By Jim Towers

In America, the Great Generation has been called that because that generation endured and /or participated the second world war and came out the victors. As they prospered afterward and became ever stronger, they found they had less need of God; they had pulled themselves up by their bootstraps and women of that generation had learned to work outside the home and left it up to others to bring up the following generation, while the family bible lay on the shelf gathering dust.

The Baby Boomers came on the scene after that great war in which millions died. (The Jews lost over 6 million people in that war.) They continued to prosper, and they reveled in their prosperity, now nearly every home had a television set, washing machine, refrigerator and telephone. We were the first in our tenement building to do so.

Then came the Hippy generation, a generation of pot smokers, sex and drug addicts. New religions were being explored even as Billy Graham tried single handedly to stem the tide of this apostacy with his crusades. Some hippies converted but not enough of them to make a solid impact in society – everyone knew they were brain dead. Bibles were all but ignored. This generation had found gods more to their liking.

Millennials today rule the roost in almost every way, we have given them the reigns of the country to do as they please in anyway they please. Among them are Antifa, Neo Nazi’s, and outright crazies. Now anything goes.

After that, (if the Lord tarries) will come what I would call the Completely Lost generation. Are you beginning to see a pattern of fallenness here? Can you imagine what a generation of people without God would look like? Already the three final ones have gotten progressively worse, and it’s all due to their indifference about the things of God – each generation increasingly becoming complacent about the things of the bible.

Of course, humanity has always been a wayward creation, ungodly, unruly, violent and obstinate but today humanity has all but forgotten the God of their fathers, namely the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Even many Jews have become too sophisticated to acknowledge their God.

Yes, our Divine Creator may soon be forgotten, and the following generations will do as they please to their own destruction…. Can you say Sodom and Gomorrah?

Case in point; at seven my best friend was Gary Miller who lived in the same big brownstone tenement building as I. We played outside all day long until it got dark and I had to go inside at the behest of my mother who was echoing my father’s command – which I believed then – was written in stone. Gary on the other hand could stay out for as long as he wished – doing anything he wished; permissiveness was beginning to rear it’s ugly head.

Gary’s mother was an alcoholic who always had a bottle hidden somewhere in the vicinity, while his dad sat by the window at a card table playing solitaire – morning, noon and night – or so it seemed. Being preoccupied, he hardly noticed when Gary was there and very rarely spoke to him, while his mother was always throwing things at him in a drunken fit of rage.

I, on the other hand was careful not to overstep my bounds. My dad, a big serious man, was supreme commander of this ship and you couldn’t get away with any indiscretion whatsoever.

When my dad took to drinking and my mother abandoned the family, I took over her role as second in command of my six siblings. There was no time for running around like “footloose” Gary, I was too busy looking after my brothers and sisters. (As I look back, surprisingly I never chastised or hollered at my brothers or sisters but instead took pity on the family – as a whole.)

In the meantime at the age of fifteen, Gary began running with a wild bunch of boys. His legacy was being laid out before him – one of loss and dissipation. The last I heard he had died a lonely and decrepit alcoholic. Without God, just look what happened to him. I loved Gary.

I tell this story because I’m a witness to the tragedy that befalls people when they fail to acknowledge God. In doing so they are offering up their children to Baal – a god of no inhibitions, restrictions or morals. What a tragedy not to know God and His Salvation – Christ.

If we don’t instruct our children in the way, they should go – Satan will. The bible says it all,

“A foolish son is a grief to his father and a bitterness to her who bore him.”

“Chasten your son while there is hope, and do not set your heart on his destruction.”

“Children’s children are the crown of old men and the glory of children is their father.”

“The righteous man walks in his integrity; his children are blessed after him.”

“Even a child is known by his deeds, whether what he does is pure and right.”

“Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”

“Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child; the rod of correction will drive it far from him”

God forbid this curse should fall on anyone.

Millennials and the upcoming generation are heading for trouble as they try to make sense of this life without the God of the bible. I pity them having been born into a society of transsexuals, bi- sexuals, perverts and heartless criminals, with no sense of right or wrong or even know what their own sex is; while their perverted teachers are instructing them in these prevalent falsehoods and because children today are forbidden by their parents to talk to strangers, (and rightfully so) today’s children are incapable of social intercourse even with family members, and they in turn are discouraged from taking part in their upbringing and again – rightfully so – because uncle Bill is a pedophile.


Jim Towers  and

Check out Pastor Hayes Wicker biblical sermons livestreaming on the internet at FBCN on Sunday morning at 9:30 EST.


By Jim Towers

Years ago, I saw a movie by that title but only remember bits and pieces of the comedy. The title however stayed with me and today it is being voiced by many in the Christian community. We of course call it the rapture or the taking away (Parousia) of the bride of Christ.

The vocalization of a desire to leave it all behind is being heard more and more as our time on earth runs out. Many Christians are afraid of what lies ahead in the immediate future. Already we are seeing people go stark raving mad in their desire to effect change one way or another. In seeking release for their demonized mind, they go about harming innocent people. You can’t be safe anywhere these days.

Several on my Facebook page are expressing the desire to be raptured now before more stuff hits the fan.  Some Christians are even becoming paranoid and filled with fear. But we really should be expecting these bad things to happen according to the bible and if I’m right – we haven’t seen anything yet.

Today, conspiracy theorists are making wild claims about mind, and population control in suburban areas thus herding people to urban areas to be able to control them – to this I would ask, to what avail? Much of life doesn’t make sense anymore and although life is cheap to those who would destroy it – what good is it to rule a faceless world? Nevertheless, because of Satan’s hatred for mankind and the God who created them he doe’s all he can to destroy them. Is it any wonder he’s called the Destroyer in Scripture?

While the latest technologies are helping people recover from maladies that inflict our human bodies, some of the same technologies are said to be targeting people who threaten the criminal deep state with exposure. Fairy Tales or not, in each case, this craziness is undoubtedly psychological warfare with human workers won over by Satan bombarding the rest of humanity with debilitating propaganda. Money is being used to “hire” some of these workers, many of whom are just plain greedy.

Jesus hit the nail on the head when He said, “The love of money is the root of much evil.” (Notice He said LOVE of money). Indeed, it seems everyone is getting on the greedy gravy train -straight on their way to hell. Even Jesus was sold out for thirty pieces of silver and you know what he said about that man. He said, “It would have been better if he had not been born”.

Hopefully, the time may come when these perpetrators of fear and manipulation will themselves be caught up in their own devices and Satan will have won the battle for these men’s souls, but rest assured, the God who creates and destroys with the Word of His mouth will eventually win the war.

The list of prophetic warnings continues to grow as one of the biggest employers in the UK is offering to implant the identity chip into its employees’ hands, and the employees couldn’t be happier. It’s already becoming the thing to do in Switzerland. These people know nothing of scripture or they would have no part in it.

A hologram of the late great singer Roy Orbison is coming to a town near you in the immediate future. Already, another hologram of the deceased “king of pop” Michael Jackson performing has been shown at the Billboard Music Awards as well as one featuring Amy Winehouse.  Could this portend the appearance of the beast in hologram form during the Great Tribulation? The technology is here, and it may be used to astonish people to conform to the evil Anti Christ’s demand to worship it. Now that idea I can live with – no fairy tales here.

At this juncture, I must confess that there have been times, when weary, I have thought the same thing. But each morning we “born again believers are continually being infused with love, power and a sound mind – which leads me to another facet of this inquiry.

We Spirit filled Christians must of necessity put on the whole armor of God to withstand the New World Order. Now more than ever we need to stick around to give light to this darkening world. What this all means is that we should be aware of these satanic devices and expose them whenever possible – even if politically correct and timid clergy won’t and since Satan is the father of lies, and hell bent on destroying the last vestiges of Judeo-Christian thought as well; albeit, we Christians should be able to recognize and resist him with the powerful Word of God just as Jesus did will He was here on earth.


On another front, I spoke to my “congregants” about various spiritual things at the Naples pier addressing each one individually. We, as usual, spoke about world events as well. Being fishermen, we were also talking about the Pelicans who steal the fisherman’s bait on occasion and one old codger said, “We should roast and eat them for Thanks giving ha, ha, ha!” This gave me an opening to say something about the bible. And as I stood, I addressed them all saying, “You know what the book of Leviticus says about that? (At which they all looked to me for the answer.) I went on to say, “It tells us that we shouldn’t eat Whoopies, Cranes or Vultures.” I did this to give them thoughts about the Word of God – that they should ponder it.

I stopped by to talk to Joe at the other end of the pier and the former baseball player welcomed my company. He was concerned about one of the conspiracy theories mentioned above especially the big money-grubbing pharmaceutical companies. It seems his son works for one of them. He said, “How many diseases have been eradicated since the nineteen fifties? From early times we cured polio, and many other debilitating diseases, but since the nineteen fifties – not one.” He was right. Then he went on to say, “Today all we get are pills, pills that will kill you if you stop taking them.” Thinking back, I remember reading on a prescription bottle that you could die if you quit taking the pills inside. I’m also aware of the number of people dying from over use of opioids (pain killers). Joe told me that his son told him about these things and more. “It’s all about money Jim, …. It’s all about money! They get people hooked and stand to make billions doing it.”

Yes, we are living in the confusing time, a confounding time of sorrows when love and understanding are being phased out by hate, intolerance and greed while at the same time, our opportunities to reach out to the lost are diminishing, and in doing so, God promises to give us -Power, Love and a Sound Mind.


Jim Towers               Write me at and

Finding it hard to locate a bible believing church? Tune into FBCN livestreaming on the internet to listen to Pastor Hayes Wicker on Sunday morning at 9:30 EST.















Liberal, Christians


By Jim Towers

We here in America have a dilemma and it could tear our country apart. The results of our mid-term elections could be our undoing. Everyone knows that conservatives far outnumber liberals but because of voter tampering they managed to take back the house. Not only that, but now we have an avowed homosexual, a lesbian, and two Muslims in some of the nation’s highest offices.

This poses a huge problem for the Trump administration, since now the socialist liberals have the new political puppets to fight back against well founded allegations of wrong doing of the previous administration. Their main objective is to bring Trump down, thus covering up their evil deeds and also to bring the nation down to the level of a third world country.

The way things are going, and if the liberal communists have their way, we Christians stand to lose our freedoms and may soon be facing persecution. Make no mistake about it – Liberal Socialists, atheists and sexual perverts will continue to undermine American society relentlessly.

Having succumbed to political correctness our society is beginning to unravel.

Jesus had it right – A house divided cannot stand.

Because of apathy, we are losing our country to moral relativism and a way of life where anything goes. In addition to this, false doctrine has taken a foothold in Christianity as well. There are now untold doctrines of demons – and the Catholic church is the oldest and most virulent of them all what with pedophilia running rampant throughout the so-called clergy. Among that group are Protestant heresies as well.

We Christians are however divided amongst ourselves, and hardly anyone understands sound doctrine anymore even though God Himself left us the blueprint of His desire for mankind – the bible. Our undoing is coming about by deviating from scripture or by twisting it around to say what ungodly and politically correct men think is right.

Yes, there are many poisonous interpretations of scripture in religion, and cults – many based on one man’s revelations, like the Mormons or the Jehovah’s Witnesses. Then there are so many blatant -in your face- retractions and additions to the sacred Word of God – that it’s hardly recognizable anymore.

Truth be told, far too many Christians are living under a rock and don’t know what’s going on in the real world; they are building barns in which to store their goodies and building banking accounts with an eye to the future – which is fast fading away. They think – like the man at the end of this article that they are going to live in the present forever.

Other detractors of the true God are popping up all over the place as well. These are headed by Baphomet (the devil) and Beyoncé idol worshipers. Isn’t Satan devious? He can even appear as an angel of light. Somehow or another we’ve forgotten a verse of scripture that says, “As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of Man.”


We of recent generations have let Christian liberty slip like water through our fingers because of apathy and political correctness. Sadly, the church is asleep at the wheel and it may not be long before we careen headlong into the dark abyss of hell which is referred to as the Great Tribulation in Holy writ.

If I’ve learned anything in this life it is that life (aside from the bible) is unpredictable, and mankind is gullible. God however, will lead you into all truth through the Holy Spirit if you will repent of your sinful and willful indifference to His Word and begin to read it prayerfully and thoughtfully.

Meanwhile, at my mission station, I managed to talk to and pray with two men at the Naples pier. I was talking to these two fellows at the end of the pier while seated in the breezeway there. We were talking about the state of the nation among other provocative and interesting things and when I was getting ready to leave, I stood up and faced the two men having been led to address Bill. After listening to his tale of woe and said “Bill, I’m going to pray for you tonight.” To which he answered, “But I’m an atheist.” Immediately, I said, “That’s ok Bill- God doesn’t discriminate.” The other man seated next to Bill just stood there transfixed as words failed him.

The following day, as I walked onto the pier, I happened upon a man who has been living in the community for over forty years and is a legend here in Naples. He was known for his eccentricity and devil may care attitude about life – even though he was approaching his eighties.

In talking to him about this fragile life this man tried to appear to be ditzy, answering my inquiries with mumbo jumbo – it wasn’t working. He had tried every tact to get me off his back, but I felt he was worth saving since he wasn’t harming anyone but only deceiving himself that his wealthy laid back life was going to last forever.

After laughing at his jokes and comedic jargon I got down to brass tacks, stood up and prayed for him – asking that God would open his eyes to see the folly of his ways in ignoring God and his own mortality.


The wild fires in California could be God’s way of bringing people to Himself. After all, who are the victims going to call on – Baphomet, Allah, Buddha, the pope, Obama? – None of these can save and it could be that this is God’s doing in order for people to look to Him for help in this sticky situation. A situation from which there is no escape for those without Christ. Also, on the world stage, it looks like war is imminent between Israelis and Palestinians.

Get sound bible teaching on FBCH internet livestreaming with Pastor Hayes Wicker on Sunday at 9:30 EST. (Where there’s always an altar call to receive Christ.)


Jim Towers

Write me at jt.filmmaker@yahoo.comwww.dropzonedelta.comand




By Jim Towers

There was a time when a man’s word was his bond. Men sealed a deal with a handshake and it was considered a bad thing to lie, back out “walk back” on exclamations and or agreements. George Soros and the Democrats are experts in this vice.

(The word used to describe integrity escaped me even as I wrote this article. That’s how antiquated it’s become.) Nowadays there are no holds barred and everyone does as he pleases, destroying others’ lives and property – integrity is obsolete.

Backbiting and lies are the chosen values in our society. Bribery and blackmail are practiced openly in our government. Where are the leaders, statesmen and men of conviction and character?

In today’s world all that is over and done. One thing that I’ve finally found out is that Christians are not exempt from doing the things people do in a secular society. Jealousy and seething envy abound, sexual sin is rampant, apathy is at an all-time high, morality hardly exists, and honesty, integrity, and virtue is almost non – existent in our present world. The bible tells us that God knows our shortcomings – “For there is non-righteous, no not one. For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” Is it any wonder Jesus had to come and die for our sins? Humanity certainly can’t or sometimes don’t even want to try to live up to the Godly standards He set forth.

Could it be that those not even trying to live a virtuous life are void of the Holy Spirit? Is God taking the comforter, revealer of truth and strengthener away from the world at large – incrementally? If so, maybe we have to beg Him to come into our lives to help us make sense of it all and be able to stand. Or we can ignore the Holy Spirit’s prompting and by our own futile efforts and philosophy just to be able to feebly hang on? “Ask God for the Holy Spirit” whose fruits are Love, Joy, Faith and Self Control.


Today 10/24/18 there were supposed bomb threats and poisoned letters mailed out to prominent democrats Soros and CNN – supposedly from some deranged conservative – so the story goes. This is – in my opinion – a last-ditch attempt to discredit conservatism and Christianity. Also, the march of supposed thousands from third world countries are also timed to coincide with the midterm elections. Was this a coincidence or a perfectly timed event? I’ll give you three guesses and the first two don’t count.

These coincidences are taken directly from the Saul Alinsky playbook where the followers of that ideology are told to lie, cheat and do anything to further their agenda. These are the worst of times.

The crazy times we live in are even sung about these days. The chosen lyrics to this song say it all. The vocalist Sage Francis sings it with the heartfelt plaintive voice of a naive juvenile.

Tonight’s the night we’ll make history, honey, you and I
And I’ll take any risk to tie back the hands of time
And stay with you here tonight
I know you feel these are the worst of times
I do believe it’s true
When people lock their doors and hide inside
Rumor has it it’s the end of Paradise
But I know, if the world just passed us by
Baby I know, you wouldn’t have to cry
The headlines read ‘these are the worst of times’
I do believe it’s true
I feel so helpless like a boat against the tide
I wish the summer winds could bring back Paradise
But I know, if the world turned upside down
Baby, I know you’d always be around
So my friends we’ll say goodnight For time has claimed it’s prize
But tonight will always last
As long as we keep alive memories of Paradise…


The Best Of Times lyrics © Wixen Music Publishing


Almost, without exemption everyone now believes something is happening in our world, something frightening, something that can’t be controlled by man’s own means or devises. Soon the world may become “foaming at the mouth” mad.

“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto your own understanding.” “The just shall live by faith.” And “Love thy neighbor as thyself “

For good bible teaching tune into FBCN livestreaming on the internet at 9:30 EST. Sunday morning featuring pastor Hayes Wicker.


Jim Towers

Write me at  on www.dropzonedelta.comand my own web page







By Jim Towers

We come into the world as innocent infants wailing our entrance into this wonderland of existence; that is, if we were born before this world went crazy in their desire to eliminate life and aren’t aborted.

Most of us were adored and cared for tenderly by our mother. We cried to get attention and maybe some food. Then again, maybe our diapers were soiled. It wasn’t long before we began to recognize things, first our mothers and fathers then our surroundings. Soon it was Grandma and maybe grandpa whom we recognized and began putting the pieces of the worldly puzzle together. Before much longer, say a year or two we began walking or should I say – beginning to walk.

Now life began to take on new meaning. I we made it this far then our next few steps were growing up. After a few bumps and scrapes along the way we were beginning to know right from wrong and the matter of making the right choices. Although this recognition is waning in todays world of lawlessness.

Life became exciting as we explored the limits of our existence and began to learn many things about love and hate, good and evil. (Notice – I said evil this time.)

At six you had your first fight with a bully and won. The next fight was also a victory but then you had you nose bloodied and lip busted. On top of that, your dad spanked you – for losing.

Already loving to read you went to the library for a book on self-defense.

At ten you discovered girls and found them to be delightful but hard to understand.

After that life began to be really interesting with its demands and decision making. God was introduced into your life by grandma, who always prayed about everything and talked about God all the time.

“Oh, so that’s what this life is all about? Nice job God. Talk to you later I’ve got things to do, places to go and things to see.

During your teens you barely gave Him a thought, you were too busy living life to the hilt. You had never met any Christians who took God seriously, but you somehow knew there was a powerful and mysterious God and Savior who lived somewhere in the heavens. (The heavens declared his glory, no one had to tell you that.)

After high school life took on knew meaning namely work and responsibility; although I must concede that far too many young people these days have never done an honest day’s work.

Next comes the urge to merge and you’re not very selective, relying primarily on lust. The fun soon ends, and you’re stuck with someone you hardly know. There are exceptions of course but these are rare in a society where the divorce rate is the same for Christians as for secular society.

You go to college, find a career that doesn’t quite pan out. ….Have you ever noticed that trouble lurks around every corner? At any rate, we work and toil, and worry about our chosen job or career, our children, the future and the state of the nation. Indeed, there is much to be concerned about. Albeit, some of us make it through unscathed, because of a strong constitution or faith, while others flounder, grope, play the lottery, or wish for death. On a smaller scale there are those born with a silver spoon in their mouths and those who seem to just cruise through life carelessly, feeling they can repent at the last minute of their lives.

Even our president, (as wealthy as he is), continues experiencing tremendous pressure from his enemies to step aside and let them take over again. And this is a man who has done more for the country in less than one year than the last three presidents combined. He must have a lot of people praying for him. A lesser man would have quit by now. After all, who needs the hassle when he could just as easily play golf for the rest of his life and let the country descend into the hell it is becoming.

Jesus said, “In this life you will have trials and tribulation, but fear not, for I have overcome the world.” What!? What is this Son of Man talking about? That statement appears to be paradoxical; at least it was for me. For many years I begged for companionship after my second divorce and although I rubbed shoulders with the stars in the movie industry I failed to find it among the many pretty people. God just didn’t care to answer the way I thought He should. Could it be that He wanted me to find contentment in Him alone?  (I did…eventually.)

Although He doesn’t always answer the way we think He should, Jesus listens because we are His and at the appropriate time He will answer in one way or another – for the better. Today I just discovered why God needed me to stay single; It was so that I could console and minister to others without the burden of a committed relationship.

I should be at my wits end after trying to swim upstream against the current. Consider that my efforts in getting my book published has been met with indifference, my movie project is dead in the water and I have developed sciatica for the second time this year. Still though I stand firm on the promises of God and am determined to do what I feel called to do for the kingdom of God since I know that “all things work together for those who love God and are the called according to His purpose.”

If you know the bible, then you should know that God chastises those he loves. However, if you are pleasing to Him then he will certainly show you favor in some way. For example, peace is a very valuable commodity that can’t be bought at any price. Jesus said, “I will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee.” (I haven’t lost a good night’s sleep in over forty years).

By faith we believe what the scriptures say about this, “Casting all your care on Him for He cares for you”. Better than all that, is that we will live eternally – if, we have received Him as Lord and Savior.


Jim Towers       Write me at jt.filmmaker@yahoo.comor www.theprophecies.comand www. (Warriors following Christ.)








By Jim Towers

I’m writing this story; to encourage the brethren to be more and more bold in these last days – before the rapture.

People everywhere are hurting, lonely and confused with no help in sight and since church is usually the last place people look to for solace and answers, it’s up to Christian laymen to reach out to them any and everywhere we encounter them.


Today I awakened with the usual prayers for three people that came to mind then I asked for God to give me an exciting day; one in which I could witness to or encourage someone.

I headed out to the Gym determined to do a little filming for a project I’m in the process of developing. In the midst of this, my I phone went completely dead. Just as I began to get hot under the collar I remembered that “All things work together for those who love God and are the called according to His purpose.” I made a beeline for the nearest Verizon store and was a half hour early since they don’t open until 10 on Saturday.

One other car was ahead of me with two elderly people sitting in the front seat waiting for the doors to open. I went to Home Depot to get a couple of things I needed – just to kill time.

I came back to Verizon five minutes early and already people were beginning to arrive.

The old bent over woman who had been waiting dragged herself out of the car while her elderly brother waited in the car. The new arrivals were approaching the door and she let it be known that she had been waiting “for hours”.

Two employees met us at the door and she went away with one of them while I talked the other one, telling him of my dilemma with relatively new phone.

After toying with the phone, the employee asked me to have a seat at the waiting bar while he fetched some other gadgets to get my phone working again.

The little old lady was sitting two seats away while she also waited.

I asked her what the problem was with her phone and she told me. Pretty soon she was telling me her life story and how that she had emphysema from having smoked for most of her life. She needed an inhaler on occasion, just to be able to breathe. She went from there to telling me she was Jewish, and I told her I was a Christian and how I used to have many Jewish friends in Miami. I didn’t tell her it was my mission to reach out to them but instead told her that we often talked politics and religion.

I told her how I had known a man who lived next door to Bibi’s family who’ father was their Rabbi. She then told me that her older brother had lived in a Kibbutz during the sixties and had later become a wealthy doctor. She told of how he payed all funeral expenses for their mother who had recently died. At this juncture she began to tear up and she wiped the tears with her finger from behind her glasses. My heart went out to her.

The woman continued talking about her condition which led me to give her a short testimony.

At this, I saw her withdraw and instinctively draw back at the name of Jesus Christ. She looked away from me and tried to change the subject. I let things rest. Finally, having not felt threatened by me she came back to our conversation. She told me more.

All the while I was thinking, that everywhere you look today people are sick, hurting and dying with no one caring or even acknowledging them. Apparently, she and her husband were all alone now with the nearest relative hundreds of miles away.

If only her mother were alive – she pined, she cared even if none else did. Tears began making their way down he wrinkled sickly face.

At this I asked her name. Karen, she said, “my name is Karen”.

I arose and asked if she would like for me to pray for her. She quickly said “Oh, please do”.

Laying my hands on her shoulders I began, “Heavenly Father please give Karen rest and relieve her emotional and physical pain. I ask this in Jesus mane – Amen.  All the while people were walking back and forth within a couple of feet from us as I massaged her shoulders and back lovingly. Finally, at Gods prompting I gently kissed her forehead and she exhaled a sigh of relief and after a moment she began thanking me profusely with all humility as tears ran down her cheeks. As a matter of fact, she was still thanking me even as I walked out the door. “Thank you, kind sir,…. thank you, thank you!”

I couldn’t have been happier as I drove away knowing I had touched someone’s life in their hour of need.

Everywhere we turn today people are hurting, floundering and crying out for help – often in silence. We Christians should focus on our fellow man and quit focusing on ourselves. Our fake piety will only get us the recognition and derision we deserve…..Let’s Try loving someone besides ourselves


A new film is set to release soon, “The Trump Prophecies” will soon be playing at a theatre near you. At the moment Facebook refuses to let them advertise on their platform (citing political correctness). This could be the beginning of shutting down anyone opposed to liberalism.

The storyline is that a fireman had a vision in the of Trump becoming a presidential candidate and winning several years ago. He added, this event will open the door for a good relationship with Israel (which is true). However, you must decide the truthfulness of his prophecy. It seems like everyone is having visions these days.

NOTE: Our church continues to draw people to faith in Christ through the preaching of Dr. Hayes Wicker.  Tune in on FBCN live streaming on Sunday at 9:30 EST on the internet to hear him speak.


Jim Towers

You can write me at   and check out and (Warriors following Christ.)





Liberal, Christians

By Jim Towers

The way I see it, the Democrat political party is made up of Socialists, sexual perverts, druggies, criminals, Muslims and clueless people who would circumvent our laws and try to destroy our Christian nation; some just to have their fifteen minutes of supposed fame by burning and defecating on the American flag – in public.

Democrats are so determined to destroy the current administration that they will say or do anything to do so. Things have gotten so out of hand that Democrats will even disrupt Senator Cruz’s meal at a restaurant or issue death threats against a political opponent and their families in their misplaced zeal. These self – righteous hypocritical troublemakers are hard at work to undermine right thinking individuals of all faiths, while, behind the scenes Muslims are laughing and rejoicing at the thought that they may soon be in control and working with the Anti-Christ of which they are a part.

Sex is – for most of us – is one of the most enjoyable experiences we can experience in life, yet we use it and abuse it – causing harm to ourselves and others. Sex is a gift from God, He designed it tour benefit and to procreate a replica of ourselves through this ultimate expression of love between husband and wife. But, have you noticed that most liberals are consumed by it, like the scriptures say, “they are lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God.” They condone homosexuality, pedophilia, gay rights and abortion. It seems that God has given them over to a reprobate mind – just like he said he would.

Isn’t it funny how a Democrat president got away with rape, attempted rape and frequent drug use as a governor and no – one said anything. It’s no secret that former president Bill Clinton was a prime example of sexual addiction, yet liberals never mention it. Obama was and is a crack smoking bi-sexual according to Larry Sinclair (a former “lover”) as well as a rabid Muslim. If you don’t believe me, do your own research. Who can forget the homosexual Barney Frank of the Clinton administration? This man ran a “hook up service” for homosexuals from his apartment while in office. Then there are the Podesta brothers John and Tony Podesta. All these perverts seem to think about is money and sex.  When sex hound Anthony Weiner was exposed for pedophilia for the second time and sent to jail, that investigation opened a can of worms exposing many powerful people in Washington D.C. Yet the Democrats resistance and trumped up charges of rape against judge Kavanaugh for a chair on the supreme court proved their hypocrisy.

When even republicans can’t or won’t take a stand for our country’s values – we are in serious trouble. The Republicans voted 10 -12 with ten dissenting against Kavanaugh. How this is going to impact the November elections? My guess is that many of the ten republicans will lose their seats come November and we will be back where we started when Obama left office – in l

Public schools are not exempt from this travesty and instead promotes transgenderism confusing and blurring the lines of human behavior for many impressionable children. Jesus issued this warning for people who promote such things saying, “It would be better for those harming innocent children to be tied to a millstone and dropped into the sea.”

We are in the midst of a battle between right and wrong, a spiritual battle for the minds and souls of mankind, and it’s beginning to look like we’re losing. We conservatives, through years of apathy and adhering to political correctness have made our own bed and now we must deal with the fallout.

I woke up this morning asking God for me to have a spiritually productive day and thought I should visit my mission station- the world-famous Naples fishing pier. I had a good breakfast, went to the gym and afterward made my way to the pier. There I met Ken. Ken was a seeker; a fifty something auto mechanic – he initiated the discourse. “Where’s the Dolphin’s he asked as he approached me. We talked about the red tide and how it affects sea life. I inquired about the type of work he did, “I’m an auto mechanic” he replied. I found our banter exhilarating and at times laughed out loud. I liked Ken right off. There was no pretentiousness nor one-upmanship with this guy. He was down to earth and easy to talk to.

“Are you a Christian?” I enquired.

“Yes, I am – Then taking thought, he said, “I don’t know how anyone cannot believe in God. All you have to do is survey your surroundings.”

With this opening, I quoted scripture, “The heavens declare his glory.” Ken nodded in agreement, this man was a deep thinker – a seeker of truth – I surmised.

Ken went on to say that with promiscuity everywhere you looked, today’s youth were in peril, he said,….“God made sex as an expression of love between a man and a woman. We’ve turned it into a cess pool of garbage.”

It dawned on me that I was writing about this very touchy subject even as we spoke. Ken had nailed it down for me thus confirming that this was a subject that had to be discussed openly before our youth follow the aberrant ways of their elders.

I told Ken that I was writing about that very subject and gave him my two-sided card. He thanked me-almost profusely. I couldn’t help but think that this was a divine appointment.


The movie “Unbroken – Road to Redemption” about Olympian Louie Zamperini was well executed for a Christian film. I could hardly find fault with it and the message was clear. I just hope it didn’t fall on deaf ears.


In the meantime, my church had over thirty baptisms again last week. Several were Hispanics who might have been leaving the Catholic church because of pedophilia.


Jim Towers                jt.filmmaker@yahoo.comand www.dropzonedelta.orgalso






By Jim Towers

There was a time when people used to say, “I don’t discuss politics and religion.” Today, only a fool would say that. It is finally dawning on us how critical it is to have political discourse as pertaining to religion. Like it or not, these two are intrinsically entwined.

Christianity, Judaism and Islam are the prevalent religions in our society with the first two being the foundation stones on which our country is based; yet, you will notice how Islam wants to take over and impose their will on us. Ironically, the communist far left is in coordination with them to create the perfect storm against us right thinking people. We are fighting an uphill battle and we can’t give an inch lest they take a mile.

Corrupt politicians are being indicted every day now and we are just beginning to scrape the surface. If president Trump had not been elected, we would still be in the dark about how rampant corruption is in government.

At the same time there is a movement underfoot that would have us believe that within the next few days or weeks many criminal and treasonous politicians are going to be tried by military tribunals just waiting to bring them to justice.

The worst-case scenario of the fallout from this prosecution is one where the left will retaliate by the prompting of their corrupt leaders, which are already inciting violence to cover their seditious and evil acts before they are outed.

There are possibly even plans to off the president before he can reign them in, and they have a lot to answer for.

Pedophilia, bribery, drug running, subversion, the persecution of innocent people and treason are but a few of the previous administration’s crimes. If these pedophiles, criminals, perverts and the hard left had its way, all Christian churches would be burned to the ground. Thy don’t want any rules or regulations, they want to be free to pillage, rape and rage against those who would do right.

Our country stands at a crossroads, and as everyone knows civil war brings about death and destruction. It is the worse of all outcomes, just look at communist Venezuela, Cuba and the French revolution in which many people died.

We must not let foolish, self-seeking, drug addled, car burning, and looting radicals rule the day.

We will all have to give an account to Almighty God for our actions or inaction on judgment day.

We Christians must take to the poles and vote in great numbers come November to protect our rights and way of life. If not, then we must face the grave prospect of losing the right to pursue happiness and practice our faith.……. We have an obligation to our prodigy to do so without fail.


Jim Towers                  Write me with your thoughts at























We Christians must take to the poles in great numbers to protect our rights and way of life. If not then we must face the grave prospect of losing the right to pursue happiness,…….We have an obligation to our prodigy to do so- and that -without fail.




By Jim Towers

A kiss is the ultimate show of affection to someone you hold dear, especially if it is done with sincerity. The verse of scripture in the heading of this article always baffled me. Was God really demanding this of us…to kiss someone we barely know and sometimes belittle by our actions and even give doubtful voice to his alleged existence – this one whose name we often use in vain?

No, God was simply warning us out of love and concern for our wellbeing. We really should kiss the Son for reconciling us sinners to Himself and the Father; as the scriptures say, “For there is non – righteous, no not one -for in that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” After all it is he who endured intense pain and humiliation by cruel men and hypocritical religious leaders then give up his earthly existence.

Jesus the Christ (Yeshua HaMashiach in the Hebrew tongue) is coming back soon and He isn’t coming as a lowly sheep this time around, but as a ruler full of wrath mingled with deep sorrow. God isn’t willing that any should perish but some have become so defiled and perverse that they won’t be converted no matter what. Indeed, we should pay due diligence and “kiss” the Son for all He’s done for us – lest He become angry and you perish in the way.

To be sure, God is and has been waiting and pleading for mankind to repent and turn to Him asking forgiveness for ignoring Him and for being ungrateful for all his many blessings.

Now, after offering up his life- a sacrifice for mankind He sits at the right hand of God expecting man to repent and to begin living Godly lives; looking to God for instruction. But it seems that most men and women are ignoring Him and scoffing at this premise found only in God’s word – the Holy bible, which we take ever so lightly.

But is Jesus capable of anger? Haven’t you read the scriptures? You bet He is! He came as a sacrificial lamb to show His love for mankind, after all mankind is his special creation created in His image as is stated in the book of Genesis where God the Father tells co-creator Jesus His Son “Let us make man in our image and in our likeness.”

With time running out and mankind becoming more brutal and ignorant of His sacred atonement for us Jesus must be angry – very angry; wouldn’t you be?

Today, even as we speak, our savior Jesus must be angry at those of us who won’t acknowledge Him even though He knew that this would be the end result of His efforts at reconciliation. The stench of their perverted and willful actions must reach to high heaven.

Jesus came the first time as a willing servant teaching us God’s ways all the time referring to scripture. He never hurt anyone and always accepted all who would hear Him. He healed the sick and set the devils captives free, ultimately, He died for our sins. The next time He will return as a lion and anyone not acknowledging Him will pay the price for ungratefulness and outright rebellion.

For those of you who think any religion will do – (like pope Frances) you should read the bible where it says, “There is a way that seems right to man, but the end thereof is the way of death.”

Then there are other arguments such as “But, what about those that haven’t heard about Jesus?” Again, I ask, haven’t you read scripture where it says, “God will judge those according to the light that is within them.” Jesus claimed to be the light of the world.

Others might even ask about good works, the “good book” says, “You are saved by grace not of works lest any man should boast.” No, we can’t please God with our religiosity and or good works.

Divine Appointment’s have become a way of life for me and I always try to keep the lines of communication open to anyone I might encounter. Gratefully, I’m a gregarious type of person who can talk to anyone about anything.

Let me share another little story with you.

While at the gym yesterday, I met a young Haitian man working out on the triceps machine. He was huge and muscular, but he let out with a big white toothy grin that made me think he might be a Christian. (On the other hand, it might have been the prompting of the Holy Spirit or spiritual discernment.)

In any case, I smiled back and thought he must be a Christian with a smile like that. I then asked if he was a Christian to which he replied, “I’m not sure, … I was raised in the Christian church.” I felt moved to say, “Well then, you must be a back slider.” The young man’s smile got bigger, – but with a twinge of uncertainty. Then he replied, “Yes you’re right.” “Well then, you’d better repent because Jesus is coming back soon to take the believers away.” If Jesus is truly coming back in the clouds to take away believers – then backsliders, closet Christians, fence sitters and the apathetic had better repent and get ready to meet their maker.

I walked away to do my leg exercises on the stationary bike and after a while I saw the young man pass by in front of me – walking out the door – with the look of serious contemplation on his face.

Lastly, I want all my readers to know that it was reported on the John Tesh radio show that some businesses are beginning to implant employees in the back of the hand in the fleshy part between the thumb and forefinger to make it so that they can be scanned to access their bank accounts.

At the same time the implements, the Cohen and the red heifer are being readied for the third Temple. Also, war against Israel could break out in the middle east any day.

Anyone who knows scripture knows what that means. For those who don’t know, it means that we are living in the end times and that the rapture could happen at any time.


Jim Towers                Write me at  jt.filmmaker@yahoo.comor










By Jim Towers

Ignorance has always been with us, but it was well hidden behind masks of righteousness even with the peace and love hippy movement. Today, it’s in your face brutality and amorality in America and around the world.

Here in America the dumbing down began to get really serious with Bevis and Butthead. Sure, there’s always been silly back and forth in the entertainment industry especially with comic characters, but these guys took it all to another level where nothing was sacred anymore. What with the sniveling remarks and inuendo by these two weirdo’s America began it’s decent into depravity. Then came the Jackass team of outrageous and dangerous stunts laughing all the while at their thoughtless antics. But these pranks were physically and culturally dangerous. Do you remember how they used pay a drunken bum two bucks to ride in a runaway shopping cart careening downhill and laugh when the thing crashed? The inebriated bums had nothing to lose but what little pride they might have had – all for a bottle of sweet Lucy. Drunkenness is no laughing matter, and neither is a fallen human being, but young people loved it all.

Today there are videos being done on the internet that promote other crazy stunts that might depict a young man with his clothes on fire jumping into a swimming pool. If you’ve ever been burned you know that the pain is incredible. Fire is nothing to play with. Nevertheless, little boys will try anything on a dare.

Young children are falling prey to this evil as well; what with Catholic priest pedophiles and corrupt teachers, teaching and doing things to children who are too young to understand and not being able to defend themselves, often ruining their emotional and spiritual lives.

“Naked and afraid” is the name of a popular television reality show where a woman goes about in the wilderness without a stitch of clothing and appearing to be afraid of her own shadow.

There are gay pride parades throughout most of the world, even in Jesus home state. The parade of fearsome looking creatures walk about shamelessly naked and dressed like the perverts they are. It must have been the same during the time of Sodom and Gomorrah – and we all know what happened to them. Recently over seventy people over dosed on hard drugs in a park where they were shooting up, snorting and ingesting pills. Americans continue being dumbed down and deceived by the millions, (Some even going so far as committing suicide) by the father of lies- the great deceiver Satan.

The burning man celebration begins the last week in August in the Black Rock Dessert in Nevada. This is all about human sexuality where promiscuous people are free to do what they will while naked.

The Apostle Paul tells Timothy in his second letter what to expect in the end times, in which he says, “But know this , that perilous times will come; for men will be lovers of themselves self, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers’ without self- control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God. Having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away. For of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of gullible women loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts. Always learning, but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.”

And then there are the fruits of the Spirit as mentioned in the bible, which are;










against such there is no law. And they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.  Galatians5:22-26 King James Version (KJV)

Do you possess them?

“For it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure. Do all things without complaining and disputing, that you may become blameless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world.”


My Catholic neighbor doesn’t say much these days, but there are meetings taking place with much soul searching in her church. On the other hand, another neighbor asked me from across the fence, “The world is going mad what’s going on?”

“Jesus is coming back soon” I answered.

The newly refurbished sanctuary at First Baptist Church of Naples has re – opened. Check it out on


Jim Towers

Write me at  jt.filmmaker@yahoo.comorwww.thepropheciesmovie.comand read previous articles at


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