Study finds 10 million Muslims have become followers of Christ since 1960.

I recommend you read Joel Rosenberg’s analysis gleaned from the data of a study done by Dr. Duane Alexander Miller, a professor at St. Mary’s University in Texas, and Patrick Johnstone, the editor of Operation World. Joel Rosenberg Blog

From the blog “Their study, published 2015 in the Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Religion (out of Baylor University) examined all the research that has been done on Muslim conversions to Christianity from 1960 to 2010. They carefully analyzed country-by-country data and tried to take special care to weed out double-counting, possible exaggerations, and a range of other issues and variables.”

After reading this I recommend you go here Miraculous Testimonies from an Underground Pastor in the Middle East and watch the interview Joel Richardson has with a pastor (Ali) on the ground and what he is witnessing in the Middle East.

When your done, think about what you just read.

Ask yourself, if Muslims can be shown the Gospel and converted what are you doing in Anytown USA?  We all have family we know are not saved, we all have friends we know are not saved yet we are too timid to share the Gospel to the them.  How weak are we? How small are we making God?  We don’t have a God who is a weakling, who is unable to perform miraculous things, who we should be put into a tiny box in our head.  We have a BIG God who wants us to be bold in our faith.  Many of us place God into a box in our mind, that fits what we want or think he can do, that is wrong.  We are the ones that are small, we need to step outside that box and realize how powerful we can be thru our faith.  The Bible has a multitude of stories about this, but the Book of Daniel comes to mind.

This brings up a secondary issue I see a lot of in some Christian circles,  the FEAR porn being spread around in videos and on some websites.  Its good to know whats going on in the world, that is healthy.  Its also good to know spiritually whats going on, we must be on guard.  What we should not do is fall into the trap of the world is falling and I need to go into my bunker type of mentality.  There world around Daniel was falling, he was taken captive and you know the rest of the story.  He had an attitude we should have, bold in faith.  He knew he had a Big GOD- and everything would be according to plan.  Let’s trust that today also, from politics, to war to disease to persecution.

The verse says “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” –  It doesn’t say some things, it says ALL things.  Trust that.




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