Death of Darwinism

The link below goes into detail about the death of Darwinism from a Yale professor.  This is becoming well known in academia, but since they cannot let go of the theory without ceding ground to a creator it is being held up as best as they can.  

The Following is from Khouse and LTB in 24hrs. 

“Advances in microbiology, DNA, et al., have dealt the death blow to Darwinism. DNA is a digital code. Darwinism cannot explain the origin of life because it cannot explain the origin of information. Irreducible complexity refutes chance as a designer.

There are only two world views: either everything is a result of a cosmic accident, or we are the result of a deliberate design by a Designer.

There are also four basic questions common to every individual: Who am I? Where did I come from? Why am I here? and, Where am I going when I die?

Paul’s conclusion to this description of natural revelation is important—all men are without excuse. The witness to God in nature is so clear and so constant that ignoring it is indefensible. Their condemnation is based not on their rejecting Christ of whom they have not heard, but on their sinning against the light they do have (Cf. Pharaoh, Ex 10:16; Philistines, 1 Sam 4:7,8; 5:7, 8, 11; King of Nineveh, Jonah 3:7-9).

It is significant that our society militantly insists on teaching our young people bad science to perpetuate the myth of spontaneous biogenesis, etc., which is the basis of our philosophy, psychology, political theories, and our culture”

Supplemental Bibliography

Michael Denton, Evolution A Theory in Crisis, Adler and Adler, Bethesda MD,


Michael J. Behe, Darwin’s Black Box, Simon and Schuster, New York NY, 1996.

Phillip E. Johnson, Darwin on Trial, InterVarsity Press, Downers Grove IL, 1993.

Roger Penrose, The Road to Reality, Knopf, 2005.

Frank J. Tipler, The Physics of Immortality, Doubleday, NY, 2000; The Physics of

Christianity, Doubleday, NY, 2007.

Guillerno Gonsolez & Jay W. Richards, The Privileged Planet, 2004

Link to article. Well-Known Yale Professor Rejects Darwinism, Says Intelligent Design Is a ‘Serious’ Theory

“An internationally-renowned Yale professor has ditched his belief in the theory of Darwinism, arguing that “intelligent design” should be taken more seriously.

Professor David Gelernte insisted that the theory of evolution contains a number of holes and flaws and warned the critics of intelligent design to stop attacking the theory out of a place of anti-religious sentiment.”

MASS MURDER and Suicide

By Jim Towers

Warning: The following is not for the faint of heart nor for timid believers. In the sixth chapter of revelation we find that judgement may have already begun with the opening of the fifth seal and it will get incrementally more devastating in the days ahead.

“Another horse fiery red went out and it was granted to the one that sat on it to take peace from the earth, and that people should kill one another and there was given to him a great sword.”

As a person who follows trends and Christian behavior in these final days before the rapture, I would be remiss if I didn’t elaborate on the mass murder and suicides occurring in our country and beyond in these troublesome times with the world spinning out of control very rapidly now. 

While radical Muslims are killing Christians in other parts of the world, we Americans are killing one another in our own country, sometimes on a grand scale. Some of these killers are mentally challenged young men with a hateful agenda as in the case of the shooting in El Paso Texas recently. This young man just wanted to kill Mexicans, or so he says. Then there was a follow up mass shooting in Dayton Ohio. Next came mass shooting in Garland Park in Chicago and this is a place where gun control is in force. Over the weekend four people were shot dead and forty wounded by gunfire as well.

Every day now people are being killed because of their faith in Christ in other countries, so much so that hardly anyone notices anymore. These souls must be the ones who are under the altar in the book of Revelation concerning the fifth seal -crying out “How long O Lord, holy and true, until You judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?” These people want to be vindicated and appear to be anxious to avenge their fellow man still on the earth as well. It seems we may be living in this biblical period of time.

Satan has a way of making people act out their hate, misunderstanding and/or anger with a killing spree. On top of that, today with all the confusion in society and within the church, many young people find no reason for being and are committing suicide by the droves and it all boils down to our overt Godlessness in a secular money and sex driven society.

It has been recommended – make that insisted – by the left that all guns should be confiscated from all citizens. It seems that they think guns kill people on their own, but it is people who kill people by any and all means, and if our guns were to be confiscated there would be no way to protect our family and friends should the government decide to herd them into concentration camps or to kill them. 

Believe it or not Jesus told His Apostles to, “Sell your cloak and buy a sword” and we all know what a sword is used for – to protect oneself. There are just too many tyrants in government to believe giving them our guns would placate them. Such was the Nazi regime, and so American citizens are arming themselves to the teeth in anticipation of another mass shooting and who can blame them? 

Satan has us running scared, yet few people give credence to his existence or the Word of God that spells these things out in detail and many people think of the Bible as fairy tales and so they discount it. Thus, we have become ignorant of the warnings contained therein and we fail to get our lives in order. The word of God says, “My people perish for lack of knowledge.” 

On another front, Jeffrey Epstein the consummate pedophile hung himself with a bedsheet while being held in jail to face judgement. What a coincidence to have someone who had the goods on so many powerful people and who could blackmail them with secret recordings of their salacious behavior at any time. This seems to be the modus–operandi of these perverts – blackmail.  

There will -by all rights, be many others along among those implicated in high crimes and misdemeanors as there is yet another investigation going on in the justice department among FBI agents and political leaders. This could bring about yet more suicides by people who can’t or won’t admit guilt against the youth of American society. 

Even the Boy Scouts of America is coming under investigation for such crimes. Pedophilia has taken root in all parts of our society, but these perverts will ultimately have to answer for their folly. God would say to such, “Be sure your sins will find you out”.

On the other extreme, even when we lie against our neighbor, we will have to give account for it, since God looks as it as character assassination, (murder) as in the rift in our church caused by a few ungodly men or women masquerading as Christians. We’ve been warned about such men as, “having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof.” I’ve almost decided to stick it out with my divided church, but it will be hard to reconcile my differences with men inclined to treat the church as a corporation rather than a place of worship and loving one another. 

I know this all sounds pretty harsh for those who have only dabbled in the scriptures, but if we are to believe some loftier scripture verses then we must believe all of scripture – as it is stated therein, “Every word of God proves true, no matter who questions them” and the people that murder and promote murder will have to answer for their evil deeds before the throne of God.

On another more uplifting note: 

I just finished watching the fully restored classic movie “The Ten Commandments” by Cecil B. DeMille and the color and sound are crisp and clear and better than the original which I saw as a youngster in Lansing Michigan. I of course found it at the public library – my favorite haunt besides my mission station – the Naples Pier.

If a young person were to view this cinematic masterpiece it might open their minds to believe the truth of the scriptures and especially in the findings of archeologists that prove that the Exodus did really happen. Images are powerful and stories can be exciting, especially in this context.

Viewing this wonderful movie again served to remind me of the enormity of God and His provision and well as the laws He imposed upon us for our own good. It also made me aware of His infinite power and prompted me to think about how that (unless we’ve been redeemed by the blood of Christ) we must all give account to the Almighty at the Great White Throne Judgement.


Jim Towers

You can write me at jt.filmmaker@yahoo.comor visit my web site at www.propheticsignsandwonders.comYou can also visit– warriors following Christ. 


By Jim Towers

The mini season for Spiny Lobsters began today in South Florida. My son Mike and seven-year-old grandson River were all geared up to go, so I was up early to go diving with my boys. I arose early to have breakfast before we headed out to Key Largo about three hours away.

As I sat alone eating at the kitchen counter (The boys don’t eat early like I do) I was just finishing up when I felt a numbness in my right bicep that felt like it was going to cramp up, this was accompanied by a slight dizziness which only lasted about three seconds.  Immediately I surmised I might be experiencing the onset of a stroke, so I popped two aspirins with the remaining coffee, loaded some clothing into the car and made my way to emergency thinking it’s better to be safe than sorry. I phoned my son from the hospital to tell him he should head out without me since I was told that I would be going to stay in the hospital overnight for further tests and observation.

I’m not one to worry or fret since I know that I’m saved, (I had received Christ over forty years ago, have peace that surpasses all understanding, and have studied scripture diligently) so I know where I’m going when I die.  

“These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may KNOW that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.” 

1 John 5: 13

As I was wheeled to my room for testing, I was thinking I might be here for a divine appointment. 

As it was, it turned out to be not one – but five! 

Sure enough, the nurse that greeted me and got me set up in the room for my stay (which turned out to be for three days and two nights). I had come in at just the right time to have avoided further complications as I had had a Transient Ischemic attack. A transient ischemic attack is like a stroke, producing similar symptoms, but usually lasting only a few minutes and causing no permanent damage (Mayo

I noticed that the middle-aged Haitian nurse had a good calm demeanor and asked if she was a Christian? She replied yes, and as we began to talk about the end times it became clear to me that she didn’t know anything about prophecy, so when I asked what denomination she was she wasn’t sure. I decided that the best I could do was to key her into what the scriptures said about the end times and when I told her that I was a contributing writer for Rapture Ready and dropzonedelta – and she looked at me with awe as though I were someone special. As she left to make her rounds, she thanked me for the heads up after agreeing with me on all the signs I pointed out to her.

Then came the head nurse wearing a Virgin Mary pendant with whom I shared scripture.  She was a Catholic. She too was astounded by scripture verses I rattled off verbatim in language she could understand.

Next was a young 23-year-old fresh – clean cut assistant (also a Catholic) with whom I shared several prophetic verses. She acknowledged that things were going from bad to worse in our country and around the world and being a devout Catholic she told me that she was the only young person in her church and felt bad for other people her age who didn’t know Christ. I refrained from commenting about the cultic Catholic church except to say that it had been infiltrated by imposters, but I said that us protestants too were facing the same dilemma and that the best we could do is go by what the Bible says.

Following her was the doctor who gave me the initial checkup and when he asked what I did for a living I told him I was a film actor and writer. Immediately, he perked up and since he was a movie buff, he asked me about my film work. I held back not wanting to overwhelm him and kept things at a minimum. I told him that I also wrote for two Christian websites and he changed the subject right then and there.

Then I asked about his ethnicity since I could tell he was from somewhere else. He was from Turkey and somehow ended up here and becoming a Heart Specialist. In any case we talked at length about other things and he finally told me I was going to need a pacemaker right away or I might not wake up in the morning. I said, “let’s do it”. Within a half hour, I was on the operating table. A Muslim was about to cut me open with my blessings!

This man was going to follow up on me after I was released and explained a few things about the procedure on the day I could go home, and I can’t wait to engage him on spiritual matters when we meet again.

The Hospital doctor was wearing a crucifix on a gold chain, and so, I inquired about it “I see you are a Christian.” “Oh yes.” 

“I’m a Cristian too” I replied. 

And a conversation ensued. He told me he had been born in Santo Domingo and that yes, he was also an avid believer. Then I asked about the pedophilia problem they were having in the Catholic church and he answered matter-of – factly, “They’re only human” just then he was called away by the P.A. system.

I finally got home but stopped to get some Kentucky fried chicken with all the fixings. (Hospital food is the worse.)

Now I have a home nurse visiting whom the surgeon told, I was a professional actor. She was delighted to meet me since she was from L.A. and had been an aspiring actress herself but eventually became a model, got married, and that was that. She ended up divorced and had raised a couple of children alone. She was a Catholic who had recently dabbled in being “born again” so now I’ve got some explaining to do as I have already given her my full-blown testimony. 


Jim Towers                    You can write me at  and visit my website

France Slowly Sinking into Chaos

  • President Macron never says he is sorry for those who have lost an eye or a hand… from extreme police brutality. Instead, he asked the French parliament to pass a law that almost completely abolishes the right to protest and the presumption of innocence, and that allows the arrest of anyone, anywhere, even without cause. The law was passed.
  • In June, the French parliament passed another law, severely punishing anyone who says or writes something that might contain “hate speech”. The law is so vague that an American legal scholar, Jonathan Turley, felt compelled to react. “France”, he wrote, “has now become one of the biggest international threats to freedom of speech”.
  • The main concern of Macron and the French government seems not to be the risk of riots, the public’s discontent, the disappearance of Christianity, the disastrous economic situation, or Islamization and its consequences. Instead, it is climate change.
  • “The West no longer knows what it is, because it does not know and does not want to know what shaped it, what constituted it, what it was and what it is. (…) This self-asphyxiation leads naturally to a decadence that opens the way to new barbaric civilizations.” — Cardinal Robert Sarah, in Le soir approche et déjà le jour baisse (“The Evening Comes, and already the Light Darkens”).

The entire article is important. Please read.


By Jim Towers

Today there was a photo on the internet of a small group of Democrats in California praying under the leadership of Buttigieg which leads me to believe the continuing earthquakes in California has awakened something in them – through fear. Albeit, this could be yet another ploy for the homosexuals and liberals to ingratiate themselves to the Christian populace – this after eliminating God and Christ from all their venues, rallies and swearing inns, what hypocrisy -what audacity! These have no intention of repenting and will blithely continue to flaunt their perversity.

With ever increasing earthquakes happening in California and throughout the world we must wonder if it is a curse. The bible clearly says that in the “Last Days” there would be earthquakes like never before – and there are. For those who know scripture and really believe what they read, these earthquakes are clearly due to God’s righteous anger against thankless sinful humanity who don’t believe He exists, have disregarded His commandments or have just taken Him for granted.

Even as I write this, the earthquakes continue coming, (Greece 7/19) and it seems like there is no end in sight. In the United States alone on 7/6/ 2019) there have been 46 earthquakes in 24 hrs. 163 in the past seven days; and 637 in the past week. Jesus said this would happen just prior to the Harpazo (Rapture) and second coming to planet earth – with other calamities in between, such as Wars and rumors of War. Look how close we’ve recently come to war with Iran, as war drums continue to sound. If that happens Russia will likely step in to help them as they are allies. Egypt, Libya and Syria are also allied with Iran. The Bible told us this would happen long before they even became allies.

People affected by these tremblors are at their wits end and crying out to the God they have failed to acknowledge.  People tend to use the road of less resistance and barely seek the face of God in the good times pounding their chest in defiance. (Have you ever noticed how people love to talk about themselves, thinking they are the wisest, strongest human beings who ever lived?) “Thinking themselves to be wise, they became utter fools.”

We can only expect earthquakes to increase in intensity with some causing tsunami’s “Men’s hearts failing them for fear and apprehension at was is about to happen to the earth.”  The latest being in Athens Greece. 

“And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring “The “shaking” across the globe is a wake-up call that we should repent and seek the only one who can save us – Almighty God. Ifthis jostling doesn’t get a person to repent – nothing will.

Many people may gravitate toward God and the church until things subside but return to “normal” then it’s back to the same old same old.

More people showed up in churches in southern California during and after the earthquakes, but it will probably be like what happened after 9/11. I remember it well – having sat in the isle on my haunches so that newbies could sit in the pews – (and this was a huge church with thousands of seats.)  I suspect that in the very near future with more prophecies being fulfilled – many other people will run to the church (totally devoid of spiritual understanding)  only to be misled by teachers who don’t or won’t adhere to biblical doctrine, thus they will have no one to turn to in their despair. That is unless God sees fit to reach down to those who repent and seek His face in earnest repentance. After receiving Christ, these will – to their surprise – experience a peace that surpasses all understanding. So, in some way’s earthquakes, tsunami’s, hurricanes and even war can be a blessing in disguise because it is only then that people will humble themselves, call out to God and be saved and what could be better?

The following are other sure signs of Christ’s soon return to take us home and to the marriage supper of the Lamb.

Signs and wonders and portents (warnings) in the skies, flooding, intense heat, unabated murder, infanticide, disease and pestilence, apostacy of the church, apathy of Christians, hypocrisy, hate and fear, lack of faith. “When I return will there be any faith on earth” – Jesus.

What people are really searching for is the unadulterated Gospel (the good news of hope and salvation through faith in Jesus Christ) and God has given us the privilege of being participants in sharing this good news with others. “How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?”

As these events escalate, we mature Christians must be ready to lend a helping hand in all areas of life and especially to those who are despairing we must reach out with the gospel to the hurt and dying with a greater degree of compassion and fearlessness.

That being said, today’s ever-increasing earthquakes and fearful signs could be a curse – resulting in a potential blessing. 

God knows how to get our attention.


Jim Towers         and www.propheticsignsandwronders.comalso


By Jim Towers

Persia was complicit in the murdering of Jews by Hitler by supporting his actions and by suggesting ways and means to do so. Today, Persia is known as Iran.

On June 21 of this year the President of the United States called off a pre-emptive strike on Iran in the final 10 minutes of preparation to do so. With all the players in place president Trump called off the doomsday strike.

I refer to this strike as doomsday because Russia could have used this as a pretext to become involved after an attack on their good friend and ally Iran. This action could have started a domino effect leading to a much wider conflict. 

Iran has been a tormentor to both the United States and Israel often calling for our annihilation and the annihilation of Israel. Most Christians know that Iran is comprised of the very same bloodline of the people who held the Israelites captive in the Old Testament. 

In any case Iran recently downed a drone after earlier damaging an oil tanker in the straits of Hormuz, more than likely by the command of Supreme Leader of Iran, Ayatollah Khamenei. After years of threats of war with us and Israel, an American spy drone in skies over the straits of Hormuz near the Persian Gulf was shot down and that coupled with the bombing of the oil tankers was thought to be an act of war by Iran.

This act finally set off a chain of events whereby our military and John Bolton among others had finally had enough. After this latest incident it was decided we had had enough of Barak Obama’s (Who sent tons of money to Iran for uranium enrichment) friend’s intimidation. 

All systems were go. 

Then, as President Trump tells it, “I stopped the action because it was disproportionate in the cost of lives to the cost of a drone.” How right he was. Nevertheless, Iran will probably continue to taunt us, and most certainly, they will continue to enrich uranium for weapons of war. 

Most people don’t know that Iran is a Muslim country with ties to other Islamic nations. Still though because they are for the most part Shiite while only ten percent are Sunni Muslims. Sunni Muslims comprise the majority in Saudi Arabia and the two countries are in conflict with one another even though they both claim to worship Allah and his messenger Mohamad. 

Given the backdrop to the Islamic (Muslim) faith we can only assume that this religion is faulty, and their only purpose for being is to promote the worship of Allah through intimidation, fear and deadly force.

As a matter of fact, radical Muslim factions have built a network of training camps right here in the United States. (Yes, close to forty of them exist throughout the country.) The CIA and FBI know this, but because of restraints imposed upon them through misconstrued or antiquated laws they can’t do anything until these people actually commit a crime. Most of these training camps are private properties, bought and paid for by terrorist factions.

Years ago, when I lived in Miami, I came to know a group who bought into a Dunkin Donuts store. I distinctly remember a small group of men in Middle Eastern garb standing in the small parking lot in front of the place congratulating themselves on the acquisition of the franchise. It was an odd sight to see these people straight from the movie “Laurence of Arabia”, all that was needed were the camels – they drove Mercedes and Cadillac’s.

As time went on, I got to know them individually and even went for a ride with one of the young men to an Arab store in North Miami. He was a fun-loving guy as is my habit I attempted to share Christ with him. He acknowledged that Jesus was a good man and prophet. I undoubtedly shared scripture with him and you never know – but God’s word never returns to Him void.

After 9/11 I never saw them again, they seemed to know who was responsible for the downing of the twin towers, maybe not personally, but word may have been out in their community of friends and /or acquaintances. I don’t know. Remember the perpetrators were at one time in Ft. Lauderdale and Miami taking flying lessons.

For those of you who are still living under a rock, a Russian war ship accompanied by a couple of others, docked in Havana Harbor a few days ago. If they had nefarious intents in mind, they were in the ideal position to launch an EMP attack from this – the closest place to be able to launch a missile. Cuba is only 100 miles from the United States. This is the closest they will ever be able to get to us, that is until after the EMP does it diabolical work.

The point I’m trying to make is that you never know who lives, works and makes plans among us. We can’t live a paranoid life over something that may well be happening behind the scenes in our country but it’s only natural to be suspicious, through a process called self-preservation.

I’ve learned to live fearlessly, with the help of spiritual discernment but you can’t have that unless you possess the Holy Spirit and you can’t have the Holy Spirit without receiving Jesus Christ.

Although I witness and love on my “Friends” on the fishing pier in Naples, today, for the first time – as I was leaving, I turned back and facing the crowd of about forty men, women and children (who were all now facing me for some unknown reason) I said, “Jesus is coming back soon”.  People just froze in their tracks, no one made a move and you could have heard a pin drop.

I’m sure some of them will think about the crazy guy who warned them openly – during their fearful and sleepless nights. 

I would urge all believers to get their lives in order, prepare, and “Look up for your redemption draws near.”


Jim Towers

Write me with comments jt.filmmaker@yahoo.comand /or  also


By Jim Towers

There was a time when we thought we had all the time in the world to repent and some of us thought we could do so at the very last minute…not so today.

Today we face a full-frontal assault on our morals, laws and the very existence of God Himself. America and the world have given themselves over to a reprobate mind and are blind to the dangers that exist in doing so. Now it’s every man for himself. Now we can only TRY to stem the tide from reaching our loved ones.

Never in our wildest dreams could we Christians foresee these prophetic things coming to a head so soon. People who used to say, “The end times have been in play for over two thousand years. Where is the sign of His coming?   2 Peter 3:4-6 King James Version (KJV) 4 And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.” 

The Apostle Paul warned that this would be the case as Satan would be cast from the heavens to the earth. Knowing that his time is short he will launch the full – frontal assault we are experiencing today. 

Satan, having pulled out all the stops, his demonic hordes are free to intimidate and encourage others to join them in their vile perversions. “Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the AIR, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience.” How true are the final words of this passage, indeed these demonized perverts ARE “children of disobedience” Did you also notice that Paul said that Satan was prince of the AIR during HIS time and until recently he was also in our generation. Today he has been grounded and walks among us wreaking havoc with his demonic hordes without restraint. 

Yesterday, 7/4/ 2019 a magnitude 6 earthquake hit southern California about 200 miles from Los Angeles. And today, two days later a 7.1 magnitude earthquake struck most of California. This along with other signs of Christ’s coming to redeem His own are happening throughout the world.  Along with that, weather patterns are changing violently and without warning. Hail five feet deep in places hit in Mexico the other day and temperature highs are breaking records everywhere while severe flooding is taking place in other parts of the world.

Violence rules the day with innocents being slaughtered indiscriminately. The bible also says, “There shall be Wars and rumors of War.” Look how close we’ve recently come to war with Iran as war drums continue to sound. 

Corruption in high places?  Can you say Congress? The book “Throw them all out” by Peter Schweizer will tell you of their methods to get rich quick. 

The bible says in Fist Thessalonians that there will be a great falling away of the church in latter times and we all know it’s happening before our very eyes what with apostacy expanding across the globe. 

Also, with pedophilia and bestiality on the rise and sound biblical doctrine on the decline, many churches are closing their doors or giving way to Mosques. With the rise of Devil worship and the lack of modesty, (since it doesn’t exist anymore,) should be stricken from the English Lexicon. Wickedness prevails in our decadent society.

I listened to pastor J.D. Farag last night on the internet and he makes a lot of sense when declaring that the (or Harpazo – which means snatching away in Greek) rapture is imminent and just may co-incide with an act of war. He went on to say that this act could be a EMP attack from which we would never recover. Indeed, if we were hit with this Electro Magnetic Pulse high above the earth above us it would cripple our electronic grid which would quickly cripple the nation. Imagine our country without lights, the internet, phones and even transportation because the brains (ECU) of our cars and trucks were fried. (Incidentally, there are advanced Russian vessels stationed near Cuba capable of firing EMPs over the United states – even as we speak.)

I was encouraged by todays fourth of July festivities in Washington D.C. Watching young people marching and waving the American flag was uplifting to see. This made me wonder if the far left had hoodwinked us into believing that they are in control since they only constitute a small percentage of society. But because much of the media is owned by them, they can manipulate the news and make it appear that we are in the minority. 

In truth, we Christians are in the majority with mostly all others being closet Christians, with  fence straddling agnostics and even atheists making up the rest of society.

The peace plan for the Israelis and Palestinians is apparently falling apart, with confrontations and skirmishes becoming ever more common. But remember this passage, “For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.” So, it appears that the peace maker has his work laid out for him and has yet to achieve or broker a peace deal. How this will be achieved is yet to be revealed.

There was a time when I thought Obama was that man but even though he is a Muslim the true Muslims only laugh at him and his efforts to be one of them because he is black. But as time goes on it may have been thought on false assumptions. 

Nevertheless, there is a man who will broker this peace deal and he walks among us. It could even be that he doesn’t even realize his important role in life. Although I now believe he may an atheist, liberal or both who denies his Creator, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. It is so sad that a person could be so deluded and blinded by Satan.

With time running out those straddling the fence will have to come down on one side or the other but that will take place during the Great Tribulation, a very hard time to do so since your very life will depend on which you choose. Many will be beheaded.

Jesus said He was the way the truth and the life. “For there is salvation in non-other.” Therefore, “How shall we escape if we neglect such a great salvation?”…… There is no escape.


Jim Towers

Write me at jt.filmmaker@yahoo.comor www.propheticsignsandwonders.comand visit as well.


By Jim Towers

I finally gave up in looking for a church where I felt truly comfortable. A good church is hard to find, especially these days when money is the bottom line and apostacy reigns supreme. 

There doesn’t seem to be a sense of awe or reverence for the things of God anymore. It seems we’ve finally been able to box Him into our humanistic way of thinking. 

I realize that human beings are fallible and as hard as we try, we can’t meet up to God’s standard of holiness. Albeit a few (very few) men have managed to achieve a degree of perfection. But hey, that’s what Christ came to achieve for us realizing that we were incapable of fulfilling God’s high standards.

Each of the churches I visited had glaring faults. Usually it was a Man and wife Pastor team who were patterning their ministry after (Mr. great hair) Joel Osteen and glamor queen wife Victoria. Both of them pretty on the outside but inside are full of themselves. Or worse yet, another Gloria and her reptilian husband Kenneth Copeland (the three Jet King) who are also only concerned about their own wellbeing and comfort.

The next church I visited was run by an uptight self- righteous priest pastor who wouldn’t give you the time of day much less the Good News of the Gospel and if he did – it would be in a condescending way. Is it any wonder his church is small and musty? People like him need to have people under them to feel superior. They seldom if ever elevate anyone else. This to me is the sure sign of an inferiority complex. We should do and say things to elevate others and not demean them just to elevate ourselves. After all we a just sinners saved by grace like everyone else in the kingdom of God.

Then came the Speaking in tongues church whose only concern is to outdo one another in this so-called manifestation which often becomes an infestation of one up Manship and nothing more. This group lives in the book of acts although many are still in their infancy in Christ. Living in the supernatural realm requires the leading of the Holy Spirit, spiritual maturity and the rightful handling of the word of God. We adults in Christ should be careful in misleading others or misinterpreting the word of God to our own way of humanistic thinking – because we will be giving an account for it in the hereafter.“Be not many teachers because as you know, that as such we shall incur heavier standards.”

I went back to my church to see what the final outcome would be. The Southern Baptist Convention just happened to come in to save the day – as it were, with cream of the crop speakers and a gifted evangelist – during the last couple of weeks. This action added people to the roles, but it only filled in for those who have left, and it did nothing to alleviate the pain of seeing our twenty-six-year pastor treated shabbily. 

Here is a man who poured his life and heart into the church only to have those he hired and elevated turn their backs on him. I, along with many were hurt to see that happen since he was such a loving and too trusting a man. 

We are talking about a big, powerful church comprising thousands of members (each one with a different mindset and state of growth.) We had several bible classes meeting after the main service and ministries for Spanish speaking people and Haitian Christians as well – housed on the huge campus. The outreach ministry was doing what it was formed to do under good management.

This same thing is all happening in many churches today even as war is looming on the horizon and Satanism rising. Just when you’d think that people are being awakened with such bad news they seem to be burrowing further into denial.

There was a time when I believed that Christians believed the Holy Scriptures but more and more, they deny the prophetic truths revealed in them. The prophetic scriptures are being fulfilled at great speed and with great accuracy – yet some still claim that the bible is vague about the prognostications contained in them. Albeit, those who believe this way will wake up one day and realize that, “Every word of God proves to be true no matter who questions them.” 

In the meantime, and while we haggle among ourselves, young people who are searching for God, meaning, and salvation are dying by the truckload with no hope or defining reason for their being. This my friends is a very tragic state of affairs, one that we will eventually have to answer for at the Bema seat of Christ. This is happening because we were too busy making money and buying things or fulfilling other worldly lusts to notice.

What is it going to take for America to wake up!? Will you be one of those politically correct people who are destined to be herded into concentration camps set up by Communist Liberals or Islamic Imams? 

It will be too late then to give voice to your faith. American Christians need to take a stand for God, Christ, and godly principles now. Just doing church isn’t going to cut it. Neither will repetitious prayers said piously for others to see and hear. 

As for me, I take no delight in warning others of impending doom and the need of repentance toward God. It doesn’t make others warm up to you, as a matter of fact those who do so are considered radical fools or at least – fear mongers. 

Tonight, I will go to the cancelled meeting to see what is going on (It appears the meeting to resolve our differences was cancelled at the last minute.) and so the mystery continues.  

I, like the main character in my screenplay says, GET REAL AMERICA – REPENT!


Jim Towers      

Write me at, jt.filmmaker@yahoo.comor www.propheticsignsandwonders.comand you can visit me at  


By Jim Towers

I just received my first response to my previous article, one in which my reader says (in essence) that we should be like sheep quietly bleating – awaiting our own slaughter while being politically correct.

Now I know as well as you do that some of this is true. I think it refers to each individual person to the extent that we can endure, but can we stand idly by while our fellowmen and brothers and sisters in Christ are being attacked wholesale in our communities and in other countries? Do we quietly await (with abated breath) our anticipated persecution and even death by extremists and never lift a finger simply because of our faith in Christ?

King David and Joshua didn’t just stand by and let others run roughshod over them and their people. As a matter of fact, a fearful and politically correct Joshua was told by God to get up off his knees and to face the enemy. “Get up! Why do you lie thus on your face (praying)?”

What did Jesus mean When he said to sell their cloak and buy a sword? You don’t bear a weapon for decoration but for confrontation in protecting your family and friends. Such is the hero in my film – which is, albeit, a work of fiction.

As many of you know, I don’t ascribe to reading fiction and prefer true stories on film as well, nevertheless, I found it necessary to write this story to bring to the fore what many Christians, patriots and right thinking people, (having been cowed) are thinking – but afraid to say openly.

It is said that the pen is mightier than the sword but I also believe that movies can also be mightier than the actual sword of battle, causing those who saw and heard the story – makes them  ponder or think about what they experienced through this wonderful medium invented by Jewish men.

As a child I often read comic books, and one of my favorite hero’s was the Lone Ranger who always did the right thing without hoopla and fanfare, and just rode off into the sunset. 

Soon after, he came to life on television – the show being directed by Charles Livingston whom I later worked with on stage as a Jewish playboy doctor in a play called “Take my wife”! He encouraged ne to pursue acting as a career, which I did – but that’s another story I’ve written about in my (as yet to be published) 248 page manuscript “Miracles, Signs and Wonders.”

In this film the story deals with up to the minute issues that plague our nation such as Pedophilia, cults, drug peddlers, criminality, terrorism, church apathy and it exposes political corruption openly as well, often referring to scripture such as, 

“No greater love has this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” This is said while Martin is thought to be dead.

“It is better to be tied to a millstone and thrown in the deepest sea than to offend one of these little ones.” When Martin confronts a pedophile priest.

Synopsis/ Outline

In this Evangelical movie, Martin, – is a single, handsome and well-built 33-year-old Captain in the United States Special Forces. He is a gregarious Christian – well read, articulate and patriotic. Our hero also loves learning, and he can often be found at the Public library in his “off time.” 

This former military warrior comes to the rescue of everyday men, women and children, confronting, thugs, gang members, pedophiles and terrorists – all without fanfare or the ability to fly – except by plane. (He holds a pilot’s license.)


While riding a horse along with his men in the war in mountainous Afghanistan, an incoming grenade lands in the midst of his twelve-man company. Jumping onto the grenade to protect his men from harm he is severely injured and is pronounced dead after being airlifted out of harm’s way, but he manages to survive after having a near death experience (NDE.) 

During this moment in time Martin cries out “I don’t want to die,… I have yet to marry and have a son…. A voice (GOD) replies, “You will not die…You shall live to fight the evil that has taken over your country”.  

After many surgeries he is finally sent back to the states to complete his recovery Miami/Naples. Now he must endure painful but ardent physical therapy – as he struggles to regain strength to his injured body and limbs. After a year- he recovers fully when an Angel posing as a mysterious doctor gives him (a stem cell concoction) through injection. (“Entertaining an angel unaware?”)

We can often find Martin working out at a local gym as he recovers.

The treatment the mysterious doctor has given him has increased the young warrior’s strength, speed and adroitness tenfold. When in trouble, his eyes focus on his surroundings – seeing things that others often miss which also gives him the ability of reading body language in depth. (Christians refer to this ability as “Spiritual Discernment.”)

Martin makes his home in Miami Florida and treads the mean streets of Miami and South Beach.

What makes this hero different than any other movie hero – is that he is well read, and he quotes the Bible along with other meaningful sayings, which makes this film biblically informative as well as entertaining – in aiming at the younger crowd. 

Young people need someone to look up to in our turbulent and sinful country, Martin could just be the hero they are looking for.


Jim Towers 

Write me with your thoughts at   I will answer personally. Or you can check out my website – Also, – Warriors Following Christ 


By Jim Towers

In spite of what you may believe not all of us in the movie business are Godless swamp creatures. I for one am appalled at how far we have strayed from Christian norms in the entertainment business. There have always been good people in my industry. But as in the social construct of our country we have moved to the extreme craziness of the far left – demanding the obscene.

There was a time, when people weren’t as literate as we are today. In those days, believe it or not, the theatre was about morality plays – thought provoking plays that one could take home and ponder. This was the time of enlightenment of renaissance, of Da Vinci and Shakespeare, a time of the protestant reformation. This was a time following the dark ages, much like the times in which we live today.

I still have friends in the movie business and truth be told I would trust some of them more than I trust the brethren. As a matter of fact, the brethren have proven time and again – the hypocrites that they are. I could tell you horror stories about all denominations.  But hey, they are only human, saved by God’s grace – and what a wonderful undeserving grace it is. 

 It is very rare to find a True believer these days, you’d have to search far and wide to find one.

In saying that, I’m talking about a person who doesn’t limit God to the theological dogma taught in seminary. We can actually have a vibrant relationship with our creator if we seek him in spirit and in truth and not limiting Him in any way, shape or form.

And the best part is that he will answer our questions and petitions speedily even if we have faith the size of a mustard seed. The bible is our source of enlightenment about the things of God and of growing your faith, “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.”

Jesus was speaking truth when He said narrow is the way that leads to life and few there be that find it. Now that isn’t to say that He doesn’t save to the uttermost, but it means that there is a deep and abiding peace of mind given to those closest to Him. To people like us there is nothing, – no nothing – that God cannot do.

Living in the last days, God is pouring out His spirit on those closest to Him and they are experiencing phenomenon that surpasses all human understanding. Some of us are experiencing NDEs, that is Near death experiences others are beginning to have visions and many more are experiencing outright unexplainable miracles.

Granted, we must carefully judge those who are experiencing such things and see if their fruit, (The way they live their lives) belies or confirms the truth of their claims.

In the topsy turvy and evil world we live in these days, where right is wrong and wrong is right, we must tread carefully – armed with the Word of God, – (which is our guide) because many so called teachers are trying to change scripture to say what it doesn’t. If what these charlatans say doesn’t jibe with Holy Scriptures – do yourselves a favor and run.

Only now, with time running out we should bring the fight to the enemy. The enemies of God are foolish to believe they can win the war, much less the battle. For God has not given is the Spirit of fear, but of Love, Power, and a Sound Mind! They are the losers in the end righteousness WILL prevail.

Many of you know about my work in Movies primarily as an actor and writer but most of you don’t know that I’m about to embark on making an Evangelical Christian movie – one that doesn’t glorify football players, basketball hero’s nor hobbits. My movie will be one of sharing the unadulterated Word of God with the masses in a highly entertaining way, in a way that we all can identify with, in a way that will have them talking and thinking about the things that are said and done in the movie.

We are today in a very dark place akin to the dark ages (socially speaking) and it’s going to take a lot of work and imagination to awaken people to the dire consequences of their wrongdoing. The wages of sin is death and we in America are in death throes even as we speak. 

We all need to REPENT – Christians as well.

We in the Christian community have far too many armchair warriors, people who know God but deny the power thereof. 

With all the talents dolled out to God’s people you would think we could stem the tide of wickedness that has taken over the world , but as you well know things are the other way around and soon we may be a just a footnote in world history.

As for those of you who sit idly by waiting for the rapture – hoping to be taken away from the evil that’s befallen us, think again. You may also be left behind with your theological doctorate in hand. We must all rise up and give voice to righteousness, sanity and Godliness. Don’t be caught by the rapture doing nothing about your faith or worse yet – flaunting your sinful way of life before the throne of God and claiming to be His.

As for me, I’m doing the best I can with the talents I’ve been given and yet some of you look at me with distain, and hope that I fail. After all, I’ve always been an achiever, but some would rather be known for their “golden tongue”.  

Today, more than ever before we need men of action, men not afraid of the enemy no matter how intimidating they may be with their hot and putrid breath full of lies.  

Jesus said, “I am coming in a day when you think not” In other words, always be prepared for His coming lest He find you sleeping behind the wheel – as it were.


Jim Towers               

To comment, Email me at – – I Will answer.  Or you can see what I’m up to on my own web page,

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