By Jim Towers

Apostacy and anarchy, have you noticed the similarities between the two? They are twins in that both are shadows of their former selves, one involves the secular and the other the religion of our country and are today unabashedly and morally corrupt. Even evangelicals are slipping and falling in between the cracks into the muddy mire of corruption. Can you say adultery, vice, homosexuality, and other perversions?

As many readers are aware, we are living in perilous times, with governments toppling, wars raging and weather patterns changing drastically. Something appears to be in the wind. How much longer can humanity hold out?

My friend Stanley (an Orthodox Jew) and his wife Carol are scared out of their wits like everyone else who isn’t Bible savvy and I’m encouraged to have them over for dinner to talk things out. Their concern is about the state of the nation with all that’s going on in Washington right now.

Under the tyrannical rule of lawless, mentally ill Democrats, the government is now run like an organized crime syndicate. John W. Whitehead of The Rutherford Institute sums it all up perfectly in a recent column:

All of us are in danger.

In an age of prosecutions for thought crimes, pre-crime deterrence programs, and government agencies that operate like organized crime syndicates, there is a new kind of tyranny being imposed on those who dare to expose the crimes of the Deep State, whose reach has gone global.

The Deep State has embarked on a ruthless, take-no-prisoners, all-out assault on truth-tellers.

Activists, journalists and whistleblowers alike are being terrorized, traumatized, tortured and subjected to the fear-inducing, mind-altering, soul-destroying, smash-your-face-in tactics employed by the superpowers-that-be.

Following the current downward trajectory, it won’t be long before anyone who believes in holding the government accountable is labeled an “extremist,” is relegated to an underclass that doesn’t fit in, must be watched all the time, and is rounded up when the government deems it necessary.

Eventually, we will all be potential suspects, terrorists and lawbreakers in the eyes of the government.

At the same time, Benjamin Netanyahu like president Trump is being accused of corruption and his governing body is under strain. (Could it be that the same Satanic forces that are hounding President Trump are out to topple the Israeli government as well?) 

And it gets worse. Corruption has infiltrated the church as well. With new man-made ideas, programs and “Shows” they hope to reach the masses of Bible illiterate young people with entertainment when what they really need is the unadulterated Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Entertainment is only good for a fleeting moment of time, but the Gospel is forever. “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my word endures forever.” So says the Lord of hosts (countless many).

Apostacy is gripping the church, and many are crying out to be swept away in the rapture, dirty clothes and all. 

But the Church has become a playground for Satan. God has let him loose to wreak havoc in many a congregation with extremely loud and uninspired music written by uninspired men and women for the sake of a good show. Women have taken over the pulpit and homosexuals have been let in to run the “Show”. They ought to have at least acknowledged their sin and repented before gaining entrance. Instead, they are mounting the pulpit too. 

“For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” “But God has laid upon Him (Jesus) the iniquity of us all.”

We are being shaken to the core so that all that remains is a complete dependence on God Almighty. No more cocky attitudes, social clubs, of dressing the part to cover our nakedness as in – “whitewashed sepulchers full of dead men’s bones” God is cleaning house once and for all. He wants an unblemished and holy wife at the marriage supper of the Lamb not a wimpy social climber out to impress others with their fake holiness.

Even though we have been blessed with things unnecessary to life (look inside your garage) we are still hungering for something more. We need spiritual food that can only be found in the word of God – and to adhere to it in deep humility.  As this Spiritual war wages on in government and the church, if we are not careful, we could be deceived into believing the lies of the enemy (Satan), – as so many already have.

If ever there was a time to get our act together it is now. The time for “playing church” is over. We must get real and many of us must repent for their apathy. We have a lot of catching up to do as quickly as possible as prophecy unfolds at an alarming rate. 

I know all this sounds preachy, but these are serious times that call for serious reflection and repentance. We Christians have been dozing off at the wheel and are in for a rude shaking in the days ahead and if we don’t wake up, we will fall prey to apostacy and anarchy.

Don’t be left behind to face the unimaginable horror that awaits those who chose to deny the signs of the times. Those who know our God can rest in assurance that He will prevail and bring about His eternal kingdom of bliss and harmony. Hope to see you there.


Jim Towers        Feel free to write me at and check out my web page . 

The Lord will Provide

Abraham – is called The father of the faithful.

Faith is not believing in spite of evidence.  Faith is obeying in spite of consequence-

 • True faith produces works (as a testimony); true works don’t produce faith (just bragimonies)

 • Only by faith is the Holy Spirit released to work through the believerfor enduring results.

Being not weak in faith, (Abraham) considered not his own body now dead, when he was about an hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sarah’s womb.  Rom 4:19

The essence of true faith is found in this single verse.

-God had just promised Abraham he would have a son- one who would be become the seed of many nations- Abraham didn’t flinch at this- Old, deadness-

-He didn’t reason with God, instead of entertaining questions, Abraham “considered not”

-The faith that pleases God is born in a place of deadness. I’m speaking here of the deadness of all human possibilities. It is a place where man-made plans flourish at first but then die. It is a place where human hopes bring temporary relief but soon crash, adding to a sense of helplessness. Have any you been there? Are you there now? Has it seemed you have no options left?

-Abraham didn’t stagger in his faith. Rather, he was “fully persuaded that, what (God) had promised, he was able also to perform” (Romans 4:21). He recognized that God is able to work with nothing. Indeed, our Lord creates out of a void. Consider the Genesis account: out of nothing, God created the world. With just a single word, he creates. And he can create miracles for us, out of nothing.

Cast it all on God- When you realize you can’t do anything, no resources left-

Let’s contrast with Zacharias, the father of John the Baptist

  • Zacharias was visited by an angel who told him that his wife, Elizabeth, would give birth to a special child. But Zacharias-who was advanced in years, like Abraham-refused to believe it. God’s promise alone was not enough for him.

“Whereby [how] shall I know this? For I am an old man, and my wife well stricken in years” (Luke 1:18). Simply put, Zacharias considered the impossibilities.

“Behold, thou shalt be dumb, and not able to speak, until the day that these things shall be performed, because thou believest not my words, which shall be fulfilled in their season” (Luke 1:20)

The message is clear: God expects us to believe him when he speaks.

I am convinced that right now the faith of the body of Christ is under fierce satanic attack

-Just as wickedness abounds around the world today, so do the afflictions and trials of God’s church. We’re seeing an unprecedented barrage of sickness, affliction, trouble after trouble, one problem after another-all of which make an overcoming life seem impossible to any believer. Yet, all that we are facing right now is supernatural: Ephesians 6:12

Luke 22, We find Satan attacking Peter’s faith

“Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat” (Luke 22:31).

Note that Jesus’ words here describe the same demand Satan made concerning Job.

Jesus forewarned Peter that the devil would sift him and attack his faith. Yet Christ assured him, “I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not” (Luke 22:32).

I am convinced Satan has intensified this same demand of sifting the Lord’s elect today.

So now he is determined to bring down the faith of this last generation.

Peter suffered a severe eclipse of faith.  I can only imagine what went through this man’s mind to cause him to curse Christ and lie, saying, “I don’t know this Jesus you’re talking about.”

 “If Jesus were God, how could he allow such humiliation? How could he be God and yet not be able to deliver himself, let alone humankind?”

Yet Peter’s eclipse here is recorded for the comfort and encouragement of all believers who are enduring their own eclipses of faith. Have your trials become so intense, you’ve found yourself in what seem to be impossible situations? Now Satan has planted doubts in your mind: questions about God hearing your cries, doubts about the faithfulness of His promises, questions about the effectiveness of prayer.

Peter came thru in the end- 

John 21:18-19- Jesus tells Peter “Follow Me” Those were the words that began all this in Peter’s life.

Jesus speaks and warns Peter that when he is old, he will be bound and Martyred. 

Verily, verily, I say unto thee, When thou wast young, thou girdedst thyself, and walkedst whither thou wouldest: but when thou shalt be old, thou shalt stretch forth thy hands, and another shall gird thee, and carry thee whither thou wouldest not. This spake he, signifying by what death he should glorify God. And when he had spoken this, he saith unto him, Follow me.

— John 21:18–19

Peter is disturbed by the news that he will be martyred. He turns around and sees John standing by, and he asks, “What about him?” Jesus doesn’t tell them the answer to that question. Instead He says, “What does that matter to you, Peter? Just follow me.”

Jesus saith unto him, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? follow thou me. Then went this saying abroad among the brethren, that that disciple should not die: yet Jesus said not unto him, He shall not die; but, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee?

— John 21:21–22

Excerpts from and Study of Luke (Missler)


By Jim Towers

Do you remember I wrote about a young man I had started witnessing to who was into the homosexual lifestyle? Well he got saved today after receiving Christ into his life.

This thirty-one-year-old man had been ostracized and bullied all his life because of being effeminate. This brought on phobias and anxiety so much so that he takes medication and has a female therapist who tells him he must learn to love himself – just the way he is. She by the way worships Buddha, Jesus and some other entity and has a mural on the wall of her office depicting all three entities. 

Today the young man came to see me about helping me set up a tent at a local art show where I hope to sell my artwork, (I’ve participated in this “hobby” for years). I told him I had a book to give him and so he came right over. We made small talk about art and then we moved on to more serious matters. All the time he knew where I was coming from and because I had already tilled the soil – as it were. Today I thought I would just plant more seed, but God had other plans. 

We sat in my makeshift studio and after making sure he wasn’t pressed for time I began to explain the Jesus promise book to him. It had been on the shelf for some time now as I had already committed most of it to memory. Benny had tried to read the Bible but couldn’t make heads or tails of it. (That’s why I thought to give him these Bible verses to read on his own for now.) Then I explained to him that in order to understand the Bible one would need to have received Christ into his life to be able to read and understand the words in it with spiritual eyes through the help of the Holy Spirit.

I could sense his desperation and he was very open to what I had to say. After probing into his life, I knew that the Gospel was the only answer to his emotional and spiritual well-being. He spoke of his sleepless nights, anxiety and low self- esteem. I told him that God could give him hope freedom from guilt and forgiveness of sin and on top of all that – a peace that surpasses all understanding. I could see his eyes beginning to water up with a glimpse of hope.

After explaining the Gospel in a caring way, I asked if he wanted to receive Jesus Christ into his life and low and behold just after a moment of careful thought he said yes. Then I asked him to repeat the words after me in his own way. “God forgive me,……I receive Jesus Christ into my heart and life to change me and give me hope of eternal life……. After that short prayer I explained how he should be baptized by immersion to show his sincerity toward God, but then I thought – but where can he be baptized since my church is undergoing a tremendous polarizing struggle right now.

Then it happened, a still small voice said to me ask him if he’d like to be baptized right now, (or was that just my imagination?) In any case, I knew it was the right thing to do. (I had baptized my own younger sister a few years ago after leading her to Christ – when she thought she had cancer.) Benny again said yes, then I said, “follow me” and led him to the lanai. “I’ve got an extra pair of swimming trunks hanging on the pegs alongside the pool.” And so, I baptized him in the swimming pool in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. After talking a bit more while in the pool I left him to be alone with his thoughts and changed into dry clothes, but as I happened to peer out the lanai doors, I saw him sitting on the pool deck gazing heavenward contemplating, praying or meditating. Already he was beginning to feel peace.

Before leaving I showed Benny my old banged, taped up and highlighted Bible explaining the Old Testament and the New Testament and pointing out what the prophets said about Jesus three thousand years before he was even born. I was quoting scripture verbatim particularly from the book of John. “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning and the was nothing made that was made without Him. In Him was life and……. But as many as believed on Him – to them was given the right to become the sons of God”. He was thirsty for every word but not wanting to overload him I bid him farewell and told him to call me anytime he had questions concerning the Christian faith.

Sunday after voting No to the pastor nominee (a “Woke” person with little experience) I went to lunch at a sit down restaurant and being famished I asked the server to please bring the biscuits and gravy right away. This the server did as I asked, and I thanked the frail hollow eyed young man profusely while looking at his name tag to thank him by name. The name tag read “Genesis”. Reading it aloud I asked, “Do you know what Genesis means in the Bible?” he said “No, I’ve never read the Bible.” 

“It means the beginning of everything.”

“Really?….I never knew that.” 

“Wow,” I thought as he walked away. How could a person not know that?

So today I stopped by Hobby Lobby to get material for the upcoming art show and low and behold – a Christian bookstand! I found what I was looking for – a Bible for Genesis. A red – letter edition with a beautiful purple leather cover.

On my way back home I stopped the restaurant and looking around I didn’t see him, so I asked a waitress if she knew Genesis and she replied yes but she’s not here today. She’ll be here tomorrow. SHE??…. Genesis was a girl! In any case I intend to stop by and give her the Bible and show her the name Genesis on the very first page.

Jesus said, “Only those who throw there lives away for my sake, will truly know what it means to live.” How true Lord – how true.


Jim Towers             You can write me at jt.filmmaker@yahoo,com or visit my website . You can also find more of my articles on


Editors note- I would like to address the following post before you read it. Church is messy, from small church’s to larger ones. One can almost read an article a day about some troubles/scandals happening with a pastor or church somewhere around the world. So i was hesitant to post an article about this here on my blog, its not my focus. One of the reasons I hesitate is because there is always two sides to a story and I am not privy to the other side. A second is I have seen well meaning people attack my pastor about something he preached or made them feel and they were completely off the mark. So it always gives me pause.

I urge the readers to read Titus and see how Paul dealt with appointing leadership etc.

Quoting from the study guide by David Guzic in the Blue Letter Bible online(LINK) These elders were not chosen by popular vote, and they were not chosen through their own self-promotion. It was Titus’ job to look for men of the kind of character Paul would describe in the following passage and to appoint them as elders in congregations.”

Also “

iii. The list in the following passage means that God has specific qualifications for leaders in the church. Leaders should not to be chosen at random, or just because they volunteer, or because they aspire to the position, or even because they are “natural leaders.” Leaders should be chosen because they match the qualifications listed here. It is fine if a man thinks he is “called.” Yet he must also be qualified.

iv. The qualifications for leadership in the following passage have nothing to do with giftedness. Paul didn’t say to Titus “Find the most gifted guys.” We might say that it is easy for the Lord to grant gifts by the Holy Spirit as He wills (1 Corinthians 12:11), but developing character takes time and a real relationship with Jesus Christ.- Going to seminary doesn’t make one qualified for spiritual leadership.- Being a good talker doesn’t make one qualified for spiritual leadership.- Natural or spiritual gifts in themselves do not qualify one for spiritual leadership.- What one gives in money or volunteer time does not qualify them for spiritual leadership.- What qualifies a man for spiritual leadership is godly character – and godly character established according to the clear criteria Paul will list.

v. However, this is not a rigid list which demands perfection in all areas. It provides both goals to reach for and general criteria for selection. We should take this list and ask “Does the man in question desire all these things with his whole heart? Does that desire show itself in his life?” Titus was to take the following list, find the men who best fit the description, and then use the list as a training guide to disciple these men.

vi. As well, these qualifications are valuable for every person – not only those who aspire to leadership. They are clear indicators of godly character and spiritual maturity; they can give a true measure of a man.”

This would probably mitigate a lot of issues described below. I would also like to add what Dr Missler has been harping on for years, the once and future Church “Small home studies” As quoted here from

“Over the many decades that I have enjoyed my love affair with the Bible, I have had the marvelous benefit of many great teachers. I’ve also had the incredible experience of fellowshipping in one of the most famous churches emphasizing expositional teaching from the Word of God.

But I also would like to let you in on a precious secret. Unquestionably, the greatest personal growth I’ve ever witnessed occurs in the home Bible study. From those early years on Harbor Island Road in Newport Beach, to those precious times on Mountain Home Road in Silicon Valley, the fellowship of those intimate home groups, where people can interact, ask questions, and hold one another accountable, was the place of growth for all of us — teacher and student.

This was, of course, the way it all started. A group of but a dozen — fishermen and others — along a seaside in Galilee. Even later as Paul traveled and planted, it was the intimacy of home fellowships that provided the earliest forums for the Gospel. The declarations in the synagogues and on Mars Hill were but an initiation. Their resulting questions were responded to in small groups in homes and on hillsides.”

The small home church is indeed the future.

By Jim Towers

A while back I told you about my wonderful church falling apart because an egotistical and power-hungry group of men had taken over, after saying an untimely goodbye to our long-time pastor (27 years), practically kicking him out the door. 

It took 27 years for our Pastor under God’s supervision to make our church what it was. It was a conservative Bible based church in which the scriptures were read aloud while standing.  Then the pastor would expound on the verses read.  Afterward there was an altar call, and baptisms in the warm Gulf waters were frequent.  There were no flashing lights, abracadabra, smoke and mirrors or overt shenanigans among this crowd (as in a rock concert.)  All were well read educated people, with many professionals in the mix.

How sad that this had to happen just because a handful of men plotted to take over. Recently the pastor had bestowed “pastor” titles to them all just to keep them happy, but it seems they wanted more power and prestige than he was able to give.

An Email was sent to over seven hundred members – most of whom weren’t aligned with the usurpers. This group (and I among them) crashed their “business as usual meeting”. But knowing this was going to happen through spies they arranged for an experienced old timer to moderate the meeting while the lead usurper went into hiding. While these folks were claiming to be “transparent” the two huge monitors in the chapel (where the meeting was held) read “No recording devises or videotaping allowed,” which doesn’t sound very transparent to me.

Afterward, I queried the guys I knew were in cahoots with the Executive Pastor about his whereabouts and was told by the music director, “I’m not supposed to say,” and seemed offended that I should ask and he immediately turned to speak to someone else to avoid further questioning. I told the second man that it was quite a coincidence for the leader of the pack to be absent from this important meeting. This man just gulped as his face screwed up in defeat. The third crony said, “I heard he’s in the hospital”. Quite a coincidence indeed.  In trying to find out if this was true from the church office through an Email I sent, I received no response, and that was two weeks ago. This same guy tried to assure me that it was all in God’s hands and I had to agree. Had God laid up this man to a bed of affliction or is this just a ruse? It’s hard to say because all six of them have all shown themselves to be dishonest men. 

Whether these wolves in sheep’s clothing thought that they were doing good by trying to slander a man of God is questionable. One error on the part of the pastor is that he hired and promoted what he thought were sound spirit filled men and even if the pastor made a few other errors (as we are all prone to do) these usurpers have made a grievous mistake in scattering the flock the way they have. 

The director of communications must have been very hurt by the pastor’s suggestion that his son in law be given that role. With the pastor out this man takes to the podium every chance he gets. (I suppose it makes him feel powerful.)  Another thing that irks me is that one of them while being a good speaker, never refers to God as “Father.” This isn’t in keeping with the prayer Jesus taught, as in “Our Father who art in heaven…..” and that tells me that he doesn’t have a close enough relationship with God to address Him in that way. Also, it irks me that this childish man and the pompous music director tend to emote fake weeping during their public prayers on the podium, like the old-time televangelists used to do – think Tammy Fae Baker and Jan Crouch. (But this is just me – and although I am only a sinner saved by grace, I don’t tolerate phonies. The things of God are a very serious business.)  

While there are other lesser followers of this cabal, they aren’t worth bothering with, and like worldly people they are only vying for position, but you can be sure their sins will find them out – just as the leader of this fiasco. 

Such are these men. “They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.” N.K.J.  The following passage hits the nail on the head in so many ways, “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof.”….. “By their fruits you shall know them.” – Jesus.

“But if (they) do not listen to you, take one or two more with you, so that by the mouth of two or three witnesses every fact may be confirmed. And if (they) refuse to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax-gatherer.” Matt. 18:15-17. None of these men are loving and kind but are phony and narcissistic in their behavior.

So, here is where we are now – having to take a stand and revealing these ruthless and divisive men for what they are. Although their family members may be hurt, these ambitious men took it upon themselves to take over the church hurting countless people and they must repent – pack their bags – and leave.


In my forty-five years of church attendance I have been privy to three other such events, and frankly I’ve seen enough ruthless men running roughshod over God’s people. If these men think they are capable, then they should venture out and start their own corrupt and loveless church.    

Many people in our church have had their faith shaken to the core, so much so that many have already left the church. What a tragedy.

Insofar as the integrity of the cabal that has taken over our church, I can’t think of anything worse for man to do than to shake another person’s faith in Almighty God.


Jim Towers   

You can write me with your thoughts at

Preparing For The Coming Battle

A Time to Stand

by Dr. Steve Elwart

We are fast approaching a time when each of us will have to make some decisions—decisions aboutour life, our relationships, and our worldview

After World War II, the Communist Party assumed control of Romania. Once the Communists came to power, they proceeded to co-opt the Church. They spoke of love and tolerance, but these words masked their true intentions.

Those Christians (including the clergy) who did not have a strong Biblical foundation were easily deceived and many who did were intimidated into silence.

After the takeover, the Romanian Communists convened a congress of four thousand priests, pastors, and ministers of all denominations in their Parliament building with the proceedings being carried in a national radio broadcast. One by one, the ministers got up and had nothing but words of praise for communism and assured the new government of the loyalty of the Christian Church.

One of the pastors scheduled to speak was a man named Richard Wurmbrand. As he listened and waited, his wife Sabina leaned over to him and said, “They are spitting in the face of Christ. Richard, stand up and wash away this shame.”

He said to her, “If I do so, you lose your husband.” She replied, “I don’ twish to have a coward as a husband.”

So Wurmbrand rose and instead of repeating the same thing every other pastor said, he told the assembly how wrong they were and how this flew in the face of Christian doctrine.1 At this point, the broadcast was interrupted and the martyrdom of the Wurmbrands began. Sabina went on to serve eight years in prison while Richard served a total of fourteen years, eight of which were in solitary confinement.

As Richard Wurmbrand said, In solitary confinement, we could not pray as before. We were unimaginably hungry…The Lord’s Prayer was much too long for us—we could not concentrate enough to say it. My only prayer repeated again and again was, “Jesus, I love You.” After he and his wife immigrated to the United States, he was called to testify before the United States Senate, stripping to the waist to reveal the scars of eighteen wounds received from frequent tortures.

A reporter with the Philadelphia Herald said of Wurmbrand’s time in prison, “He stood in the midst of lions, but they could not devour him.”

Please click this link here. for the rest of the article. Very well worth it. KHouse is a treasure trove of great articles and insight.


By Jim Towers

At a time when I should begin slowing down God has seen fit to make my life even more hectic. I’ve always been a fighter for the underdog, and I suspect that’s why Gods given me more to do.  

Although I’m not usually one to pray for guidance when I have enough information about a given matter because God has given us his written word as a guide along with common sense, (which isn’t so common anymore) and on top of that we believers have the Holy Spirits help to understand the more complex things in life and in scripture. Who could ask for more? And so, I pray about other things and give thanks throughout the day as we should. “Giving praise and thanks without ceasing.”1Thess 5:16-18. 

In any case, my repertoire keeps expanding and is becoming more challenging every day as my Jewish friend Stanley keeps writing me as if I am helping him understand things even his Rabi doesn’t know. Knowing that Stanley is an Orthodox Jew I for the most part refer to the Old Testament when sharing scripture with him. The time may come when God Himself will open Stanley’s eyes to the Truth, even if He must appear to him in a dream or vision as stated in Joel 2:28-29. I, for one know that we can’t box God into our perception of reality.

I offered to let the young homosexual I’ve been witnessing to sell some of my artwork on commission. He just got back to me to let me know he was ready to begin this coming Saturday. I am convinced this is Gods doing and I will continue to share scripture and pray with him. Hopefully we will see breakthrough and I won’t have to attempt exorcism. (Besides I’m not sure I have that much faith.) Read on to hear what he has to say about his condition.


The young man wrote the following back after I inquired about him calling himself weird.

hi only my parents and brothers live here my grandmother lives in South america, but yeah im staying at my parents house now im looking for a place of my own and trying to save money, yeah ive always kind of struggled with my confidence, being gay has been really hard, i suffered with some bullying too in my life, moving into a totally dofferent country when i was 13 was kinda hard too, ive been seeing a therapist for many years now, ive been told a few times im kinda weird so probably got stuck in my head lol

I will follow up on this young man by sharing verses of salvation and encouragement.

Today I had lunch at a snazzy place this atheist writer insisted we meet, (I’m glad he paid the exorbitant bill). He’s the writer of world history I met at the Social Security office. We hit it off right away since I was wearing my “Writer cap” at the time. It never fails to get attention. Since his third and last wife had just passed away, he was there doing some paperwork. I figured he was still grieving and lonely so since we both write I thought I’d like to get to know him better. In retrospect, I know now that this was another divine appointment with a person who had to hear the Gospel.

In any case we ordered – made some small talk and when the order arrived, I bowed my head and said grace openly, thanking God for the beautiful day, the meal and my having met this newfound friend – Larry who also bowed his head in response. I don’t like to beat around the bush or to acquiesce to another’s belief system and I’m not politically correct either. I make no apologies for what I know to be true.

As we continued to converse about books, movies and family life I couldn’t help but notice he was wearing a heavy gold necklace a gold ring on each hand – one set with a beautiful jade stone as well as a Rolex watch.

Although Larry was somewhat older than I and looked it, he still possessed a very keen mind. He had owned a big advertising agency in Dallas and finally retired here in Naples. 

I began telling him about my being a Christian writer. Then I gave him my testimony to which he listened intently.

He tried to defend Islam but I told him I had done extensive research on Mohamed and I began to explain to him how this cult came about beginning with the birth of Esau by Abrahams handmaiden and how Sara had finally conceived and had a son named Isaac and how that Esau would be the father of many nations who would eventually become brother fighting brother even to the death. (Sunni and Shia Muslims.)

Larry listened as I went on to explain the Muslim faith and how it came into being through the seizure afflicted Mohamed at Medina and I couldn’t help but notice Larry’s introspection as he had nothing to add or to justify his erroneous belief. 

To change the subject Larry then went on to say that President Trump was a troublemaker but after I told him of the crime committed by Obama and the Clinton’s he confessed that our entire political system had become corrupt with bribery, graft and all forms of corruption. When he continued to vilify Trump without cause I reminded him that it was Obama who had brought 30,000 unvetted Somalis in to our country and settled them in Minneapolis Minnesota  where they eventually were able to vote one of their own (The vociferous anti-Christian anti – American anti – Jew, (Iihan Omar) into the house of representatives. As of this writing it’s my understanding that there was a resolution to dismiss this radical interloper for voicing her hatred for American and Israel.

Surprisingly, Larry didn’t know any of this about Muslims even though he was a visiting professor at some University up north and supposedly a very well-read writer and intellect. My thoughts on that was, “If you haven’t read scripture then you haven’t read anything.”

After Larry paid the bill of his own volition, I thanked him and he said, “You can buy next time.” I replied, “Have you ever eaten at Mc Donald’s?” We both laughed and he said – yes of course.

So, it seems we got off on sound footing.


I just finished reading Mark Levin’s new book “Unfreedom of the Press” a good read – confirming what we should already know.


Jim Towers   

Write me at or visit also  


By Jim Towers

Some of you may envision me a haggard wild- eyed man wearing a sandwich board saying “The End is Near” but as much as I’d like to be able to do that – I don’t want people to look at me as some religious kook. Instead I always try to maintain a degree of decorum when I’m out in public. 

It also helps that I really care for people since people can often tell when you are being phony or seeking attention. 

I’m surprised at how many people don’t know beans about the things of God. I usually have to spoon feed them with applicable scriptures that jibe with what we are talking about. 

When I feel led to pray for a person I never stop to consider where we are nor what we are doing, and amazingly they never refuse prayer. 

Living this way makes my life worthwhile and adventuresome.

I don’t usually hand out tracts, (but I have in the past) and I may do so again as things get more out of control among the un-saved. However, I enjoy the human touch and give and take of good conversation. I know that it is the Holy Spirit who does the heavy lifting. He is the one who essentially does the convicting and without Him the evangelist can do nothing. You can’t argue people into heaven, and they can’t argue with the Word of God.

My life is full of activity and I’ve shared the gospel with many interesting people along the way, some artists, actors, writers, musicians, doctors, lawyers, politicians, laborers, homosexuals, prostitutes, criminals, policemen, educators and scholars.

My new friend the scholarly Jewish fellow has quit corresponding with me and I’m afraid he has been talking to his Rabbi about me. I really enjoyed the give and take of our conversations. Of course, he asked what I thought about the German people being as brilliant as they are were able to kill millions of their fellow man. I had to remind him of the existence of Satan and explained that Lucifer led a rebellion against God and was cast to earth for doing so. He -having been here – from the beginning has always held sway over human beings’ thoughts and actions. I will follow up on him shortly anyway. 


(Today I did follow up on him by Email and he responded very favorably toward me.) He sent me the news that Muslims were going to help build a new temple and asked what I thought of it. 

This is a portion of the article he sent me.

By United With Israel Staff

On Friday in New York, an organization called the Higher Committee of Human Fraternity unveiled a design for the Abrahamic House, a unique complex that will include a mosque, church and the United Arab Emirates’ (UAE) first official synagogue on Saadiyat Island in Abu Dhabi.

The project was initiated in response to Pope Francis and Dr. Ahmed Al Tayeb, the Grand Imam of Al Azhar, signing the Document on Human Fraternity in February, during the pontiff’s visit to Abu Dhabi, the UAE’s capital. The document called for the “reconciliation of people from all faiths and goodwill in service of universal peace.”

This was the first visit by a pope to the Arabian Peninsula.

I replied that it was being done in preparation for the “End Times” one world religion and government that will soon come into being. 


A young homosexual acquaintance that I’ve been witnessing to seems to be deeply troubled about the path he has chosen but won’t or can’t repent and I detect a malevolent spirit within him. I even thought that since this spirit has such a strong hold on him, I might have to perform an exorcism on this troubled young man.  

Not to worry – ( In the past, I’ve held a possessed woman in my arms and prayed for her as she wept uncontrollably – even though she hadn’t bathed in a long while and had black claw like fingernails ) but I’m hoping I might not have to travel that path. Demon possession is a tricky thing to deal with, but I’m convinced that today many people are possessed of the Devil. There is no other explanation for the many crimes committed.

It seems my life is taking on another direction or at least another dimension encompassing the intelligentsia among the masses. Although I’ve witnessed to doctors and lawyers -one on one -in the past they appear to be popping up in the most unlikely places in my life. I embrace the challenge and am well prepared and armed for any encounter. 

I recently went to hear former Special Agent Thomas Eastwood lecture on the Mueller report. The title of his lecture was Analysis of Russian influence on U.S. Elections. He is a very interesting man and will be lecturing on other topics in the very near future. I hope to learn what I can of the goings on in government behind closed doors and eventually share Christ with this man as well.

Today I met another interesting writer of World History. After arriving home I wrote and offered to let him read one of my very favorite books and to introduce him to scripture as well – as he appears to be a liberal who’s overly concerned about his grandchildren having to deal with climate change in the near future. I told him he should be more concerned about the evil that is overtaking the world – he agreed and gave me his card.

I am having the time of my life in talking to these intellects who know nothing of Christ and of where they will spend eternity.


Jim Towers      

Write me at and visit and my website  


By Jim Towers

The latest false prophet is one who claims to be able to prophecy America’s future just by reading a dollar bill. Although this could be just a parlor game there are grave spiritual implications for those who are yet in the dark about prophecy and the like. 

Demonic deception has crept silently into the mainstream, witchcraft, Baal worship and other assorted man-made ideologies appear to be making more converts than Christianity.

At what point should a person draw the line when it comes to believing in prophecies, visions and other spiritual manifestations supposedly experienced by some? There are so called Pastors and others who, just to sell books and relieve others of their finances, claim to have had a religious experience or a healing gift bestowed upon them in the middle of the night by benevolent entities. Many of these same people enjoy tickling people’s ears with their extraordinary stories rather than caring about the state of a person’s soul. By that I mean sharing the gospel with them rather than just garnering their adulation and/or money. There are more than enough of these charlatans around on television, who know which buttons to push to get enthusiastic response and most of these buttons have to do with money. 

But that isn’t to say that a person can’t experience an epiphany, vision or miracle. The new birth is a miracle in and of itself, and that alone should suffice for the believer since we’ve now made peace with God through His Son Christ Jesus, but most of us believers want and expect more, and some even think they deserve it – though they do nothing more than occupy seats in church. 

The Bible says that “Salvation is a gift of God lest any man should boast” and indeed, we would boast to elevate ourselves above others – if we could. Nevertheless, included in this gift of salvation are many other benefits which we can appropriate by reading scripture and knowing what they are and how to attain them. 

For instance, those of us who have been “born again” have a peace that surpasses all understanding. Coupled with the study of scripture we are also able to see things with a greater understanding, clarity and insight through the reading of the Bible as though scales had fallen off our eyes.  

Often, while there are those who have been brought up in a Godly home and experience no heartfelt conversion – there are others who must suffer a “conversion experience” such as Saul of Tarsus (the Apostle Paul) did. Like the Apostle Paul God must often knock us off our high horse to get our attention. This otherworldly experience often comes in some form of chastisement for “God chastises those He loves”.  

Paul was no ordinary man; he was a man steeped in the Jewish faith who had studied under Gamaliel – a prominent religious teacher of his day and as a Pharisee, Paul had become a zealot for the things of God. Believing that Jesus was yet another pseudo Messiah (there were some in that day that claimed to be the Jewish Messiah) Paul set out to prove them to be imposters arresting those he felt were guilty of harboring and abetting these false Messiahs. But when he began persecuting the followers of Jesus, Jesus had to physically stop him – and He did, appearing to Paul in a blinding light – even though He had recently risen from the dead.

Many of those who have experienced God’s chastisement and resultant conversion become preachers, while others become teachers and still others become evangelists but seldom does anyone having experienced being “born again” just hang around and do nothing about their faith. While others like to pretend piety in one way or another to grab the limelight. 

Some would say that those things died out with the Apostles, and these proofs of God’s existence aren’t needed anymore but we can’t justifiably put God in a box if he indeed created all that we taste, feel, see and smell.

That having been said, do/ or can such spooky things happen in today’s world? Do those who experience life after death (NDE) hallucinate when they supposedly die and come back to life with a message? Today, some are claiming that this event actually happened to them. (I for one believe that all things are possible for those who believe – but we must be careful in discerning truth.) After all, if the prophets of God experienced other – worldly experiences, then why can’t we? After all they were human just like us and as a matter of fact, the book of Joel prophecies’ that such things will happen again at the end of the age in Chapter 2: Verses 28 -31. The book of Joel says, “In the Last Days I will pour out my spirit on all flesh, your young men shall have visions and your old men will dream dreams….”.

Our God does what He wants When He wants and how He wants – and who can stop Him? Theologians try, atheist’s try, and fools try as well. But I’m here to tell you that if He can’t produce and keep His promises (and there are many we aren’t aware of simply because we don’t read scripture). “My people perish for lack of knowledge.”

On the other hand, there are others who say they experience these manifestations daily and you just know they are either lying or trying to make a name for themselves – don’t you believe it, “By their fruit you shall know them”. God can speak for Himself and He does so through scripture. So, if it doesn’t jibe with scripture you can discount it as coming from a false prophet or a person seeking acclimation.

If God’s people will seek God with their whole being – repent of their unbelief and seek God’s will in the scriptures, they too can experience blessings and enjoy a peace that surpasses all understanding – and they will begin experiencing miracles in their lives as well if they learn how to appropriate them through the reading of scripture and example of this is, “But seek ye first the kingdom (lost souls) of God and all these things(needs) shall be added unto you.”

We are living in the “Last Days” whether we like it or not and we must do what we can to bring others into the fold.


I saw a young homosexual “acquaintance” at a yard sale today and was able to have a chat with him. It seems he is interested in what I have to say, and I was able to get his phone number and Email address to continue our conversation about the things of God. At the same time, I’ve been witnessing to a young man on Face Book who’s an agnostic and an alcoholic on the verge of committing suicide. Please pray for both of these lost people that they might find and receive Christ. 


Jim Towers

Write me at jt.filmmaker@yahoo.comand visit my web page  also– warriors following Christ.


By Jim Towers

The elderly couple on the Naples pier (my mission station) were Orthodox Jews. The encounter went like this;

At the far end of the pier is a shelter consisting of two walls and a roof maybe fourteen feet square. It stands on a bigger platform that is surrounded by a railing for people to fish from. Inside the shelter are two benches, one on the sides of each of the walls. I often go out there seeking conversation and hopefully a fish or two. 

I had hardly been there twenty minutes when the elderly couple showed up and sat on the opposing bench across from me. The woman had her arm in a sling and impulsively I asked what had happened to her arm. She replied that she had fractured her shoulder in a tripping incident. After the man made sure his wife was comfortable, he came over to me noticing my cap that has “Writer” emblazoned on it. I wear caps with different captions, Film maker, Writer and Artiste to garner attention from those interested in the arts – it works well. 

Stanly thanked me for inquiring about his wife telling me that people seldom did that anymore. I agreed by saying, “It seems that people have become cold and are afraid to talk to each other anymore.”

“You can say that again” he replied. “Let me introduce myself my name is Stanley and my wife’s name is Carol. We were at a huge party where several high-profile people were gathered when my wife tripped over the huge family dog – fracturing her shoulder.” 

He let it be known that these prominent people were with Google and other such tech giants but that he couldn’t divulge names. I was wondering how he came to be attending such an affair and I asked him what he did for a living and he said he was an educator. I never doubted him for a moment since he was a well-spoken and intelligent man. 

His wife having excellent hearing heard me question her husband and asked me “What do you do?” I told her that I was a movie actor/writer. By this time, I had taken my “Writer” cap off as it was warm and humid”. They were impressed.

Stanley and I talked about movies a bit but soon moved onto other more important things.

He told me he was an avid reader and I told him I was too. We began to bond after I told him of my Christian faith. He even went so far as to mention he had once entered a celebrated church to view the inside. He was a very inquisitive man who apparently spent time with other intellectuals, one of which was a phycologist who told him a story about a client who appeared to have experienced previous lives after he had hypnotized her. I asked him if he believed in God to which he answered he wasn’t sure if God existed. At this point I mentioned that Lucifer, an angel of God had been cast from heaven to earth and had that he taken a third of the angels with him. This fallen angel has information on everybody and is the father of lies and was probably speaking through the woman. He had never considered that that might be the case. 

I could see that he was thinking deeper thoughts and finally he then he proceeded to tell me about having researched Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam. From this I deduced he might be a “seeker of truth”.

I began to inject things about Jesus into our conversation and that all the Apostles were Jews except maybe for Luke that most scholars consider having been a Greek Doctor of Medicine.

As we continued to talk, he attempted to try and stump me. At this I told him I had been a Christian for over forty years and knew the Old Testament and the New Testament well. I mentioned the prophecies of Daniel and Jesus and told him that according to their prophecies we were living in the last days. He agreed that these were very strange times.

In any case I parried any objections he might have had with the inerrant truth of God’s Word.

Knowing that many secular Jews just like Gentiles are driven by worldly success and are  impressed by it I also knew that there were many “seekers” out there as well because I once had a ministry in a coffee shop where many Jews congregated, drank coffee and kibitzed throughout the day and night. It was there and then that I got to know many Jews and Gentiles as well and even though I was always ministering the Word of God to them they liked me and enjoyed the discourses we had.

Still though I had never met anyone so engaging and Religious as Stanly. He was a true “Seeker”.  Stanley asked about my writing even went so far as to giving me his Email address so that I could send my testimony to him in the form of a 240-page bio I’d written before they left. 

Before leaving them at the entranceway I asked Carol if she would like for me to say a prayer for her she replied, “Please do.” And I did so while many others milled around us as they left the pier for the day.

I sent out the manuscript this morning (Labor Day) saying that our meeting was God ordained. He wrote back this Labor Day evening saying;

   I feel likewise. 
   Ran in to a Messianic Jewish couple in Rural King in Bonita.
Conversation started the same way about Carol’s injury.
    You are all good people, because you
genuinely care about others.
    Please give me a few days to read.
Once again, you were an important person in 
our day yesterday.



Jim Towers  

You can write me at jt.filmmaker@yahoo.comor visit me at www.dropzonedelta.comand at my web site……Hang tough and look up.


By Jim Towers

It is 12 O’clock noon, the gas stations are pretty much dried up. Thursday and Friday the cars were lined up at the pumps at all gas stations forming slow moving long lines waiting to fill up at the pumps. 

That’s the situation we in South Florida are in. If we make a run for it toward the North, we must leave now and go by way of I75 toward the Florida Panhandle. The East coast will soon be clogged up with traffic as the rain approaches in torrents making it impossible to see more than a few years ahead. Accidents are sure to happen. Today is Saturday 8/31/2019 in South Florida. Hurricane Dorian was at our doorstep.

Hurricane Dorian had been upgraded to a category 4 hurricane with wind gusts averaging 140 miles per hour. There was a belief that it might head north and hit Georgia and/or the Carolina’s, but the storm appears to be gathering strength as it approaches the Bahamas and already, we can see that many are panicking and heading out of Dodge already. Even as the storm was beginning to hammer the Bahamas 


As I left the Naples Pier, the storm had just hit the Bahamas with a Cat 4 storm. Tomorrow we will know the results and the trajectory of the storm. With the storm twisting slightly West, Florida is still in the crosshairs with Palm Beach as its main target. (Hurricanes are very unpredictable and may take a turn at the last minute.) Thankfully this one did.

Some of those more directly facing the storm may repent and ask God’s forgiveness for not acknowledging Him in their lives – these are the times that try men’s hearts and where else does a person go to for help. “God is a very present help in times of trouble.” 

Jesus warned us that in this life we would have many trials and tribulations, and this hurricane is just one of those trials and one of many tribulations that will impact the lives of most of us. Many of us will have to just ride out the storm. 

In all aspects of life storms beset us all – in one way or another.

Jesus said;

“Everyone therefore who hears these words of mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man, who built his house on a rock. The rain came down, the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat on that house; and it didn’t fall, for it was founded on the rock. Everyone who hears these words of mine and doesn’t do them will be like a foolish man, who built his house on the sand. The rain came down, the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat on that house; and it fell—and great was its fall.”— Matthew 7:24–27, World English Bible

MONDAY – Labor Day.

Hurricane Dorian “sat” on the Bahamas for a day and night and ground the island to a pulp. Six people have been reported dead so far with more missing. 


The Bahamas continues taking a pounding with Category five winds and torrents of rain.


Today as the storm finally moved away and people came out of their shelters to survey the devastation. One man said he felt like Job with everything he owned having been swept away. Still though he says he retained his faith in God.

A devastated woman said “It looks like a bomb hit. I’m just thankful to be alive. The Lord saved me.” These people are facing very hard times ahead. Many have called or are calling out to God for help and I cannot believe there are many atheists left on these islands.


Today there are 30 reported dead and 0ver yet 200 missing in the Bahamas. The country’s health minister says the final tally of those who have died will be staggering.

Dorian is headed up the East coast battering North Carolina. Already there are five reported deaths there and it will spin off and sideswipe Canada then move out into open water from the looks of things.

Everything Jesus said would happen in the Last Days seems to be coming to pass. Hurricanes with angry roaring waves and water covering islands, as men’s hearts are beginning to fail them with earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tornadoes, flooding, hail, disease, pestilence – you name it – happening on an unprecedented scale all at once as well. 

The world is in a state of flux with war a seeming inevitability for many. Hate crimes are on the rise with no solution in sight. Those who are losing a loved one or family member in recent shooting sprees must be coming under conviction that something is terribly wrong in such a violent and ungodly society. With all that’s going on will we as a nation repent and seek God’s face? At this stage of the game it doesn’t seem likely.

While revival is taking place in other parts of the world, we are woefully behind the eight ball and reaping what we have sown. I’m surprised that God has been so slow to anger and merciful toward our corrupt society.


A friend called from Jamestown N.D. to say this obscure town was battered with heavy winds that tore down power lines, leaving the hospitals without electricity. The unusually high winds tipped over campers as well – while no tornadoes were spotted in the vicinity.

Only when we trust in Jesus can we sleep in the eye of the storms of life. Jesus gives a person a peace that surpasses all understanding in every circumstance.


Jim Towers   

You can write me at jt.filmmaker@yahoo.comor visit my website www.propheticsignsandwonders.comor check out www.dropzonedelta.comWarriors following Christ.

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