By Jim Towers

These days – with enough deceit to corrupt the entire world, we must be very careful about what we believe. 

The very first thing you must do is run out and buy a King James Bible or even a New King James version. Forget the other so-called “versions” such as The New World Translation of the Jehovah’s Witnesses or the Book of Mormon and even the Catholics “Douay Rheims version” all of which are faulty unless you want to read about hidden gold plates, an angel named Morony and bunny rabbits. Incidentally the Catholics take this malarky one step further by saying the Rosary much like Muslims with their prayer beads and worshiping ceramic statues that weep on occasion. And for God’s sake don’t let the Jehovah’s Witnesses into your home to teach you anything. They are clueless, and just because they wear a white shirt and tie and carry a briefcase doesn’t mean they know anything about the bible. They have corrupted the real bible with what they call the New World Translation which was concocted by another crack pot lone wolf named Charles Taze Russel, who also founded the “watchtower society”. This guy was apparently trying to make a name for himself and did so among the illiterate and uniformed.

Only one Bible was written by scores of Jewish and Gentile Scholars (the King James version). In spite of its age, it is – indubitably (Whew – that word is a real hum – dinger- use it on your friends and they will think you’re a fancy pants.) the most reliable Word of God.   We have – forgeten Hammurabi who doesn’t’ discuss heaven nor hell and is mostly about unreliable history. You read all other religious books at the risk of being bamboozled, mislead, and confused. Other so-called books are devoid of Salvation and that is what we should be most concerned with. Most other versions were written by disenfranchised lone wolves within in the confines of a musty damp basement. 

Most of my readers know me to be an avid reader from my youth and even have a Book review in my column. The reason I can say these things with a degree of authority is because God in fact told me to “quit reading man made philosophies and ideas and to plant my feet firmly on the foundation Jesus Christ has already set”. You can read about this and other such events in my book titled “Visions, Miracles, Peace and Power” available on Amazon and Kindle.

However, there are some who know just enough to use the King James to deceive, (Satan is very clever you know) you can avoid making errors by asking God for His Holy Spirit to guide you can’t go wrong – but be sure of your motive and don’t rely on any one man for the interpretation of its contents most times certain verses apply to you at certain times in your life. If you want to impress others with your extreme knowledge, then use other source material like – War and Peace – to do so. Like it or not, we’re all bias in one way or another, (that’s what makes us humans so unique but when it comes to the Bible – it is one powerful jam-packed book of truth.

Another of these lone wolves was a man named Jim Jones who claimed to speak for the bible but instead only preached to people what he wanted them to hear never telling them what the bible actually said – as if he knew. Plus, his message to his followers was that he was the only purveyor of all truth. Hence, when he told them to drink the poisoned “koolaide” they did and all of them died a grizzly death.

Now for the juicy part.

Today, I Was on my way to the beach to do a little scouting of locations for a “baptism stand” where I could set up shop. (People today are in need of salvation and hope like never before.) But after going to the gym – which is on the way there, I got hungry. So, I stopped at Costco for a huge kosher hotdog and big fountain drink for both for only (tada) $1.50 ! and stopped to get one. Then I remembered how people clambered for one of my little red bibles (King James) with the plan of salvation at a nearby Home Depot the last time I was there. People actually thronged me for this something most valuable and free, so I thought might be a good thing to be doing today at Costco.

Costco has a large eating area where families can enjoy pizza, hotdogs and other goodies. So, I thought “why not.” So, I took a big handful of my little bibles in my Cargo shorts pocket to test the waters – so to speak. (When dealing with a public business place like this one you have to be careful to not provoke or incite a riot.) But I figured the clientele would be a kind of captive audience – so I proceeded. I ate first so as not to spew food all over the place by talking with my mouth full – pure etiquette.  

In any case, when I finished eating, I wiped my mouth and started at the back working my way to the front and being polite, with a soft voice and smile on my face – in most cases, (I can tell who’s in a good mood or not.) and just as I figured – everyone was receptive save one – whom I determined might be a Mormon or Jehovah’s Witness or maybe even a Catholic. I was somewhat sterner with the men since they don’t like to be taken for granted. I warned them of the likely hood of war and how we must ALL repent – including me – and seek God’s face in light of that happenstance. When handing them the little bibles they greedily complied – some even thanked me while a few commented “You got that right,” “Right on!”. One young black man almost embraced me – but then thought better of it exclaiming “Halleluiah, Amen brother!” That was a good sign. Now to plan another assault – maybe elsewhere. So far, I’ve prayed for people at Mc Donalds, Walmart, Home Depot and now Costco – some of my favorite places.

As things heat up in the world, I will be pulling out all the stops to share the Gospel and pray for the hurting and fearful while God is giving me more and more ideas of how to reach out to the masses with the Good News of the Gospel.

When dealing with God and the spiritual you must read the King James bible prayerfully for yourself – asking for God’s guidance. Don’t just go off on your own, rely on the Holy Spirit.

I submit to you that we are on the cusp of Gods well deserved retribution for our Godless behavior, and we must by all means repent. Doing so may buy us a little more time to bring others into the kingdom of God before the rapture takes place.

Book report:

I bought another used book at the library but this one is an exposé of prominent people in politics and in our society. This author pulls no punches and is one of the most devious authors of our time. Pretending to be a ‘friend” and confidante he exposes all the lurid details of his subject’s sordid lives. The name of the book is “Too Famous” by Michael Wolff. I will keep this book, but only for reference. 


Jim Towers         

You can write me at or visit me at My book “Visions, Miracles, Peace, and Power” can be ordered on Amazon Books and Kindle. You can also find me on my newly restructured website which now features videos of worldwide events taking place in present time, as well as proof of Gods existence and the reality of Biblical places, and Moses himself.

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