By Jim Towers

A kiss is the ultimate show of affection to someone you hold dear, especially if it is done with sincerity. The verse of scripture in the heading of this article always baffled me. Was God really demanding this of us…to kiss someone we barely know and sometimes belittle by our actions and even give doubtful voice to his alleged existence – this one whose name we often use in vain?

No, God was simply warning us out of love and concern for our wellbeing. We really should kiss the Son for reconciling us sinners to Himself and the Father; as the scriptures say, “For there is non – righteous, no not one -for in that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” After all it is he who endured intense pain and humiliation by cruel men and hypocritical religious leaders then give up his earthly existence.

Jesus the Christ (Yeshua HaMashiach in the Hebrew tongue) is coming back soon and He isn’t coming as a lowly sheep this time around, but as a ruler full of wrath mingled with deep sorrow. God isn’t willing that any should perish but some have become so defiled and perverse that they won’t be converted no matter what. Indeed, we should pay due diligence and “kiss” the Son for all He’s done for us – lest He become angry and you perish in the way.

To be sure, God is and has been waiting and pleading for mankind to repent and turn to Him asking forgiveness for ignoring Him and for being ungrateful for all his many blessings.

Now, after offering up his life- a sacrifice for mankind He sits at the right hand of God expecting man to repent and to begin living Godly lives; looking to God for instruction. But it seems that most men and women are ignoring Him and scoffing at this premise found only in God’s word – the Holy bible, which we take ever so lightly.

But is Jesus capable of anger? Haven’t you read the scriptures? You bet He is! He came as a sacrificial lamb to show His love for mankind, after all mankind is his special creation created in His image as is stated in the book of Genesis where God the Father tells co-creator Jesus His Son “Let us make man in our image and in our likeness.”

With time running out and mankind becoming more brutal and ignorant of His sacred atonement for us Jesus must be angry – very angry; wouldn’t you be?

Today, even as we speak, our savior Jesus must be angry at those of us who won’t acknowledge Him even though He knew that this would be the end result of His efforts at reconciliation. The stench of their perverted and willful actions must reach to high heaven.

Jesus came the first time as a willing servant teaching us God’s ways all the time referring to scripture. He never hurt anyone and always accepted all who would hear Him. He healed the sick and set the devils captives free, ultimately, He died for our sins. The next time He will return as a lion and anyone not acknowledging Him will pay the price for ungratefulness and outright rebellion.

For those of you who think any religion will do – (like pope Frances) you should read the bible where it says, “There is a way that seems right to man, but the end thereof is the way of death.”

Then there are other arguments such as “But, what about those that haven’t heard about Jesus?” Again, I ask, haven’t you read scripture where it says, “God will judge those according to the light that is within them.” Jesus claimed to be the light of the world.

Others might even ask about good works, the “good book” says, “You are saved by grace not of works lest any man should boast.” No, we can’t please God with our religiosity and or good works.

Divine Appointment’s have become a way of life for me and I always try to keep the lines of communication open to anyone I might encounter. Gratefully, I’m a gregarious type of person who can talk to anyone about anything.

Let me share another little story with you.

While at the gym yesterday, I met a young Haitian man working out on the triceps machine. He was huge and muscular, but he let out with a big white toothy grin that made me think he might be a Christian. (On the other hand, it might have been the prompting of the Holy Spirit or spiritual discernment.)

In any case, I smiled back and thought he must be a Christian with a smile like that. I then asked if he was a Christian to which he replied, “I’m not sure, … I was raised in the Christian church.” I felt moved to say, “Well then, you must be a back slider.” The young man’s smile got bigger, – but with a twinge of uncertainty. Then he replied, “Yes you’re right.” “Well then, you’d better repent because Jesus is coming back soon to take the believers away.” If Jesus is truly coming back in the clouds to take away believers – then backsliders, closet Christians, fence sitters and the apathetic had better repent and get ready to meet their maker.

I walked away to do my leg exercises on the stationary bike and after a while I saw the young man pass by in front of me – walking out the door – with the look of serious contemplation on his face.

Lastly, I want all my readers to know that it was reported on the John Tesh radio show that some businesses are beginning to implant employees in the back of the hand in the fleshy part between the thumb and forefinger to make it so that they can be scanned to access their bank accounts.

At the same time the implements, the Cohen and the red heifer are being readied for the third Temple. Also, war against Israel could break out in the middle east any day.

Anyone who knows scripture knows what that means. For those who don’t know, it means that we are living in the end times and that the rapture could happen at any time.


Jim Towers                Write me at  jt.filmmaker@yahoo.comor










By Jim Towers

Ignorance has always been with us, but it was well hidden behind masks of righteousness even with the peace and love hippy movement. Today, it’s in your face brutality and amorality in America and around the world.

Here in America the dumbing down began to get really serious with Bevis and Butthead. Sure, there’s always been silly back and forth in the entertainment industry especially with comic characters, but these guys took it all to another level where nothing was sacred anymore. What with the sniveling remarks and inuendo by these two weirdo’s America began it’s decent into depravity. Then came the Jackass team of outrageous and dangerous stunts laughing all the while at their thoughtless antics. But these pranks were physically and culturally dangerous. Do you remember how they used pay a drunken bum two bucks to ride in a runaway shopping cart careening downhill and laugh when the thing crashed? The inebriated bums had nothing to lose but what little pride they might have had – all for a bottle of sweet Lucy. Drunkenness is no laughing matter, and neither is a fallen human being, but young people loved it all.

Today there are videos being done on the internet that promote other crazy stunts that might depict a young man with his clothes on fire jumping into a swimming pool. If you’ve ever been burned you know that the pain is incredible. Fire is nothing to play with. Nevertheless, little boys will try anything on a dare.

Young children are falling prey to this evil as well; what with Catholic priest pedophiles and corrupt teachers, teaching and doing things to children who are too young to understand and not being able to defend themselves, often ruining their emotional and spiritual lives.

“Naked and afraid” is the name of a popular television reality show where a woman goes about in the wilderness without a stitch of clothing and appearing to be afraid of her own shadow.

There are gay pride parades throughout most of the world, even in Jesus home state. The parade of fearsome looking creatures walk about shamelessly naked and dressed like the perverts they are. It must have been the same during the time of Sodom and Gomorrah – and we all know what happened to them. Recently over seventy people over dosed on hard drugs in a park where they were shooting up, snorting and ingesting pills. Americans continue being dumbed down and deceived by the millions, (Some even going so far as committing suicide) by the father of lies- the great deceiver Satan.

The burning man celebration begins the last week in August in the Black Rock Dessert in Nevada. This is all about human sexuality where promiscuous people are free to do what they will while naked.

The Apostle Paul tells Timothy in his second letter what to expect in the end times, in which he says, “But know this , that perilous times will come; for men will be lovers of themselves self, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers’ without self- control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God. Having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away. For of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of gullible women loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts. Always learning, but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.”

And then there are the fruits of the Spirit as mentioned in the bible, which are;










against such there is no law. And they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.  Galatians5:22-26 King James Version (KJV)

Do you possess them?

“For it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure. Do all things without complaining and disputing, that you may become blameless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world.”


My Catholic neighbor doesn’t say much these days, but there are meetings taking place with much soul searching in her church. On the other hand, another neighbor asked me from across the fence, “The world is going mad what’s going on?”

“Jesus is coming back soon” I answered.

The newly refurbished sanctuary at First Baptist Church of Naples has re – opened. Check it out on


Jim Towers

Write me at  jt.filmmaker@yahoo.comorwww.thepropheciesmovie.comand read previous articles at




By Jim Towers

More and more wolves are sneaking into our churches, learning institutions and government. Take for example the over 300 Catholic priests that are systematically raping our children and making them emotional cripples and eventual God haters. These are people who claim to be the voice of God.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, perverts, pedophiles and other evil people are well entrenched in our society’s sub-structure and are destroying our country and people.

A retired neighbor is a very devout Catholic and she takes great pride in being one. She once told me that a friend of hers had won a lottery and invited her to Rome to meet the then pope. This meeting was the highlight of her life. She says that when she met the man and looked into his face he had the most beautiful blue eyes you can imagine. All the while I’m thinking, what has that got to do with anyone’s depth of faith? I’ve got to set this poor woman straight I thought.

For the past several days the reports are coming in concerning the over 300 Catholic priests accused of pedophilia in Pennsylvania. There are fifty states in the union, which means that even if there are half that many in states of the same size it would amount to thousands of these perverts being well intrenched in that religion and what a better way to have your cake and eat it too -and they get paid as well – to say nothing of the perks. The Apostle Paul warns us that there would be great apostacy in the last days, and indeed there is. This spiritual shaking may add to the great falling away of many believers that is also prophesied in the bible.

These wolves in sheep’s clothing have destroyed the emotional lives and faith of many children and should be held accountable; but it shouldn’t be surprising that they may only receive a slap on the wrist as usual.

A few months ago, a number of priests were found to be pedophiles in Venezuela and Brazil. The pope condemned their actions and the offenders dropped off the radar – melting back into the crowd. Chances are they will be transferred to other localities – as is their way of covering things up.

I had been thinking of a way to tell my neighbor without destroying her so called faith based on tradition, heresy and pomp. I finally found the right words to tell her today. (Apparently, God had set up this divine appointment for me.)

After I complimented her on her jogging apparel I said, “Did you hear about the priests in Pennsylvania?” She said, “Yes, I know all about it, my priest was practically in tears and begged us not to leave the church. He said they were going to do something about it.” I thought too little, too late this great charade is over – or should be. Her Catholic church has a thousand or more members.

The next day she was back in her church and is there right now even as we speak. I intend to find out what was said and done and will report what transpired. I may even go there myself to hear first hand what is being said and proposed. I also plan to invite her to my church First Baptist of Naples to get some sound bible teaching. Then it’s in God’s hands. I hope she agrees to come.

The Catholic church is in deep trouble.

Our learning institutions are also bedeviled by these perverts which are teaming with atheists as well, even in seminary. It’s hard to believe that the first learning institutions in the USA were begun to honor God – most of them Christian schools.

The following comments are excerpted from the Tea Party Tribune.

President Obama’s Safe School Czar wrote the forward to a book called, Queering Elementary Education. Through the promotion of the gay lifestyle along with confusing young children of their sexual identification or classification, these children are left confused and vulnerable to sexual predators.  Linda Harvey, an LGBT activist for equal rights for pedophiles, stated, “It’s all part of a plan to introduce sex to children at younger and younger ages to convince them that normal friendship is actually a sexual attraction.”

Many may not know that pedophiles have protected status since “sexual orientation” is protected under the Matthew Shephard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act.  When Republicans attempted to remove pedophilia from protected status, the Democrats objected and defeated the amendment with Alcee Hastings (D-FL) stating that all alternative lifestyles should be protected under the law.

The Democrats know a push for legalizing pedophilia opens the door for Sharia Law and even approving child marriage.  More “gay” friendly laws lay the foundation to accept pedophilia as the term; “minor-attracted person” is being introduced.  There are those who are even advocating the legalization of child pornography, contending that it helps prevent pedophiles from become child molesters.

These children are victims and live a secret life of fear, confusion, and even suicidal thoughts while another secret society of Democrats are pushing a secret agenda to protect and promote pedophiles at the cost of our children.


Until next time.


Jim Towers      jt.filmmaker@yahoo.comwww.theprophecies.comand




By Jim Towers

As much as we’d like to box God into our own way of thinking or to confine Him to our reality, we can’t. He does what He wants, said he would do and is going to do. President Trump is a good case in point. Who would have thought a mere run of the mill successful man could be elevated to the position of an American president? I’m being facetious of course but just think about it, the president before him was only a rabble rouser, drug addict, sexual deviant and a Muslim to boot.  Apparently, this was done by the Almighty to bring down the haughty criminals in our government.

Is he stoppable? certainly not. Is there anything He can’t do? No. Consider the many universes out there in the heavenlies which are constantly expanding out even further and no one can stop them. Our Devine Creator is amazing and unfathomable. To think we can improve on his ways or his word, (the Holy Bible) is complete and utter folly. Even so, many Christians pretend or really believe to know God better than he knows himself.

Just when our Christian country was at the brink of collapse by those who would do us harm -God intervenes with this man who would confound the “wise” turning the whole world on its ugly head. A world fraught with revelry, confusion, criminality and fear. This is a man who says things that right-thinking people were all thinking. The words just tumble out of his mouth and from his fingers on twitter without a second thought. How clever it is for him to circumvent the press – who would have put words in his mouth or skewered the facts – no matter how noble.

By this miraculous happenstance we should know that like it or not- God is in control

Some of us have studied in seminary others in bible classes and they think they know as much as they need to know about the God of the universe. Still though, He is even grander than we might imagine and cannot be boxed into our way of thinking. To think that He is only manlike with special abilities is being shortsighted. Can we make anything, anything at all just by calling it into being? Why we can’t raise the dead or even so much as create an egg. Jesus can and did.

Yet too many Christians believe that God is their Santa Claus and that he will give them anything they please when we have all we really need on a daily basis. Jesus said, “You already have a life and a body and if God so clothe the lilies of the field won’t he so clothe you?”

This mighty and awesome God can and does, work miracles – even today. The problem is that most of us want results now – and that without even being thankful for our daily bread – especially in public. Did it ever occur to you that sometimes God must set things in order to deliver on your prayer something like bringing a reluctant player into your life? I’m sure there are many players and participants who just won’t budge until they are forced to do so on your behalf. Others just want to remain sleeping under a rock. But not to worry, God will eventually bring things about to our benefit, while at the same testing us.

In any case, whatever the outcome, it is ultimately for your benefit if you belong to Him. “All things work together to those who love God and are the called according to his purposes.” The secret to really knowing God is to do his bidding in accordance with his written word. Who doesn’t enjoy and want to gift an obedient child, especially if that child belongs to you?

Jesus said to learn of God, to love God and your fellow man, “Thou shall love the Lod thy God with all thine heart soul and mind, and thy neighbor as thyself.” That scripture verse leads me to write about an encounter I had recently with a homeless man.

I met the man in the Florida Keys while diving for lobster. He was sitting on a plot of land that once held a popular restaurant that was destroyed by hurricane Irma. The plot of land was like a tiny island surrounded by submerged rocks which made it an ideal place to get lobster. Jose sat alone on one of the boat ramps remains. Sitting in the shade of a palm tree he was drinking a beer. Feeling the urge to do so, I approached the fifty something year old Cuban man. Surprisingly, he was friendly and articulate despite his looks. Sporting a deep tan, he let it be known that he was a Christian – but not a Catholic.

Without prompting he began talking about the state of the nation and about the end times when I told him I was also a Christian. We must have talked for an hour or more. Sensing that the man did not have much interaction with others I let him use me as a sounding board. He told me his life story and how his wife had left him ten years earlier to raise a daughter and pursue a life of drug use. He put her through collage and today she is a medical technician somewhere up north.

In any case, the man was not a loser but was only waiting to recover benefits from medical problems due to his work as a heavy equipment operator. He lived on that island in the bushes not wanting to burden others with his infirmities.

As we talked about spiritual matters I corrected some misconceptions he had about the rapture and end times. He welcomed the things I shared with him as he asked questions. I finished the divine appointment by asking if he wanted prayer – the man gave me his hand to do so.

Everything we do for power, self-esteem, is folly; eventually all life ends, and you can’t take anything with you. Even king Solomon said “Vanity, vanity, all is vanity”. Life without a sense of purpose and God is futile. Is it any wonder there are so many suicides in our country? Even celebrities and the wealthy are doing hanging it up literally – and that by doorknobs.

Only in God’s loving arms can we find peace and safety.

You’ve got to go to www.fbcnand view last Sundays sermon, the 12thof August.  Pastor Hayes Wicker is one of the last great bible expositors in this time of apostacy. There are no cheesy tears and phony cracking voice with this man of God.

Our lovely soloist Lindsey Graham came back to us after a trip away. She never fails to uplift us with her many talents and professionalism. You can see her perform last Sunday the 12thon the same website. What a gem!


Jim Towers

I can be contacted at,, as well as





By Jim Towers


It’s sad but true, many people today say they don’t believe in the God of the bible, probably for fear that it would put restrictions on their sordid life style. A lifestyle of promiscuity, drunkenness and /or drug abuse. The Ten Commandments mean nothing to them. They are those who would stop up their ears and close their minds to God’s word. They don’t want to acknowledge the blatant/in your face reality of God although our surroundings declare His Glory. How can you look about you and not see the reality of a Divine Creator? Obviously, they’ve been blinded by the Evil One – Satan.

Many of the politicians in Washington D.C. have turned this country on its head with their socialist ideology and greed, an ideology where right is wrong and wrong is right.

Democrats and even some Republicans are both culpable and some of the atrocities that were perpetrated by recent administrations are finally coming to light. Today, many of the politicians that were thoroughly ensconced in those previous administrations are retiring so as not to be caught up in the ever- widening net of justice. Others are being prosecuted and still others have gone to jail, thus fulfilling a bible promise, “Be sure your sins will find you out.”

Then of course, we have other so-called gods who would advocate for fear, confusion, hate, murder and Sharia. Incredibly, the religion of Islam whose god is Allah, and which is opposed to all others had infiltrated recent administrations and the entire country’s legal system and the highest echelons of society including our learning institutions.

Now, that isn’t to say that the present incoming crop is not without fault. Some conservatives are just as bad.

Most of us have been there and done those very things ourselves, but Christ has delivered us from such folly by dying for our sins. The Apostle Paul says in the book of Romans, “Who will deliver me from this life of death, I thank God that Jesus Christ….”

On the other hand, you have those who seek after the God of the bible, (usually after they’ve come to the end of their rope) and repent, receive Christ and are saved from judgement. “For by grace are you saved and that not of yourselves, it is a gift of God lest any man should boast.”

The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is the one true and benevolent God. We were made to be without a care in the world. As a matter of fact, that was God’s intent for mankind all along. He wanted us to enjoy the fruits of our labor and to look to Him for help in times of trouble. He wanted us to rely on Him for all our needs as well. The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is a gracious and just God.

That being said, God’s people should be more upright than all others and stand up for what is right and good for themselves and others. By upright I mean to be what we were meant to be with the potential to do good and live an upright life. This should be our ideal human nature, but it isn’t. This is what we were meant to be but aren’t, all because of our disobedience in the garden of Eden. Now our natural state is one of rebellion. But we who are born again through faith in Christ have the victory and can live above the fray without fear or apprehension knowing we serve the One True God. All other supposed gods lead to poverty of soul, death and destruction.

Ultimately, we “Believers “can rely on the promises of our one true God.  “Those that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary – they shall walk and not faint.”


Believe it or not a new film is about to be introduced in early October. This after a long dry spell of faith films – (none of which were very successful at the box office.) But I like the title of this one – “The Trump Prophecies”, I just hope they feature some good stories, actors, narrative, lighting, sound and music since all these things go a long way in making for a good movie.

In the meantime, the movie “Death of a Nation” by Dinesh D’ Sousa has been playing around the country. The audience was made up of mostly older people and comprised of about 40 to fifty people. Dinesh is a former president of Kings College, a Christian school in New York City. Today he is a gifted writer and filmmaker.

I’m sure that those in attendance got their moneys worth of information – if not entertainment.

As a matter of fact, the early critiques coming out of Hollywood (A bastion of sodomites, pedophiles and rapists) condemn Dinesh for portraying Trump as a true patriot and leader with all his supposed flaws. However, we Christians know that all men are imperfect and that the bible says it is God who sets up a countries leader. (Consider Obama for our chastening.)

Both films named above have our president Donald Trump featured in them. This is ironic to those who don’t know scripture. For the scriptures say, “God has used the base things of the world to confound the “wise.”

Another inspirational film is on the horizon – it is the conversion story of Frank Zamperini (remember the movie “Unbroken”?) Well, this movie tells the rest of that first story.

Until next time,


Jim Towers

You can contact me at:   –  and

Do yourself a favor and check out FBCN on the internet for sermons by Pastor Hayes Wicker.



What is your Church preaching?

“Let’s take stock of ourselves: Why is the divorce rate among Christians no better than among unbelievers? Is the “Gospel” preached in your church? What is the status of Biblical literacy in your fellowship? Is our Christianity lukewarm?”

“There are many who lay the blame for the astonishing and sinister years of the Holocaust in Germany in the 1940s at the feet of the silent pulpits in Germany. Let’s take stock of ourselves: Why is the divorce rate among Christians no better than among unbelievers? Is the “Gospel” preached in your church? Can you even define it? (1 Cor 15:1–4). What is the status of Biblical literacy in your fellowship? Is there an effective program underway to improve it? (We could continue to explore the impending enslavement of America, but that’s a topic for another article!)

We can’t help but notice the silent exodus of people slipping out the back doors of many churches almost unnoticed: attracted but not retained; interested but not inserted into fellowship; touched but not transformed. They looked in briefly but were disappointed in what they saw. We also notice that many serious believers shun the label “Christian”; they meet during the week in study groups, but have not found a Sunday fellowship they find fruitful or challenging.”
Excerpt from article

The popular view—fostered by liberal preaching—clings to several
equivalent paths:

The Psychological Gospel

• Popular psychology: “How to overcome…”; “How to think
creatively…”; “How to think affirmatively or positively”; “We’re
on our way, upward and onward forever.”

• The desperate decay of our society speaks for itself.

The Social Gospel

“A sermonette preached by the preacherette to Christianettes.”
— J. Vernon McGee

“Good is better than evil because its nicer and gets you into less

“A church made up of a mild-mannered man standing before a group of
mild-mannered people, urging them to be more mild-mannered.”

Jesus to the church at Laodicea:

I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert
cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot,
I will spew thee out of my mouth. Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased
with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou
art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: I counsel
thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white
raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness
do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.
As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.
Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open
the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. To
him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also
overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne. He that hath an
ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.
Revelation 3:15-22

This seems, indeed, to describe the church in America. The seven “overcomer” promises need to be studied, and understood… The 20th verse—so often used in an altar call—is actually a most disturbing indictment of all: Jesus is outside trying to get in! (In contrast to the other six churches profiled in His seven letters…))

Christian Socialism

The modern church preaches more on social relations, pacifism, social justice, et al., and is really an instrument leading to Christian socialism. In contrast, when the True Gospel is preached, men come to Christ and become members of God’s forever family. The real solution to man’s problems can come only through the grace of God.

God creates out of nothing. Until man is nothing, God can make nothing
out of him.
—Martin Luther

The Coming Apostasy

An ominous cloud is on the horizon—both in this epistle and on our own! Apostasy is not due to ignorance; it is deliberate error and heresy. It is intentional. An apostate is one who knows the truths of the gospel and the doctrines of faith and has repudiated them. Apostasy = “total desertion of the principles of faith.”

“When the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?” (Lk18:8). The Greek grammatical construction requires a negative answer…

Excerpted from an exposition on the pastoral epistles compiled by Chuck Missler.


By Jim Towers

The bible states that “Although all men are liars, God is not.” “God is not man that he should lie. He is not human, so he does not change his mind. Has he ever spoken and failed to act? Has he ever promised and not carried it through?” Numbers 23:19
If God says something, you can take it to the bank.

Once upon a time in America it used to be that a man’s word was his bond but that was a long time ago. People were ostracized for lying and cheating back then – at least in my neighborhood and among my family, friends and acquaintances. Most people believed in God and many shuddered at the thought of his vengeance on such as knowingly and wantonly committing sin. Today, many young people hardly believe in this sovereign God and some don’t even believe in God at all.

Today corruption is so common that people take such behavior for granted and find it hard to believe anything anyone says.

Politics in our country has opened a pandora’s box of corruption – big time. Teachers, professors, and some Christian denominations have caused young people to question morality and the existence of God.

With false teachings infiltrating and permeating Christianity through manmade cults on the internet, television and with weird philosophies pervading our society we are fast becoming a hate filled – Godless society.

Amid this craziness, today’s youth are desperately seeking something to believe in and truth; and many are dying in search of it.

We have let them down. The gospel and other simple truths only found in the BIBLE are the only thing that changes life and gives hope to those who are dying inwardly without absolute truth.

Our youth and the lost in our society must be told how and where to find truth. To do this, we must tell them to believe that Jesus Christ is who he claimed to be (God bearing witness too at his baptism) because without faith it is impossible to please God. We must believe that He is and is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him”. This can only be done through the Holy Spirits intervention when we repent and receive Christ’s forgiveness by asking for it and by receiving Him into our hearts and lives. Upon receiving Christ, we can learn about Him, His teachings and promises in the Holy Bible with spiritually opened eyes.

With things coming to a head we must come to the realization that there is only one way to encounter truth. That is by knowing “truth incarnate” embodied in Christ Jesus and reading and studying the bible on a regular basis. Only by Christ’s teachings can they hope to encounter God and find meaning for their lives. Jesus said, “Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.”

The benefits of knowing God’s word (the bible) are endless. Below are just a few of them.

“I will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on me.”
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
“Ask and you shall receive – knock and it shall be opened to you.”
“God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted, but will with the temptation, make a way of escape that you will be able resist it.”
“I without faith it is impossible to please God. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him.”
“The word of God is swift and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword piercing to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”

I witness to my 431 Facebook friends daily, on things of a political and/ or spiritual nature. I do so by perusing the daily news on the internet and assimilating those things that are found to be informative to those seeking truth. I don’t relish having to warn them of things to come or the error of their ways since I am also a sinner saved by the grace of God. But I’m compelled to do so.

Recently, I had to eliminate a couple of people from my Facebook page who were trying to frustrate me with things that didn’t really matter as far as doctrine is concerned. Things like the word rapture not being found in scripture. Anyone who studies the bible will soon learn that God doesn’t always spell things out in detail. But what does a person do with the “Thief in the night” passage or “in the twinkling of an eye” or “Come up hither”? Better yet how about, “Two will be lying in the bed, one taken and the other one left. Two will be in the field, one taken and the other one left”? Aren’t those passages self-explanatory?


Since I believe that politics and religion have much in common in shaping our society I am looking forward to reading judge Jeanine Pirro’s new book “liars, leakers, and liberals” (By the way, she was run off from the television show “The View” with a barrage of hate filled expletives by Woopie Goldberg.)


Denish de Sousa has just wrapped a documentary titled “Death of a Nation”. The release date is Aug 3rd of this year. I want to see this informative film when it comes out.
Dr. Hayes Wicker gave an excellent sermon on this topic last Sunday. The title of his sermon was “Tooth Decay”. It can be seen on FBCN livestreaming on the internet. Just click on sermon of July 15. On It’s a humdinger!

Jim Towers
You can write me at and or at

Our Coming King (Inspired by Pastor S. D. Lockridge)

He is King of the Jews (racial king); King of Israel (national king); King
of all the the Ages; King of Heaven; King of Glory; King of Kings…and
Lord of Lords. Do you know Him? Do you really?

He is a prophet before Moses; a priest after Melchizedek; a champion
like Joshua; an offering in place of Isaac; a king from the line of David;
a wise counselor above Solomon; a beloved/rejected/exalted son like
Joseph. And yet far more…

The Heavens declare His glory and the firmament shows His handiwork.
He who is, who was, and who always will be; the first and the last; He
is the Alpha and Omega, the Aleph and the Tau, the A and the Z; He is
the first fruits of them that slept.

He is the “I AM that I AM” The voice
of the Burning Bush!

He is the Captain of the Lord’s Host; the conqueror of Jericho. He is
enduringly strong, entirely sincere, eternally steadfast; He is immortally
graceful, imperially powerful, impartially merciful;

In Him dwells the fullness of the Godhead bodily, The very God of veryGod. He is our Kinsman-Redeemer and He is our Avenger of Blood; He
is our City of Refuge, Our Performing High Priest, Our Personal Prophet,
Our Reigning King.

• He’s the loftiest idea in Literature;

• He’s the highest personality in Philosophy;

• He’s the fundamental doctrine of Theology;

• He’s the Supreme Problem in “higher criticism”!

• He’s the Miracle of the Ages; the superlative of everything good.

We are the beneficiaries of a love letter: it was written in blood, on a
wooden cross erected in Judea 2,000 years ago.
He was crucified on a cross of wood; yet He made the hill on which it

By Him were all things made that were made; without Him was not
anything made that was made; by Him are all things held together!

What held Him to that cross? It wasn’t the nails! (At any time He could
have declared, “I’m out of here!”) It was His love for you and me.

He was born of a woman so that we could be born of God;
He humbled Himself so that we could be lifted up;
He became a servant so that we could be made co-heirs;
He suffered rejection so that we could become His friends;
He denied Himself so that we could freely receive all things;
He gave Himself so that He could bless us in every way.
He is available to the tempted and the tried; He blesses the young; He
cleanses the lepers; He defends the feeble; He delivers the captives; He
discharges the debtors; He forgives the sinners…

He franchises the meek; He guards the besieged; He heals the sick; He
provides strength to the weak; He regards the aged; He rewards the
diligent; He serves the unfortunate; He sympathizes and He saves!

His Offices are manifold; His Reign is righteous; His Promises are sure;
His Goodness is limitless; His Light is matchless; His Grace is sufficient;
His Love never changes; His Mercy is everlasting; His Word is enough;
His Yoke is easy and His burden is light!

He’s indescribable; He’s incomprehensible; He’s irresistible; He’s

The Heaven of heavens cannot contain Him; man cannot explain Him;
the Pharisees couldn’t stand Him (and learned that they couldn’t stop
Him); Pilate couldn’t find any fault with Him; the witnesses couldn’t
agree against Him; Herod couldn’t kill Him; death couldn’t handle Him;
the grave couldn’t hold Him!

He has always been and always will be; He had no predecessor and will
have no successor; You can’t impeach Him and he isn’t going to resign!
His name is above every name; that at the name of Yeshua every knee
shall bow, every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord! His is
the kingdom, the power, and the glory… for ever, and ever…Amen!



By Jim Towers

During our sojourn through life we often take everything for granted. The Creator of the universe is all but forgotten. There are those who even discount Him and believe we are here by chance and deserving of all that life has to offer. Others curse the God who made them for one reason or another. They can’t seem to grasp the enormity of it all. All too often we take God for granted as well.

Yet there are a few of us who even dare to love Him who made us and everything else we can see, feel, hear or taste and seek His companionship.

When we stop to truly consider God’s bountiful blessings, we should love our heavenly father all the more. Consider life itself, what did we do to merit such a great experience as life? Light, sunlight, cool invigorating breezes, cool fresh water, warmth, feeling in your inward being, the feeling of touch. Endorphins to give us the feeling of exhilaration and intense pleasure between our ears. It seems He thought of everything.

Fruits and nuts of various kinds, coffee, tea and manmade drinks of infinite tastes and textures. Vegetables, grain for bread and cereal, meat, poultry, fish of different textures and flavor. His blessings are endless. I could go on and on – but I think you get the picture.

Here are just a few of the many promises He’s made us…. Promises that only He can keep and exposes in the bible. So, “Let us hold on tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise.”

“I will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on me.”

“Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning.”

“The Lord is our refuge – a very present help in times of trouble.”

God is not a man, so he does not lie. He is not human, so he does not change his mind. Has he ever spoken and failed to act? Has he promised and not carried it through?” Numbers 23:19.

Yes, “God is love” but with the way things are going around the world He probably couldn’t be more displeased with us. What with apostacy, hypocrisy, backsliding, backstabbing, contentious and stiff-necked people permeating human society, He has every right to be angry. All these things fall right in line with what the first book of Timothy says it will be like in the “last days”. The bible also warns that in the final days a falling away from the church and its tenants will take place as well.

To make matters worse we so called civilized people spit in our loving God’s face concerning His gift of children who are made in His image and likeness. Thus, we kill God’s great gift while still in the womb and sell the parts! How utterly evil and ugly is that?

Even our teachers are setting our children on the path of self-destruction. Transgenderism, and manmade philosophies rule the day. Amazingly some of these teachers, professors and scholars still hold to Darwinism, a theory that has proven false time and again.

And so we go on our merry way hardly giving Him a second thought. We take all His blessings for granted. Many of us don’t even thank Him for our food.

Prayer is something we do when we have no alternative, and all too often it’s to beg for a non- essential. God knows what we have need off and He will supply that need if we give Him first place in our lives – sometimes even supernaturally.

How often do we call out to God for direction? Instead, we have decided to go on our own way tenuously and we do what we think is right. No wonder Jesus Christ had to die for our selfish sins. It was the only way for us to be forgiven and seek higher ground.

Paris France recently had a gay rights festival and the street corners were painted with the stolen rainbow image to celebrate their perversion. Now the parliament has decided to let those signs stay on the corners of that city. (They will make a nice target for God’s wrath when He decides to act in his unbridled anger.) Surely, they will reap what they sow,

How long will God let us spit in his face and poke our fingers in his eye like they did at the crucifixion. Jesus plead for us once “Father forgive them, for they no not what they do.” Today the masses know what they are doing and have no idea of the severity of their actions. Surely God will give them their comeuppance before they destroy society and bring us back into the dark ages and beyond with the time of great tribulation – and soon.

Now we may ask how God can destroy the world, but we alone – by our ungrateful behavior – have set the wheels in motion for the catastrophic events that will take place in the very near future.


The book I just finished reading “The Signature of God” by Grant Jeffrey is full of good information concerning the infallible word of God.


Please pray for the Scott Matthews family here in Naples. He will be undergoing Neuro – surgery on the disks in the neck portion of his spinal column in the coming days and his wife Ashley is terminally ill with cancer. They have two small children. Both parents are in their thirties.

A group of us Christians on Facebook have been praying for the safe extraction of the boys trapped in the cave in Thailand since I first heard about it and put out the call. As of this writing only two remain to be extracted.

Continue to view FBCN Sunday services at 9:30 EST – livestreaming on the internet with senior pastor Dr. Hayes Wicker and if you enjoy his sermon drop him a line of encouragement.


Jim Towers

Contact me at jt.filmmaker@yahoo.comwww.thepropheciesmovie.comor


By Jim Towers

It’s hard for me to understand why I have so many readers since I mostly write articles that expose erratic human behavior and human foibles in our Christian community.

Still though I believe that what I have to say can be helpful to those who are new in the faith as well as the complacent Christians. After having worked in the Christian harvest field for over forty years and having studied the Holy Scriptures for just as long, I believe I have something to contribute to the Christian community and to strengthen the brethren as well – and not just tickle their ears.

As a matter of fact, being a precocious child, I led an elderly man to the altar just after I did so myself at the age of eight. I instinctively knew he wanted to receive Christ, but he was afraid to walk the isle, so I offered my hand to him and walked him up front to do so – leading the way. Those were the days when people were earnestly seeking and finding Christ. Since then Christianity has had its ups and downs and appears to be fading fast in our beloved country.

Christianity has come a long way from those days and the days when Jesus and the Apostles roamed the earth. The Gospel was simple then. Jesus spoke, set an example and taught the people who came to listen how to live and what to believe. There were no laughing ministries, rolling in the isles and incoherent jabbering – yet. But it didn’t take long for Satan to rear his head and begin to lead people astray. Ever since those miracle filled days the evil one has been hard at work to try to undo what Christ said, did and taught – even going so far as infiltrating the body of believers – the church.

It seems that new and erroneous cults and philosophies have sprung up everywhere. Some are based on a man’s charisma and charm but let us not forget that Satan can appear as an angel of light. These so called Christian leaders are gifted with a way with words and/or a phony pious demeanor but are ravening wolves inwardly. Others are obviously carnal minded creatures ready to take your last dollar, so they can fly off in jet planes on so called mission trips (actually vacations) and claim they are doing it for Jesus. Christians come in all stripes and colors and some only pretend to serve God; after all they’re just being their human selves. Church is a good place to learn, but if a teaching doesn’t comport with the Word of God, then run – don’t just walk away from that group of blinded sheep. (Have you ever noticed how many times Jesus refers to his followers as sheep? There are two kinds of sheep, those who blindly follow anything or anyone and those who know the masters voice.) We must know right from wrong and to be able to discern the teachings of Jesus Christ. That’s why it’s imperative to know the Word of God.

It’s appalling how little most Christians know the Holy Scriptures even though they go to church every time the door is opened. The Christian life is an ever-growing process that bears fruit; it’s not just about going to church and pretending to be holy.

The Bible based church is a good place to worship God in spirit and in truth, and again, the Bible is the only place to find truth – unadulterated truth. You can dig into it daily and never know all the supernatural things it contains. “For the word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”

Rapture Ready, and are an excellent source of information based on Biblical truth – I read raptureready news daily to glean useful information about world events that impact our lives. I thank God for these two Christian platforms.

We need to be grateful and uphold one another in every way possible. Right now, is donation time on the raptureready site – perhaps you can do your part to help keep it going with a donation.

It’s time we bible based/ born again Christians upheld one another. The way things are going we may not have much longer to be of any use to the kingdom of God because of persecution. If Satan had his way we would all be in jail or beheaded. Lucky for us the rapture is imminent.

On my daily perusal of the internet, I also post interesting news that deal with spiritual matters on Facebook even though Facebook is becoming ever more politically correct. At present I have over 450 “friends” including influential people in politics. One of my many friends, Kelly Tyson’s (an avid reader of Rapture Ready) mother Alma Perez Jackson, a devout evangelical Christian was just voted into the prominent position of Vice Chairman of the Republican party in the great state of Texas. She is the first Hispanic and/or woman to win that title.

I’m so glad that true Christians like her are winning elections. It may help with the reprieve we’ve been give by God Almighty for the last and final revival – before the rapture takes us away.

We Christians all need to be involved, get into the fray and quit watching from the sidelines.


Like I mentioned in the past, I get many of my movies at the library and recently viewed the movie “Lion” which was based on a true story about a five-year-old East Indian boy who became separated from his mother, older brother and younger sister in India.

Locked in an empty train for days he ends up hundreds of miles from home alone and hungry. After barely escaping from pedophiles time and again he is finally rescued by authorities in Calcutta, (The evil crime of pedophilia is alarming in that Godless country and street urchins are considered legitimate prey for these evil perverts. Over 80,000 children go missing in that country every year.) but because at the tender age of five he is unable to communicate where he is from to the authorities, he is given up for adoption and ends up in Australia.


I’m presently reading “The Signature of God” by Grant Jeffrey. He writes about how the Bible is being proved by archeological means and how Bible codes embedded within the writings verify its veracity. It’s a very interesting read to say the least…..I’ll keep you posted.

You can watch live Bible based streaming sermons on the internet by Dr. Hayes Wicker at www.FBCNon Sunday at 9:30 AM EST. (The sermon last Sunday was a doozie.)


Jim Towers

Write me at – or www.thepropheciesmovie.comand book. I’m also featured on

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