An excerpt and link to the article by Britt Gillette who is the founder of End Times Bible Prophecy.
About two thousand years ago, Jesus rebuked the religious elites of His day. He criticized them for their failure to recognize His Coming. He told them, “You know how to look at the sky and predict the weather, but you don’t know how to recognize the signs of the times” (Matthew 16:1-3). Just like you and me, the religious leaders could see dark clouds on the horizon and know a rain storm was on its way. In the same manner, Jesus said they should have seen the signs and prepared for His arrival. The Pharisees and Sadducees knew the Old Testament Messianic prophecies, yet they failed to recognize the Messiah.
But their failure is relevant to our day and time as well. Why? Because Jesus wasn’t simply addressing the Pharisees and Sadducees when He said this. He had a second audience in mind – you and me. That’s right. Jesus was also talking to our generation. The Bible is filled with prophecies about the Second Coming, and Jesus commanded us to watch for Him (Mark 13:35-37). Our generation is also expected to recognize the “signs of the times.” But are we? Do you recognize the signs of the times?
An article from How pertinent to the current state.
We are fast approaching a time when each of us will have to make some decisions—decisions about our life, our relationships, and our worldview.
After World War II, the Communist Party assumed control of Romania. Once the Communists came to power, they proceeded to co-opt the Church. They spoke of love and tolerance, but these words masked their true intentions.
Those Christians (including the clergy) who did not have a strong Biblical foundation were easily deceived and many who did were intimidated into silence.
After the takeover, the Romanian Communists convened a congress of four thousand priests, pastors, and ministers of all denominations in their Parliament building with the proceedings being carried in a national radio broadcast. One by one, the ministers got up and had nothing but words of praise for communism and assured the new government of the loyalty of the Christian Church.
Richard Wurmbrand
One of the pastors scheduled to speak was a man named Richard Wurmbrand. As he listened and waited, his wife Sabina leaned over to him and said, “They are spitting in the face of Christ. Richard, stand up and wash away this shame.”
He said to her, “If I do so, you lose your husband.” She replied, “I don’t wish to have a coward as a husband.”
So Wurmbrand rose and instead of repeating the same thing every other pastor said, he told the assembly how wrong they were and how this flew in the face of Christian doctrine.1
At this point, the broadcast was interrupted and the martyrdom of the Wurmbrands began. Sabina went on to serve eight years in prison while Richard served a total of fourteen years, eight of which were in solitary confinement. As Richard Wurmbrand said,
In solitary confinement, we could not pray as before. We were unimaginably hungry…The Lord’s Prayer was much too long for us—we could not concentrate enough to say it. My only prayer repeated again and again was, “Jesus, I love You.”2
After he and his wife immigrated to the United States, he was called to testify before the United States Senate, stripping to the waist to reveal the scars of eighteen wounds received from frequent tortures. A reporter with the Philadelphia Herald said of Wurmbrand’s time in prison, “He stood in the midst of lions, but they could not devour him.”
Not all the Romanian clergy were as brave as this. Orthodox and Protestant churches would outdo each other in showing their loyalty to the Communist Party. One Orthodox bishop put the hammer and sickle on his robes and asked his priests to no longer call him “Your Grace,” but “Comrade Bishop.”
The deputy bishop of the Lutheran church in Romania began to teach in the theological seminary that God had given three revelations: one through Moses, one through Jesus, and the third through Stalin, the last superseding the other two.
What Happened?
The Communist coup in Romania was not like authoritarian takeovers in other countries. Rather than the systematic annihilation of their enemies, such as with the Castro regime in Cuba or the Pol Pot government in Cambodia, this coup was “civilized.”
Rather than an outright prosecution of the church, they seduced it. After the seduction came the oppression, but by that time it was too late. The time to fight back was past.
What would you do if you face a situation like the one confronting the Wurmbrands? We all like to think that when the time comes to stand up for our faith, we would be as heroic as Richard and Sabine Wurmbrand.
The truth is if a person has not conditioned himself to resist evil and waits for his “big moment,” he will find himself wanting. If one spends their life compromising their values in small ways, they will continue to compromise in larger ones. In today’s politically correct world, it is easy to find ways to compromise, to rationalize one’s actions. If one subscribes to the idea of relative values, there is no place where you can say, “This far and no more.” Alfred North Whitehead (1861–1947) once wrote,
What is morality in any given time or place? It is what the majority then and there happen to like, and immorality is what they dislike.
While written almost 100 years ago, this philosophy still defines the secular worldview today. While a Christian defines morality through the lens of the Bible, the World defines it according to the transient whims of the time.
Though Whitehead was raised in a Christian home, he rejected every aspect of Christian teaching. A mathematician and philosopher, Whitehead’s influence was felt on both sides of the Atlantic, as he taught at both Cambridge and Harvard.
Using these universities as his pulpit, Whitehead preached his version of “process theology.” a term used in his time for situational ethics, a philosophy that can be traced back as far as the teachings of Plato. (It is also through the Greek school of thought that theologians began to allegorize the Bible, polluting God’s basic message to us.)
Relativistic morality is pervasive in the world today. In fact, those of us who hold to a Biblical worldview are not only in the minority, we are on the brink of being ostracized.
It is easy to talk about such things in theory, but it is another thing when it happens to you.
A Personal Stand
For this writer, the recent controversy over admitting homosexuals into the Boy Scouts was the event that turned theory into reality.
The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) was founded in 1910 under a charter granted by the United States Congress, one of only two organizations so honored (the other being the Red Cross). The principles of the organization are embodied by the Scout Oath:
The Scout Oath
On my honor I will do my best To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; To help other people at all times; To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.
When I joined the Cub Scouts in 1959, the oath was clear and unambiguous. The organization embodied patriotism, a belief in God, the promise to live by the Golden Rule and to live a moral life.
Starting in the 1960s some people began questioning the mission of the Boy Scouts.
Attack from the Atheists
The first attack came from atheists. While the BSA will grant membership to anyone who believes in a “higher power”, atheists believed that the Boy Scouts should not discriminate against them and should grant membership to those who do not have any belief in God.
This issue seemed to be settled when in 1993 the U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear an appeal of a lower federal court ruling on the issue. The case at hand was whether the Boy Scouts of America could deny membership to atheists and agnosticswithout violating federal anti-discrimination laws. The U.S. appeals court in Chicago concluded that the federal law forbidding discrimination in “places of public accommodation” did not include private groups such as the Boy Scouts. The ruling dismissed a lawsuit filed on behalf of a seven-year-old Illinois boy who refused to make the required Boy Scout pledge to “…do my duty to God and my country.”
As a result, while the BSA could maintain their policy on atheists, they were barred from many schools and other public buildings because of their stance on this issue.
More Attacks
The next group that challenged BSA policy was the homosexual lobby. They sued the BSA over the policy barring homosexuals from being Scouts or Scout leaders.
This issue was supposed to be resolved with the 2000 landmark Supreme Court case Boy Scouts of America v. Dale that ruled that as a private organization, the BSA could exclude a person from membership when “the presence of that person affects in a significant way the group’s ability to advocate public or private viewpoints.”
Even with a loss in the courts, the homosexual lobby then took a different tack—they went after the money. Those who wanted homosexuals in the BSA began to put pressure on contributors to the organization to withhold funding to effect a change in the rules.
The Current Controversy
In response to growing pressure to change its membership policy, in July 2012 the Executive Committee of the BSA’s Executive Board released a statement revealing that an “11 person committee” convened since 2010 by the BSA conducted a two-year review and reached a “unanimous consensus” recommending retaining the current membership policy.
Still not satisfied with the outcome, those that wanted a change continued to put pressure on BSA’s large contributors. In February of this year, UPS and Intel both announced that they would withhold their funding until BSA changed their membership policy.
In response, BSA announced that the Executive Board would vote again on the membership issue even though they voted to retain the current policy just seven months before. This decision caused an uproar within the BSA rank and file. Many felt that it was a betrayal of the leadership, caving in to money interests.
The Executive Board then reversed themselves yet again and announced that they would postpone their vote until the upcoming annual meeting, scheduled for next month.
Rules for Radicals
What is happening to the BSA is becoming a common occurrence in today’s society. An organization that used to be viewed as being synonymous with American Values has slowly become vilified and is now being projected as anti-American.
The tactics that were used to maneuver BSA to such a state come right out of a classic book written by Saul Alinsky titled, Rules for Radicals. Rule #13 in his book is, “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Alinsky codified a technique that has been used for years for people and groups to push through a particular agenda.
In this case the Boy Scouts were the target. Their position on homosexuals in Scouting was “frozen” in place and “personalized” in the persona of a Boy Scout who was expelled from Scouting for announcing that he was homosexual and a Cub Scout Leader who announced she was homosexual as well.
As a result, BSA found themselves “polarized.” They were polarized from much of America. They went from being held up as model for good citizenship to being booed during the opening flag ceremony at the 2008 Democratic National Convention.
They have also polarized their membership. The policy the BSA Executive Board has decided to vote on is the worst of all worlds. The new motion would allow local units to decide for themselves whether or not to admit gays into their troops and packs. The Board argues that the units would not have to associate with homosexuals if they chose not to. In this regard, they are being disingenuous at best. Scouting units come together for larger activities involving multiple troops and packs.
The only way to be sure a unit would not associate with homosexuals in Scouting would be to isolate themselves completely from all other Scouting groups and activities.
In the name of tolerance, homosexual advocates have moved the BSA from mainstream to almost a fringe group.
But that is not enough for these activists. They have stated that they will not rest until BSA endorses the homosexual lifestyle.
While the tolerant attitude would be to “live and let live” and start their own scouting organization, they have decided to forcibly impose their values on others. They decided that they cannot tolerate intolerance.
This leaves the Christian Scout Leader or parent on the horns of a dilemma. It is very similar to one facing many people in conflict with their church. The question for them is “Do they stay in the organization and work within or do they leave that organization?”
For many leaders the only answer is to leave. To stay in the organization is to give a tacit endorsement to the policies they espouse.
What is happening to the BSA and their leaders is a microcosm of a larger secular war being waged on several fronts. The concept of Freedom of Religion is slowly being replaced with Freedom of Worship, relegating one’s faith and beliefs to the four walls of a building. God-given rights are being replaced with “rights” granted by the state, Freedom is being replaced with “fairness.”
Decision Time
We are fast approaching a time when each of us will have to be make some decisions—decisions about our life, our relationships, and our worldview.
The first thing we need to do is be strong in our faith. Are we secure in Him?
Next, we need a firm hold on our worldview. A worldview is the framework that we hang our life decisions on. If one believes that there are moral absolutes, then the decisions we make every day become easy. If our worldview consists of moral relativisms, then every decision and life choice is studied, considered, and worried over.
Ephesians 6 is one of the best instruction manuals for preparing for the coming battle. It teaches us to put on the Full Armor of God and to put it on before the battle is joined.
But we also must act. Before his death at the hands of the Nazis, Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote,
Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.
Each of us has a part to play in the battles to come. The question is: will we stand tall with Christ as Richard and Sabine Wurmbrand did, or will we spit in the Face of Christ?
It seems that everyone these days has his or her own conspiratorial take on today’s chaotic events never stopping to think what the Word of God has to say about them. There are many conspiracy theorists, even Christian ones.
Since we are all different in our ideologies and depth of faith and knowledge of scripture we have a tendency to believe we are the only ones who can decipher truth, which is true – but only for ourselves individually and today with the world so out of whack conspiracy theories abound.
I know a woman who must not be able to sleep at night and probably even sleeps under her bed. Every day she posts something NEW to report. The sky is falling!,…the sky is falling!! Granted we have much to be worried about, but to hear her tell it everyone who is a Democrat is evil and drinking children’s blood to prolong their lives. Hillary, Obama, Soros, and Pelosi are the main perpetrators while Bill is just another sordid sex obsessed pervert. Although the perverted Podesta brothers are certainly demon possessed. I would submit that they are evil minded individuals but if they were so evil as to kill children and drink their blood why wouldn’t they have been caught in the act by now?
We all know that somewhere in the deepest underground this atrocity exists since many people are no longer rational nor moral. Albeit some devil worshipers, witches and other lunatics no longer hide their obsessions nor their fidelities to the netherworld and openly flout their sinfulness in the open for all the world to see. While this may be true we Christians must continue to live by faith. “The just shall live by faith.” …… “Without faith it is impossible to please God”.
Another man, like the wise sage that he thinks he is, can tell us all about life – never once refers to scripture when making his assessments. He is not unlike the Pope or Rick Warren of the Chrislam movement thinking that all religions can co-exist and mingle with one another – in love. If we bible believers know anything, it is that there is only One meditator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus, – other lesser beings or manmade philosophies just don’t count. And love? As a guy from Brookland would say, “Forgetabout it!….. Godless people are only obsessed with themselves.
Then there are Christians who should know better but believe that all the world is against them and are ready to throw themselves out the window. Their problem is that they think that they are the center of the universe and are constantly looking inwardly, not caring enough about others to reach out to them. Indeed, it’s normal to think that way. But Christians are supposed to be dead in Christ so no, we are NOT the center of the universe.
Another “friend” tries to look at things pragmatically as though he has it all figured out “All we need is a little love and understanding.” Duhhhh! Hell will freeze over when that happens my friend so don’t hold your breath.
I tolerate these folks because I know that only a few of us hard core Christians know God’s word and biblical prophecy intimately and try to live accordingly. Biblical knowledge also gives us insight into the workings of the world and to the madness of today’s events, it helps us to know that, “Satan goes around like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.”
Although God knows our evil thoughts as well as the mediocre ones, He is willing to forget and forgive us. But He takes delight in those who strive to please him. David was a man after God’s own heart despite his human failures. He confessed his sin, repented, and kept going -trying to do better each time.
Now, onto my conspiracy theory. I believe that certain factions of society have nothing better to do than to sit at their laptops and write things that would make your hair stand up on end spreading lies and filling people’s minds with fear and anxiety, Dr. Fauci is a prime example, contradicting himself repeatedly and keeping everyone on the edge of their seats. But while he is only one man, let us stop to consider that there are hundreds if not thousands of others whose aim is to undermine our way of life with false information and Fake news to intimidate and cause terror from with their writings and Muslim extremists are expert subversives and shouldn’t be underestimated. They are schooled from an early age to hate and kill “Infidels” who don’t fit their mold. Amazingly, some Muslim women abide by their ridged laws and rules by covering their faces and bodies in black apparel and if they step out of line they can be stoned to death by their very own fathers or brothers. Their Sharia laws are extremely strict and hypocritical.
Homosexuals have no idea how lucky they are to be living in the United States of America. In Muslim countries they wouldn’t be marching in gay right parades without a care in the world, unless they have a death wish. But rather than defend their rights they side with their own enemies in total confusion.
While it is becoming harder to disseminate the news and believe the opinions of others. We have to remind ourselves that the father of lies is Satan and he is the one pulling the strings. At the same time though, we must remember that he is only a created being himself who will one day be judged and put in his place by his creator – Almighty God. We have no need to fear Satan, “If we fear God, we have nothing else to fear.”
Nevertheless, many of us bible believers are experiencing backlash from our friends and neighbors for not being fooled by the powers that be. It’s a sad thing when even our own family turns against us – having been brainwashed by teachers, professors and even clergy – saying we should be tolerant of other beliefs and actions. But since when is rioting, looting, and burning to the ground another’s property a good thing? Paul warns Timothy that these things will happen in the last days. Love and respect, – since they are matters of the heart – have been eliminated from society and now only hypocrisy remains.
We, as bible believing Christians must bone up on the Word of God to be able to stand in spite of the lawlessness surrounding us and to confront it. There should be no more mediocrity and wishy-washiness among us. The days of apathetic leisure are gone forever. There is hardly any doubt that prophetic scriptures are being fulfilled – even as we speak – with no end in sight.
Jesus is the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE.
With so many other things to worry about, interest in my film project appears to be nil.
I try to keep my wits about me by simply trusting God’s word – the bible. We know these things must come to pass. It says so – throughout the Holy Scriptures. Covid,
With the breakdown of Judeo-Christian law – based on the ten commandments- is this twisted travesty for law poised to take over our country?
The plot thickens, and now Sharia, the Islamic form of law, may be coming to a town near you. Already, Muslims have taken over Minneapolis and established a number of minarets to call the populous to Muslim prayer five times a day in Minnesota. This once great American city has been taken over by Islam and left-wing liberals, (a people who don’t know any better.)
In the meantime, with our cities burning and being looted we citizens don’t know who or what to believe or even what to think since news organization barely tell the truth anymore. It is quite a coincidence that the anarchy happening today is the very place that Obama, while he was president planted over fifty thousand Muslim Somalian’s – some of the most violent and primitive people on the face of the earth. Obama, himself a Muslim did all he could to infiltrate the United States with that evil ideology. While the Somalian’s resist assimilating into our culture and still follow sharia law, our federal Government has spent over 5 billion dollars in resettling them here from their home country. Incidentally, Minneapolis has over 70 mosques within a 30 mile radius and it is entirely likely that many of the Somali immigrants were out on the street rioting. We already have proof that Somalian Rep. Ilhan Omar’s offspring were aiding the rioters.
Just below Detroit Michigan in an area that was once predominantly Polish – Islam has taken over so completely that they already have their own sharia police in cars policing the town of Hamtramck. The capital, Lansing has become a gathering place of all sorts of lawless radical groups. It’s hard to believe that my hometown has become Sharia compliant. Not surprisingly, radical Islam is another beneficiary of the race riots taking place. It is their intent to destroy America as well.
In September of this year there will be a conclave of evangelicals praying for our nation while at the same Hillary Clinton and her cronies will be brought before the courts to explain their subversive impeachment hoax against President Trump, Obama may be included. Knowing that justice is hot on their tails, there will be continued violence to divert our attention from this act of justice- mark my words. There are many corrupt politicians, lawyers and cops involved in various shades of corruption in our country and they are now scrambling to cover their tracks
Before the 9/11 attacks I had a ministry at the local coffee shop in Miami. One day a group of men clad in Muslim dress arrived and parked their cars in front of the place as if they were the new owners – they were. Sam had been bought out, but the place continued as before, but with new operators. The same old crowd of retirees still gathered there nightly to share a few laughs and to kibitz. Many were Jews. I enjoyed the comradery and give and take of the place.
By the time 9/11 occurred I had become well known as Jim the Baptist but was respected by all, even the Muslim Pakistanis that owned the place and dropped in occasionally. I even helped one man write his final exam for a podiatry class he was taking at MCC. In any case I was never alarmed that they were Muslim since they acted “normal” toward me.
Back then I was completely unaware of the writings in the Quran, and not until the destruction of the Twin Towers did, I know what it’s teachings were all about after I began doing research on this religion and found it to be one of dominance, intolerance, and hate.
A writer on the internet says, “We have now confirmed that the Obama Foundation was tweeting about George Floyd on May 17th, more than a week before the day Floyd was reportedly killed by police in an act of violence that sparked the worldwide riots we’re all witnessing.” George Floyd was killed on May 25th. So, what was the Obama Foundation doing tweeting about Floyd on May 17th, when nobody knew who he was? To top it all CAIR, a national Muslim organization has joined in with BLM and calling for sharia yesterday.
As the plot thickens concerning the tragic events confronting our nation, I may have to add scenes depicting these events to my proposed film. Check out my re-constructed website to find out more about my proposed film.
I stopped by Taco Bell to get a bite to eat today and asked for salt at the counter. There was a young black lady in her early twenty’s sitting in the otherwise empty place who had heard me ask for salt. She looked up from her laptop and taco and said, “You shouldn’t be eating salt – it’s bad for you”
I answered back, “I love salt and we need it for the brain to function properly.” She laughed.
I continued, “Are you a nurse?”
“No, but I am studying to be one.”
I walked over to her and said, “You must be a Christian to have warned me like that.”
To that she replied rather shame faced, “Well I try to be, and was even going to church before the virus hit.”
As I handed her a little book of bible verses, I told her, “Going to church isn’t enough, you have to tell God you’re sorry for having neglected Him and repent and receive Christ.” She began leafing through the little red book, so I left it at that and went to eat my meal.
Having noticed that she had only eaten a taco with a small drink, when I finished, I asked if she had eaten enough – she answered, “No,..not really”. I handed her a five-dollar bill and she lit up like a Christmas tree as she stood and stepped up to the counter for more food – while she thanked me and I said “goodbye.”
I ended with this little story to encourage you to do the same in these days of racial conflict.
The word “gospel” means “good news.” This is what Jesus came to bring to us. His message is the good news of deliverance from sin, suffering, and death. It is the good news of the way to eternal life, to reconciliation with almighty God, and to an everlasting kingdom where impermanence will no longer poison every good thing with the threat of loss, disappointment, and decay. This good news is for all mankind, for as many as will turn from their sins and believe, and walk the narrow and afflicted way to life.
When Christians speak of God, we are not talking about a mortal and finite spirit who shares the cravings and petty desires of men like the gods in whom many have believed. When we use the word “God,” we mean the unique, eternal, unchanging personal Being who brought all things into existence. God craves nothing, for He is fully sufficient in His own perfect nature. He is all powerful, all knowing and wholly above and beyond all that He created. God is one Being but exists in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit. Thus, even before creation, God had in His own nature fellowship and love. He was His own “I” and “You” and “Us” and “They.” He needed no other. God had within Himself authority and submission, lover and loved, master and servant, Father and Son. God always was and ever will be perfect and all sufficient.
Creation and Fall
When God created, therefore, it was not because He needed something or lacked something. It is by the compassion of God that we exist, not out of any need or necessity. God created the universe and everything in it out of nothing, distinct and separate from Himself. He formed mankind and gave them dominion over and responsibility for all that lives upon the earth, to work the ground and care for every living thing. God did not need any help from men but blessed them with this dignity and responsibility. The world then was a perfect place. It was life without death and loss.
The first humans, however, rebelled against the will of God. They disobeyed Him, and their evil brought with it death and suffering into the world. From that day forward, the world has been under the curse of man’s evil, and of death and decay. Our death is just and right for our evil, and we are desperate for redemption from our sin.
Sin and Guilt
It is not merely that we have behaved unwisely. We certainly were foolish to rebel against God. It is certainly unwise to kill, to lie, to rape, to commit adultery, or to dishonor our parents. It is not, however, merely unwise. It is evil. Such actions are objectively morally wrong. They are sins against a Holy and Pure God who is perfect and just and will not allow such to go without righteous punishment. God is, indeed, so pure that even the pride and greed of our hearts and the evil words of our mouth rightly bare His just and holy wrath.
We have all sinned, and there is no amount of good we can do to balance out the guilt. This is not only because our sin is so bad, but also because that is not how guilt works. If a man has stolen or murdered or burned down another man’s home, and he appears before a good and just judge in court, what will happen to that man? What if the man says, “yes, I committed that crime, but look at all these other wonderful things I have done! Doesn’t that make my crime okay?” will the judge ignore the man’s crime and let him go? Of course not! Justice is not about whether you have also done good things, it is about whether or not you have committed the crime. We have all committed crimes against God’s law, and we deserve the punishment not only of death but also of suffering forever in hell, separated from God, the source of all that is good. It is for this reason that we are in need of some good news, some hope of redemption from this condemnation!
Dead Within
Our situation, however, is even worse that it at first appears. It goes deeper than the guilt of our actions, down to our very nature.
If your father had died in his infancy, where would you be? You would not be alive. You would be dead, for you would have died in him. When the first man and woman sinned against God and brought death and suffering into the world as a consequence of their evil, they spiritually died at that moment. They become irrevocably broken, poisoned by their evil. They died before their children were ever born. All of their children after them, even down to you and me, therefore, died in them.
Have you ever wondered why every single human being ever born lies? Have you ever met a man who has only told the truth, from his first childhood words all the way until his old age? There is certainly nothing logically impossible about living a whole life without deceiving or lying to anyone (as we will shortly see, Jesus Himself did just that) but none of us ever do this. We all lie at some point or another. We are all selfish and greedy. We all have impure sexual lusts. We have all done evil.
This is because we are dead inside. We are morally and spiritually broken. We are born in the sin of our first father and mother, and we affirm their sin by sinning ourselves. We are born in sin, conceived in iniquity. There is none righteous, no not one. So we not only need forgiveness for the sins we have committed, but we also need healing for the sinful creatures that we are by nature. We not only need deliverance from our guilt, but we also need our cold, stony, dead hearts to be replaced with living, beating hearts of moral, spiritual life. We need both to be atoned for and to be remade. The good news is that Jesus Christ has come to offer us both!
Jesus Christ
One of the most common phrases in all of the Bible is that God is slow to anger, abounding in love. God could have brought swift judgment on mankind immediately after the first human acts of evil, but God did not. God is patient and compassionate, and instead gave the opportunity for redemption and deliverance from the guilt of our sin and from our broken nature. He did this in the coming of Jesus Christ.
For centuries God promised His people that He would send them a deliverer. He made it clear this deliverer would not be any mere man. For example, the prophet Isaiah predicted 700 years before Jesus came that He would be called, “wonderful counselor, mighty God, everlasting father, prince of peace,” (Isaiah 9:6). As I mentioned before, God is one perfect Being that exists in three distinct persons. At the appointed time, God the Father sent God the Son to come take on human flesh and be born as a man. The one and only God was both the sender and the one sent. God the Son took on the fullness of human life while also remaining fully God. This incarnation of the Eternal Divine was the man Jesus, the “Christ,” or the “anointed one.”
He felt all of our pain, our struggle, our loss, and our temptation. Unlike us, however, His perfect and pure moral nature was not drawn away by the temptations of sin, and He lived His earthly life perfect and without fault.
“For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin,” (Hebrews 4:15)
“He had done no violence, Nor was there any deceit in His mouth,” (Isaiah 53:9).
He did not deserve death or suffering of His own, but He voluntarily took upon Himself the death and suffering of all who will repent and believe on Him, and thus paid the price of our sin, serving our sentence in our place, paying the debt of justice in our stead:
“Although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men. Being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross,” (Philippians 2:6-8).
“Surely our griefs He Himself bore, And our sorrows He carried; Yet we ourselves esteemed Him stricken, Smitten of God, and afflicted. But He was pierced through for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; The chastening for our well-being fell upon Him, And by His scourging we are healed. All of us like sheep have gone astray, Each of us has turned to his own way; But the Lord has caused the iniquity of us all To fall on Him,” (Isaiah 53:4-6).
“When the fullness of the time came, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the Law, so that He might redeem those who were under the Law, that we might receive the adoption as sons,” (Galatians 4:4-5).
After three days in the grave, He proved this was by rising from the dead and coming forth from His own tomb. He further explained these things to his disciples and then ascended to heaven, returning to His glory in the presence of God the Father. God then poured out His own Spirit upon those who turned from their sins and trusted in the full sufficiency of Jesus as their substitute and Redeemer and who submitted to Him as Lord and Master. The Spirit of God now dwells within God’s people, giving us the new life from within that we so desperately need. As God promised through his prophet Ezekiel:
“I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean; I will cleanse you from all your filthiness and from all your idols. Moreover, I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; and I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will be careful to observe My ordinances,” (Ezekiel 36:25-27).
God has, therefore, dealt with the guilt of sins and the spiritual death of all who will repent and trust fully in Him through the life, death, and resurrection of the Son of God in Jesus Christ. All who turn away from sin and self and put their faith in God through Jesus Christ will be reconciled to God and will not have to suffer the just and righteous eternal punishment for their sin. Jesus has suffered for them. All who do not turn from their sins to Jesus will be left to remain in their own condemnation and will be found guilty on the day of judgment.
An End to Suffering
Having dealt with the causes of human suffering, the promised time is coming when God will likewise do away with suffering itself. God is patient, and just as He did not bring swift judgment before first offering redemption, He also will not consummate that redemption before first bringing the good news of salvation to all who will repent and believe. You have the opportunity to hear this message today and find life in Him because God has been patient and compassionate to delay. But the day is coming when He will bring just judgment on the wicked and will give eternal life to all those who are in Christ. On that day:
“He will dwell among them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself will be among them, and He will wipe away every tear from their eyes; and there will no longer be any death; there will no longer be any mourning, or crying, or pain; the first things have passed away,” (Revelation 21:3-4).
We do not, therefore, hope for the blowing out or extinguishing of our flame in the realization of Nirvana. We are promised an eternal flame, burning pure and bright, with fuel that is never exhausted and pure, clean air that can never be consumed. As the Apostle Paul, a follower of the Resurrected Jesus, once stated:
“For we know that if the earthly tent which is our house is torn down, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. For indeed in this house we groan, longing to be clothed with our dwelling from heaven, inasmuch as we, having put it on, will not be found naked. For indeed while we are in this tent, we groan, being burdened, because we do not want to be unclothed but to be clothed, so that what is mortal will be swallowed up by life. Now He who prepared us for this very purpose is God, who gave to us the Spirit as a pledge,” (2 Corinthians 5:1-5)
This is the hope God has given us in Christ. This is the hope we wish to share with you.
At the title of this writing you may be asking “Who can relax in this chaotic climate !?” If you are a spiritual Christian who knows scripture YOU can, knowing that Almighty God is in control. However, too many nominal Christians who only go to church to be seen and to climb social circles, they have been caught off guard and are now scared out of their wits. Today with most churches closed there is no reason to continue the charade and God may just be sitting back to see what we are going to do now without the trappings of a meeting place. Will we draw closer to Him and His Son or will we sit home and fret?
The thing about human nature is that as long as we have needs and wants met, we couldn’t care less about others.
Criminality is a way of life for many in our culture. Satan, the Destroyer has blinded the eyes of those who today are rampaging across the country causing destruction making them believe they are doing something good for the country while at the same time taking things that don’t belong to them and wreaking havoc on others. Theft is wrong no matter who does it and the word of God condemns it.
Today, many people are wringing their hands in anxiety wondering what’s going to happen next. Some are even ending it all because of the things they see looming in the immediate future. If they had read the bible, they would know that these things have to happen because we are living in the time of sorrows. What with plagues, lawlessness and moral breakdown things can begin to look pretty scary especially for those unaccustomed to these uncomfortable situations.
But who can relax in this chaotic, lawless, and Godless society? Christians should, which isn’t to say we should be complacent. Instead, we must by all means engage culture with the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Non-Christians can’t help it if they don’t know better than to drug out, get drunk and flip out completely – they don’t have a solid and sure foundation on which to plant their feet.
Many people are still reeling from the covid thing and now insurrection is sweeping across the country things are beginning to look bad for us but I would be hard pressed to believe that the Christian community is going to sit idle while our country burns to the ground, even though I’ve seen their complacency time and again.
As for luke – warm Christians who are distressed over the present insurrection, the bible says, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7 NKJV. That’s what the unadulterated word of God says, and I have chosen to believe it. It really works- so relax, God’s got your back.
Insofar as my screenplay is concerned, now I may have to inject the lawlessness that’s sweeping across the nation into the script alongside the epidemic lockdown. If these things continue to happen as predicted by the prophets and Jesus in present tense – then I really have my work cut out for me. It could be that I will be pounding the keys without let up about the chaos that is erupting around the nation and the world at large.
With all that’s going on in the world, I can see that this film is a much-needed endeavor. After all, without answers from the word of God where does one look for solace? There will be no man-made thoughts or ideas coming from me in this film.
I may be asking for permission from world renown Christians like Johnathan Cahn, to show a clip of their thoughts in one of the many scenes depicting world news on television and or the internet. After all, I’m not the only one able to discern the signs of the times. I chose to stand with men who – because of their knowledge of scripture – have had their senses sharpened.
Whether there is still time or not to pull this thing off before the rapture sweeps true believers away, is all up to God’s timing. To me, all that’s happening is indicative of the last of the Last Days that usher in the Rapture of the church, so I’ve been expecting these things to happen and am fully prepared physically and emotionally.
I’ve been tying up loose ends, such as reaching out to friends and family, hoping for the best – but prepared for the worse. My prayer life is becoming stronger and more intimate by cutting straight to the chase.
I know that World history is rife with this sort of behavior but this time there may not be a reprieve since China and Russia are gearing up for war with Iran following their lead against us, (and Israel). just as the prophets of God predicted. Can the rapture of the church be upon us?
A good Book:
Even though I have experienced a good number of miracles throughout my life I never fail to be inspired by the miracles that others have experienced as well. It seems that God knows just what you need – when you need it, being it an affirmation of His existence or something helpful to yours.
I just finished reading Dr. Eben Alexanders “Proof of Heaven” written in 2012. (I somehow failed to read it when it was first published,) but here is a world class neurosurgeon who for all intents and purposed “died” on the operating table. The tale he has to tell is astounding to those who have never experienced an epiphany like his.
I believe He chose this former atheist to be a vessel of this welcome good news because of his brilliance in his chosen profession. What an encouraging read.
The Word of God is swift, powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword…. That is why I’ve incorporated scripture into my screenplay. It is imperative that people should know what scripture has to say about the times in which we live.
Humanity has drifted away from their creator and we can see the results either as God’s retribution or as manmade folly, even so, we are living in a state of uncertainty and fear in these turbulent times.
With life at a standstill and lives thrown out of whack many people are all too ready to listen to man-made answers to our dilemmas when they should be searching the scriptures. There are answers being floated out there, but they are errant man-made ideas and philosophies that brought us to where we are today.
But, “The word of God is swift and powerful and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart”.
Having been an evangelical type Christian for all my “born again” life I’ve learned to utilize the word of God in my conversations with the lost. People really don’t care to hear other men’s thoughts or philosophies they’ve already formulated their own. But they cannot refute the word of God, and so I have used scripture to convince and convict those who haven’t heard it. All in all the objective of my proposed movie is to inform and warn people of the soon to be rapture of the church and God’s coming judgement through the tribulation period and many will tell you that films (movies) are the most powerful medium known to man.
It doesn’t matter what my characters say, or how they say the words or narrative -if you will – it only serves to move the story line along. The words (lines) in the movie will soon be forgotten, but the Word of God remains forever in the hearts and minds of men. You can take them at face value or try to ignore them, but once they have gone out, you must deal with them -one way or another.
Among the scripture verses mentioned are:
Joe picks up his OLD RAGGEDY BIBLE lying nearby and turning the pages he stops at the place where he begins reading
For men shall be lovers of their own selves,
covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers,
disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false
accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those
that are good, traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers
of pleasures more than lovers of God…..
I also incorporate Matthew chapter 24 among other nuggets of truth.
In my evangelical story the character Joe is a widowed and retired professor of Biology who has taken in a former student named Tom who is down on his luck. Tom is an ardent reader of various websites who aspires to become world famous writer. While sitting at the dining room table Joe and Tom are conversing….
The dialogue goes like this,
If you really want to know about spiritual things,
then I suggest you peruse the rapture ready website.
The contributing writers are all committed Christians
and there is a man named Terry James who experienced
a near death experience and wrote about it in one of his
many books … During that experience, he saw with his
blind eyes – family and loved ones who had passed on
and are now in heaven……You can also check out another
website…. dropzonedelta .com …. warriors following
I’m sorry, it’s just that I’m still skeptical of all this
religious stuff.
Your professors have been filling your head with empty
manmade ideas, you need to begin reading the word of God
The aim of this thought-provoking film is to convince and convict the viewer of their need to repent and to receive Christ as savior.
If you like what I’m attempting to do then join with me in putting this film together in any way you can. I’m in need of producers and looking for professional actors’ DP and crew as well. We will be filming interiors in Naples Florida and exteriors in Miami and Miami beach.
Is the covid19 “pandemic” Conspiracy, hoax, or judgement?
While this event may be manmade, we must remember that God works all things together both evil and good, for our redemption.
Who but God would have ever thought of such a device to make us all stop what we are doing and to take stock of our lives and consider the things that are truly important in life?
Maybe it wasn’t God’s doing but a manmade device that got out of hand and is now wreaking havoc around the world. Maybe it was even a plan to subdue the entire planet and make it submit to the diabolical “One World Government” (that hopes to be in place within the next twelve years.) If so, then they’ve gotten a pretty good start.)
There are many conflicting reports and conspiracy theories today concerning the so-called pandemic – Novel Coronavirus 19 which has held us captive for two long months. With Americans getting itchy to leave the house this is not going to end well. We will be finding a whole new world out there. One where you can’t shake hands or even approach someone within six feet, (lovers beware).
Many people will experience sleepless nights worrying about the immediate future, something they were sure they could handle somehow until this virus put an end to our bold self-assurance. But still most of us won’t seek God – instead we look to our often-crooked leaders and wacky self-seeking scientists. We seem to forget that all of humanity is tainted with sinful behavior and ambitions. Yet we look to them for answers instead of looking to the one who created us and all our surroundings.
Most churches will underplay this event in hopes of quelling mounting fears in their congregations – but will not mention repentance. When was the last time you saw a pastor or deacon cry out in abject humility before his congregation? Even God would be surprised if that were to happen here in America. We are too proud a people to ever drop to our knees and beg God’s forgiveness and intervention – in complete and utter repentance. But, as the noose gets tighter, I venture to guess that some would rather die than cry out to God and truly repent and as things become more and more uncertain patience and endurance is running out for many of us – with some even taking their own lives.
If indeed this virus is only a manmade calamity and can be rectified – either way, it will only serve to prove that humanity is incapable to keep things on an even keel. As things continue to destroy our self-assurance and if you’re looking for more things to despair about – consider the following.
Prices are going up on meat and dairy products and with hungry people out of work and no place to go or little to eat, things could easily get out of hand.
These days, it’s hard to come to a concrete answer to our physical and monetary problems but Jesus has the answer, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you” (food , clothing and peace of mind.)
Rather than worry about tomorrow we should do all we can to reap the harvest of human souls that are ripe and ready for harvesting. One positive way to do that is to pray for where spirit filled Christians make it their business to impart truth to a lost and dying world. Do this and you can rest assured that you are doing the right thing.
Beyond other pandemics, which appear regularly every decade or two, there are other major threats on the horizon. If like the bible says, these are God planned events, then here’s what’s coming for us next.
We Christians should do all we can to preserve life, but instead we chose to worry about things that might never happen. In worrying about the future, again, Jesus has the answer, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths”.
On another note.
A funny thing happened when witnessing to a young man at Publix supermarket if he was a Christian – his reply was “I try to be”. When I asked him what he thought about the craziness going around the world he replied, “It’s like the four horsemen of the Apocalypse!” As I left, I handed him a small bible which he accepted greedily. As I left, I felt sure that this was mission God had sent me on specifically for that fine young man.
Well, that night I read this on the internet. “Bible scholars have sensationally claimed the end of the world could be upon us as they believe the Four Horsemen, who bring about death, war, famine and disease before the return of Jesus Christ in the holy book, have all been released.” The writer goes on to say, “This virus is the pale horse and Horseman but regardless of what we may experience or feel about our current situation – We need to repent. And remember, God is still in control.
Whether we Christians realize it or not, we are in the fight for our lives with Satanic forces in the form of democrats, eugenists, Islamists, the United Nations and we had better take note.
While Christians all over the world are being killed, raped and incarcerated in many other countries, we Americans cower in the lap of luxury and doze in our gated communities. We American Christians have been so blessed by our overabundance that we barely notice.
Now though, with viruses getting out of hand, politics going array, our economy unraveling and church leaders becoming apostate, many are beginning to wake up while others continue to doze off. Well things aren’t going to get any better and if they do, it will only be temporarily. We must make the most of small windows of opportunity to do what we can for one another. It is imperative to come together and do all we can to first spread the Glorious Gospel of Christ and to do all we can to encourage our weaker and younger brethren.
There is a place for you to be of help to others in these perilous times you just have to find it.
The bible says we all have gifts given to us as we are saved. (mine is one of evangelism) yours may be one of sewing. Just sewing virus masks for the needy is something you can do. There is so much we can do with the resources we have and the benefits to our sense of self-worth is exhilarating when we do what we should be doing for the kingdom of God.
I have a brother – who although he is a relatively new Christian – cooks for those in an assisted living facility on occasion – maybe you could do the same. But most of all touch and encourage others – show them you care. A word of encouragement may make someone else’s day.
My gift is evangelism which I try to incorporate into my writings which include at least two screenplays and one 240 page manuscript about my conversion and subsequent forty year career in the movie industry. (I learned the ins and outs of movie making as a professional union actor and was a member of American Film Institute as well.) I am using my gifts to reach out to others as best I can – believing that we are the soon to be raptured generation..
Filmmaking is the one thing I know about above all others and so I will tell you a little about this endeavor.
My full-length theatrical film “PANIC” will be unabashedly open about the Gospel of Jesus Christ by openly quoting prophetic scripture throughout. The title of this screenplay is subject to change if and when a better title can be attached to this thought provoking, informative and evangelical film.
This somber and true to life film will be entertaining as well as informative about the things of God and bible prophecy – the characters often quoting scripture – word for word.
The texture of the film is at times harrowing – but true to life. However, graphic violence will not be depicted by excessive bloody gore – for the sake of sensationalism. Although true to life there will also be no nudity or overtly profane language, just for shock value. Also, many quotes and clips from news sources will be incorporated in the film to make it utterly realistic – something all viewers can relate to.
Politics and religion will be kept at a minimum and instead, the things that Jesus and the prophets taught about the end times will be brought to the fore, since people are seeking answers to the meaning of life and the hereafter. Nothing will be added that would water down the main message of repentance toward God in expectation of the rapture.
The object of this engaging movie is to encourage the viewers to seek God’s face in our immediate worldwide virus situation that instills fear and confusion.
Today I posted this on my Facebook page to try to get others involved in making my outreach film.
Dear Facebook friends, I have always been fascinated with filmmaking and by working with the best I got to see firsthand how things are done in front of the camera and behind the scenes. As some of you know I began writing screenplays years ago and wrote one that became a box office smash. The powers that be made a “Series” out of it, but alas, since I didn’t have a copyright on it was plagiarized. I’ve learned better since then. Now I am going out on a limb once again because I believe the timing is right to make a movie about the perilous times in which we live.
In this screenplay I will be incorporating the things I know about prophetic scripture to help unbelievers see the light (I feel that is my calling since I fear no one nor anything nor what they think of me.) Having failed twice I may be a fool for trying one more time, but I have nothing better to do with what little time we may have left.
If you or someone you know is an investor or is film savvy and would like to become involved -write me at for an outline and more information.
As the nation of Israel sat perched on the banks of the Jordan River, before its people ever set one foot upon the Promised Land, the Lord gave an outline of its entire history through His mouthpiece Moses. The book of Deuteronomy is like a road map for where history was headed before the trip got underway. It covers the whole history of Israel more than three thousand years in advance. While different segments of the historical journey have been updated with more details being added along the way, not a single variation from the earlier explicit course has ever been necessary.
In the process of Moses exhortation to the nation of Israel, he provides an outline of what will happen to this elect nation once it crosses over the Jordan River and settles the Promised Land (Deut 4:25-31). A summary of these events include the following:
Israel and its descendants will remain long in the land.
Israel will act corruptly and slip into idolatry.
Israel will be kicked out of the land.
The Lord will scatter the Israelites among the nations.
The Israelites will be given over to idolatry during their wanderings.
While dispersed among the nations, the Israelites will seek and find the Lord when they search for Him with all their heart.
There will come a time of tribulation, said to occur in the latter days, during which time Israel will turn to the Lord.
Since the first five events have happened to Israel”and that is beyond competent dispute”then it is reasonable to expect that the final events will also occur to the same people in the same way as the earlier events. An expanded narrative of Israels future history is provided in Deuteronomy 28-32:
The conditions of blessing will follow obedience.1
Israel will be gathered from the nations and brought back to its divinely given land.11
A History of Preservation
This is, indeed, history written in advance. Israel is the lens through which the Bible presents both the past and the future of the world itself. It is the means through which Gods program for the redemption of mankind will be performed.
One of the greatest miracles in the Bible is before our very eyes: the continuing existence of the Jewish people. Again and again, throughout the many centuries and empires, attempts to wipe out the Jews have always failed. The Egyptians, the Assyrians, the Babylonians, the Persians, the Greeks, the Romans, the Crusaders, and the Nazis of Germany”all failed in their aggressive attempts at genocide.
The Israelites originally went down to Egypt as a family, were enslaved, and after four centuries, emerged as a nation. God referred to this emergent nation as His firstborn (Ex 4:22). And it was His plan to use them to bring forth the One who would be the Redeemer of mankind.
Their saga begins with Gods covenant and land grant to Abraham.12 Their prophets warned that the entire world would ultimately go to war over this land grant and that is exactly what is being challenged by the world today. But there is much more at stake than simply Israels right to the land. Gods plan for the redemption of mankind is ultimately at issue.
Israels vicissitudes”both ups and downs”were continually predicted by the prophets throughout their entire history. After the civil war following Solomons death, the histories of both the Northern Kingdom and Southern Kingdom became astonishingly graphic. The dismal decline of the Northern Kingdom resulted in their being obliterated from existence.
The commitment of God to Davids dynasty is all that prevented the Southern Kingdom from a similar fate. Although the kingdom suffered as a captive of the Babylonian Empire (prophesied in Deuteronomy 28:49-57), through the prophet Jeremiah it was promised deliverance after seventy years and a return to the land. And those seventy years were fulfilled to the very day!13
Though Israels Babylonian captivity was its first removal from the land, God restored and continued to woo the nation to faithfulness. Christs arrival, ministry, and ultimate rejection are well-known historically, but few people realize how much this led to the Jews later dispersions. Jesus Himself gave us His perspective when He said:
O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not! Behold, your house is left unto you desolate. For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord. – Matthew 23:34-39
The tragedy of all history, the rejection of Christ, led to the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in A.D. 70. In fact, Luke 21:24 foretold that the Jewish people shall be led away captive into all nations, a statement that reflects the very language of Deuteronomy 28:64: Then the Lord will scatter you among all peoples, from one end of the earth to the other (NKJV). The Diaspora simply cannot be understood without the background of Deuteronomy.
The Regathering
The regathering of the Jews into their own homeland”the second time”is the key to understanding the times in which we live.
And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord shall set his hand again the second time to recover the remnant of his people, which shall be left, from Assyria, and from Egypt, and from Pathros, and from Cush, and from Elam, and from Shinar, and from Hamath, and from the islands of the sea. And he shall set up an ensign for the nations, and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth. – Isaiah 11:11,12
Their first regathering was from their captivity in Babylon. The second time, prefigured in Ezekiel 37s colorful dry bones prophecy, is one of the dramatic events of the twentieth century.
Many Bible scholars have felt that the Diaspora was a permanent judgment upon Israel for having rejected their Messiah. They felt that a literal return of the Jews to the land of Israel was fanciful and misinformed. It was a debate at the time between the old-fashioned fundamentalists and the modern liberals.
During World War II, many pundits were viewing the rise of Hitler as the Antichrist. However, there were a few radio commentators, M.R. Dehahn, H.A. Ironside, and others who pointed out that he couldnt be: because the nation Israel was not in its land.
A Litmus Test for Scholars
It was a dramatic day on May 14, 1948, when David Ben-Gurion, using Ezekiel as his authority, announced on international radio the name of Israel as the new state and homeland for the Jews. It was a great day for the Jews. And it was a most significant day for Biblical scholarship as well. The debate about the literalness of Gods promises should have ended.
Immediately set upon by their Muslim enemies, Israel shocked the world by the miraculous victories in their War of Independence. Vastly outnumbered, they nevertheless established their fledgling state in the midst of impossible conditions. In 1967, they again startled an astonished world with their miraculous victories in the Six-Day War. And again, in 1973, in the Yom Kippur War. The saga of the Israeli Defense Forces has become a modern legend. And yet, the worse is still to come.
Examine any pastors library and you will find an impressive set of books labeled, Systematic Theology, or some similar designation. This collection will reflect many different venerated authors from many highly reputed seminaries. They may have different views on various subjects, but they all have essentially the same table of contents:
Bibliology: The study of the Bible. Theology: The study of the proper attributes of God. Christology: The study of our Lord Jesus Christ. Pneumatology: The study of the Holy Spirit. Angelology: The study of angels, fallen and unfallen. Anthropology: The study of man. Soteriology: The study of salvation. Ecclesiology: The study of the Church. Eschatology: The study of the end-times; last things.
What is missing is a subject that comprises five-sixths of the Bible! It is Israelology: the study of Israel as an instrument of Gods plan of redemption!14 Not understanding the role of Israel in Gods plan resulted in the Holocaust. There continues a widespread view that the church has somehow replaced Israel when they rejected their Messiah. However, Paul, in his definitive statement of Christian doctrine known as the book of Romans, hammers away for three chapters that God is not finished with Israel.15
Israels Future
Among other topics, my latest book, Prophecy 20/20, explores the future of Israel, specifically the forthcoming Time of Jacobs trouble, climaxing the end times; the current struggle for Jerusalem”one of the many strategic trends covered in the book that we are witnessing now”and, the apparently imminent, but ill-fated, Magog invasion of Israel, predicted in Ezekiel 38-39. These events are critical, yet-to-be-revealed moments in Israels on-going history.