By Jim Towers

Who would have ever thought such a thing could happen – worldwide? I’m talking of course about the covid19 virus and the quarantine that accompanied it. What else in all the world would cause people to look up and question whether this event was God ordained ? 

If the virus is an act of God, then in one fell -swoop He was able to get the attention of every single person in the whole world, but to what avail? First of all, to acknowledge Him, humble ourselves, repent and prepare for the rapture…That’s all.

While many of us are in our third week of isolation we can’t help but wonder if and when the nightmare will be over, but the next catastrophe, as a follow up, is a voracious plague of locusts unleashed over a third of the world and many will die of starvation. At the same time, vicious storms have been unleased throughout the world, there are many earthquakes in various places and UFO sightings are becoming more and more frequent. World economies are on the brink.

With our collective hands tied it is hard not to believe something is afoot…something so profound that even those of us who know scripture find it hard to deal with. The fact is that these things were prophesied by Jesus Himself.

From a humanistic point of view conspiracy theories abound. Is Bill Gates promoting a vaccine to further his eugenics agenda? Will his vaccine lead to the Mark of the Beast? After all, you will get a free pin number along with it, but what for? Is it to keep track of you? To what end? Is the pope the false prophet? He sure has been saying some crazy things lately, especially for a pontiff. Not only that but he wants to help form a one world religion with enemies who would just as well kill us as look at us infidels. 

And pray tell, what is this current fascination with communism? I mean who wants to do without food, housing, automobiles, free speech and medicine like Venezuela, Cuba and other communist run countries? It’s crazy out there.

Now, with all the time in the world to read everything in the newspapers, magazines and the internet and to watch television 24-7s. we are on information overload with juicy tidbits such as this….. 

Recently a Florida political figure was caught passed out from drug use lying naked on the floor of a known sexual pervert. People won’t know who to believe in or why to believe them. (And he sounded like and looked like such a nice family guy too). People have animalistic tendencies as in dog eat dog, and like a dog go back to their own vomit. They lie so often it is now thought of as normal. Right is wrong and wrong is right the whole world is out of whack. It’s as if Satan and his minions has been set free to roam the streets to wreak havoc everywhere.  

Something else I found interesting is that Passover and Easter coincided with one another this year. Just as when the death angel passed over Egypt and many died, (but those with the blood of the lamb on their doorposts lived.) So, it is with us today, with the blood of the spotless lamb of God on the doorposts of our lives we are spared the second death – (if the virus death angel visits) – even if we die from it. 

From all the signs, the last days “times of sorrow” MUST be upon us, even as we speak. All the signs are in your face and continuing to expand and proliferate without letup – one after the other. Nobody, – and I mean nobody – but God could have planned such a well-orchestrated scenario to get people’s attention worldwide.  


Being quarantined has given me the opportunity to work on a screenplay based on the very events we’re witnessing today. You could say this film is based on ongoing events and possible outcomes. The worldwide events we are witnessing right now are being incorporated into storyline with the hope that many will respond and be saved by turning wholeheartedly to God. That of course is contingent on us being here for the next round of turmoil during the Tribulation period. But while we Christians wait for our deliverance we can’t just sit idly by while our friends, neighbors and relative die in their sins.

A few years ago, after seeing the way things were going in our society, I wrote a screenplay about the end times. It was a thought-provoking story about the possible fulfilment of biblical prophecy I envisioned was coming, but it was based on speculation. I made a couple of attempts at filming a trailer with limited resources but couldn’t get people interested in helping without pay. I lost money in doing so.

The current worldwide situation lends itself to an even greater scenario – a life threatening one. Not only that, but with people dying without Christ it makes the timing more crucial. All the ingredients of a spiritually informative film are being played out on the world stage before our very eyes – as it were. 

This will be my last attempt at such a venture, and I will give it my best shot but unless I can find dedicated selfless people and the resources needed – then the hope of making this film is futile. 

If you or anyone you know is a film investor or you know someone who is a dedicated Christian actor, film maker or videographer or crew member – please have them get in touch with me at jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com.


Jim Towers                     www.propheticsignsandwonders.com 


By Jim Towers

Remember when everything seemed rosy, the sun shone brightly after a fresh cleansing rain. Flowers seemed to pop up everywhere. Good food on the table, a chicken in every pot. Football, baseball, golf, parties, booze, drugs, infidelity, adultery, corruption, homosexual activity, abortion on demand. Ahh the good ole days – God is good -life was good. – (Except for the beginning of this statement I’m being facetious of course, but that’s the way it was just a few weeks ago.) Yes, life was sweet

Many of us were wondering if God was still alive since everyone was doing as they pleased with no outward repercussions. But it’s not as if God was not aware, He (notice how I use the masculine description – just like the bible does) knew what Hillary and Bill were doing all along. As matter of fact He knew what we were all up to as well. 

We didn’t know how good we had it while God was letting us get away with murder and seemingly turning a blind eye to our varied sins and indiscretions. Now here we are all cooped up in our homes quarantined and hoping the Covid19 virus somehow disappears. 

In one fell swoop, the party was over, no more football idols to worship, no more golf to while the time away, no more movies no more distractions from things that really matter no more anything. Now it’s life in the raw. Now it’s time for reflection, hand wringing despair and prayer. The Covid 19 virus has us on our collective knees.

The way things are going, what with this virulent virus wreaking havoc throughout the world we have much to be concerned about.

Along with that, there are swarms of locusts ravaging crops and vegetation throughout the Middle East – soon those people will be hurting for food and a loaf of bread will cost twenty-five dollars and be a scarce as toilet paper.

Recently in the USA there were over 600 new earthquakes across the western states in one months’ time. On top of that, a strong earthquake has hit Idaho, with a magnitude 6.5 quake striking near the city of Boise in the Salmon-Challis National Forest. This is the first earthquake above magnitude 5 to hit anywhere in the region for over 50 years, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said.

Times of joy and plans about what goodies the future holds are on hold for now and it could be that we have entered the times of sorrows in earnest.

Granted, there are many who see these calamities as just a coincidence or manmade folly; I would say to them, “Isn’t it funny that all these things are happening incrementally as if all is planned this way to get people’s attention? He is instead giving us a chance to repent because of His goodness. Furthermore, He realizes that Satan has much to do with all the evil in the world and really wants to cut us some slack.

As new problems arise worldwide, we can’t help drawing a correlation between Old Testament plagues and the goings on today. Pestilence, epidemics, storms, drought, tornadoes, floods and earthquakes are raging across the planet and there is only one who can save us – Christ Jesus of the New Testament – our creator.

If these calamities are coincidental like some people think or hope – then there may manmade answers that will buy us some more time on the planet to do what we wish.

But if you know your bible -as you should- this was all bound was to happen sooner or later. Jesus is keeping his word – He cannot lie. Yes, the party could be over, and we could be entering the time of sorrows like Jesus said in Matthew 24:4-8.

If ever there was a time to reflect on the future, seek God’s face repent and to prepare – it is now.


My latest book was bought at the public library sale recently. With nothing to read besides the bible I bought this book for fifty cents. The title is “The Miraculous Fever Tree” by Fiammetta Rocco who was raised in Kenya. Her Grandfather, father and she herself all suffered with Malaria.

I bought this book about a month before the Covid19 virus began at the end of the year. I had lost interest in it and set it aside until I learned that a derivative of quinine was found to be the cure for the Covid19 virus. 

I began reading it again and found it to be very informative. Quinine is indeed a miracle medicine from the Cinchona tree that is found in the highlands of Peru.

Since it’s discovery quinine has been synthesized into Hydroxychloroquine a supposed cure for Covid19.

The prologue of this wonderful book reads,


The Jesuits discovered it; The Protestants feared it. The British vied with the Dutch for it, and the Nazi’s seized it. Because of quinine, medicine, warfare and exploration were changed forever.


My screenplay is going quite well, and scripture verses are finding their way into it without any effort on my part as God shows me what He want’s people to know. 


Jim Towers                  Write me at  jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com  or check out my website www.propheticsignsandwonders.com and visit www.dropzonedelta.com (Warriors following Christ.)


False Flag or Possibility

By Jim Towers

The stimulus package was finally voted on and we may be able to surmount the Covid19 fiasco. I say fiasco because although it is a deadly flu, we’ve had others just as deadly and managed to survive. 

In fact, President Obama let H1N1 runs its course with hundreds of thousands of deaths and never lifted a finger while we prayed the prayer of 2nd Chronicles 7:14 but that’s because God wasn’t in any hurry to give us our just desserts yet and He let Obama have the victory in subverting us while we gave him license. On top of that more unborn infants are sacrificed on the altar of Moloch everyday than people dying from that or any other influenza daily.  

This man took to the floor twice as a Junior Senator to advocate for abortions on demand. The two times were the only times he took to the floor.

While people were only mouthing the words from Colossians ……Our country was practicing Islam worship, infanticide aa well as Satan worship with the blessings of our once great institutions and churches during his tenure.    

After those times and until recently we Christians were still praying “If my people will humble themselves and pray, then I will hear from heaven and heal their land”, but halfhearted prayers don’t work without earnest conviction and action. 

After 9-11 and a time of mourning and reflection we went back to life as usual. Abortion mills were cranked up and we all but forgot our promises to God.

Even so, maybe, (even with his hardheaded idiosyncrasies President Trump was the answer to those prayers) and he began dismantling all the craziness that Obama had instituted to our ruin. Today, he is still battling the residual harm and subversive holdovers still in government – placed there by the previous president.

If this is true then we could be looking at a short respite from totalitarianism, a time for us to get our act together – and quickly – before things like life threatening epidemics continue to spiral out of control, during which we can expect there to be more and more violence. (Some of this violence will be due to the deep frustrations and anxiety people around the globe will begin to feel as they lose jobs, housing and sustenance.)

Many will continue to live under a rock and try to go on with life as usual, but it just won’t work. The police and eventually the military may have to intervene if things get any worse. 

Soon after a time “Cabin fever” will take hold and marauders will begin robbing things that they feel are necessary. People are already lining up in droves to buy guns. Anarchy and random killings will ensue.

If you stop to think about it for a moment, this catastrophe could even usher a new monetary system, one world religion and the New World Order. 

I know this news isn’t very encouraging, but we must face the fact that all the things that are happening today were prophesied many years ago in the holy bible and you can check it out for yourselves.

Today, 3/26/2020, the news headlines read, “The United States leads the countries of the world with Covid19, and why shouldn’t it, it being the number one nation of abortions, in distribution of pornography and promoter of homosexuality, murder and political corruption.

With people fighting for food because of shortages and high prices and no work to be had we can expect civil disobedience and an imposed police state with the military eventually stepping in. That could lead to the UN stepping in as well, and they- just happy to be here – will rape and pillage as well – which would lead to total chaos and anarchy.

The only people who will be able to endure such pressure are Christians and the closer they are to God the more internal peace they will have. Many others will lose all reason as Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders are doing. The hubris of these people is beyond understanding.

My friend, the best that you can do is pray for yourself, family and friends and draw closer to God.

We really can’t ask God to help us without repentance on our part, in fact He demands it.


Many of you don’t know I wrote a screenplay (movie) several years ago that became a blockbuster. It was stolen (plagiarized). Thinking I would never pass around a screenplay for possible production again I have been waiting to be able to produce and direct my own material but that requires money I don’t have – namely 3 mil. minimum for a theatrical release. 

Right now, I am writing the most timely, informative and evangelical screenplay (movie) I ever have. It is based on the very things we are experiencing today and I’m writing in all the spiritual implications surrounding our present situation as well. It will be heavy hitting with nothing held back. Repentance and Salvation will be at the core of the movie with bible verses scattered throughout.  


My latest reading was from the book “Profiles in Corruption” by Peter Schweizer and although I knew all the corruption that has and continues to take place in high office, this man laid it all out with names, dates and places. It was staggering the lengths these people will go through – to take advantage of us – the Taxpayer.

Worse still, is the way they are handling the Covid19 so called stimulus package. It’s as if they were doing us a favor in giving our tax money back to us while they slip in a clause to give themselves raises! The hubris of these people is beyond understanding.


Jim Towers           

Write me at jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com and visit www.propheticsignsandwonders.com  also www.dropzonedelta.com .


By Jim Towers

I never thought I’d see the day when people would fight over toilet paper. But we’re seeing it every day now with the virus scare. People filled with fright are panicking and can’t give a reason for doing so. 

Fear has these deserving people in its grip. Some are even looking for their long-lost bibles to see if we are living in the end times (pun intended).

It all kind of reminds you of the fairy tale about the king who worn no clothes – and it’s just as ridiculous. 

While it’s ok to be prepared for any eventuality – since when did people need so much toilet paper? So much so that they will fight tooth and nail for it and -heaven forbid- maybe even kill for it. None of these actions makes sense except that God has made it so – like the bible says,  

‘The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying, let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us. He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: The Lord shall have them in DERISION. (Psalm 2:2-4)

The world is already seeing manifestations of plagues, pestilences, earthquakes, floods, drought, illnesses and a myriad of various other troubles, but there are worse things right around the bend and we’d better get ready for the avalanche of troubles coming our way in the very near future. 

Soon paper and coin money will be outlawed too because of its germ carrying capacity and you can be sure our debit and credit cards will also be done away with as well. 

Yes, my friends, the stage is being set for the Third and final Temple to be rebuilt, a one world government to be put in place, as well as the one world religion the Catholic Pope and Ayatollahs are bringing together. I might add the other religious leaders as well.

You, (the reader) may also feel a tinge of fear for what is about to come of the world but take heart, you are looking in the right place for answers, find your long lost dusty bible and begin reading in the book of John then Romans which speak of salvation (deliverance) from the hell to come, then read Revelation prayerfully. It’s all right there in black and white. 

Forget what secular writers are saying about spiritual things, they are almost always wrong about everything. Secular writers these days are writing about these abnormalities. Trying to sound like they know anything about the bible. They misquote and amend most of what they say. While in reality they shun God’s word and at times even ridicule it. 

The only ones that really know what the scriptures say are those who have been given the Holy Spirit, otherwise it doesn’t seem to make sense. With the Holy Spirit taken away (at the rapture of the church – prior to the time of tribulation.) Then fear will become a common commodity to all who remain on the face of the earth, and the need for toilet paper will seem trivial by comparison…… Thank God I have a bidet.


Jim Towers                       jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com and www.propheticsignsandwonders.com


By Jim Towers

Most people wonder how I can go around with a smile and joyful attitude all the time, (except of course when the occasion calls for seriousness or thoughtful inquiry). There are times when I even laugh out loud in public places – a rare sight indeed, especially these days when there’s not much to laugh about.

After I received Christ, I strove to be the best Christian man I could be, a complete man, thoughtful, forgiving, generous, kind, well read and self-controlled. Without the Holy Spirit’s help this would be an impossible goal, and even though I knew I could never reach perfection I tried to live a life pleasing to God. 

The secret to my confident demeanor is in knowing scripture – the Bible being my favorite book.

You see, “The Word of God is powerful, and shaper than any two – edged sword dividing unto the asunder of the bone and marrow and the soul and the spirit and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” Knowing this, I’ve tucked the Words and promises of the Bible into my innermost being. 

Wanting to counter the devils prompting to do wrong and to fear or even doubt God’s veracity, early on in my walk with the Lord I printed out about a dozen of my favorite verses and pasted them on prepared and colored (orange) pieces of wood and hung them together in my bedroom. 

From that point on I was able to overcome inevitable disappointments, and other things the devil would throw my way. Yes, I would stumble on occasion, but God lifted me up with His words of encouragement, dusted me off and sent me on my way to discover and fulfill my yet, unfulfilled destiny.  

I’ve learned that money, knowledge, and pleasure are temporal in the grand scheme of things. I have a peace that can’t be bought at any price and know that at the end of my striving I will inherit life everlasting. No more tears, pain and suffering only joy, wonder and continued peace.

A neighbor who is Roman Catholic is unsure of salvation, so I wrote the following and gave a copy to her and another moderate Christian since they believe in Christ Jesus but live in constant fear of not being good enough to make it to heaven.

Roman’s 4:5 “But to him that worketh notbut believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.”  “Without righteousness it is impossible to please God.”                       

John 5-24     Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.

Eph 2:8-9   For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God lest any man should boast.

John 10:28   And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any [man] pluck them out of my hand.

Romans 10:9 That if thou shall confess with thy mouth and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

John 5:13 These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.

John 8:1 [There is] therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

John 5:24   He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.

So, my friend what is keeping you from these assurances. As the scriptures say, “My people perish from lack of knowledge”. So put down your romance, fantasy sci – fi and mystery novels and other fairy tales and learn to live a worry-free life.

Other good BOOKS,

Writer and filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza wrote this tome during Obama’s administration and it is still very informative and eye opening. In it you will learn about the beginnings of the Christian United States of America. The title of the book is “America – imagine a world without her”.

I also just read another smaller book titled “Gift of Life” by Henri Landwirth was of his tragic remembrances as a Holocaust survivor who just about gave up living, but just when he was at the end of his rope God intervened with the news that the war had ended. Three years in the death camps and one day it was all over. The Nazi’s had lost the war and he survived to come to the USA and prosper as a hotelier in Florida. 

You can probably obtain these books on Amazon.


Jim Towers      

You can contact me at;  jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com. and www.propheticsignsandwonders.com

and visit me at www.dropzonedelta.com


By Jim Towers

So, the nurse walks me to the entrance way of the hospital, we say our goodbyes and I sat on a bench to wait for my ride. Just then a middle-aged guy is being wheeled out by an attendant. The man has apprehension on his face. But looking over at me he asks where I’m from. I tell him and I also tell him he’s from Boston. He looks over at me surprised that I knew, but his Boston accent was a dead giveaway. “What brings you here” I ask. “The old ticker” he replies. I say, “life can be rough.” He gives me a look of hopelessness and resignation. His ride pulls up and the woman driver comes out to fetch him.

Just as the woman gets in to drive away, after tucking him in I feel a strong impulse to pray for the man, so I get up and tap on his passenger side window. “I believe the Lord wants me to pray for you, would that be o.k. with you?” After The man brightened up and said, “Please do that.” And so, I said a short prayer adding that he might draw closer to his creator in this time of need. The man thanked me, and they drove away. As he did so, I thought I detected a sigh of relief cross his smiling face. (How often have you had a stranger ask to pray for you?)

On another note, have you ever noticed how God fails to answer our prayers expeditiously when we are in supposed need? I have. But God is not Santa Claus or our heavenly grandfather who caters to our every whim. He demands acknowledgement, justice and a way of life that is an encouragement to others who don’t know Him. 

Furthermore, when we are in want or need God expects us to do all that we can until such a time that he can move to help us in His own unique way. 

Speaking of resiliency, our bodies are made to withstand great pain and to repair itself and even overcome certain abnormalities, but if we abuse the rules of life that God Himself laid down we will ultimately bring pain and suffering to ourselves /which is usually the case. 

We often think we are the only ones suffering in this world, but it’s only human nature to think that way since we are always number one in our thoughts and actions. 

Now consider the orphan child who’s never even been hugged by a loving parent, or one lying hopeless in the streets of a war-torn country. All of this is going on while we watch the Super Bowl at Outback Steakhouse waiting for our juicy steak, baked potato and salad. Thinking like that way puts things in its proper perspective.

God watches all that’s taking place and soon the starving child will be in His heavenly home free of all distress and eating ice cream and cake. While this life is full of toil and trouble, it will one day end forever and we will live in perfect harmony with our beautiful surroundings – in heaven too.

We Christians believe we are the chosen of God and indeed we are. But that doesn’t mean we will not suffer loss or go through fiery trials, enough so, that we feel inclined to just give up, and that’s just what God expects us to do. We were never meant to live a fulfilling life in our own strength although many people try. The result is that we spend many sleepless nights worrying about things that don’t really matter in the larger scheme of life.

God often shows up only when you’ve finally reached the end of your rope and are lying face down on the floor drenched in tears. That’s when your faith is being tested – as if by fire. Like the purest of gold, the heat is turned up and the dross of sin floats to the top and is skimmed off. 

And so, the prudent Christian has given up on a selfish life and sees it all as vanity, for only when we throw our lives away for Christs sake can we really know what it means to live. Living life for the good of others is all we are asked to do “Thou shall love the Lord thy God and others as thyself” – for on these words rest the other commandments of God. Albeit even in doing so, we haven’t been promised a “Rose garden” or reward – yet. That won’t happen until we appear before the seat of Christ where we will receive our just rewards.

Life is not easy for most of us but if we keep focused on Christ Jesus who suffered tremendously for you and me, we can keep our head above water and bounce back with resiliency of spirit. 

Ironically, the best that God can do for us is to take us home – away from all that encumbers us. But God wants us to be light in an ever-darkening world, a world that is increasingly turning away from Him. 

The bible touches on all facets of human suffering from illness, worry, pain, deformity, leprosy and demon possession and Jesus healed them all – which is to say, that God can do anything. Don’t give up on Him. He’ll do what’s best for you – because He loves you

So, stand up straight, take a deep breath and keep fighting with God as your shield and salvation. The worse that can happen is that you might be taken home to Him – and that’s a good thing.

As for me, I’m totally surprised by the resiliency of the human flesh and its ability to bounce back and heal itself through proper measures. 


In doing research about my condition I found out that Magnesium is an essential element for good health, and that most of us never get enough of it through our food since the soil that our food grows in has been depleted of that very essential nutrient.

I am taking medication and have begun going back to the gym trusting God to do what’s best for me, but I continue praising Him for everything, both good and bad. (Sometimes the “bad things that happen to us are for our own good and may even for good to others that God has put me in contact with.)


I just finished “Unfreedom of the Press” by Mark R. Levin, and although he gets into specifics, he held my attention and I had to agree with all he said. What a platform that learned man has. This book proved to be a worthwhile read. I strongly recommend it. 


Jim Towers                

You can write me at jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com  and visit www.dropzonedelta.org or visit my website www.propheticsignsandwonders.com               


By Jim Towers

Integrity?……..some would say in today’s world…..What is that?

Christians of all people should have integrity and spiritual discernment. Someone once said, “Integrity is the way you behave when no one is watching.”

As most of you know, I’ve been in and out of the hospital lately and I wondered if doctors still recited the Hippocratic Oath upon embarking on this noble chosen profession. I’m inclined to believe that many practitioners are in it for the money. Some go into the noble profession because of the pressure and/or expectations of their parents. After all, that line of work almost guarantees monetary success, especially if you hook up with the bigger pharmaceutical companies who charge exorbitant prices for their products giving the Physicians a kickback for prescribing their products. Plavix for example costs over 400 dollars per prescription. Doctors can make a bundle by subscribing these meds. As a matter of fact, the head of a huge pharmaceutical company was charged with corruption in pushing opioids despite knowing that devastation it was causing in the public domain. He was very wealthy. 

It seems everybody is on the take, Doctors, lawyers, and politicians top the list of big money makers at the expense of the public. It seems that many of us have lost our moral foundations and gone crazy for money. 

Many such people have so much money they don’t know what to do with it. Lavish vacations, top of the line automobiles and yachts, face lifts expensive clothes and food and still they want more – what for? They will never spend all the money they’ve gathered. Some spend sleepless nights and guilty consciences and wonder why, some of these have crossed over to the dark side and have lost all sense of propriety and moral character. “The love of money is the root of all evil”.

Lying, is being used to cover up bad behavior even in the higher echelons of government. We refer to it as “little white lies” or better still “I misspoke” when cornered and having to answer to their accusers. Such are people in Government at the present time, but the Bible says, “Be sure the truth will find you out”. If that be so, then many in government will be facing jail time for their criminal excesses and lying to the court.

Many of the violations have to do with betraying the public trust. I mean, if you can’t trust the leaders of the FBI, CIA, the media, doctors, the clergy and our country’s leaders – who can you trust? “Although all men are liars – God is not.”

If you lack integrity and spiritual discernment, study the scriptures diligently and ask God to imbue you with these very valuable attributes, He’ll be more than happy to oblige you. However, this can only happen when we single- mindedly pursue them and quit being a double minded person who goes along with the prevailing winds.

Even as I write these things they are being confirmed like never before by other writers and news organizations to the point where it’s becoming eerie.

This brings up my latest anomaly which is being played out right now. 

I have been re – admitted to the hospital for what is being called an angina attack. This, after having another attack – and until I thought it over, I was perplexed since I thought the hospital visits were over, but after taking thought ( maybe it’s another God thing where he needed someone to be His spokesman yet again) so I just relaxed and went along of the ride. 

This time after the initial attack, (in which I thought I had “bought the farm) I eventually relaxed to the point where I thought the doctors might not believe I had experienced a relapse. But as it turned out, the very first person (nurse) I encountered just happened to be a Mormon who referred to herself a “Latter Day Saint.” Having done some research on that faith I knew what she meant and called her out on it. It seems that this cult has changed its tactics to omit the word Mormon. However, she did say that she read the Bible along with the book of Mormon, but she couldn’t quote scripture, something I am very familiar with. I quoted a couple of verses to which she had no reply. When I told her, I knew of Joseph Smith (the founder of Mormonism) finding the gold plates and of the angel Moroni, she blanched. Still however, we hit it off anyway as I determined she was a true seeker who was being hoodwinked by the Mormon cult.

Later, when I had time, I wrote down three Bible verses for her to ponder. The most straightforward one being – Revelation 22:16-20. as well Colossians 2:8 and 1Timothy 6:20. 

If this was the reason for my being here, then my hospitalization was not in vain. 

But another good thing happened as I was being wheeled to the echo cardiogram room, a young black man of about thirty (who was working here) just happened to see me as I was approaching the room sitting up on the gurney and called out, “Hey, don’t I know you from First Baptist?” “Yes” I answered, although I didn’t remember him.

He was very excited to see me and said he wanted to talk to me. I gave him the rapture ready address as well as dropzonedelta.com address. He was eager to tell me all that has transpired since the church fell apart, and I was eager to tell him things he didn’t know about the takeover. We agreed to meet later in my “holding pen” at the hospital where we could talk at length. He did say that he and his wife were seeking a new church and I can’t wait to tell him about my new church home. My new church home is also a huge church with many ongoing programs and the young pastor’s sermons are Biblically sound.  Now to me, this encounter and the encounter with the Mormon seeker was a divine appointment as well.

A couple of days ago I ran into the choir leader at a local restaurant and stopped to acknowledge him even though he shrunk at the sight of me hoping he wouldn’t be noticed, (he knew how much I liked the former pastor of First Baptist (Hayes Wicker) whom he and the other usurpers vilified and mistreated. Incidentally the leader of that cabal has left for greener pastures.

As all of this goes on, I’m reading “Unfreedom of the Press” by Mark R. Levin


Jim Towers                  Write me at jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com  visit http://www.dropzonedelta.com/ and my website www.propheticsignsandwonders.org.


By Jim Towers

Dear Christian friends and seekers. I want you all to know that when I write about my exploits for the kingdom of God it is not in need of recognition, since I formerly worked in the entertainment industry and have had my share of acclaim. I write about these exploits because I want to encourage you to do the same. All too many of us are fearful about what others may think. Some of us are shy about sharing our faith because of lack of biblical knowledge, but one thing is sure, without concern for our fellow man we will do nothing.

Believing that we are living in the end times, today I pull out all the stops in proclaiming the Gospel even if it means rejection by nominal Christians and/or the government. We in the family of God seem to be so at peace with the world that we don’t give a second thought about the rest of humanity. 

There are a great many people searching for hope, in fact I would dare say that the vast majority of people in the world are doing just that, and for that reason I go all out in proclaiming the gospel without pretention or apprehension. 

Fear of man also makes us apprehensive about approaching others; something we should be doing out of love and concern since spiritual knowledge is the very thing they are looking for.  

The Holy Spirit is the revealer of truth and will shed light on the scriptures as we draw closer to God. This isn’t done through osmosis but through the diligent study of it. 

We are safe in God’s hands. Furthermore, He is the one who gives us the love and power to reach out to others without fear or shame. In this, we are asked to study (the bible) of course to show ourselves approved, a workman that need not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of God.  

I am convinced that God is going to bring in as many into the kingdom of God as possible before time runs out and they are left behind. So, don’t be afraid to share your faith with others. Many people are searching but in all the wrong places. You will be surprised at the response when you show concern for these lost souls. 

You don’t have to be sanctioned by your church or organization to reach others for Christ. This can begin in any numbers of ways, visiting a sick neighbor, praying for someone face to face or over the phone. 

Below is a recent encounter in carrying out my evangelical outreach. 

I took my car to the dealership to have the tires rotated and while the work was being done, I engaged two people in conversation. One was an older man and the other was a woman whose husband had just passed away. Right away I let them know what I was all about without any false piety. The response was exactly what I had anticipated. The man left to do something, and the woman opened right up, becoming teary eyed.  She exclaimed that she didn’t know what the world was coming to and was afraid – very afraid. I encouraged her and invited her to my church, emphasizing that she should read the Bible. She was a Catholic who hadn’t ever read it. Our conversation was cut short by a man telling me my car was waiting.

Later I went to the fishing pier to see the sunset and just missed doing so. Hundreds of people come each evening from all over the world to do so. Upon leaving I stopped to talk to an elderly black man who had gone to Catholic seminary but for some reason became discouraged and dropped out. I asked him where he went to church and he replied, “I quit going years ago and today I’m searching for Truth.” 

I knew then and there my reason for being at the right place at the right time. I told him what Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth and the life; no man comes to the father but by me.”  The man immediately came alive as if a bulb had been lit in his head. We talked a bit more and then I asked if he’d like for me to pray for him to get to know the Truth from scripture. He said, “Would you please.” I prayed like this with one hand on his shoulder. “Heavenly Father reveal to this man the Truth as written in the Holy Scriptures. May he find Jesus and grow in assurance that Jesus is the truth he seeks.” It was short and sweet. The man thanked me profusely and we parted ways.

Just so you know, I’ve been used of God to bring two sisters and a brother to faith in Christ. My youngest sister even came down from Michigan to have me baptize her in the ocean a few years ago. My latest exploit was to bring my nephew into faith in Christ over the phone and I’ve continued to disciple him over the phone as well, often with text messages.

The signs of the end aren’t becoming any less.  In fact, there are more earthquakes than ever before, more lawlessness, more wars and rumors of war and signs and wonders. People everywhere and in all parts of the world are searching for truth, peace and hope and the     salvation that only Jesus offers. We followers of Christ must pull out all the stops to make Jesus known.

As some of you know, I’ve written about my many exploits in a biography of my work in the film industry and the also the many miracles I’ve experienced over the years as I went about reaching others for Christ. It is still in manuscript form and I add to it periodically since my faith and ministry continues to grow. I could self-publish at this juncture, but I can see where this manuscript could be expanded as I go from one adventure to the next and I expect to eventually have a legitimate publisher publish my works.


Jim Towers          

You can write me at jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com and you can check out my website www.propheticsignsandwonders to read the opening of my biographical manuscript.


By Jim Towers

We spirit filled Christians all have a responsibility to “out” heretics in these days of deception we can’t just let the minions of hell run over us. The days of “live and let live” are way behind us. We are entering into full frontal spiritual warfare with the forces of evil, there should be no more complacency for the Christian church, lest it be obliterated by the forces of evil. No more playing church or complacency. From now on we will be striving for our very existence. 

While it is much easier to just attend church and mind your own business and perhaps telling a few jokes or sharing the latest football score, it is imperative that we begin to get serious about our stand for Christ and the Gospel. Forget your favorite potluck dish for a while and begin to seek God’s face earnestly as the days ahead darken with evil plotting by evil people.

We have been called to be salt and light in a dying world. We are called to be a peculiar people as well, people who don’t run with the world in dissipation. Smoke, strobe lights and deafening music or entertainment is not what lost souls are seeking – they need the hope that only Christ can give.

In the meantime, the Roman Catholic church is still holding on to idol worship as well as harboring pedophiles and promoting the One World religion, making no bones about it. The pope even said recently that we shouldn’t be sharing the Gospel with others since we’re all children of God. I for one beg to differ since Jesus said, “Go ye out into all the world making disciples of all men….”

Protestants aren’t faring much better albeit, their idol is power and money and not some silly handmade ceramic images placed on an altar with candles lit in front of it. They are now letting sin laden women into the pulpits to spew their brand of religion making the word of God to no effect. Even homosexuals are mounting the pulpits these days as well as running for president.

Then there are the overt cults with their own twisted scriptures which gives us all the more reason to know scripture – to be able to refute their skewered claims. 

With so much deception going on in society and the church it’s hard to know where to turn. The only reliable source of answers to our most profound questions (and strength) being the unassailable Word of God. “Faith comes by hearing and hearing, by the word of God.” If you really want to know what’s going on these days, then crack open your Bible and “Study to show yourself approved rightly dividing the Word of God.”

We “born again, spirit filled” Christians are fighting a spiritual battle on several fronts and the inevitable consequences of letting these doctrines of demons proliferate will lead to our own self destruction as Christians.

As the days pass, we are hearing, seeing and reading about unbelievable atrocities happening all around the world with random killings, anti-Semitism and the rape of infants you would think we are doomed and indeed the majority of mankind is doomed to self-destruction for ignoring the Word of God.  

With the great falling away happening in our culture, those leaving the church may not even have been true Christians after all, and if they were, they were what Jesus referred to as seeds that fell on dry ground and had no depth and so they withered and died. 

Satan is having a field day in these days leading up to the great tribulation and it is becoming more evident that Satan is out to destroy the last remnants of sanity and Christianity from the face of the earth.

The lead usurper of the cabal at our church has finally thrown in the towel and left. In his wake of destruction and debt he finally called it quits. I expect his friends will soon follow suit. Half of the flock has scattered to the four winds in confusion and despair as the rest of the congregation dwindles and declines while remaining congregants venture into uncertainty. 

In the meantime, I am back in the hospital again to witness to others. (That’s the only explanation I can come up with since the doctors say I’m normal.) I witnessed to the first three hospital workers I encountered, one of whom was a young man who was a Jehovah’s Witness. The other two were nominal Christians just doing their jobs.

Being “cleared” after about two hours of examination I sat up in the gurney and immediately felt as if I had been sucker punched just under the heart. I twisted in pain and it happened again. Summoning the nurse over with hand gestures she came running when she saw me doubled over with pain. The young Jehovah’s Witness came with her, and together they hooked me up again to the monitor.

Long story short, I was kept overnight for observation.

Once I settled into my room a middle- aged male nurse came in to take my vitals once again. He was very amiable, and we hit it off immediately. I asked if he was a Christian and he affirmed that he was but when I asked his denomination, he said he was a teacher in the new reformed Roman Catholic church – a charismatic one.

As we talked, he attempted to school me about the Early Catholic Church and how it was the mother church for all Christian denominations. Knowing better than to go there and open a can of worms, I instead told him about my conversion over forty years ago and how I was “Born Again” in the middle of the woods at about mid-night after which I slept soundly for the first time in a long time. In essence – it was my testimony.  

When we talked about the dogma in the Catholic denomination particularly about “Mother Mary” I shared this scripture verse with him, “There is one mediator between God and man – the man Christ Jesus” Mary is found only to be his mother and not a mediator. 

As I countered the things he espoused and was apparently teaching, and he had no way to counter the scriptures I quoted, and he finally asked if I was a preacher. I, of course, replied no – but I told him that I had received Christ over forty years ago and gave him my testimony as he listened intently. Having to make his rounds, he left for a while, but when he returned, he was ready to hear more.  That’s when I said, “I could tell you things about how God has performed miracles in my life over and over again” and he replied please do! (Catholics love miraculous happenings.) And so, I began. 

After a short-abbreviated litany of a couple of these extraordinary “stories” he was fast becoming enthralled with what I had to say. Noting this, I quickly explained that I never told anyone about these things since they pertained only to me and I had no desire to be bragging about them for self -promotion.

In any case I finally concluded that God had me here to give a testimony to these lost and groping souls. What a privilege to think God could use me in this way.

Incidentally, a young single mother who’s a physical therapist here at the hospital is a former member of the church I attended. She too has left the church with over four hundred others.


Jim Towers      

You can write me at jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com or check out my website www.signsandwonders.com or visit me at www.dropzonedelta.org.


By Jim Towers

I had only been out of the first hospital for a couple of days when I felt as if an Elephant was sitting on my chest as I sat in the easy chair at home. After the intense pressure subsided, I took my meds and hit the sack. As usual, I read a little non – fiction and then my raggedy marked up Bible. The book I read tonight was “The Plot Against the President” by Lee Smith and then as always, I read from the Bible. (These days I find it imperative to know scripture more and more intimately for my own sense of well- being as well as being well armed to do spiritual battle throughout the following day.) I thanked God for the day and although I usually fall asleep with the Bible in my hand, I was convinced I was on my way out and may not make it through the night. In spite of this foreboding, I fell asleep immediately as usual knowing  I had done all I could to prepare for the inevitable, just in case I don’t live to participate in the rapture by writing letters to my beloved children and sending them out the day before. ( I had been in and out of the hospital for the past three years and had had a triple bypass, a stent, and more recently, a pacemaker put in my chest.) 

I awakened at three in the morning and lay there thinking that maybe God had another assignment for me at another hospital, since things were not getting any better, so I got up from bed packed up my laptop and Bible and went to the other hospital. 

Even though I am constantly ready to meet My Maker I was also eager to see what He had in store for me in the present.

Sure enough, the very first person I encountered in a different hospital’s “holding pen” was a Jehovah’s Witness and since I’d done extensive research into the cult, I was prepared for what I knew would ensue. 

Through the curtains that separated us I had heard him speak with the nurse about his ailment, which was exactly what I was dealing with! Although he was a robust senior, he replied to the nursing staff with a sweet honeyed girly voice prompted by his “works” mentality and fooled no one about his religiosity 

At the same time he had also heard my conversation with a Baptist nurse about our common faith, so upon our initial face to face meeting I found the self – assured middle aged man a little put off by my sudden appearance – almost ignoring me when I went over to meet him.

Then I remembered that the Jehovah’s Witnesses are taught not to have anything to do with what they consider non-believers of the sect. So, right away the “action” began, and we were doing spiritual battle. 

I found the man to be knowledgeable about select scripture. But I knew that he had only been taught the basic rudiments and certain scripture but that he had no direct relationship with Jesus Christ. (Their faith is one of works, whereas scripture teaches the we are saved by grace and not of works lest any man should boast. Jehovah’s Witnesses take great pride in knowing the chapter and verse of a few verses of scripture learned by rote and one of the many names ascribed to God – Jehovah – but seem to know little or nothing about a relationship with Jesus Christ.)

We went round and round and although but I didn’t deviate from the necessity of acknowledging Christ Jesus as savior – I still forgot one essential verse that I lay on men like this – and that is, “There is no other name under heaven, given among men whereby you must be saved” – the man Christ Jesus. You see, they believe that just knowing God’s name plus works is how you earn salvation. 

My first nurse was a Portuguese woman whom I determined was a Christian or at least a decent person who really cared about people. 

After our initial meeting she – without prompting – expressed concern for her two children having to grow up in this climate of fear and Godlessness and when I asked her about her faith, she affirmed that she worshiped God and was a Catholic who rarely went to church. After I witnessed to her I gave her the names of the websites where she could read my writings and the writings of others to win her over to Christ. This way she will know what to believe and why. 

Now I was beginning to understand why I had been steered here – especially so after my next encounter.

A new nurse made her appearance on the second day and it proved to be a confirmation that I was where I needed to be. We hit it off after our first meeting and when she found out about my faith, she opened up to me sighting that she was afraid about what was happening in our society. 

Raised as a Pentecostal she drifted away in her teen years – like so many others. Now she feels the unction to get back into the faith. (This was another clue as to why I was here and that was to guild her back into the faith and as we got to know one another I told her of my favorite verse of scripture she told me that it was her favorite as well!  “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” was the verse. This opened our conversation further, allowing me to share other scripture with her. The woman and I both felt that our meeting was not an accident and for her it was an answer to prayer. It was as if I had been placed there at just the right time to answer her questions and prompt her to return to Christ.

Later, after she told me of her concern for her grown children and the state of the country. I shared prophetic verses with her about Christs return and how there would be war in the Middle East. 

After the operation to put a stent in place I was placed on another floor where I watched the news the following evening and learned that a top Iranian Military leader was killed by U.S. forces which could escalate into all-out war.

Now, as I prepare to leave the hospital a male nurse from Haiti is questioning me about the truth of the Bible. 


It may be a good idea for Christians to follow the news about the threat of war following the killing of the Iranian General, after all Jesus said, “When you see all these things begin to happen – look up, for your redemption draws close”


Jim Towers                   

You can write me at jt.flmmaker@yahoo.com or visit my website www.propheticsignsandwonders.com and www.dropzonedelta.org.

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