By Jim Towers

Have you seen the latest James Web photograph of the “Hand of God” in the farthest reaches of space? The time may soon come when this phenomenal telescope enters the very gates of God’s throne room – would you then believe in His existence?

Year before last, I gifted the leaders of my church with framed photos of the “Hand of God” taken by the Hubble telescope. Today a phot of the “Hand of God” taken from another direction by the James Webb telescope shows a clearer and somewhat differ perspective in the far heavens. This one however also includes Gods portrait as well! (If you look closely at the bottom of the picture you will see a faint outline of the “Head of God” in profile. a photo which I will post on my website for your scrutiny. The James Web telescope is allowing us to see things we never saw before in the outer reaches of space. Lately there has also been a lot of speculation about “black holes” in outer space and parallel universes. To go along with that speculation there is talk of us living within a hologram. But I beg to differ, (anyone who’s ever been hospitalized will tell you that we are “real” entities suffering real pain and hospital food – yuk!)

Huston Texas is under assault and power is down for over a million homes and businesses, this just when the heat index is climbing ever higher.  Pennsylvania is catching hell as well, with hailstones as big as softballs doing much damage to cars and windows. We in Florida are experiencing extremely hot weather too, this prompts me to believe that God is trying to get out attention.  (Many young people are finally coming to their senses about the reality of God and are being baptized.)

While these are times of warnings and testing, Jusus said, “In THIS life you WILL have TRIALS and TRIBULATIONS.” Not IF or MAYBE – Nevertheless, He continues to say that He has OVERCOME the world and that that will be better times ahead eventually. Yet, mankind will do anything to avoid acknowledging or answering to our majestic, awesome, and gracious God. What is it going to take for mankind to realize that they didn’t create themselves and could never have created even a potato much less a custard apple ( a Custard Apple is a tropical fruit with a thick skin filled with custard like mush inside.) My son grows the tree in his tropical Plant and Fruit farm on our back forty. All we’ve ever created in the world is chaos and confusion, yet we won’t acknowledge the enormity, creativity, and power of our majestic creator. Think of all of Gods gifts to mankind, food, water, wind and rain, ice, veggies and fruits, flowers, grass. If we take time to smell the roses or magnolia blossoms, we can’t help but be grateful for all the beauty he has created for our enjoyment as well as countless varieties of birds and animals just for our enjoyment 

On our property my son grows tropical and exotic fruit trees and plants the likes of which I had never known before. Papaya, different kinds of mangoes, tropical sugar apples and custard apples, three different types of bananas different berries for sale around the world. Trees seem to be a favorite for God to work with, providing shade and wood for humanity to make shelter and to produce Maple syrup and Cinnamon for consumption as well as rubber and let’s not forget

our wide variety of nuts and Bamboo which is often used in making kitchen utensils, rugs, furniture and now bedsheets as well- while some people even eat the new and tender shoots, incredible!

But the greatest gift of all, is some intangible thing we call “Love”. That feeling that we get when we find special someone whom we want to share our lives with, a thing that happens when the endorphins in our brains run amok and make our lives worth living.

As we partake of these wonderful treats and gifts, we can’t help but marvel and thank God for His creativity. Considering all of this, we can’t say that God is wrong in chastising us. He is doing it for our own good – to salvage our eternal souls.

Yes, today, here in S.W. Florida the heat index was 101% and we will soon be going into a heat advisory, which was by some attributed to a huge solar flare, while others of us know that the Bible says that in the “Last Days” there will be immense heat waves that will prompt mankind to repent or face more of the same for eternity.

But it doesn’t have to be that way if we seek God’s face in earnest and receive Christ as Savior and Lord. Why even our most jaded and cynical comedians and celebrities are coming to terms with their shallow self-absorbed lives and being baptized, and these are people that have adoration, fame, and fortune. People like Jim Carrey and Russel Brandt who are now claiming to have found Christ and being baptized as well as others. This I suspect is fear of what’s coming in the world in these- Last Days

Self- assertiveness is a wonderful thing but to put oneself in place of God is a dangerous prospect. There are way too many roads to take in life – such as self-indulgence, reckless ambition, self-pity, hate as well as jealousy. Making the wrong choices can lead to disastrous consequences especially since we will all give an account to God our father – even for every idle word. The Bible also says, “Don’t make promises to God – He will expect you to keep them”. God is a jealous God so don’t make Him get angry with you. If you do something you know is wrong confess it and He will forgive you – in the extreme.

Look at it this way, if you are a loving father and your son or daughter disobeys you – wouldn’t you forgive them if they repent and ask for your forgiveness?  What decent father wouldn’t? On top of that, the Bible says God is love and He created this esoteric feeling we have come to call love. “Thou shall love the Lord thy God with all thine heart soul and mind AND thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself.” It’s all as simple as that.


Jim Towers        

You can write me at or visit me at My book “Visions, Miracles, Peace, and Power” can be ordered on Amazon Books and Kindle. You can also find me on my newly restructured website which now features videos of worldwide events taking place in present time, as well as proof of Gods existence and the reality of Biblical places, and Moses himself.

Let us give God His due respect, let us give Him the glory and honor He deserves.

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