By Jim Towers

I just received my first response to my previous article, one in which my reader says (in essence) that we should be like sheep quietly bleating – awaiting our own slaughter while being politically correct.

Now I know as well as you do that some of this is true. I think it refers to each individual person to the extent that we can endure, but can we stand idly by while our fellowmen and brothers and sisters in Christ are being attacked wholesale in our communities and in other countries? Do we quietly await (with abated breath) our anticipated persecution and even death by extremists and never lift a finger simply because of our faith in Christ?

King David and Joshua didn’t just stand by and let others run roughshod over them and their people. As a matter of fact, a fearful and politically correct Joshua was told by God to get up off his knees and to face the enemy. “Get up! Why do you lie thus on your face (praying)?”

What did Jesus mean When he said to sell their cloak and buy a sword? You don’t bear a weapon for decoration but for confrontation in protecting your family and friends. Such is the hero in my film – which is, albeit, a work of fiction.

As many of you know, I don’t ascribe to reading fiction and prefer true stories on film as well, nevertheless, I found it necessary to write this story to bring to the fore what many Christians, patriots and right thinking people, (having been cowed) are thinking – but afraid to say openly.

It is said that the pen is mightier than the sword but I also believe that movies can also be mightier than the actual sword of battle, causing those who saw and heard the story – makes them  ponder or think about what they experienced through this wonderful medium invented by Jewish men.

As a child I often read comic books, and one of my favorite hero’s was the Lone Ranger who always did the right thing without hoopla and fanfare, and just rode off into the sunset. 

Soon after, he came to life on television – the show being directed by Charles Livingston whom I later worked with on stage as a Jewish playboy doctor in a play called “Take my wife”! He encouraged ne to pursue acting as a career, which I did – but that’s another story I’ve written about in my (as yet to be published) 248 page manuscript “Miracles, Signs and Wonders.”

In this film the story deals with up to the minute issues that plague our nation such as Pedophilia, cults, drug peddlers, criminality, terrorism, church apathy and it exposes political corruption openly as well, often referring to scripture such as, 

“No greater love has this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” This is said while Martin is thought to be dead.

“It is better to be tied to a millstone and thrown in the deepest sea than to offend one of these little ones.” When Martin confronts a pedophile priest.

Synopsis/ Outline

In this Evangelical movie, Martin, – is a single, handsome and well-built 33-year-old Captain in the United States Special Forces. He is a gregarious Christian – well read, articulate and patriotic. Our hero also loves learning, and he can often be found at the Public library in his “off time.” 

This former military warrior comes to the rescue of everyday men, women and children, confronting, thugs, gang members, pedophiles and terrorists – all without fanfare or the ability to fly – except by plane. (He holds a pilot’s license.)


While riding a horse along with his men in the war in mountainous Afghanistan, an incoming grenade lands in the midst of his twelve-man company. Jumping onto the grenade to protect his men from harm he is severely injured and is pronounced dead after being airlifted out of harm’s way, but he manages to survive after having a near death experience (NDE.) 

During this moment in time Martin cries out “I don’t want to die,… I have yet to marry and have a son…. A voice (GOD) replies, “You will not die…You shall live to fight the evil that has taken over your country”.  

After many surgeries he is finally sent back to the states to complete his recovery Miami/Naples. Now he must endure painful but ardent physical therapy – as he struggles to regain strength to his injured body and limbs. After a year- he recovers fully when an Angel posing as a mysterious doctor gives him (a stem cell concoction) through injection. (“Entertaining an angel unaware?”)

We can often find Martin working out at a local gym as he recovers.

The treatment the mysterious doctor has given him has increased the young warrior’s strength, speed and adroitness tenfold. When in trouble, his eyes focus on his surroundings – seeing things that others often miss which also gives him the ability of reading body language in depth. (Christians refer to this ability as “Spiritual Discernment.”)

Martin makes his home in Miami Florida and treads the mean streets of Miami and South Beach.

What makes this hero different than any other movie hero – is that he is well read, and he quotes the Bible along with other meaningful sayings, which makes this film biblically informative as well as entertaining – in aiming at the younger crowd. 

Young people need someone to look up to in our turbulent and sinful country, Martin could just be the hero they are looking for.


Jim Towers 

Write me with your thoughts at   I will answer personally. Or you can check out my website – Also, – Warriors Following Christ 


By Jim Towers

In spite of what you may believe not all of us in the movie business are Godless swamp creatures. I for one am appalled at how far we have strayed from Christian norms in the entertainment business. There have always been good people in my industry. But as in the social construct of our country we have moved to the extreme craziness of the far left – demanding the obscene.

There was a time, when people weren’t as literate as we are today. In those days, believe it or not, the theatre was about morality plays – thought provoking plays that one could take home and ponder. This was the time of enlightenment of renaissance, of Da Vinci and Shakespeare, a time of the protestant reformation. This was a time following the dark ages, much like the times in which we live today.

I still have friends in the movie business and truth be told I would trust some of them more than I trust the brethren. As a matter of fact, the brethren have proven time and again – the hypocrites that they are. I could tell you horror stories about all denominations.  But hey, they are only human, saved by God’s grace – and what a wonderful undeserving grace it is. 

 It is very rare to find a True believer these days, you’d have to search far and wide to find one.

In saying that, I’m talking about a person who doesn’t limit God to the theological dogma taught in seminary. We can actually have a vibrant relationship with our creator if we seek him in spirit and in truth and not limiting Him in any way, shape or form.

And the best part is that he will answer our questions and petitions speedily even if we have faith the size of a mustard seed. The bible is our source of enlightenment about the things of God and of growing your faith, “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.”

Jesus was speaking truth when He said narrow is the way that leads to life and few there be that find it. Now that isn’t to say that He doesn’t save to the uttermost, but it means that there is a deep and abiding peace of mind given to those closest to Him. To people like us there is nothing, – no nothing – that God cannot do.

Living in the last days, God is pouring out His spirit on those closest to Him and they are experiencing phenomenon that surpasses all human understanding. Some of us are experiencing NDEs, that is Near death experiences others are beginning to have visions and many more are experiencing outright unexplainable miracles.

Granted, we must carefully judge those who are experiencing such things and see if their fruit, (The way they live their lives) belies or confirms the truth of their claims.

In the topsy turvy and evil world we live in these days, where right is wrong and wrong is right, we must tread carefully – armed with the Word of God, – (which is our guide) because many so called teachers are trying to change scripture to say what it doesn’t. If what these charlatans say doesn’t jibe with Holy Scriptures – do yourselves a favor and run.

Only now, with time running out we should bring the fight to the enemy. The enemies of God are foolish to believe they can win the war, much less the battle. For God has not given is the Spirit of fear, but of Love, Power, and a Sound Mind! They are the losers in the end righteousness WILL prevail.

Many of you know about my work in Movies primarily as an actor and writer but most of you don’t know that I’m about to embark on making an Evangelical Christian movie – one that doesn’t glorify football players, basketball hero’s nor hobbits. My movie will be one of sharing the unadulterated Word of God with the masses in a highly entertaining way, in a way that we all can identify with, in a way that will have them talking and thinking about the things that are said and done in the movie.

We are today in a very dark place akin to the dark ages (socially speaking) and it’s going to take a lot of work and imagination to awaken people to the dire consequences of their wrongdoing. The wages of sin is death and we in America are in death throes even as we speak. 

We all need to REPENT – Christians as well.

We in the Christian community have far too many armchair warriors, people who know God but deny the power thereof. 

With all the talents dolled out to God’s people you would think we could stem the tide of wickedness that has taken over the world , but as you well know things are the other way around and soon we may be a just a footnote in world history.

As for those of you who sit idly by waiting for the rapture – hoping to be taken away from the evil that’s befallen us, think again. You may also be left behind with your theological doctorate in hand. We must all rise up and give voice to righteousness, sanity and Godliness. Don’t be caught by the rapture doing nothing about your faith or worse yet – flaunting your sinful way of life before the throne of God and claiming to be His.

As for me, I’m doing the best I can with the talents I’ve been given and yet some of you look at me with distain, and hope that I fail. After all, I’ve always been an achiever, but some would rather be known for their “golden tongue”.  

Today, more than ever before we need men of action, men not afraid of the enemy no matter how intimidating they may be with their hot and putrid breath full of lies.  

Jesus said, “I am coming in a day when you think not” In other words, always be prepared for His coming lest He find you sleeping behind the wheel – as it were.


Jim Towers               

To comment, Email me at – – I Will answer.  Or you can see what I’m up to on my own web page,

Environmentalism and the War on Truth

Environmentalism: Evidence Suggests it Was Always and Only About Achieving World Government

Guest Opinion: Dr. Tim Ball

It is common sense to protect our environment, but what has occurred for 50 years is exploitation of that idea for a socialist agenda. We wasted 50 years believing that humans are not natural, and everything they do is destructive. We wasted and continue to waste trillions of dollars on unnecessary policies and useless technologies, all based on false assumptions, pseudoscience, and emotional bullying. 

We now know 50 years later that every single prediction concerning the environmental demise of the Earth and the people made in the original Earth Day Report was wrong. We also know that every additional claim, such as overpopulation, global warming, sea level rise, desertification, deforestation, and sea ice collapse, among many others, were wrong. I challenge anyone to produce empirical evidence that proves anything happening today is outside any long-term record of natural activity. 

Convince the people that the entire world is threatened, and you can convince them that no nation can save it. It is then easy to convince them that a world government is the only way to save the planet. The trouble is that none of it is true. The World is in good shape, and people are living longer and healthier lives in every nation.  

Read the entire article here


By Jim Towers

This is my last and final writing for dropzonedelta and raptureready and already I feel light as a feather. 

Feeling responsible for the many who read my columns along with my (480) Facebook friends – I ask that you understand what this burden entailed. It entailed research, prayer, boldness and a commitment to the Word of God. Coupled with diligent study of the Holy Scriptures and other writings by Godly men, I followed Christ’s teachings as best I could, with all human understanding plus the Holy Spirits help. And I did this all for FREE at the expense of my denying my own desires and aspirations. (If I had put as much effort and time into making a living or pursuing my dreams, I would be a wealthy man today.) Nevertheless, my riches are stored in heaven where neither rust nor decay can touch them. I wrote (and continue to tweak my screenplay) to be able to share my spiritual experiences and evangelical exploits with the masses and to encourage other Christians – as I was commanded to do.

Having studied scripture for over forty years with a sincere attitude and open mind I never tried to put God in a box and let Him work freely in my life through the Holy spirit and although I never obtained a theological degree, I can debate the best of them who have done so simply from first- hand experience and walking with God on a daily basis – as opposed to book learning in bible school or seminary. (I explain this more fully in my 248-page manuscript – that has yet to be published because I will not self – publish it – as so many others are doing these days. I leave that to God’s timing or desire to do so.)

Writing for the masses had been quite an eye- opening experience with most men being wimpy and afraid of sharing the Gospel with strangers, while others deny Christ all together. This is the cost of political correctness and or fear of men that permeate our society in these final hours.

Alas, my written words and admonitions appear to have fallen on some deaf ears while many of you are still living under a rock, – and this while going to church like good little children who still drink milk and would choke on meat. Some of you are complete zombies – just going through the motions of living. But Jesus said, “Only those who throw their lives away for my sake, will truly know what it means to live.”

Loving people the way I do I can only grieve about the confusion and loss of hope that has come upon them – especially the young.

As pertains to apostasy, many of you are seeing it happen in your very own congregations, like the Laodicean church you have become complacent, neither hot nor cold and accepting of heretical teaching by not studying scripture and communing with God daily.

In my 45 years of church going I’ve seen everything from apostacy, divorces, adultery, sexual perversion, heretical teaching, anti-Semitism, hate, jealousy to self-aggrandizement. 

In my former church this recently happened all at once; yet knowing this firsthand I stayed because of the good Gospel pastor there, (Doctor Hayes Wicker). That is – until this good man chose to retire. Albeit, he was betrayed and deceived by his staff, so called friends and associates. (If this man had a character flaw it was his naiveté about hiring these deceptive and self-seeking usurpers.)

One of them was a portly televangelist wannabe who taught a class there and was a tax lawyer who had his own foundation. He proved to be a self-seeking foe and not the friend of the pastor he pretended to be. When I confronted him with, “I thought he was your friend he replied, “Oh, I have other friends” I thought – “I’m glad I’m not one.”

The other so-called pastor, – a shiny headed man with great speaking skills – but cold as ice and with absolutely no love in his heart, I suppose took over – fulfilling a lifelong dream of commanding the podium. I don’t know, as I left as fast as I could.

Then there is the other wimpy teacher whose only skill is teaching geography and being able to print (like a child) rapidly on the chalk board behind him. This was the same guy who balked at having his prayer group praying for one of my readers in Kenya whose village was soon to be attacked by Boco Haram, after the Cristian villager E-mailed me asking for prayer. I asked the head of that prayer group to have the group pray for the Kenyan man and his village. He consulted with this class teacher and they decided that since I wasn’t a member of the prayer group they wouldn’t pray for my reader and his village. – I never heard from that poor man again…..he and his Christian family probably died at the hands of these crazed radical Muslims.

After the huge campus church was rejuvenated without the congregation’s approval. Things went bad from that point on. The refurbished place looked like a staging auditorium, lacking warmth, and with all the whiteheads nodding off during the sermons or talking football and golf.

But that was soon to change with loud music and Hollywood wannabes taking over the stage and with smoke hanging from the ceiling and flashing strobe lights. If they thought, they could do as good as some of the secular professionals they were wrong – completely wrong, since we Christians are supposed to be set apart, a peculiar people given over to faith and love of others. Instead they were trying to be like the world – something the young seekers are disillusioned with in the first place and who are seeking something more meaningful and real…vis a vis… the unvarnished Gospel.

With the music leader who is a “preacher wannabe” taking over (he often had the choir sing un-inspired songs that I’m sure he wrote himself) – songs whose wording and repetition make no sense. To top it all, he now has his chance to appear Godly on the podium with his bad acting at fervent prayer and whiney admonitions from the pulpit – emulating Benny Hinn.

Then there is the older prayer warrior with the woody woodpecker hairdo who avoided me at all costs. I guess he was offended that I wouldn’t let him pray for me – as I can always pray for myself and do as the bible says, to “Pray without ceasing”).

I fully intend to present a copy of this article to these individuals who are sure to destroy what it took a good man (Pastor Hayes Wicker) twenty- seven years to build. – What a travesty of justice. 

I predict, that if the rapture doesn’t happen within in the next ten years this once vibrant church will be overgrown with weeds and decay or in its place there will be a Muslim Mosque if they don’t change their ways.


The Lord laid it on my heart to fulfill my destiny in other ways – to promote the kingdom of God and to comfort and encourage the confused and hurting masses – especially the younger generations. 


Oh, not to cry…. you will all be alright, and my guess is that before the week is out you will all have forgotten that I even existed.

Many thanks to Todd Strandberg (A fearless man of God) who founded Rapture Ready and to his wonderful and tireless editor, Cindy Snead Nuara).

Goodbye and God bless you all.


Jim Torres “Towers”    

My loyal followers can still reach me at or my web page


By Jim Towers

We all have a tendency to ignore God, it’s in our genetic makeup. From the time when Adam and Eve sinned, they passed that tendency on to us through their genes. Sin is now in our genetic makeup too. That’s why the bible says, “There is none righteous- no not one, for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God”..…We just can’t help ourselves.

Did you know for instance that the two most famous heroes in the bible also had that gene? Moses killed a man and had a temper and King David also killed a man and took his wife.

Yet both men were eventually forgiven by God. We too can have that same forgiveness by calling out to God in the face of Jesus Christ. 

David is later referred to as “A man after God’s own heart.”


I am in the process of making a Christian film, one in which justice prevails and the Word of God is heard. 

Our hero is a God-fearing man and patriot, a principled man who does the right thing.

Scripture will be utilized at every opportunity throughout – no more pussy footing around. 

In this film our once great Christian Nation will be spoon fed God’s Word. We have strayed too far to the left where now the worship of Satan is permissible and tax exempt while God and Christ have been taken from most of our institutions. We must be bold – as the hero of this film is bold.

It’s not enough for us to know and sermonize and hide behind church walls, we must either take a stand or suffer the consequences of political correctness and/or apathy. Below is just one of the scenes (Opening scene) where scripture will be heard.



Miami is being overrun thugs, prostitutes, pimps and drug dealers. Meanwhile, in Afghanistan,


Far away in Afghanistan, a handsome and well-built thirty-three-year-old U.S. Special Forces Captain is leading his 12 men through a mountainous area in an assault on the Taliban. 

Martin and his men are mounted on HORSES.  A GRENADE comes hurtling through the air and lands into the midst of him and his men who have now dismounted behind a huge boulder. Without taking a second thought he throws himself upon the grenade – which explodes and Martin’s body flies in the air. (Martin happens to be wearing body armor.)

The screen goes to black but soon a speck of light is seen in the distance and it enlarges as Martin is drawn toward it like a piece of steel to a magnet. 

As he approaches the light a deep and ominous VOICE in the distance calls out….




                                    I don’t want to die….I have yet to marry and have a son…


                                    You will not die,….You shall live to help fight the evil that 

has taken over the earth.

A FRENZIED battle continues as Martin fights for his life lying prostrate on the ground. His men prevail and soon a Medi Vac chopper lands and he is airlifted to safety.


In the hospital, a MILITARY CLERGYMAN stands over Martins body which is encased in bandages from head to foot, saying,


                                    “No greater love has man than this, that he lay down his 

Life for his friends.”

And a sheet is pulled over Martin’s head.

At this. Martin lifts his hand and an ASSISTANT hollers, 


                                    He’s alive!…The man’s ALIVE!


If any one of my readers wants to help with this critical and timely endeavor, please contact me a for more information and how you can become involved.

The day is darkening, and soon we may not have the opportunity to share the Word of God with others. 


Jim Towers                        

My personal E. Mail is  I can also be reached at www.propheticsignsandwonders.comand


By Jim Towers

Apostacy is happening in every denomination now. No church is exempt from this end times phenomenon. This clearly shows that the time of the rapture is near. As Jesus said, “When you see these things begin to happen you can know my return is at the very door.” 

The quasi Christian Catholic church is topsy – turvy with false doctrine and always was, but today the pope is taking it a step further with wanting to incorporate Islam and all other “faiths into a worldwide religion – just as the scriptures predicted would happen in the end times.  

Protestant leaders are also failing to address the issue of sound doctrine and because of this, many churches are going astray. The words of the bible are being watered down and many don’t even subscribe to its final authority anymore. “A house built on sand cannot endure” and that goes for churches as well.

Today’s Christian church is mostly based on personality and charisma of the leaders and /or the so-called worship band. But it’s all smoke and mirrors (literally) – accompanied by strobe lights.

Meanwhile, corruption abides on the inside of the church like a raging cancer, while on the outside atheists and agnostic perverts are beating war drums to destroy the Christian faith.

In the secular world, many incarcerated criminals are what is called “institutionalized” – they do everything by rote; like a zombie they eat, exercise and sleep at regimented hours of the day. And so, it is the same old- same old for many Christians going through a regimented life. Far too many Christians have been “institutionalized”, which is to say they live and thrive within the walls of the church building but are afraid of engaging secular society to bring others into the faith, and when they do it is only to make a name for themselves, that they might be seen by men. 

Many leaders have a degree, albeit our savior Christ Jesus worked as a carpenter and never held a theological degree, and neither did his disciples – save one – Paul. Those with degrees are looked upon with great favor, but the so-called Christian Universities have lost their moorings, and some just go there to fornicate to become indoctrinated with false teaching.

What Jesus and his other followers did have was the Holy Spirit – who leads into all truth. “But the anointing that you have received from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone should teach you; but as the same anointing teaches you all things, and is true and is not a lie; and just as it has taught you, you will abide in Him.”

In my forty years of church attendance I have seen firsthand the many atrocities committed in the Christian church, blasphemy, self-aggrandizement, harlotry, adultery, course joking and lying.

The first one was a church in which the pastor and the music leader were making evil jokes about Jews. Being a young Christian I thought that all Christians were sincere and true to the faith, especially pastors. Broken, I left and never went back.

Next, I attended a Calvary Chapel church for several years before it was found that the pastor was fornicating with several women in the congregation. After he was ousted, the former pastor went on to other things saying that he felt he had “another church” in him. So, he may strike again. Later, I went back to see how the others were faring and they were attending a program on how to invest your money in the kingdom of God! (Did you ever notice how the “pastors wear their shirts outside their pants over their pot bellies and prefer to sit on a bar stool while preaching or teaching?) While there is nothing wrong with that – they have made it a contrived routine in hopes of identifying with the clueless masses.

Speaking for myself, I am presently looking for a good bible believing church once again, since my pastor has just resigned after 27 years of pastoring the same church. In this unfriendly church he was the only one to talk to me sincerely and hug me back, all other self – absorbed leaders looked away. (These same people wanted to oust Chuck Colson of all people when he was still alive. They didn’t like the fact that he had taken the limelight away from them, although they did nothing to deserve it.) As a result of being hypocritical and hateful the book of Luke 12:47 says, “…and those who knew their masters will and did not abide in it will receive many stripes….”. I hope you’re not one of those. 

With my church dissolving, I find myself looking for a new church home knowing that I won’t find a perfect one. 

If you, like me are having to look for a good church “home” them make sure you ask to see their doctrinal statement and check out the congregation carefully. Does it jibe with what is written in scripture? Is Jesus the focal point of their doctrine? Is salvation by faith alone taught? Do they teach from the bible? Do they have bible classes that utilize the bible and not man – made ideas and philosophies? The church should not baptize infants. Remember, too that Allah the Moon god is not the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (the one true God). Are the church leaders friendly? Is the unadulterated Gospel preached? Do they have an altar call? 

If you answered no to any one of these questions, then they are not teaching the truth but a doctrine of demons. “Now the Spirit speaks expressly that in the last days some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of demons.” Also, “Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord’s table, and of the table of devils” – 1 Cor 10:21.

Whatever you do – Do Not believe Jehovah’s Witnesses man-made teaching of having to earn your salvation. The same can be said for Mormons or Catholics or any other man-made cult. 

No, we won’t find a perfect church nor person, but we can strive to be all that God wants US to be by adhering to the written word of God – the Bible.

Once you receive Jesus into your heart and life you will be able – through the Holy Spirit – to make sense of Forgiveness of Sin -Salvation and Eternal life – but only as you read and study biblical scripture.


Jim Towers        

write me at  www.thepropheciesmovieandbook.comand


The Basis of our Eternal Security

1) Upon His Sovereign Purpose

Eternal purpose declared: Eph 1:11-12. This eternal purpose is anchored within the veil, confirmed by an oath: Heb 6:17-20.

2) Upon His Solemn Promise

Our salvation depends upon His promise, and not our faithfulness: Rom 4:16: Therefore, it is of faith [nothing on man’s part], that it might be by grace [everything on God’s part]; to the end the promise might be sure… 

If it depended at any point upon human ability to continue to believe, then the promise could not be secure. The promise that those who believe will be saved is confirmed everywhere: Gen 15:6; Jn 3:16; Acts 16:33; Rom 4:23-24, et al.)

3) Upon His Infinite Power

He is free to save us. Christ’s death has rendered God free to save us in spite of moral imperfection. Our eternal security does not depend upon our moral worthiness. Christ is the propitiation for our sins (1 Jn 2:2).

(To assume that there is some sin which is sufficiently serious to cause us to forfeit our salvation is to assume that we were less worthy of salvation after having committed this sin than before, and it reduces salvation down to human ability to merit it.)

He has purposed to keep us saved:

All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out. For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me. And this is the Father’s will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day. And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day.

John 6:37-40

And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father’s hand.

John 10:28, 29

“Shall never” is a double negative in the Greek, a form which is especially emphatic.

Note: There are two hands involved! I have searched the original texts; I cannot find “Whoops!” (no one has ever called God “Butterfingers”).

Some suggest that we, ourselves, can yet snatch ourselves out of the Father’s hand. What kind of security is it that offers no security against our own weaknesses? (Jn 5:24).

4) Upon His “Much More” Love

His intent is love based: Cf. Rom 5:6-10. God knew when He saved us that we were totally depraved, and therefore any new manifestation of sin in our lives after our conversion cannot be any motivation to God to change His mind and withdraw His grace and His salvation. Cf. Rom 11:29; Rom 8:32, 38-39. 

He saved us for reasons independent of us and outside of us. He was motivated by His electing love, and not by observation of good in the sinner. We will explore that in our next session we review, Romans 9:10-13.

5) Upon His Answer to the Prayer of His Son

We, as believers, are called many things in Scripture: saints, believers, elect, sheep, partakers, etc. But the title most dear to the heart of Christ is repeated seven times in His high priestly prayer (Jn 17): “those whom

thou hast given me.” (Cf. Jn 17:11-12). Jesus prays that we will be kept from hell (17:15); and will be with Him in heaven (17:20, 24). [This keeping is from perishing, not necessarily all forms of inheritance.]

 I believe that the Father always answers the prayers of the Son (Jn 11:42).

A Chain of Five Links: Romans 8:29-30

God’s sovereign purpose is exemplified in these two verses:

29] For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.

30] Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified.

This eternal choice and foreknowledge involves more than establishing a relationship between God and believers—it involves the certainty of our sanctification! Those God foreknew He also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of His Son (Rom 8:29).

1) Foreknow: prior choice, as well as advance knowledge (Amos 3:2): a personal, loving, and intimate prior choice. The process starts with foreknowledge. The entire group is brought into God’s eternal plan by divine foreknowledge and choice is predestined, “predetermined.”

2) Predestinate: simply planned in advance. Eph 1:4-6 adds insight…

3) Called: referred to here is the efficacious call to come to Him. Jesus said, “My sheep hear my voice and they follow Me” (Jn 10:27-30).This is an effectual calling: all that are justified will be glorified (Rom8:23).

4) Justified: declared righteous (Rom 5:1; Cf. Rom 3:24, 28; 4:2; 5:1, 9).

5) Glorified: “Glorified” is another way of saying that God’s children will be “conformed” to His Son; and that is God’s ultimate “purpose.”No longer will they “fall short of the glory of God” (Rom 3:23). In theprocess not a single person is lost.

These are five unbreakable links: “Those…he also”: This is a clear statement of the eternal security of the saints.

The resurrected and glorified Lord Jesus Christ will become the Head of a new race of humanity, purified from all contact with sin and prepared to live eternally in His presence: cf. 1 Cor 15:42-49 (which precedes the rapture passage!).

Between the start and finish of God’s plan are indispensable steps:

1) being called (cf. Rom 1:6; 8:28),

2) being justified(cf. Rom 3:24, 28; 4:2; 5:1, 9), and

3) being glorified(cf. Rom 8:17; Col 1:27; 3:4).

…and in the process not a single person is lost. God completes His plan without any slippage or shrinkage of inventory! Precisely the same number of men are called, justified, and glorified.

Excerpt from the Study on Romans chapter 8- Chuck Missler/


By Jim Towers

Since I’m not a Democrat, this is not a mindless rant but a heartfelt expression that many of us patriots feel to be true.  We conservatives used to be called the silent majority; but we now know that it doesn’t pay to be silent. In being silent we let the forces of evil try to take over our Christian Nation. We can afford to be silent no more.

First, sir, I want to thank you for hanging in there when the chips are down. I know that you don’t really need the job and have no other interest other than preserving ours and your nation. You are just the leader we needed at a time when our country was in free fall – owing to the widespread corruption that existed in Government before you stepped in.

Thank God that Hillary didn’t win the election, it would have been more of the same with no end in sight. Her only aim was to be in power to continue exploiting our good nation for monetary gain. Worse than that she would have let her partners in crime continue to prosper as well – at the cost and peril of our nation. This, to say nothing of the mysterious deaths of all those who would expose her criminality.

Also, with a Muslim in power, (Obama) who did all he could to destroy our nation you stepped in at just the right time. After bowing to all others who were in power in many Muslim nations this treasonous  man joined with them in an attempt to undermine the USA and our standing in the world; he even had them coming and going at the white house at all hours of the day and night probably making plans for our demise and worshiping Allah. 

Although there is nothing wrong with having “friends” these were our sworn enemies. One can’t help in believing that there was a dark conspiracy being hatched at most if not all the meetings, but by the grace of God we were spared more terrorist attacks.

It is surprising that liberals and Radical Muslims hate us so much after all we’ve done for them and continue doing for them despite their treasonous behavior. These folks have a hate for the country that made it possible for them to prosper and be educated without restraint or government interference. Americans died to preserve our freedoms and they spit in the face of these valiant patriots. Not only that, but they also spit in the face of our creator by murdering infants through abortions. Thank God you are putting a stop to that evil act.

It appears that you have been placed by the one true God in this position to stem the tide of corruption and treachery that was taking place behind closed doors. It seems the Democrats are determined to destroy our country from within. Their agenda was always to profit from a place of position. Bribery, licentiousness and lies ruled the day.

The way you handle these misguided people is just what they need, a man who speaks his mind and can’t be bought. Taunting them just makes them reveal their true intentions. If ever there was a time to play hardball with these enemies of the state – it is now. They won’t stop harassing you and only want to divert attention from themselves and their wrongdoings hoping they won’t be found out for their criminal activities. If any of us common folks did half as much as they have, we would be in prison.

They are trying to divert attention away from their criminality by accusing you of anything they can – it’s all there in their Sal Alinsky playbook.

I’m sure that during your youth and while growing up you got to know many, if not all, of the elites and found that they were raping the citizens of our good country. A good country founded on Judeo Christian principles and made up of hardworking men and women – trying to provide for their families. 

Since the Democrats want to inspect your tax returns, perhaps you should challenge them to show us theirs first. (They mustn’t live off the fat of the land for doing nothing but inciting sedition.)

By remaining in power after the next election cycle, you will afford us the time to get our act together before the wrath of God falls upon us ( The Silent Majority) for our apathy.

I also want to thank you for recently saying that drinking, smoking and drug use is bad and that there really isn’t any need for it. I agree whole heartedly, since I have never used drugs and gave up on cigarettes and strong drink many years ago upon receiving Christ into my life.


Did you know that the bible speaks of the “Trump of God “sounding to call up believers in what we call the rapture? 1 Thessalonians 4: 16.  

Although I believe on the literal meaning of that passage, this anomaly may have also been a play on words by Almighty God. 

Keep up the good work.

God bless you and Melania and God bless America.

Your friend and supporter, 

Jim Towers                                 


By Jim Towers

The doors to mental institutions have been flung open and we are fast becoming a country of lunatics. Culture is diminishing to mindlessness. Our cultural leaders are liars and criminals and our religious leaders are becoming complacent and/or complicit in today’s degenerating society.

Modern day art, and fashion are also being greatly influenced by undegenerates, and soon our country and the world at large will become a living nightmare for those who will be left behind to face the seven-year tribulation period the bible speaks of. Thank God we “born again” Christians will be gone due to the rapture of the church – just before tribulation hits the fan.

Van Gogh had to paint the way he did with dabs and touches of just the right hues to compose a painting. Cutting his ear off – he made that clear. Modern art began with Picasso, (an artist who was an excellent painter in his youth) with his mix of discombobulated body parts floating in space painted in vibrant primary colors he led the way for others to follow suit. Soon, a frustrated and mentally disturbed artist named Pollack began spilling paint directly from the can onto canvas spread out on the floor and began calling it art. His benefactor a wealthy woman who was a “socialite “became romantically enthralled with him and promoted his “art work” – if you can call it that.    

Whatever happened to the likes of Michelangelo, Titian, Rembrandt, Caravaggio and Degas?  

Today anything goes and anyone can pick up a brush to paint the images in his head on canvas. A certain young man (obviously on drugs) is following suit with ugly if not demonic renderings of child like ‘paintings” that people are paying big money for.

We all know art is subjective but come on, to sit in an art museum and ponder a piece of art while trying to appear cultured is not only silly but foolish. The bible warns us that in the last days, “They will say good is bad, and bad is good.”Elephants are also getting into the act with their “Works of art” as well and making money for their trainers. Even toddlers are getting into the act, their parents selling their so-called paintings for hundreds of dollars. 

As for fashion, silly effeminate men tell women (and now men as well) what to wear while they make money hand over fist – fueling their drug and sex orgies in New York, Miami, San Francisco and LA. and laughing all the way to the bank. 

We see them everywhere; torn at the knees jeans that we know were manufactured that way to make us believe the wearers are waifs or of the working class. It’s just a matter of time until the manufacturers open a huge hole in the seat of woman’s jeans to expose the gullible women’s derrieres.  Sex sells. 

Women everywhere are already vying to see who can expose the most flesh, never stopping to consider the state of their decaying souls.

In the world of fashion, men are paraded on “catwalks” displaying the latest modern trends which consist of women’s apparel and high heels. They even wear lipstick and eye shadow.

Seeing men in this display of debauchery it makes a real man’s stomach churn in disgust. All of this is a joke played out on mankind by Lucifer and his homosexual minions – Satan must be laughing his evil head off.

Speaking of fashion does anyone remember the story of the emperor’s clothes? Of how wanting to have the best of everything the emperor wanted a suit of clothes – fit for a king. The shrewd tailor made him a set of invisible clothes that made him the laughing stock of his countrymen. Such is the case today – except that no one is laughing, and many want to belong to the “in crowd.”

We’ve reached the tipping point and already we are seeing this demonic horde taking over the world with their sometimes silly or divisive ideas and inventions. This, while foolish rhetoric spews from their vile lips.

Manmade beauty is being replaced by ugliness in many quarters of our beloved country. Satan is using atheists and the unregenerate to confuse, confound, divide and in their direct attempt to destroy Christianity and rightful living.

We are fast becoming a crazed people in love with everything that’s ugly – ugly art, ugly apparel, – ugly music, ugly language – no social skills – lies – hate – drugs, ugly films, and corruption plus an ugly religion (Catholic) filled with pedophiles.

The same can be said in political circles. Corrupt politicians are trying to cover their treasonous acts while good men are dying in trying to expose them. So much so that we are becoming immune with their scandalous, criminal behavior and the lies they tell – while they continue to walk freely despite their treasonous behavior. This is a very dangerous fault since in so doing our county will be facing collapse if we Christians don’t wake up from our apathetic slumber and speak up to stem the tide. 

As we look out on this vast illiterate, obstinate and degenerate world we can only hope to escape the havoc and societal breakdown that is coming upon us. And, while it’s true that some are doing good and redeeming work, they are becoming as scarce as hens’ teeth.

It’s hard to believe we are finally here at the crossroads of life having to decide which way to go. Do we follow the unregenerate crowd or stand up for what’s right and good in this darkening world scene?

To those who still have half a brain I would say REPENT!  It is fast becoming your last chance to get it right and to find redemption through faith in Christ Jesus.


With the rapture drawing ever closer we must pull out all the stops to bring in the unsaved.


Jim Towers                       You can reach me at www.thepropheciesmovie or www.dropzonedelta.comwarriors following Christ.


By Jim Towers

A certain radio personality often refers to people as “sheeple” and I can understand why. People today are so lethargic and apathetic that they even need others to think for them. Especially as pertains to religion. Sheeple have a tendency of following anyone who will lead them – much like Lemmings and Democrats. It is my perception from having been a church goer for over forty years that this is so, especially in these “last days”. Some church goers have become so institutionalized that they are no worldly good to anyone but themselves, “having a form of Godliness but denying the power thereof.”

Many feel obligated to “do church” in order to garner respectability and/ or socialize with the right crowd. However, that reason is being phased out as our country and the church become more secularized and even more corrupt. Soon, as the church comes under attack, more and more people will be leaving in what is called the great falling away in the Bible. According to the bible, this is supposed to be happening at the end of the church age.

In some cases, this leaving the church is due to the pedophilia taking place in the Catholic denomination (which has long been suspect of being a self – serving cult). Protestants are not exempt from such behavior and are themselves only too human to walk the straight and narrow, which incidentally, can only achieved through the help of the Holy Spirit; Jesus said “I will send you a comforter and He will lead you into all truth.” But we can only discern the Spirit of truth as we study scripture diligently. “Thy Word is Truth.”

We must remember that many in the church are made up of repentant extortioners, liars, homosexuals, pedophiles, crooked politicians and lawyers. While some of these sinners are saved, others are not. They only claim to be and we can only speculate. Since we are asleep at the wheel, is it any wonder that the church has become tainted by the un-regenerate shysters?

There is much to pick from by bible illiterate sheeple.

Everyone knows Jehovah’s Witnesses is a manmade cult begun by a lonely, religious, lunatic named Charles Taze Russell and the same can be said about Joseph Smith Jr. who founded the Mormons. To this craziness Jesus said, “Straight is the gate and narrow is the way that leads unto life and few there be that find it.”

True faith is not a product of church going but of Bible reading and adhering to the truths set forth from Christ Jesus, as in,  “You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.” That is, the freedom attained from fear, guilt and anxiety. If you don’t have this freedom then there is something missing in your walk with God, be it repentance, prayer and/or study, “Study to show yourself approved, a workman that need not be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of God.” 

Since so many people are living under a rock not knowing or even caring about the state of the nation or their fellow man it is becoming more and more imperative as time runs out, for strong well-equipped Christians to share Christ with others. 

But we must show others we care before we can share the gospel with them; non- believers instinctively know when you are only trying to score points with God. Your testimony is often a good way to so.

I used my testimony the other day at my mission station, the Naples Fishing Pier. That’s where I go to witness to the regulars as well as visitors from all over the world. 

The middle-aged couple were from the New England States. Under the shelter while sitting at one of the picnic tables there. The man and I began a casual conversation about our love of literature. I told him how I only read non-fiction and his reply was that he too only read non-fiction.

The conversation drifted onto history, geography and biographies with each of us recalling our favorites. 

Somewhere during our chat, he mentioned that he was a Catholic, and I told him I was raised a Catholic too. At this point I had to ask him what he thought of the scandalous pedophilia permeating that (cultic) denomination, to which he replied that he was ashamed of the ongoing revelations, and I could tell he was sincere – his face turning red and speaking in a whisper. Both he and his wife were devout Catholics.

I told the man that I was a contributing writer to rapture ready and handed him my two-sided card with my web site on the front and rapture ready on the back. After this I proceeded to warn him about impostors (wolves in sheep’s clothing) in the last days that Paul wrote to Timothy about. Quoting scripture, I laid it on the line, and he was strangely silent. Noting this, I asked if the church still read from the Douay Rhimes version (which incidentally has fairy tales included). His wife who had been listening intently leaned over and said they didn’t read the bible at all. I urged them to acquire a King James version and learn from it. 

The couple got up and the man shook my hand – she smiled a subdued smile and nodded in agreement with a look of contrition. As they left, I could only assume that this was the reason for my being there – for another divine appointment.


Our sister in Christ, Geri Ungurean did a good and thorough write up on the book “Dark Agenda by David Horowitz – which I have yet to acquire. After reading what Geri said about it on Rapture Ready recently, I’m looking forward to reading the book myself.

In the meantime, I find myself engrossed in a new book by Dr, David Jeremiah titled, “The Book of Signs” with the sub title “31 undeniable prophecies of the apocalypse” and enjoying it very much as we agree on nearly everything.


Sad to say, my pastor Dr. Hayes Wicker will be leaving us after 25 years of ministry. He was a good friend to Chuck Colson and Adrian Rodgers among many others. I will be sad to see him go. 


Jim Towers          

You can write me at jt.filmmaker@yahoo.comor visit my updated website www.thepropheciesmovie.comand  

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