By Jim Towers

From the time we are born until the time we die we are engaged in spiritual warfare with our enemy the devil. Taunting, teasing accusing as well as prompting us to make bad choices.

Satan is also referred to as the “accuser of men”. He taunts us and tempts us then has the audacity of accusing us before the father. He does so not just to unbelievers but to believers in Christ as well. Even Martin Luther was subject to his accusations and for a long time felt guilty about his sinful nature, that is until he found the answer to his dilemma in the bible where the apostle Paul says, “It is not I who does wrong, but sin that dwells in me. Who will deliver me from this vicious cycle of death? I thank God that this was accomplished by Jesus Christ who died for us, that we might have life.”   

Indeed, we all have a sinful nature and like the bible says, there is none righteous – no not one.

Even our leaders who should be the paragon of virtue are susceptible to the evil one’s urging to do wrong. Take for example the Biden crime family who colluded with evil governments to rake in millions for dummy corporations, lining their pockets with ill gotten gain. Consider the Pharmaceutical companies and doctors who are still doing the same, even after killing millions and critically harming others with needless and harmful injections. Evil judges and lawyers (who should know better but are breaking the law in Lew of money, and there are teachers who rather than teach math, history, and English are indoctrinating children to disrespect parents and question their very sexual identity while encouraging them to become whatever sex they want to be or think they are when the evidence is right before their eyes looking down.

As for our leaders and the other examples, the bible says, by their fruits we shall know them. (Their actions speak louder than anything they can say.)

Woe to those who call evil good and bad good, for we all must appear at the white throne judgment seat of God one day soon.

Already we can see God’s judgement across the world what with wild weather swings, tornadoes, volcano eruptions, flooding not seen since the time of Noah and massive earthquakes everywhere. In Syria and Turkey the recent earthquakes were so severe that  people were praying in the streets in repentance to ( a non-existing god Allah.)

Next may be nuclear war.

But at present – among Christians, the personal introspection continues, and the problem lies in our trying to be self-righteous. Then when we inevitably fail, we condemn ourselves. It took me a while to accept that as long as I was in the flesh, I would have this problem. Nowadays I confess my short comings and keep plugging away in this thing called life. For example, when I felt that I had erroneously committed sin by filming a cigarette commercial while I was still “young in Christ” I confessed, tore up my headshots and swore to quit the film industry. Nevertheless, a few years later as I was restarting my chosen career at the urging of my agent, I appeared in three or four beer commercials almost back-to-back. It was then that I learned that we humans can justify our every inconsistency, after all which worse, smoking or drinking? Actually, both are bad for the body – the temple of the Holy Spirit but I had to survive in this dog-eat-dog world, what was I to do? What would you have done?

But that was the past. Today, I’ve put all of that behind me. But I wouldn’t have been able to overcome my self-incriminations if I didn’t know scripture. What shall we say then? Shall we continue sinning? NO.  “For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not. For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do.” So says the apostle, Paul. “But God has laid upon Him (Jesus Christ) the iniquity of us all” and so we are free from condemnation and if God sets us free, we are free indeed.

Knowing and practicing the admonitions of the bible is life giving and powerful. Such is the title my soon to be released book. Miracles, Peace & Power. God favors those who follow His admonitions but if your intent is to become wealthy by doing so, your motives and intents are faulty and God doesn’t appreciate being used.

Through miracles (what we usually call coincidences) He will bring about His plans for you – if you give Him first place in your life. Another benefit is the peace you will experience as you give your every care over to Him. God also gives you Power to proclaim Christ in an ever-darkening world fearlessly.

And so, the fruit of the spirit is Love, joy, peace and self-control.

Having been sick for months I wasn’t able to hit the streets nor my mission station (the Naples Pier) which I checked on yesterday and It had been destroyed by the recent hurricane. Having the urge to get out and resume. I instead witnessed to a man at the Cracker Barrel restaurant. The man had made a remark about my beard, and we began conversing.

He was wearing a Michigan State sweatshirt. “I can see by the sweatshirt that you are from Michigan.”

“How did you know?”

“It’s written right there in of your sweatshirt.”

“So, it is.”

“I’m from Lansing myself.”

“Yada, yada, yada.” After inviting him to sit with me we were soon sitting together. Telling me he had just gotten out of the hospital after a severe heart attack, I asked if he was ready to meet his maker.

“Oh, yes” he replied, “I’ve been a good man”.

Do you know what the bible says about that?

“No, not really.”

“For you are saved by grace, through faith and that not of yourselves, it is a gift of God lest any man should boast.”


Jim Towers                    Write me at or visit me at


By Jim Towers

After the fiasco of having spilled cola on my laptop. I learned that my complete manuscript was still intact and with a sigh of relief I was determined to wrap things up. But instead, was laid up with the common flu for a spell.

I know the flu and its symptoms, cough especially at night, burning watering eyes, and temple headaches and body aches and pains plus fever. This went on for four days and nights. Covid never once entered my mind since I knew enough to discount this money-making scheme having garnered all the information I could from the time of its inception until today, a day when otherwise healthy young athletes are falling over dead from the poisonous shots that given to prevent it.

I wasn’t surprised at this turn of events since Satan has been on my case since my conception.

I was born prematurely to a seventeen-year-old girl and nearly died of complications.

At age ten I had a car slip off the jack while I was under it tightening bolds on the bell housing. It fell directly on my chest pinning me to the pavement below. (In those days it was common for a boy to engage in masculine activity.)

At the age of eleven I was sent to Chicago alone to find my missing mother and was picked up by a “friendly stranger” who offered me a ride back home and began making advances toward me once inside his car. A man who let me out of his car only when I assertively demanded he do so. “Let me out of the car or I’ll scream!”

At age 15 I nearly drowned in an ice-cold gravel pit and saw my life flash before my eyes. Luckily an older man dove in to rescue me. Years later I nearly drowned when I saved a girl from drowning.

Once while welding pipe in a small windowless pumphouse with a gasoline gun arc welder I was overcome with carbon Monoxide poisoning and awakened in an oxygen tent in the hospital. My helper was feeling drowsy and kept stepping outside for some cold clean fresh winter air.

Twice at the age of seventeen I was sucker punched in diaphragm area of my stomach and could have died as a result as did Houdini when he was sucker punched unexpectedly just that way.

I was shot at twice, once by a mortal enemy and once by a thief I was chasing who had stolen a woman’s purse.

I had triple bypass surgery after a heart attack.

Having escaped death so many times, I never in my wildest dreams ever think I would still be alive at the “end times” with the possibility of being raptured rather than dying.

Still, though the reader may wonder how I can be so nonchalant in the midst of the things that have plagued my life.

I read the Bible every night, say prayers of thanksgiving night and day. I attend church on a regular basis – mostly to encourage others and learn what others have to say about their faith. Other than that, I have a tendency to be a loner because of my faith, something that others find hard to understand or find it hard to deal with.

Today, I continue to finalize my manuscript. The following is a prelude to my fantastic story of hope in my book “Miracles, Peace and Power”. A story of how God led me to be a man of faith, and courage and where I tell of some of my many and varied evangelical exploits. Also, I talk of being on the set and being a supporting actor in movies with some of our biggest movie stars. I do so, with the backdrop of the awareness of the End of Days.


Suppose you woke up one day only to find out that you had stepped into another dimension.  Things that you previously hoped to be true are now a reality. But these things that you once thought belonged to another realm are just as real and tangible than our present life itself, and after a while we learn to navigate the two realms without the apprehension you once had at the beginning, and you begin to settle in for the ride ahead.

One can only begin this journey by knowing and establishing a relationship with this awesome entity we know as God – the Almighty Creator of the Universe and everything in it. For me Christianity is not “pie in the sky” as some would have you believe. God doesn’t always favor his children with their desires hopes and dreams, He knows what we need and what’s best for his favored children. God does not make mistakes and His promises always prove to be true no matter who questions them. Thus is my story about how chasing my dream of making my own Christian, movie based on the written word became a series of let downs and how I learned to be thankful for everything despite these failures.

I tell of my encounters with God (Visions) although I’ve never so much as smoked a joint. Also, people I’ve led to Christ told me that a vision of a dead loved one and, in another instance, an angel told the person that I would tell them how to be saved on that very day.

My story is rife with tales of Miracles, tangible miracles, miracles you can see, taste, and feel like the time I prayed for and received an unopened bottle of Gator Aid in an empty park setting in Miami. This is just one of many such miracles.

 And, as an added plus I tell of how I sleep like a baby each and every night, with a Peace that surpasses all understanding. And so far, as being a fearless person, Could it be that because of my unwavering faith that God has favored me with added Power to reach out to others with evangelical concern, and the Gospel, or is it because we are living in these the “Last Days.”


Jim Towers                    You can write me at  or visit me at  Or visit my website


By Jim Towers

This story is a continuation of the exciting things God continues doing in my life.

I was supposed to have died a while back, and sometimes I feel as though I may do so soon. But since I’m ready to meet my maker, I have no fear of death. In fact, my evangelistic zeal has only increased. Especially as I see the fast approaching of the “Tribulation period” mentioned in the book of Revelation.

Insofar as my acting career is concerned, I just finished filming a soliloquy featuring Melchior, one of the three Magi who followed the star to Christ lying in the manger. And am preparing to portray a Jewish Priest on stage.

Like I said, God is working overtime in my life, and I will be appearing on stage singing Broadway show tunes sometime in March and so I have a lot of rehearsing to do. 

In the meantime, I will be signing Christmas carols acapella at a park here in Naples. Since it is a spontaneous thing no one will know until it comes out on You Tube or Twitter. From that I will stage another event the first of January. Until then, I hope to be sharing Christ whenever and wherever I can like I did the other night.

            It was about midnight when I began to experience chest pains and so I had Caroline drive me to emergency. On the way I had to plead with her to take me to the Waffle house on the way there. She thought I should get to the hospital as soon as possible but I insisted since I hate hospital food and knew they wouldn’t feed me until noon the next day. Besides that, I hate saltless hospital food and their sugarless bitter coffee.

We stopped at the Waffle House and as we walked in the door, we couldn’t help but notice six young black teenagers between the ages of sixteen and eighteen sitting and standing around a booth with one young white girl between them about sixteen years old. The waitress seated us across from them and one booth down. 

The young man didn’t seem menacing and were well groomed but sporting dreadlocks. I was facing them and as we ate, I looked for overt signs of potential criminality, but they were just acting cocky -as most boys are apt to do. 

When we finished, I told Caroline to go to the car and wait for me. I had something I had to do. She did as I told her. God had told me to talk to these young men and I didn’t want to disappoint Him. This Divine appointment was so I could warn the of the imminent Rapture and of Crist’s return.

I figured the biggest oldest boy was the leaded and approached him. “Are you the leader?” I asked.

The big arrogant boy looked at me with craned neck and a sidelong glance, “What’s it to you?” I stepped closer and I said, “The Lord wants me to warn you boys that we are living in the last days and soon the rapture will take place.” 

“I don’t know about such things, but he does (pointing)”. 

“I approached the other young man and asked, “are you a Christian?” 

He looked up sheepishly, “Yes sir, I am,”

The other boys quit jesting to see where this would end up. 

“Then you should know about the rapture and end times?”

“Yes, I do sir, but the other guys don’t believe me when I talk about those things.”

“Well, I’m here to tell you that we are living in the last days and that we have to get our lives in order by receiving and following Christ.”

Then I reached for my wallet and handed the young man a handful of my cards. “These websites will tell you what you need to know to prepare for Christ’s coming.”

“Thanks man” they all said in unison.

And I was on my way to the hospital thinking God had set all of this up. The timing was too precise to have been a coincidence. Besides, as a Jewish sage once said, “With God, there are no coincidences”.


I need funding to bring about my “best seller” book to the tune of $3000.00 to put out a nicely hard bound cover and eye-catching dust cover (which being a prize-winning artist – I designed myself). Three readers have given me overwhelming accolades and I must press ahead with this timely true story, encouraging other Christians to experience Miracles, Peace and Power like I have.  My latest is to go caroling ALONE at a park full of venders, and buyers, (since I couldn’t get other Christians to go with me.) over the weekend, singing only Christian songs, and not “Frosty the Snowman” nor “Rudolf the red nosed Reindeer”. I intend to do the same until Christmas at other venues and post videos on Facebook and Twitter.

Next, after Christmas, I want to rally patriots to parade and sing patriotic songs, such as, “This is my County” “America the beautiful” “God Bless America” among others on or before January 6 at their town square or wherever people gather in the United States of America. 

To donate for publication of my book go to the bottom of my website (  to Pay Pal – time is of the essence. (You will receive a signed book hot off the press – when it is published and marketed.)

Book Report, 

I am presently reading Dr. Malone’s book “Lies my government told me”. What a book! Even the forward was well written, and I liked this man right away. He has formed a group of doctors and virologist’s that are trying to stop the government from demanding we take the dangerous shots that are killing and maiming millions.

In Dr. Malone’s book over 200 doctors write about their take on the jabs and the follow up, among then are: 

Roltgen,K., et al., Immune imprinting, breadth of variant recognition, and germinal center response in human SAR-CoV-2 infection and vaccination.

Greene J., Wait what? FDA wants 55 years to process FOIA request over vaccine data.

So,.L, Smith G. In four state prisons, nearly 3,300 inmates test positive for Corona Virus, 96% without symptoms. 

Zabian, F.M. Chloroquine – Definition, Properties, Uses, Mechanism Of Action, side effects in the biology Nates,2022.

These, along with 200 other experts in their field, Dr. Malone has compiled and summarized their take on the Covid 19 phenomenon and the so-called vaccinations that shortly followed. 


Jim Towers

Visit me at  or and as always, Rapture Ready. 


By Jim Towers

Many of us are apprehensive if not fearful about the results of the midterm elections. With liberty, morality, and civility hanging by a thread we have every right to shudder at the thought of losing our basic human defined in the constitution, that is – Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The thought of criminals, pedophiles, sexual deviants, and transvestites continuing to run our country into the ground is depressing to say the least. 

But we conservatives may have it coming for being apathetic by not voting and for letting the Godless left kick God and his laws to the curb. Now with no alternative we must cry out to Him in earnest that He will help us and not let happen what we deserve.

The Biden cabal may attempt to use the same 2000 mule tactics and Compromised computers to cheat yet again. In any case, look for something untoward to happen, something that defies logic and common sense. Something like new virus lockdowns or even Marshall Law; maybe even the threat of civil war or maybe even the use of NATO forces.

Joe Biden and his criminal cabal are also threatening Russia with war and sending the 101 Airborne to try and intimidate and/or instigate war with Putin in a desperate attempt to hold onto power However, Putin is a hardened criminal and not easily intimidated. But Biden will do anything to stay out of prison along with his son.

Everyone knows that if the elections continue to the finality without interference, that there is a very good possibility that Conservatives will win both the house AND the Senate. That is, if the Democrats don’t cheat, (since cheating is the only way they could ever hope to win.)  although, the Dominion machines are still in place in many districts.

For Democrats, it’s a matter of preservation of their way of life. For them, the welfare of the middleclass doesn’t matter and the rights of perverts, criminals and young pregnant women is all that matters, even to the extermination of unborn human beings. Animals, trees, and the weather are more important to them than human life. Except for themselves and people like them, they don’t care for others or what others think of them. Notice how they flaunt and parade their perversions and gross sexuality openly. The Biden administration protects and even promotes such deviants, propelling them to top posts in his ill-gotten administration. Did you ever see such a mishmash of perverts in your entire life? I haven’t.

The ailing and incoherent Joe Biden will do anything to keep his himself and his son from facing prosecution for their treasonous affairs and millions of dollars raked in from our mortal enemies for their own use. (Something sure to happen if conservatives gain control of the government.) Hunter Biden, his father, and uncle made and squandered millions of ill-gotten gains from taxpayer dollars and our enemies on drugs, prostitutes. More recently – Joe has been giving black mail money to corrupt governments that he took money from – for them to keep their mouths shut.

And so, the demon obsessed and possessed people are doing all they can to avoid losing the election to those they have harmed through lockdowns, economic hardships, loss of businesses, jobs and even the death of their loved ones, neighbors, and friends, (through untested and poisonous vaccines). to say nothing of perverting the educational systems with satanic sexual indoctrination rather than teaching the basic rudiments of assimilating and gaining knowledge. 

Insofar as covid is concerned, some doctors and so-called scientists are now saying the comprehensive results, (although yet to be determined,) were manmade biological weaponry made to destroy mankind. Now more than ever we have reason for not believing everything we hear from so called health officials.  

With these scary and life-threatening revelations swirling around us we Christians need to have the covering of faith to guard our hearts and minds against fear. 

As we face the possibility of war, we more than anything, need to trust and have faith in our Creator who is ultimately in control. Faith is very important to God and the things we are going through will test our faith in many ways.  So, to be able to stand up during these trying times “You must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” 

“Without faith it is impossible to please God.”

“The just shall live by faith.”

Jesus said, “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed you can say to the mountain, be cast in the sea and it shall be so.” (The analogy is to say that if we believe and wait upon the Lord then we can accomplish astounding things.) 

However, “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.” In other words, we MUST read Holy Scripture regularly and thoughtfully if we hope to increase our faith.


Since God is so enormous and powerful that He flings planets hot off the grill and out into the open expanse of the universe, and because He is Spirit, “Those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth,” (we shouldn’t expect to be able to see Him in person with our earthly eyes.) For no one has seen God “The Father” at any time but in due time Jesus Christ was born in the flesh and shows forth Gods express image, thus we have seen God manifested in the flesh. Jesus worked with us as a carpenter, walked with us, ate with us, taught us the Word of God, and healed us by faith. Never in all written history has a man impacted the world the way He did, therefore, we can say with the Psalmist, “Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless His Holy name. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits, who forgives all our iniquities, who heals all our diseases, who redeems our life from destruction, who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies, who satisfies your mouth with good things, so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.”

Book review.

The 50 Final Events in World History written by Robert L Morgan is a good read. However, we mature and seasoned Christians should already know these things.


Jim Towers                      

You can write me with your thoughts at or visit my website or

The Higher Standard


By Jim Towers

Everyone – and I mean Everyone is born with the resolute idea that they alone are the one and only unique repository of truth. This is a strange phenomenon imbued by us all. 

Perhaps it is because we can’t read another person’s mind that we think we know it all. But nothing could be further from the truth. Each and every person is only able to perceive what they have learned from reading or from inborn human intuition plus various degrees and variations of hard wiring.  But since we are like snowflakes each different than the other, our individual perceptions will all be different. Parental love and guidance as well as setting an example for the child also plays a part.

I my case, neither parent was loving and instrumental in spiritual guidance, although my dad instilled fear in us and raised us not to lie and always be clean and obedient. Mom, although a decent person seemed to have no religious convictions and was always clean and well-groomed as well. And so, it’s a wonder how God was able to infiltrate my life to the extent that He has. (My spiritual life began at the age of twenty-six, but I was always a clean obedient child and well read.) Books were my first love.

I always stepped in for the underdog and was taught right from wrong from my dad. He also taught me to walk like a man, “Throw your shoulders back and for god’s sake don’t bounce when you walk – but stride purposely. Keep your hair combed, and your fingernails clipped and clean and always clean or shine your shoes – and never ever wear wrinkled clothes   

All his admonitions served me well in life, and although he demanded my sister and I to go to church, he seldom did so himself. However, he watched Billy Graham specials on television. Still though, he was never able to overcome his vices of wine -women and song. I guess he tried to be good and even had Father Mc Keon (A Catholic Priest) as a confident and friend although he never seemed to have the need of repentance. And so it all comes down to this if we want to be pleasing to God and to have right standing with him.

The bible teaches that, “There is a way that seems right to man, but the end thereof is the way of death.” And so, as diligent as we are we can never know absolute truth and please God until we find Him, or He finds us. Even science is an unreliable tool to discover absolute truth, because it seems that almost everything man touches becomes flawed. An extreme example of this is that in our desire to win at war and not destroy the opponents’ goodies we have invented Biological Warfare capable of killing people without destroying buildings, houses, infrastructures, and land and we stand ready to use that technology today. – How foolish is that!

Also, (as the recent election shows), we are all divided in various ways of thinking and interpreting life itself. Because of the way we perceive situations and objects with our varied and /or myopic point of view we can be deluded or even fooled by what we observe with our six senses. The mid- term elections were a case in point. By that I mean, how can anyone vote for higher gas prices, higher food costs, inflation, and starvation, not to mention heating costs in the dead of winter? Not only that, but the socialist indoctrination of our children by perverts in the public school system. Furthermore, with the prospect of never-ending vaccines – even for these same children and with lockdowns looming on the horizon -plus having to wear useless masks again – to me reeks of Communism in its deadliest form.

A good way to experience this phenomenon is to go to the art museum and discussing the same painting with different individuals. Everyone, almost without exception will see a painting differently. A vivid example of this happened to me when I was selling my stained-glass artwork at an outdoor festival. My pieces are your normal everyday subjects such as birds, wildlife, and landscapes and as I was talking to an interested customer, she pointed the bottom of the waterfall depicted in the panel and exclaimed, “I love that little sailboat in the pool below the frothing waterfall – I’ll take it – but only for five hundred dollars.” On further examination I was finally able to see the little sailboat bobbing around in the pool at the bottom of the waterfall among the waves. She saw what nobody else ever saw – including me the maker.

Today, as I prepare to appear in a video as the Persian Magi character “Melchior” in a Christmas offering for our three-thousand-member church (First Presbyterian Church of Bonita Springs Florida) I find that the Wise Men of old (Magi) did a better job of seeking out truth than most “seekers” or “seers” of today who, “Thinking themselves to be wise, they became utter fools.” 

God knows that only what He teaches is worthwhile in the larger scheme of things. Only God is the final arbiter of truth and wisdom. Without the laws and wisdom found in the Bible man and cultures can barely function as they should, but instead find themselves becoming a flawed people and often, third world countries desperate for food, devoid of reason -with only animalistic instincts to guide them. Drug addicts, alcoholics, and suicidal people are the results of faulty thinking and making bad decisions. The best decision a man can make is to follow God’s teachings, which are found only in the bible.

“The Word of God always turns out to be true, no matter who questions it.” In The Holy Bible, the TEN COMMANDMENTS is a great example of good laws that keep people in line and still be able to enjoy life to its fullest. Deuteronomy is written to expand on these truths in greater detail. Much of the rest is written for world history and how that God deals with those who defy him deliberately. 

The New Testament agrees with all that was written previously in the Old Testament. When Jesus came, He taught us from Holy Scripture and never deviated from it, but instead taught us, healed us, and our inclinations to do wrong. 

The Holy Spirit was given to us followers upon His death on the cross to help keep us in line, instruct and comfort us in our trials and tribulations and not by outward manifestations or false piety but by a quiet and content spirit imbued by internal peace and hope.


Jim Towers

You can write me at or visit my website at  or

The ultimate truth lies in what God – our creator has to say about a matter and that’s why it’s so very important to read, study, and learn from it. For it is the ultimate truth. “Heaven and earth may pass away but my truth shall stand forever.” Thus, saith the Lord God of heaven and earth.


By Jim Towers

People everywhere are searching for cover from all they see happening in our world. Things such as war, famine, natural disasters, economic woes and manmade viruses. Bunkers and bomb shelters are being built by those who can afford to have them built. Preppers are stocking up on food, this is the commonsense thing to do in today’s chaotic world.

After reading the news on the internet and watching the news on television, they cower in fear from all they see happening in the world. What with wars, rumors of war and the very real possibility of a nuclear holocaust in their own back yard, people have good reason to be afraid. Freezing to death without fuel to keep them from doing so, finding themselves homeless and scrounging in garbage cans for food like the Venezuelans and people in other communist countries must do to survive – are other real very fears.  

Yet many American people still cling to the hope that government can save them from these catastrophes, when they are the very ones causing much of this calamity. Albeit some who without common sense look to an illegitimate government that continually lies and is incrementally taking their constitutional rights away from them; (a puppet government who gives our money away to other outlaw countries like the money was their very own,) and all the while, imposing ever higher taxes on its citizens even while they are turning out thousands of armed tax collectors to get even more from the populace.

The only people that are oblivious to the times in which we live are homosexuals, transvestites and assorted lunatics still parading in varying degrees of nakedness and causing trouble and chaos everywhere they go. They are those blinded by Satan. They want the right to abuse others and our children all to do likewise and force us acquiesce to their way of life. These people have much in common – but primarily their denial of the God of creation. The poor souls have been blinded by the father of lies and so they worship trees, animals, and other inanimate things and even demand the right to worship Satan openly. How absurd and what an affront to Almighty God who gave them life. Even Monkey Pox, STDs AIDs and Syphilis can’t stop them, and so Sodom and Gomorrah live on in present times. These same people also believe the lies they are told by their governmental leaders although anyone with any degree of commonsense can see that they are wrong in all they do because their belief systems and motives are skewered. Through and through with sin. It’s funny how they want others to believe that they are intelligent, loving and kind, when in fact they are inclined to do evil, and are self-righteous, self -serving, devious, and vindictive. 

It makes us wonder if there is redemption for those who fallen for Satan’s lies. I hope so because we all know someone just like that, even among family members.

The apostle Paul writes in the book of Romans, that these people are those, and I quote,

“Who changed the truth of God into a lie and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.  For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise, also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful.” 

The book of Timothy says somewhat the same thing only it is a little less severe. In reading these verses we can see that people are going down that path in increasing numbers. In speaking of the “last days” the apostle Paul tells Timothy what it will be like in the final days when people forget about God and the teachings of Christ Jesus which are declared in the bible. 

But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good,treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people. They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over gullible women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires,always learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth.” Doesn’t this scenario sound familiar?

We all know someone like that., They may even exist within our own families and friends; they maybe even neighbors. The best we can do is try to get them acknowledge God, to repent and receive Christ. Sooner or later, they will thank you for your concern. In reaching out to them however we must be careful to do so out of true concern.

Although most people know that world shaking events are taking place everywhere, they search for cover and answers in vain – when the answers can be found in the only God beathed book in the world – the Holy Bible. The bible says this about itself. “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness.”

If you consider yourself a true Christian then you shouldn’t be able to find yourself in the lists of people in either book, if you do then maybe it’s time for you to repent and get right with God.

Nevertheless, you must keep in mind that no one is perfect even after receiving Christ, but now we have an advocate with the Father. One who will never fail us.

Book review:

I’m looking forward to reading Eric Metaxas, (one of my favorite Christian writers) “Letter to the American Church”, The book is published by Salem books. This latest book deals with the church and what they must do before the imminent rapture and the soon coming of the Tribulation period.


Jim Towers

You can Email me at  or visit my website or


and the upcoming political storm

By Jim Towers

Because I am 10 miles east of the coast, I have barely escaped the devastation of hurricane Ian. And so am writing even as the hurricane is pummeling Southwest Florida. It is a very serious category 5 storm. With 12 18 ft. water surges, as the eye approaches land near Sanibel, Captiva, Ft. Meyers and Sarasota; it is expected to be the strongest storm in the area in recent memory.  

Marco Island which is the southernmost city of the on the west coast, the streets are covered with water, and it is about ninety miles south from the eye of the storm. The hurricane  is about 150 miles across the center. The bridges have been closed and now there is no escape for those who hesitated and now they will be left behind to endure the full brunt of the storm. (It sounds like the rapture, doesn’t it?)

Governor De Santi urged everyone to hunker down as it is too late to leave the most vulnerable locations where the storm will strike on the coast. The eye of the storm will linger over a given area for up to three hours, first the winds will buffet the area below it to the left to right and then as the eye passes over the winds will hit again from right to left.

Local officials are doing what they can to coordinate the rescue teams ready to come in and rescue those who stayed behind as well as those who could not get out of the storm’s way for various reasons, – but only after the storm subsides, what with power lines trees falling and debris flying at tremendous speed it can get to be deadly out there.

The storm coverage is the best I’ve ever seen or heard, and the weather reporters have been giving updates and warnings for the past 48 hours. NBC has been doing an excellent job in keeping us informed on television and radio. However, the internet has been out for 36 hours now.

There were 8-12 ft surges here in Collier County where I am at 9:07 this morning. And at about twelve noon my mission station (the Naples Pier) is still standing but closed with damages after having been repaired twice since I’ve been living here. 

Four years ago, hurricane Irma was a Cat three. It did significant damage where I live in Naples. Electricity was out for eleven days without so much as a Microwave or having water or ice. Hurricane Ian is one digit less than a category five – it was a very powerful storm. 

My son Matthew who lives in North Dakota just left a text message to not forget to pray and to hunker down. But luckily, we escaped the brunt of the storm. We are experts by now at handling all the effects of these storms. 

Hurricane Andrew that hit Homestead Florida was a real doozy and I volunteered to go there with the church I was attending at the time to help feed those whose homes were swept away. Then Came Ivan that hit the Panhandle which was a significant storm as well. I spent weeks clearing and cutting up huge trees that had been toppled by the winds.

At noon, all bridges that connect to the mainland have been closed to traffic. The Skyway bridge, (one of the highest bridges in the country), has been closed as well. I well remember the five-mile bridge in Pensacola having had a section collapse and a trucker having gone over the end and meeting his death during hurricane Ivan. You just never know when you are going to meet your maker. I just hope he was saved.

The Catastrophic hurricane has passed, and huge pieces of debris, chunks of concrete, asphalt and trees are littering the streets. The Sanibel causeway was swept away, and some cars and houses were up to eight feet under water. Houses were flooded up to the attic, rooves were torn away by winds that reached 150 miles an hour. Power lines are down and 130,000 people are left without electricity. Ft. Meyers/Ft. Meyers Beach was also hit hard.

Rescue teams from Miami and around the country are responding and began operations beginning at first light. Now several homes are on fire. At 3:00 P.M. Thursday the 29 Th. of September the day after the storm seven people have died so far.

The Political storm due in November is also beginning to shape up. Let us hope that it isn’t a Cat 5 as well. The storm shaping up on the political front, can be likened to the hurricane that has just pummeled Southwest Florida. 

The upcoming political storm began just after the rigged presidential election took place, during the last presidential election, and now we are experiencing the calm before the storm hitting us from the opposite direction.

Many people on the Left and on the Right were predicting the failure of the electronic voting systems and indeed they did fail us, the Communist Chinese made sure of that. But they weren’t the only ones to tamper with the results, there were several others involved as well. As the 2000 Mule documentary by Dinesh De Sousa can testify, and if these irregularities aren’t corrected by eliminating the voting machines altogether then once again there will be doubt about the votes during the Mid-term elections as well; in which case there may be rioting in the streets. Only this time even conservatives may be involved as well, depending on who wins the most seats.

Once again, the Communist Left will try to steal the election to keep control of the House and Senate, but it won’t work. Everyone is aware of the theft that took place during the last Presidential race. Like President Trump we conservatives were flabbergasted as most other people were when the election was called for Joe Biden. 

Like the hurricane of today there is a lot of bluster, and positioning as the next political storm is shaping up in the United States. The results of the mid – term elections will determine whether we survive the catastrophic results of the Biden – so called administration.

The Left is doing all it can to discourage President Trump from running four years from now. In fact, they have been searching for ways to incarcerate him. Although they’ve thrown everything, they have in their arsenal at the wall – nothing has stuck. They are rabid in their dislike of him even though he has done nothing to warrant their animosity toward him. With the pollical winds picking up and as the day of reckoning (November 3) approaches, the communists will do anything short of assassinating the one president that did more good things for this country than any other president. 

With the lackluster performance of Joe Biden, even hard-core Democrats now want to rid themselves of the obvious puppet in the White House. He is as much an embarrassment to our Christian nation as was Barack Hussain Obama who was always apologizing for the U.S. being a corrupt country, when in fact, we have always been a benevolent society that even went so far as re-building our wartime enemies economies and structures after war.

The eye of the political storm is tightening and soon all hell may break loose with the fate of our country hanging in the balance. If the Left wins by hook or crook, we will devolve into a communist state. Laws will be uprooted like so many young saplings and be strewn along the path of destruction. It will be brother against brother, son against father and neighbor against neighbor.

For too long Christians have been complacent as the radical left has taken over our learning institutions and courts of law. Soon though, even churches that have been watching from the sidelines will begin to speak up as the day of reconning approaches. But it may be too little too late. Complacency and the good life have had its day and now we may get what we deserve.

As the winds increase and people begin to hunker down to wait out the storm, much will have already been uprooted and all other things we take for granted have been shaken to the core. Jesus warned that a house built on the sand and not the solid foundation of Christianity is certain to crumble.

If that isn’t enough, there are the winds of war forming; a war known as the war of Gog and Magog. That is to say, the war of Communist China and Russia and their allies making war in which we will ultimately be swept up in – as they go after all the goodies of Israel.


Just when I thought no one cared for my safety I received Emails from my readers out of concern for my safety.

Matthew T., Kelly Tyson in Texas, John Broadwater, in England, Brad Keefer Sr. Joyce B. Johnny B. and Kaye Buckley in Australia are the special people who wrote.

God bless them for pulling me out of a deep blue funk.


Jim Towers

You can write to me at and visit my website or



By Jim Towers

My whole life has been a life chock full of miracles. Why??  I’m just an ordinary man yet God has favored me with endless miracles all throughout my life. He may just do the same for you.

In searching for a title for my book (248-page manuscript) I thought it would only be right to give credit where credit is due. God has undoubtably and indubitably been watching over me and working miracles in my life from the time I was born a pre-mature child to a 17-year-old mother. (The doctor had asked my parents whom to let survive and she chose to let me live, taking her chances with an operation.) I guess you could say that was the first miracle in my life.

Both of my parents were handsome, intelligent, clean, and hard-working individuals but they were working class people. Dad was a welder and mom was a nurse’s aide. As for me, I was always an avid reader. I was a good kid, obedient and dutiful – thanks to my strict upbringing.  

But there was nothing to indicate that my life would be exceptional in any significant way. Yet with God’s help I was able to reach and mingle with the stars. By stars I mean movie stars and other top achievers. Today I write to encourage others and do artwork to enhance others’ lives as a hobby. 

In telling this story, I want to encourage others that God can work miracles in your life too – if you give Him a chance. Nothing is too hard for our Creator. 

Jesus said to him, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.”

Besides, having survived a drowning (In which I saw my life events unfold before my mind’s eye like a motion picture and three vicious beatings that should have killed me, I will relate a miracle that happened on a lonely stretch of highway through the Arizona desert in the late summer at night.

The vehicle I was driving was an older van whose rings were badly worn. I had been warned by my brother-in-law “Pauly” who was a master mechanic that I shouldn’t attempt the trek from Jamestown North Dakota to Hollywood California without first replacing the rings on the van. But since I was determined to set out right away, he cautioned that I should always keep a couple of quarts of thirty weight – non detergent oil on hand just in case.  And after giving me what oil he had on hand we said our goodbyes.

I was a relatively new Christian and felt that I could really do all things through Christ who strengthened me and was willing to undertake anything. Some people would say I was young and foolish, even reckless. But since I was always able to overcome all previous obstacles, I felt capable to meet any challenge – besides, who wants to live a humdrum life?

Having always been adventuresome, rough, and ready, we took a secondary road through the desert in Arizona. The plateaus, smaller mesas and huge cactus spires were awe inspiring. But the van ran out of oil as the viscosity of the oil broke down in the summer heat. It ran like water through the worn rings as the last sign said 60 miles to the next gas station. 

Luckily it was beginning to get dark and soon the day would be cooling down. Nevertheless, the oil gage on the old van began rising and it was beginning to register hot, and we were out of the oil that was given to us. I babied the vehicle and stopped every so often but finally I pulled over one last time. I knew the old van would soon stop on its own if I didn’t. 

It was dark and there were millions of stars out in the black blanket of the sky. Silence also enveloped us as we sat in the vehicle and prayed.

We hadn’t seen another vehicle for hours and now we were out in the middle of the desert alone. Time seemed to stand still but in reality; we had only been there for less than twenty minutes.

God was at work. Pulling things together to rescue us.

Looking up into the rearview mirror I saw a pinpoint of light coming our way and it took a while for us to hear the air brakes on the ten-wheeler as it pulled up behind us.

I quickly jumped out of the van and went over to the cab of the tractor trailer just as the man was rolling down the window. “Are you alright?” the big middle-aged man asked. 

“How far to the nearest gas station?” I asked sheepishly.

“Oh, about forty miles or so. What seems to be your problem?”

“I ran out of oil and can’t go any further.”

“What kind of oil do you need?” 

“Thirty weight non- detergent, the rings are bad and that is the only oil that will stand up to the heat in the desert.”

“You’re in luck, I just happen to have a full case of thirty weight non- detergent under the seat that you can have.”

I offered to pay the man, but he insisted that I take it as a gift. He loaded it in the back of the van – wished us well and left.

God sighed a sigh of relief and shook his head and laughed, “Jimmie boy is sure a handful.” The angels shook their heads in unison and took flight to help another human being not far away.

We were good to go now and traveled as far as we could in the coolness of the night. There was a roadside park before you enter Los Angeles about sixty miles away. We stopped to rest in the foothills of the Sierra Madre mountains. It was about three in the morning, and we had no sooner laid down in the van to get some much-needed sleep when we heard the rumble of motorcycles and the drunken laughter of a motorcycle gang. Pretty soon the hard rock music began, but we were too tired to care. Leaving it all in God’s hands we quickly went to sleep.

“Call on God in your time of trouble and He will answer,”


Jim Towers                      You can write me at   or visit me at and


By Jim Towers

Movies were used to great effect during the second world war by both the Americans and the Germans for propaganda purposes. Many “movie stars” participated in the war effort. Today, while culture wars are going on we are exposed to men kissing men (on the lips!) and women kissing women is the norm – in the movies and television and Netflix as well – and the F word is used indiscriminately on all fronts.

After the war came television but instead of diminishing movie attendance it only enhanced it. Television was ok when it first hit the market, but as time wore on it became redundant and finally today it too is perverse what with all the sordid subject matter being displayed on the little screen as children watch the sordid action and think nothing of certain bi-sexual hosts who flaunt their sexuality as though it were normal to be a woman who thinks it’s ok to act like a man.

The Big screen -not to be outdone -also began delving into sexual deviant subject matter. Then the deadly Covid fiasco nearly did away with movie attendance altogether and was indicative of the end times when all things became temporal. 

Then the End times came upon us unexpectedly even as we tried to make sense of this and other abominations – even as we continued to make plans for the future, and it hit us with the force of a cat five hurricane. Today we are in the eye of the storm. Especially with the midterm elections coming up. 

Many of us are confused and despondent over the state of the nation as demonic forces threaten to destroy the next generations and the nation itself. Today unborn children are being sacrificed on the altar of convenience and money made from their body parts. Pedophilia is rampant everywhere and is even endorsed by people on the left. Crime and murder are over the top as killers are let loose to roam the streets in search of victims in mostly blue states. Joe Biden or the person who pulls the strings (Obama?) just brought in a sexual deviant to head up the Monkey Pox fiasco. This sadomasochist even has a Satanic Pentagram tattooed on his chest – proud of who he serves.

Whatever happened to good movies, like Mel Gibson’s “Passion of the Christ”? It was the best movie ever. The story line was right on track with appropriate music at the right time and the visuals were beyond parr, the costuming was great, and the dialogue was superb, that movie is my all-time favorite of any and all movies combined.

“The Bible” was another good movie where they did the very best, they could with what they had at the time.

The “Ten Commandments” was another triumph for Bible based stories although discrepancies can be found in each of the latter two. The texture of this movie was great, and the music was as heroic and as powerful as “Moses” played by Charlton Heston. What a time to been alive to have seen these block busters.

I may have to see these movies again to be reminded that these wonderful films that once drew me closer to the God I serve.

Other than that, documentaries are now my cup of tea. Documentaries are true life stories taken from everyday news.

I just finished reading “When the moon turns to red” by Leah Sottile, and low and behold the documentary came out on Net Flix the following week! 

The story is about a woman who was a Latter Day Saint (Mormon). A once good-looking woman who dazzled everyone with her smile and sweet personality.

Having just read the book I watched the documentary to see how true to form it was and it was well done with actual interviews and news clips. The woman subscribed to the Mormon fables that led to her destruction, and ultimately the death of her two children. Mormons believe that a young man named Joseph Smith was walking near the woods behind his house when he stumbled on a “peep” stone left by an angel named Maroni, (what is a peep stone?? Funny how Moroni rhymes with Baloney.) Maroni appears to him and tells him where to find some gold tablets that will lead him to be the founder a perverted religion based on various foolish premises. What ever happened to the gold tablets?? Even today, some of the adherents believe in wearing diapers thinking doing so will one day will make them become gods themselves. (Doesn’t that sound familiar? Like the verse where Satan said, “I will ascend to the furthest reaches of the North and become like God.”

In any case, this woman began to think of herself as some sort of goddess and had acquired a small following of likeminded women to follow her and her adulterous paramour, – a writer of fantastic spiritual fiction. This tragic story is still being played out in real life in the courts and she and her lover face the death penalty for three killings – if convicted. The bad part of this story is that all of Christianity will take a hit of condemnation from stories like this and other likeminded foolishness that abounds today in Christian circles.

If that wasn’t enough, another book based on truth titled, “The Laptop from Hell” exposes the Biden family of its many criminal and treasonous offences against our country. It is raw in its expose’ of these traitors and references the incriminating information found in Hunter Bidens laptop. My guess is that the CCP and Ukraine are blackmailing both father and son, given the amount of money Joe has given to the Ukraine which ranges in the billions of American dollars.

I haven’t yet seen the documentary (My son Hunter) based on that book, and don’t feel it necessary to do so, after reading the book “Laptop from Hell” I already know more than I need to know about this criminal family.

On top of that, Chinese communist spies have invaded our country and now lurk inside our institutions – as well as our federal government.

I wish I could tickle your ears with good news, but we must face the reality that we are living in the end times and the only good news I can divulge – at this point in time is that the rapture should take place sooner – rather than later.


Jim Towers          You can write me with comments at or visit my website at  or visit me at


By Jim Towers

Who would believe that hard core agnostic and atheists are repenting and receiving Christ? Yes, arrogant and self -serving actors and celebrities are receiving Christ under the end times prophecy “In the last days I will pour out Spirit on all flesh……”

Even Shia LaBeouf just became a Christian! The once obstinate actor was an agnostic but when offered the role of Padre Pio a famous Roman Catholic priest of the 1800s; a man who garnered worldwide acclaim for possessing healing powers as well as what Roman Catholics term as exhibiting “stigmata”. Stigmata is the bleeding in the areas where Jesus would have bled during the crucifixion. 

In undertaking of the role, Shia researched the life of Padre Pio at different Roman Catholic churches near his home in California, then, later he went to the actual convent in Italy where Pio served, and he could get a “feel” for the demanding role.

After months of preparation during where he learned all he could about the role which he would undertake and undergoing rigorous Catholic training as well.  Beginning to pray for insight into the priest he underwent an inward transformation after much introspection. After months of preparation, the hardheaded intellectual actor is well on his way to cleaning up his act and living the Christian life. – or so he says.

As I watched Shia’s interview on YouTube, I was looking for any indication that he was being untruthful, but he claims to have at least read the book of Matthew in the Bible.

Back in the day, Catholics didn’t read scripture at the church services and only heard the Mass in Latin, they mostly read secondhand explanations of scripture in pamphlet form called Catechism.   The Catholic Biblical Cannon is the Douay Reims version of the bible which contains other questionable “books” such as Tobias, Abdias and Sophonias. Who or what is Sophonias, pray tell?  

Although Shia loves the mysteries of the Catholic Church, I find these trappings stifling and stunting personal spiritual growth. We believers are admonished to “Study to show thyself approved, a workman that need not be ashamed, rightfully dividing the Word of God.” I began and still study the King James, and New King James.

Worse than that, the Roman Catholics worship idols in the form of statuettes. And use the rosary (as do the people of the Muslim faith.) Which begs the question, – Didn’t Jesus say not to pray to idols, and not to say repetitious prayers – as the heathen do?

Nevertheless, I do hope that Shia is on the path to know our Lord and Savior and continues to be a seeker of truth. 

There is the rumor that Elon Musk may have made a profession of faith in Christ, but although he appeared before professing (immature) Christians asking questions, he answered the way most American people would answer, like, “I believe in a higher power and I am a good person, Jesus was a good person, etc.” These answers are common among those in secular society. His interviewers were novices in proclaiming the Gospel and were laughing throughout the interview all because they had scored an interview with the richest man in the world. What an obscene interview.

Tom Hanks has made a profession of faith. But we’ll have to wait and see. “Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re going to get.”

Sharon Stone says she is a Christian. Really?

Jane Fonda claims to be a Christian. Who am I to say?

Of course, we all know Kirk Cameron who has a new Christian movie coming out soon. I hope it’s not as cheesy as most of them are.

Chuck Norris also claims to be a Christian but never proclaims it openly. Incidentally, I worked on a Chuck Norris film called “Invasion U.S.A.” which his brother Arron wrote and directed. I portrayed the boat captain in the opening scene where a Russian cruiser comes up in front of the old vessel I pilot and they pretended to be the American Coast Guard. Meanwhile I was having trouble with the outboard engine when they arrived and killed all the people aboard the craft – including me. But at least, Chuck invited me and the rest of the cast to his house for a Christmas wrap party.

In any case all of the above are just as capable of claiming to be Christians as the rest of us. Why even some politicians are claiming to be Christians, take Nancy Pelosi the pro-abortion speaker of the house for example, who happens to be a Roman Catholic as are many other career politicians.

And speaking of politicians, “President” Joe Biden (The big guy) gave a state of the union speech in which he sided with the Ukrainian’s who have the goods on him and his son to the tune of millions of American dollars. (He knows that if he crosses them, they will expose his shady dealings with them via Burisma – his son Hunter’s illicit business enterprise.) 

The same can be said of the Chinese Communist Governments dealings with the Biden criminal enterprise. The Big guy knows that if he says anything bad about either of our mortal enemies, he will be in turn be exposed for being a beneficiary of the criminal dealings of his son, the hard-core drug addict and sex pervert. If anything, untoward is said against either of these two entities they will expose him for the puppet that he is. Blackmail is a powerful tool, and they wouldn’t hesitate to use it against these wolves in sheep’s clothing.

In his state of the Union address Biden, with slurred speech while coughing, addressed the nation from a small gymnasium that holds about 300, even so, there were at most about 250 in attendance in what was referred to as a rally. The bought and paid for media made much of the partisan speech in which he threatened conservatives with irresponsible rhetoric. 

Joe, it seems would even go far as to promote civil war just to deflect the talk about his shady dealings with Ukraine and Communist China as well as protect his criminal son and brother. 

If these people had any integrity, they would admit their failures and face the consequences rather than let the country suffer. Incidentally, he is in negotiations with Iran to continue their nuclear arms program. In fact, one of their top leaders will be making a trip to the US to address these issues with Biden soon. What kind of patriot is that?

One last thing you should know, and that is; did you know that the Chinese Communist Party is making the masks that you wear to guard against the virus they made, and they also make the computer components for our elections. And, oh yes, now they are making the 666 chips for the use of the one world government.

If ever there was a time to prepare to meet your maker, it is now.


Jim Towers                          

Write me at or visit my website at

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