
By Jim Towers

Let me begin by making a rash statement, and that is that everyone seems to think they are right about everything and that makes it hard to take things at face value from others. In other words, we tend to think that we are the only ones to possess ultimate truth. But truth be told, we are “programed” to think a certain way according to our genetic makeup and life experiences coupled with intellect and learning. The Bible therefore contains ultimate truth. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes to the Father but by me.”

I’ve been ill as of late, but today I felt like myself again… thank God. So, I decided to go to the beach today and maybe do a little witnessing. The Naples Pier is closed due to the latest hurricane and so I had to go to another beach restaurant/pier up the way, which is closer but not as heavily trafficked as the Naples Peir. In any case I had gone there the week before but didn’t find anyone to talk to at length and I was feeling sick anyway, so I left. I did however talk briefly to one gentleman just before leaving, while we both waited for the tram. Today we were both boarding the tram at the very same time again! After doing a double take I said “Don’t I know you?” He replied, “Yes you do – we met right here at this exact spot last week.” We rode in silence and the Lord impressed upon me that I should pray for the man and warn him of Jesus imminent return. (I have had this happen time and again in my life where the person had been praying that someone would tell them about the things of God – I call them seekers). Some may even be desperate and so when we exited the tram, I got off first and he followed. I waited until we were in proximity and then said to him. “Looks to me like God wanted us to meet again so I could warn you about Christs soon return.” “Yeah, it’s looking pretty bad out there in the world what with all the craziness”. We talked briefly about that craziness, and he appeared concerned – (I could see fear and apprehension in his eyes). The look turned to pleading and he also told me that he didn’t know the peace of God in these times of trouble. By this time, I could tell that he was a seeker, so I asked, “Would you like for me to pray for you?” “Would you please?” The man closed his eyes, and I laid my hand on his shoulder and I made it short and sweet “Lord please reveal yourself to this gentleman through your word as he seeks your face and asks for your presence and peace.” The man thanked me. And we parted.

Time and again I’ve found that most people are seekers but are looking in all the wrong places for peace of mind and hope.   

I was infatuated by Dr. Jordan Peterson when I first found him on the internet, He is a very deep thinker and I like him for being a caring person and a great communicator. As time went on, I realized that he was becoming ever more “religious”. This came about by he and his family (wife and daughter being ill – all at the same time.) They were in a deep crisis calling for deep contemplation and healing. “Is there a God out there who cares.” Until that time, it appears that all three were agnostic. Prayers began to go up to God from them in their complete and utter desperation.

Today they are all healed, and it appears that Dr. Peterson has become a zealot for the things of God! Which at one time was inconceivable for either one of them. Since then, his wife has become a devout Roman Catholic who believes in repeating the rosary religiously.  

On the other hand, the good doctor is much deeper on his convictions and hardly able to understand what’s happening to him. (I would venture that he is being “born gain” by the renewing of his mind, something and he is still grappling with – since it is so otherworldly for him to contemplate.) However, as he continues to diligently study the Bible, he will eventually stumble upon this verse of scripture, (Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.) ……….

At a time when the only respected people in the world are educated people with papers to prove it Dr, Peterson arrives on the scene to lead people who are seekers, in the right direction. My hope is that he continues to search the scriptures and finds that he has been called to do so, but for the time being he is being cautious and is even afraid to call himself a Christian since he realizes he is only a faulty man like the rest of us and has yet accepted the reality of his redemption.

The key to this ability to reach others is to know the Bible intimately, “Study to show yourself approved, rightly dividing (disseminating or parsing) the Word of God”.

It seems to me that God has ordained this highly educated man to become an Evangelist and the timing couldn’t be better. Young people are flocking to him as though he were the Billy Graham of this era. My hope is that he embraces the mantle God has given him and that he quit quoting Jung and other such men in preference to the Word of God.

Book Report:

Dr. David Jeremiah is another man who has my admiration. He has written a new book that explains the rapture in a unique way. Rather than preaching what he knows after years of study he explains the different facets of this phenomenon that defies all understanding and manmade science.

This book is exhaustive in understanding the rapture but he is able to make it palatable by stories he tells and of course scripture verses he shares rather than preaching what he thinks. Dr. Jeremiah also uses common sense to make sense of this very unusual phenomenon.

My book “Visions, Miracles, Peace and Power” on the other hand only applies to me and how God has dealt with me in the past and continues to deal with me in the present. The one thing that stands out is that Jesus told me I would “strengthen the brethren.” I hope that I will be able to fulfill that mandate until the very end. So far, it has been a very interesting life indeed – in spite of all the trials and tribulations I’ve endured.

“We are more than conquerors through Him who died for us”.


Jim Towers        

You can write me at or visit me at My book “Visions, Miracles, Peace, and Power” can be ordered on Amazon Books and Kindle. You can also find me on my newly restructured website which now features videos of worldwide events taking place in present time, as well as proof of Gods existence and the reality of Biblical places, and Moses himself.


By Jim Towers

With prophetic scripture being fulfilled on a daily basis now, it’s hard to believe that so few of us Christians are ready to fly. Most people just go about their daily lives committing sin on an unprecedented scale. Many are becoming suicidal and succumbing to mind numbing drugs to dull the pain of the uncertainty of today’s life. Regardless of where you stand with the God of the bible these prophecies about the end times are being proven true. Now even the internet is proclaiming the existence of God. Steven Hawking (poor lost soul) has been proven to be just another blustering bitter fool. Other agnostics and atheists such as Darwin, Huxley and the rest of the numbskulls are being disproved by the knowledge and information garnered by the internet.

The bible will tell you all you need to know about prophecy and the best part is that you don’t need someone to teach you. The Holy Spirit is sufficient for your individual concerns and will comfort you as you struggle to make sense of today’s chaos and turmoil. The things that should rightly concern us during these trying times cannot be explained away by other fallible human beings, so be careful who you put on a pedestal or whose teaching you give attendance to for God’s sake.

Interpretation is a very tricky thing, what means something to someone else may seem rubbish to you and vice versa. Diplomas mean nothing to God and should mean nothing to you, especially ill-gotten or forged one. Some of the most educated people in the world are complete and utter fools chasing illusive fame and fortune. Some even do it for sexual gratification. In perusing Netflix I’ve found numerous leaders of cults whose only aim is to deceive and take advantage of others. Better to learn alone than to fall prey to these charlatans and lose your life and ultimately your very soul. Jesus, Peter, James and John didn’t have a doctorate in theology did they, so who do you think taught them?

With the presidential election coming up in our country we must be very discerning as well. Some of these foolish and pompous people are obvious clowns or downright perverts. Joe Biden for example showered with his daughter when she was ten years old! (At least that what her diary says.) What kind of father does that with his own daughter? He is always telling whopper lies about his supposed achievements none of which are true. Money laundering is his claim to fame, and his entire family is the most corrupt this nation has ever seen. Is it any wonder that mentally sick people have taken over the country? A man who thinks it’s ok to have unspeakable sex. Another man who thinks (or pretends to be a woman by putting balloons in HIS sweater and wearing a blond wig. And how about the other liar who hails from Brazil and has lost his identity from having lied so much? Then there is the Democrat senator who hides gold bricks in the closet and cool cash in the refrigerator which is ill gotten from shady political dealings. Joe his drug addled son Hunter and slew of his political cronies are selling out our country to its destruction. The so called “The squad” women in congress, plus Hillary and Michelle all hate America and yet remain here enjoying its luxuries.


John Moran, a partner at McGuireWoods law firm said, “The policy and the decision blocking the Knights of Columbus from continuing their long-standing religious tradition is a blatant violation of the First Amendment and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. This, after the National Park Service (NPS) denied a permit to honor fallen soldiers at a national park recently – (at Joe’s request) which only goes to show how shallow and perverse he is.

Joe Biden is responsible for one of the worst economic eras in recent U.S. history. He has allowed over 7 million illegal aliens to enter the country. He continues to prioritize foreign nations, sending billions to Ukraine and Gaza. He has done nothing to confront the crime and homelessness epidemic in major cities. And he continues to push policies that hurt working families. Everything he does from here on in is only to garner votes, only to rescind his actions after he had won.

Very soon now we will be called away by Christ Jesus in the Rapture – The trump of God will sound and Whoooosh – we’re out of here. But before that day, Satanic forces will be continuing to wreak havoc in this world. The devils’ demonic hordes will do all they can to kill and destroy lives that submit wittingly or unwittingly to his will. These days it appears that many are following Lucifer willingly everywhere.

God likes to at times, use people’s names to indicate the times in which He intervenes in world events. Could that be why the Trump name appears prominently – at this point in time? The timing is ironic. However, I will not speculate.

Book report;

I bought to used books both of which are still timely – One by Hal Lindsey published in 1994 titled “Planet Earth 2000 A.D.” and the other by John F. Walvoord published in 1974. “Armageddon, Oil and terror”. This I did, just to “test the Spirits”, and they both embodied the spirit of truth in their evaluations of the end times.

Upon opening “Panet Earth 2000 A.D. My eyes first fell on “The Rise of Deceiving Spirits” and here is what it said as it quoted scripture.

“Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world” 1John 4:1

“And many false prophets shall arise and will mislead many.” Matthew 24: 1

Then, upon opening John Walvoord’s book, it verified what I’ve been saying for the past several years! And I quote, “The world will begin falling apart at the seams – worse than any ecologist’s nightmare. Acts of man, resulting in thousands of martyrs and acts of God will combine to cause great disturbances in the world and universe. Stars will fall and planets will run off course, (how about planet alignment?)  causing chaotic changes in climate (Revelation 6:12-14; 16:8-9). Unnatural heat and cold and Flooding will cause millions to perish….


Jim Towers        

You can write me at or visit me at My book “Visions, Miracles, Peace, and Power” can be ordered on Amazon Books and Kindle. You can also find me on my newly restructured website which now features videos of worldwide events taking place in present time, as well as proof of Gods existence and the reality of Biblical places, and Moses himself.


By Jim Towers

Have you seen the latest James Web photograph of the “Hand of God” in the farthest reaches of space? The time may soon come when this phenomenal telescope enters the very gates of God’s throne room – would you then believe in His existence?

Year before last, I gifted the leaders of my church with framed photos of the “Hand of God” taken by the Hubble telescope. Today a phot of the “Hand of God” taken from another direction by the James Webb telescope shows a clearer and somewhat differ perspective in the far heavens. This one however also includes Gods portrait as well! (If you look closely at the bottom of the picture you will see a faint outline of the “Head of God” in profile. a photo which I will post on my website for your scrutiny. The James Web telescope is allowing us to see things we never saw before in the outer reaches of space. Lately there has also been a lot of speculation about “black holes” in outer space and parallel universes. To go along with that speculation there is talk of us living within a hologram. But I beg to differ, (anyone who’s ever been hospitalized will tell you that we are “real” entities suffering real pain and hospital food – yuk!)

Huston Texas is under assault and power is down for over a million homes and businesses, this just when the heat index is climbing ever higher.  Pennsylvania is catching hell as well, with hailstones as big as softballs doing much damage to cars and windows. We in Florida are experiencing extremely hot weather too, this prompts me to believe that God is trying to get out attention.  (Many young people are finally coming to their senses about the reality of God and are being baptized.)

While these are times of warnings and testing, Jusus said, “In THIS life you WILL have TRIALS and TRIBULATIONS.” Not IF or MAYBE – Nevertheless, He continues to say that He has OVERCOME the world and that that will be better times ahead eventually. Yet, mankind will do anything to avoid acknowledging or answering to our majestic, awesome, and gracious God. What is it going to take for mankind to realize that they didn’t create themselves and could never have created even a potato much less a custard apple ( a Custard Apple is a tropical fruit with a thick skin filled with custard like mush inside.) My son grows the tree in his tropical Plant and Fruit farm on our back forty. All we’ve ever created in the world is chaos and confusion, yet we won’t acknowledge the enormity, creativity, and power of our majestic creator. Think of all of Gods gifts to mankind, food, water, wind and rain, ice, veggies and fruits, flowers, grass. If we take time to smell the roses or magnolia blossoms, we can’t help but be grateful for all the beauty he has created for our enjoyment as well as countless varieties of birds and animals just for our enjoyment 

On our property my son grows tropical and exotic fruit trees and plants the likes of which I had never known before. Papaya, different kinds of mangoes, tropical sugar apples and custard apples, three different types of bananas different berries for sale around the world. Trees seem to be a favorite for God to work with, providing shade and wood for humanity to make shelter and to produce Maple syrup and Cinnamon for consumption as well as rubber and let’s not forget

our wide variety of nuts and Bamboo which is often used in making kitchen utensils, rugs, furniture and now bedsheets as well- while some people even eat the new and tender shoots, incredible!

But the greatest gift of all, is some intangible thing we call “Love”. That feeling that we get when we find special someone whom we want to share our lives with, a thing that happens when the endorphins in our brains run amok and make our lives worth living.

As we partake of these wonderful treats and gifts, we can’t help but marvel and thank God for His creativity. Considering all of this, we can’t say that God is wrong in chastising us. He is doing it for our own good – to salvage our eternal souls.

Yes, today, here in S.W. Florida the heat index was 101% and we will soon be going into a heat advisory, which was by some attributed to a huge solar flare, while others of us know that the Bible says that in the “Last Days” there will be immense heat waves that will prompt mankind to repent or face more of the same for eternity.

But it doesn’t have to be that way if we seek God’s face in earnest and receive Christ as Savior and Lord. Why even our most jaded and cynical comedians and celebrities are coming to terms with their shallow self-absorbed lives and being baptized, and these are people that have adoration, fame, and fortune. People like Jim Carrey and Russel Brandt who are now claiming to have found Christ and being baptized as well as others. This I suspect is fear of what’s coming in the world in these- Last Days

Self- assertiveness is a wonderful thing but to put oneself in place of God is a dangerous prospect. There are way too many roads to take in life – such as self-indulgence, reckless ambition, self-pity, hate as well as jealousy. Making the wrong choices can lead to disastrous consequences especially since we will all give an account to God our father – even for every idle word. The Bible also says, “Don’t make promises to God – He will expect you to keep them”. God is a jealous God so don’t make Him get angry with you. If you do something you know is wrong confess it and He will forgive you – in the extreme.

Look at it this way, if you are a loving father and your son or daughter disobeys you – wouldn’t you forgive them if they repent and ask for your forgiveness?  What decent father wouldn’t? On top of that, the Bible says God is love and He created this esoteric feeling we have come to call love. “Thou shall love the Lord thy God with all thine heart soul and mind AND thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself.” It’s all as simple as that.


Jim Towers        

You can write me at or visit me at My book “Visions, Miracles, Peace, and Power” can be ordered on Amazon Books and Kindle. You can also find me on my newly restructured website which now features videos of worldwide events taking place in present time, as well as proof of Gods existence and the reality of Biblical places, and Moses himself.

Let us give God His due respect, let us give Him the glory and honor He deserves.


By Jim Towers

The unrelenting rains continue throughout the world, accompanied by huge hailstones and tornadoes.

While Satan goes around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour, distracting, deceiving, and discouraging mankind – God is also at work trying to wake up those who fallen prey to the Evil One with rain and other warning signs that should make us want to stop and examine our belief system and way of life. These events have been creeping up on us over time and are increasing in number and intensity.

Just when I thought I should take a break from writing about the incredible Biblical prophetic portents taking place across the planet; I checked the internet as I do every morning and every night, and the headlines hit me with the force of a speeding train. I knew then that I had to sit down and continue writing to those who are still living under a rock as well as those who are distracted by everyday living to notice the Biblical signs of the times, we live in – The End Times.

It’s not just me overreacting to the calamity that befalls us, but many others are beginning to wake up to the reality that the Bible is proving to be true in every respect. In the Bible, the book of Daniel and the book of Revelation highlight the events that we are experiencing today.

So, fasten your seatbelts – here we go.

Los Angeles is experiencing another round of flooding and there is flooding in Huston Texas as well. China, Russia and Pakistan are drowning in water, there is flooding everywhere. Tornadoes and large hail stones continue to pummel the earth. Along with the physical signs that something even more devastating is at play just around the corner – there are many social events as well. Events like social unrest – more noticeable in the protests of the foolish young who think that by shouting and setting fires is going to swing others to their way of thinking, it’s a tug of war on college campuses with spurts of Christian revival and baptisms here and there but violent protests far outweigh those events with hundreds being arrested. (I can’t wait to see if they will be given stiff prison sentences like the Jan 6 people who have been jailed.) And last but not least, is antisemitism with Jews being persecuted across the planet. In the book of Deuteronomy God says he will turn against the Jewish people to the extent that they deny Him and make them a scapegoat to other nations.

Meanwhile, the Israeli war heats up with Hamas attacking Israel from Lebanon and Ukraine and Russia step up their war killing and maiming thousands. What a mess!

I called my friend Rick D. in Miami to see how he was doing after the loss of his mother and father, and we started talking – just like “old times” when we discussed deep spiritual matters late into the night. The troubles then were a cake -walk in the park compared to the troubles we see today. Without prompting, Rick talked about the craziness that was sweeping the world, a world where men are now thought to be able to give birth, (the only birth I ever saw a man give – lay at the bottom of an unflushed toilet stool.)   

John B. my collaborator in England reports that Ezekiel 38:8 tells us what has to be in place for the Gog Magog invasion to occur. “After many days, you will be called to arms,” referring to the Gog coalition. “In future years you will invade a land that has recovered from war, whose people were gathered from many nations to the mountains of Israel, which had long been desolate. They had been brought out from the nations, and now all of them live in safety.” Neither of them has anything good to report on their end.

Also, this week, Time magazine published an article titled “A million-dollar Middle East Peace Plan” which I encourage you to read. It lays out a scenario for peace between Israel and its Middle East enemies that is chillingly like what the Bible predicts. The author, Kai Bird, says, “This conflict is so dangerous that the time has come for the international community to impose a solution.” A compelled solution to the nations? That is precisely what Daniel 9:27 say, “He will confirm a covenant with many for one ‘seven.’” But who’s the “He” in this scenario? I leave that for you to speculate.

Churches in the US are closing down, and fewer people attend church than before. In 2019, over 4,500 Protestant churches closed, but only 3,000 new churches opened. Similarly, according to recent studies, 92% of United States churches had 250 or fewer people attend weekly worship services. There has been a noticeable trend in recent years: an increasing number of individuals are opting out of regular church attendance. From societal changes and shifting cultural norms to personal beliefs and experiences, the landscape of spirituality is evolving, and with it, so are the dynamics of communal worship.

While mankind was given the privilege to share the Good news of the gospel with their fellow man, we humans have desecrated and bungled that privilege with our typical desire for monetary gain and power.

But while many churches are closing for lack of leadership and hypocrisy. God is on the move to get people to repent on His own, so I’m able to close this article with a good report – that many young people in some universities are turning to Christ and being baptized in droves, here in this country. This goes to show that people are responding to God’s global threats and calamities so let’s keep praying for the salvation of mankind like never before while taking cover under Gods wings.  

My book report.

In his latest book, Senator Josh Hawley writes about the Masculine virtues America needs. This jibes with what is happening with young American men today. It’s too bad that the rioting students haven’t read this book. Josh is a good communicator and has a good head on his shoulders (as every good servant of God should). Most of what he teaches comes straight from Biblical precepts and stories. Albeit this book may be too little too late in arriving. Still though, it’s better than nothing.


Jim Towers        

You can write me at or visit me at My book “Visions, Miracles, Peace, and Power” can be ordered on Amazon Books and Kindle. You can also find me on my newly restructured website which now features videos of worldwide events taking place in present time.


By Jim Towers

Every day now Holy Scripture is being fulfilled, all while many Christians sit in the pews checking their stock portfolios on their cell phones, oblivious to the preaching pastor who struts the podium and talks about nothing spiritual – while finding it hard to get the congregants attention.  All while, the older people fall asleep as the pastor drones on about the Superbowl. Most have never read the Bible, let alone prophecy which is being fulfilled all around them.

Meanwhile, our country and the world continue to fall apart, thus fulfilling the prophecies of the Bible. Earthquakes abound, weird weather dominates the news everywhere, with worldwide storms continue unabated like never before. Young people resort to taking drugs to ease the pain of confusion and hopelessness. Without a sense of right and wrong- they resort to violence and mind-numbing drugs. “Doesn’t anyone care about me!” they scream inwardly. Even as these catastrophic events continue, others go about life as usual oblivious to their desperate cry for help stepping over their prone bodies as the go to work or play.

Now the world news cycles are focusing on UFOs which are becoming commonplace in the skies.

Last night as I watched Unsolved Mysteries, I was mesmerized by an event that took place in Michigan, my home state – on Lake Michigan to be exact. Sometime – back in the eighties many people along the coast spotted an anomaly in the skies over the shore, a group of lights that broke apart and came back together again as if they were playing hiding – go seek with one another. One person who lives near the beach said that it had a stream of water not unlike a waterspout emanating from the bottom of the disk like flying object. (I speculate it having to do something with the propulsion system using H2O and was sucking it up into the craft.) In any case, there were reports of sightings from across the area, including from a weatherman who tracked the objects with radar used in tracking weather systems. Since retiring the weatherman says he is going to get to the bottom of the matter by interviewing as many people as possible who witnessed the event. I would ask, “To what avail”?

If he had read the Bible, he would have known that it was a clear sign of that we are living in the end times – It was a sign that we might be the terminal generation – or better yet – a warning of it being imminent.

Obviously. God let these people have a glimpse behind the vail of His parallel universe just enough to wake them up – It was just a warning (portent) from the unseen world – a world in which unseen forces and entities reside. Heavy, right?

Afterward I finished the night on the internet watching an interview by Pierce Morgan who was interviewing one of my favorite people in the world, world renowned Clinical Psychologist Dr. Jordan B. Peterson, a deep thinker who is just beginning to read the Bible and trying to make sense of it – as well as appearing on YouTube and has become a very influential man the world over.

Even so, the lectures are resonating with young people across the globe. This man has been a Godsend to many – although liberals hate him for exposing their hypocrisy, lunacy, and outright madness.

Dr. Peterson, being new to the faith is trying to make sense of the Bible not yet realizing that without the Holy Spirit we can’t have Spiritual discernment. I have sent my book out to him with the hope that he will read it and find some answers to the profound questions he ponders. Plumbing the depths of human rational just doesn’t cut it. When he is asked if he believes in God, he deflects by saying, “I try to live as though he exists”. But without faith it is impossible to please God. He also seems to believe we can rationalize and pull up our own lives by the proverbial bootstraps, or rational thought, but while some can, others cannot, they just don’t why they can’t quit certain sins, faults, and foibles (only the Holy Spirit can help us overcome these traits) – fear is a common denominator. Fear of the future, fear of not having enough to eat or what to wear. Fear of what others may think of us, fear of heights, fear of their own shadow even.

Phobias abound making Dr. Peterson relevant, and at least he is trying where some church leaders fear to tread not being aware of their own motivations while Jesus admonishes us not to fear anything saying, “If we fear God, we have nothing else to fear.”

My hope is that Dr. Peterson will read my book “Visions, Miracles, Peace, and Power” for a couple of reasons, First – being a new Christian of only six years, this happening is outside his preview, and aside from that his wife has recently become a Roman Catholic and he is listening to her about such things. You see, he and his wife and daughter were very sick for a long time, and I suspect that in praying caused by these tragic circumstances they were all forced to do so – each of their own volition. After they were all miraculously healed at about the same time, he had to admit that God had answered their desperate cries for help. This drew them each closer to God who became more real to them, (until then Dr. Jordan was an agnostic as was his wife.)

Relying on his keen intelligence as a deep-thinking professor and psychologist, Peterson has tried to rationalize everything he taught to his university students and now to the general public via the books he has written. Today, he goes about trying to make up for lost time by advocating for the faith even going so far as holding Bible studies on You Tube with other so-called world-renowned intellectuals.

Jordan is still grappling with the Christian faith and his latest endeavor is called “We who wrestle with God” something that he can’t quite understand because he is afraid to appropriate the Holy Spirit and not being able to live up to God’s high standards thus the name of his latest lecture series, “We who wrestle with God.” Little does he know that a person need not wrestle with God – but only submit to Him.

In my book I talk about my conversion experience (Which is quite different than his- as all testimonies are) but with one caveat – and that is that we can only be saved by grace through faith, (something even Martin Luther had to deal with in the early stages of his conversion after he broke away from the Roman Catholic Church.)

 Insofar as the Miracles are concerned, all three family members were healed from life threatening illnesses (at approximately the same time). Now if that doesn’t constitute a miracle – or miracles, then I don’t know what does.

Although Dr. Peterson is doing the best, (humanly speaking) that he can with what he knows and has jumped feet first right into the Power portion – as he interprets it – but is still only treading water. A person needs to be able to swim powerfully to be effective.

Jesus said to His disciples, “You shall receive Power after that the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be my witnesses in all the world.”  But something happened along the way and far too many Christians have become too worldly to do any spiritual good.


Jim Towers        

You can write me at or visit me at My book “Visions, Miracles, Peace, and Power” can be ordered on Amazon Books and Kindle. You can also find me on my newly restructured website which now features videos of worldwide events taking place in present time.


By Jim Towers

It hurts me to have to say this, but we “Christians” must stand up – or we are doomed

Jesus said, “Talk is cheap.” Anyone can talk unless they are unable to for one reason or another. If ever there was a time to reach out to our fellow man – now is that time – before we lose our country to our vicious enemy – Satan, who goes around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.

In keeping my readers informed of world events and the spiritual climate of our country, I can’t help but run into videos of so-called drug zombies and drugged out youth on the internet where most of my research is done.

Last night I stumbled onto videos of the multitudes of hopeless (mostly drug addicted young people) across our once great country. Blue states are the main gathering places of the hopeless and dying since they kicked God to the curb and now the problem is epidemic across the nation.

Now there is no hope for these atheists and agnostics who instead pinned their futures and hope in man – which is a false hope.

What a heart wrenching scene it is to see women lying on sidewalks and men standing in one place bowed over with lifeless arms dangling at their sides – frozen in time and caught between hell and eternity.

Not to mention lawlessness.

I think God would be pleased to see Christians put our money where our mouths are – as it were.

We instinctively know what we should do – and that is to help these hopeless people for God’s sake. As for me, I feel called to do just that in one last attempt before the rapture to redeem – at least – some of these lost souls from the snake pit of drugs, and hopelessness through the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. (If you have the stomach for it, I have posted more videos of such on my website.)

With time running out, it is imperative to quit playing church and get real with God and our destitute fellow man lest we lose our country all together.

Beginning today, I will be taking names of those who Want to participate in this endeavor.

Jesus said, “Only those who throw their lives away for my sake will know what it truly means to live.” and I know that to be true in my life, having shared Christ and prayed for people even on the street or in public places as well.

This of course will take some planning and organization and will begin only when we have the resources for food and lodging and the rain dries up in Miami.

This isn’t just about preaching but loving and ministering to those we encounter. At the same time, we will distribute “little red bibles” with the plan of salvation in them and pray for some of the neediest. If possible, we may also distribute bottled water to some who need it.

If you can join us, we will all meet in a designated area such as the Cracker Barrel restaurant on the in Naples on the twenty fourth of February and again on at a designated meeting place on March 4th  ready to pay for our own food, transportation, and shelter.

This venture is not for the timid or shy but only for those who are strong in the faith and able to quote scripture verbatim like I do in my outreach encounters.

Here are examples of drugs sweeping the nation due to hopelessness.

WATCH: Fentanyl Turning Homeless Into Mindless Zombies (

No sissies or attention seekers need apply. (No women either – since we may encounter resistance.) Our banner is the American flag /Christian flag, and our songs (that should draw a crowd are :

“Battle Hym of the Republic”

“Glory Hallelujah”.

And “Soldiers of the Cross”

 If you are so inclined, please contact me at the address below. If not, you can at least pray for us and your fellow man.

To volunteer, you can reach me at and briefly tell me something about yourself.


I will try to gather our countries leaders such as Jordan B. Peterson, Josh Hawley, Jason Chaffetz, and my Christian colleagues in the movie industry involved as well. Plus, other likeminded Christians in this endeavor to save our country with the Gospel of Jesus Christ AFTER the crusade during Spring Break.

The Gospel is our last and only hope for redemption.

Book report.

The book “Red Handed” by Peter Schweizer is the best book I’ve read in many months. Only “The Laptop from Hell” comes close. It chronicles the names of Democrats and Rino’s who are presently in bed with the Chinese Communist party and selling out our country for millions of dollars.

This book alone has enough information to send the Biden family to prison for years. What an eye-opening book – I urge all my reader to read it – (of course after reading my book) “Visions, Miracles, Peace and Power”.


Jim Towers 

You can write me at or visit me at My book “Visions, Miracles, Peace, and Power” can be ordered on Amazon Books and Kindle. You can also find me on my newly restructured website which now features many videos of worldwide events taking place in present time.


By Jim Towers

After a demon worshiping Mardi Gras parade in Brazil – lightning struck the statue of Christ on top of mount Corcovado in Rio Degenaro. Shortly after that, rain began falling in buckets. Woah!..Wait! (Even as I write about this event) “Unbreak my heart” is playing on the radio and the first words I hear were “Don’t leave me out in the rain – come back again”. (I don’t know about you, but things like this are happening at a phenomenal rate in my life.) The song sounds as if God Himself is crying out through the heart-rending song by Toni Braxton.

As I listen to the song it is as if rather than losing His temper completely, God is instead heartbroken by our having kicked him out of our lives and is pleading with us to return to Him. Just listen to that song on the internet and you’ll see what I mean.) The song made me feel sorry for our wonderful, benevolent, and loving creator who created our planet and everything in it – to our benefit.


After a similar devil worshiping Mardi Gras event in Ft. Meyers, it rained like hell. Thankfully we are located about fifty miles away.

Across the state, Miami and Ft. Lauderdale were inundated with rain for two days as well.

Mardi Gras had to be postponed in Louisiana as buckets of water rained from the sky.

When will people learn that you can’t spit in God’s eye and get away with it.

Accordingly, San Deigo is drenched in rain and there is flotsam and debris everywhere. In other states across our supposed “Christian” nation bridges have been wiped out across the land – and earthquakes are happening in areas not known for earthquakes – even New York.

Los Angeles is now flooded as well – as two powerful storms referred to as “Pineapple Express” pounded it and the surrounding areas one after the other with heavy rain. Landslides send houses tumbling and mud is car bumper deep in many places.

In Saudi Arabia the desert country was flooded and pounded by hail as was Gaza and Israel, but the farmers in Israel had been praying for rain for crops that were dry – and they got plenty of it especially in the fertile areas where it was much needed – which was an unusual happening indeed.

Mecca is recovering after the intense hailstorm and rain that had worshipers running, slipping, sliding, and falling to the pavement surrounding the Kabba in Mecca, after rain cascaded down and the wind blew ferociously in this desert country that gets very little rain yearly. Even camels were trying to swim – something they never had to do before. Swollen rivers from cascading rain came suddenly from out of nowhere. (You can view that event and others like it on my website).

Humanly speaking, I try to discount these events and others like it, as coincidence – but it’s a hard thing to do when they happen over and over and with greater and greater intensity as time marches on toward the coming greater judgements about to unfurl in the world.

God really doesn’t want to hurt us, but he has no choice as He created a bunch of ungrateful fools and monsters that only Christ can redeem.

Because of my warnings as of late, I’ve been thought of as radical when it comes to spiritual things and some – even in the church- can’t understand where I’m coming from. This is surprising since they of all people should know that such things are going to happen. Albeit, most seldom if ever read the Holy scriptures. But hopefully, the time is coming when they will have the scales fall from off their eyes like I did mine. (I was once a nominal Christian too – trying to abide by the Bible playbook) – but to no avail. Hence, Jesus told us, “You must be born again” and this can only happen when we come to God with a sorry and contrite heart confessing or sins to God, being truly sorry and receiving the pardon that Jesus Christ offers.

Once that happens you will see what life is truly all about. Acquisition of things and ambitions will suddenly fall away, and your knees will buckle, in fear, your head will spin, and you will bury your head in your hands thinking you’ve gone mad, because for the first time in your life you can see things as they really are. God has finally become a reality.

So, what are we to make of all this? If we are honest, we will have to say, “hey, there is something going on – and it can’t bode well for humanity….Duh.

Imagine then what is in store for us if we don’t repent. The book of Revelation paints a vivid picture of what is coming to pass in these the Last Days. Other more dramatic events will take place on top of what’s happening today.

New believers who have finally repented and acknowledged Christ will go through various hardships as well and you don’t want to be here for that. Check it out.

Even this famous Rabbi says that heavy rains are a sign that the Final Redemption is imminent.  

Midrash Bereishit Rabbah states that in the end of days, God will break the covenant he made with the nations of the world after Noah left the ark. Flooding will appear to destroy parts of the world like never before seen since the floods in the days of Noah. At the same time, rains will appear as a comfort for the people of Israel. The Midrash notes that the covenant God made with Noah was “for the generations of the world” (Geneses 9:12). The Midrash states that this will end when the Messiah arrives to bring the final redemption. “And the final flood will begin on the same day that the flood of Noah ended; the 17th of Sivan,” the website added.

So, in closing, I ask, what are you waiting for, don’t be a stiff-necked doo fuss. Make your peace with God and avoid the coming judgements for God’s sake!


Jim Towers        

You can write me at or visit me at My book “Visions, Miracles, Peace, and Power” can be ordered on Amazon Books and Kindle. You can also find me on my newly restructured website Which now abounds with videos of world events.


By Jim Towers

Rain continues to pour from the heavens, on the USA and all the earth – caldrons of molten lava spew from below.

It seems like God is crying his eyes out and seething below the surface in frustration. His creation is doing it again. It seems there is nothing to keep them from sinning – (except for those with the Holy Spirit given to those who believe in Jesus Christ and try to live accordingly.) and even they are becoming apostate and unable to resist the pull of bad doctrine and sincere sorrow for acting like the heathen they so easily condemn.

All seem to be intent on destroying themselves rather than to submit to Gods laws and extreme love for them. What a pitiful situation,

The “good old USA” is a Christian nation founded on Christian principles – (albeit you wouldn’t know it the way its inhabitants have been acting as of late.) is now experiencing severe flooding and crazy weather like never before. With a corrupt and atheistic government and drugged out zombies barely able to hold themselves upright – we are becoming the worse of the worse. Hypocrisy and apathy reign supreme in a country that was once a beacon of light to the rest of the world.

When trying to find a church that is aware of these atrocities but overlooks them for the sake of trying to appease the powers that be, we are instead propagating the idea that church leaders know best what’s good for us. “Forget the Bible, listen to me” is their mantra.

Drummers bang on the drums in ear splitting rhythm while blinding strobe lights flash on and off overhead. The stage has been set to accommodate youthful entertainment rather than instill the Word of God. The youthful preacher with his shirt untucked and spread out like a blanket in front of his too tight or torn pants. In truth if young people wanted entertainment they would go to or view a concert featuring a popular singer/performer like Justin Timberlake or Lady Ga Ga.

Such men and women may think themselves modern day prophets and such, but leave much to be desired in their attempt to be popular and be looked upon as paragons of virtue and spiritual knowledge, while they live in sumptuous homes and drive expensive cars when they should be on their knees asking God’s direction and crying out for forgiveness and for not compelling others to do the same.

They don’t seem to be aware of the signs of the times spending all their time planning their churches next extravaganza.

Time is shorter than we think and if ever there was a time to repent of all these human compulsions it is now.

Like in the days of Lot and Noah our benevolent creator came to the end of his rope and will take those who have His Spirit away from the chaos and hopeless ness. Frustrated, exasperated, and finally enraged he (except for a few) must make his move and destroy the evil doers – lest they corrupt the entire earth.

God knew this would happen but apparently took pity on mankind who is no match for Satanic influence. Again except for believers in Christ, to whom He promised, “Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world.” I suspect He hoped for the best.

If you were God, wouldn’t you be angry at watching mankind destroy His greatest gift to us by the millions – that is children and humanity in general who kill one another indiscriminately in wars.

Day after day something new and terrifying confronts us yet these warnings are an act of love. God is giving us time to repent but He won’t relent with His plan to destroy evil and evil doers.

Jim’s book report:

While I don’t usually buy a book at Barnes and Noble, and instead peruse something to read at the public library, I ran out to by my very own copy of “Government Gangsters” by Kash Patel.

I had my suspicions, but after reading the first few pages when I found it at the local library. After a few words, I could tell it was going to be very interesting to find out how our government REALLY works. I was so glad to find this expose by someone who’s been there and done that.

Naturally, and almost without exception, a man will give his account of a given situation from his perceived perspective. But this man has all the receipts and taken together with whatever we can glean here and there from often skewered sources we can began to put together the pieces of the puzzle come together to create the larger picture. (But did you know that God can also cut through all the falsehood and façade that evil forces can throw at us – it’s called spiritual discernment?)

In this case I had to some research on my own to uncover outright lies  I had been led to believe. Men that I thought had at least some decency were found to be wolves in sheep’s clothing and interested only in their own well- being. Career politicians are the worse of the worst.

Tucker Carlson gave a speech in Canada that resonated with me. It was about when the wrong people take control of the country. He said, “There’s kind of no more inoffensive and peaceful group in the world than the Christians,” he pointed out. “In fact, their religion commands them to turn the other cheek and to put the concerns of others above their own concerns.” Carlson also condemned the series of church burnings across Canada, declaring that if someone burns churches, “and the prime minister and his little weird buddies are endorsing [the] burning [of] churches… I don’t need any other facts of the case, you’re on the wrong side.” – “In a country like that, in a world like that, if you think that preaching the Gospel is so dangerous that the people who do it need to be in prison, in shackles, you’re serving someone other than the people of Canada,” he stated.  


Jim Towers        

You can write me at or visit me at My book “Visions, Miracles, Peace, and Power” can be ordered on Amazon Books and Kindle. You can also find me on my newly restructured website


By Jim Towers

The signs of the times continue without abating. In fact they are getting to be even more prevalent and devastating. With continents splitting apart and new sightings of U.A.V. (UFO’s)That leave little doubt of their veracity. It’s only a matter of time before the rapture occurs.

A Pentagon insider on the internet revealed today that we are on the cusp of World War Three. Now whether that means one or the other, really doesn’t matter – does it? (A picture of the crazed Ayatollah introduces the article on the internet.)

I used to read the newspaper daily or watch the evening news with notable newsmen and women. But now I check out the world news on the internet with videos to boot. Since the former news sources have become woke and far lift opinions trying to be open minded, I have given up on them completely and have not watched television in over ten years

In a recent article I jokingly speculated about how Joe Biden and his wayward son might deflect attention from their criminality here at home.

At first it was as simple as to bribe Ukraine with billions if dollars to keep their mouths shut about the Burisma scandal that took place over four years ago. But that well has run dry. And now the Bidens are attempting to cover their folly by igniting wars wherever possible. The Houthis in Yemen made that possible by lobbing bombs at Israel indiscriminately and targeting vessels of commerce in the Red Sea. This gives the current administration an excuse to wage war with any and all comers.

Russia, a ally of Syria has threatened to go after us for bombing Syria yet again along with Israel. They threaten to be targeting the U.S, and UK for doing so. Thereby setting the stage for World War Three, or as the Bible says is the first war of Gog and Magog.

Iran is readying its forces for all-out war with Israel – even as we speak – and Joe Biden probably couldn’t be happier. (Whew!…Has the Biden family dodged the bullet yet again!) with war breaking out on all fronts and deflecting from their own troubles here at home.

The Biden criminal family has been in operation for years while Joe was becoming the youngest congressman in U.S. History back in the day. Today they even have the audacity to produce a film about their proposed innocence of their activities. Great idea, reverse psychology and outright lies. But still there are some who believe the lies of the devil who was “a liar from the beginning.”

With all that’s happening in the world today I was reflecting on what I may have left undone or overlooked in my years of ministry.

Yes, I’ve shared the gospel with family and friends and even total strangers. But Richard was a tough nut to crack.

In an excerpt from my book. “Visions, Miraacles, Peace and Power” I detail how my coffee shop ministry came into being.

“The Dunkin Donuts shop became my ministry station, and I would go there daily for a long period of time. Before long I began to know all the regulars, and many of them were smokers. A young man named Richard came over to me asking for a cigarette. I told him I didn’t smoke, and that Christ had delivered me from the addiction of cigarettes. “So, you’re a Christian too,” he asked?  And I replied in the affirmative. At this, Richard got his coffee from an adjoining table and joined me.  We became fast friends. He and his wonderful family who once owned the first Pizza shop on Miami Beach, took me in, and I slept on their screened in porch for a time. I had lucked out, his mother made the best lasagna and Pizza in the world.

We would talk about faith and church, during which I would share scripture with him. It seems he had tried to attend a couple of churches in the area but was scared away by the “Tongues” phenomenon that was contrary to his Catholic background.  Since I was also raised in the Catholic faith we could communicate easily.

Although Rick could be a rascal at times, he was the best friend anyone could ever have. It was right around the time that I was living by the skin of my teeth with no work coming in.  I was hungry one evening and popped into the donut shop hoping to find a friend who might buy me a cup of coffee, although they never did (that is except for Richard, the then young man in his mid- thirties even lent me three hundred dollars to help me buy another van. Naturally, I paid him back promptly.)  

Back at the donut shop I was becoming “The Preacher” to many of the regulars, many of whom were retired or semi-retired Jews. I made it a point to introduce myself to each one and to talk about the things that interested them. I truly found each person interesting, and because I never pushed my faith down their throats, they always respected me and so I often initiated our conversations.

Nevertheless, I began to understand why God had me there, and was able to share Christ with my newfound friends. I stayed with Richard for a couple of years since acting roles were petering out, – for lack of interest – and I began to focus on my newfound ministry going so far as starting a preaching ministry in a park nearby with Richard’s help.

Now, thirty years later I was still trying to get a “Christian movie made and had made a trip to Miami yet again to film exteriors – even while struggling with Angina.

While there I called my old friend Richard, and he said his single brother had died and he was now saddled with both elderly parents to take care of. A month or so later he told me his father had died over the phone. Finally, soon after his father passed away – his mother died too -three losses in less than a year. Now Rick was alone – really alone and he went to stay with a sister to grieve with her for a time.

After an appropriate amount of time had passed, I wrote to him but spoke of other things to take his mind off the calamity he had just gone through and primarily of his relationship to God. Explaining the Gospel as best I could, using scripture and nothing else. (Which is the way I work.)

You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make them drink. That was two days ago. What could he be thinking?

Please pray for Rick.


Jim Towers         write me at or visit my website My book “Visions, Miracles, Peace and Power”is available at Amazon books and Kindle.


By Jim Towers

And the rain just keeps a coming in Australia, Argentina, and now Noth America and California, followed by volcanic fissures erupting into volcanoes in Iceland and other volcanoes rumbling and spewing magma elsewhere. These plus earthquakes – where in China 200 have far. Oh, and let us not forget the two wars. Israel against Hamas and Ukraine against Russia.

If that isn’t enough to wake a person up, I don’t know what is.

Here is a report I received from last week’s article about the rain in Australia. Where the rain in has devastated Queensland with flooding and with crocks swimming hither and yon.

Interesting article, Jim I just read on RR.

I live in Cairns North Queensland in the wet tropics, and we just had a

category 1 to 2 cyclone (hurricane) that passed to the north two days

ago but the rain continues.  We have had nearly 18 inches of rain since

Tuesday and it continues.  Because we are in the wet tropics the

water tends to get away but affected by tides.  This year has been below

average rainfall.  The monsoon has failed to come for a number of years now.

That will do for now.  Need to keep moving – Ron

Meanwhile, we here in Florida have received a deluge of rain too, but not as devastating as the ones I posted last week throughout the world – especially no those like the one in Saudi Arabia where camels of all things were seen swimming to save their lives. Incidentally, they also experienced hail for the first time ever. Mecca was recently hit with enormous amounts of rain, while worshipers were literally swept off their feet by the high velocity winds, as well. Many are questioning their belief in Islam. They wonder how Allah could let such a thing happen since he is a loving god who instructs them to kill Christians and Jews.

The Bible clearly says that hail and torrential rain is a judgement of God. It hailed during the time of Pharoh and killed people and livestock and leveled and destroyed crops. The seventh plague in the book of Revelation is hail as heavy as a hundred pounds raining down on mankind for their wickedness and vile behavior.

Either way, whether this phenomenon is due to global warming, El Nino or Donald Trump (as liberals would have you believe.) God is fully aware of the reasons and could be using these extreme tactics to get our attention in the hope that mankind will cry out to Him in desperation – before the time of Tribulation. A time when unless Christ steps in to stop the complete madness the whole world would be destroyed.

Providentially, I, living in Florida am ensconced in area where the Gulf Stream swirls around – skirting the area and heads North. But not always. We do get hurricanes every so often but again we live out to the beginnings of the everglades which keeps us out of harm’s way. Thank God.

I for one can’t help but believe that these are warnings sent by God to get us all to repent. Even America, Christianity’s last stronghold of the Christian faith, has become so perverse that it too will face God’s warnings before the rapture of the church. Things have gotten so bad that two sodomites we caught on camera having intercourse in the Senate Chamber of the Capitol building in D.C. recently- which goes to show how vile and sick our society has become. The present Godless and perverse administration is capable of anything to demean and mock the conservative way of life and God. This Christmas a statue of Baphomet (Satan) seated on his throne and holding a child on his lap now adorns the state capitol of Wisconsin.

In these uncertain days of fear and anxiety we need a firm anchor for the soul and mind. The Bible has been mine for the past forty-five years. I have trusted in it wholeheartedly and it has never failed me once. That is not to say I haven’t at times doubted God’s word – nevertheless God has proved Himself to be faithful to His word time after time.

Albeit God sometimes encounters resistance even from Satanic beings  or even his chosen ones to come to our rescue and has to find another way to meet our needs I suspect that is why the Bible  says to WAIT upon the Lord, “Those who wait upon the Lord will renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.”

(God is a gentleman and He will not interfere in the affairs of men unless he’s asked to.) It sometimes takes a little longer than expected for God to answer and we must hang on the proverbial cliff by our fingernails and rely on His promises even though it sometimes seems impossible for Him to show up in time.

Meanwhile, in India, Christian revival has broken out with thousands of people receiving Christ.

So do yourself a favor and memorize the following truths found in the Bible to ward off fear and anxiety from the things we see coming upon the world.

“If we fear God, we have nothing else to fear.”

“If God be for us, who can be against us?”

“God is a very present help in times of trouble.”

“Every word of God is true; He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him.”

“You have not been given the spirit of fear, but of Power, Love, and a sound mind.”

“For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”

In order to appropriate these promises, a person must repent and receive Lord and savior.


Jim Towers

You can write me at or visit me at My book “Visions, Miracles, Peace, and Power” can be ordered on Amazon Books and Kindle just in time for Christmas. You can also find me on my newly restructured website

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