By Jim Towers

Today people are grasping at straws as their world falls apart. Lives are destroyed, lawlessness abounds, and people are losing hope. There was another deadly high school shooting at the end of the week in Texas. These killings are becoming epidemic. With God taken out of society and the ten commandments being stricken from our institutions, many of today’s teens have no moral compass and are easy prey for the evil one, Satan. Thus, they kill others in a desperate plea for attention. Without moral restrains such as the ten commandments, the bible and the teachings of Jesus Christ himself, people do as they please inflicting harm up on themselves and others.

People everywhere, young and old alike are hurting, afraid or confused. We can’t just ignore them, we true Christians must do what Jesus would do – give them comfort, hope and the good news of the gospel.

I had just been to Miami to scout and film locations for a film I’ve written. (Miami is where I got my start in the film industry many years ago.)  It had been five years since I’d been there and things appear to be going from bad to worse. There sleeping on the sidewalk in broad daylight were the dregs of society, the homeless, drug addicted, demented, hopeless and demon possessed.

Sadly, it’s like that in every big city in our country with San Francisco being the worse of the worse. Heroin needles strewn here and there on the streets, and people sleeping in cardboard boxes that line the side streets. Mindless, homeless, helpless people devoid of hope mingle among the still sane. There is despair everywhere you look. Even among the general population there is sorrow and despair like never before in our country simply because they won’t acknowledge the God of the bible. The bible says, “My people perish for lack of knowledge.”

I had shot several locations on my cell phone, but I finally realized that I didn’t know how to edit the scenes I’d shot – so the next day I headed for the Verizon store seeking information on how to do so. Then, it happened again, (I had another divine appointment).

While I was garnering information I needed, a woman sat in the waiting area with tears streaming down her face. No one seemed to care or notice. I went over to her and asked her what was wrong. Sobbing, she replied “No…th,..th.. thing”.

“Well something is troubling you, what is it? “I asked inquisitively.

She said she would be alright, but I pressed on because she kept crying. “Is there anything I can do for you?”

She shrugged, and I asked her if she was a Christian, because of her hesitancy it appeared that she wasn’t. Not knowing how to respond she shook her head, and the tears continued to flood her eyes and roll down her cheeks. Sitting down next to her I said softly, “I’m a Christian, let me pray for you”

She was obviously not accustomed to having anyone pray for her – especially in public. As I prayed a short prayer she cried openly and without shame. No- one was paying any attention to either of us – they never do. Most of them only care about one thing, – themselves. I prayed a simple prayer for her, encouraged her with the admonition that God loves and cares for her and then I left.

The way things are going with turbulent world events cascading around our heads we may not get another chance to show concern for others and share the things of God with them.

Almost any American Christian will tell you that they are just glad to be saved and can hardly wait for the rapture to occur (but other than that, they are not seeking God’s approval) they seem to think that just going to church every time the doors are opened is enough. But did you know that there will be degrees of crowns for the saved ones while those who don’t achieve anything will make it to be with the Lord – but “As if by fire.”

I’m not bragging (because it’s required of us to do so) but I lead my brother, two sisters and a nephew to faith in Christ. I even baptized one sister. No, I’m not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ – it’s the best news anyone could ever receive.

The least we can do is lead our family members to Jesus Christ and if possible our neighbors as well. I don’t know about you, but I want to do what good I can before the Lord calls me home doing what I can to give hope and share the gospel with others.

If we don’t experience a country wide revival, then I’m afraid the United States is doomed. With America and Israel on the brink of war with other nations we must look to God for hope, strength and endurance through His word – the bible. We should also be drawing closer to God and learning more and more about Him from the regular reading of Holy Scripture.


I finished reading “Fire and Fury” by Michael Wolff. This is a fascinating book about Trump and his administration. If you happen to read it just remember that God is the one who decides who will be a country’s leader, either for their chastisement or for their good. Dan 2:21

This man was chosen by God for his lack of political correctness and fear of reprisal. I for one believe that Trump was what was needed in this country for Christianity to flourish and for Israel to stand firm. Hopefully many in our country will repent and we have a final revival during the window of opportunity Trumps leadership affords us.


Evangelist Jim Towers

jt.filmmaker@yahoo.comand dropzonedelta.com. (My website is currently under reconstruction.)

To learn more about the things of God go to www.FBCNlive streaming on the internet on Sunday morning at 9:30 EST in the USA for a message from Pastor Hayes Wicker.


MAY 14


By Jim Towers

May 14 – remember that day; according to news sources that is the day the U.S. will move our embassy to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv. In doing so, it would legitimize the Jewish state of Israel once and for all. Can you imagine the chagrin and anger this will pose to the Palestinians and their Muslim brothers in the Middle East when we side with Israel in that long-standing feud? Already this Brotherhood of Muslims stand poised at the borders of Israel to invade and take over that tiny strip of land they claim as their own. That day, May14, will soon be upon us.

It was seventy years ago that Israel became a state after the second world war,fulfilling a prophecy of Isaiah that says the Jewish people would be brought back to their homeland once again – for the final time.

God seems to delight in using these special numbers so that his people will take notice and to let us know of His all-knowing Omniscience. He also does this so that we may be aware of the signs of the times. God likes to work with numbers such as three, seven, forty and seventy. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not a numerologist nor a gematria expert, but this shouldn’t seem strange to bible students.

Muslim military forces planted at strategic points on the border of Israel are waiting for this event, and being embarrassed by recent events, Russia may just step in as well, along with their ally Iran. The embassy move could very well be the beginning of the war of Gog and Magog or at least a prelude to that biblical event. If this holds true and war breaks out, then we can be sure that these are the last of the last days, even though no one knows the day nor the hour – only the Father our Creator, just as Jesus said.

We Christians who believe such things may even be held in contempt by many people, including the “brethren.” Like the bible warns, there will be self-righteous scoffers in the last days (I know, I’ve met them) even in the church.

Let’s just suppose that this Muslim confrontation is a prelude to/or the actual war of Gog and Magog (many other factors appear to be confirming this).

First the rebuilding of the temple may be a result of this skirmish happening. Perhaps the Muslim Dome of the Rock will be destroyed by an errant missile making it possible to do so. Who knows? In the meantime, a 6.9 earthquake on the island of Hawaii caused the eruption of a volcano that has begun destroying a portion of that island with lava. On our mainland, our own geyser “Old Faithful” (created from an extinct volcano) is coming alive as well; while earthquakes continue to rattle the nerves of the citizens of California. Earthquakes continue to intensify everywhere.

Secondly, our bombastic and fearless president may be setting the stage for a final Christian revival, even while the Democrats are intent on driving him from office one way or another. They haven’t stopped to realize that then hard core Christian Vice President Pence will be in charge – to their consternation – and he will continue to promote the Christian faith to the point that this could spark the final and great revival we so desperately need. Only then will the rapture be taking us (new and older believers in Christ) all out of the way, as is prophesied in the New Testament.

After the rapture of new and older believers, the tribulation period will begin as pointed out in the final book of Revelation.

Thirdly, former president Barack Obama is presently attempting to be the Secretary General of the United Nations, which will elevate him to enormous power, making him the One World Leader. If you know your bible, you know what that means.  This anti-Christ will take center stage of world events and is a person who doesn’t subscribe to the deity of Jesus Christ. He will be a narcissistic and charismatic man drawing many people to himself to be worshiped by them. The False prophet (the present and very liberal Pope?) will aid him.  All the elements and players are now in place.

Of course, I am only speculating, since I don’t consider myself a prophet, but it sure seems to make sense to me. If this be the case, I would urge all half-baked Christians, agnostic and apostates to repent and be ready for any eventuality.  May 14 is right around the corner.


“The Spiritual Man” is a short book written by a Chinese Pastor by the name of Watchman Nee who died in 1972. It is a thought provoking look at what the scriptures have to say about the Christian life. Even though it is a very deep writing, it is only this man’s thoughts, even though he doesn’t stray from sound doctrine, and you too can know these things by reading scripture for yourself. You don’t need a doctorate to do so. The Holy Spirit will lead you into all truth.  Just ask God to fill you with His presence after receiving Christ.


“The Remaining” was a recent release that used special effects and realistic footage to relay the prophetic message of the tribulation period, albeit the series of events depicted in the film may be somewhat off, but they made a valiant attempt to warn the viewers of the impending prophecies, mainly from the book of Revelation, with trumpet blasts, huge hail stones falling from the sky and a lot of demonic activity.


“Evangelist” Jim Towers

You can contact me at jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com  or dropzonedelta.com. (My website is presently being reconstructed.)

If you desire to know more about the Christian faith, you can tune into www.FBCN.orgfor livestreaming services on the internet each Sunday at 9:30 EST in the USA. Pastor Hayes Wicker is one of the few remaining pastors who preaches from the bible.



By Jim Towers

My last article was about divine appointments, and like I said in that one, they seem to be increasing in volume and intensity with people from all walks of life searching for meaning and stability in life.

The young woman of about thirty was standing by the non-fiction shelves at the local library when I approached. She had an arm full of about twelve books. I couldn’t help but notice and said, “Are you really going to read all those books?” I didn’t know this was yet another divine appointment.

The young lady said, “Yes, …. how many are you allowed to take out at one time?”

I replied “Ten I think…. What are the books about?”

“They are self-help books…I don’t read fiction.”

“I don’t either.”

Her reply piqued my interest. “What are they about? …. May I take a look at the titles on the back of the book bridge?” and I began reading the titles when she turned them toward me.

As I began reading she said, “This is embarrassing!”  All the titles were on the order of “How to Find a Man,” “The Right Man for You,” “How to Catch and Keep a Man,” etc.

The young woman’s eyes began glazing over with tears. Although she was an ordinary looking woman, she was healthy and clean. She was searching for a good man, and a good man is hard to find in our society these days. Many, if not most, are self-absorbed and/or stoned or both while others are becoming alcoholics. I felt sorry for her, said some encouraging words and invited her to my church. I also said a prayer for her on my way home, with tears in my eyes.

The divine appointments continued as the week wore on, and one of them was a doozy. I was having a heart attack – or so I thought, while shopping. The show room floor began spinning and I felt queasy. I went to the nearby hospital after stopping to eat, knowing that I would not be able to do so once I arrived at the hospital, and besides, it was lunch time and I was hungry.

I talked to God on the way to the hospital, asking what he had in mind since I thought He was going to continue to use me in the immediate future. “Death doesn’t frighten me, and I am willing to go when you call me home, but I have some things I’d like to wrap up before I go, like the publication of my book, and the unique movie that I’m hoping to make.”

I was kept overnight for observation, and while there my supper was brought to me by a Venezuelan girl in her late twenties. I noticed she was smiling when she arrived with the food. I assumed she was a Christian and told her so. I was right. While her parents are Catholic, she enjoys attending both Catholic and Protestant services, but the Protestant services, she said, made her feel alive.

I had read on the internet about the problems in Venezuela and how some were having to eat from garbage cans since the economy had tanked due to a revolution and resulting corrupt government. We talked (which most strangers don’t do these days) and she said she was here on a work visa to be able to send food and other essentials home to her parents and their neighbors. At this point her eyes began to tear up.

I asked if she had been praying about that situation and she answered, “yes.” She needed someone to assure her that God cared. I offered my help by getting the word out with my writing and intend to do so. So, if any of you readers have any idea of how I can help her, please let me know. People’s lives are falling apart, and some of them are counting on God to deliver them.

Because I made myself available, it seems I was the answer to her prayer. Now I realized why I was here. So, this is what my perceived “heart attack” was all about – another divine appointment.

While overnight in the hospital for tests and observation I encountered two nurses with overbearing problems and nowhere to turn. I had the opportunity to pray with one who told me yet another heart wrenching story. It seems like everyone has a sad tale to tell these days, but with no one to tell it to.

After a battery of tests, the doctors and nurses stood amazed and said I had the body of a much younger man and was free to go.

If you are one of those who want meaning and stability in life, you only have to tell it to Christ Jesus, search the scriptures and rely on the promises of God, giving thanks always.


I saw the true-life story about the conversion of pastor Lee Strobel in “The Case for Christ” for the second time and enjoyed it all over again.


“The Rise and Fall of Adam and Eve” by Stephen Greenblatt, which I thought was going to be an insightful read, was nothing more than an exercise in futility ending with things like this: “…It was like an infant trying to gobble down a steak, so it was no surprise at all that the consequences to them was fatal.” [Theophilus of Antioch (fl. Second century)]  This was about the apple in the Garden of Eden which really wasn’t an apple at all! (You can find out what the forbidden fruit was in the book of Enoch, someone much more trustworthy.)   The Holy Bible with the Holy Spirit’s guidance is sufficient.


Jim Towers

contact me at jt.filmmaker@yahoo.comor www.thepropheciesbookand on dropzonedelta.com

Tune in to www.FBCN.org livestreaming on the internet on Sundays at 9:30 EST. (USA) to listen to bible-based sermons by Dr. Hayes Wicker.


By Jim Towers


Day after day divine appointments seem to become more and more frequent for me. I had two in one day recently, and I expect more to come as the world spins out of control.

I’ve experienced this phenomenon in the past, but with two obvious ones in one day I feel like something’s going on. For me it raises the question, is the Lord of heaven about to burst on the scene to take believers away? God seems to be doing a mighty work through His people in these times in terms of ministry – just before the rapture. If you are in that league, then you know what I’m talking about. The bible says, “Those who know their God will do many exploits in those days” (the final days).

Here are two examples of what I’m talking about.

We met at a barber shop, William was a sixty-year-old agnostic and a single person. Traveling all over the world he is apparently very wealthy. Despite this, he lamented that he had yet to find the right woman to marry. He talked about being lonesome and afraid of all the things going on in the world. I continued to let him talk. Although William was a very intelligent man, he was sorely lacking in the humanities. An obvious liberal, he attempted to defend himself for not believing in God, calling Him a criminal. Even with that foolish declaration he acknowledged the existence of God and didn’t even realize it.

Knowing I was a believer after I clearly told him so, he was only trying to ruffle my feathers. What he didn’t know was that I was firmly entrenched in the Christian faith and will not be drawn into a foolish debate. “The heavens declare His glory.” We talked for close to an hour, and I gave the man my name and number and told him he could call me 24/7. I have yet to hear from him.

Later that same day, I met a store clerk who was ringing up a shirt I bought. He was a middle- aged black man who seemed to be in his own little world. He smugly asked, “Are you trying to appear young?” Well I certainly don’t want to appear old, I thought. The short sleeved white shirt is going to be used in my evangelistic outreach, and will have the title “Evangelist” with each letter written in a different color, just over the pocket. The letters will be about a half inch tall. The reason for this is to draw attention to myself to be able to share the gospel. You see, the time will come when people will reach out for answers in desperation.

As I told the clerk that I had the body of a thirty-year-old and the wisdom of an aged man, I posed for him. Then I looked him in the eye and said, “Now I’ll show you how wise I am. You are a Christian.”

“How did you know?”

“I have the spirit of discernment,” I replied. (Having talked to thousands of people in my ministry I can tell, and I can spot a charlatan right off too.)

“Well,” he said with his head hung low, “I used to be a Christian, but I’ve been backslidden for a long long time and I just came back into the fold two days ago.” The man looked like a naughty puppy who had been recently chastised. I welcomed him back matter-of-factly, and gave him the address of my church. The lady behind me was beginning to stir, so I left.

Most of the Christian community is living life as usual and doing nothing but grandstanding in the limelight of their supposed achievements. Others go about plundering, taking other men’s wives and living a life of ease, and this while their neighbors wallow in their grievous sins and are grasping at straws with nowhere to turn. The poor souls seem to have forgotten that churches exist, and is it any wonder?

“Laodicean” churches still insist on playing church and most church leaders in them haven’t been called to lead others to Christ, but instead only consider church work a job with good benefits.  They talk a good game and put on religious airs, cry on cue and only seek adulation from the congregants, but not all of us are fooled, especially those of us who have studied scripture earnestly and have set about making the kingdom of God their priority. Pride, money and sexual sin is rife within the body of Christ.

Pedophilia is also rampant, even among non-Catholic priests who are in that position just to exploit young men and boys. These non-repentant perverts are trying to take over the country and have even infiltrated the church.

While doing research on the internet yesterday, I stumbled on a list of pastors (or supposed pastors) who are pedophiles. In one case the church gave their pastor a standing ovation for admitting his heinous crime. Were they applauding his candor or what!?

Having besmirched the Christian faith, disgusting people like that make me angry, and I sometimes feel like calling some of you out by name. But Jesus said to let the weeds grow up with the grain, lest you disturb the crop in doing so. People need the hope and encouragement that only Jesus can give – not a show.

Yes, talk is cheap (Jesus said so) and grandstanding is just as bad. I’ve seen and heard it all in over forty years of evangelism. I say to all such men, “get off your high horse and hit the dust in true repentance.  Don’t do so with fake tears, and acting oh so holy.  Your self-serving drama is cheap and uncalled for in these times of trouble.”

About books:

I am presently reading “Media Madness” by Howard Kurtz and it is a very good read. With this former journalist writing the facts and clearing the media fog, I am making better sense of how Washington, DC works.  (I’ve had my suspicions of the corruption and partisanship that exists in the halls of power confirmed so far, and I’m only on page forty!)

“Fire and Fury” written by Michael Wolf is an opposing view of the Trump presidency. This man is obviously a liberal and has nothing good to say about our president, or even our country for that matter. I’ll be reading that next.


Jim Towers   jt.filmmaker@yahoo.comwww.thepropheciesbookand movie and dropzonedelta.com.

For sound bible teaching tune into www.FBCN.org livestreaming on the internet throughout the world to see Pastor Hayes Wicker at work. The Sunday service begins at 9:30 EST. USA.



By Jim Towers


I awakened this morning, it was 3:33. The dream I awoke from was about the shaking that I believe is going to take place sooner rather than later. In it I encountered certain individuals who in their fear were asking me to pray for them. (If you’ve never done this before in the middle of an isle at Walmart or in front of a busy grocery store, then it’s hard to imagine.) Since I’ve done so and more in real life it wasn’t an unusual or alarming situation – even for a dream.

What made these terrified people approach me was their fear of what was happening across the globe. War had broken out and for the first time in a long time America was at risk. I’m not going to break down the series of events or prognostications about where and when war will break out according to scripture. But I will say this; Damascus is mentioned in the runup to all-out war – perhaps the war of Gog and Magog. Not to worry though, it won’t last long according to Daniel’s vision. Armageddon will last longer, but true believers won’t be around to seen either, they will be raptured out of here before it hits the fan.

In any case, the people in my dream were terrified.  Grown men were crying and asking me what they should do. I was taking it all in stride in the dream since I knew what was happening and why. This was the Shaking, the shaking that God was going to use to wake people up and call them to repentance. This will usher in the final great revival before all hell breaks loose just before and during the time of Tribulation.

Was I one of these old men who were to have dreams in the book of Joel?  This is the only correlation I can make with prophetic scripture.

As things heat up and war looms ever closer on the horizon, some may see this dream taking place on the streets of America. Many will see it as a time of horror.

I see it as a time of shaking and redemption, with people falling prostrate on the very ground in repentance.  It’s about time.

Most of the Christian community is, living life as usual and doing nothing but grandstanding in the limelight of their supposed achievements. These go about plundering, taking other men’s wives and living a life of ease. But be sure, your sins will find you out – hypocrites. Your arrogance and deceitfulness know no bounds, and this while others are wallowing in their grievous sins or grasping at straws with nowhere to turn.

In the meantime, the church hasn’t done much to allay the fears of the people. “Laodicean” churches still insist on playing church and most church leaders in them haven’t been called to lead them to Christ but instead only consider church work a job with good benefits – but they talk a good game. They put on religious airs, cry on cue and expect respect from the congregants, but not all of us are fooled. Especially those of us who have studied scripture earnestly and set about making the kingdom of God their priority.

Talk is cheap (Jesus said so) and grandstanding is just as bad. I’ve seen and heard it all in over forty years of evangelism so, I say it to all such men, “get off your high horse and hit the dust in real repentance.  Don’t do so with pretending to be crying, your self-serving acting is cheap and uncalled for in these times of trouble.” Having besmirched the Christian faith, people like you make me angry and I sometimes feel like calling you out – by name. But Jesus said to let the weeds grow up with the grain, lest you disturb the crop in doing so.

Since I feel called to write and verbalize what I believe to be true, I must do so with expediency since many people will need encouragement as they see their very lives slipping away without hope in these turbulent times.

On movies

I deliberated about commenting on movies and books since our priority should be getting our lives in order and making the best use of our time in these final hours. I will say this, however; the movie “I Can Only Imagine” was considered by most who saw it as a good testimony to unbelievers who would see justified hate turned to understanding and forgiveness.

On books

This Eric Metaxas guy is too pretty to be a scholarly writer and he even has a good sense of style. ( I like a guy like that.) But in his recent book “Miracles” he relates one story that I find unbelievable – one in which he seemingly extolls the money grubbing virtue of Benny Hinn, who anyone in their right mind would consider to be a charlatan.

Oh well, the rest was good reading, but with some testimonies you must take what is said with a grain of salt.

However, I will say this, that the God who created the heavens and earth and all that’s in it can and will use unlikely people to His own ends.

May God bless you and give you a peace that surpasses all understanding.

Until next time, if there is one.


Jim Towers

contact me at: jtfilmmaker@yahoo.com,www.thepropheciesbookand movie and at dropzonedelta.com – Warriors following Christ.


Although my pastor, Dr. Hayes Wicker may not agree with all I’ve written, I nevertheless, believe in what he says from the pulpit – always referring to scripture with clarity and adroitness.

He can be seen livestreaming on the internet at www.fbcn.org on Sunday morning at 9:30 Eastern Standard Time.





By Jim Towers

There was another school shooting this week and it seems to be happening on a weekly basis now. Oh yes, and there’s a mad bomber on the loose in Austin, Texas. No one is safe anymore, even in their own homes, work, school or play. These shootings are usually young men who have been brainwashed into believing they won’t have to pay for their actions. They emulate people like Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dorn who fancied themselves social activists, even Hillary Clinton who back in the seventies was an ardent disciple of Saul Alinsky, the author of Rules for Radicals. They think that by committing these acts of violence they will be immortalized. Nothing could be further from the truth.  There is so much senseless killing these days that they just fade into oblivion in short order.

They apparently don’t see the big picture in the lives they were destroying. Every action has a consequence, and the day will come when these poor souls will have to meet their maker to answer for their crimes against humanity. They will all have to give an account to Almighty God at the White Throne Judgement – we all will. The only people able to escape this rightful screening are those who have repented and received Christ’s forgiveness. As simple as that sounds, Jesus died for the sins of all mankind. That’s how much God loves us. God knew that we, being human, are faulty and prone to sin in this world.

Nevertheless, the word SIN is seldom heard anywhere in the world today.  Yet in God’s way of thinking it exists in many different forms and it’s tearing us apart at the seams. Our once Christian nation is unravelling right before our eyes. Drugs, hopelessness, sexual deviancy, hate, anarchy, crime, and theft are taking center stage.

Big business is ripping us all off as well. Cell phone companies, Facebook, the internet, insurance companies. It is all a reflection of a decaying society. With falsehood in the media and in business you can’t trust anyone anymore. Even some Christian churches are being corrupted in one way or another. Homosexuals are being ordained in Christian churches even though they know nothing of the Word of God and rail against it. Talk about hypocrisy! Apostacy prevails in many churches.

Presently, morality is at an all-time low. Indeed, as the scriptures say, “In the last days people will be lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God.”  The clear majority of people are out for money and what they deem as pleasure, and that, without guilt or remorse.

How much longer can these things be allowed to take place before our society collapses under the weight of its overt sin and degradation, only God knows.


About Movies:


The movie about St. Paul came and went without much fanfare, even though it stared Jim Caviezel as Dr. Luke, who wrote about the genealogy of Jesus in the book of Luke in the New Testament.  It seems that people (except some Christians) don’t want history lessons, even about Biblical Characters.  Aside from those who don’t care to know, many want to know what they can do to escape judgment and retribution as they clearly see the end times approaching.  Of course, you and I know that it requires repentance toward God and receiving Christ who died for our sins into your life.

About Books:

Having done some critiquing of current Christian movies in the recent past, I will also begin critiquing nonfiction Christian books I’ve recently read.  I don’t read fiction and just so you know, I read at night after the day’s activities, sometimes up until midnight and beyond, and have read hundreds of books over the years.

I picked up the book “Visions of Glory” by John Pontius (which sounds like a pseudonym to me) at my local library. Just as phony are the headlines on the front cover.  This laughable tripe was an attempt to hoodwink the public with obvious propaganda, one aimed at converting gullible folks who haven’t read the Bible to the Mormon Church. Today they use the name the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints to get into our good graces, knowing that Mormon sounds too shady. These are very clever people out to sell us on their version of the Holy Scriptures, which is called the Book of Mormon. Don’t even crack the pages of this devious book that only serves to “prove their view of world history” with no bearing on repentance and salvation.

My most recent reading was from a book by Michael Savage, “God Faith and Reason” which began quite well up until the later chapters where he goes into a rant that made no sense. Now don’t get me wrong, I love the man and was disappointed that he had done so; it appears that his ego was getting out of hand. This can happen when you acquire a large following like he has for his radio program. He usually hits the nail on the head with his observations, but like our president, he is not very diplomatic, and neither am I for that matter, but I’m trying to be without succumbing to political correctness. Furthermore, Michael Savage validates all I’ve been saying for the past several years, almost word for word.

In his book he also says that Buddhism is a valid religion as it subdues people into not taking life seriously and best of all (my thought) they don’t have to answer for their sins. But this manmade philosophy does not offer eternal life to anyone either, except that you might come back as a butterfly. You can’t have it both ways, Michael.  Maybe we should talk.

I just acquired a book by another Jewish man, Rabbi Jonathan Cohn and have just read the first seventy pages. The title is “The Paradigm”. I am re-reading his book “The Book of Mysteries (the Bible)” and learning things you don’t learn about in Sunday school (like the meaning of many Jewish words.) In this latest book – although it is thought provoking – he tends to stretch things to make the pieces fit. He does, however, explain his reason for doing so in the preamble.  I must agree that there are many parallels to Ahab and Jezebel in the Old Testament and the sordid lives of Bill and Hillary Clinton….I’ll let you know how it all turns out. I can’t wait to continue reading tonight, yum, yum. It’s like eating a steak dinner and savoring every morsel.

Let God be God, give Him credit for His immutable Word and let us give Him praise for Jesus Christ and for our beautiful and wonderous surroundings – all made just for us!


Jim Towers    jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com and www.thepropheciesbook and movie.

You can also watch Bible based sermons livestreaming on the internet at FBCN.org (First Baptist Church of Naples Florida) every Sunday at 9:30 EST.  Pastor Hayes Wicker a veteran preacher for over forty years always gives an altar call after sharing the Gospel – with no speech affectations or theatrics.



By Jim Towers

Most atheist’s and agnostic’s that I’ve met and talked to over the years have for the most part been decent law-abiding people, some of them have even been seekers; in which case I more than likely witnessed to them, – which is always my goal.

While these folks are mainstream non – believers there are many others who are downright evil, and their numbers are growing by leaps and bounds in our present society.

There are some who deny the existence of God for fear of judgment. Those who deny Almighty God are usually living a life of sexual immorality and/or drug addiction and don’t want to be told what to do or not do. Many atheists and agnostics insist on carrying on with their hell-bent lives wallowing in addictions, sexual deviancy and other vices. They don’t want to read what the Word of God says about such things and the price paid for doing so. The bible is anathema to them.

Most atheists feel it’s cool to be self-sufficient, knowledgeable and well read. But what is it they read? Chances are they read fiction; and or textbooks that offer no rest to the human soul? Such are the people they watch daily on talk shows and comedy platforms trying to be cool and with it. Yet they are just another spiritually blind person who has no idea what the scriptures say and can only guess.

If you are one of these, you are neglecting the most important book in the world; one on which your very future depends upon.

In the whole world the Holy Bible is the only book that claims to be the Word of God. In it you will find your reason for being, what’s expected of you, how the earth came into being and many other things pertaining to life. An example if this is written by the Apostle John who wrote,

“In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God and there was nothing made that was made without Him.” The Apostle John was referring to Jesus Christ. “And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory as of the only begotten Son of God full of grace and truth….”

The Holy Bible will tell you that the earth hangs in space and is not flat as was supposed in the distant past.

It speaks of evil inclinations that plague us which are of Satan, (a fallen angel). It tells us that he lives in another dimension wreaking havoc among us as we give him license to do so, just as in the garden of Eden.

It tells us about the history of the world and where the garden of Eden was located. It was located at the headwaters of the Pishon, Gihon, Hiddekel, and Euphrates.

The Bible tells of the curse that homosexuality will visit upon those that practice it. Sodom and Gomora were destroyed because of such behavior.

It gives us the Ten Commandments to live by, for our own good (notice what happened when we took the Ten Commandments out of our public schools).

Even scoffers are becoming more and more fearful of the things that lie ahead and have no answers of comfort for humanity.

As the world falls apart who or what else can we look too? Atheists and agnostics, including fence sitters, should consider prevailing world events signifying that we could be the terminal generation.

Ignoring the warnings of the Bible doesn’t make it untrue. Reality exists no matter what a person thinks, and life goes on without you. Human thought is faulty, we place things and pleasure above everything else. Our society is unraveling at the seams with every conceivable fad or passing fancy – most having to do with sexuality, money and errant religions.

Are you just another spiritually blind person who has no idea what the scriptures say? If so, you are neglecting the most important book in the world; one on which our very future depends upon.

The bible tells us what lies ahead because of disobedience and disbelief.  These warnings come through the prophetic words written within its pages. But without spiritual discernment given by the Holy Spirit, it’s impossible to interpret scripture properly. Jumping up and down just isn’t going to cut it. Saying meaningless and repetitious prayers doesn’t either. Repentance toward God and receiving Jesus Christ into your life is the only way to receive the Holy Spirit and eternal life.  Jesus will send the comforter who begins cleaning house and you are able to resist the wiles of the devil. This doesn’t happen immediately, but little by little as you come to rely on Gods promises that can only be found in the bible. You will gain strength and understanding and as a by product you gain peace of mind as well.

Intermingled with other words of wisdom and knowledge is the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ who died for the sins of mankind and stands ready (even at the door) to welcome us in if and when we repent and are willing to follow Him.

The things of God should be of the utmost importance to us all, since one day we will cease to exist in your humanly form and will meet your creator face to face.

Isn’t it time that you decide to receive and follow Christ. Like the Bible says, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall have eternal life.” “For as many as received Him, to them gave He the power to become the sons of God.”

The Holy Bible is at your very fingertips – even on your laptop. Blessed are they that read it.


Jim Towers

jt.filmaker@yahoo.com      www.thepropheciesbookandmovie and www.dropzonedelta.com

Louis Zamperini and Billy Graham

(Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption)

As early as the story of Cain and Abel (Gen. 4:1–16) the Bible reveals the human tendency toward violence against another person. The general explanation is that unfulfilled desire and envy lead to aggression and murder (Jas. 4:1f.). This human tendency results in war.

Horrors and deaths in war continue to stagger the mind and condemn the conscience. It portrays inhumanity in its cruelest form. “God-fearing people” demand that their enemies be made to suffer. They suffer not only on the battlefield, but also in prison camps.

One man that did more than his share of suffering was Louis Zamperini.


Read the rest of this amazing story here- Khouse

Here is the link to the book –


Looking Ahead-

(Excerpted from Koinonia House Jan 17 Personal update- Very timely and good read, please follow the link to Khouse to read the whole article)

Article Link

I just returned from my 60th class reunion for the United States Naval Academy. When I graduated 60 years ago, that was a statement second to none. It was a big deal to graduate from the Naval Academy or West Point back then. We were young, and we all had our futures booming out before us. We had taken oaths to support and defend the Constitution of the United States, and we were ready to go out and serve our country.

Sixty years later, we’re now in our twilight years. As I talked to people at the reunion, I noticed that most of my peers had stopped looking forward. When we graduated, we had our lives before us, but many of the guys now spend their time only looking back at the past. Some of my peers had remained in the military until they retired, and all the ones I mixed with admitted an emptiness. They had put in their time, and they had retired. They’d appreciated retirement, but there’s just so much golf one can enjoy.

Only one group didn’t seem to be looking back, feeling empty. The one group that seemed to be looking forward were the born again Christians. Those of us who know Jesus Christ have something to look forward to. We have our callings in Him, and we have confidence that He continues working in our twilight hours. We have all eternity ahead of us, and we know the work we do for the Lord has eternal consequences. It gives us perspective.
Looking Back

Looking backward has its points. I look back, and I recognize that I had a very successful life even from a secular viewpoint. After I graduated from the Naval Academy, I served in the Air Force. I then served in the intelligence community and went into corporate development and the business world. I had a tremendously interesting life building companies, and I participated in more than 100 deals in mergers and acquisitions. God then allowed me to take my once-hobby of teaching the Bible and build Koinonia House.

People often ask me about the secret to my success. Why did I succeed in my professional life? As I look back, I realize that, by the grace of God, I was surrounded by some phenomenal people. I believe the secret of success is to surround yourself with winners, with strong people.

As I look back in life, there is only one area where I have regrets. My life was exciting for many reasons, but there is a place where I have deep regrets to this day. I took my wife for granted. I didn’t abuse her physically or anything, but I took her for granted. It’s a grief that I have. I didn’t appreciate the preciousness of what I had in her. For so many years I was too busy climbing the next hill, and I abused her by not really taking care of her. Now, I’ve lost Nan, and not a day goes by that I don’t wish I could just pick up the phone and call her. If my looking back can help anything, it would be to encourage all you young guys not to make the same mistake I made. Be wise. Pay attention. Discern which are the truly important things in your lives while you still have the time to invest yourself in them and to enjoy them in return.

Clink link above to read the rest-


In the early seventies I was in Hollywood pursuing a career in the movie business as a SAG union actor. I had received Christ just six years before and was attending Beverly Hills Baptist Church.

Although I had learned about the Jewish faith, Moses and the Ten Commandments and such, over time I also learned that the twelve apostles were also of the Jewish faith and that Dr. Luke may have been the only Gentile of the group of mostly earthy but Godly men. Of course, the main subject (Jesus) of the New Testament was also a Jew – humanly speaking.

The church was rather small and intimate but somehow managed to attract guest speakers, probably because of the name.

In any case, that is where I first met and heard of Jewish converts to Christianity. It was the first time I ever met any Jews for Jesus. One of them being named Lois Lapides. He and another young man were heading up a group of believers in Yeshua ha Mashiach (Jesus Christ). Since I was the most vocal and evangelical person in the church, we spent the day together along with another young man from the congregation, whom I now suspect was a Jew.

This was the eye-opening experience that led me to set up a mission station in a Dunkin Donut shop in Miami sometime later. At the time, this was a place where many retirees came to socialize throughout the day and night. Many of the regulars were Jews who live in the adjoining apartments and condos.

Being one who was never shy about my faith I had decided to make friends and share the gospel with anyone who would listen. During my years of stopping by there daily I did make many friends. It got to the point that some would refer to me as pastor. No one seemed threatened by me and I always tried to have an answer to their deepest questions.

It got to the point where my Jewish friends were inviting me to their homes or maybe going to the movies together. Many of them had been professional people at one time and I learned a lot from them. All were non-threatening, and most were pleasant. There was one exception though and this man had been a lawyer and councilman. But then he was just a type A personality- just as I am, and he always stood his ground. I handled him with kid gloves and we got along fine after a while.

Ugene finally opened to what I had to say, and we talked about aviation and law as well as spiritual matters. This went on for a matter of years and I thought I hadn’t made any headway with this hardheaded soul. A few year later after I had moved away I went to visit an old friend of mine and he told me that Ugene had become a Messianic Jew and that he had recently died. Knowing that he was going to die, he had my friend Richard sneak some matzo crackers and Mogen David wine into his private hospital room so that he could take communion before he died.

Today, The Jews for Jesus movement has expanded and branched out into what we now know as Messianic churches across the country and the world. According to some sources, many Millennial Jews are finally accepting the fact that Jesus was and is the Messiah and are even celebrating Christmas and Easter.

My contention is that this is happening in fulfilment of prophecy and that those Jews who are as yet undecided are going to recognize and receive Christ during the tribulation period, hence the 144,000 evangelists who will turning many to Christ during those hellish times and many will pay with their lives.

One of my favorite chapters in the Bible to convince Jews of Jesus Christ being our savior is Isiah, chapter 53 in its entirety. Anyone reading this prophecy will conclude that Jesus was indeed the Christ – the long-awaited Messiah. Another verse is from the book of John in the New Testament where the Apostle John says, (In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God,….He came unto HIS OWN (the Jews) and His own received Him not, but as many as received Him to them gave He the power to become the sons of God…”. John nailed it in the very first chapter.

The “People of the Book – Jews” are a special people in the eyes of God; as a matter of fact, they are referred to as the Apple of God’s eye in the Bible. Thus, the Bible says, anyone cursing them (Jews) will be cursed by God and anyone blessing them will be blessed of God.

We followers of Christ must realize that they are just as much in need of a savior as the rest of us (Gentiles) since they too are capable of grievous sins. You might even say that they are a microcosm of humankind, the best of the best and worst of the worse. Nevertheless, they are God’s chosen people and we should recognize them as such, since it was through them that we are introduced to the one and only God – Jehovah, the Ten commandments, the oracles of God and prophetic scripture.

NOTE: Mike Pence heads up a delegation of prominent U.S. Christians to meet with prominent Jewish leaders in the coming days – in Israel – the two most persecuted religions in the world.

On movies,
The Darkest Hour was historically correct and could have been better lit, (I can understand the nuance of having the movie dark at times, but it was a little overdone.) At times the English brogue was hard to understand but Gary Oldman’s performance was outstanding. Being a war movie, however, there was not enough action for me. I’m sure there was a lot going on at the time.

Clint Eastwood is a multi- talented artiste (second only to Mel Gibson) so he should have known better than to let the true-life heroes of his latest film “15:17 To Paris” cajole him into letting themselves star in this film. There was no emoting (showing of emotion such as fear, hope, desire, etc.) The same can be said for the children in the film. Furthermore, much of it was like a travelogue. It could be that Clint was challenging himself in the belief that he could pull a performance out of these untalented real-life heroes’. Mel Gibson can do it, but it is a very hard – if not impossible thing for others to do.

Jim Towers

You can reach me at, jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com www.thepropheciesbookandmovie and www.dropzonedelta.com.

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