“A real Doozie”

By Jim Towers

Harummmph!…..Audacious and Sacrilegious, you might say – This man has put on the mantle of C.S. Lewis – the writer of MERE Christianity! Who does he think he is!

At this juncture I am tempted to put down my pen (close my laptop) and forget about it. But this revelation came to me as I lay awake pondering – after an exceptionally good night’s sleep – the things I learned after fifty years of Bible learning.

No, I didn’t go to seminary which call (cemetery) these days. But the information I’m about to disclose will come because of talking to people from all walks of life more often than not – and helping them in their distress.

The pipe smoking almost arrogant greatly gifted writer had a lot to say about Christianity and he was right on everything – except this. How to live out your Christianity, something that can’t be done without love and charity.

It’s good to have head knowledge – but how to perform the incredible feat of walking on water is another story. By that I mean to be a rock of faith to be able to carry out your mandate for life.

Most of the things mentioned in this book are tried and true and only happened using myself as the ginny pig – as it were.

After receiving this revelation as I spoke with God – yes you can – I do anywhere and all the time, not just in church or with beads like Muslims and Catholics do, or with chanting but with the bedrock of the Word of God – the Holy Bible.

The Bible has been proven to be true time and again yet like the tried-and-true baking soda that sits in your kitchen cabinet – although has many uses but being seldom used it sits on the living room table gathering dust. The Bible is where I hide my money – no crook would think to look there.

So, like I was saying, I had a life review where I was wondering about this and that like most people do when it occurred to me that I possessed information that not many do – even pompous psychologists. Fifty years of study, contemplation and hands on experience has given me many benefits and has bolstered my faith, faith in God and faith in myself. Not that I wasn’t a self-assured person but that I could possibly be a spiritual force for good to others. One of my favorite verses of scripture from first receiving Christ was, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” One of my favorite methods in forcing reader to crack open the bible is to not disclose the chapter and verse of a given reference. Now if that isn’t God given – then I don’t know what is.

I was lying in bed praying for a young man whom I met just the previous day, as he reminded me of myself – a well-spoken – clean cut man and well groomed. (Here is another little secret you may not know – you might not like it but – others are judging you every minute of every day.) So, clean up your act and straighten up.)

You can do it. God made us all tough and resilient. As we talked – I probed asking what his aims were in life and astonishingly he said to better myself and be the best that I can be. Wow, I thought what an incredible answer! So naturally being a people person that response stayed with me – I was greatly impressed and loved the guy immediately. Then I thought, what can I do to help this delightful young man achieve his greatest potential and aspirations?

Since praying for someone else every morning, I was improving myself! But now I realized something I was overlooking. I realized that I had been learning about human nature and what makes us tick as well. Prove me wrong. It was then that it hit me that I had very valuable inside information that most people never use – stored in the confines of my bone hard head.

I then jumped out of bed – flip open my laptop and the first thing that pops up is of course the time – in big bold numbers – it says 5:55. I freeze at first – then break out laughing with uncontrollable laughter knowing that the in inclination to write this book – was of God.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again – why me Lord Why Me? I ask myself that question not in anger but with bewilderment since I’m just your average “high achiever.” But does that give me credence? No – as there are many individuals just as capable and some even more so gifted which we all are, but you just have to find your niche. The problem is that they are only focused on their own lives and haven’t invested in others.

Incidentally, I’ll be referencing some incredible material from my previous and explosive book, “Visions, Miracles, Peace, and Power, (thinking I’d never write another one.) It is too much work for too little benefit and besides I’ve got other things to do.

You don’t have to change, (He will change you from the inside out.) God loves you just the way you are, warts and all. Just imagine if he were/was your earthly. Would he discard you because you were ugly? NO, he would probably love you more intensely like you would a homely puppy or kitten so don’t despair.

This then – is my investment in YOU.


By Jim Towers

I spend allot of time at my laptop and when I turned it on recently a white screen came on and stayed for a couple of minutes. Then all at once a small message came on at the bottom of the screen. It read “We are training AI to copy your information and have one more page to go. Please be patient”. Whaaaat!? I thought – you- whoever you are – never asked for permission to do go through my stuff.

I may be old fashioned, but what the bejeebers is going on?!  I value my privacy even though I have nothing to hide. I thought something wasn’t quite right. One day I was forbidden to post on Facebook, now I’m told I need a new password for my Email and AI is on my case! It’s getting to be like a dog chasing its own tail and making me fighting mad.

I wrote to someone recently on the internet when they asked to make changes – and I asked that they just please leave me alone. It’s not like I want to be a super-duper internet freak wanting to live in an alternate world – what with all the aps and games and needless junk. I just want to be able to write and fulfil my God given mandate, that is – to strengthen the brethren.

(Heck I just misspelled alternate, and the illiterate spell check itself is illiterate – wanting me to use WOKE words I never heard of before.)Thank God for the computer in my skull – the right spelling came to me after – looking at it for a moment. Why this dumb machine can’t even write cursive – (like many young ones today) much less spell correctly.

So, now the powers that be, appear to be hacking all of us. If you don’t believe me, just ask Google on your Smart Phone – “Is AI being trained to hack my laptop information?”  I don’t know about you, but to me something stinks in Washington, especially the way things are shaping up for the presidential election. It might even be the FBI or the CIA or even the Chinese Communists looking to interfere in our lives and the upcoming election. Needless to say, they all have their reasons for doing so.  

Admittedly, I subscribe to and love “conspiracy theories” especially when they have to do with crooks in in government. Did you ever see such “incumbents” (there- spell check did it did it again), the word I needed was “incompetency” in your life?

Because these people have left God out of their lives, they look like and act like the freaks that they are, just stumbling along through life and contributing nothing to civil society but confusion. Clowns, and court jesters rule the day and various countries. Line these people up and they look like a circus freak show without a smidgen of shame, but an “in your face” bravado about their defiance of natural norms or morals instituted by our creator – God.

Because of that, day after day, a new threat is foisted upon us by our government with this AI thing or by God himself, with the objective of the government being to destroy man’s autonomy and preparing him for Tribulation period that lies ahead. Indeed, this will lead to our slavery amid hellish conditions. While God’s prompting is to chastise and bring to repentance those who rebel against Him.

Even as I write these words a huge hurricane is barreling down on us here in Florida again and people are preparing for the worse – yet never give a thought to repenting – (it’s the very last thing humans do when facing harm when it should be the first.)

With these two distinct threats hammering away at us we all have choices to make – obey God or else suffer the consequences for not doing so.  The bible says, “There is a way that seemeth right unto man – but the end thereof is the way of death.” Just going to church isn’t going to cut it. Last week I sat next to an older man named John – a devout church goer – at a pot luck dinner and as we got to know one another I found that he didn’t even know about the rapture,- an elementary subject for some believers. As I broke it down for him. And while I was explaining the scenario, his eyes widened and he exclaimed “Oh so that’s what it means when the bible says two will be working in the field – one taken and the other one left – ayynnnddd….., two will be lying in the bed – one will be taken and the other one left?! Hummmmm, I always wondered about that funny verse!

Sad to say, but even those running for the highest position in our country are too pompous and proud to lead the people in this direction, and in fact are the biggest liars you’ll ever meet. Trump will tell you he doesn’t have sins to confess since he’s always lived a clean life. I beg to differ. His most grievous sin is that he barely acknowledges his maker and thinks he is sole arbiter of truth and knowledge. Kamal Harris is in her own silly way a Godless person living a life of serendipity and laziness and laughing her way toward the highest office in the land, while others scratch for food and lodging by the sweat of their brow. The other woman, Pelosi lives off the fat of the land while her husband sells his Visa stock for a hefty profit before that entity crashes. How lucky they are.

I could go on and on with these political predators but that would only put a bounty on my head, and put me in prison if I were a threat to them.

In the meantime.

Rain keeps pouring down on us, hurricanes pummel us, one after another, violence and mass shootings, assassination attempts, the expanding war in the middle east are just a few of the signs of chastisement before God needs to really shake things up. I propose a National Day of Lamentation and repentance, to stave off God’s righteous wrath. I mean a get down on our knees kind of humility like is being shown these days on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Something breaking all manmade rules of etiquette and propriety.

In summation, the rapture is so close – you can almost feel it. Just ask about it, anyone – saved or not -will tell you that that something is afoot.

Book Report:

Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D. is an excellent writer and historian and I’ve just finished read two of his books back to back “Silent No More” where he details his arrest on the heels of the self-styled political hack named Rodger Stone. Corsi is outspoken about his political beliefs and pulls no punches in exposing its dark underbelly.

Well, the FBI and Robert Mueller began investigating him and thinking he might have the goods with additional information on Rodger Stone. Corsi as a writer has immunity according to the US constitution. But, nevertheless they questioned him hour after hour and day after day in trying to “break him” but couldn’t. He used all of his hard-earned money to pay for defense and went bankrupt.

Today he says, “The entire matter was an investigation in search of a crime – to force lying testimony from witnesses if that what it takes to achieve Deep State political objectives.”


By Jim Towers

Well, it Saturday again and I’m fixin to go to church once again. As usual, “I was glad when they said, let us go the house of God.” Forty-five years and counting. My how time flies especially as you get older, and your friends and neighbors are dropping like flies. I live in a high falootin city with gated communities all over the place and golf course everywhere. 

I was driving through this place over twelve years ago and fell in love with it – specially all the cultural stuff, flowers, and such.

The church I attend is a Presbyterian one where most everyone has a degree or a pedigree and plenty of money. Most of them are uppity and if they knew I sometimes mingle with the downtrodden and orphans they wouldn’t touch me with a ten-foot pole. They hardly speak to me as it is. Especially since the photo of me with Solo and Lolo appeared on Rapture Ready.

It may have been a mistake for me to have had it on, giving the folks the wrong impression of my character. 

Such appears to be the case with one of my readers who just happens to live here too. Mrs. M. wrote to ask me where I worshiped, and I extoled my chosen church where the pastors are a class act. We agreed to meet up in the near future and the near future has arrived but – she seems to have forgotten our agreement. I’m beginning to think it was because of the photo I had taken of Solo, Lolo and me. Showing my true nature – but you can rest assured that I mix well and have had dalliances with the rich, educated and powerful, in fact D.J. Trump was writing me everyday to get my thoughts on this and that and even evited me to his place at Mar -a- Lago. Which I summarily declined – (my calendar being full these days.) Funny thing is, he was always asking for a few bucks and this man uses a gold plated throne in his throne room.

I can hold my own with intellectuals and in fact love a good conversation with people on opposing views. Still though, I’ve noticed that I seldom have takers. One look at me and they turn the other way. It’s like they never saw anyone so confident and straight-backed as I. But that’s just the way my paw taught me to be.

When he thought his “friends” were pulling his leg he would say, “don’t be a horses behind.”

I too don’t suffer fools and am not easily fooled by anyone (It’s called the spirit of discernment.) However, I do forgive an uneducated, or uninformed man of their folly, as with Solo and Lolo, knowing that Satan has them bound to his ways. With these we must be patient but persistent in helping them find their way to Christ Jesus. Like our savior, we shouldn’t quench the smallest hope they might have that someone cares about their eternal fate. That is why I try to walk in other peoples shoes, as it were – in pertaining to salvation.

I know it seems odd to see someone embracing another in a public place while praying for them (God forbid) but the way I understand scripture is that we Christians should do –  just that.

Knowing that people everywhere are hurting and grieving I can often be found acting a fool just to share my joy with them. 

Being trained in the theatrical arts I know just about every song from Broadway plays and often wake up singing them. For example, this morning I woke up singing “76 Trombones” from the musical “Music Man”. Yesterday it was “Oh what a beautiful morning from “Oklahoma” – Oh what a beautify morning, oh what a beautiful day – I’ve got a wonderful feelin – everythin’s going my way – Oh what a beautiful day! 

Yesterday while visiting my health care provider I bust out in song in the examination room to her delight and the delight of assistant nurse. I’ve been boning up on my Spanish and a couple of well-known Spanish folk songs and knowing that my doctor was originally from Cuba I burst out with – “You sou un homre sincero – de onde crese la palma, you soy u hombre sincero de onde crese la palma – Gantanamera, guajida – Guantanamera – Guantanamera – guajida Guantananamera!

The doctor and her assistant were amazed that I knew the old folk song and joined in – humming. Singing is contagious, and uplifting – in fact King David wrote many songs and played the harp as well and did so in between wielding a sword in his many battles with Hebrew enemies.

Life is short so why not use every waking moment to reach out to others – especially family and friend’s.

In my theatrical training I learned to enjoy singing on stage in public and am even considering doing so as a portion of my plea to help Redeem America – one way or another. Nothing else seems to have worked out for my “Evangelistic Plans”. Maybe music will do the trick.

Because nearly everyone loves music, I think it would be a way to draw crowds and share the gospel with them. What do you think?

I’m running out of ideas as the Epoch draws to a close and we may not get another chance to rescue America. All will be lost.

The Godless and radical left is doing all they can to win this war of the minds. So, let’s hold strong singing “Onward Christian soldiers marching as to war, with the cross of Jesus -going on before.


Jim Towers         

You can write me at or visit me at My book “Visions, Miracles, Peace, and Power” can be ordered on Amazon Books and Kindle. You can also find me on my newly restructured website which now features videos of worldwide events taking place in present time, as well as proof of Gods existence and the reality of Biblical places, and Moses himself.


By Jim Towers

These days – with enough deceit to corrupt the entire world, we must be very careful about what we believe. 

The very first thing you must do is run out and buy a King James Bible or even a New King James version. Forget the other so-called “versions” such as The New World Translation of the Jehovah’s Witnesses or the Book of Mormon and even the Catholics “Douay Rheims version” all of which are faulty unless you want to read about hidden gold plates, an angel named Morony and bunny rabbits. Incidentally the Catholics take this malarky one step further by saying the Rosary much like Muslims with their prayer beads and worshiping ceramic statues that weep on occasion. And for God’s sake don’t let the Jehovah’s Witnesses into your home to teach you anything. They are clueless, and just because they wear a white shirt and tie and carry a briefcase doesn’t mean they know anything about the bible. They have corrupted the real bible with what they call the New World Translation which was concocted by another crack pot lone wolf named Charles Taze Russel, who also founded the “watchtower society”. This guy was apparently trying to make a name for himself and did so among the illiterate and uniformed.

Only one Bible was written by scores of Jewish and Gentile Scholars (the King James version). In spite of its age, it is – indubitably (Whew – that word is a real hum – dinger- use it on your friends and they will think you’re a fancy pants.) the most reliable Word of God.   We have – forgeten Hammurabi who doesn’t’ discuss heaven nor hell and is mostly about unreliable history. You read all other religious books at the risk of being bamboozled, mislead, and confused. Other so-called books are devoid of Salvation and that is what we should be most concerned with. Most other versions were written by disenfranchised lone wolves within in the confines of a musty damp basement. 

Most of my readers know me to be an avid reader from my youth and even have a Book review in my column. The reason I can say these things with a degree of authority is because God in fact told me to “quit reading man made philosophies and ideas and to plant my feet firmly on the foundation Jesus Christ has already set”. You can read about this and other such events in my book titled “Visions, Miracles, Peace and Power” available on Amazon and Kindle.

However, there are some who know just enough to use the King James to deceive, (Satan is very clever you know) you can avoid making errors by asking God for His Holy Spirit to guide you can’t go wrong – but be sure of your motive and don’t rely on any one man for the interpretation of its contents most times certain verses apply to you at certain times in your life. If you want to impress others with your extreme knowledge, then use other source material like – War and Peace – to do so. Like it or not, we’re all bias in one way or another, (that’s what makes us humans so unique but when it comes to the Bible – it is one powerful jam-packed book of truth.

Another of these lone wolves was a man named Jim Jones who claimed to speak for the bible but instead only preached to people what he wanted them to hear never telling them what the bible actually said – as if he knew. Plus, his message to his followers was that he was the only purveyor of all truth. Hence, when he told them to drink the poisoned “koolaide” they did and all of them died a grizzly death.

Now for the juicy part.

Today, I Was on my way to the beach to do a little scouting of locations for a “baptism stand” where I could set up shop. (People today are in need of salvation and hope like never before.) But after going to the gym – which is on the way there, I got hungry. So, I stopped at Costco for a huge kosher hotdog and big fountain drink for both for only (tada) $1.50 ! and stopped to get one. Then I remembered how people clambered for one of my little red bibles (King James) with the plan of salvation at a nearby Home Depot the last time I was there. People actually thronged me for this something most valuable and free, so I thought might be a good thing to be doing today at Costco.

Costco has a large eating area where families can enjoy pizza, hotdogs and other goodies. So, I thought “why not.” So, I took a big handful of my little bibles in my Cargo shorts pocket to test the waters – so to speak. (When dealing with a public business place like this one you have to be careful to not provoke or incite a riot.) But I figured the clientele would be a kind of captive audience – so I proceeded. I ate first so as not to spew food all over the place by talking with my mouth full – pure etiquette.  

In any case, when I finished eating, I wiped my mouth and started at the back working my way to the front and being polite, with a soft voice and smile on my face – in most cases, (I can tell who’s in a good mood or not.) and just as I figured – everyone was receptive save one – whom I determined might be a Mormon or Jehovah’s Witness or maybe even a Catholic. I was somewhat sterner with the men since they don’t like to be taken for granted. I warned them of the likely hood of war and how we must ALL repent – including me – and seek God’s face in light of that happenstance. When handing them the little bibles they greedily complied – some even thanked me while a few commented “You got that right,” “Right on!”. One young black man almost embraced me – but then thought better of it exclaiming “Halleluiah, Amen brother!” That was a good sign. Now to plan another assault – maybe elsewhere. So far, I’ve prayed for people at Mc Donalds, Walmart, Home Depot and now Costco – some of my favorite places.

As things heat up in the world, I will be pulling out all the stops to share the Gospel and pray for the hurting and fearful while God is giving me more and more ideas of how to reach out to the masses with the Good News of the Gospel.

When dealing with God and the spiritual you must read the King James bible prayerfully for yourself – asking for God’s guidance. Don’t just go off on your own, rely on the Holy Spirit.

I submit to you that we are on the cusp of Gods well deserved retribution for our Godless behavior, and we must by all means repent. Doing so may buy us a little more time to bring others into the kingdom of God before the rapture takes place.

Book report:

I bought another used book at the library but this one is an exposé of prominent people in politics and in our society. This author pulls no punches and is one of the most devious authors of our time. Pretending to be a ‘friend” and confidante he exposes all the lurid details of his subject’s sordid lives. The name of the book is “Too Famous” by Michael Wolff. I will keep this book, but only for reference. 


Jim Towers         

You can write me at or visit me at My book “Visions, Miracles, Peace, and Power” can be ordered on Amazon Books and Kindle. You can also find me on my newly restructured website which now features videos of worldwide events taking place in present time, as well as proof of Gods existence and the reality of Biblical places, and Moses himself.



By Jim Towers

Knowing what I know – from having studied the Bible earnestly for over forty years. World events are creating a sense of urgency that can’t be denied. In the past most prophecy was hit and miss but today it’s becoming clearer and clearer that something big is afoot. Something very big.

7/30/2024 Last night while we slept Israeli forces killed Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, Hamas’s top political leader, in Tehran – in retaliation for the killing of several Israeli mostly children over the weekend. The Israeli’s are deadly serious about the unprovoked slaughter which he – as leader of Hamas was carrying out.

Haniyah was a Hamas negotiator and led its operations from exile in Qatar. Through 10 months of war, he was the group’s negotiator on the global stage, tasked with brokering a deal acceptable to the group in exchange for pausing fighting and releasing scores of Israeli hostages. But he was really a backstabbing tyrant. Israelis had already killed his three sons and four grandchildren in a bombing of their compound in Lebanon and two NATO warships were already on their way to Lebanon after the first assault on Israel by Hamas after this happened. This latest event could be the straw that breaks the camel’s back, ushering in all-out war. If ever there was a time calling for repentance from all parties involved – this, is it.

It was 1:11 in the morning and a sense of urgency swept over me after finding out about this event. Being a people person I just had to let others know, I jumped out of bed as the images – like a stained glass mosaic came together in my mind. Big pieces first then smaller and smaller pieces were fitting into place. My well-paying hobby of making original stained-glass mosaics between acting jobs was kicking in. The potential of all out war couldn’t be denied.

Other pieces of various shades and colors began to fit in place surrounding the big picture.

Southern California and Texas were experiencing earthquakes with California wildfires on top of that. Texas is having unpreceded earthquakes in places that shouldn’t be having them, by the hundreds – hum – another Biblical prophecy.

There is yet another piece of the puzzle. Another indicator of the truth of the Bible (among many) is that the love of many would grow cold and that children would hate and disrespect their parents and so it is today. I could go on and on with up to the minute already fulfilled prophecy.

Is the book of Revelation coming alive with prophetic warnings or am I delusional? It seems that so many premonitions are coming to pass that it’s impossible to ignore them anymore, and unless I miss my guess war will break out soon, with the Anti- Christ waiting in the wings for his cue to enter the world stage. (Before I always assumed that he walked among us surreptitiously) but now is showtime on the world stage. Drum roll please.

My mind begins to wander, the lights dim on the stage – you can hear a pin drop after the drum roll. This worldwide operetta has been performed before – with evil leading men and leading ladies – but never with such worldwide effect and acclaim. It is a war that will set the stage (not unlike “Le Misérables” the musical film about the French Revolution in which hundreds of people died.)

Sick. That’s the best that can be said about the immoral people that participated in the evil spectacle of the French Olympic ceremonies. Nothing seems to be beyond the scope of these rampant over the top psychopaths.  

Pardon the interruption, I’m talking about the show put on at the start of the World Olympics I used to love to watch. But reflecting on the way the world is going – with no end in sight – is terrifying for many.

Still though it seems that people take delight in provoking our Benevolent Creator to wrath with no thought of retribution. But it’s not like we haven’t seen this play out before, namely in Rio de Janeiro and during Mardi Gras in Louisiana, but these events were thought of as fun – just making fun at the Devil and such, but to portray our Saviors last supper in such a vile way is way beyond the pale. The organizers even had the audacity to have a hologram (so it is said – since I’ve lost all interest in what the world has to say about anything) of a being riding a white horse into battle hoisting a sword – yet another figure in the book of revelation, signifying the Anti-Christ in war regalia. Seeing this, God must be fuming and ready to destroy his agitators but he doesn’t – alas the love he has for sinners has kicked in but now He makes a last attempt to save as many as possible.  

The audience is on pins and needles waiting with abated breath for the biggest show in the world to begin.

We know the players – but are a bit surprised by some who have been kept hidden under wraps for centuries awaiting their debut. Will we know them behind their stage makeup or demeanor? Hummm, that voice sounds familiar.

Tadda! – but wait that can’t be who I thought – he’s just too nice to be in that role (but competent actors can slip in and out of character at a moment’s notice don’t you know?)

This benevolent and charismatic man will step into this role unannounced – a surprise to the audience. His retinue is made up of slippery slimy characters whom I choose not to name for fear of retribution

The war happens with much carnage but, this man will broker a peace deal for Muslims and Jews that lasts for three and a half years, after which he will assert his megalomanic power and true intentions – to rule the world – claiming that he is God in the flesh – much like our Savior – Jesus of Nazareth. During this war the Dome of the Rock will probably be destroyed, and the Third Temple will be rebuilt. All is ready for that that to happen – the red heifer included. The utensils and garments for the priests are ready – with the secret scarlet dye for the robes having been recently discovered by archeologists in Israel.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the Arc of the Covenant isn’t finally found or revealed by people who already know, and I wonder if the Aaron’s budding staff is still budding – I, for one would also like to see the manna, to say nothing of the stone tablets with the Ten Commandments written by the finger of God on them. Wow- what an exciting time to be alive.

There are so many indicators that we are generation to experience the rapture there is hardly room for doubt. So, repent and let’s get ready to fly!


Jim Towers        

You can write me at or visit me at My book “Visions, Miracles, Peace, and Power” can be ordered on Amazon Books and Kindle. You can also find me on my newly restructured website which now features videos of worldwide events taking place in present time, as well as proof of Gods existence and the reality of Biblical places, and Moses himself.


By Jim Towers

Many if not most Cristian churches don’t bother to baptize people today and when they do they baptize infants who don’t even know who or where they are.  If you were to ask how many people in a congregation how many had been baptized (submerged as adults) I venture to say that at least half if not more would respond – no – that is except for some Baptist churches.

Catholic and many if not most Presbyterian only sprinkle and invoke, (I now baptize you in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost – Amen) these are infants who never gave their consent or understood what is happening to them. I don’t know about you, but to me that smacks of heresy. Man has no right to change the ordinances of God.

Affirmation for the person whose been baptized can last a lifetime thereby making that person’s life more meaningful knowing that they’ve followed God’s mandate, that’s why we have certificates, diplomas and records of achievements. In fact, Catholics used to issue baptismal certificates that could be used as birth certificates in some cases.

In the New Testament John “The Baptist” urged people to repent saying “I indeed baptize you to repentance, but there is one coming who is mightier than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry – He will baptize you with The Holy Spirit and fire. And as a matter-of-fact Jesus went to him to be baptized as well, saying “Permit it to be so now, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness.”

What we need today are worldwide baptismal services – no more pussy – footing around and trying to please everyone who doesn’t agree. It’s almost a certainty that many, if not most people would respond sincerely to the call for much needed repentance – being convicted by the Holy Spirit to do so. For all their faults and contentions – Baptists got this one right. It is human nature to want to be assured of forgiveness and this is just the way to do it.

After reading a sad story about the death of a church I was driven to respond. You see, it’s not enough to know the Gospel but the need to share it with the lost and hopeless which includes doctors, lawyers, professors and even pastors – who got into the game for all the wrong reasons,

I wrote the following in response,

What a sad story. As the church goes, so goes the country. Atheists, agnostics, heretics, and hypocrites rule the day. A nationwide revival is what is needed with repentance for not following the rules of engagement.

First is to love your neighbor as yourself then reach out to that person with compassion – not with an eye on numbers. But that requires Power that only the Holy Spirit provides – nothing else will do.

I have led many to Christ and I’m just a layman follower of Christ, my book “Visions, Miracles, Peace and Power” details the many incredible miracles I’ve experienced and continue to experience in life – for doing so. It is also about the Power to confront everyday people in everyday life anywhere and anytime. My book is available on Amazon as well as Kindle,

On another front,

Benjamin Netanyahu arrived in the U.S. yesterday to address congress. So naturally the Arab, Palestinian, and far leftists welcomed the Israeli leader with anti-Jewish vitriol and hate. Surprisingly they have not set cars on fire or broken windows in protest – yet. Little do they know that in doing so they will provoke the anger of God who promised the patriarch Abraham saying, “I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you.” Spurned by Kamala, BiBi and Trump had a good conversation and still remain on friendly terms, thank God. In fact, BiBi’s speech to congress afforded him fifty standing ovations – for a one hour speech.

When the Palestinians started the ongoing conflict with Israel, they had no idea that they would be chastised the way they have been. Did they really believe they were going to win? It is plainly obvious that when you provoke war – you are going to get it. Yet Kamala greeted the Prime Minister with vitriol – Joe is meeting with him next – can you imagine all the blunders he is going to make?

Hamtramck used to be a quiet little community just south of Detroit Michigan back in the day, today it is teaming with Arabs who for the most part hate America and have their own (Sharia) laws and even Arab cop cars patrolling the streets – a state within a state. Knowing their state of mind, the powers that be are careful not to provoke them. The ineffectual Governor – Gretchen Witmer – who is a Democrat, is not likely to do anything about it and has even been mentioned as a Vice President to another clueless woman named Kamalah Harris who aspire to be president of the United States of America, a woman who couldn’t even keep our southern border secure. Thank God we at least got rid of the woman in charge of the Secret Service. Where the left finds these people is beyond me. I guess they are like many today – just in need of a job – any job. I suspect she’ll be flipping burgers at Mc Donalds tomorrow.

In a way I’m glad we are going to have two tough guys heading the Republican party who won’t take any guff and will send the deep state scoundrels scurrying for the nearest rat holes.

In the case of the criminal /crack addict / porno star. Hunter Biden, (who deserves what he gets after taking advantage of the American People who these days are barely getting by.) Next is the unsealing of the “laptop from hell” in which case (if there is yet any justice in the country) the Biden mafia will hopefully be united behind bars where they belong as well.

Sorry if I offended any of my wimpy Christian “friends”. But enough is enough and we have been hijacked by devious scoundrels – who hide behind a façade of benevolence and goodwill when they only wolves in sheep’s clothing. Some of these crooks have been deposed or exposed for only being opportunists in seats of power. To them all I say good riddance. Now we must focus on bringing revival to our country that is in a desperate battle against the forces of evil.


Jim Towers        

You can write me at or visit me at My book “Visions, Miracles, Peace, and Power” can be ordered on Amazon Books and Kindle. You can also find me on my newly restructured website which now features videos of worldwide events taking place in present time, as well as proof of Gods existence and the reality of Biblical places, and Moses himself.



By Jim Towers

Let me begin by making a rash statement, and that is that everyone seems to think they are right about everything and that makes it hard to take things at face value from others. In other words, we tend to think that we are the only ones to possess ultimate truth. But truth be told, we are “programed” to think a certain way according to our genetic makeup and life experiences coupled with intellect and learning. The Bible therefore contains ultimate truth. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes to the Father but by me.”

I’ve been ill as of late, but today I felt like myself again… thank God. So, I decided to go to the beach today and maybe do a little witnessing. The Naples Pier is closed due to the latest hurricane and so I had to go to another beach restaurant/pier up the way, which is closer but not as heavily trafficked as the Naples Peir. In any case I had gone there the week before but didn’t find anyone to talk to at length and I was feeling sick anyway, so I left. I did however talk briefly to one gentleman just before leaving, while we both waited for the tram. Today we were both boarding the tram at the very same time again! After doing a double take I said “Don’t I know you?” He replied, “Yes you do – we met right here at this exact spot last week.” We rode in silence and the Lord impressed upon me that I should pray for the man and warn him of Jesus imminent return. (I have had this happen time and again in my life where the person had been praying that someone would tell them about the things of God – I call them seekers). Some may even be desperate and so when we exited the tram, I got off first and he followed. I waited until we were in proximity and then said to him. “Looks to me like God wanted us to meet again so I could warn you about Christs soon return.” “Yeah, it’s looking pretty bad out there in the world what with all the craziness”. We talked briefly about that craziness, and he appeared concerned – (I could see fear and apprehension in his eyes). The look turned to pleading and he also told me that he didn’t know the peace of God in these times of trouble. By this time, I could tell that he was a seeker, so I asked, “Would you like for me to pray for you?” “Would you please?” The man closed his eyes, and I laid my hand on his shoulder and I made it short and sweet “Lord please reveal yourself to this gentleman through your word as he seeks your face and asks for your presence and peace.” The man thanked me. And we parted.

Time and again I’ve found that most people are seekers but are looking in all the wrong places for peace of mind and hope.   

I was infatuated by Dr. Jordan Peterson when I first found him on the internet, He is a very deep thinker and I like him for being a caring person and a great communicator. As time went on, I realized that he was becoming ever more “religious”. This came about by he and his family (wife and daughter being ill – all at the same time.) They were in a deep crisis calling for deep contemplation and healing. “Is there a God out there who cares.” Until that time, it appears that all three were agnostic. Prayers began to go up to God from them in their complete and utter desperation.

Today they are all healed, and it appears that Dr. Peterson has become a zealot for the things of God! Which at one time was inconceivable for either one of them. Since then, his wife has become a devout Roman Catholic who believes in repeating the rosary religiously.  

On the other hand, the good doctor is much deeper on his convictions and hardly able to understand what’s happening to him. (I would venture that he is being “born gain” by the renewing of his mind, something and he is still grappling with – since it is so otherworldly for him to contemplate.) However, as he continues to diligently study the Bible, he will eventually stumble upon this verse of scripture, (Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.) ……….

At a time when the only respected people in the world are educated people with papers to prove it Dr, Peterson arrives on the scene to lead people who are seekers, in the right direction. My hope is that he continues to search the scriptures and finds that he has been called to do so, but for the time being he is being cautious and is even afraid to call himself a Christian since he realizes he is only a faulty man like the rest of us and has yet accepted the reality of his redemption.

The key to this ability to reach others is to know the Bible intimately, “Study to show yourself approved, rightly dividing (disseminating or parsing) the Word of God”.

It seems to me that God has ordained this highly educated man to become an Evangelist and the timing couldn’t be better. Young people are flocking to him as though he were the Billy Graham of this era. My hope is that he embraces the mantle God has given him and that he quit quoting Jung and other such men in preference to the Word of God.

Book Report:

Dr. David Jeremiah is another man who has my admiration. He has written a new book that explains the rapture in a unique way. Rather than preaching what he knows after years of study he explains the different facets of this phenomenon that defies all understanding and manmade science.

This book is exhaustive in understanding the rapture but he is able to make it palatable by stories he tells and of course scripture verses he shares rather than preaching what he thinks. Dr. Jeremiah also uses common sense to make sense of this very unusual phenomenon.

My book “Visions, Miracles, Peace and Power” on the other hand only applies to me and how God has dealt with me in the past and continues to deal with me in the present. The one thing that stands out is that Jesus told me I would “strengthen the brethren.” I hope that I will be able to fulfill that mandate until the very end. So far, it has been a very interesting life indeed – in spite of all the trials and tribulations I’ve endured.

“We are more than conquerors through Him who died for us”.


Jim Towers        

You can write me at or visit me at My book “Visions, Miracles, Peace, and Power” can be ordered on Amazon Books and Kindle. You can also find me on my newly restructured website which now features videos of worldwide events taking place in present time, as well as proof of Gods existence and the reality of Biblical places, and Moses himself.


By Jim Towers

With prophetic scripture being fulfilled on a daily basis now, it’s hard to believe that so few of us Christians are ready to fly. Most people just go about their daily lives committing sin on an unprecedented scale. Many are becoming suicidal and succumbing to mind numbing drugs to dull the pain of the uncertainty of today’s life. Regardless of where you stand with the God of the bible these prophecies about the end times are being proven true. Now even the internet is proclaiming the existence of God. Steven Hawking (poor lost soul) has been proven to be just another blustering bitter fool. Other agnostics and atheists such as Darwin, Huxley and the rest of the numbskulls are being disproved by the knowledge and information garnered by the internet.

The bible will tell you all you need to know about prophecy and the best part is that you don’t need someone to teach you. The Holy Spirit is sufficient for your individual concerns and will comfort you as you struggle to make sense of today’s chaos and turmoil. The things that should rightly concern us during these trying times cannot be explained away by other fallible human beings, so be careful who you put on a pedestal or whose teaching you give attendance to for God’s sake.

Interpretation is a very tricky thing, what means something to someone else may seem rubbish to you and vice versa. Diplomas mean nothing to God and should mean nothing to you, especially ill-gotten or forged one. Some of the most educated people in the world are complete and utter fools chasing illusive fame and fortune. Some even do it for sexual gratification. In perusing Netflix I’ve found numerous leaders of cults whose only aim is to deceive and take advantage of others. Better to learn alone than to fall prey to these charlatans and lose your life and ultimately your very soul. Jesus, Peter, James and John didn’t have a doctorate in theology did they, so who do you think taught them?

With the presidential election coming up in our country we must be very discerning as well. Some of these foolish and pompous people are obvious clowns or downright perverts. Joe Biden for example showered with his daughter when she was ten years old! (At least that what her diary says.) What kind of father does that with his own daughter? He is always telling whopper lies about his supposed achievements none of which are true. Money laundering is his claim to fame, and his entire family is the most corrupt this nation has ever seen. Is it any wonder that mentally sick people have taken over the country? A man who thinks it’s ok to have unspeakable sex. Another man who thinks (or pretends to be a woman by putting balloons in HIS sweater and wearing a blond wig. And how about the other liar who hails from Brazil and has lost his identity from having lied so much? Then there is the Democrat senator who hides gold bricks in the closet and cool cash in the refrigerator which is ill gotten from shady political dealings. Joe his drug addled son Hunter and slew of his political cronies are selling out our country to its destruction. The so called “The squad” women in congress, plus Hillary and Michelle all hate America and yet remain here enjoying its luxuries.


John Moran, a partner at McGuireWoods law firm said, “The policy and the decision blocking the Knights of Columbus from continuing their long-standing religious tradition is a blatant violation of the First Amendment and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. This, after the National Park Service (NPS) denied a permit to honor fallen soldiers at a national park recently – (at Joe’s request) which only goes to show how shallow and perverse he is.

Joe Biden is responsible for one of the worst economic eras in recent U.S. history. He has allowed over 7 million illegal aliens to enter the country. He continues to prioritize foreign nations, sending billions to Ukraine and Gaza. He has done nothing to confront the crime and homelessness epidemic in major cities. And he continues to push policies that hurt working families. Everything he does from here on in is only to garner votes, only to rescind his actions after he had won.

Very soon now we will be called away by Christ Jesus in the Rapture – The trump of God will sound and Whoooosh – we’re out of here. But before that day, Satanic forces will be continuing to wreak havoc in this world. The devils’ demonic hordes will do all they can to kill and destroy lives that submit wittingly or unwittingly to his will. These days it appears that many are following Lucifer willingly everywhere.

God likes to at times, use people’s names to indicate the times in which He intervenes in world events. Could that be why the Trump name appears prominently – at this point in time? The timing is ironic. However, I will not speculate.

Book report;

I bought to used books both of which are still timely – One by Hal Lindsey published in 1994 titled “Planet Earth 2000 A.D.” and the other by John F. Walvoord published in 1974. “Armageddon, Oil and terror”. This I did, just to “test the Spirits”, and they both embodied the spirit of truth in their evaluations of the end times.

Upon opening “Panet Earth 2000 A.D. My eyes first fell on “The Rise of Deceiving Spirits” and here is what it said as it quoted scripture.

“Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world” 1John 4:1

“And many false prophets shall arise and will mislead many.” Matthew 24: 1

Then, upon opening John Walvoord’s book, it verified what I’ve been saying for the past several years! And I quote, “The world will begin falling apart at the seams – worse than any ecologist’s nightmare. Acts of man, resulting in thousands of martyrs and acts of God will combine to cause great disturbances in the world and universe. Stars will fall and planets will run off course, (how about planet alignment?)  causing chaotic changes in climate (Revelation 6:12-14; 16:8-9). Unnatural heat and cold and Flooding will cause millions to perish….


Jim Towers        

You can write me at or visit me at My book “Visions, Miracles, Peace, and Power” can be ordered on Amazon Books and Kindle. You can also find me on my newly restructured website which now features videos of worldwide events taking place in present time, as well as proof of Gods existence and the reality of Biblical places, and Moses himself.


By Jim Towers

Have you seen the latest James Web photograph of the “Hand of God” in the farthest reaches of space? The time may soon come when this phenomenal telescope enters the very gates of God’s throne room – would you then believe in His existence?

Year before last, I gifted the leaders of my church with framed photos of the “Hand of God” taken by the Hubble telescope. Today a phot of the “Hand of God” taken from another direction by the James Webb telescope shows a clearer and somewhat differ perspective in the far heavens. This one however also includes Gods portrait as well! (If you look closely at the bottom of the picture you will see a faint outline of the “Head of God” in profile. a photo which I will post on my website for your scrutiny. The James Web telescope is allowing us to see things we never saw before in the outer reaches of space. Lately there has also been a lot of speculation about “black holes” in outer space and parallel universes. To go along with that speculation there is talk of us living within a hologram. But I beg to differ, (anyone who’s ever been hospitalized will tell you that we are “real” entities suffering real pain and hospital food – yuk!)

Huston Texas is under assault and power is down for over a million homes and businesses, this just when the heat index is climbing ever higher.  Pennsylvania is catching hell as well, with hailstones as big as softballs doing much damage to cars and windows. We in Florida are experiencing extremely hot weather too, this prompts me to believe that God is trying to get out attention.  (Many young people are finally coming to their senses about the reality of God and are being baptized.)

While these are times of warnings and testing, Jusus said, “In THIS life you WILL have TRIALS and TRIBULATIONS.” Not IF or MAYBE – Nevertheless, He continues to say that He has OVERCOME the world and that that will be better times ahead eventually. Yet, mankind will do anything to avoid acknowledging or answering to our majestic, awesome, and gracious God. What is it going to take for mankind to realize that they didn’t create themselves and could never have created even a potato much less a custard apple ( a Custard Apple is a tropical fruit with a thick skin filled with custard like mush inside.) My son grows the tree in his tropical Plant and Fruit farm on our back forty. All we’ve ever created in the world is chaos and confusion, yet we won’t acknowledge the enormity, creativity, and power of our majestic creator. Think of all of Gods gifts to mankind, food, water, wind and rain, ice, veggies and fruits, flowers, grass. If we take time to smell the roses or magnolia blossoms, we can’t help but be grateful for all the beauty he has created for our enjoyment as well as countless varieties of birds and animals just for our enjoyment 

On our property my son grows tropical and exotic fruit trees and plants the likes of which I had never known before. Papaya, different kinds of mangoes, tropical sugar apples and custard apples, three different types of bananas different berries for sale around the world. Trees seem to be a favorite for God to work with, providing shade and wood for humanity to make shelter and to produce Maple syrup and Cinnamon for consumption as well as rubber and let’s not forget

our wide variety of nuts and Bamboo which is often used in making kitchen utensils, rugs, furniture and now bedsheets as well- while some people even eat the new and tender shoots, incredible!

But the greatest gift of all, is some intangible thing we call “Love”. That feeling that we get when we find special someone whom we want to share our lives with, a thing that happens when the endorphins in our brains run amok and make our lives worth living.

As we partake of these wonderful treats and gifts, we can’t help but marvel and thank God for His creativity. Considering all of this, we can’t say that God is wrong in chastising us. He is doing it for our own good – to salvage our eternal souls.

Yes, today, here in S.W. Florida the heat index was 101% and we will soon be going into a heat advisory, which was by some attributed to a huge solar flare, while others of us know that the Bible says that in the “Last Days” there will be immense heat waves that will prompt mankind to repent or face more of the same for eternity.

But it doesn’t have to be that way if we seek God’s face in earnest and receive Christ as Savior and Lord. Why even our most jaded and cynical comedians and celebrities are coming to terms with their shallow self-absorbed lives and being baptized, and these are people that have adoration, fame, and fortune. People like Jim Carrey and Russel Brandt who are now claiming to have found Christ and being baptized as well as others. This I suspect is fear of what’s coming in the world in these- Last Days

Self- assertiveness is a wonderful thing but to put oneself in place of God is a dangerous prospect. There are way too many roads to take in life – such as self-indulgence, reckless ambition, self-pity, hate as well as jealousy. Making the wrong choices can lead to disastrous consequences especially since we will all give an account to God our father – even for every idle word. The Bible also says, “Don’t make promises to God – He will expect you to keep them”. God is a jealous God so don’t make Him get angry with you. If you do something you know is wrong confess it and He will forgive you – in the extreme.

Look at it this way, if you are a loving father and your son or daughter disobeys you – wouldn’t you forgive them if they repent and ask for your forgiveness?  What decent father wouldn’t? On top of that, the Bible says God is love and He created this esoteric feeling we have come to call love. “Thou shall love the Lord thy God with all thine heart soul and mind AND thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself.” It’s all as simple as that.


Jim Towers        

You can write me at or visit me at My book “Visions, Miracles, Peace, and Power” can be ordered on Amazon Books and Kindle. You can also find me on my newly restructured website which now features videos of worldwide events taking place in present time, as well as proof of Gods existence and the reality of Biblical places, and Moses himself.

Let us give God His due respect, let us give Him the glory and honor He deserves.


By Jim Towers

The unrelenting rains continue throughout the world, accompanied by huge hailstones and tornadoes.

While Satan goes around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour, distracting, deceiving, and discouraging mankind – God is also at work trying to wake up those who fallen prey to the Evil One with rain and other warning signs that should make us want to stop and examine our belief system and way of life. These events have been creeping up on us over time and are increasing in number and intensity.

Just when I thought I should take a break from writing about the incredible Biblical prophetic portents taking place across the planet; I checked the internet as I do every morning and every night, and the headlines hit me with the force of a speeding train. I knew then that I had to sit down and continue writing to those who are still living under a rock as well as those who are distracted by everyday living to notice the Biblical signs of the times, we live in – The End Times.

It’s not just me overreacting to the calamity that befalls us, but many others are beginning to wake up to the reality that the Bible is proving to be true in every respect. In the Bible, the book of Daniel and the book of Revelation highlight the events that we are experiencing today.

So, fasten your seatbelts – here we go.

Los Angeles is experiencing another round of flooding and there is flooding in Huston Texas as well. China, Russia and Pakistan are drowning in water, there is flooding everywhere. Tornadoes and large hail stones continue to pummel the earth. Along with the physical signs that something even more devastating is at play just around the corner – there are many social events as well. Events like social unrest – more noticeable in the protests of the foolish young who think that by shouting and setting fires is going to swing others to their way of thinking, it’s a tug of war on college campuses with spurts of Christian revival and baptisms here and there but violent protests far outweigh those events with hundreds being arrested. (I can’t wait to see if they will be given stiff prison sentences like the Jan 6 people who have been jailed.) And last but not least, is antisemitism with Jews being persecuted across the planet. In the book of Deuteronomy God says he will turn against the Jewish people to the extent that they deny Him and make them a scapegoat to other nations.

Meanwhile, the Israeli war heats up with Hamas attacking Israel from Lebanon and Ukraine and Russia step up their war killing and maiming thousands. What a mess!

I called my friend Rick D. in Miami to see how he was doing after the loss of his mother and father, and we started talking – just like “old times” when we discussed deep spiritual matters late into the night. The troubles then were a cake -walk in the park compared to the troubles we see today. Without prompting, Rick talked about the craziness that was sweeping the world, a world where men are now thought to be able to give birth, (the only birth I ever saw a man give – lay at the bottom of an unflushed toilet stool.)   

John B. my collaborator in England reports that Ezekiel 38:8 tells us what has to be in place for the Gog Magog invasion to occur. “After many days, you will be called to arms,” referring to the Gog coalition. “In future years you will invade a land that has recovered from war, whose people were gathered from many nations to the mountains of Israel, which had long been desolate. They had been brought out from the nations, and now all of them live in safety.” Neither of them has anything good to report on their end.

Also, this week, Time magazine published an article titled “A million-dollar Middle East Peace Plan” which I encourage you to read. It lays out a scenario for peace between Israel and its Middle East enemies that is chillingly like what the Bible predicts. The author, Kai Bird, says, “This conflict is so dangerous that the time has come for the international community to impose a solution.” A compelled solution to the nations? That is precisely what Daniel 9:27 say, “He will confirm a covenant with many for one ‘seven.’” But who’s the “He” in this scenario? I leave that for you to speculate.

Churches in the US are closing down, and fewer people attend church than before. In 2019, over 4,500 Protestant churches closed, but only 3,000 new churches opened. Similarly, according to recent studies, 92% of United States churches had 250 or fewer people attend weekly worship services. There has been a noticeable trend in recent years: an increasing number of individuals are opting out of regular church attendance. From societal changes and shifting cultural norms to personal beliefs and experiences, the landscape of spirituality is evolving, and with it, so are the dynamics of communal worship.

While mankind was given the privilege to share the Good news of the gospel with their fellow man, we humans have desecrated and bungled that privilege with our typical desire for monetary gain and power.

But while many churches are closing for lack of leadership and hypocrisy. God is on the move to get people to repent on His own, so I’m able to close this article with a good report – that many young people in some universities are turning to Christ and being baptized in droves, here in this country. This goes to show that people are responding to God’s global threats and calamities so let’s keep praying for the salvation of mankind like never before while taking cover under Gods wings.  

My book report.

In his latest book, Senator Josh Hawley writes about the Masculine virtues America needs. This jibes with what is happening with young American men today. It’s too bad that the rioting students haven’t read this book. Josh is a good communicator and has a good head on his shoulders (as every good servant of God should). Most of what he teaches comes straight from Biblical precepts and stories. Albeit this book may be too little too late in arriving. Still though, it’s better than nothing.


Jim Towers        

You can write me at or visit me at My book “Visions, Miracles, Peace, and Power” can be ordered on Amazon Books and Kindle. You can also find me on my newly restructured website which now features videos of worldwide events taking place in present time.

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