By Jim Towers

I spend allot of time at my laptop and when I turned it on recently a white screen came on and stayed for a couple of minutes. Then all at once a small message came on at the bottom of the screen. It read “We are training AI to copy your information and have one more page to go. Please be patient”. Whaaaat!? I thought – you- whoever you are – never asked for permission to do go through my stuff.

I may be old fashioned, but what the bejeebers is going on?!  I value my privacy even though I have nothing to hide. I thought something wasn’t quite right. One day I was forbidden to post on Facebook, now I’m told I need a new password for my Email and AI is on my case! It’s getting to be like a dog chasing its own tail and making me fighting mad.

I wrote to someone recently on the internet when they asked to make changes – and I asked that they just please leave me alone. It’s not like I want to be a super-duper internet freak wanting to live in an alternate world – what with all the aps and games and needless junk. I just want to be able to write and fulfil my God given mandate, that is – to strengthen the brethren.

(Heck I just misspelled alternate, and the illiterate spell check itself is illiterate – wanting me to use WOKE words I never heard of before.)Thank God for the computer in my skull – the right spelling came to me after – looking at it for a moment. Why this dumb machine can’t even write cursive – (like many young ones today) much less spell correctly.

So, now the powers that be, appear to be hacking all of us. If you don’t believe me, just ask Google on your Smart Phone – “Is AI being trained to hack my laptop information?”  I don’t know about you, but to me something stinks in Washington, especially the way things are shaping up for the presidential election. It might even be the FBI or the CIA or even the Chinese Communists looking to interfere in our lives and the upcoming election. Needless to say, they all have their reasons for doing so.  

Admittedly, I subscribe to and love “conspiracy theories” especially when they have to do with crooks in in government. Did you ever see such “incumbents” (there- spell check did it did it again), the word I needed was “incompetency” in your life?

Because these people have left God out of their lives, they look like and act like the freaks that they are, just stumbling along through life and contributing nothing to civil society but confusion. Clowns, and court jesters rule the day and various countries. Line these people up and they look like a circus freak show without a smidgen of shame, but an “in your face” bravado about their defiance of natural norms or morals instituted by our creator – God.

Because of that, day after day, a new threat is foisted upon us by our government with this AI thing or by God himself, with the objective of the government being to destroy man’s autonomy and preparing him for Tribulation period that lies ahead. Indeed, this will lead to our slavery amid hellish conditions. While God’s prompting is to chastise and bring to repentance those who rebel against Him.

Even as I write these words a huge hurricane is barreling down on us here in Florida again and people are preparing for the worse – yet never give a thought to repenting – (it’s the very last thing humans do when facing harm when it should be the first.)

With these two distinct threats hammering away at us we all have choices to make – obey God or else suffer the consequences for not doing so.  The bible says, “There is a way that seemeth right unto man – but the end thereof is the way of death.” Just going to church isn’t going to cut it. Last week I sat next to an older man named John – a devout church goer – at a pot luck dinner and as we got to know one another I found that he didn’t even know about the rapture,- an elementary subject for some believers. As I broke it down for him. And while I was explaining the scenario, his eyes widened and he exclaimed “Oh so that’s what it means when the bible says two will be working in the field – one taken and the other one left – ayynnnddd….., two will be lying in the bed – one will be taken and the other one left?! Hummmmm, I always wondered about that funny verse!

Sad to say, but even those running for the highest position in our country are too pompous and proud to lead the people in this direction, and in fact are the biggest liars you’ll ever meet. Trump will tell you he doesn’t have sins to confess since he’s always lived a clean life. I beg to differ. His most grievous sin is that he barely acknowledges his maker and thinks he is sole arbiter of truth and knowledge. Kamal Harris is in her own silly way a Godless person living a life of serendipity and laziness and laughing her way toward the highest office in the land, while others scratch for food and lodging by the sweat of their brow. The other woman, Pelosi lives off the fat of the land while her husband sells his Visa stock for a hefty profit before that entity crashes. How lucky they are.

I could go on and on with these political predators but that would only put a bounty on my head, and put me in prison if I were a threat to them.

In the meantime.

Rain keeps pouring down on us, hurricanes pummel us, one after another, violence and mass shootings, assassination attempts, the expanding war in the middle east are just a few of the signs of chastisement before God needs to really shake things up. I propose a National Day of Lamentation and repentance, to stave off God’s righteous wrath. I mean a get down on our knees kind of humility like is being shown these days on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Something breaking all manmade rules of etiquette and propriety.

In summation, the rapture is so close – you can almost feel it. Just ask about it, anyone – saved or not -will tell you that that something is afoot.

Book Report:

Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D. is an excellent writer and historian and I’ve just finished read two of his books back to back “Silent No More” where he details his arrest on the heels of the self-styled political hack named Rodger Stone. Corsi is outspoken about his political beliefs and pulls no punches in exposing its dark underbelly.

Well, the FBI and Robert Mueller began investigating him and thinking he might have the goods with additional information on Rodger Stone. Corsi as a writer has immunity according to the US constitution. But, nevertheless they questioned him hour after hour and day after day in trying to “break him” but couldn’t. He used all of his hard-earned money to pay for defense and went bankrupt.

Today he says, “The entire matter was an investigation in search of a crime – to force lying testimony from witnesses if that what it takes to achieve Deep State political objectives.”

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