By Jim Towers

My Dear child,

I did everything I could as a parent to let you know how much I love you and care about your wellbeing – yet today you treat me like a stranger. I know things weren’t always perfect and I might have been a better parent. I might add – that you never saw me use drugs, strong drink or even use vulgarity. On top of that I was an even-tempered person given to good works – as you well know. Where did I go wrong?

There was a time (as a baby) when you had reoccurring colic and I would get up in the middle of the night to take you for a ride in our car along with your puppy dog. We would park on the bluff overlooking the bay with the full moon overhead listening to love songs on the radio. Soon the music would lull you back to sleep and we headed back home in the dark. 

At three we went riding together on my bike just you and me; I even made you a little seat so you could ride in front of me. We sang songs like “Chiquitita by Abba” while we rode together. Do you remember the red fire truck bed I made for you? The one in which you slept as a toddler with your puppy “Cotton” curled up at your feet.

We bought you a piano that you’d play all the time – even in the early morning while still in you little white underwear. You had a piano recital at the age of four. The tune was “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.” I was excited and clapped until my hands hurt. You and my other children were my delight and reason for being.

You were growing up fast. I taught you the important things in life like fishing and baseball and climbing in trees. As a child we took you to church, you even learned bible verses and won some awards. But life’s demands and distractions led your mom and I to divorce. Irreconcilable differences was the Christian marriage counsellors decree after several sessions and so your mother divorced me. 

The breakup couldn’t keep me away I’d visit you daily and wrestle and play. I’d take you to school sometimes on my back – just for fun. Sometimes we’d skip along or run, and we always found time for fun. Remember the time you hunted for treasure from an old map I found, well it was me who created that pirate map when you weren’t around. Then there was the time when a white dove mysteriously landed at your feet and you tried to catch it to see if it was hurt. The bird recovered and eventually flew away… it seems like yesterday. Then there was the time you fell from the tree house that I built in the mango tree alongside the house, not to speak of the initial adverse reaction you had from that very same tree. 

As time wore on, I taught you to swim. You grew fearless in water and took to it like a duck…No, make that a fish soon you could swim even better than your dad. We’d snorkel around the rocks in a cove by the bay. I gave the round outcroppings names like the “turtles” and “hippos” where we’d often spend the day. The water was shallow and clear with minnows and colorful fish and various things like sea shells to add to our collection. We even had a saltwater tank with all kinds of creatures, do you remember that?

We and your younger brother would sit on the swings in the park in the evening singing songs and drinking soda. We’d go to the movies – “Gandhi” was one of the first then came “Rocky” 2, 3, and four”. What a great time we had – I couldn’t want for more. 

You boys took up surfing and I would watch from the beach holding my breath as you swam out into the deep. There was the time on your very first job as a teen as a bagboy at the local supermarket but soon you heard the call “surfs up” and headed for the beach. That job didn’t last long. I never said anything because I have that same propensity.

You were growing up fast and soon you were working at the framing store with a pressed white shirt and tie. You were the best they ever had with artistic talent and clear discerning eyes. You even began painting pictures yourself. That’s when I noticed that you had a creative mind and I knew that you could achieve anything your heart desired. You had a sharp, creative and quick mind.

Soon you were off to college in a school up north with an art scholarship at a prestigious school. During spring break, you and I would travel about exploring this hemisphere. I remember the Jaguar jungle trip where you killed a big poisonous snake that stood defiantly in our path ready to strike. One baseball sized rock and your perfect aim was all it took for you to put him away.

Remember Honduras and the tiny island in the sea where we fished while a huge crocodile -that I thought was a log – swam just feet away from us as we fished in the surf. Man, did we have adventure.

As time went on you continued to grow and like it or not, we had some very same traits. Then something happened after four years at university. I held my breath and prayed every day you were away. You became cynical about your faith and gradually let it slip away. You knew right from wrong, but life and (I suspect) your professors turned your head and now you know more about life than your very experienced father. You were a scholar.

Now, twenty some years later I have a grandson with a shock of blond hair and clear blue eyes. You drifted from your childhood faith even as I continued to grow in mine. When we are together and taking a meal, I say grace and you and yours only sit there with a blank look on your faces. As if that weren’t enough my young grandson says that God and the bible aren’t true at the dinner table. At seven years old he knows everything – much like you. Please don’t let him forfeit the endless benefits of knowing Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father.

I’m hoping God will quicken your mind because I don’t want to be raptured and have to leave you behind. It breaks my heart to see you up tight with angst and guilt while I get a good night’s sleep each and every night – with a clear conscience toward God. 

Please repent and seek God in the face of Christ Jesus while He may yet be found.

Love Dad.


By Jim Towers

Jesus told us to be cunning as serpents and harmless as doves.

With the word of God being ignored and replaced with man’s vain imaginings, idol worship and desire to having our own way they are prone to become bi – polar, severely depressed and/or all together deranged as this young man apparently was. 

Thus, in light of the Christchurch slaughter we find ourselves facing a dilemma. Islamic worshipers were attacked by a lone gunman – as far as we know. Although his motives weren’t clear he was obviously deranged, as are many in todays world. All too many people have an agenda bent on destruction and they can no longer control the satanic impulses that compel them to do evil. (Not all Muslims are terrorists but their theology commands that they hate infidels Christians and Jews. Many Muslims like Christians and Jews do not practice their faith even though they call themselves so. They are Muslims, Christians and Jews in name only).

Such is the case with Jihadists. Albeit, we Christians who have the Holy Spirit abiding in us should have a degree of self-control.

So how then do we respond to those with whom we have issues, those who would harm and kill us? It isn’t easy, since our first instinct would be to retaliate in kind, nevertheless God says to love our enemies. As hard as it sometimes is, we are to emanate Christ in our lives, and be peace loving and forgiving individuals – it is not an easy thing to do. 

We condemn the actions of others and sometimes justifiably so. We sometimes have hard choices to make, but speaking for myself, I wouldn’t think twice in protecting my family members and friends by whatever means possible. This for me is permissible since king David, a man after God’s own hear was a warrior.

While passing judgement on others let’s not forget that we were at one time an enemy of God ourselves, which brings to mind the next little story.

I recently asked God to let me be in His will throughout the day as I awakened. Little did I know to what extent He would use me.  

I go to a local park where once a month they have a “yard sale” where people in the community can come to sell discarded items and such. Since I enjoy encountering people to share my faith with and pray for, I look forward to that event – once a month.

Jehovah’s Witnesses have set up a tent there to promote their errant man-made theology and it was grating on me to do something to counter them. Accordingly, I set up a ten by ten foot tent and posted big signs that said “Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest – Jesus” and another that said “ Jesus said, I am the way the truth and the life; no man comes to the Father but by me.” Sure enough, one of the Jehovah’s Witnesses came over to investigate. 

Being too busy to talk to him (because I was witnessing to a young homosexual) he only read the signs and I saw him slither way out of the corner of my eye. Thus, I was confronting evil on two fronts as I let God do the discerning and judging knowing I was doing the right thing.

Surprisingly, the young man revealed that another young man at the sale was also a homosexual. The two were friends.

Since I had dealt with homosexuals in the past, I did the best I could (in a loving way) to share the Gospel with the one while the other one wanted nothing to do with me.  

Using scripture, I solemnly revealed that we are all sinners in need of forgiveness – me included. I spoke of repentance and faith. When the young man said he was a Catholic I cautioned him to read the King James version since the Duay Riems and the Catholics other booklets were faulty. I also let him know that Muslims also use prayer beads much like the rosery. He in turn told me he was appalled by the pedophilia taking place in the church by the priests!

We talked intensely for about an hour as the time flew by and we finally had to go our separate ways. But before I left, I asked if I could pray for him asking God to open the young man’s eyes in seeking Gods face. He acquiesced and I said the prayer for him right out there in the open – for which he thanked me, and then I left, but not before giving him my card. The young man E. mailed me that night to let me know he was going to find a bible.

What a day, and all because I asked God to use me that morning to His glory. That divine appointment made my day.

Movie and book critique – 

The movie “Evidence for Exodus “was for me entertaining since I love archeology but as for helping us Christians in out present situation it was lacking in substance. Incidentally, one of my favorite books on that subject was “The Gold of Exodus” written several years ago which was more thorough and compelling. You can find it at your local library.


Tune in for excellent bible-based sermons live streaming at FBCN on the internet by pastor Hayes Wicker on Sundays at 9:30 EST. 


Jim Towers        You can write me at – jt.filmmaker@yahoo.comor www.thepropheciesmovie.comand read other my essays on  

The EU- Some things never change

“As in the case of Czechoslovakia, Israel’s insistence on not parting with territories strategically vital for its defenses is presented as the obstacle to peace”

The Strategic Barrier

Czechoslovakia was strategically placed in the heart of Europe, and its conquest was central to Hitler’s plans for overrunning Europe. Though small, Czechoslovakia could field over 800,000 men (one of the strongest armies in Europe), and it had a highly efficient arms industry. 

To complicate matters from Hitler’s point of view, it possessed a formidable physical barrier to his designs in the shape of the Sudeten mountains, which bordered Germany and guarded the access to the Czech heartland and the capital city of Prague only miles away. A system of fortifications and fortresses had been built in the mountains over many years, making passage by force a very costly proposition, perhaps even impossible. We now know from the Nuremberg trials and other sources that Hitler’s generals were utterly opposed to an assault on the Czech fortifications. Worse from Hitler’s point of view, the Western powers had promised at Versailles to guarantee the Czech border against any aggressive attack. France, which in 1938 could field one hundred divisions (an army 50% larger than Germany’s), had agreed in writing to come to the Czech’s defense, and Britain and Russia were committed to joining in if France did.

The Propaganda Solution

Since an outright military victory seemed impossible, Hitler embarked on an unprecedented campaign to politically force the Czechs to give up the land, and with it any hope of being able to defend their capital or their country. 

The inhabitants of the Sudetenland, Hitler said, were predominantly German, and these three million Sudeten Germans deserved—what else? —the right of self-determination and a destiny separate from the other seven million inhabitants of Czechoslovakia; this despite the fact that the country was a democracy and that the Sudeten Germans enjoyed economic prosperity and full civil rights. 

To buttress his claim, Hitler organized and funded the creation of a new Sudeten political leadership that would do his bidding, which was, in the words of Sudeten leader Konrad Henlein, to “demand so much that we can never be satisfied.” In addition, Hitler backed the establishment of a Sudeten liberation movement called the Sudeten Free Corps, and he instigated a series of well-planned and violent uprisings that the Czechs were compelled to quell by force. Hitler’s propaganda chief, Goebbels, orchestrated a fearful propaganda campaign of fabricated “Czech terror” and oppression of the Sudeten Germans.

Thus, the plight of the German minority in Czechoslovakia was merely
a pretext … for cooking up a stew in a land he coveted, undermining it,
confusing and misleading its friends and concealing his real purpose …
to destroy the Czechoslovak state and grab its territories ….
The leaders of France and Great Britain did not grasp this. All through the
spring and summer, indeed almost to the end, Prime Minister Chamberlain
and Premier Daladier apparently sincerely believed, along with most of
the rest of the world, that all Hitler wanted was justice for his kinsfolk in

William Shirer, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich

The Reversal of Causality

The Czech refusal to allow the Sudeten territories to return to their “rightful” German owners, Hitler prattled, was proof that the Czechs were the intransigent obstacle to peace. For what choice would Germany have but to come to the assistance of its oppressed brethren living under intolerable Czech occupation?

Moreover, the Germans reversed causality, claiming that the Czechs were trying to precipitate a European crisis in order to prevent the breakup of their state, that the choice between war and peace in Europe was in
Czech hands, and even that “this petty segment of Europe is harassing the human race.” 

But there was a simple way to simultaneously avoid war and achieve justice, Hitler said. The Western powers—meaning Britain and France— could force the Czechs to do what was necessary for the sake of peace: Czechoslovakia had to relinquish the “occupied territories!” 

Manufacturing a Point of View

 And it worked. With astonishing speed, the governments and opinionmakers of the West adopted Hitler’s point of view. Throughout 1937 and 1938, mounting pressure was exerted on Czechoslovakia by the leading Western powers “to go to the utmost limit” to meet Sudeten demands. Czech leader Edvard Benes was reviled as intransigent. The Western press published articles lamenting Czech shortsightedness and its total disregard for the cause of peace in Europe, as well as the injustice of not allowing the Sudetenland to be “returned” to Germany (despite the fact that it had never been part of Germany). 

The British envoy who was dispatched to investigate the situation even went so far as to demand that Czechoslovakia “so remodel her foreign relations as to give assurances to her neighbors that she will in no circumstances attack them or enter into any aggressive action against them.”

Land for Peace

On September 18, 1938, under the gun of Hitler’s September 28 deadline, a meeting was held between the British Cabinet and the French prime minister and foreign minister, in which it was determined that democratic Czechoslovakia must accede to Hitler’s demands.  

Despite the fact that the West had promised in writing at Versailles to go to war to defend Czechoslovakia’s borders, it was agreed that the Czechs must give up the Sudetenland for “the maintenance of peace and the safety of Czechoslovakia’s vital interests.” In return, the Czechs would receive from Britain and France “an international guarantee of the new boundaries… against unprovoked aggression.” 

If the Czechs did not accept the plan and thereby save the peace of Europe, they were informed by the leaders of the free world, they would be left to fight Hitler alone. In Neville Chamberlain’s immortal words: “It is up to the Czechs now.”

The Sting

But in fact it was not even left to the Czechs. Chamberlain realized that if the Czechs were to fight, France and Britain might be forced to fight too. As the Czechs and Germans mobilized, Chamberlain became increasingly hysterical about averting war by buying off Hitler with the Czech defensive wall. 

He shuttled repeatedly to Germany to try to arrange the payoff. Finally, minutes before his September 28 deadline, Hitler “agreed” to Chamberlain’s proposal for an international peace conference to bring peace to Central Europe. At Munich, Britain and France pleaded with Hitler for 11 hours to “compromise” and take the Sudetenland peacefully. In the end Hitler agreed. 

The Western leaders returned in triumph to London and Paris. In government, in parliament, and in the press, Chamberlain and Daladier were praised, cheered, and thanked for having traded land for peace. “My friends,” said Chamberlain, “I believe it is peace in our time.”

For when they shall say, ‘Peace and safety’; then sudden destruction

cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall

not escape.

1 Thessalonians 5:3

Having grasped the fact that his supposed democratic allies had allowed themselves to become tools in Hitler’s hand, Prime Minister Benes announced Czechoslovakia’s capitulation to the demands of the
totalitarians. “We have been basely betrayed,” he said.

Phase Two
On September 30, the Czech army began its withdrawal from the Sudetenland—from the strategic passes, the mountain fortresses, and the major industrial facilities that would have been the backbone of Czechoslovakia’s effort to defend itself. But this was only Phase One of Hitler’s plan. 

The German annexation of the Sudetenland was followed by a renewed list of demands on the Czechs. The Nazis continued to invent incidents of violence and oppression against the ethnic German minority in what was left of the Czech state.

Less than six months later, on March 15, 1939, the Nazi war machine rolled through the rest of Czechoslovakia. Shorn of their defenses in the Sudeten mountains, the Czechs were now powerless to resist. Phase Two had been implemented. The Western powers again did nothing. Once more, all their assurance proved worthless.

Clear and Present Danger

Unfortunately, the parallels to today’s effort to gouge Judea and Samaria out of Israel are all too easy to see. Like the Sudeten district, the West Bank is mountainous territory, a formidable military barrier that guards the slender and densely populated Israeli shoreline and Israel’s capital city. 

Like the Germans, the Arabs understand that as long as Israel controls these mountains, it will not be overrun. They understand too that a military campaign to seize these mountains is at present unthinkable, and that Israel’s removal from them can be achieved only by the application of irresistible political pressure by the West on Israel to withdraw. 

The Arab regimes have therefore embarked on a campaign to persuade the West that the Arab inhabitants of these mountains (like the Sudeten Germans, comprising roughly a third of the total population) are a separate people that deserves the right of self- determination—and that unless such self-determination is granted, the Arab states will have no choice but to resort to war to secure it. 

As in the case of Czechoslovakia, Israel’s insistence on not parting with territories strategically vital for its defenses is presented as the obstacle to peace. Echoing Munich, the Arabs repeatedly advocate “active” American (and European) involvement, in the hope that an American Chamberlain can be found to force “the intransigent party” to capitulate where it is otherwise unwilling to compromise its own security. That the Arabs have borrowed directly from the Nazis in this, as in so many of their other devices against Israel, is not surprising. What is surprising, or at least disappointing, is the speed and readiness with which this transparent ruse has been received, digested, and internalized by the elite of the Western world. Not a day passes without some somber editorial or political comment from august quarters in America or Europe asking Israel to voluntarily accept the same decree that Czechoslovakia was asked to accept.

The Rape of Czechoslovakia: A Case study for #Israel

(The following is from the study of the Book of Romans by Chuck Missler.  Romans 9,10, and 11 a study that deals with the Nation of Israel, from past, to present to its future.  It is uncanny how the tactics used by the Nazis in Czecholovakia, are in use today against Israel)


By Jim Towers

When God created mankind, He created mankind in His image, with the ability to make decisions and to choose right or wrong and the direction of his or her life.  Mankind has come a long way since the garden of Eden, and it looks like the Serpent (Satan) is winning the battle for mankind’s souls. Satan’s final push is at hand and he is pulling out all the stops by promoting infanticide.

The bible tells us that children are a gift from God. God gave us the capability to produce children to love and cherish – not to destroy. In fact, it is like spitting in the face of our benevolent creator to do so. It is evil and appalling to see how many people are participating in this dreadful act with some even bragging about it.

Because people seek the pleasure to be derived from the sex act, they commit fornication with various and sundry partners, the end result is that the pregnant woman’s lives, (who not wanting to be a mother) are all but ruined. In desperation they seek out an abortion, never once considering what God thinks of such an evil deed. God is watching and knows who and what is involved in this morbid act. The bible says that there will be hell to pay. 

Nothing could be eviler than to take an innocent infants’ life. The innocent victim of this atrocity is to the murderer just an inconvenient blob of flesh. And today the only value human life has is in the monetary gain accrued by the sale of various body parts.

David, a man after God’s own heart said, “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.  I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. “Furthermore, “Grandchildren are the crown of the aged, and the glory of children is their fathers. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth.” 

When the Apostles tried to shoo away the children who would approach Him, Jesus saw this and he was indignant. He said to them, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” He called a little child to and placed the child among them. And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.”

Some say that it is ok to murder because of incest, rape or infidelity but these only constitute less than one percent of abortions. It really is no excuse. Meanwhile the abortion mill is making millions of dollars from aborted human body parts. 

Again, Jesus said; “If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.”Those who would kill or rape a child are a facing a terrible fate according to the bible.

In response to my most recent article A reader wrote to me and had this to say about society today.

Hi, Jim.  And we haven’t seen anything yet.  The demonic manifestation of transgender mania is growing exponentially, and we are all being exposed to it on some level.  Gender dysphoria was labeled a mental disorder until a few years ago.  Psychiatrist/psychologists/counselors know that those suffering from it have other mental issues, too, caused in large part by abuse, but they refuse to treat any of those issues.  Instead, the children are given hormone treatments and “affirmed” in their illness.  Our children are being targeted through every venue including school classrooms K-12 through indoctrination of “anti-bullying” programs and sex ed inclusive curriculum that focuses on sexual orientation, gender identity and exposes children to deviate sexual practices.  Homosexuality is based on deception, but transgender is a delusion by those who suffer from it and everyone who accepts and supports them.  The floodgates of demonic activity have been opened, and it is coming in like a flood.  God help us and have mercy on the children.  Maranatha.



Recommended read.

Tucker Carlson the Fox News pundit has written a well-researched book titled “Ship of Fools”.

This book delves into the corrupt lives of the elite in our culture, a culture of money, power and death. In it he also exposes the hypocrisy and corruption of our political leaders and people in high places. This writing is intense and not for the faint of heart.

Since the book came out recently the left is angry and attempting to discredit Tucker by any means possible. His job is at stake. We need more people to stand up for what is right as our country flounders with these life and death issues. 

We should pray for this courageous man and his family as we ask what part we can play in the battle against evil. In doing so, we must be harmless as doves.

Good bible teaching by pastor Hayes Wicker can be had on FBCN live streaming on the internet at 9:30 EST.


Jim Towers         

You can contact me at www.thepropheciesmovie.comor  


By Jim Towers 

It’s epidemic these days; everywhere you look there is evidence of people with a reprobate mind. You’ve seen them on the internet with faces tattooed and or with piercings throughout it. Today you can even see them with tattooed eyeballs. 

Yesterday on Facebook I even saw a grown overweight man dressed in a tutu with long stockings and a net brazier covering his sagging man breasts. His sported a beard and on his huge feet he was wearing huge size twelve pink patent leather woman’s shoes he looked absolutely disgusting. He was waiting his turn in front of the lady’s restroom in a department store. 

In society there are some that are still able to hide behind a façade of normalcy but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Take for example the well-respected priests, politicians, other clergy, coaches and other dominate figures in our culture and the world at large. They have no shame or sense of right or wrong. Indeed, there has always been such people but did you ever in your life see so many – in your face – apostates, drug addled people and other psychopaths? 

The Governor of New York signed a bill that would allow mothers to abort their innocent children even after birth. Did you ever notice that most if not all Democrats deny the sanctity of life and instead do what they can to destroy it? This can only be the work of the devil. 

With open devil worship growing by leaps and bounds we Christians must be trying to stem the tide. Many of these people pretend to be benevolent loving and kind, but their works belie what they who and what they are, “By their fruits you shall know them.” 

Such were the people at the time of the Great flood and during the time of Sodom and Gomora. They were given over to a reprobate mind; their thoughts were continually evil. Life was cheap. Is it any wonder that God had to destroy them? “As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of Man”.

We stand at the crossroads of good versus evil, the great falling away has begun and soon – very soon – the great tribulation will begin in earnest. The time will come when such who practice evil will all be left behind to face the great tribulation just ahead.

The bible clearly says that when a person insists on denying God. God in turn will give that person over to a reprobate mind. Which could be the point of no return. Now that my dear friends -is a profound thought – which brings us to this next point. 

In the 1970s, psychiatric deinstitutionalization began in our country; today over 2.2 million people do not receive any psychiatric treatment at all. Except for medication which they may or may not take, they have all taken to the streets and it’s beginning to look like a scary zombie movie out there. 

Since 1976, there have been 20 mass murders a year on average. J. Reid Meloy, Ph.D., is a forensic psychologist who studied them. He found that mass murderers suffer mental illnesses that range from chronic psychotic disturbances and schizophrenia to paranoid disorders. They have the paranoid, narcissistic, and schizoid traits of personality disorders. These were not normal people who simply “snapped.” Instead, they suffered for years from untreated or poorly treated mental illness. Almost half of all mass killers had depression, learning disabilities, or attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Forty percent had alcohol or drug dependencies. 

But regulations hinder treatment. For example, families can’t commit someone unless they’ve already proved a threat to themselves or someone else. Judges cannot order seriously mentally ill people to stay in treatment. People are not allowed to remove guns from mentally ill people who threaten themselves or others. Reversal of these rules would allow family members to get treatment for their mentally ill loved ones and protect society. As if that wasn’t enough to make your liver quiver – there are multitudes of users of illicit drug users as well. Since money compels people to become dealers the drug trade just continues to grow and there is hardly a family in the United States who hasn’t been impacted by its proliferation and or use. Opioid addiction is on the rise which can lead to a reprobate mind.

Some would say that demonic possession and mental illness are two different things, but I would submit to you that a well-balanced person is one who knows Christ in a personal way and is living a Christ centered life. Nevertheless, there are different levels of spiritual growth, attesting to the power of Gods written word – the bible.

That being said; these same people could have lived a fulfilling life had they repented and received Christ. Jesus was always healing the demon possessed. The demoniac in the gospel of Mark rejoiced when he was set free from demonic possession. 

We can alleviate all care and troubling thoughts at the feet of Christ casting all our care on Him and receiving in its place – wonderful peace of mind. God is the ultimate psychiatrist. 


Be in the know, the internet is a fantastic tool for research and assimilating information. My favorite webpage is Rapture Ready News which I’ve been reading daily over the past seven years or more. In it you will find pertinent information and news stories from around the world.

For bible-based teaching tune into on the internet and listen to Dr. Hayes Wicker livestreaming at 10:00 Sunday Morning EST.


Jim Towers       

Write me with comments at  and visit www.thepropheciesmovieand book – also


By Jim Towers

If, like the bible says, “The eyes are the mirror of the soul” then we Christians have much to be concerned about. Foaming at the mouth atheists, homosexuals, radicals, and drug addled criminals are today trying to dismantle our country; a country once deemed a Christian Nation. Their very eyes tell the story. The life of extreme leftists imbue confusion, hate, greed and self-righteousness. It permeates their very souls. 

Common sense is out of vogue and these days it’s the person who acts erratic and speaks foolishness that gets noticed. You can see evil in their eyes.

Now that wouldn’t be so bad, but those who are willing to listen to these foolish and lost people are themselves acting and looking the part of complete lunatics, dancing naked in the streets of America to promote their evil lifestyles. Fancying themselves as liberators in their drug and lust induced delusions they are only fooling themselves and will one day pay the ultimate price for their godlessness.

In one sense they are liberators, but the misguided Godless liberators only want to be liberated from the constraints of God – constraints that are given in the Ten Commandments for our own good, yet our countries leaders break them indiscriminately.  In the book of Ecclesiastes chapter 10 verse 2 it says, “A wise man’s heart is on the right hand – but the fool’s heart is on the left.”

 I shall try to name the most influential and evil possessed of the left – beginning with:

The Catholic Pope – Today, this common man is trying to unite Christianity with Islam (Chris-lam) – a faith that kills anyone who will not adhere to their evil religion, and he continues to harbor and protect pedophile priests and nuns. (More is being revealed on the inner workings of this cult as we speak.)

George Soros – Although a Jew by birth, he is a former Nazi sympathizer who fingered out his own during the holocaust and had them robbed and killed – with no remorse and became a multi-billionaire intent on changing the face of the world.

Bernie Sanders – Is an advocate of the Saul Alinsky way of subversion (double speak) telling people what he thinks they want to hear. Here is a man who would sell his soul to the devil – that is if he believed in one.

Hillary Clinton – Is perhaps the deadliest woman in world history. Aside from the Jezebel of the bible she continues to leave a trail of dead bodies in her wake. Try not to get caught by her evil gaze.

Rapist William Jefferson Clinton. The ultimate rapist with eyes filled with lust.

Barack Obama – Is a man who in his first two times on the floor of the Senate (as a junior Senator) advocated for late term abortions and continues to fight for that evil right. – the Muslim traitor to our Christian Nation deceived multitudes of politically correct people into voting him into office twice. There is too much to divulge about this man’s deception except to say that only the devil is capable of such deceit. This man can look you in the eye and lie through his big teeth. (Now there is talk of him running for president yet again!)

Nancy Pelosi – Encroaching dementia says it all, poor woman.

Maxine Waters – wacky – cowboy hat wearing – congress woman.

The perverted Podesta brothers John and Tony – truly evil in every way.

Anthony Weiner…whose name belies his obsession.

The newest Democrat to hit the stage is the U.S. Representative Alexandria Ocaseo Cortes. Talk about eyes of the soul – this woman is rabidly delusional, and it shows in so many other ways.

From this point on, there are simply too many other demented political leaders to mention.

On another note:

Sunday, our church which has seating for 6000 was filled to capacity; running late I took the very last chair in the very last row of the sanctuary. Our pastor delivered a good pertinent message and afterward announced that we were observing the Lords Supper – as it was that time of the month. 

As the elements were passes down the aisle, I noticed that a young dark skinned East Indian man whom I had never seen before and was two seats away from me to my right. Wondering if he would partake of the elements I watched to see if he would – he didn’t. 

That’s when I realized that he might not be a Christian. And so as soon as the service ended, I made my way over to him and introduced myself. 

“Hi, my name is Jim” to which he replied in like manner. We sauntered out into the entrance way and stepped aside to let people pass and to carry out a conversation that went like this, “Are you a Christian?” I asked.

“No but my mother recently became one, I’m a Hindu.” 

“Well then, what did you think of the service?”

“I enjoyed what the pastor said.” He replied

“The Pastor teaches from the bible; do you own one?”

“Not yet” he replied.”

“I’ve been studying the bible for over forty years and it has never failed me. In it you can find the word of God and the salvation message as well as comfort for the soul.” as I showed him my well-worn forth one that was highlighted throughout with verses that were important to me” I said.

The young man (who appeared to be in his thirties) was intrigued to say the least.

Next, I explained the difference between the Old and New Testaments and asked him to read it to seek Gods face prayerfully.

The last of the people swirled around us as they left for their cars.

The last thing I told him is that his mother had probably been praying for him to find the God of the bible and His Glorious Son – Christ Jesus

On my way home I was elated that God had let me experience -yet again, a Divine Appointment.


Jim Towers         You can contact me at  and www.thepropheciesmovieand book  – also at  


By Jim Towers

Although there are two distinct separations of the redeemed in Ezekiel 9:4 of the Old Testament and Revelation 7:3 in the final book of the New Testament. I’m inclined to believe that the angels of God are going about fulfilling their job of the sealing of the saints today – just prior to the rapture – even as we speak.

Yes, there are references of that happening in the Old Testament, nevertheless it appears that this scenario may being played out again in these dark days in world history – history appears to repeat itself especially where biblical prophecy is concerned. 

Not going into detail, I will only relate what current headlines reveal. Israel, being the main focus of prophetic scripture, we will start with it.

While some factions are eager to rebuild the Temple and have everything in place the Israelis are fighting attacks on several fronts and while they are systematically bombing Iranian controlled Syria – thus fulfilling the prophecy that Damascus would be utterly destroyed in the end times by the prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah. 

Even as we speak, coalitions are being formed against Israel, (the birthplace of Judaism and Christianity) to wipe it off the map once and for all, and the amazing thing is that the very countries mentioned in scripture are the ones who hope to destroy them.

Satanic worship is growing at an alarming rate and the followers would like nothing better than to wipe out the last vestiges of Judaism and Christianity – or if you will – the worship of Almighty God. This they do to not have to be held accountable for their many sins. Sin is a dirty word to such as these.

Each day now we are seeing and hearing of people who are selling out to the devil in ever larger numbers. Satan worship is springing up in our country like never before. Successful people are even giving credit to Satan for giving them the success they’ve had in life. These are people who have had their God consciousness seared from their mind and have no qualms about bragging about it. They are literally going out of their minds.

Already, a third of sea life appears to be diminishing. The fishermen at my mission station are beginning fade away. The abundant fish that were once caught off the Naples pier has all but dried up. Even rivers and canals aren’t producing fish like before. This is to say nothing of the enormous damage caused by leaking radiation from the Fujiyama nuclear plant in Japan which is destroying fish and sea life all along the coastal rim of the Pacific Ocean.

Politicians worldwide seem to be in it for what they can get, and public be damned. They go into politics dead broke or in debt and come out millionaires after a few years of doing nothing constructive for their constituents. Many only show up only to collect their inflated ill – gotten pay checks.

Lawyers, a once highly esteemed profession is being ridiculed for being money hungry thugs as well. Judges are not immune. Criminals getting away with crime and even murder especially if they are wealthy. It seems that money can get you anything. 

Some doctors who are supposed to be healers of humanity are committing murder indiscriminately for monetary gain. In New York a bill was passed with Mayor Cuomo’s blessing that a woman can have her child killed even after exiting her womb. Cuomo’s action in signing the bill even caused consternation with the pope, but who is he to talk? Cuomo called him out on the defending and harboring of known pedophiles. The ungodly are now even fighting amongst themselves. This can only help to weaken our nation.

As a matter of fact, children in Tanzania are being murdered and dismembered for their body parts – to be used as talisman to, of all things – ward off evil.   

Many of our football heroes have proven to be posers and being fueled by drugs they batter their wives and kill their “friends”. Our supposed football heroes are falling left and right from off their pedestals. We are warned not to worship men in scripture, they, being human are almost always sure to let us down. People without God are nothing more than pawns for the Devil.

Even so, president Trump is pushing a bill to have bible courses taught in public schools, but this may be too little too late. There will be great opposition to this plan by non – believers and Muslims who will want their Quran to be taught as well.

These in -your -face atrocities and disasters speak of End Time prophecies. There is no going back now, to the things that once were. The good “ol days” are over, we’ve traveled too far in the wrong direction.

Could it be that the angels of God are sealing Christians in preparation for the soon coming rapture and leaving God denying evil doers to their fate in these ungodly times?

Beware, neither our goodness, (“All our righteousness are as filthy rags.”) church, synagogue, mother Mary, the saints, the pope, degrees, doctorates, charisma, celebrity, notoriety, acumen, friends, intelligence nor money can save us now…… Jesus alone saves. 

Will you be sealed for destruction or redemption when that day comes –  and it will? You can’t have it both ways. You either receive Christ’s forgiveness or you don’t. The bible says, “This is the record, that God hath given us His Son. He that hath the Son Hath life, he that hath not the Son hath not life but the wrath of God abides on him. KJV.

Good bible teaching can be had on www.fbcn.orglive streaming on Sunday morning at 9:30 EST. by Pastor Hayes Wicker.


Jim Towers  

Write me at  and visit www.dropzonedelta.comfor previous articles pertaining to the faith.


By Jim Towers

Are you tempted to do Satan’s bidding? Are you living under a cloud of despair over sins you’ve committed? We are all constantly being tempted to do wrong by the tempter, and most of us can usually justify our every inconsistency when we submit to the temptation. God, on the other hand, expects us to resist the inclination to do wrong, Jesus said, “Resist the Devil and he will flee from you” – simple as that. 

Christian believers must understand that this is a normal phenomenon that all humans must contend with. You are not alone, we all go through temptations; even the Lord Jesus was tempted by Satan, (but never once submitted). To be sure, no one is perfect; that’s why Christ had to die for us.

Nevertheless, we continue to falter and submit to the wiles of the Tempter. Throughout the world some are even worshiping Satan openly while others serve him unwittingly. As a matter of fact, there is a growing need for exorcists around the world today. His greatest disguise is to have us believe he doesn’t exist.

Many hide their fidelity to the Tempter in the guise of well doing as is the case for many in all walks of life. These are usually those who don’t know scripture rightly or who refuse to acknowledge Almighty God and/or His Word. However, we Christian believers know or should know the wiles and tricks of the Devil by being called to, “Be sober, be diligent, for Satan prowls around like a roaring lion seeing whom he may devour.”

The bible says that temptation is inevitable and common to us all, “There hath no temptation taken you, but such as is common to man, but God is faithful who will not suffer you to be tempted above that which you are able.” KJV

While it’s true that a spiritually mature Christian has less and less temptations to contend with, (been there – done that) many still grapple with apathy and or plain laziness in doing God’s will and all too often, all they concern themselves with is football. Albeit, while they may be saved, because of God’s provisional grace, we tend to take that grace too lightly.

The Tempter has a big bag of tricks that he uses to trick us into sin. He tempts us with, lust for illicit sex, love of money and with the pride of life. Satan is sneaky and knows our every inconsistency and he sets out just the right bait for each individual. Following the bait, we can be deceived at any time, and so it is best to stay in close contact with Christ; who is our salvation and advocate with the Father interceding for us when we do fall victim to the Tempters devices. 

The Tempter also puts fear into our hearts through worry – (fear of future events to harm us.) But again, Jesus said, “Don’t worry about anything, but through prayer and supplication – with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.” 

But then again, if you don’t experience temptation, then maybe you aren’t worth the devil’s time in fooling with you – and so he lets you go about your merry way – with no conscience or guilt over our missteps. This is a grievous malady and slippery slope to severing your relationship to God – that is if you truly have one.

To be sure, God is true to His word and we are saved by grace through faith some of us will barely make it to heaven. Is that what Jesus spoke of when he said that some would make it to heaven – as if by fire? 

The Tempter is also the accuser of the brethren and would have us lay awake at night accusing us of wrongdoing – real or imagined; but we who know God and His word have God’s promise to forgive us – if we confess our sins and repent. “If we confess our sins God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” Remember the bible says that God even cares for sparrows, how could He not care for you? You are His prized possession, the pinnacle of His creation.

All of humanity is precious to God, but since He gave us free will, we must make the decision to believe in Him and His Holy Word (The bible) or to fall for the temptations of the Devil. There isn’t much middle ground here. This is the decision all humanity must make. This world is only the testing ground for you to decide which way to go in pursuing it. Although life sometimes seems like a mindless game but, it is the only way for our all-seeing God to know where we stand and only after we receive the gospel can we live life as it should be lived. That is with power, love and a sound mind – as well as one without fear. 

Walk with Him, talk with Him, tell Him your troubles and concerns – He’s always wanting and waiting to hear your voice call out to Him. “Study to show yourself approved, a workman that need not be ashamed, rightfully dividing the word of God.” Learn of the Tempters devises to do us harm and learn to live by God’s many promises made to us by reading the bible. 


The book “Ashamed of the Gospel” by John E. Mc Arthur is excellent reading, and even though it was published in 1993 it is still as relevant today as it was then; maybe even more so. The author speaks of trends, merchandising and entertainment that are used as tools to bring people into the church. Some of which are really seeking the truth that only the Gospel can give, institutionalizing them instead of letting the word of God convert them into powerful saints. But all too often, the result is that they often burn out.

The writer states that, “The very reason people love sophisticated religion and highbrow morality is that those things appeal to the human ego. At the same time, worldly wisdom scoffs at the gospel precisely because it confronts human conceit. The gospel demands that people acknowledge their sin and spiritual impotence. It humiliates them, convicts them, and calls them sinners. Moreover, it offers salvation as a gracious work of God – not something people can accomplish on their own. In every way the cross crushes human pride.” 

Good bible teaching by Senior Pastor Hayes Wicker can be had by tuning in to livestreaming on the internet each Sunday morning at 9:30 EST. 

“Casting all your care upon Him for He cares for you.”


Jim Towers           

You can write me at jt.filmmaker@yahoo.comwith comments and visit my website– I’m also on (Warriors following Christ.


By Jim Towers

Many of us believers feel that we could be the generation that ushers in the great tribulation period after our departure in what’s called the rapture. With governments toppling left and right even non- Christians believe that something isn’t quite right, and that war among the great powers is on the horizon. But even the leaders of these nations don’t seem to know what to do about it; and with the shaking and toppling of governments worldwide, humanity is coming to its collective wits end. Except for hard core Christian believers many throughout the world are living in fear and confusion.

Even so, here in America there are many traditional, and wishy washy “Christian believers” who are still playing church with an eye to recognition from fellow congregants; when speaking to these people, they are likely to tell you that we’ve been living in the end times for over two thousand years, and they’ll start off their spiel by saying “Bah”, (my addition) … “Where is the sign of His (Jesus) coming, for since the fathers fell asleep all continues as from the beginning of creation” 2 Peter 3:4.

While the traditional church is experiencing a falling away in this country and abroad, – another phenomenon is taking place; there are other churches springing up led by self- styled glutinous preachers who wear their shirts outside their pants to hide the roll of fat that has become their belly. This laisse-faire attitude smacks of disrespect for the things of God, even so, the congregants follow suit, wearing sandals and shorts and moo – moos to the services. They have no respect or fear of God. This, while loud music, strobe lights and often smoke machines serve to makeup the service while groping and desperate people only need to hear the gospel and unadulterated word of God.

Despite all the foolishness going on in todays churches there are some who truly take the things of God to heart. These folks care about the dying humanity and aren’t afraid of wearing their faith on their sleeve. The reason I write about my exploits is that they may inspire you to step out of your comfort zone and experience the blessings one receives when we reach out to others. Science has proven that when we reach out to others it releases endorphins in the brain and makes you a happier and more confident person – and this goes for everyone – Christian or not.

Only then, when you begin to do what He’s called you to do – it will surely put you in favor with God and you will see His promises begin to bear fruit. Except for His mercy, Gods promises are conditional, and He will prove Himself to you if you give Him first place in your life.

William Carey (1761 to 1834) once said, “Expect great things from God; attempt great things for God.” When you know the power of a Covenant relationship with God and walk in His ways, you will experience a radical change in your life.

Indeed, we can’t just let people guess that we’re Christians; they may even think we’re just a worldly – goody two shoes. There are plenty of those running around who seem to think (like some Christians) that they can find favor with God and man by being so called “decent” folks, but the bible says different. The bible says, “There is none righteous, no not one; for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God; but God has laid upon Him (Christ Jesus) the iniquity of us all.” That is the scourging and death on the cross.

The apostle James says, “Yea, a man may say he hath faith, thou hath faith and I have works: show me your faith without works and I will show you my faith with my works…Faith without works is dead.” 

In these disastrous days, we must not resort to being closet Christians. Just look what it’s done to our society for us withholding the good news of the Gospel from a lost and dying world. Isn’t it contingent on us all to admit openly and without hesitation that He is our savior, if indeed he is? 

The exploits I experience on an almost daily basis is for me a blessing since I enjoy each and every encounter. Thankfully I began sharing Christ right after receiving Him into my life over forty years ago.  That experience was so profound that just couldn’t keep it to myself. 

So, don’t become complacent with what you know about God, nor be fearful of men who don’t understand but lean on their own understanding and ego.  Do something about your faith. We all have gifts and talents.

Let us step out in faith to lead others to Christ and encourage them in these times of great uncertainty. 


You may remember Chuck Colson from the Nixon Administration. I just finished reading “The Good Life” by Chuck Colson and Harold Fickett. I don’t know who Fickett is, but Chuck Colson is remembered for the “Born Again” book written several years ago. I read it when it first came out and figured he didn’t have much to say after that experience in his life – not many Christians do. Chuck however went on to write many other books having to do with Christianity. 

Here then is an extraordinary Christian man, a man whom I admire for his varied ministries, one of which was a world – wide prison ministry. I would say this man qualifies as one of those who dared to do great exploits.

I highly recommend either of these two books for anyone seeking the deeper things of God.


Jim Towers           

You can write me with your opinions and concerns at jt.filmmaker@yahoo.comor visit my revised website –  and also 

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