By Jim Towers

The Godless Democrats are doing all they can to alter the U.S. constitution and our way of life. Through them Satan has gotten the upper hand in American politics. It seems that all the Democrats care about is maintaining power and getting rich at the expense of the American people.

The writer/film maker Dinesh D’Souza rightly says in his latest book “United States of Socialism” and I quote, “Sure, socialism presents a temptation, the same temptation that TV evangelists hold out to their gullible audiences. They offer their followers the temptation of paradise, freedom from the normal drudgery and travails of life, with manna from heaven dropping into their laps. This is what the promise too. The main difference is that the televangelist promises these wonders in the next life; the socialist promises them in this one. The only thing you have to give up is your ownership of yourself. including your right to keep what is yours, your personal autonomy and dignity and your independence of mind.” “In both cases, the enterprise is driven by lust for money and lust for power, the libido dominandi that St. Augustine warns about. In principle, no less than in practice, socialism is the ideology of thieves and tyrants. As for people that fall for the temptation, they are connivers attracted by the rip off scheme. But they end up as suckers because the scheme is not designed to benefit them.” The socialist scheme is designed to benefit the perpetrators. “Viewing themselves as smart – the smartest people in society- they feel entitled to be the ones who exercise power, who tell others what to do.”

Going a step further they will do anything to retain power even to the point of killing their adversaries. The love of money and power is indeed the root of much evil. (my quote). 

We conservatives are fighting for our very lives and existence. President Trump is fighting to prevail in the presidential election which could still be stolen from the working-class American people.

I just finished reading a book with the title “Abuse and Power” by Carter Page. It is about political corruption in our government that runs deep and casts a wide net with it’s allure and lust for money and power. Carter Page was made a scapegoat by those in power to undermine President Trump’s character and his election four years ago. Carter was only a volunteer for President Trump’s first presidential campaign, but he had all the right credentials for exploitation.

Many others were indited on trumped up charges and they too suffered loss of finances and friends – some even ending up in jail. While their families suffered – the deep state rejoiced in their short-lived victories. Rightly enough these people were exonerated and set free once the deep state was proven to be allied in falsely accusing the president of treasonous acts – the very same acts they themselves were committing even as we speak.

The Democratic party (since it is a Godless entity) has no qualms about ruining other people’s lives and businesses. They give radical groups license to do set businesses ablaze after they loot them. Worse than that, they keep law enforcement from doing their jobs in arresting them. Because of that, these radicals are becoming fearless to the point of assaulting and even killing the police officers themselves.

Because of liberal policies, the American people are demanding to go their own way with no regard for law and order. Pedophilia, abortions, and perversions that even animals shy away from – are commonplace today, so much so that laws are being passed to allow these perversions to become legal. Our political system has gotten out of order and the rule of law no longer applies. Satan holds sway over our Democrat leaders, and they are as determined as ever to take God out of our system of Government.

We believers quote Chronicles 7:14 but since we’ve let God be kicked out of our government, learning institutions and even churches and God cannot bless such a wicked and Godless society and He will not answer their prayers. 

Rev. Graham said it over a year ago, and again I quote, “If God let’s us continue in the sinful way we are going (the USA) he will have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah.”

Are we entering the Tribulation period the Bible speaks of? We all know that the tribulation period is all about the end of the age and persecution will abound. Well, I believe we are entering the early stages of that time period, a time when laws will be turned against us in force. Carter Page must have felt that he had gone through a time warp in which nothing he said was listened too. This well-meaning patriot lost respect, work, and friends all because the Democrats wanted to retain power by impeaching president Trump. But worse than that, the leftist Democrats are demanding that we kill children (God’s gift to mankind) even outside the womb. Not only that, but they would have us declare that pedophilia and homosexuality are normal human behavior!

Now, because we’ve let the extreme left run roughshod over our nation God is letting us stew in the folly of our own making. That, along with extreme weather patterns unheard of numbers of hurricanes and earthquakes makes a right-thinking person wonder if the Tribulation period can be far behind.

Today, the Christian byword is Pre -curser, but as the days slip by with no change in attitude nor repentance – things will only get worse – according to the word of God. If that isn’t the tribulation period come upon us, then I don’t know what is. What if anything, has to occur before we slip into the maelstrom of the Tribulation period? Does the Holy Spirit have to be taken out of the way completely? 

Although the antichrist in bodily form walks among us, we fail to realize that our days of freedom are numbered and are fast slipping away. I would highly recommend that we repent of our sins of self-righteousness and apathy.


Jim Towers                                            Write me at jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com or visit my website www.propheticsignsandwonders.com and www.dropzonedelta.com. – Warriors following Christ.


By Jim Towers

Never has a single man evoked such hatred and divisiveness as President Trump – except of course, for Jesus Christ himself. The self-righteous, pompous religious and community leaders of the day hated Jesus – who only went around healing people and doing good. So, it is with President Trump. 

Some claim he is nothing but a dreadful sinner who likes beautiful women. But show me a man who doesn’t admire a woman who takes care of herself and I’ll show you a warp minded individual who would prefer to lie with another man. While it’s true that a man should exercise self-control – most men can’t, because they haven’t been “born again”. Only the Holy Spirit can help overcome these self- centered thoughts of lust and even then, it’s the hardest thing to do simply because as men we’re hard wired that way – we desire the company of women.

What I’m trying to say is that all things being equal, all men are sinners born to propagate and survive, but they expect this man to be perfect – something no man can be. To these sanctimonious and self-righteous people, we, along with Trump are all unwashed deplorable people the dregs of society. I would ask, how so? We conservatives don’t burn building and house or go around killing people randomly, or cold cocking the elderly and infirm and raping children, neither do we endorse the taking of an innocent babies life just for sport and the money that can be made from selling it’s parts. 

Stop and think about it, since these so -called intellectuals have infiltrated all of society and they have done great harm to our way of life by doing away with bible-based morality and the Ten Commandments. Since there is always the exception, I would grant you that some under the guise of conservatism are just as capable of wrongdoing as liberals. But overall – liberals have gone off the deep end in making America a cesspool of anarchy and senseless crime.

In spite of his narcissism and outspokenness I can’t think of anyone who has done so much good for the country as President Trump. He is a little coarse too, but it seems that that is the only way to disarm and make fools of the self – righteous liberals who have been in office long enough to become millionaires through their shady dealings and outright theft. We need to clean house starting at the top. We need to drain the swamp of corruption that exists in Washington.

Now I would ask you, why would anyone in their right mind want to vote for known criminals and murderers of infants? Why? It just doesn’t make sense. The only way a person can think that way is to let demonic induced thoughts have sway in their minds making them blind to the evils they perpetuate.

The extreme left are Godless individuals with no moral compass and if we don’t stop them in their tracks then we can expect things to only get further out of hand. Look at the way insurrectionists and criminals have taken over the big cities. Burning and looting with no one to stop them, and in some cases being rewarded with free license to do so.

Also, the left has propped up a mentally challenged Joe Biden – someone they can manipulate to do their bidding. Having deceived people all his life for monetary gain and never giving thought about his having to give account to God, he has violated his conscience (if he ever had one) to the point where the man is a living joke in the eyes of every one – even his handlers. 

The first debate reminded me of the boxing matches of the past as in the “Rumble in the Jungle”, 

or “Thrilla in Manilla”.

The debate was more like an assault on our sensibilities with neither man making any significant headway, albeit Joe was lighter on his heavy feet than I thought he would be. (He must have been fueled up with mind altering drugs.) In any case I could see Biden having to take thought and correcting himself throughout the debate – if you can call it that. He counter punched as best he could but never answered the uppercuts Trump threw at him about his drug addled son and Burisma. Biden also ducked and weaved at the haymakers Trump threw at him and never answered with blows of his own instead he covered by mentioning covid over and over as if was a planned event for a time just as this.

Trump had “Ole slimy” Joe cornered and instead of doing a “rope a dope” on him he let him bob and weave and slither as best he could with the flabby self-confident champion (Trump) letting him slip the punches.

The debate was just what most of us expected it to be with no serious damage done by either side. All the things that could be said were said before hand and all the revelations were either redundant or ineffective. 

My advice to the “Champ” is to let “Ole” Joe wear himself out by spilling the beans on state of his mental health…Let him talk and defeat himself the next time….If there is a next time. 

Book Review:

I just finished reading “Revolution – Trump, Washington and we the people” by KT McFarland and what a writer she is.

This highly educated woman is one of the best political writers I’ve ever read. While other writers try to impress the reader with their intelligence and or their knowledge, she writes for the ordinary layman in terms he can understand, and she only states the facts, (been there – done that).

She began her political career working for Henry Kissinger. She has worked for other heads of state in other capacities as well and understands Washington politics and she knows all the ins and outs of the political realm. 

If ever there was an American woman who could lead this country in the right direction it is, she. 

But the primary reason is that she is a straight shooter and pulls no punches.


Jim Towers

You can write me at jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com or visit my website www.prpheticsignsandwonders.com and www.dropzonedelta.com. Warriors following Christ. 


By Jim Towers

There is a new paradigm in Christian circles these days, (In science and philosophy, a paradigm is a distinct set of concepts or thought patterns, including theories, research methods, postulates, and standards for what constitutes legitimate contributions to a field. Wikipedia ) about the rapture and the end times it’s being postulated by self-ordained prophets who aren’t afraid to make assertions about the timing of these two great events. In doing so, they are inadvertently (or maybe on purpose) confusing what remains of the Christian church.

These new age prophets’ say that we may have as many as ten or more years before the rapture happens and they give you reasons for thinking this way – disregarding what others have said in the recent past in particular that the rapture was or is imminent. This then would make all other end time teachers obsolete if not heretical. On the other hand, if what they postulate, is true – the timing would buy us more to evangelize the obstinate, uninformed and /or foolish. 

We all know of wolves in sheep’s clothing who espouse various heresies, and this only adds to the confusion. Men and women alike, are taking about visions and dreams and NDE’s and wrapping themselves in supposed mantels of biblical prophets. One such woman named Emma Stark who appears on U tube  has altered her appearance to stand out among the crowd as many of these people are apt to do rather than just letting their light shine in love for others they try to elevate themselves into would be celebrities.

These so-called prophets are especially scary when they try to draw attention to themselves by doing and saying doubtful things and we must know scripture to have discernment to avoid falling for heretical theories. 

We realize that the Bible does say that at the end times in the book of Joel that God would pour out His Spirit on all flesh and that some would prophecy – and in this case – making them prophets, – later day prophets so they say, – among whom there are heretics who deceive the ignorant usually for monetary gain and recognition.

The idea that we may have a few more years to go before the rapture takes place puts us in the precarious situation of letting down our guard. For us to believe that things could get worse as we see the tribulation period just around the corner is intimidating to say the least. Who can imagine how much worse things can get? It would literally be hell on earth.

They seem to be coming from out of no -where. Are these new age “prophets” as they now call themselves for real? Latching onto this latest “revelation” – if it can be called that – these modern day prophets are proliferating at a phenomenal rate, especially after the publication of Johnny Enlow’s book “The End of the World, (subtitled – as we know it.) Clever little subtitle don’t ya think? 

What made me re-consider what Mr. Enlow’s said about the end times in the interview on “That’s Supernatural” with  Sid Roth  was when he took a nearby shofar and said, when I blow this shofar you will feel a tingling in your left arm and it will go numb and you will be able to carry out your mission in life to save the final remnant of unbelievers. Then he drew it to his lips and blew. Braaaaaahhhhhhhh! This, in and of itself falls into the category of witchcraft or wishful thinking.  

Remember that some whom Jesus confronted said, “but we shared your word and blah blah blah,…” to which He answered “Depart from me – for I never knew you.” So, I take that to mean that some Christians do and say things that are untrue so be careful…be very careful to know scripture and abide by it. The best a person can do is to be prepared by putting our priorities in order, God first, family second, friends and neighbors and then all others. 

Jesus told us that no man knows the day nor the hour of His return to take us home and that we should always be ready. He also said that we should go on with life doing what we must in order to survive. 

About Bill,

I try to make it to the Naples Pier at least once a week. It’s good to step away from the keyboard and other jobs around the house – that never seem to get caught up with anyways. The sight of the wide expanse of the Gulf of Mexico tranquilizes the mind every time and I love it – the water is different every time I go to see my “friends” and who knows but what I may even catch a fish or two – maybe even a humanoid. After all, I am a fisher of men as well.

On this occasion I met a fellow whom I had never met before and he was just as outspoken as I (it turns out he was a salesman of cemetery plots.) Was that a sign? Since he was catching Spanish Mackerel one after another, I sided up near by – to no avail. Nevertheless, I began to feel him out to see if he was a believer and low and behold, he said he was a Mennonite who was looking for a Bible believing church as soon as this Covid thing ended. I probed even deeper and he said he had received Christ at the tender age of seven. We hit it off and exchanged business cards and I left him to see the other “regulars” at the shelter at end of the pier.

Bill was there like I figured he’s be, and it seems he’s taking a liking to me. His face lit up when he saw me coming and we began chatting right away even though we were seated on opposite sides of the shelter which is at least a good twelve feet away. Although I felt compelled to become the former hippy’s friend, he was still reluctant to give God a try and when he tried to say that liberals were truly concerned about others and tried to do good, I countered with what the bible has to say about that and quoted, “ There is non righteous no not one, for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God….” Just then a young couple came between us pushing a stroller. As they heard me say that – it was as if they stopped for just a split second – after overhearing my comment so I continued “That’s why Jesus had to die for our sins” just emphatic enough so that they could hear it too. If I’ve learned anything about the word of God, it’s that it doesn’t return to Him void. Bill blanched and had nothing more to say about that.

From here on in, I’m gong to be stumping for President Trump because if sleepy Joe wins Christians will be muzzled, abortions will continue unabated and indiscriminately and America will become hell on earth.


Jim Towers     

You can write me at jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com. or visit my web page www.propheticsignandwonders.com or www.dropzonedelta.com.


By Jim Towers

Humanity is confined to thinking “rational” thoughts, that is what we can see, touch, hear, smell and taste. Science is the closest we humans can delve into hypothesis and theory. Beyond that is the spiritual realm. One of the first to acknowledge this realm was Job in the Holy Bible. Then came Enoch who was transported to heaven without having died. Then there were other men of God who also experienced this closeness to their/our creator. We refer to them as prophets, they are men to whom God revealed the things to come.

In the Old Testament, Moses opened this new awareness to us when he talked to God face to face (as it were) on Mt. Sinai and gave us the Ten Commandments as a result and that for our own good.

God seems to be very selective about those He chooses to “talk too.” Not all who claim that God talks to them really do, and you can usually tell who they are by their “fruits”.

Today we have the Holy Spirit who teaches us ALL things and gives us Spiritual Discernment. This gives us the ability to think outside the box, primarily through scripture. 

When we discover that there is life outside this earthly realm we inevitably expand our horizons and look to the future with expectations of a more fulfilling future, but here is a caveat in receiving this intimate information and insight and that is, one must receive Christ who makes the Holy Spirit available to each and every believer.

Of course, there are those who think of doing harm to others and only think of pleasuring themselves continuously through acquiring wealth and power over others. This is a clear manifestation of demonic activity in one’s life. And this applies to church goers as well.

Consider the president of a Christian University who was caught for with his pants down and has a wife who loved pleasure so much that she slept with any young man who caught her fancy. Disgraced, they were asked to step down from their lofty position and given a ten million severance pay to do so. This man and woman obviously weren’t thinking about the things of God and could only see (with wanton eyes) the things that would bring pleasure. This overtly hefty man and wife who live in the lap of luxury have some explaining to do – but really have no excuse for their varied sins. 

Yes, I know we are all sinners but come on, a Christian college president! And this charade was carried on for years. People like that give Christianity a bad name. Some people in high places can even quote scripture and try to make us believe they are pious. Is it any wonder atheists and even fools ridicule us? It is a dangerous thing to put fallible man on a pedestal to look up to and admire. 

It is important to think outside the box of human reasoning we are confined to. We must look at things with spiritual discernment. The bible says we can justify our every inconsistency. And so, faith comes into play as we read God’s Word and act upon it. The more we study the more insight we gain into the spiritual realm. Things that really matter, all else eventually passes away.

Every Apostle and Prophet were given this ability, some more than others. When a person makes it his objective to pursue the things of God they inevitably draw closer to Him and He will in  turn, reveal Himself to them and strengthen them with resolve to become overcomers with the ability to think outside the box. In fact, the scriptures admonish us, “Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.” and “Let this mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus.”

The more “spiritual” and by that, I mean, a person that is finely attuned to the things of God -is the one who is in constant contact with Him. That isn’t to say that God reveals everything to them, but endows them with special insight so that they might become all that He would have them to be and makes the person in question a conduit to help others understand – leading the way by example.

And so, we study to show ourselves approved, workmen that need not be ashamed – rightly dividing the Word of God”. Thus, the time inevitably comes when fear of men, fear of the future and all else fades into the foggy midst of doubt and despair.


I saw Bill since my last article and he acted as if he was still my friend, albeit he was leaving the pier in disgust because of a bunch of rowdy young people at the end of the pier where he likes to hang out.

Incidentally, the pier and surrounding beach were jam packed over the Labor Day weekend. Many of them from Miami and New York. Some were wearing masks. 

Also, my nephew now claims to have received Christ over ten years ago and even got baptized. I hope so. But it’s funny how he managed to keep it a secret for so long. But then again, some in the church are just as secretive about their faith as he.

One last thing – I would remind you that the presidential election is drawing close and although we may not agree with everything Trump does or says, he appears to be the person standing up for Christian values. The Godless Democrats care nothing about values and the sanctity of life and everything they touch is set up for destruction. 

So, if you like our country the way it once was, the police to help keep us safe, your church building and congregants and singing and hugging – do yourself a favor and vote for him.

Waiting for that blessed hope, the rapture of the church.


Jim Towers

Write me at jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com or visit my website www.propheticsignsandwonders.com or click on to www.dropzonedelta.com. “Warriors following Christ.”


By Jim Towers

Most of us have heard the saying, “You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink.” The same can be said for human beings. You can lead them to living water, but you cannot make them drink. 

Jesus said, “I am the living water, he who comes to me will never thirst again.” By that he meant, that we all thirst for clarity, hope and consolation, but although we thirst for the life-giving water He offers – yet many refuse to drink for one reason or another.

Although my friend Bill at the pier has let me give him countless rides home and let me pray for him, he doesn’t seem to be responding to my promptings and asks no questions. Maybe he thinks he’s something special because I always encourage, overlook a person’s foibles and treat them like a friend. Like I said in the past, Bill is a highly educated man and I respect him for that. Also, he was a drummer and writer for a music magazine back in the day, (I enjoy talking to intelligent people) but like I said in my last article I in essence called him a fool for not believing in God by quoting the scripture that says, “The fool has said in his heart: there is no God.”

There seems to be something about drug addled liberals that take pride in not believing in God and they let you know it. The next time we meet up I will have to lay it all on the line once and for all not knowing what to expect, after all, you can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make them drink. Bill saw me yesterday from a distance walking out onto the pier and went around behind the snack bar to avoid bumping into me. I’ll just have to leave him in God’s hands as always. 

As most of you know, I’ve been an evangelical Christian for many years and have led numerous people to faith in Christ. Unlike some, who keep score I never felt it was gaining me any brownie points in doing so and I seldom if ever use the Roman Road tactic but instead rely on God’s prompting. 

After receiving Christ, I made it a point to learn all I could about this living water which for me was very gratifying.   

With this mindset, I been able to lead all seven of my siblings to faith in Christ and mentor them in understanding scripture since we were brought up in a broken home devoid of Godly things. I, being the eldest had to set the pattern for right behavior even though I faltered at times. I even baptized my baby sister in the ocean when she thought she had cancer which later proved to be malignant. She made her way to Florida from Michigan to have me baptize her after I led her to faith in Christ.

Today I found out that a nephew had just had an operation for stomach cancer, but the doctors couldn’t get it all taken out, so he will have to undergo chemotherapy. Amazingly, I had just been thinking about him this morning when I received the call from my “born again” younger brother who had received Christ ten years ago after much prompting by me. 

The first thing to enter my mind is – was this nephew saved? He claims to be a Christian but although he doesn’t smoke or drink nor use drugs, I was skeptical since although he is a good man, he never talked about God nor went to church.

Knowing this, I phoned him at the hospital, but he was indisposed. Since he is over a hundred miles away and that region is in lockdown because of Covid 19 I had to leave him a message. I made it a priority that he should know how to be saved – step by step and told him I would be praying for him. I’m sure he was glad to hear from me since I’m his favorite uncle. (At his urging I had portrayed Fagin in the musical “Oliver” for his drama class in the new auditorium in Eaton Rapids Michigan for graduation. Everyone was elated that a professional would step into that role in that place and the whole town turned out.) I received a standing ovation for the closing spotlight number. It was very gratifying for me too.

In any case, I hope my nephew will receive Christ and that his children follow suit, but I have yet to hear back from him. 

So yesterday was an unfruitful day, or so I thought. I had met a group of young people as I was preparing my gear to do some serious fishing and walked out onto the pier. After a few short minutes I saw the young lady with the teenaged group coming my way and when she finally reached me, I said, “What are you doing out here by yourself?” 

“They’re on the beach and swimming.” As she sauntered over to me.

“Looks like you just wanted to be alone with your thoughts” I replied.

As she approached, I could tell something was bothering her, “Do you want to tell me about it, maybe there’s something I can do?”

 “Nobody can do anything for me.” She whimpered as she began to cry.

“God can help you with anything.”

“My boyfriend dropped me yesterday – and I am deeply hurt.”

“Let me pray for you.”

“Please do.” As tears fell from her eyes.

I said a short prayer for the healing of her broken heart and after a few minutes she began telling me her life’s story. How that no one in her family had ever prayed for anything and that her grandmother was a Jehovah’s Witness and that her boyfriend worked for the Lutheran church!

I knew then that this was a spiritual battle, a divine appointment after I discerned what was happening. 

After talking awhile, she regained he composure. 

Now, I was concerned for the state of her soul. “These are perilous times in which we live and who knows what will happen next. Maybe even the rapture. 

I asked her about her spiritual life, and she said she had none. I told her about God and Jesus Christ and quoted scripture. Soon I asked if she would like to receive Christ as her savior and she replied, “Yes, but I’ve never prayed before and don’t know how.” 

“Just repeat after me – if you feel led…..”Father in heaven, I confess that I have ignored you. Please forgive me. I now receive Jesus Christ into my heart and life, so change me and give me peace.”  


Jim Towers            You can write me at jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com. visit my webpage www.propheticsignsandwonders.com. Or visit me at www.dropzonedelta.com.  


By Jim Towers

As much as I like to eat fish, for the fifth or sixth time I went out on the pier to find that the fish weren’t biting, and it was blistering hot in the sun. So once again, I was just in time to give Bill a ride to his apartment. Bill was in the shelter at the end of the pier as is his usual ritual for the past twenty years. Being debilitated because of stomach problems he spends the early part of each day fishing. I was beginning to wonder if God had sent me there in response to Bill’s prayers and asked him so as we walked from the pier to my car. Bill’s reply was, “I’m an atheist who doesn’t believe in a God who cares. If there is a God, He tried to kill me yesterday with a lightning strike.” Then I remembered that there was a violent lighting storm yesterday about this same time of day and he must have gotten caught in the rain on the way to his apartment.

After we mounted the car I said to Bill, “Do you know what the Bible says about people that don’t believe in God?”


“It says, “The fool has said in his heart there is no God.” 

Now I know that Bill isn’t a dummy, having aspired to be a medical doctor and was a pi beta kappa in college I just surmised from this that he was angry at God for his ailments – as so many people are. 

I followed up my defense with, “Haven’t you ever considered the wonder of man and woman and their ability to pro-create and about how plants and trees take in carbon dioxide and give off oxygen for us to breathe?” 

I followed up with the miracle of eyesight and asked, “Can you show me a scientist that can make the lowly egg already packaged in a shell?” I could have gone on and on, but I think he got the picture.

Bill was stuck dumb for an answer and was quiet for a little while as he mulled over some possible answers. But then he changed the subject altogether and proceeded to tell me how he doesn’t sleep, and lays awake every night with the television on till the wee hours of the morning.

Just then, we had reached his apartment and I was prompted to ask him if I could pray for him “Bill I’d like to pray for you. Would you mind?”

“Sure, why not, I need all the help I can get.” 

So, I proceeded to pray for Bill in a non-condescending way, after all, I had already called him a fool, “Heavenly Father, give Bill the rest and comfort he needs in Jesus name, Amen.” (Putting on a show of piety is not in my nature and so I make my prayers for others and myself – short and sweet.)

Bill thanked me as usual and hobbled away in deep thought as I drove away about my business.

There are millions of people just like Bill. People searching for answers for peace of mind and assurance but the last place they look is in the Bible.

Two days later and I’m out on the pier again, this time trying to catch some fish to eat.  As usual I encounter a retiree and I strike up a conversation. This healthy robust man begins telling me of his fears for his grandchildren what with all that’s taking place in our country. He claims to have studied law and went on and on about how the crazies were ruling the country and how there was chaos everywhere – to which I could only agree. 

After letting him have his say I asked him if he was a Christian. He said he was a Catholic – a lame one at that. This opened the door for me to tell him of my conversion experience with Christ and how I believed we were living in the Last Days. He quit trying to impress me with his doctorates and degrees and became intrigued by what I had to say. His visage said it all, “I didn’t know that!” – I had given him something to think about tonight. Maybe he’ll crack open the family bible that’s been gathering dust on the shelf.

By now I had rigged up my line and finally said goodbye. I walked toward the middle of the pier. But I no sooner get started and I see Bill come hobbling down the pier toward me. He sat on the bench where I had laid my fishing gear- a small tackle shoulder bag. I could tell he needed a ride home as sweat gathered on his brow, and again the fish weren’t biting so I offered him a ride. He let out a sigh of relief and said thank you.

I can only assume that God has been working this thing out, the timing was once again perfect.

Books to read.

As all my readers know, I usually have a book to recommend and this time one was sent to me written by one of them. 

It was a good read crisp and clean and better than most self – published work. 

The title of the book is “Out Giving God”, a book that started out to be a reality check on faith in God.

 I liked the book because it pulled no punches and didn’t gloss over or make excuses for failures in the life of a Christian.

Like so many, author Christians Russel Bonds was “saved at childhood”, grew up in a church going family and tried to do everything right. But the time came when he was finally tested, “These trials will show that your faith is genuine. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold—though your faith is far more precious than mere gold. So, when your faith remains strong through many trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world.” I Peter 1:7

This book is a good testimonial for those who are going through a rough patch in their faith.

You can order the book at www.jekandrusty.com.

(Over the years I’ve talked to some that had left the faith because things didn’t turn out the way they expected. If they had read scripture, they would have found that Jesus said, “Take up your cross and follow me.”)


Jim Towers            

You can write me at jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com or visit my website www.propheticsignsandwonders.com. or www.dropzonedelta.com.


By Jim Towers

The title to this article sounds like the title of an apocalyptic horror film. It is nighttime, shouting ensues from the crowds of young people rioting in the streets and gets ever louder as they march toward us carrying weapons and bricks. Overturned police cars are burning on the streets. This true to life movie is made up of highly dramatic scenes depicting sirens blaring from emergency vehicles and red and blue flashing lights. The police are lined up shoulder to shoulder with shields and truncheons as they make their way toward the terrorists.

On a side street several young black thugs are pummeling a helpless old wheelchair bound woman who happens to be white. A man wearing a Covid mask steps into the scene and having seen enough, pulls a handgun from behind his waistband and begins blasting away at the thugs who fall backward dead – one after another. The scene is reminiscent of a scene from the movie “Death Wish” starring Charles Bronson screened in the late sixties.

But wait a minute, before you protest this scene. This isn’t a scene from a movie, it is a scene from actual real life. The silent majority has had it and is fighting back with pent up fury retaliation can’t be far behind and civil war is beginning to look likely.  

Reality and the book of Revelation have converged and now the book of Revelation doesn’t seem too farfetched as it once was. It’s as if we – the present generations – are smack dab in the middle of the prophecies of that ominous book.

Not only has reality and the book of Revelation converged but politics and Christianity have merged as well with all out spiritual warfare in the offing. Grey areas have all but diminished and now it’s “in your face” confrontation where right is wrong and wrong is right and there is no  God. 

With the presidential election coming up we can expect chaos to escalate even further with the prompting and encouragement of Godless Democrats. The presidential election is only three months away and they are determined to win at all costs even with lawless distractions.

The newspapers – or what’s left of them are phasing out because of their outright lies and inability to report the facts and instead have been infiltrated by hard left writers seeking fame and fortune by reporting politically correct propaganda or even outright lies.

In the meantime, earthquakes, tsunamis, drought, floods, and famine are destroying whole communities and threaten to destroy a third of mankind while another third twiddles their thumbs in fear. The final third lives under a rock and couldn’t care less about the state of the nation or anyone else. They only want football season to finally open. But as of yesterday, the football season has been put off again because of a phantom virus (Covid19) relapse.

Common sense tells us that these things have always been and are self-correcting in time, but never in the life of the planet has everything gone out of whack at once. 

The only explanation is that there IS a Creator (God) who is very angry with mankind for taking His commandments so lightly. Commandments are not just suggestions to disregard on a whim and He gave them to us for our own good. But not only that, He gave us the capability to engage in the creative process by making babies, babies that we take for granted and kill by the tens of thousands every year – and they are a precious gift given to us by Him. Anyone would be greatly offended if you gave them a gift and you through it away like so much garbage. What an atrocity, what an afront to our benevolent and gracious creator. 

In reality, there is no other reason needed to destroy mankind. But God is longsuffering and going about salvaging those who will turn to Him in repentance. Perhaps that is why He doesn’t just destroy mankind completely. Perhaps our Devine Creator is letting these disasters happen to us to get our attention so that we might repent. It appears that we have done to little too late to be granted a reprieve and He had no option but to fulfill biblical prophecies of doom in our lifetimes. 

If God is who He says He is in the Bible, then He can and will do as He sees fit and so far He isn’t moving to alleviate our fear of the future and who can blame Him. We have no one to blame but ourselves for ignoring His admonitions and basic life rules. Furthermore, even pastors and clergy are wishy washy in their belief system and find loopholes in scripture for not calling for repentance from the pulpit, they themselves needing it just as much as the congregants.

Our desperate prayers are falling on deaf ears. God has seen enough and now it’s every man for himself individually – no more national repentance. 

Although small revivals are beginning to take place throughout the world it seems that God is going forward with prophetic scripture incrementally, but a man would have to be blind not to see the pieces of the prophetic puzzle coming together. 

Even though we know the things prophesied in the Bible must happen we must do our best to stem the tide of evil. Pedophilia should never be right. Abortion should never be right except in certain cases. Homosexuality should never be right. Murder should never be right – neither should theft, yet we permit, condone and embrace those things that are bringing our country to it’s collective knees while we should be using the windows of opportunity that we still have to warn others of their need of a savior before that opportunity fades away – never to be seen again.

With permission from this wonderful web site, I would like to remind you that this is an election year and that the state of our nation is at stake. The Godless Democrats are going to all they can to tear this country down and hand it over to Islam and the Communist party. It’s never enough to just pray, we must put feet on our prayers and do what we can to stem the tide of corruption and vote for who and what is right.   


I just finished reading a great book titled “American Crusade” by Pete Hegseth. This man is right about all the evil that’s going on in our country and believes – like I do – that all right thinking people should do what they can to stem the present tide of corruption for the sake of our children and grandchildren.


Jim Towers                                  

Write me at jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com or visit www.dropzonedelta.com. and my webpage www.propheticsignsandwonders.com.

An Open Letter to Gen. Flynn

False Flag or Possibility

I want to thank you for stepping up and out and bravely lending your voice to the millions that are voiceless.

Thucydides in his history of the Peloponnesian War says, “The bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision of what is before them, glory and danger alike, and, notwithstanding, go out to face it.”  You did so and I stand with you ready to lend my voice to the fight. 

If I may offer some insight from my narrow vantage point, my thoughts center on your comment about the powers that be “driving God out of our families, our schools, and our courts” even our very churches, which many church’s will gladly accept, sadly.  I would add from the military as well. 

When I see a Ranger tabbed officer, testify against his commander in chief and participate in an attempted coup, I hang my head low and cry.  Where is the honor, where is the keeping oneself morally straight? I still hold the creed as something worthy to live up to.  However, the rot in the military is another battle the “children of darkness” have created a strong beachhead in. 

A west point cadet goes four years thru the academy with rabid communist leanings and he is allowed to continue and graduate, only after his images go viral is action taken! We have a retired SEAL admiral opine that our duly elected President, not terrorism, nor China, nor a rouge nuclear nation is the biggest threat to national security. Meanwhile a SEAL Team 7 platoon was sent home from Iraq because of a deterioration of good order and discipline and separately allegations of sexual assault, cocaine use among the teams, so much so that there was ordered a review of the culture and ethics of the elite units.  The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff just today, “launched an outspoken attack on the Confederacy and signaled his support for the military renaming bases named for Confederate leaders”.  The cancel culture has reached the top of the military and it is part of a deliberate design to pursue the deconstruction of our nation, its heritage, family values and traditions in pursuit of a dangerous agenda built on the failed policies of the past.  The list could go on, but the sobering truth is our moral compass is lost, the military always provided a bedrock and foundation for our future leaders.  I fear the darkness has crept in

The military has lost its bearing, and true north is off a few degrees.  We can course correct, but that takes hard moral leadership.  Our military cemeteries are filled with patriots who died fighting against everything the liberals and establishment republicans stand for.  

Any businessman will tell you if you are running out of cash, you obviously have a cash flow problem. However, cash flow is a symptom, not a cause itself.  It is an indicator of something more serious.  In the same way America is in moral free fall, as you stated we have taken God out of schools, homes, entertainment, military and even our very own Church’s.  As my mentor taught me, “We are victims of spiritual warfare.  We have media masking truth. We have courts without Justice.  We have anger replacing patriotism.  We have schools deliberately dumbing down our youth.  We have replaced our traditional heritage with “multiculturalism,” revisionism, and values relativism.”

We are in a moral crisis and it has been a long time coming, we have ceded the high ground. With an election around the corner – and one that may prove to be a “watershed” for the future of the Republic. 

President James Garfield expressed it well:

Now more than ever before, the people are responsible for the character of their Congress. If that body be ignorant, reckless, and corrupt, it is because the people tolerate ignorance, recklessness, and corruption. If it be intelligent, brave, and pure, it is because the people demand these high qualities to represent them in the national legislature…

If the next centennial does not find us a great nation… it will be because those who represent the enterprise, the culture, and the morality of the nation do not aid in controlling the political forces.

America was once a beachhead for liberty, truth, freedom and the Gospel to a hurting world, we need to do what many leaders have done in the past in times of crisis and hold fast to 2 Chronicles 7:14 and “seek His face.”   It may be that He forgives our nation of its sins and grants us another opportunity to reestablish the America that once was.  

I will keep you and your family in our prayers and know that I and many others are on the frontlines of the fight to take back our Republic.


By Jim Towers

As most of you already know, I am an avid reader of non- fiction books. There are two reasons for this, one is that you can always learn something from them and the other is that truth is often stranger than fiction.

In any case, I bought another book from our fantastic library system of five of them scattered throughout Collier county. In looking through the available books I found one that was about an orphan boy who fought in the second world war at the age of fifteen. I knew it was self -published because of the unpolished prose and misspelled words. Nevertheless, I liked the cover photo of the main character in the aged sepia colored army photo. About midway through I found out his daughter had helped him get his story together; and an interesting one it is.

At three years old he was abandoned to an orphanage by his non – caring teenaged mother who was just trying to stay alive during the Great Depression, she herself having been an orphan and having borne him out of wedlock.

In spite of the inconsistencies (which I tried to overlook) the story was compelling, and I began to see it as an exercise in psychology. 

His story is one of an overcomer who became a soldier at the age of fifteen and fought in Second World War.  He also told little stories about having overcome life’s adversities. I suspect that this was the gist of his story as he rambled allot.

As I read with an open mind, I began to fully understand that everyone has a story to tell and the plots are endless – each one unique to the individual.

Since reading that book, I’ve began to see my “friends” at the fishing pier as lost orphans floundering in the vast sea of life.

The Naples pier opened recently from the Covid lockdown, and I went for the second time since it first opened. The first time no – one was there, today, however, nearly everyone was there, Bill, Adrian and his wife, Nelson, Joe, and Jimmy. Frank and Mel were missing. Most were huddled in the shade, under the shelter at the end of the pier – since the day was yet another scorcher.

I said my hellos to everyone and began making my rounds individually. First was Joe, probably one of the best fishermen on the pier – a man who studies the tides, water temperature, wind, and other factors before casting his line. Joe is a former baseball player who played with some of the greats of the game in the minors. Today he goes around with constant pain and takes Ibuprofen daily – I fear for his overuse of this liver destroying medication. He appeared to be happy to see me since the others despise his fishing prowess and rarely talk to him. Joe knows what I’m all about, but he never wants to talk about the things of God changing the subject whenever I begin talking about Him.

Jimmy is the angry one of the crowd and is always complaining about something or someone, a racist to the core. He is the first one I greeted from afar as I approached the group of guys sitting in the shade under the canopy, “Hey Jimmy…..How ya doin?”

Startled, Jimmie looked up and greeted me with a weak smile, something he seldom does to anyone. But I did that to make him feel important. To God – everyone is important, and I know that. I feel sorry for him. Who knows why he has such pent-up anger? What a terrible way to live.

As I sat down next to Bill, I said hi to Adrian, a fellow from Romania whom I’m just getting to know and Nelson the quiet one who seldom converses with anyone and appears to be hiding something. Either that or he is very insecure. Whistling all the time, he reminds me of a song I heard as a child about whistling in the dark when you’re afraid.

Bill, a man in his sixties is a former writer for a music magazine as well as a drummer who played with various rock bands during the seventies. He was born into a privileged family and was Phi Beta Kapa during his University years but somewhere along the line he crossed over to using drugs – even though he initially aspired to become a medical doctor. Since he knows the entertainment business we can talk about films and music endlessly.

Bill is morbidly obese due to health problems and I often offer him a ride home. Even though he only lives a few blocks away, it must be a struggle to get to and from the pier daily. I knew he had been a hard-core atheist and leftist in the past, but I felt that he just didn’t know any better because of the drugs he was abusing. It didn’t take long for him to open up to me because the other guys just looked at him as an oddball and avoided engaging him in any meaningful conversation. I witness to him all the time. 

Our friendship grows stronger each time we meet, and I’ve even gone so far as praying for the poor soul in the car on one of our trips to his apartment. The last time I even gave him my cell number and to him to call me if he ever needed to go the doctor or needed anything 24/7.

Insofar as my faith is concerned, he’s learned to accept it and is happy to have my company.

The one thing they all have in common is that they are like the orphan I mentioned earlier. I see flawed characters everywhere I look, and I can sympathize with each and every one of them on some level since each of us is looking for condolence, peace of mind and assurance that everything is going to be ok. We are like children on ships tossed about in this often-turbulent sea of life, or like orphans in the storm.and are incapable of saving ourselves…… we all need a Father figure – a person who cares, and a savior as well…..

Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life…..Try Him, you’ll be glad you did.


Jim Towers

Write me at jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com check out  www.dropzonedelta.com Warriors following Christ and my updated web page www.propheticsignsandwonders.com.   


By Jim Towers
I drive a new Toyota, and it’s extremely reliable, but the indicator light for a low inflated tire kept coming on even though they all looked good to the naked eye. So, each time the light came on I took it to the dealership. (This has happened twice before in the past year. Yesterday I took it into the dealership once again, this time demanding that something be done to correct the situation. The people there already recognized me, and a couple even know my name. Although we were always cordial toward each other, I was beginning to feel they were giving me the runaround. I thought maybe they just inflated the low tire and sent me on my way with a slow leak rather than fix it once and for all.

In any case, I sat around watching television with a good number of other individuals waiting for the repair to be made. I waited and waited and waited some more, by now I was getting antsy and had to remind myself that everything has a reason for those in the family of God, “All things work together for good to those who love God and are the called according to His purpose.” Finally, after two and a half hours my name was called and the young man led me to a cubicle as if to tell me something in secret.

We sat and he didn’t seem to know where to begin, but after a moment he said “Jim,…we took off the wheels and put each of them in a tank of water – individually. …. None of them needed air and none of them were faulty in the least. We don’t know what to make of it.” Just then it hit me like a ton of bricks, It was a God thing!….I should have known. So when I went outside to pick up my car I reached into the glove box and took out two little red bibles and gave one to the young escort while saying, “ Here kid, with the way things are going your gonna need this, Jesus is coming back soon.” He exclaimed “Thank you sir, thank you.” Then, I remembered the young lady who had been trying to help me move things along and I turned back to see her in her cubicle. I thanked her for all her help and handed the little red book to her saying “Jesus is coming back soon, you’re going to need this.” She thanked me as if she had been thinking along these lines but didn’t know where to look to find out why things have been so abruptly changed in our lives. She thanked me so profusely you’d think I had given her a winning lottery ticket!

While driving home I couldn’t help but think that God had sent me there for the very purpose of delivering His Word to both of them. So, I thanked Him for the privilege of doing so.

The next day was a beautiful Saturday so I headed to the fishing pier (my mission station) to see if they were opened yet. (We had been on lockdown for a month) and sure enough it was, but there very few people fishing and it was 100 degrees out there so I decided to get lunch at Mc Donald’s rather than stand around and bake in the sun.

An older homeless man was sitting on a wooden planter just outside the store. His bicycle was leaning against sign nearby. Two raggedy back packs were lying at the man’s feet they held all his worldly possessions in them. As I passed nearby, he shouted out, “Hey man, how are you doing?” I felt the need to acknowledge him face to face, “I’m doing fine how about you” I asked as I looked at the sunburned man white haired man whose arms were crisscrossed with deep wrinkles throughout them. “My names Fletcher, what’s yours?”, as he reached out to shake hands,
“Jim,….. glad to know you Fletcher.” His big hands were calloused and rough and he still had a good manly grip. “Things could be better.”
“How so.” As I sat next to him, “Tell me about it.”
After a moment to think about it , he replied., “Well I Don’t know why the good Lord above has me alive.” The man’s eyes were beginning to water. Apparently, he doesn’t get this kind of attention too often.
“I jest got out of the hospital…I was dead for three minutes Doctor said I was dead. I heard him say it while lying there dead. I decided to open my eyes and tell him I was alive, and I did,… I said, “No so, doc, I’m alive!… The doctors jaw fell to the floor and they kept me for a couple of days and released me.”
I began witnessing to the man tenderly, but with conviction. “Maybe the Lord want’s to save you.”….
” I know it, …I jest know it!” the man replied.
Before long he was weeping openly and he squeezed my hand harder and harder. “I try and try to be what God wants me to be, but it just doesn’t take.”
I told him that sometimes we just have to pray with our faces to the floor, confessing our sins and calling out to God in the name of Jesus Christ until we get a breakthrough.”
It must have been a revelation to the man – having heard that. His eyes popped open and he replied, “That’s just what I needed to hear, Maybe I should do that!” Thank you, Jim.
I prayed with him still holding my hand as if I were a lifeline directly to God. “God sent you to me ,….God sent you too me …I just know he did, I was calling out to Him when you arrived out of nowhere….Thanks Jim, thanks.
In these turbulent times, everybody who isn’t a Christian is hurting out there. They are searching for answers that only you and I possess.

I went in to get a small order of chicken nuggets and the woman at the counter inexplicably said while handing me my order – “God loves you” although I had never seen her before.

If you have the time for a good read, try this page turner by Michael Medved “God’s Hand on America” Divine providence in the modern era. All true and documented stories about how God intervened in the history of our great nation.

Jim Towers Write me at jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com and check out my website www.propheticsignsandwonders.com. also www.dropzonedelta.com warriors following Christ.

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