By Jim Towers

After receiving Christ over 45 years ago, my life took on new meaning and purpose -plus a sense of direction. Until then I would have probably been a metallurgist or something akin to that. But after that life changing experience God opened for me – a brand new world of possibilities.

As many of you know, I became a professional actor, artist, and writer with a concern for my fellow man especially as it pertains to salvation.

As time went on, even during times of uncertainty, God also gave me the spirit of fearlessness. Sometimes to the point of recklessness abandon. (I enjoy the freedom to be what I’ve become and all with a sense of adventure as well,) able to do things that most others wouldn’t dare do, like sharing Christ openly and without reservation anywhere and anytime with anyone, even helping someone in spiritual distress or even just picking up hitch hikers – as in “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

And that’s just where I’m headed with this little piece.

In my travels I once picked up a destitute couple walking alongside the road not even bothering to hitchhike anymore. They had walked for miles, and no one would stop to help. The women’s feet were blistered and bleeding from the sharp stones and debris along the roadside. The woman was crying and hobbling from the pain. For many miles no one would stop to give the downtrodden couple a ride. I did. Taking them to the emergency room at the local hospital.

I also picked up a man on the beach whose feet were blistered and raw. It seems he had come down to sunny Florida to get away from the cold up north and not having a place to stay he slept on the beach. The following morning his shoes were missing, and he went for three days barefoot on the hot sand occasionally dipping them in the surf to cool off. I could almost feel the agony he was experiencing from the bloody and blistered feet. I bought him something to eat and took him to a homeless shelter where they treated his feet and then I gave him my cell phone number after buying him a cell phone to call if he needed anything. He called to thank me profusely.

 I’d decided to go fishing yesterday but knowing the Naples fishing Pier was closed for repair again due to the last hurricane I headed toward Marco Island to fish under a huge bridge where I knew there would be a lot of shade since it was getting hotter outside by the moment. Fifteen miles away there was a huge platform under the bridge waiting for me.

I headed south on Collier Blvd. toward Marco. I had only gone a couple of miles when I spotted a person trudging along the sidewalk carrying a huge, overstuffed backpack, the small person was bent over and was struggling under the load while shifting it. The straps biting into the persons shoulders.

I made a vow to myself to never let a person walk in the blazing heat of the Florida sun. So, this had become a habit for me. But because I had gathered speed to get to my destination, I passed the individual and had to make a u – turn when I could find a lane to be able to do so.

In the meantime, the young woman feeling faint was crying out to God “Please Lord send someone to give me a ride, ….I can’t go on any longer, I can barely stand.” the young lady sobbed with tears running down her cherry red cheeks. She had just broken up with her boyfriend and was on her way to stay with relatives, fifteen miles away. “I’m sending an emissary for you,…just hold on.”

The girl was about to collapse when I got to her and shouted through the open passenger side window. Not wanting her to reconsider and “Come on, get in here!” while opening the door for her. “Put your backpack behind the seat” I ordered as I pulled the back of the seat forward.

Reluctantly she did as I asked, knowing she had no choice. The young lady had a blouse wrapped around her head to ward off the hot sun in a turban fashion. She looked over at me and scrutinized me carefully – this was the first time she had ever taken a ride from a stranger and the way things were going in this country she was scared.

To allay her fears, I turned up the radio a bit since I always have it tuned to “oldies but goodies”. There was a soothing song playing something on the order of “Bridge over troubled waters”. She began to calm down but couldn’t stop staring at me – looking for a clue as to my character and motives.

 “I told you I would send someone. Jim is one of my loyal servants he will do you no harm.”

“Is he an angel?”

“No, he’s just one of my emissaries who tries to be available whenever and wherever I need him.”

 At that, the girl looked into my eyes as if peering into my soul. Her clear blue eyes (from crying) were still trying to discern what manner of man I was. She knew man to be cold and calculating. Again and again, she gazed at me in wonder as we made a little small talk. (I tried not to alarm her by trying not to be talkative as we sped down the highway.) Now was not the time to be evangelical as God had already proven Himself to her, that would be enough for today.

I dropped her off at her destination, she thanked me, and we said our goodbyes. Then I continued off for a day of fishing. I would soon be there for a day of fresh air under the breezy and shady bridge but had forgotten that my rod was fractured from a slamming it in my tailgate so when I threw it out the upper half just flew right off. A young Cuban man had been watching me struggle with the broken rod. He came over and handed me a Penn fishing rod and reel (one of the best) with high quality and costly braided line. I was flabbergasted and asked twice “For me to keep?! Are you sure you want to do this?” He answered yes. I guess the adage holds true “What goes around comes around.” Better yet, it was God’s way of thanking me for helping the young lady earlier in the day.

I tell these stories not to seek recognition, but that you may see how rewarding it is to serve God and our fellow man. “Thou shall love the Lord thy God with all thine heart soul and mind and thy neighbor as thyself.”

Incidentally my book titled “Visions, Miracles, Peace and Power” is rife with personal stories such as these and much more and it is now available on eBooks. I have a new website with the same name and I can now also be found on You Tube as well !!!


Jim Towers

Write me at jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com or visit me at www.dropzonedelta.com. or my own new and up dated website, www.propheticsignsandwonders.com.


By Jim Towers

Years ago, we met in a bank in Austin Texas where I stopped to ask directions. You were there with a Spanish speaking girlfriend. I was looking for a certain address where an audition was taking place. You hooked your arm in mine me and said, “Come on I’ll show you exactly where the address is. My name is Amber Heard, what is yours?” I answered, “Jim Towers is mine.” 

The auditions were taking place about two blocks away from the bank. I remember us talking about the acting profession as we walked. We found the auditions right away. I left my headshot and if I remember rightly, you had a photo taken too. This must have been your first attempt at auditioning.

As I perused the internet last night looking for something about Johnny there you were – speaking perfect Spanish. I’ll never forget the beautiful young lady who spoke Spanish. Your bio said something about you doing work with displaced children and right now I’m looking for a cause to become involved in. Maybe yours is it.

Years later I became a screen writer, and a would-be director with one film that was shown on cable tv.. I also wrote a screenplay that went on to become a blockbuster.  

Maybe we can salvage your career with something worthwhile. (I have a few screenplays to exploit or maybe I could even write a screenplay specifically for you.) I am also a contributing writer for two Christian websites and urge you to seek God’s face in your time of trouble.

If I can be of help in any way, please let me know. I shall be praying for you.

Incidentally, I just wrote an open letter to Johnny, out of concern for his well-being. (I appeared as a cab driver in one of his last 21 Jump Street TV shows) Johnny was shy then, so we didn’t talk much. You can find the open letter on www.propheticsignsandwonders.com.    

Please write me, we appear to have many things in common. You must have been going through hell lately with the divorce proceedings. I feel so bad for both of you.

I have a book on eBooks titled “Visions, Miracles, Peace and Power” it’s a deeply spiritual book about my life in the movie business after my second divorce.

For whatever reason God has seen fit to re-acquaint us once again. 

May the God of peace heal you and keep you forever.


Jim Towers


By Jim Towers

Having read “Rules for Radicals”, and it reads like the devil’s playbook. A favorite of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and most liberals; I am aware of their radicalized tactics, the author having been a criminal himself.  

Apparently, God has given many of them over to a reprobate mind just like He said He would if they didn’t repent of their wicked mindset, and unsavory lifestyle, which is – most notably – lying, deceit and sexual perversion. An aberration that is only the tip of the iceberg.

You can’t have a rational discussion with them about anything lest they pout, sputter and even cry. Operating on misguided emotions they scream and stomp away mad if you get the upper hand. That’s why it’s better to just not pay attention to them. Like Jesus said, “Don’t cast your pearls before swine lest they turn and rend you.” (I presume he was talking about pearls of wisdom.) They also care more about the environment than human life. Something is wrong where you value inanimate things above human life while claiming to be honest and benevolent. They inevitably lie and steal more than others.

Since Liberals took over our government the country has been in sharp decline. The mental institutions have been emptied out only to give rise to corruption in the high places these mentally challenged people now occupy and so now thy spy on conservatives and have them jailed for minor offences. Free speech is becoming a thing of the past. If liberals in control of the government can take guns out of law-abiding citizens hands, our nation is doomed. Americans owning guns are the only thing keeping them and foreign communists at bay. Nevertheless, they are feverishly working to find a way to do so even as we speak. If that happens, then, like the people in Australia, (who had their guns confiscated a few years ago) we will become a totalitarian state much like them.

Still though, many of liberals claim (erroneously) that they are “Christians” just because they were born in this country – or so they say as in the case of Barack Obama. Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the liberals say they are practicing Christians, (usually Catholics) who can’t tell a pedophile priest from a ceramic statue. But as the Bible says, “By their fruits you shall know them.” They claim to believe in God.  But “The devil also believes – and trembles” as well he and they should.

Some liberals also believe that it’s also ok to sexually abuse children. But the Bible warns of the consequences of such acts. Children are the greatest gift our Divine Creator could ever bestow on us and yet they take them for granted or even a sexual plaything these days. But the bible says that they are a gift from God. Isn’t that like spitting in Gods face. How incredibly stupid.

To them I say, don’t you realize that you will stand before your Creator one day to give account for even every idle word you’ve uttered.? How much more the small but precious child you would destroy or abuse? It would be better to never have been born at all, since those who would harm a child will untimely face God’s wrath. Jesus said, “it is better that a mill stone be tied around the neck of such people and be thrown into the deepest ocean.” Have you no fear of almighty God?! It might be a good idea to see an exorcist as soon as possible.

Creeping into the church is Progressive “woke” ignorant or nominal “Christians” who are condoning same sex marriage and the transgender lifestyle. Which in Gods eyes is sinful. Men sleeping together, in a sickening bed smelling of obscene odors and women committing unspeakable beastly acts that even animals will not partake of. To them I would ask, “Have you no fear of God?”

Some of them think they can avoid judgement because they deny the God who made them. As the Bible says, “the fool has said in his heart there is no God” yet they are surrounded by all manner of concrete evidence surrounding them, plus the Bible says that “The heavens declare His Glory.”

 “God is not mocked, for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap”. Such people will soon, after the Tribulation period – (which is about to break,) will be alive to see Him coming in the sky, to deal with the ungodly afterward. Then their indifferent laughter and shrugs will turn to absolute terror as He arrives.

These creatures of the night are descending on Disney World in Orlando to raise hell and to look for children to abduct during pride month. They are even brazen enough to tell normal people to their faces, “We’re coming after your children.” (The podesta brothers may well be with them.) So, if you must go there, please leave your children at home.  

Everywhere you look these evil people have taken over. Corrupt politicians, lawyers, teachers, scientists, judges, hear this! God is no respecter of persons. None of these people can justify their wicked lifestyles. Those not saved by the grace of God through Jesus Christ will face the judgement of the all-consuming fire of God’s wrath.

Where do they think Adolf Hitler and his henchmen and Stalin and Pol Pot are – even as we speak? They are writhing from the pain of the fire of God – they so richly deserve.  If ever there was a time to get your act together my friend, – it is now. Tomorrow is promised to no-one. Life is short and will soon be over, but we will all face eternity living somewhere. I therefore would urge you to repent.

Last night I watched an hour long You Tube video featuring dialogue between Justin Peterson and Dennis Prager, the Jewish writer and radio personality. It was life affirming. Both men are scholarly, in their respective fields. Justin is a Clinical Psychologist and Dennis is a writer whose books I’ve read in the past and while neither of them preach they both make a strong case for the truths of the Bible and the idea of God. (I will be writing to each of them shortly.)

It was good to see young college aged people listening to the two men exchange ideas and refer to the Bible. Unlike the Billy Graham crusades of the past, these two men’s words carry weight, and they are worth listening to, but they didn’t go far enough – stopping just short of delivering the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Book report.                              

In a book written by Christopher B. Miller with Ted Royer titled “Secretary Soldier” this man who was referred to as “Soldier Secretary” serving under President Trump as his Secretary of Defense says this about liberals. “After left wing liberals gutted entire cities, killed dozens of American citizens, and inflicted billions of dollars in property damages throughout 2020, politicians’ tearful remembrances reeked of disingenuousness. But the absurd spectacle served a very specific purpose: to justify the ever-increasing concentration of power of our corrupt and incompetent political elite.” – I concur.


Jim Towers            Write me at jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com or visit me at www.dropzonedelta.com. or my own website, www.propheticsignsandwonders.com.


(When will someone do something?)

By Jim Towers

I had a dream a few days ago where military generals in the U.S. were at last acting on behalf of the American people. They had been laying plans to arrest and bring to justice all the corrupt leaders of our country for transgressing our constitutional rights and laws. They did so with the authority afforded them in our constitution after having taken the oath quoted below.

An individual, except the President, elected or appointed to an office of honor or profit in the civil service or uniformed services, shall take the following oath: “I, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So, help me God.” 

The armed forces of the United States – the Army, the Air Force, the Navy, the Marines, and the Reserves, have all taken that oath. They answer to the American people, and it is their responsibility to keep us safe from our enemies – including domestic corrupt leaders.

The dream like a scene in a movie went like this.  

The transition from the (black fade out) to the next scene (fade in) begins with a military cadence (sounding like) shuffling of boots on hard concrete pavement. Tramp, tramp, tramp.

From high above I could see a column of soldiers in uniform marching up to the front of a government building.  At the foot of the steps leading to the entrance the commander leading the column of smartly dressed soldiers (numbering about two hundred) march up the marble steps – prepared to arrest the many communists, subversives, and criminals within in the building.

At the top of the steps the commander shouts “Present Arms!” The soldiers obey and holding their arms in the ready position they continue the march while breaking rank and spreading out in various directions hunting down the enemies of the country – (while maintaining a jogging shuffle) – hunting for our supposed leaders. Tramp, tramp, tramp.

I saw this scenario from above the trees lining the entranceway. It was being played out with the government building surrounded by an armored division backing up the marching column of soldiers. Then the short ended.

In awakening I wondered why the president himself does not have to take this oath – but then I remembered that he does have to take an oath of office much like the one quoted above. (Except for President Obama who is said to have taken his oath on the Koran.) which is nothing more than a declaration of war against Christians and Jews.  

However, in our world today, taking political oaths is old fashioned and out of style. Everyone seems to be on the take while the righteous are under the delusion that things will right themselves out eventually.

Then I woke up to the harsh reality that we might not have men in the military capable and willing of such heroics. It may take some doing, since these corrupt leaders are unlikely to leave their positions of power willingly. The above-mentioned scenario may have to take place if we are to continue to be a nation of freedom-loving people.

The founding fathers were realists and instinctively knew that, once in power a man is hard pressed to hold on to that power at any cost even of others suffering for their actions.

Take for example – the delivery of billions of dollars loaded on pallets and delivered in the dead of the night (without the consent of Congress) by President Obama to Iran to further their nuclear program thereby aiding our sworn enemy.

After stopping oil drilling in our country, (thereby raising prices) Joe Biden, then sold our oil reserves to Communist China on the cheap. Until then our country was able to sell oil to other countries, helping to lower our national debt. He has, (according to Congress) also taken million-dollar bribes from China and Ukraine and at present he is being held hostage for armaments to fund a catastrophic war between the same, caring not that this action could spark a Third Word War.

American Trains continue to lose their precious cargo of chemicals through suspicious means of derailments and outright theft in the middle of the night. The head of transportation in our country is a sodomite who couldn’t care less about our well-being, much like Barney Frank did in the nineties while many in our country lost their homes and the economy struggled to remain afloat. Barney was running a gay brothel from his basement. Such people are sick and evil. Also, in the current administration there are men who think they are women and delusional women who think they are men, plus there are Godless atheists whose words are worthless and who are just plain crooks. Albeit there are far more liberals on this evil side of the spectrum. While I can’t predict what God will do about our country (whom He once blessed), it is almost certain that our leaders will soon reap what they have sown.

As they say, “I should have stayed in bed” as the chest pain got worse and worse.

I had to go to the hospital that day, and my nurse Victoria, (who speaks with a heavy accent introduced herself) so I asked where she was from, she answered “Russia”. Knowing that we’ve been told about Russia being a Godless nation. I asked how she liked the USA. She replied, (with no prompting) “I love and miss Russia.”  I was flabbergasted – to say the least. Then I asked if there were any Christians left in that country, she replied that they were indeed a Christian country and that there were many of us there. I knew that wasn’t true, but we Americans say the same thing about ourselves- all the time.  In any case, she also said that Putin was a very good man and that everyone loved him. What?! To top it all off, when I asked about the war with Ukraine, she said that war was all about money and that Zelensky was an evil man. Her final words were that Joe Biden was a complete liar and that he and Zelensky were in cahoots with one another. Then she had to leave to care for others.

This then confirmed my dream; that Joe is indeed crooked and is in cahoots with Zelensky and everyone knows it – but still they continue to lie.

While I was wondering about all of this, another younger nurse came in to tell me she was going to take over for the night. I guessed that she was a Haitian and a Christian and told her so. She replied that she indeed was and was astonished that I knew. Then I asked (since she had said she was a Christian) if she was ready for the rapture, to which she answered, “What is that?” I explained this phenomenon to her. Then when I asked what denomination, she belonged to, she answered “none – I’m just a Christian.”  Realizing she was a Christian in name only, I explained some things about the rapture and the signs preceding it. When I pointed out all the signs to her, she agreed with me whole heartedly about the varied signs surrounding us. I told her she should begin reading the Bible. To which she agreed whole heartedly. She continued to ask for more information and was astonished at what I had to say. Then, after giving her my card, she finally left with hesitation, having to care for others in the ward.  

Was that the reason God had for my being there at this moment in time? I don’t know, but I relish these encounters – expecting that they will be a blessing to others – many of which barely know the basics of the Bible.

The doctor said I was good to go. So, I guess my day wasn’t so bad after all!


Jim Towers                           

You can write me at jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com or visit me at www.dropzonedelta.com or at my website www.propheticsignsandwonders.com  



By Jim Towers

Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed, saying,let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath and vex them in his sore displeasure. Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion.I will declare the decree: the Lord hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee. Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession.Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel. Be wise now therefore, O ye kings be instructed, ye judges of the earth. Serve the Lord with fear and rejoice with trembling. Kiss the son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.

When I read this, I naturally thought of today’s world at large and especially our own beloved country – the United States of America – once the light of the world in terms of Christian works. Our country was founded on the Christian principles found in the Bible. That is why God chose to bless our country with great abundance and individual freedoms.

There were truly “born again” Christians in great abundance who truly tried to live a productive if not an exemplary life under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

There were also professing Christians who attended church meetings on a regular basis but were too timid to do anything about it except to study scriptures but not follow it’s dictates.

Then there were agnostic Christians who were not sure about the existence of God.

Over time things have changed in that the balance. The agnostic faction has been growing steadily and the atheistic faction has exploded to the point that we can no longer be referred to as a Christian Nation. It seems that Satan has a stranglehold on our nation these days. White is black and black is white while lies and deceit, corruption and murder rule the day.

Even our DOJ and FBI and news organization have become tools of the corrupt political establishment. Insider trading, something that both Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton were made rich from participating in has become the norm. While the governed populous just follows suit and we have become a nation of takers rather than the open-handed givers we once were.

As time wore on, and with too much free time on our hands, we became slothful, and eventually corrupt, especially as it concerns our political leaders. Some saw politics as a way to enlarge their bank accounts and nothing more. The best liars often won their positions of power. Constituents be damned.  

Thus, heathen and inept people have taken over our once great county and today – we even have some in power who can’t even define what a woman is, and many are on the take. Criminality and lies are the norm.

As a matter of fact, even the usurper of the title of President of the US and his family have skimmed millions of dollars from our enemies in exchange for inside information and political gain. One of these is usurper Joe Biden who is willing to engage in open warfare with Russia or anyone else to deflect attention from the money he and his family have made by gleaning millions of dollars from our enemies through bribery and influence peddling. He is even willing to do so at the expense of other people’s lives. This man nor his son show any contrition or remorse for their corrupt deeds. They have no morals and integrity whatever.

Today, chaos rules the streets. Mass shootings by crazed people now includes women bearing arms. Transgenders rule. Satan worship is on the rise. Even our once sacred constitution is falling apart at seams – Satan is now in charge.

The United States leads the world in pornography, sexual deviancy, and pedophilia. Human trafficking is also on the rise. Corruption prevails. To try to live a life of integrity is going to become ever harder and harder as the rapture draws ever closer.

As if that weren’t enough to cause sleepless nights to the majority, soon tax collectors will be showing up on your doorstep to collect overdue taxes with gun in hand; rest assured that someone is going to get killed because of this reckless behavior by the government. If things continue in this way our way of life will be no more. The only one’s dancing in the streets will be the demented and perverse rejoicing in their victory over a sane but timid population.

God seldom imposes His will on anyone, but I suspect His patience has worn thin and soon all hell will break loose in America. By the time you read this, Joe Biden and his den of thieves should have been indited for corruption if not treason.

Incidentally, I listened to a speech given by Tucker Carlson to the Heritage Foundation and every word he uttered was true. He was speaking for the common man who only wants to live out his life with the freedom to care and provide for his family without abject government interference.

As time goes on, the things that many of us news junkies knew or suspected about insider trading and political corruption are coming to light. Remember for instance the “Laptop from Hell” I wrote about over two years ago and highlighted that fiasco again about six months ago? Well, it seems the FBI and the Justice Department had been sitting on this information for at least two years or more! How can they justify having done such a thing? If there is a shred of justice left in our country these people should be jailed for being complicit in this subversion of justice.

I am presently reading a fascinating book about communist moles having infiltrated the FBI and CIA. and will share what I learn from it in a subsequent article.

In the meantime, I am preparing my manuscript/book for introduction on eBooks. The title is “Visions, Miracles, Peace, and Power.”


Jim Towers               

You can write me at jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com or visit my website www.propheticsignsandwonders.com or visit me at www.dropzonedelta.com.


The title of my latest article was “As it was in the days of Noah”. Yesterday I went to the nearest Publix supermarket to get some ready-made Cole slaw to go with the fish and chips we were having for supper. I sometimes have arthritic pain in my hips, so I rode one of the battery powered carts provided for their customers.

While I was checking out, I noticed a carry out boy yawning at the end of the isle next to the one I was in. Since I try to talk to everyone that captures my attention, I said to him. “That’s what you get for staying up late playing video games”, he was startled, and looked at me as if to say, “How did you know?” Well, I’m not a psychic nor a prophet, I just love people and try to be friendly – but more than that it’s common knowledge that most young men do just that.

In any case, he followed me out of the store to retrieve the cart I rode out to my Chevy S10. “Are you really a writer?” he asked, noticing my cap with “Writer” emblazoned on the front. The young man continued, “I want to be a writer someday.”

“Well then, you’d better learn the English language as best you can and practice, practice, practice.” I added, “By the way I just finished writing a book about my days as a professional character actor in movies.

We made small talk when he said something to the effect that Hollywood was becoming an evil place, to which I responded, the whole world is becoming more and more evil than ever before and stated my reasons for thinking that way. Once or twice, he began to object saying, “It’s always been that way.” I agreed, but then I added a few obvious anomalies to back up what I had said.

We reached my truck and before I began witnessing him. Then I inadvertently looked at his name tag. It read “Noah”!

Immediately, I said “As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of Man be.” I recounted a little of the bible story and just as I was about to lead him to Christ a man pulled up and cut me short by asking where the nearest hardware store was. I gave Noah my card and told him to check out my latest article on Rapture Ready, and If he did as I told him, he would have come across my article, “As it was in the days of Noah”! Was that (as hippies would say,) serendipity, coincidence or what?  

The man looking for a hardware store showed up just in time to thwart our conversation. So now, I will have to see Noah again, present the Gospel and give him a bible.

Book report,

It’s good to know that Major Garcia (an excellent writer) has co-authored a book with our prophecy expert Terry James. – I will have to order it and see what these powerful men of God have to say.

Also, I just finished reading “This is/was CNN), by Kent Heckenlively and Cary Poarch which was about Cary (a whistleblower) who wore a wire and recorded conversations at CNN that exposed the rampant political bias reported by Project Veritas – having to do with the election of Joe Biden. It turns out that many in that organization were perverts as well as liars and adulterers who interfered in the presidential election. Corrupt CNN was deeply immersed in phony and biased information bringing them down to now – big lying – nothing burger.

Perry Stone never appealed to me; I always viewed him as a handsome hot shot – self-promoting televangelist, but I bought a used book of his written six years ago. The title of the book was “Nightmare along Pennsylvania avenue” and I was glad I did. (Early on I said I was neither a clairvoyant nor a prophet but just a guy from the block.) Nevertheless, as I began reading, which I do every night at bedtime along with the bible, – to digest what I read as I sleep and low and behold, that man can write good! Best of all was that he espoused many of the same things I believed about the political and spiritual landscape of the United States and everything in between. All that he said in the book would happen six years ago has happened! Albeit we of his ilk also saw these things beginning to take shape at that same time but he lays all the who’s and whys precisely which takes an enormous amount of research.

I was blown away like a feather. Obviously, this man is gifted (I just wished he’s quit cranking his neck the way he does to exude cockiness and confidence.)

Now on to my incredible story, “Dreams, Visions, Miracles, Peace and Power.” I really can’t explain why I wrote this story of my life, but I suppose that it was because so many of us Christians were apathetic couch and pew potatoes back when I began writing – and I wanted to encourage them to be more evangelical. On top of that I wanted to let them know that God always has the back of anyone who dares to buck the system and stand up for His kingdom come hell or high water. Reading my book, you will find that began sharing my testimony with others the day after my conversion over forty-five years ago.

After the vision and subsequent encounter with Satan I felt that it was my calling to reach out to others knowing that many people were hell bound.

Today, I am preparing to share my story on eBooks and eventually in book form, and frankly I am tired of all the work it entailed, so I thought I’d buy a little rowboat and go fishing for the rest of my life. But as I see all the grievous happenings in our country and around the world, I’ve decided to end my life fighting the good fight instead – come hell or highwater. Now is not the time to quit, especially as we see the rapture of the church about to take place and the time of tribulation about to set in.


In my book I also share my many supernatural miracles, dealings with the unsaved and the ethereal encounters of others who experienced angels, ghosts, demon possession and UFO sightings. I am glad I never had to experience such things.

It was enough to have God speak to me in an unmistakable audible voice with coherent words.


Jim Towers                                   Write me at jt.filmmaker.@yahoo.com or visit me at my own website www.propheticsignsandwonders.com or  www.dropzonedelta.com.


By Jim Towers

NOTE: I wrote this on 3/1/2023

We recently had a wildfire nearby that consumed many acres of woodland and two houses, plus we lost the internet for three days running, and even as I write this observation, it is still not up.  

Although I’ve learned to take most inconveniences in stride, this happening couldn’t have come at a more inconvenient time since my book is in the final stages of completion. And being a news hound, I miss it greatly. I imagine a lot of other people feel the same way.

Now imagine what an EMP attack would do to society if the internet went down throughout the country for any length of time. Utter chaos. One of our enemies could just wait a few months until our food supply dried up and we were dying off in great numbers. Then they could overtake the land – live in our houses, regrow crops and finally use our streets for transportation. 

Every evening after supper I go into my man cave and begin to scour the internet. First is local news, then the Drudge report, for world news. Next is Rapture Ready, for news around the world that affects us Christians in various ways. I thank God for Todd S. and Martin R. of Drop Zone Delta, the originators of these two God inspired services and for Todd’s insight concerning the state of Christianity in his daily news reports.

The above stated is one of many ways our obese, complacent, and dumbed down country could be taken over by any one of our many enemies. We, being consumed by sports, car races and such will be too preoccupied with carnal pleasure to notice or even care. Yes, I know God is in control, but should we just sit back and overindulge on things that don’t matter? We have let our enemies into the country and even let subversives and sexual deviants in government run it into the ground.

Last week we had a train derailment just north of Sarasota. This was the third one in less than a month here in the United States. Luckily there wasn’t a chemical spill that had to be burned off causing poisonous gases to permeate the immediate landscape. A rational person would have to think “Hey there’s something funny going on here….duhh.” (Maybe it’s just a diversionary tactic to take our minds off more important things, like the Biden – Laptop from Hell.)

But then there are other possibilities, like actual terrorists trying to burn California to the ground with its frequent wildfires. Funny how these fires happen one after another in the Golden state that isn’t so golden after all. If fires don’t destroy it Maybe Governor Gavin Newsome will. That good looking man is as smooth as …….you fill it in..

Then on top of all this we are having to chase around Chinese Communist spy balloons and actual UFO’s, and I mean real ones too.

Every day now the Airforce is chasing these anomalies through the skies, and they just zoom off – full throttle – what are they? Could they actually be “angels” from other planets or other dimensions sent from God to spy on us? They obviously mean us no harm since the could have already consumed us with deadly ray guns. But why bother when they must have luxurious homes to go back too with turbo vehicles that can really burn rubber.

In my soon to be released book, I write about a sighting that occurred in Davie Florida that occurred in broad daylight in which a group of about six UFOs appeared in the sky about seventy feet on the air flying in a wide arch and passing a certain point one by one as if in formation from East.to West at about two miles per hour. The shape of each one was like a chariot wheel and appeared to be grey in color – they were about six to eight  feet in circumference and when they turned slowly they twisted into a boomerang and flew out of sight. I think I still have the video  somewhere among my possessions.

I say all this, to ask; Is time running out for America? Has God seen enough to turn His love to hate? Abortion is the lowest form of evil that man can commit, and the numbers are staggering. Childbirth is God’s greatest gift to mankind, a way of letting man participate in the creation of mankind, and this by making love! What a wonderful God we serve.

Today, 3/10/2023

Another train crash happened today, and now heavy rain in California is causing flooding and severe power outages affecting thousands of people there. If I were a superstitious sort of person I would attribute it to God’s fury. A righteous fury to that Godless abortion loving state and it’s many sodomites and pedophiles, something they fully deserve.

This comes at a time when the liberal government and it’s ruthless criminals are being found to be against the rest of the American people in trying to suppress free speech. Congressman Jim Jordan is going after these lying criminals in government everyday now. And even award winning  Democrat Journalists are admitting it to congress. (They had better watch their backs now since Democrats are seething and they could be Hillaried any day now.

Not only that but now that the videos of the J6 ers are coming out we are finding that the narrative doesn’t fit the factual video’s! The poor mentally challenged guy wearing the strange getup and sporting the horns on his head was found to be peace loving conservative who even prayed for the white house cops who led the way for him to enter Nancy Pelosi’s office, plopping his feet on her desk. Obama did this all the time while in the oval office smoking a cigar even. (Man, how liberals love power over others.) And in the last reported video the poor veteran with PTS was calling for calm in font of the masses saying “ We are Maga, a peace loving people. We are not antifa! NO VIOLENCE PLEASE! on his megaphone. Three years in jail is a long time.

Things are heating up now and the democrats are quitting their posts and remaining silent. I suspect some will even be leaving the country to go live with their Communist friend in Communist countries taking their ill-gotten gain with them.

This is just the tip of the ice burg. There is much more deception to be revealed in the days ahead. “In the meantime, keep looking up for your redemption draweth nigh”


Jim Towers

Write me at jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com or visit my website www.propheticsignsandwonders.com or www.dropzonedelta.com


By Jim Towers

Godless Joe Biden who claims to be a Catholic, sent billions more to the Ukraine in blackmail money.

Zelensky is blackmailing old Joe and son Hunter over (lest we forget the dealings of Burisma) This corrupt administration hopes to cover up the illicit business dealings Joe had with Ukraine.

If this corrupt father and son were to admit to receiving the millions that were paid to them over the years, thousands of people wouldn’t have to die in the present war with Russia. But to keep these dealings under wraps Joe Biden keeps giving Zelensky the billions he asks for to keep his mouth shut, thereby sentencing thousands to death in the heat of war. The right thing for Joe to do is to confess, and the war would probably come to a screeching halt.

The problem with confession is that then Joe and his son would have to face justice. (That is if there is such a thing left in this country, – and we all know the price a person used to pay for treason.)

Thus, in desperation, Joe is giving Zelensky anything he wants to keep him from revealing their shady dealings.

The Democrats and Rino’s don’t want to open up this can of worms either, since many of them are on the take as well. And so, this fiasco has been put on the back burner and there is much resistance in getting at the truth. It is like pulling teeth – but eventually the truth will come out because there is just too much overt in your face evidence.

In the meantime, Zelensky not only wants money, but for us us to send troops to die in that God forsaken country, a “country” that was once Russian but until the war began, they had been led by a corrupt left wing communist government much like our own.

The Biden family doesn’t seem to care that men women and children are dying, and instead are ramping up the war in the hope that Americans will forget about their families corrupt business dealings with Zelensky.

But that’s not all, they also had dealings with the Communist Chinese as well. The Chinese would give them millions for absolutely nothing more than letting them infiltrate our country to garner information and trade secrets, – and that openly and with open arms.

During Trumps administration he put a quick stop to the communist infiltration.     

The last I heard is that Communist China was producing Fenatyl and delivering it through the drug cartels into the United States to make drug addled zombies of us. (The same thing the Japanese did to China in the late thirties and forties, except that they used opium to cripple that society.)

President Obama attended Jerimiah Wright’s racist and Godless church for over twenty years. The last I heard of him was when he said, “God Damn America” and it seems that Muslim Communist Barry Soetoro, (AKA Barack Hussein Obama) took that admonition literally, with the Fast and furious debacle and other more discreet subversions against America also allowing CAIR to infiltrate and demand Sharia Law. (I always thought this Muslim man might just be the long-awaited antichrist, and we haven’t heard the last of him.)

Doing a background check on that evil man I learned of his many communist friends and cohorts that helped him get elected to the highest office in the land.

Thank God the crack smoking lesbian Democrat, mayor Lightfoot lost her bid for re-reelection in Chicago – which is one of the most corrupt cities in the nation. The Governor of New York and his brother also bit the dust when they were deemed rapists and corrupt individuals. I suspect that many more politicians will soon fall from grace as well.

This is all happening to our detriment and slow demise. God’s scales of justice are tipped in favor of heavy-handed retribution. We are getting what we deserve.

On the other hand, a revival is taking place on collage campuses, but it may be too little too late. Nevertheless, at least some are being saved from their sins and from what is to come.

God bless America! ……No, I say – God help America!

Book review.

In the book “Presidential Takedown” by Dr. Paul Alexander and Kent Heckenlively, JD, expose Deep State corruption at the highest levels of government. Below is just the tip of the iceberg taken from this book.

“None of us in the bureaucracy wanted Trump” they’d say, sweeping a hand across the room. That’s how they referred to themselves not as the “Deep State” but as the bureaucracy, which sounds as terrifying as anything George Orwell might have written.

It shocked me when I was told, “And we in the bureaucracy are dedicated to make his life a living hell.” When Americans watch the evening news, all they’ll see is another day of the country not working under this president. Ungovernable, unmanageable, chaotic, infections going up and up. Americans will want anyone, but Trump and we are doing it, for we have CDC, and NIH and FDA working for us. We have Fauci with us, we have Birx with us. How could he win? Our job is to make the pandemic response appear to be a disaster, and we coordinate roughly every day across the different agencies to make it look that way and achieve the goal.”

Indeed, how could anyone stand up under that kind of evil pressure when in reality they should have been concerned for the safety and well being of the populous, a time when many were actually dying from the “poke” and fake – demic.


Jim Towers

You can write me at- jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com  or visit me at my website at  

www.propheticsignsandwonders.com  or www.dropzonedelta.com




By Jim Towers

I used to read comic books as a kid and learned to love reading as a child. Today I read voraciously to know what’s going on in the secular world and read the bible daily to know about the spiritual world as well.

In the early Superman comic books, there was a period when Superman (if I remember right) encountered or entered the bizarro world in which the characters were, for lack of a better word demonic or demon possessed. Today such behavior is becoming the norm in our country. I think this story line was where “The Joker” was introduced. He was always hell bent to do evil and was followed by “The Penguin” (kind of reminds me of one of the members of Biden’s administration.) The rest are other assorted quacks, a man who thinks he’s a woman, and wears a blond wig and lipstick, a man who lies with a man thinking he’s a woman, radical women who act like radical men and would destroy the country that welcomed them with open arms, gave the sustenance, a roof over their heads and last – but not least – freedom from oppression.

From all appearances that motley group of people are trying their best to destroy our Christian country which President Barack Obama openly said wasn’t a Christian country at all! “Muslims had helped to build it.”

Hate Speech!?? No, – I just beg to differ. If anyone knows history then they know that Muslims in the early stages of our country were pirate’s roaming the open sea and taking black people captive to become slaves, while earnest Christians were forming the laws that govern this land. Yes, admittedly, some so called Christians were and still capable of inhumane atrocities but all in all the folks that wrote the laws were decent people, yet sometimes all too human.

Do you remember when right was right and wrong was wrong, black was black and white was white, men were men and women were women and sin was sin?

Today many people have forgotten that word and some even want to deny that sin even exists. The definition of sin is going against the rules of conduct set down by Almighty God – the God of the Holy Bible. The Ten Commandments can be said to be that standard.


  1. Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
  2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven images.
  3. Thou shalt not take the Lord’s name in vain.
  4. Thou shalt remember to keep the Sabbath day Holy.
  5. Thou shalt honor thy father and mother that thou shall live a long life.
  6. Thou shalt not kill.
  7. Thou shalt not steal.
  8. Thou shalt not commit adultery.
  9. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s house.
  10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife nor his possessions.

Say what you will about it not being necessary to follow those rules of conduct, but Jesus said he came to fulfil that law and that not one jot nor tittle would be removed from it. But that was in reference to His fulfilling that law for us not for us to break it but to fulfill it ourselves with help of the Holy Spirit.

Given free reign men will almost always choose the aberrant way of seeing and doing things.

Back during two Democrat administrations mental institutions were closed and mentally sick people were put out into the streets of America to fend for themselves by going to clinics across America and taking pills, (benefiting big pharma) to deal with their maladies. Did they also hope to garner voters?……Just asking.)

In any case, they became stooges for the Democrat party at first but after decades they stealthily infiltrated all our public institutions. Today they even lord it over us by their entrance in government. Some are nothing more than enablers. While others are outright criminals and liars. Pedophilia, lies, one of the more sordid mental sicknesses pervades Washing D.C, and many in power. Sexual perversion tops the list.

To say that men can give birth to babies and women can outdo anything a man can do and just because a man wears a wig, applies lipstick and wears high heels doesn’t make him a woman. And when a woman has her breasts removed and tries to grow a moustache doesn’t make her a man either. Sad to say, but this perverse way of thinking is dominating our country today. Men lying with men and women lying with woman to do that which is against nature.

Jesus said, “as it was in the days of Noah so shall it be at the coming of the Son of Man. Noah was the only righteous person on the face of the known world then and it grieved God that he had made man. Mankind at that time were hell bent on breaking Gods laws which were “written in their hearts by their conscience that God put there to rein in their aberrant behavior.  But still they insisted on having their own way and doing what they knew to be wrong.

During Noah’s time sexual perversion, was number one on their list of abnormalities, lying, cheating, stealing, killing and deceit also became the norm.

Are you beginning to see a pattern there?

Sorry to say, but we here in America have reached the apex of deviant behavior. Sin is rampant in our society. No one can be trusted to do the right thing. Lying is the norm and is practiced by many including government. Hillary Clinton mis-spoke (lied) all the time.

Christians are called to be light in the world, the salt of the earth. If our light diminishes and we lose our flavor, then we will inevitably be trampled underfoot. We are called to be a peculiar people not normal everyday sinners devoid of God’s laws.

Book review.

Today, with the advent of computers, anyone can write a book. The uneducated, the lawless, the fool; even the far out left and the weird as well.  

Take for example the book I picked up at the public library the other day, the one with a catchy title under which is written her name, blah, blah blaba bla. Have you ever noticed that people who desire recognition use all three of their given names – like you know who. This author claims to be a preacher, yet she refers to God as She. What does that tell you? This dingbat has never read the Bible. So, I’m taking right back to where I got it. Whew!… the gall of some people.


Jim Towers           

Write me at jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com or visit my web page www.propheticsignsandwonders.com  or www.dropzonedelta.com


By Jim Towers

Two different readers while vacationing here in S. Florida have paid me a visit recently. One was Norman R., and the other was Joe K. both of whom claim to be avid readers of my articles and Rapture Ready.

We met at the Cracker Barrel restaurant here in Naples at different times a week apart and both men were earnest Christians. It was nice to have met them both. Norman was much like me in that he is very evangelical – even though we have different techniques. I outgrew the technique period and have gone on to deal with people on an individual basis.

One of the first things I ask is “What is your name.” Then I use their name as often as possible in our conversation. But this is not a technique, only a way to bring them out of their shell. I call it, loving on them. There is nothing like the sound of your own name coming from someone else.

Norman shares Christ on You tube and with flyers he composes himself while Joe is just beginning to get his feet wet.  

Joe is not a much of a talker, but he is attentive, and so with me talking most of the time and telling stories that abound in my upcoming book, (in which I tell of my many evangelistic exploits and a little bit about career in showbiz.) Joe and I sat for the better part of an hour eating and conversing.  

In any case after sharing, he suggested we step outside and sit awhile to finish conversing. This restaurant has seating outside under an overhang and two small checker tables where customers can play checkers while the wait for seating. So, we sat at one of them and I remembered that I had three little red bibles in my pocket to hand out, and I gave them to him.

Just then, a guy with a small fedora on his head was walking by to fetch his wife who was still in the restaurant. We both said “hello” at about the same time.

I said, “I like the hat.”

The man stopped and we began to chat while Joe just watched.

The man in the hat replied, “I get comments about my hat all the time, but I have to wear a hat so as not to get sunburn on my bald head, especially down here in Florida.”

“You must be a visitor.” I replied.

For the sake of conversation and knowing that most people want to talk about themselves I said, “You must be from Joysey.”

“Howdja know?” With his gravelly New Jersey voice.

“I can tell by the way you carry yourself and the hat on your head.” I countered.

We laughed together.

“What’s your name?”

“My name’s Bill”

“Well Bill, my name is Jim, glad to know you.

Bill continued, “most people ask me where my saxophone is, when I wear this hat. Musicians wear headgear during their performances, ha ha ha.”

“You’re right, they do!” I replied.

The laughter continued and soon Joe (Who had sat quietly – joined in.)

Meanwhile I was thinking about how often other people responded in the same way as Bill. They just want to talk to someone – but are afraid to step out. But if you give them the opportunity, they will tell you the story of their entire lives. What a sad commentary on our once social society.

I believe God was instrumental in encouraging me to reach out to you in the past few months in preparation for this meeting(our lord has footprints when seen from our rear view mirror). I thought about the four or five people you approached in conversations in the time it took me to pay for breakfast. Wow, to witness your ability to turn the conversation to Christ and redemption in a matter of minutes. I admire you and your stories that display such frankness, boldness and witness to the countless number of lost souls in need of redemption. You’re doing what our Lord has asked all of us to do and I can see that you’re doing it out of love for the individuals them selves. You truly are what you write about. 

So why Lord, as I’m driving back, did you encourage me to step out of my comfort zone and ask this man to breakfast? I think it may be He moved me to expand my boundaries which is a form of exercise in our love in Jesus. It’s really unlike me to request what I asked you. Yet the whole time it seemed like the most natural thing. I had more anxiety about being late than of meeting you. I told my wife about my plans and asked if she would like to come along. “Now why would I want to come and listen to a couple of old men talking about the end of the world”. I can’t remember if she said end of the world, but I’m pretty sure she was thinking it. Of course I just needed to offer her this invite to put her mind at ease. I found it odd that we talked as though we knew each other. But this makes sense considering we are of one body, the remnant of believers in Christ our Lord! 

So God blessed me in my walk with Him on February 13th, 2023. I got to meet the man who Christ says, watch and learn, see my humble servant, Jim actually does walk the talk and talk the walk🙂. So this was all inspirational, educational and recreational. When I got back home, I told my wife and daughter that you were an actor and writer because they wanted to know the details of our conversation. They’re like, right dad🤨. So my daughter, Helena, who is eighteen googles Jim Tower and says “no actors named Jim Tower, dad”. No, I said “towers, with an S”, oh, she says “that might make a difference”.

And lo and behold, look at all the information that comes up! I hadn’t even seen this and am like wow, did I just meet with that guy. Thank the Lord I had no idea! They were both sitting there with that look of, dad met this guy, for breakfast?

Yes, you have an amazing story to tell, Jim. Just scratching the surface tells me your book will be very much an inspiration to many people. As for your movie, until Helena showed me your background, I did not truly grasp your experience. I’m certain your movie would be an inspiration to countless souls and believers a like.

I thank you for our humble meeting and the excitement you brought to my vacation while here in Florida, as well as the inspiration and teaching this provides me. I’ll continue to pray for the success of your book/movie being drought into the light of a darkening world. If there’s anything I can do to help, please don’t hesitate to ask. Oh, and I hope you don’t mind if I reach out to you on occasion. It really does feel like kinship.

May our Lord continue to richly bless you and all of your family and friends.

Always, YBIC,

Joe Kittock

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