Our Coming King

When asked if I am a republican or a democrat, my answer now is I am a Monarchist, I serve a king.

From the study of the book of Romans by Chuck Missler -Inspired by Pastor S.D. Lockridge

He is:
King of the Jews (racial);
King of Israel (national);
King of all the Ages;
King of Heaven;
King of Glory;
King of Kings;
..and Lord of Lords. [Do you know Him? Do you really?]

A prophet before Moses;
A priest after Melchizedek;
A champion like Joshua;
An offering in place of Isaac;
A king from the line of David;
A wise counselor above Solomon;
A beloved/rejected/exalted son like Joseph.
And yet far more…

The Heavens declare His glory…
and the firmament shows His handiwork..
He who is, who was, and who always will be;
The first and the last
He is the Alpha and the Omega
the Aleph and the Tau
the A and the Z;
He is the first fruits of them that slept

The “I AM that I AM” [the Voice of the Burning Bush!] He is the Captain of the Lord’s Host
He was the conqueror of Jericho
He is enduringly strong;
He is entirely sincere;
He is eternally steadfast;He is immortally graceful;
He is imperially powerful;
He is impartially merciful;

In Him dwells the fullness of the Godhead bodily;
The very God of very God.
He is our Kinsman-Redeemer
and He is our Avenger of Blood;
He is our City of Refuge;
our Performing High Priest,
our Personal Prophet,
our Reigning King.

He’s the Loftiest idea in Literature;
He’s the highest Personality in Philosophy;
He’s the Fundamental Doctrine of Theology;
He’s the Supreme Problem in “higher criticism”!
He’s the Miracle of the Ages
the Superlative of everything good

We are the beneficiaries of a Love Letter:
It was written in blood,
on a wooden cross
erected in Judea
2,000 years ago.

He was crucified on a cross of wood,
yet He made the hill on which it stood.

By Him were all things made that were made;
without Him was not anything made that was made;
By Him are all things held together!
What held Him to that cross? It wasn’t the nails!
(At any time He could have declared, “I’m out of here!”)
It was His love for you and me.
He was born of a woman
so that we could be born of God;
He humbled Himself
so that we could be lifted up;

He became a servant
so that we could be made co-heirs;
He suffered rejection
so that we could become His friends;
He denied Himself
so that we could freely receive all things;
He gave Himself
so that He could bless us in every way.

He is
Available to the tempted and the tried;
Blesses the young;
Cleanses the lepers;
Defends the feeble;
Delivers the captives;
Discharges the debtors;
Forgives the sinners;
Franchises the meek;
Guards the besieged;
Heals the sick;
Provides strength to the weak;
Regards the aged;
Rewards the diligent;
Serves the unfortunate;
Sympathizes and He saves!

His Offices are manifold;
His Reign is righteous;
His Promises are sure;
His Goodness is limitless;
His Light is matchless;
His Grace is sufficient;
His Love never changes;
His Mercy is everlasting;
His Word is enough;
His Yoke is easy and
His Burden is light!
He’s indescribable;
He’s incomprehensible;
He’s irresistible;
He’s invincible!

The Heaven of heavens cannot contain Him;
Man cannot explain Him

The Pharisees couldn’t stand Him
and learned that they couldn’t stop Him;
Pilate couldn’t find any fault with Him;
the witnesses couldn’t agree against Him.
Herod couldn’t kill Him
death couldn’t handle Him
the grave couldn’t hold Him!

He has always been and always will be;
He had no predecessor and
will have no successor;
Your can’t impeach Him and
he isn’t going to resign!

His name is above every name;
That at the name of Yeshua
Every knee shall bow
Every tongue shall confess
That Jesus Christ is Lord!

His is the kingdom, the power, and the glory… for ever, and ever.



Devotional, not just doctrinal

Thus speaketh Christ our Lord to us:

Ye call Me Master and obey Me not.
Ye call Me Light and see Me not.
Ye call Me Way and walk Me not.
Ye call Me Life and choose Me not.
Ye call Me Wise and follow Me not.
Ye call Me Fair and love Me not.
Ye call Me Rich and ask Me not.
Ye call Me Eternal and seek Me not.
Ye call Me Noble and serve Me not.
Ye call Me Gracious and trust Me not.
Ye call Me Might and honor Me not.
Ye call Me Just and fear Me not.
If I condemn you, blame Me not.
—An inscription on a cathedral in Lubeck, Germany

Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.  Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many
wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. Matthew 7:21-23

You need to have a personal relationship with Christ our Lord, not a Sunday only relationship, not a pray when times are hard relationship, a relationship where you want to know Christ more and more each day.


By Jim Torres “Towers”

Surely you’ve heard that verse of scripture, “There shall be wars and rumors of war.” Surely, as a well informed intelligent American Christian you’ve heard or read about the Soviet Generals who were killed in Syria by a car bomb recently. Surely you know that the United States and Russia are at odds about who should be governing in Syria. Turkey is also at odds with Russia at the present time and it’s beginning to look like war.

I’ve been postulating about all out war breaking out in the Middle East for some time now and was beginning to wonder when it would happen. Today it seems very likely and not in the too distant future – maybe even tomorrow.

As a well informed and concerned Christian I can’t help but notice that prophecy is being fulfilled at an alarming rate, and so I must speak out about it.

Damascus will surely fall like the Bible tells us it will, never to rise again. I’m sure you know that there is a vast underground bunker under Damascus where the elite criminals (whoever that may be) will take shelter in case of war. In order for the opposing forces to annihilate the enemy (whoever that may be) Damascus will be carpet bombed, especially with bunker busting bombs that are able to reach extreme depths. Not only that, but Putin has warned Turkey that they have nuclear warheads on conventional rockets ready to be used against them.

Turkey, Isis or the United states will surely be blamed for this latest fiasco. While I’m neither a political analyst, nor a fully informed military analyst either, I do read news reports from around the world and it doesn’t take too much intelligence to put two and two together in light of what the scriptures say.

Putin must be raving mad right now and he is surely preparing something in retaliation. We must remember (or haven’t you heard) that he was the leader of the KGB at one time; talk about a ruthless mindset! Aren’t the Russians the ones who gave us the Gulag Archipelago? Surely you’ve heard of the poor soul, Alexander Solzhenitsyn. Guantanamo doesn’t begin to compare. Surely Putin will be seeking retaliation.

Surprisingly, this act didn’t make the front pages. and news of this latest act of war has all but been shut down completely. Is it that the reporters are told to “stand down” so as not to disturb our way of life and our rushing into the abyss of perdition? If so, who in the world could that be?

In this country we are committed only to our comfort zone, while thugs roam the streets of our country and the news sources say nothing. A ninety-five year old woman and many others are raped by drug crazed youth and are often left to die. War heroes are set upon and robbed by both young men and women. People are afraid to go out at night, afraid of being cold cocked from behind by angry Godless youth demanding their right to do as they please on whomever they please.

Yes, the Bible says there shall be wars and rumors of war, corruption in high places. The love of many will become cold and Christians will be murdered and persecuted and non–believers will be given over to a reprobate mind.

And talk about a reprobate mind. Unless you want to see what our society has come to, don’t watch “The Interview” which is an utterly sick, sick film about an attempt to assassinate the North Korean dictator. By all accounts it is supposed to be a comedy!

It is all spelled out in prophetic scripture. Although we can’t pinpoint the day or the hour of Jesus’ return we can see corruption escalate across the land and the world at large. In any case, we should prepare for any eventuality, which brings me to this question: are you really ready to meet your maker or have you left something undone?

On another note:

Ranking the movie “The Passion of the Christ” as the ultimate 10, the movie “Risen” for me was a 7. Maybe I shouldn’t expect too much from Christian filmmakers, but I did see a couple of serious flaws in the making of the film, given that they obviously had the money to do it right and didn’t. First, the casting could have been better and there was one short scene where some levity was used. I didn’t think that there was what we call in the film business “comedy relief” in the true historical happening. That for me was a sure sign that the writer didn’t fully get the profoundness of the resurrection. Jesus’ resurrection was a somber occasion, one which guarantees us that we can be resurrected too if we receive Christ by faith. This is not to be taken lightly. Most audience members won’t see this as a detriment to the film but will overlook it entirely or snicker at the crazy scene as some did in the audience I was in.

However, I can understand the filmmaker’s concern about an audience growing weary with too much profundity, but they shouldn’t have been concerned as this wasn’t a long drawn out affair but was the standard length for the attention span of American audiences.

Nevertheless, it was entertaining enough to hold your attention, especially if you are unfamiliar with scripture. Jesus didn’t leave in a blaze of glory but ascended into a cloud. But at least it wasn’t a Christian football movie made by complete amateurs!

This isn’t to say that I could do any better at directing, but I would have handled the resurrection scene with a little more respect and cast the right people for the important roles.


Jim Torres “Towers” Jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com and www.theprophecies2016movie.com

Syrian Ceasefire Could Set The Stage For Much Bigger Conflict Read

The link for the rest of the article is highlighted below.  Article by Michael Snyder via Prophecy News Watch.
The ceasefire in Syria is a joke.  Turkish military units continue to mass along the border, and militants are pouring across the border to attack targets in northern Syria.

The Prime Minister of Turkey is now openly admitting that his government is supporting the militants that are trying to overthrow the Syrian government, and the Turkish government has also made it abundantly clear that they have no plans to stop shelling the Kurds on the other side of the border.
So despite the “ceasefire”, the truth is that the threat of World War 3 breaking out in the Middle East is greater than ever.
At times it is difficult to see the dividing line between the Turkish military and the radical jihadists that are hopping back and forth across the border with the full support of the Turkish government.  Over the weekend, militants from Turkey that crossed over into northern Syria were supported by artillery fire from the Turkish military as they attacked a key Kurdish town…
In the Raqqa province, a group of some 100 fighters crossed into Syria from Turkey. The group later joined forces with other militants and attacked the Kurdish town of Tell Abyad.
The 250-strong group was supported by artillery fire from the Turkish territory, a fact that Russia said the US should explain. The Kurdish YPG militia fended off the attack, the report said.
This is an act of war, and yet the Obama administration does not seem to mind.
If Turkey will not even honor the ceasefire, what hope is there that anything will be able to stop them from acting so aggressively?
At this point, the Turks are not even pretending anymore.  Just the other day, Turkeys Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu openly admitted that his nation is backing the militants that are trying to overthrow the Assad regime…

Read more at ProphecyNewsWatch



By Jim Torres “Towers”

While it’s true that the Holy Spirit is the one that does the converting, we Christians have been called into the harvest field of desperate humanity with His help. But sadly this is a privilege undertaken by only a small group of people.

Remember my story about sharing prophetic scripture to a couple of guys on that pier? Well, one thing led to another and now they talk about these things amongst themselves, even while I’m not there! I was just doing what I always do, that is sharing the Word of God with any and all who will listen. Last week a couple of the guys extended a hand of welcome. (And to think they might throw me off the deep end was in my thoughts initially!) These are rough and tumble guys with very sharp fillet knives strapped to their belts.

Today while I was there an older robust Jewish man spoke to me, asking, “Where have I seen you before?” This sparked a most interesting conversation that got even more interesting when I gave him my double sided business card with Rapture Ready on the back. We talked at length about the Jewish faith, Isis, Putin, the holocaust, Netanyahu, Iraq and Iran. This was a well informed individual and I was happy to discuss these things with him. I spoke of one of my latest articles, “Jesus was a Jew,” and his ears perked up. Intuition tells me he’s going to check it out when he gets home tonight.

Earlier that same day a neighbor stopped to say hello as he was driving past the house. I was doing a little yard work out front. I asked why I hadn’t seen him recently and he replied that he was taking medication for depression. Later, after leaving the pier and having supper I remembered what he said about his condition and the Prozac he was taking for it. I had heard about that medication doing irreparable harm to some and so I went directly to his house to talk to him. His wife answered the door and hollered out to him that I was there to see him. He came out of the bedroom to greet me and since I wasn’t paying a cordial visit I summoned him outside. “I’m here to pray for you.” He was taken aback for a moment (probably because this had never happened to him before) then he relaxed as I continued to tell him that since he was a good neighbor I was concerned about his well being.

I warned him about Prozac and he said that his doctor told him that Prozac use was epidemic. I don’t know all of the ramifications but I know that any kind of medication can’t be good for you in the long term. I prayed a short and to the point prayer for him and quoted scripture. Then I explained the Gospel in a nutshell, telling Him that God cares for him and that Jesus was and is the Prince of Peace, and he could find emotional healing through him as well as the restful sleep he desired.

I go to the pier at least once a week and did so yesterday. I’ve always loved the ocean breeze and warm Gulf waters and would eat fish two or three times a week if I could. Jesus ate fish often. He had good taste. However, once again the fish just weren’t there and neither were the fishermen. It made me wonder if the prophetic warning of a third of the world’s fish dying out was happening.

In any case, I saw a stranger sitting on the end of the long bench that runs along the inner wall in the northeast corner of the shelter at the end of the pier and went over and sat near him. He was alone with a pamphlet in on his lap, looking out over the Gulf lost in thought. Striking up a conversation isn’t always easy, but I try to make my approach light hearted, focusing on the person at hand (since we are always concerned about ourselves). “Do you remember a guy named Roy Orbison? You bear a resemblance to him,” I said. “He was one of my favorite singers.” He was receptive and we talked about various things and finally I asked, “What are you reading?” “Oh, that’s my Catholic missal for Lent.”

“I’m a Christian too,” I replied.

I steered the conversation to the end times and the state of our nation, after he said with a sigh, “Our young people have lost their way morally. It seems they don’t even believe in God anymore. Our country is doomed.” He continued, “I worship Him because of His goodness toward us, etc.” I shared some of the warning signs to look for in the days ahead from the Bible. Finally, knowing that they worship Mary more than Jesus Christ I made it a point to quote, “Jesus said, I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life and no man comes to the Father but by me.” I believe he was searching for the answer to salvation. I gave him my business card and went my way. He seemed to think I was an angel sent by God, from the look on his face. Albeit, I’m just a sinner saved by grace.

Today I stopped by the Burger King for a breakfast sandwich before going to the gym for a workout. God had another divine appointment waiting for me there. There was a man in his mid-forties waiting for his meal ahead of me where the cream and sugar was placed for coffee drinkers. He saw me get my coffee and asked if I needed cream. I said yes and he handed me some. I thanked him and we began conversing. He told me he had been boozing all day Sunday, yet he didn’t appear to have a hangover. He sat in a booth as I got my order, then I decided to sit in the adjoining booth to continue our manly conversation. He said he divorced his wife when he caught her in bed with another man and that after a year he still couldn’t get over it. I sensed he was drinking to get the image out of his mind. He said he thought about killing her at first but didn’t because they had a young daughter together. He said he would never forgive her. I then stepped in with the word of God and told him that the Bible says that we all make many mistakes, and that it was in his best interests for his own emotional health to forgive her. I gave him my testimony, telling him how I received Christ and God’s forgiveness and how I recovered from a similar situation. Then I gave him my business card, and before we parted ways he shook my hand and thanked me profusely.

Rather than wring our hands in fear over what’s taking place in the world today, we need to care enough for our fellow man to explore new and different ways of approaching them with the Gospel to give them hope.


Jim Torres “Towers”           jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com         www.theprophecies2016movie.com

Is Israel Warming To Jesus? What does that mean?

Just a few days before His death on the cross, Jesus made it very clear that He would not return until the Jews of Jerusalem welcome Him back with the Messianic phrase “Baruch Haba B’Shem Adonai” Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord (Mt. 23:37-39).

Today, thanks to the double miracle of the regathering of the Jewish people to their ancient homeland and the restoration of the Hebrew language, this phrase itself is again in common use throughout the land of Israel.  On any given day hearty cries of “Baruch Haba’ or ‘welcome’ can be heard echoing among the golden-hued building of Jerusalem’s prophetic streets.

But is Israel today ready to say Barauch Haba to Jesus? Are the Jewish people getting closer to reversing the historic rejection of Jesus and welcoming him back as the Jewish Messiah? The past year has seen significant stumbling blocks being removed, and I believe we are getting closer to that glorious day.

Orthodox Rabbis ‘Welcome Jesus for Christmas’

Although Jesus was popular among the people for His day, He was widely rejected by His contemporary religious leader.  Today, in marked contrast, we can see a growing movement among Orthodox Jewish leaders which is breaking down barriers towards Christianity and the person of Jesus

Read more of the story at Prophecy News Watch


Editors Note- At the end of the article I found some groups that work on ministering to the Jews.  Please take a look at them.  To me this is the number one sign that we are approaching the end times, the blindness being lifted.  Praise God for this and it makes me very happy to see.

Jews for Jesus

One for Israel

Pope faces Mexicans worshiping skeletal ‘Death Saint’

This is on top of another article that speaks of the Pope unleashing “Super Confessors” to tackle special sins, that normally only the “Pope” could absolve! “supper confessors link”.  These people are lost, and led astray.  Religion is mans attempt to reconcile himself to God.

The impact of Romans on world history is unequalled by any other
book of the Bible. The years a.d. 590 – 1517 are known as “The Dark
Ages”; during this time, the grace of God was nearly obscured. The
early church understood the grace of God, but grace gradually eroded
into forms of legalism… The reemergence of an awareness of the grace
of God led to the Reformation. Chuck Missler study of Romans

Is it any wonder that the catholics are worshiping some so called “death saint”? They don’t study the Bible, in fact for hundreds of years the church tried to destroy copies of the bibles, on the grounds of “Heretical interpretations”.  Sadly, they wanted to keep it for themselves and out of the reach of the common man.  Now it is only the Church that can interpret the Bible, us peons can not.  So with lack of Truth you get what we have here.  Again from Misslers study of the book of Romans comes this analysis. “Incorruptibility is the essence of God’s being. This foolishness is demonstrated by the worship of idols as gods in the forms of people and animals (cf. Rom 1:25). The more you reflect upon the infinite glory and majesty of the eternal God, the more hideous will the unspeakable insult to Him of any kind of idolatry appear. The ultimate irony in humanity’s refusal to glorify the true God is the insanity or stupidity of idolatry described in Isaiah 44:9-20, the worship of gods who are not and the demons who are.

Man’s refusal to acknowledge and glorify God leads to a downward path: first, worthless thinking; next, moral insensitivity; and then, religious stupidity as seen in idol-worship. When the knowledge of the true and Living God is refused, false gods inevitably fill the vacuum”.


Pope faces Mexicans worshiping skeletal ‘Death Saint’

Tultitlán (Mexico) (AFP) – Two weeks after baptizing her at a Catholic church, baby Adriana’s parents put her in a white gown again for a second sacrament: This time, with Mexico’s skeletal “Death Saint.”

 As they held the sleepy three-month-old child, a priestess sprinkled holy water infused with rose petals on her in front of 300 people under a 22-meter (72-foot) statue of the Grim Reaper-like “Santa Muerte” in a Mexico City suburb.

When Pope Francis arrives in Mexico for a five-day visit on Friday, he will find a country where devotion to Santa Muerte is growing fast despite the Vatican’s rejection of the figure as blasphemous.

Every Sunday, a big crowd comes to Enriqueta Vargas’ outdoor temple in Tultitlan to pray in front of the black fiber-glass statue, which was erected in 2007 in a lot and can be seen from a busy boulevard.

They leave tequila, candy and flowers at six chapels, where they pray for love, money or health. Vargas has gone a step further than at other Santa Muerte shrines in Mexico by officiating over weddings and baptisms.

Link to the rest of the skeletal “death saint” story


By Jim Torres “Towers”


Having met and worked with Paul Newman, Robert Lansing, Ralph Waite, Christopher Walken, Tom Baringer, Brian Denehey, Kurt Russell, Janine Turner, Jim Carry, Michele Pheiffer, Jennifer Lopez, Johnny Depp and a number of others and having talked to Norwegians, Germans, Jews, Somalis, Arabs, Haitians, South Americans, Central Americans, Africans, Canadians and of course friends and neighbors, I find that they and all the rest of the earth’s inhabitants were or still are, searching for salvation.

I mention the celebrities because I’ve rubbed shoulders with them and talked to them and I know that although we put them on a pedestal,- they too long for eternal life. After all, they’re only human. Some of them are nice and some of them are not so nice, but isn’t that the case for all humanity? Albeit, some in the church are even worse, so let’s not be too critical of them please. In any event, all of humanity longs for eternal salvation. To be sure, some of us deny the existence of God and eternity all together and even make fun of those who believe. But almost everyone alive is searching.

There are those who cover up their insecurities with frivolity or supposed indifference. Some are television personalities who do this for a living as comedians. If we were able to see how they sleep or don’t sleep at night we’d be surprised to see them tossing and turning or even weeping at the thought of their mortality diminishing day by day. It’s a scary thing to be eternally lost.

Muslims too are searching for salvation, so much so that they pray toward Mecca five times a day on hands and knees (Satan is a tyrannical task master). Some of them even dare strap bombs to their bodies to kill and maim others, even of their own kind, to achieve salvation. They believe that in doing so they will inherit eternal life and they are willing to die for their faith in Allah to earn it. Little do they know that a God who requires them to do so can’t be very benevolent, loving or kind and maybe only using Taqiyya to get them to kill themselves or one another. I only know of one such demigod who seeks to destroy, lie and kill, and he is the very father of lies – Satan.

In this world there is hardly a person who doesn’t care about where they will spend eternity, except for those who willingly shove God out of their lives by rejecting His offer of redemption. Most of them do this out of rebellion for God’s laws of morality. They want to do their own thing in their own way, ending up with Aids or Sid’s and addiction. Others follow this same course for power over others, people like Saul Alinsky and his followers. They seem to forget that they are mortal. For such people all that awaits them at the end of their lives is sorrow and extreme bitterness while they draw their last breath and not knowing what lies ahead.

It’s true that we have become and are becoming more and more secularized, but this is to be expected since the Holy Scriptures tell us that this will be the case in the Last Days. Still though, there are far too many people wallowing in doubt and fear. It seems that no one has taken the time to share the good news of the Gospel with them or cared even to show any concern for them at all. I run across this all the time.

In dealing with humanity, I find that some are lonely, others are grappling with issues we can’t even imagine exist. Life is full of complexities and although we can’t resolve everyone’s problems, we can let them know we care by quoting God’s promises to them and praying for them face to face. How often have we heard someone saying flippantly, “I’ll be praying for you” and you know they will forget you the moment they hit the sack.) That is why I take care to not use that old cliché and pray for them there and then.

One of the benefits of reaching others for Christ is knowing that you are pleasing to God. However, our motives should be grounded on thankfulness toward God’s mercy and loving kindness.

That is why it is so easy for me to talk unabashedly to others about this great salvation. I know without a doubt that unless a person is completely blind to his or her mortality that they are searching for salvation. The overwhelming majority will respond in the affirmative and even at times try to quote scripture showing that they too are spiritually enlightened beings, but these are in the minority. Take The Donald for instance, who misquoted the title of II Corinthians on the campaign trail recently.

“Born Again” believers imbued with spiritual discernment can tell the spiritual age of the one who speaks just by listening to his or her first few words. And as for new believers, you can also tell how they are coming along in their relationship to Christ. Most Christians will submit that Jesus is who He said He is, but have never explored the issue by reading the Bible. And so they fail to understand salvation or the full message of the gospel. Thus the saying, “My people perish for lack of knowledge.” In other words, they fail to live life to its fullest and fear facing eternity.

In the midst of all the confusion and uncertainty, we Christians should be eternally grateful to have found the key to life, “the pearl of great price” Christ Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of the Living God. How blessed we are to have found Him or Him having found us, whatever the case may be. We have the blessed assurance of salvation, and eternal life, what could be better?

In closing the following is a verse for those who are still searching for Salvation. “You will find God if you search for Him with all your heart.” Also, and more to the point, “Jesus said, “I am the Way the Truth and the Life, no man comes to the father but by me.” “For you are saved by grace through faith and that not of yourselves, it is a gift of God lest any man should boast.” It’s as simple as that.


Jim Torres “Towers”   jt.filmmaker@yahoo.com and www.theprophecies2016movie.com

The Donkey

When fishes flew and forests walked
And figs grew upon thorn,
Some moment when the moon was blood
Then surely I was born; With monstrous head and sickening cry
And ears like errant wings,
The devil’s walking parody
On all four-footed things.

The tattered outlaw of the earth,
Of ancient crooked will;
Starve, scourge, deride me: I am dumb,
I keep my secret still. Fools! For I also had my hour;
One far fierce hour and sweet:
There was a shout about my ears,
And palms before my feet.

The Donkey, by G.K. Chesterton

I heard this poem on a study of the book of John.  It is in reference to the Triumphal Entry. The Creator of the universe riding a donkey into Jerusalem.  It made me tear up, the power of it and sheer humbleness of the act.  It was prophesy fulfilled (Zechariah 9:9) and the people knew it, they were singing Psalm 118: “This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. That Psalm we so often hear isn’t about any old day.  It is about this one day in particular, they were waiting for.  They were declaring Jesus to be the Mashiach Nagid, the Messiah the King.

“He was crucified on a cross of wood, yet he made the hill on which it stood”

The return of Christ won’t be on a donkey friends and he will not be coming in peace.  He will be on a white horse, with the armies in heaven.  To judge and make war.

“Now I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war. 12 His eyes were like a flame of fire, and on His head were many crowns. He had[a] a name written that no one knew except Himself. 13 He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God. 14 And the armies in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean,[b] followed Him on white horses. 15 Now out of His mouth goes a sharp[c] sword, that with it He should strike the nations. And He Himself will rule them with a rod of iron. He Himself treads the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. 16 And He has on His robe and on His thigh a name written:


Revelation 19:11-16″


I met Louis L. at the Beverly Hills Baptist Church in L.A. He was the first Jewish Christian I had ever met. Louis and another young man came to visit our church. They were representatives of Jews for Jesus, a movement that had its beginning in California. Today the number of Messianic Jews is mounting significantly. It’s sad to say that the Pope issued an edict that we “Christians” should no longer witness to Jews. As if Catholics ever really did. I beg to differ.

Even one of our own, namely John Hagee, says the very same thing – believing that Jews will be saved anyway. I’m beginning to wonder about that man – along with the new revelations he comes up with every other day. Anyway, the pastor introduced Louis and I – knowing that I was an outspoken evangelical – albeit not a street corner one. I was thrilled to spend the day with these new brethren and felt privileged to meet their acquaintance. Little did I know that I would lead a Jewish woman to Christ shortly after our meeting. It was as if God was setting me up to be able to share the Gospel with her.

Hilda Hattie was her name. She was a frail little old lady about eighty or even ninety years old and I found her stumbling into the street while stepping off a street corner on a Sunday morning. My wife and I were on our way to the church when I noticed Hilda shuffling slowly down the street, hardly able to hold herself up. All of a sudden she tripped at the corner and fell into the street. Luckily it was on a side street (not that it would have mattered since everyone in Hollywood is sleeping in after a night of hard partying). I had just stopped at the stop sign and jumped out of the car to help her up. I put her in the back seat of the car and asked where she lived so I could take her home. She replied, “I don’t want to go home, I want to go with you!”

“But I’m going to church right now.”

“I want to go with you.”

“Well, let’s go!”

To make a long story short, Hilda was a Jew and was dying. She lived only a block or two from us. I visited her in her final days and hours and was able to lead her to Christ. God works in mysterious ways.

Later, on one of my travels, I met a young Jewish man named Jim C. who was a new convert to the Christian faith. We were staying a few doors from one another in a boarding house in Alabama, and we became good friends. Whenever he had a question concerning the faith I would help him. Jim was enthusiastic about his new found faith. We parted friends as I was called away to work elsewhere.

One day, years later as I was perusing the flea market in Pensacola I heard a shout from behind me “Jim…Jim Towers!” I turned around to see who had called me and it was Jim my Jewish friend. Like me he was an adventurous independent man although a bit younger.

I walked back to him and he came out from behind the jewelry case where he was selling jewelry. We talked a bit, and as we did so, I looked at the things that he was selling. I noticed a ring I had always wanted; it was a solid silver band with an eagle embossed on a rectangular background of turquoise. The eagle with wings spread out was silver as well. I asked him for the price and he told me it was something like fifty dollars. Since I’m not into wearing jewelry I told him I’d think about it and we said our goodbyes.

I hadn’t gotten sixty feet away when Jim called out my name again. I went back and told him I’d buy the ring thinking he wanted to make me a deal and needed the money. Jim was already holding the ring in his hand and asked me to hold my hand out. He slipped the ring on my finger and it fit perfectly. I fished into my back pocket for my wallet and he stopped me in mid- movement. Jim, he said, the Lord told me to give the ring to you. I insisted on paying for it but he only replied, “Please don’t take this blessing from me.” I was flabbergasted for I had always wanted this particular ring after seeing it in a periodical several years before.

While beachcombing on a secluded beach a couple of days later and feeling low, my head began to burn from the intense heat of the midday summer in Florida. I chided myself for not having a cap or hat on my head. Then, about seventy feet away I saw something blue lying on the beach that looked like it might be a cap. Sure enough it was. It was like new with an adjustable clip on the back. I turned it over and to my utter amazement; there on the front of the navy blue cap was the same eagle in flight embroidered on the cap with silver thread just like the ring Jim had given me a couple of days before.

I’ve since lost that cap on my travels, but I still wear that ring today. That was over twenty-five years ago and although I would on occasion look at it over the years and wonder when Lord, when? Only today do I realize the full significance of the Bible verse that these signs had for me, “But those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.” Today I can say, trust in the Lord and He shall bring it to pass. In the meantime, work in His harvest field while you wait expectantly – like I’ve been doing for over forty years. I have a deep contentment and love doing what I can for the kingdom of God.

Jewish people have become dear to me over the years and I’ve gotten to know quite a few after having had a ministry station in a Dunkin Donut shop a few years ago. I’ve eaten with them, gone to the movies with them, chummed around with them and they all knew I was a “born again” Christian who never held back from sharing Christ with them. I guess they sensed that I really cared for them.

In my coffee shop ministry I came to know “Bo” the son of a Rabbi whose father was head of the Synagogue that Benjamin Netanyahu’s family attended, and who lived next door to them as well. I still see him once in a while when I’m in Miami, and he knows what to expect to hear from me, yet he is always cordial and glad to see me. I’ll be looking for him when I go to film in Miami.

I could tell you stories like this until the cows come home, but let me end with this one.

One crotchety older Jewish man named Ugene and I would often talk about spiritual things while sipping on coffee in the coffee shop. He was a highly educated (Law and Medicine) self-reliant macho man, and I could never get through to him. One day a couple of years later, while I was working on a film in Detroit, I learned from a friend of mine that Ugene was in the hospital and dying of cancer (and he was a vegetarian and non smoker!) In any case, He phoned my friend Richard from the hospital and asked him for a favor. The favor was this – to sneak some Matzo crackers and Mogen David wine into the hospital for him to be able to take communion before his impending death. You see, after he contracted cancer he had become a Messianic Jew. I’d like to believe I had something to do with his acceptance of Jesus as his Messiah.

In closing, if you want to live a rich and fulfilling life, I would encourage you to suit up in the in armor of God, “Put on the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of truth, the shield of faith, the sword of the spirit” and shod you feet with the good news of the Gospel. For the fields are ripe and God wants you to join in the harvest…and Jews are not exempt after all, Jesus was a Jew.


Jim Torres “Towers”   jt.filmmaker@yahoo,com or www.theprophecies2016movie.com.

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