.
The only reason for this boldness is that the prophetic scriptures of Joel are being fulfilled again in our present time.

Wars and rumors of war, apostacy, the rage against Christianity, the rebuilding of the temple, the readiness of the Cohen (Levitical priests) to perform their duties, the utensils for sacrifice, the red heifer, the present anger over Jerusalem becoming the capital of Israel with the United States confirming it by mandating our embassy be placed there. (This may usher in the prophesied war of Gog and Magog) etc. I could go on and on about prophecy being fulfilled in our present time, but I think you get the picture.

On another note:
There is a new television series in the works having to do with the supernatural; things such as having an encounter with Christ through a vision or the like.
There is also a television show with Sid Roth called “It’s Supernatural.” While we can’t buy into every testimony we see on that show, at least it is showing that people are searching for and having supernatural experiences like never before.


Jim Towers jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com and www.thepropheciesmovie.com and book.


By Jim Towers

The fabric of our society is being torn to shreds by scurrilous politicians, celebrities, liars, radicals, sexual perverts and greedy people out to scam people of their hard earned money. Today, murder, mayhem and sexual perversion are so pervasive in our society that hardly anyone notices anymore and it seems like everyone is only out to fend for themselves. Even some who call themselves Christians are becoming hardened to this truth.

While politicians and celebrities lead the way, (they, because of their notoriety are prominent in the news,) but you can rest assured that ALL of society is under the sway of demonic forces and we Christians must hold fast to the truths and promises of the bible.

Having worked with many celebrities I can assure you that they are no different than you and I, they want it all and will do most anything to get it. As far as promiscuity and perversion is involved, the same statistics apply to the common man. We are hard wired to sin.

Even among those who profess to be Christians but are actually institutionalized zombies – still insist on living life in the fast lane, and love pleasure and money more than they love God ignoring the passage that says, “ Thou shall love the lord God with all thine heart, mind, soul and strength ; and thy neighbor as thyself.” Other sanctimonious and self righteous Christians who should know better also practice perversion, apathy and some are even addicted to drugs or illicit sex.
On another front, the network news – as well as fake news take a different turn each day. With the advent of the internet, social media, and news outlets news travels fast and because of that, we’ve become immune to all we see and hear. It won’t be long until all our God given rights and freedoms will be taken away by the ruthless tyrant known as the Anti Christ whom, I believe, walks among us even as we speak.

Back biters, liars, pedophiles and atheists rule the day and the love of many has grown cold. Children are disobedient to their parents and parents are ignoring the cries of their children for help while they pursue life’s pleasures. Self mutilation, suicide and opioid use are on the rise among young people. What a sad and tragic society we live in.

What with all the murders taking place in schools and even churches now, many common folks carry guns and rightfully so. Fear has a firm grip on society. But in spite of all that’s going on in the world we are called to be salt and light to others. There is not a person that I’ve talked to recently who doesn’t believe something sinister lies on the horizon and the Gospel gives them something to cling to and hope.

The Spiritual person can see everything falling into line in fulfillment of biblical prophecy. All the pieces are coming together like a giant puzzle. The un-regenerated person can’t see this truth because he is blinded by Satan. When we refuse to admit that our country and the world at large is convulsing with chaos and confusion we do so at our own peril.

“ Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come”…. John 16:13King James Version (KJV)

I don’t mean to pontificate as if I was a perfect person, but in spite of my frailties I must do so.
People today are being given over to a reprobate mind and it’s not looking good for our country. There seems to be random killings and thuggery everywhere you look. We are, like it or not, facing judgment dead in the face and it’s only a matter of time before God gives up on us to do what we want; and in so doing, we will destroy ourselves and our country. God forbid. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, “We must all repent and turn to God before we too become captives of the Evil One.”

Could it be that the angels of God are out marking people as they separate the sheep from the goats in the end times as described in the book of Revelation? If that is the case, then we should be ever vigilant and drawing nearer to God with all expediency.

The next door neighbor was still cleaning up the mess in his back yard left by hurricane Irma, and was listening to music with earbuds in his ears when I encountered him from across the fence. I jokingly asked if he was listening to the Beatles and as he took out one of the earbuds he cracked a grin and said “Beatles? (With distain) heck no!…I’m listening to Dementia!”…Then he added with a sarcastic grin, “A lot of screaming!” Such is the name of a group I have never heard of before. The devilish screaming and cursing is a reflection of the angst young people feel today. Because they have no hope, many become addicted to drugs or commit suicide.We Christians through the Holy Spirit are the only thing keeping our country from falling apart.

“Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.” John 15:16 King James Version (KJV)

The harvest fields are ripe for harvest and with nowhere else to turn people are more than will to hear about the things of God, especially the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Talking to people everywhere I go I know this first hand and make no bones about my faith since I know that, “Fear of man is a dangerous trap.” and “Faith without works is dead.”
I would be afraid like everyone else, but since I have the Comforter living in me I sleep like a baby.
P.S. I may have found a publisher in Whitaker House Publishing, thanks to Michael Mliner and his good wife – who was once their chief editor. Pray that my book gets published, since it will give others hope for a miracle or at least something to think about…that God is very real and you can call on Him twenty four sevens. He stands at the door and knocks waiting for you to let Him in.
Jim Towers

jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com and www.thepropheciesmovie.com and book.

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