By Jim Towers

Many if not most Cristian churches don’t bother to baptize people today and when they do they baptize infants who don’t even know who or where they are.  If you were to ask how many people in a congregation how many had been baptized (submerged as adults) I venture to say that at least half if not more would respond – no – that is except for some Baptist churches.

Catholic and many if not most Presbyterian only sprinkle and invoke, (I now baptize you in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost – Amen) these are infants who never gave their consent or understood what is happening to them. I don’t know about you, but to me that smacks of heresy. Man has no right to change the ordinances of God.

Affirmation for the person whose been baptized can last a lifetime thereby making that person’s life more meaningful knowing that they’ve followed God’s mandate, that’s why we have certificates, diplomas and records of achievements. In fact, Catholics used to issue baptismal certificates that could be used as birth certificates in some cases.

In the New Testament John “The Baptist” urged people to repent saying “I indeed baptize you to repentance, but there is one coming who is mightier than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry – He will baptize you with The Holy Spirit and fire. And as a matter-of-fact Jesus went to him to be baptized as well, saying “Permit it to be so now, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness.”

What we need today are worldwide baptismal services – no more pussy – footing around and trying to please everyone who doesn’t agree. It’s almost a certainty that many, if not most people would respond sincerely to the call for much needed repentance – being convicted by the Holy Spirit to do so. For all their faults and contentions – Baptists got this one right. It is human nature to want to be assured of forgiveness and this is just the way to do it.

After reading a sad story about the death of a church I was driven to respond. You see, it’s not enough to know the Gospel but the need to share it with the lost and hopeless which includes doctors, lawyers, professors and even pastors – who got into the game for all the wrong reasons,

I wrote the following in response,

What a sad story. As the church goes, so goes the country. Atheists, agnostics, heretics, and hypocrites rule the day. A nationwide revival is what is needed with repentance for not following the rules of engagement.

First is to love your neighbor as yourself then reach out to that person with compassion – not with an eye on numbers. But that requires Power that only the Holy Spirit provides – nothing else will do.

I have led many to Christ and I’m just a layman follower of Christ, my book “Visions, Miracles, Peace and Power” details the many incredible miracles I’ve experienced and continue to experience in life – for doing so. It is also about the Power to confront everyday people in everyday life anywhere and anytime. My book is available on Amazon as well as Kindle,

On another front,

Benjamin Netanyahu arrived in the U.S. yesterday to address congress. So naturally the Arab, Palestinian, and far leftists welcomed the Israeli leader with anti-Jewish vitriol and hate. Surprisingly they have not set cars on fire or broken windows in protest – yet. Little do they know that in doing so they will provoke the anger of God who promised the patriarch Abraham saying, “I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you.” Spurned by Kamala, BiBi and Trump had a good conversation and still remain on friendly terms, thank God. In fact, BiBi’s speech to congress afforded him fifty standing ovations – for a one hour speech.

When the Palestinians started the ongoing conflict with Israel, they had no idea that they would be chastised the way they have been. Did they really believe they were going to win? It is plainly obvious that when you provoke war – you are going to get it. Yet Kamala greeted the Prime Minister with vitriol – Joe is meeting with him next – can you imagine all the blunders he is going to make?

Hamtramck used to be a quiet little community just south of Detroit Michigan back in the day, today it is teaming with Arabs who for the most part hate America and have their own (Sharia) laws and even Arab cop cars patrolling the streets – a state within a state. Knowing their state of mind, the powers that be are careful not to provoke them. The ineffectual Governor – Gretchen Witmer – who is a Democrat, is not likely to do anything about it and has even been mentioned as a Vice President to another clueless woman named Kamalah Harris who aspire to be president of the United States of America, a woman who couldn’t even keep our southern border secure. Thank God we at least got rid of the woman in charge of the Secret Service. Where the left finds these people is beyond me. I guess they are like many today – just in need of a job – any job. I suspect she’ll be flipping burgers at Mc Donalds tomorrow.

In a way I’m glad we are going to have two tough guys heading the Republican party who won’t take any guff and will send the deep state scoundrels scurrying for the nearest rat holes.

In the case of the criminal /crack addict / porno star. Hunter Biden, (who deserves what he gets after taking advantage of the American People who these days are barely getting by.) Next is the unsealing of the “laptop from hell” in which case (if there is yet any justice in the country) the Biden mafia will hopefully be united behind bars where they belong as well.

Sorry if I offended any of my wimpy Christian “friends”. But enough is enough and we have been hijacked by devious scoundrels – who hide behind a façade of benevolence and goodwill when they only wolves in sheep’s clothing. Some of these crooks have been deposed or exposed for only being opportunists in seats of power. To them all I say good riddance. Now we must focus on bringing revival to our country that is in a desperate battle against the forces of evil.


Jim Towers        

You can write me at or visit me at My book “Visions, Miracles, Peace, and Power” can be ordered on Amazon Books and Kindle. You can also find me on my newly restructured website which now features videos of worldwide events taking place in present time, as well as proof of Gods existence and the reality of Biblical places, and Moses himself.

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